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synced 2025-03-03 07:21:31 +00:00
* Updated TODO * Moved ChangeLog to root * Updated ChangeLog * s/Foobar/Quake III Arena Source Code/ * Biggest patch EVAR. I wonder how many mail boxes this will fill...
1186 lines
36 KiB
1186 lines
36 KiB
Copyright (C) 1999-2005 Id Software, Inc.
This file is part of Quake III Arena source code.
Quake III Arena source code is free software; you can redistribute it
and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
or (at your option) any later version.
Quake III Arena source code is distributed in the hope that it will be
useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Quake III Arena source code; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#include "l_cmd.h"
#include "l_math.h"
#include "l_mem.h"
#include "l_log.h"
#include "l_poly.h"
#include "../botlib/l_script.h"
#include "l_bsp_ent.h"
#include "l_bsp_sin.h"
void GetLeafNums (void);
int sin_nummodels;
sin_dmodel_t *sin_dmodels;//[SIN_MAX_MAP_MODELS];
int sin_visdatasize;
byte *sin_dvisdata;//[SIN_MAX_MAP_VISIBILITY];
sin_dvis_t *sin_dvis;// = (sin_dvis_t *)sin_sin_dvisdata;
int sin_lightdatasize;
byte *sin_dlightdata;//[SIN_MAX_MAP_LIGHTING];
int sin_entdatasize;
char *sin_dentdata;//[SIN_MAX_MAP_ENTSTRING];
int sin_numleafs;
sin_dleaf_t *sin_dleafs;//[SIN_MAX_MAP_LEAFS];
int sin_numplanes;
sin_dplane_t *sin_dplanes;//[SIN_MAX_MAP_PLANES];
int sin_numvertexes;
sin_dvertex_t *sin_dvertexes;//[SIN_MAX_MAP_VERTS];
int sin_numnodes;
sin_dnode_t *sin_dnodes;//[SIN_MAX_MAP_NODES];
int sin_numtexinfo;
sin_texinfo_t *sin_texinfo;//[SIN_MAX_MAP_sin_texinfo];
int sin_numfaces;
sin_dface_t *sin_dfaces;//[SIN_MAX_MAP_FACES];
int sin_numedges;
sin_dedge_t *sin_dedges;//[SIN_MAX_MAP_EDGES];
int sin_numleaffaces;
unsigned short *sin_dleaffaces;//[SIN_MAX_MAP_LEAFFACES];
int sin_numleafbrushes;
unsigned short *sin_dleafbrushes;//[SIN_MAX_MAP_LEAFBRUSHES];
int sin_numsurfedges;
int *sin_dsurfedges;//[SIN_MAX_MAP_SURFEDGES];
int sin_numbrushes;
sin_dbrush_t *sin_dbrushes;//[SIN_MAX_MAP_BRUSHES];
int sin_numbrushsides;
sin_dbrushside_t *sin_dbrushsides;//[SIN_MAX_MAP_BRUSHSIDES];
int sin_numareas;
sin_darea_t *sin_dareas;//[SIN_MAX_MAP_AREAS];
int sin_numareaportals;
sin_dareaportal_t *sin_dareaportals;//[SIN_MAX_MAP_AREAPORTALS];
int sin_numlightinfo;
sin_lightvalue_t *sin_lightinfo;//[SIN_MAX_MAP_LIGHTINFO];
byte sin_dpop[256];
char sin_dbrushsidetextured[SIN_MAX_MAP_BRUSHSIDES];
int sin_bspallocated = false;
int sin_allocatedbspmem = 0;
void Sin_AllocMaxBSP(void)
sin_nummodels = 0;
sin_dmodels = (sin_dmodel_t *) GetClearedMemory(SIN_MAX_MAP_MODELS * sizeof(sin_dmodel_t));
sin_allocatedbspmem += SIN_MAX_MAP_MODELS * sizeof(sin_dmodel_t);
//vis data
sin_visdatasize = 0;
sin_dvisdata = (byte *) GetClearedMemory(SIN_MAX_MAP_VISIBILITY * sizeof(byte));
sin_dvis = (sin_dvis_t *) sin_dvisdata;
sin_allocatedbspmem += SIN_MAX_MAP_VISIBILITY * sizeof(byte);
//light data
sin_lightdatasize = 0;
sin_dlightdata = (byte *) GetClearedMemory(SIN_MAX_MAP_LIGHTING * sizeof(byte));
