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synced 2025-03-09 02:11:01 +00:00
550 lines
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550 lines
7.6 KiB
// start of shared cmdlib stuff
#include "cmdlib.h"
#include "windows.h"
// rad additions
// 11.29.99
PFN_ERR *g_pfnError = NULL;
PFN_PRINTF *g_pfnPrintf = NULL;
PFN_ERR_NUM *g_pfnErrorNum = NULL;
PFN_PRINTF_NUM *g_pfnPrintfNum = NULL;
void Error(const char *pFormat, ...)
if (g_pfnError)
va_list arg_ptr;
va_start(arg_ptr, pFormat);
g_pfnError(pFormat, arg_ptr);
void Printf(const char *pFormat, ...)
if (g_pfnPrintf)
va_list arg_ptr;
va_start(arg_ptr, pFormat);
g_pfnPrintf(pFormat, arg_ptr);
void ErrorNum(int nErr, const char *pFormat, ...)
if (g_pfnErrorNum)
va_list arg_ptr;
va_start(arg_ptr, pFormat);
g_pfnErrorNum(nErr, pFormat, arg_ptr);
void PrintfNum(int nErr, const char *pFormat, ...)
if (g_pfnPrintfNum)
va_list arg_ptr;
va_start(arg_ptr, pFormat);
g_pfnPrintfNum(nErr, pFormat, arg_ptr);
void SetErrorHandler(PFN_ERR pe)
g_pfnError = pe;
void SetPrintfHandler(PFN_PRINTF pe)
g_pfnPrintf = pe;
void SetErrorHandlerNum(PFN_ERR_NUM pe)
g_pfnErrorNum = pe;
void SetPrintfHandler(PFN_PRINTF_NUM pe)
g_pfnPrintfNum = pe;
// rad end
#define MEM_BLOCKSIZE 4096
void* qblockmalloc(size_t nSize)
void *b;
// round up to threshold
int nAllocSize = nSize % MEM_BLOCKSIZE;
if ( nAllocSize > 0)
nSize += MEM_BLOCKSIZE - nAllocSize;
b = malloc(nSize + 1);
memset (b, 0, nSize);
return b;
void* qmalloc (size_t nSize)
void *b;
b = malloc(nSize + 1);
memset (b, 0, nSize);
return b;
int Q_filelength (FILE *f)
int pos;
int end;
pos = ftell (f);
fseek (f, 0, SEEK_END);
end = ftell (f);
fseek (f, pos, SEEK_SET);
return end;
// FIXME: need error handler
FILE *SafeOpenWrite (const char *filename)
FILE *f;
f = fopen(filename, "wb");
if (!f)
Error ("Error opening %s: %s",filename,strerror(errno));
return f;
FILE *SafeOpenRead (const char *filename)
FILE *f;
f = fopen(filename, "rb");
if (!f)
Error ("Error opening %s: %s",filename,strerror(errno));
return f;
void SafeRead (FILE *f, void *buffer, int count)
if ( (int)fread (buffer, 1, count, f) != count)
Error ("File read failure");
void SafeWrite (FILE *f, const void *buffer, int count)
if ( (int)fwrite (buffer, 1, count, f) != count)
Error ("File read failure");
int LoadFile (const char *filename, void **bufferptr)
FILE *f;
int length;
void *buffer;
*bufferptr = NULL;
if (filename == NULL || strlen(filename) == 0)
return -1;
f = fopen (filename, "rb");
if (!f)
return -1;
length = Q_filelength (f);
buffer = qblockmalloc (length+1);
((char *)buffer)[length] = 0;
SafeRead (f, buffer, length);
fclose (f);
*bufferptr = buffer;
return length;
returns -1 length if not present
int LoadFileNoCrash (const char *filename, void **bufferptr)
FILE *f;
int length;
void *buffer;
f = fopen (filename, "rb");
if (!f)
return -1;
length = Q_filelength (f);
buffer = qmalloc (length+1);
((char *)buffer)[length] = 0;
SafeRead (f, buffer, length);
fclose (f);
*bufferptr = buffer;
return length;
void SaveFile (const char *filename, void *buffer, int count)
FILE *f;
f = SafeOpenWrite (filename);
SafeWrite (f, buffer, count);
fclose (f);
void DefaultExtension (char *path, char *extension)
char *src;
// if path doesn't have a .EXT, append extension
// (extension should include the .)
