Engine conversion to support Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force Holomatch
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2006-03-05 20:07:07 +00:00
code - fix icon 2006-03-05 19:12:20 +00:00
ui remove svn:executable property 2005-08-28 17:54:51 +00:00
BUGS Lets actually make sure the people that don't read anything but this file get the right message. 2006-01-11 08:06:30 +00:00
ChangeLog * Updated the ChangeLog 2006-01-24 23:12:18 +00:00
COPYING.txt remove svn:executable property 2005-08-28 17:54:51 +00:00
cross-make-mingw.sh * Support for MinGW cross compilation 2005-12-29 00:04:41 +00:00
id-readme.txt * Removed advertising clause from BSD license as per mailing list discussion 2006-01-18 18:46:32 +00:00
Makefile package files with owner root 2006-03-05 19:10:49 +00:00
README Be less redundant. 2006-03-05 20:07:07 +00:00
TODO I guess the image is getting converted on the fly for the installer, lets at least add a border so it doesn't clash so bad 2006-02-22 06:13:48 +00:00

|     _            _                          __              _       ____     |
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|                                     |___/      |_|                           |
|                                                                              |
`------------------------------------------ http://icculus.org/quake3 ---------'

The intent of this project is to provide a baseline Quake 3 which may be used
for further development. Some of the major features currently implemented are:

  * SDL backend for unix-like operating systems
  * OpenAL sound API support (multiple speaker support and better sound
  * Full x86_64 support on Linux
  * MinGW compilation support on Windows and cross compilation support on Linux
  * AVI video capture of demos
  * Much improved console autocompletion
  * Persistent console history
  * Colorized terminal output
  * Optional Ogg Vorbis support
  * Much improved QVM tools
  * Support for various esoteric operating systems (see
  * Many, many bug fixes

The map editor and associated compiling tools are not included. We suggest you
use a modern copy from http://www.qeradiant.com/.

The original id software readme that accompanied the Q3 source release has been
renamed to id-readme.txt so as to prevent confusion. Please refer to the
web-site for updated status.

--------------------------------------------- Compilation and installation -----

For *nix
  1. Change to the directory containing this readme.
  2. Run 'make'.

For Windows, using MinGW
  1. Download and install MinGW and MSys from http://www.mingw.org/.
  2. Download http://www.libsdl.org/extras/win32/common/directx-devel.tar.gz
     and untar it into your MinGW directory (usually C:\MinGW).
  3. Open an MSys terminal, and follow the instructions for compiling on *nix.

For Windows, using MSVC
  1. Run Visual Studio and open the quake3.sln file in the code/win32/msvc
  2. Build.
  3. Copy the resultant Quake3.exe to your quake 3 directory, make a backup if
     you want to keep your original. If you wish to use native libraries, copy
     the resultant dlls to your baseq3 directory.

Installation, for *nix
  1. Set the COPYDIR variable in the shell to be where you installed Quake 3
     to.  By default it will be /usr/local/games/quake3 if you haven't set it.
     This is the path as used by the original Linux Q3 installer and subsequent
     point releases.
  2. Run 'make copyfiles'.

It is also possible to cross compile for Windows under *nix using MinGW. A
script is available to build a cross compilation environment from
http://www.libsdl.org/extras/win32/cross/build-cross.sh. The gcc/binutils
version numbers that the script downloads may need to be altered. After you
have successfully run this script cross compiling is simply a case of using
'./cross-make-mingw.sh' in place of 'make'.

If the make based build system is being used (i.e. *nix or MinGW), the
following variables may be set, either on the command line or in

  OPTIMIZE          - use this for custom CFLAGS
  DEFAULT_BASEDIR   - extra path to search for baseq3 and such
  BUILD_SERVER      - build the 'ioq3ded' server binary
  BUILD_CLIENT      - build the 'ioquake3' client binary
  BUILD_CLIENT_SMP  - build the 'ioquake3-smp' client binary
  BUILD_GAME_SO     - build the game shared libraries
  BUILD_GAME_QVM    - build the game qvms
  USE_SDL           - use the SDL backend where available
  USE_OPENAL        - use OpenAL where available
  USE_OPENAL_DLOPEN - link with OpenAL at runtime
  USE_CODEC_VORBIS  - enable Ogg Vorbis support
  USE_LOCAL_HEADERS - use headers local to ioq3 instead of system ones
  USE_CCACHE        - use ccache compiler caching tool
  COPYDIR           - the target installation directory

The defaults for these variables differ depending on the target platform.

------------------------------------------------------------------ Console -----

New cvars
  cl_autoRecordDemo       - record a new demo on each map change
  cl_aviFrameRate         - the framerate to use when capturing video
  cl_aviMotionJpeg        - use the mjpeg codec when capturing video

  s_useOpenAL             - use the OpenAL sound backend if available
  s_alPrecache            - cache OpenAL sounds before use
  s_alGain                - the value of AL_GAIN for each source
  s_alSources             - the total number of sources (memory) to allocate
  s_alDopplerFactor       - the value passed to alDopplerFactor
  s_alDopplerSpeed        - the value passed to alDopplerVelocity
  s_alMinDistance         - the value of AL_REFERENCE_DISTANCE for each source
  s_alRolloff             - the value of AL_ROLLOFF_FACTOR for each source
  s_alMaxSpeakerDistance  - ET_SPEAKERS beyond this distance are culled
  s_alDriver              - which OpenAL library to use

  s_sdlBits               - SDL bit resolution
  s_sdlSpeed              - SDL sample rate
  s_sdlChannels           - SDL number of channels
  s_sdlDevSamps           - SDL DMA buffer size override
  s_sdlMixSamps           - SDL mix buffer size override

  ttycon_ansicolor        - enable use of ANSI escape codes in the tty
  r_GLlibCoolDownMsec     - wait for some milliseconds to close GL library
  com_altivec             - enable use of altivec on PowerPC systems
  s_backend               - read only, indicates the current sound backend
  cl_consoleHistory       - read only, stores the console history
  cl_platformSensitivity  - read only, indicates the mouse input scaling