sin_allocatedbspmem += SIN_MAX_MAP_LIGHTING * sizeof(byte);
//entity data
sin_entdatasize = 0;
sin_dentdata = (char *) GetClearedMemory(SIN_MAX_MAP_ENTSTRING * sizeof(char));
sin_allocatedbspmem += SIN_MAX_MAP_ENTSTRING * sizeof(char);
sin_numleafs = 0;
sin_dleafs = (sin_dleaf_t *) GetClearedMemory(SIN_MAX_MAP_LEAFS * sizeof(sin_dleaf_t));
sin_allocatedbspmem += SIN_MAX_MAP_LEAFS * sizeof(sin_dleaf_t);
sin_numplanes = 0;
sin_dplanes = (sin_dplane_t *) GetClearedMemory(SIN_MAX_MAP_PLANES * sizeof(sin_dplane_t));
sin_allocatedbspmem += SIN_MAX_MAP_PLANES * sizeof(sin_dplane_t);
sin_numvertexes = 0;
sin_dvertexes = (sin_dvertex_t *) GetClearedMemory(SIN_MAX_MAP_VERTS * sizeof(sin_dvertex_t));
sin_allocatedbspmem += SIN_MAX_MAP_VERTS * sizeof(sin_dvertex_t);
sin_numnodes = 0;
sin_dnodes = (sin_dnode_t *) GetClearedMemory(SIN_MAX_MAP_NODES * sizeof(sin_dnode_t));
sin_allocatedbspmem += SIN_MAX_MAP_NODES * sizeof(sin_dnode_t);
//texture info
sin_numtexinfo = 0;
sin_texinfo = (sin_texinfo_t *) GetClearedMemory(SIN_MAX_MAP_TEXINFO * sizeof(sin_texinfo_t));
sin_allocatedbspmem += SIN_MAX_MAP_TEXINFO * sizeof(sin_texinfo_t);
sin_numfaces = 0;
sin_dfaces = (sin_dface_t *) GetClearedMemory(SIN_MAX_MAP_FACES * sizeof(sin_dface_t));
sin_allocatedbspmem += SIN_MAX_MAP_FACES * sizeof(sin_dface_t);
sin_numedges = 0;
sin_dedges = (sin_dedge_t *) GetClearedMemory(SIN_MAX_MAP_EDGES * sizeof(sin_dedge_t));
sin_allocatedbspmem += SIN_MAX_MAP_EDGES * sizeof(sin_dedge_t);
//leaf faces
sin_numleaffaces = 0;
sin_dleaffaces = (unsigned short *) GetClearedMemory(SIN_MAX_MAP_LEAFFACES * sizeof(unsigned short));
sin_allocatedbspmem += SIN_MAX_MAP_LEAFFACES * sizeof(unsigned short);
//leaf brushes
sin_numleafbrushes = 0;
sin_dleafbrushes = (unsigned short *) GetClearedMemory(SIN_MAX_MAP_LEAFBRUSHES * sizeof(unsigned short));
sin_allocatedbspmem += SIN_MAX_MAP_LEAFBRUSHES * sizeof(unsigned short);
//surface edges
sin_numsurfedges = 0;
sin_dsurfedges = (int *) GetClearedMemory(SIN_MAX_MAP_SURFEDGES * sizeof(int));
sin_allocatedbspmem += SIN_MAX_MAP_SURFEDGES * sizeof(int);
sin_numbrushes = 0;
sin_dbrushes = (sin_dbrush_t *) GetClearedMemory(SIN_MAX_MAP_BRUSHES * sizeof(sin_dbrush_t));
sin_allocatedbspmem += SIN_MAX_MAP_BRUSHES * sizeof(sin_dbrush_t);
sin_numbrushsides = 0;
sin_dbrushsides = (sin_dbrushside_t *) GetClearedMemory(SIN_MAX_MAP_BRUSHSIDES * sizeof(sin_dbrushside_t));
sin_allocatedbspmem += SIN_MAX_MAP_BRUSHSIDES * sizeof(sin_dbrushside_t);
sin_numareas = 0;
sin_dareas = (sin_darea_t *) GetClearedMemory(SIN_MAX_MAP_AREAS * sizeof(sin_darea_t));
sin_allocatedbspmem += SIN_MAX_MAP_AREAS * sizeof(sin_darea_t);
//area portals
sin_numareaportals = 0;
sin_dareaportals = (sin_dareaportal_t *) GetClearedMemory(SIN_MAX_MAP_AREAPORTALS * sizeof(sin_dareaportal_t));
sin_allocatedbspmem += SIN_MAX_MAP_AREAPORTALS * sizeof(sin_dareaportal_t);
//light info
sin_numlightinfo = 0;
sin_lightinfo = (sin_lightvalue_t *) GetClearedMemory(SIN_MAX_MAP_LIGHTINFO * sizeof(sin_lightvalue_t));
sin_allocatedbspmem += SIN_MAX_MAP_LIGHTINFO * sizeof(sin_lightvalue_t);
//print allocated memory