src = path + strlen(path) - 1;
while (*src != PATHSEPERATOR && src != path)
if (*src == '.')
return; // it has an extension
strcat (path, extension);
void DefaultPath (char *path, char *basepath)
char temp[128];
if (path[0] == PATHSEPERATOR)
return; // absolute path location
strcpy (temp,path);
strcpy (path,basepath);
strcat (path,temp);
void StripFilename (char *path)
int length;
length = strlen(path)-1;
while (length > 0 && path[length] != PATHSEPERATOR)
path[length] = 0;
void StripExtension (char *path)
int length;
length = strlen(path)-1;
while (length > 0 && path[length] != '.')
if (path[length] == '/')
return; // no extension
if (length)
path[length] = 0;
Extract file parts
void ExtractFilePath (const char *path, char *dest)
const char *src;
src = path + strlen(path) - 1;
// back up until a \ or the start
while (src != path && *(src-1) != PATHSEPERATOR)
memcpy (dest, path, src-path);
dest[src-path] = 0;
void ExtractFileName (const char *path, char *dest)
const char *src;
src = path + strlen(path) - 1;
// back up until a \ or the start
while (src != path && *(src-1) != '/'
&& *(src-1) != '\\' )
while (*src)
*dest++ = *src++;
*dest = 0;
void ExtractFileBase (const char *path, char *dest)
const char *src;
src = path + strlen(path) - 1;
// back up until a \ or the start
while (src != path && *(src-1) != '/'
&& *(src-1) != '\\' )
while (*src && *src != '.')
*dest++ = *src++;
*dest = 0;
void ExtractFileExtension (const char *path, char *dest)
const char *src;
src = path + strlen(path) - 1;
// back up until a . or the start
while (src != path && *(src-1) != '.')
if (src == path)
*dest = 0; // no extension
strcpy (dest,src);
void ConvertDOSToUnixName( char *dst, const char *src )
while ( *src )
if ( *src == '\\' )
*dst = '/';
*dst = *src;
dst++; src++;
*dst = 0;
char* StrDup(char* pStr)
if (pStr)
return strcpy(new char[strlen(pStr)+1], pStr);
return NULL;
char* StrDup(const char* pStr)
if (pStr)
return strcpy(new char[strlen(pStr)+1], pStr);
return NULL;
#ifdef _SGI_SOURCE
#define __BIG_ENDIAN__
#ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__
short LittleShort (short l)
byte b1,b2;
b1 = l&255;
b2 = (l>>8)&255;
return (b1<<8) + b2;
short BigShort (short l)
return l;
int LittleLong (int l)
byte b1,b2,b3,b4;
b1 = l&255;
b2 = (l>>8)&255;
b3 = (l>>16)&255;
b4 = (l>>24)&255;
return ((int)b1<<24) + ((int)b2<<16) + ((int)b3<<8) + b4;
int BigLong (int l)
return l;
float LittleFloat (float l)
union {byte b[4]; float f;} in, out;
in.f = l;
out.b[0] = in.b[3];
out.b[1] = in.b[2];
out.b[2] = in.b[1];
out.b[3] = in.b[0];
return out.f;
float BigFloat (float l)
return l;
short BigShort (short l)
byte b1,b2;
b1 = l&255;
b2 = (l>>8)&255;
return (b1<<8) + b2;
short LittleShort (short l)
return l;
int BigLong (int l)
byte b1,b2,b3,b4;
b1 = l&255;
b2 = (l>>8)&255;
b3 = (l>>16)&255;
b4 = (l>>24)&255;
return ((int)b1<<24) + ((int)b2<<16) + ((int)b3<<8) + b4;
int LittleLong (int l)
return l;
float BigFloat (float l)
union {byte b[4]; float f;} in, out;
in.f = l;
out.b[0] = in.b[3];
out.b[1] = in.b[2];
out.b[2] = in.b[1];
out.b[3] = in.b[0];
return out.f;
float LittleFloat (float l)
return l;