New commands
  video [filename]        - start video capture (use with demo command)
  stopvideo               - stop video capture

------------------------------------------------------------ Miscellaneous -----

Using shared libraries instead of qvm
  To force Q3 to use shared libraries instead of qvms run it with the following
  parameters: +set sv_pure 0 +set vm_cgame 0 +set vm_game 0 +set vm_ui 0

Using Demo Data Files
  Copy demoq3/pak0.pk3 from the demo installer to your baseq3 directory. The
  qvm files in this pak0.pk3 will not work, so you have to use the native
  shared libraries or qvms from this project. To use the new qvms, they must be
  put into a pk3 file. A pk3 file is just a zip file, so any compression tool
  that can create such files will work. The shared libraries should already be
  in the correct place. Use the instructions above to use them.

  Please bear in mind that you will not be able to play online using the demo
  data, nor is it something that we like to spend much time maintaining or

64bit mods
  If you wish to compile external mods as shared libraries on a 64bit platform,
  and the mod source is derived from the id Q3 SDK, you will need to modify the
  interface code a little. Open the files ending in _syscalls.c and change
  every instance of int to intptr_t in the declaration of the syscall function
  pointer and the dllEntry function. Also find the vmMain function for each
  module (usually in cg_main.c g_main.c etc.) and similarly replace the return
  value in the prototype with intptr_t (arg0, arg1, ...stay int).

  Add the following code snippet to q_shared.h:

    #ifdef Q3_VM
    typedef int intptr_t;
    #include <stdint.h>

  Note if you simply wish to run mods on a 64bit platform you do not need to
  recompile anything since by default Q3 uses a virtual machine system.

Creating mods compatible with Q3 1.32b
  If you're using this package to create mods for the last official release of
  Q3, it is necessary to pass the commandline option '-vq3' to your invocation
  of q3asm. This is because by default q3asm outputs an updated qvm format that
  is necessary to fix a bug involving the optimizing pass of the x86 vm JIT
  compiler. See http://www.quakesrc.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=5665 (if it
  still exists when you read this) for more details.

------------------------------------------------------------- Contributing -----

Please send all patches to bugzilla (https://bugzilla.icculus.org), or join the
mailing list (quake3-subscribe@icculus.org) and submit your patch there.  The
best case scenario is that you submit your patch to bugzilla, and then post the
URL to the mailing list. If you're too lazy for either method, then it would be
better if you emailed your patches to zakk@icculus.org directly than not at

The focus for ioq3 to develop a stable base suitable for further development,
and provide players with the same Quake 3 experience they've had for years.
As such ioq3 does not have any significant graphical enhancements and none are
planned at this time. However, improved graphics and sound patches will be
accepted as long as they are entirely optional, do not require new media and
are off by default.

--------------------------------------------- Building Official Installers -----

We need help getting automated installers on all the platforms that icculus.org/
quake3 supports. We don't neccesarily care about all the installers being
identical, but we have some general guidelines:

  * Please include the id patch pk3s in your installer, which are available
    from http://icculus.org/quake3/?page=getdata subject to agreement to the id
    EULA. Your installer shall also ask the user to agree to this EULA (which
    is in the /web/include directory for your convienience) and subsequently
    refuse to continue the installation of the patch pk3s and pak0.pk3 if they
    do not.

  * Please don't require pak0.pk3, since not everyone using the engine
    plans on playing Quake 3 Arena on it. It's fine to (optionally) assist the
    user in copying the file or telling them how.
  * It is fine to just install the binaries, but without the pak0.pk3,
    or patch pk3s, and then not pester the user for the EULA, since it
    only applies to the patch pk3s and the pak0.pk3. 

  * Please include at least an SDL so/dylib on every platform but
    Windows (which doesn't use it yet).

  * Please include an OpenAL so/dylib/dll, since every platform
    should be using it by now.

  * We'll bump the version to 1.34 as soon as we get enough people
    who can demonstrate a competent build for Windows and Mac.
  * Please contact the mailing list and/or zakk@timedoctor.org after
    you've made your installer.

  * Please be prepared to alter your installer on the whim of the
  * Your installer will be mirrored to an "official" directory, thus
    making it a done deal.

------------------------------------------------------------------ Credits -----

  Aaron Gyes <floam at sh dot nu>
  Ludwig Nussel <ludwig.nussel@suse.de>
  Ryan C. Gordon <icculus@icculus.org>
  Tim Angus <tim@ngus.net>
  Zachary J. Slater <zakk@timedoctor.org>

Significant contributions from
  Andreas Kohn <andreas@syndrom23.de>
  Joerg Dietrich <Dietrich_Joerg@t-online.de>
  Stuart Dalton <badcdev@gmail.com>
  Vincent S. Cojot <vincent at cojot dot name>
  optical <alex@rigbo.se>