Log_Print("allocated ");
Log_Print(" of BSP memory\n");
} //end of the function Sin_AllocMaxBSP
void Sin_FreeMaxBSP(void)
sin_nummodels = 0;
sin_dmodels = NULL;
//vis data
sin_visdatasize = 0;
sin_dvisdata = NULL;
sin_dvis = NULL;
//light data
sin_lightdatasize = 0;
sin_dlightdata = NULL;
//entity data
sin_entdatasize = 0;
sin_dentdata = NULL;
sin_numleafs = 0;
sin_dleafs = NULL;
sin_numplanes = 0;
sin_dplanes = NULL;
sin_numvertexes = 0;
sin_dvertexes = NULL;
sin_numnodes = 0;
sin_dnodes = NULL;
//texture info
sin_numtexinfo = 0;
sin_texinfo = NULL;
sin_numfaces = 0;
sin_dfaces = NULL;
sin_numedges = 0;
sin_dedges = NULL;
//leaf faces
sin_numleaffaces = 0;
sin_dleaffaces = NULL;
//leaf brushes
sin_numleafbrushes = 0;
sin_dleafbrushes = NULL;
//surface edges
sin_numsurfedges = 0;
sin_dsurfedges = NULL;
sin_numbrushes = 0;
sin_dbrushes = NULL;
sin_numbrushsides = 0;
sin_dbrushsides = NULL;
sin_numareas = 0;
sin_dareas = NULL;
//area portals
sin_numareaportals = 0;
sin_dareaportals = NULL;
//light info
sin_numlightinfo = 0;
sin_lightinfo = NULL;
Log_Print("freed ");
Log_Print(" of BSP memory\n");
sin_allocatedbspmem = 0;
} //end of the function Sin_FreeMaxBSP
// returns the amount the face and the winding overlap
// Parameter: -
// Returns: -
// Changes Globals: -
float Sin_FaceOnWinding(sin_dface_t *face, winding_t *winding)
int i, edgenum, side;
float dist, area;
sin_dplane_t plane;
vec_t *v1, *v2;
vec3_t normal, edgevec;
winding_t *w;
w = CopyWinding(winding);
memcpy(&plane, &sin_dplanes[face->planenum], sizeof(sin_dplane_t));
//check on which side of the plane the face is
if (face->side)
VectorNegate(plane.normal, plane.normal);
plane.dist = -plane.dist;
} //end if
for (i = 0; i < face->numedges && w; i++)
//get the first and second vertex of the edge
edgenum = sin_dsurfedges[face->firstedge + i];
side = edgenum > 0;
//if the face plane is flipped
v1 = sin_dvertexes[sin_dedges[abs(edgenum)].v[side]].point;
v2 = sin_dvertexes[sin_dedges[abs(edgenum)].v[!side]].point;
//create a plane through the edge vector, orthogonal to the face plane
//and with the normal vector pointing out of the face
VectorSubtract(v1, v2, edgevec);
CrossProduct(edgevec, plane.normal, normal);
dist = DotProduct(normal, v1);
ChopWindingInPlace(&w, normal, dist, 0.9); //CLIP_EPSILON
} //end for
if (w)
area = WindingArea(w);
return area;
} //end if
return 0;
} //end of the function Sin_FaceOnWinding
// creates a winding for the given brush side on the given brush
// Parameter: -
// Returns: -
// Changes Globals: -
winding_t *Sin_BrushSideWinding(sin_dbrush_t *brush, sin_dbrushside_t *baseside)
int i;
sin_dplane_t *baseplane, *plane;
sin_dbrushside_t *side;
winding_t *w;
//create a winding for the brush side with the given planenumber
baseplane = &sin_dplanes[baseside->planenum];
w = BaseWindingForPlane(baseplane->normal, baseplane->dist);
for (i = 0; i < brush->numsides && w; i++)
side = &sin_dbrushsides[brush->firstside + i];
//don't chop with the base plane
if (side->planenum == baseside->planenum) continue;
//also don't use planes that are almost equal
plane = &sin_dplanes[side->planenum];
if (DotProduct(baseplane->normal, plane->normal) > 0.999
&& fabs(baseplane->dist - plane->dist) < 0.01) continue;
plane = &sin_dplanes[side->planenum^1];
ChopWindingInPlace(&w, plane->normal, plane->dist, 0); //CLIP_EPSILON);
} //end for
return w;
} //end of the function Sin_BrushSideWinding
// Parameter: -
// Returns: -
// Changes Globals: -
int Sin_HintSkipBrush(sin_dbrush_t *brush)
int j;
sin_dbrushside_t *brushside;
for (j = 0; j < brush->numsides; j++)
brushside = &sin_dbrushsides[brush->firstside + j];
if (brushside->texinfo > 0)
if (sin_texinfo[brushside->texinfo].flags & (SURF_SKIP|SURF_HINT))
return true;
} //end if
} //end if
} //end for
return false;
} //end of the function Sin_HintSkipBrush
// fix screwed brush texture references
// Parameter: -
// Returns: -
// Changes Globals: -
qboolean WindingIsTiny(winding_t *w);
void Sin_FixTextureReferences(void)
int i, j, k, we;
sin_dbrushside_t *brushside;
sin_dbrush_t *brush;
sin_dface_t *face;
winding_t *w;
memset(sin_dbrushsidetextured, false, SIN_MAX_MAP_BRUSHSIDES);
//go over all the brushes
for (i = 0; i < sin_numbrushes; i++)
brush = &sin_dbrushes[i];
//hint brushes are not textured
if (Sin_HintSkipBrush(brush)) continue;
//go over all the sides of the brush
for (j = 0; j < brush->numsides; j++)
brushside = &sin_dbrushsides[brush->firstside + j];
w = Sin_BrushSideWinding(brush, brushside);
if (!w)
sin_dbrushsidetextured[brush->firstside + j] = true;
} //end if
//RemoveEqualPoints(w, 0.2);
if (WindingIsTiny(w))
sin_dbrushsidetextured[brush->firstside + j] = true;
} //end if
we = WindingError(w);
// || we == WE_NONCONVEX
sin_dbrushsidetextured[brush->firstside + j] = true;
} //end if
} //end else
} //end else
if (WindingArea(w) < 20)
sin_dbrushsidetextured[brush->firstside + j] = true;
} //end if
//find a face for texturing this brush
for (k = 0; k < sin_numfaces; k++)
face = &sin_dfaces[k];
//if the face is in the same plane as the brush side
if ((face->planenum&~1) != (brushside->planenum&~1)) continue;
//if the face is partly or totally on the brush side
if (Sin_FaceOnWinding(face, w))
brushside->texinfo = face->texinfo;
sin_dbrushsidetextured[brush->firstside + j] = true;
} //end if
} //end for
} //end for
} //end for
} //end of the function Sin_FixTextureReferences*/
int Sin_CompressVis (byte *vis, byte *dest)
int j;
int rep;
int visrow;
byte *dest_p;
dest_p = dest;
// visrow = (r_numvisleafs + 7)>>3;
visrow = (sin_dvis->numclusters + 7)>>3;
for (j=0 ; j<visrow ; j++)
*dest_p++ = vis[j];
if (vis[j])
rep = 1;
for ( j++; j<visrow ; j++)
if (vis[j] || rep == 255)
*dest_p++ = rep;
return dest_p - dest;
} //end of the function Sin_CompressVis
void Sin_DecompressVis (byte *in, byte *decompressed)
int c;
byte *out;
int row;
// row = (r_numvisleafs+7)>>3;
row = (sin_dvis->numclusters+7)>>3;
out = decompressed;
if (*in)
*out++ = *in++;
c = in[1];
if (!c)
Error ("DecompressVis: 0 repeat");
in += 2;
while (c)
*out++ = 0;
} while (out - decompressed < row);
} //end of the function Sin_DecompressVis
Byte swaps all data in a bsp file.
void Sin_SwapBSPFile (qboolean todisk)
int i, j;
sin_dmodel_t *d;
// models
for (i=0 ; i<sin_nummodels ; i++)
d = &sin_dmodels[i];
d->firstface = LittleLong (d->firstface);
d->numfaces = LittleLong (d->numfaces);
d->headnode = LittleLong (d->headnode);
for (j=0 ; j<3 ; j++)
d->mins[j] = LittleFloat(d->mins[j]);
d->maxs[j] = LittleFloat(d->maxs[j]);
d->origin[j] = LittleFloat(d->origin[j]);
// vertexes
for (i=0 ; i<sin_numvertexes ; i++)
for (j=0 ; j<3 ; j++)
sin_dvertexes[i].point[j] = LittleFloat (sin_dvertexes[i].point[j]);
// planes
for (i=0 ; i<sin_numplanes ; i++)
for (j=0 ; j<3 ; j++)
sin_dplanes[i].normal[j] = LittleFloat (sin_dplanes[i].normal[j]);
sin_dplanes[i].dist = LittleFloat (sin_dplanes[i].dist);
sin_dplanes[i].type = LittleLong (sin_dplanes[i].type);
// sin_texinfos
for (i = 0; i < sin_numtexinfo; i++)
for (j=0 ; j<8 ; j++)
sin_texinfo[i].vecs[0][j] = LittleFloat (sin_texinfo[i].vecs[0][j]);
#ifdef SIN
sin_texinfo[i].trans_mag = LittleFloat( sin_texinfo[i].trans_mag );
sin_texinfo[i].trans_angle = LittleLong( sin_texinfo[i].trans_angle );
sin_texinfo[i].animtime = LittleFloat( sin_texinfo[i].animtime );
sin_texinfo[i].nonlit = LittleFloat( sin_texinfo[i].nonlit );
sin_texinfo[i].translucence = LittleFloat( sin_texinfo[i].translucence );
sin_texinfo[i].friction = LittleFloat( sin_texinfo[i].friction );
sin_texinfo[i].restitution = LittleFloat( sin_texinfo[i].restitution );
sin_texinfo[i].flags = LittleUnsigned (sin_texinfo[i].flags);
sin_texinfo[i].value = LittleLong (sin_texinfo[i].value);
sin_texinfo[i].flags = LittleLong (sin_texinfo[i].flags);
sin_texinfo[i].nexttexinfo = LittleLong (sin_texinfo[i].nexttexinfo);
#ifdef SIN
// lightinfos
for (i = 0; i < sin_numlightinfo; i++)
for (j=0 ; j<3 ; j++)
sin_lightinfo[i].color[j] = LittleFloat (sin_lightinfo[i].color[j]);
sin_lightinfo[i].value = LittleLong (sin_lightinfo[i].value);
sin_lightinfo[i].direct = LittleFloat( sin_lightinfo[i].direct );
sin_lightinfo[i].directangle = LittleFloat( sin_lightinfo[i].directangle );
sin_lightinfo[i].directstyle = LittleFloat( sin_lightinfo[i].directstyle );
// faces
for (i=0 ; i<sin_numfaces ; i++)
sin_dfaces[i].texinfo = LittleShort (sin_dfaces[i].texinfo);
#ifdef SIN
sin_dfaces[i].lightinfo = LittleLong (sin_dfaces[i].lightinfo);
sin_dfaces[i].planenum = LittleUnsignedShort (sin_dfaces[i].planenum);
sin_dfaces[i].planenum = LittleShort (sin_dfaces[i].planenum);
sin_dfaces[i].side = LittleShort (sin_dfaces[i].side);
sin_dfaces[i].lightofs = LittleLong (sin_dfaces[i].lightofs);
sin_dfaces[i].firstedge = LittleLong (sin_dfaces[i].firstedge);
sin_dfaces[i].numedges = LittleShort (sin_dfaces[i].numedges);
// nodes
for (i=0 ; i<sin_numnodes ; i++)
sin_dnodes[i].planenum = LittleLong (sin_dnodes[i].planenum);
for (j=0 ; j<3 ; j++)
sin_dnodes[i].mins[j] = LittleShort (sin_dnodes[i].mins[j]);
sin_dnodes[i].maxs[j] = LittleShort (sin_dnodes[i].maxs[j]);
sin_dnodes[i].children[0] = LittleLong (sin_dnodes[i].children[0]);
sin_dnodes[i].children[1] = LittleLong (sin_dnodes[i].children[1]);
#ifdef SIN
sin_dnodes[i].firstface = LittleUnsignedShort (sin_dnodes[i].firstface);
sin_dnodes[i].numfaces = LittleUnsignedShort (sin_dnodes[i].numfaces);
sin_dnodes[i].firstface = LittleShort (sin_dnodes[i].firstface);
sin_dnodes[i].numfaces = LittleShort (sin_dnodes[i].numfaces);
// leafs
for (i=0 ; i<sin_numleafs ; i++)
sin_dleafs[i].contents = LittleLong (sin_dleafs[i].contents);
sin_dleafs[i].cluster = LittleShort (sin_dleafs[i].cluster);
sin_dleafs[i].area = LittleShort (sin_dleafs[i].area);
for (j=0 ; j<3 ; j++)
sin_dleafs[i].mins[j] = LittleShort (sin_dleafs[i].mins[j]);
sin_dleafs[i].maxs[j] = LittleShort (sin_dleafs[i].maxs[j]);
#ifdef SIN
sin_dleafs[i].firstleafface = LittleUnsignedShort (sin_dleafs[i].firstleafface);
sin_dleafs[i].numleaffaces = LittleUnsignedShort (sin_dleafs[i].numleaffaces);
sin_dleafs[i].firstleafbrush = LittleUnsignedShort (sin_dleafs[i].firstleafbrush);
sin_dleafs[i].numleafbrushes = LittleUnsignedShort (sin_dleafs[i].numleafbrushes);
sin_dleafs[i].firstleafface = LittleShort (sin_dleafs[i].firstleafface);
sin_dleafs[i].numleaffaces = LittleShort (sin_dleafs[i].numleaffaces);
sin_dleafs[i].firstleafbrush = LittleShort (sin_dleafs[i].firstleafbrush);
sin_dleafs[i].numleafbrushes = LittleShort (sin_dleafs[i].numleafbrushes);
// leaffaces
for (i=0 ; i<sin_numleaffaces ; i++)
sin_dleaffaces[i] = LittleShort (sin_dleaffaces[i]);
// leafbrushes
for (i=0 ; i<sin_numleafbrushes ; i++)
sin_dleafbrushes[i] = LittleShort (sin_dleafbrushes[i]);
// surfedges
for (i=0 ; i<sin_numsurfedges ; i++)
sin_dsurfedges[i] = LittleLong (sin_dsurfedges[i]);
// edges
for (i=0 ; i<sin_numedges ; i++)
#ifdef SIN
sin_dedges[i].v[0] = LittleUnsignedShort (sin_dedges[i].v[0]);
sin_dedges[i].v[1] = LittleUnsignedShort (sin_dedges[i].v[1]);
sin_dedges[i].v[0] = LittleShort (sin_dedges[i].v[0]);
sin_dedges[i].v[1] = LittleShort (sin_dedges[i].v[1]);
// brushes
for (i=0 ; i<sin_numbrushes ; i++)
sin_dbrushes[i].firstside = LittleLong (sin_dbrushes[i].firstside);
sin_dbrushes[i].numsides = LittleLong (sin_dbrushes[i].numsides);
sin_dbrushes[i].contents = LittleLong (sin_dbrushes[i].contents);
// areas
for (i=0 ; i<sin_numareas ; i++)
sin_dareas[i].numareaportals = LittleLong (sin_dareas[i].numareaportals);
sin_dareas[i].firstareaportal = LittleLong (sin_dareas[i].firstareaportal);
// areasportals
for (i=0 ; i<sin_numareaportals ; i++)
sin_dareaportals[i].portalnum = LittleLong (sin_dareaportals[i].portalnum);
sin_dareaportals[i].otherarea = LittleLong (sin_dareaportals[i].otherarea);
// brushsides
for (i=0 ; i<sin_numbrushsides ; i++)
#ifdef SIN
sin_dbrushsides[i].planenum = LittleUnsignedShort (sin_dbrushsides[i].planenum);
sin_dbrushsides[i].planenum = LittleShort (sin_dbrushsides[i].planenum);
sin_dbrushsides[i].texinfo = LittleShort (sin_dbrushsides[i].texinfo);
#ifdef SIN
sin_dbrushsides[i].lightinfo = LittleLong (sin_dbrushsides[i].lightinfo);
// visibility
if (todisk)
j = sin_dvis->numclusters;
j = LittleLong(sin_dvis->numclusters);
sin_dvis->numclusters = LittleLong (sin_dvis->numclusters);
for (i=0 ; i<j ; i++)
sin_dvis->bitofs[i][0] = LittleLong (sin_dvis->bitofs[i][0]);
sin_dvis->bitofs[i][1] = LittleLong (sin_dvis->bitofs[i][1]);
} //end of the function Sin_SwapBSPFile
sin_dheader_t *header;
#ifdef SIN
int Sin_CopyLump (int lump, void *dest, int size, int maxsize)
int length, ofs;
length = header->lumps[lump].filelen;
ofs = header->lumps[lump].fileofs;
if (length % size)
Error ("Sin_LoadBSPFile: odd lump size");
if ((length/size) > maxsize)
Error ("Sin_LoadBSPFile: exceeded max size for lump %d size %d > maxsize %d\n", lump, (length/size), maxsize );
memcpy (dest, (byte *)header + ofs, length);
return length / size;
int Sin_CopyLump (int lump, void *dest, int size)
int length, ofs;
length = header->lumps[lump].filelen;
ofs = header->lumps[lump].fileofs;
if (length % size)
Error ("Sin_LoadBSPFile: odd lump size");
memcpy (dest, (byte *)header + ofs, length);
return length / size;
void Sin_LoadBSPFile(char *filename, int offset, int length)
int i;
// load the file header
LoadFile (filename, (void **)&header, offset, length);
// swap the header
for (i=0 ; i< sizeof(sin_dheader_t)/4 ; i++)
((int *)header)[i] = LittleLong ( ((int *)header)[i]);
if (header->ident != SIN_BSPHEADER && header->ident != SINGAME_BSPHEADER)
Error ("%s is not a IBSP file", filename);
if (header->version != SIN_BSPVERSION && header->version != SINGAME_BSPVERSION)
Error ("%s is version %i, not %i", filename, header->version, SIN_BSPVERSION);
#ifdef SIN
sin_nummodels = Sin_CopyLump (SIN_LUMP_MODELS, sin_dmodels, sizeof(sin_dmodel_t), SIN_MAX_MAP_MODELS);
sin_numvertexes = Sin_CopyLump (SIN_LUMP_VERTEXES, sin_dvertexes, sizeof(sin_dvertex_t), SIN_MAX_MAP_VERTS);
sin_numplanes = Sin_CopyLump (SIN_LUMP_PLANES, sin_dplanes, sizeof(sin_dplane_t), SIN_MAX_MAP_PLANES);
sin_numleafs = Sin_CopyLump (SIN_LUMP_LEAFS, sin_dleafs, sizeof(sin_dleaf_t), SIN_MAX_MAP_LEAFS);
sin_numnodes = Sin_CopyLump (SIN_LUMP_NODES, sin_dnodes, sizeof(sin_dnode_t), SIN_MAX_MAP_NODES);
sin_numtexinfo = Sin_CopyLump (SIN_LUMP_TEXINFO, sin_texinfo, sizeof(sin_texinfo_t), SIN_MAX_MAP_TEXINFO);
sin_numfaces = Sin_CopyLump (SIN_LUMP_FACES, sin_dfaces, sizeof(sin_dface_t), SIN_MAX_MAP_FACES);
sin_numleaffaces = Sin_CopyLump (SIN_LUMP_LEAFFACES, sin_dleaffaces, sizeof(sin_dleaffaces[0]), SIN_MAX_MAP_LEAFFACES);
sin_numleafbrushes = Sin_CopyLump (SIN_LUMP_LEAFBRUSHES, sin_dleafbrushes, sizeof(sin_dleafbrushes[0]), SIN_MAX_MAP_LEAFBRUSHES);
sin_numsurfedges = Sin_CopyLump (SIN_LUMP_SURFEDGES, sin_dsurfedges, sizeof(sin_dsurfedges[0]), SIN_MAX_MAP_SURFEDGES);
sin_numedges = Sin_CopyLump (SIN_LUMP_EDGES, sin_dedges, sizeof(sin_dedge_t), SIN_MAX_MAP_EDGES);
sin_numbrushes = Sin_CopyLump (SIN_LUMP_BRUSHES, sin_dbrushes, sizeof(sin_dbrush_t), SIN_MAX_MAP_BRUSHES);
sin_numbrushsides = Sin_CopyLump (SIN_LUMP_BRUSHSIDES, sin_dbrushsides, sizeof(sin_dbrushside_t), SIN_MAX_MAP_BRUSHSIDES);
sin_numareas = Sin_CopyLump (SIN_LUMP_AREAS, sin_dareas, sizeof(sin_darea_t), SIN_MAX_MAP_AREAS);
sin_numareaportals = Sin_CopyLump (SIN_LUMP_AREAPORTALS, sin_dareaportals, sizeof(sin_dareaportal_t), SIN_MAX_MAP_AREAPORTALS);
sin_numlightinfo = Sin_CopyLump (SIN_LUMP_LIGHTINFO, sin_lightinfo, sizeof(sin_lightvalue_t), SIN_MAX_MAP_LIGHTINFO);
sin_visdatasize = Sin_CopyLump (SIN_LUMP_VISIBILITY, sin_dvisdata, 1, SIN_MAX_MAP_VISIBILITY);
sin_lightdatasize = Sin_CopyLump (SIN_LUMP_LIGHTING, sin_dlightdata, 1, SIN_MAX_MAP_LIGHTING);
sin_entdatasize = Sin_CopyLump (SIN_LUMP_ENTITIES, sin_dentdata, 1, SIN_MAX_MAP_ENTSTRING);
Sin_CopyLump (SIN_LUMP_POP, sin_dpop, 1, sizeof(sin_dpop));
sin_nummodels = Sin_CopyLump (SIN_LUMP_MODELS, sin_dmodels, sizeof(sin_dmodel_t));
sin_numvertexes = Sin_CopyLump (SIN_LUMP_VERTEXES, sin_dvertexes, sizeof(sin_dvertex_t));
sin_numplanes = Sin_CopyLump (SIN_LUMP_PLANES, sin_dplanes, sizeof(sin_dplane_t));
sin_numleafs = Sin_CopyLump (SIN_LUMP_LEAFS, sin_dleafs, sizeof(sin_dleaf_t));
sin_numnodes = Sin_CopyLump (SIN_LUMP_NODES, sin_dnodes, sizeof(sin_dnode_t));
sin_numtexinfo = Sin_CopyLump (SIN_LUMP_TEXINFO, sin_texinfo, sizeof(sin_texinfo_t));
sin_numfaces = Sin_CopyLump (SIN_LUMP_FACES, sin_dfaces, sizeof(sin_dface_t));
sin_numleaffaces = Sin_CopyLump (SIN_LUMP_LEAFFACES, sin_dleaffaces, sizeof(sin_dleaffaces[0]));
sin_numleafbrushes = Sin_CopyLump (SIN_LUMP_LEAFBRUSHES, sin_dleafbrushes, sizeof(sin_dleafbrushes[0]));
sin_numsurfedges = Sin_CopyLump (SIN_LUMP_SURFEDGES, sin_dsurfedges, sizeof(sin_dsurfedges[0]));
sin_numedges = Sin_CopyLump (SIN_LUMP_EDGES, sin_dedges, sizeof(sin_dedge_t));
sin_numbrushes = Sin_CopyLump (SIN_LUMP_BRUSHES, sin_dbrushes, sizeof(sin_dbrush_t));
sin_numbrushsides = Sin_CopyLump (SIN_LUMP_BRUSHSIDES, sin_dbrushsides, sizeof(sin_dbrushside_t));
sin_numareas = Sin_CopyLump (SIN_LUMP_AREAS, sin_dareas, sizeof(sin_darea_t));
sin_numareaportals = Sin_CopyLump (SIN_LUMP_AREAPORTALS, sin_dareaportals, sizeof(sin_dareaportal_t));
sin_visdatasize = Sin_CopyLump (SIN_LUMP_VISIBILITY, sin_dvisdata, 1);
sin_lightdatasize = Sin_CopyLump (SIN_LUMP_LIGHTING, sin_dlightdata, 1);
sin_entdatasize = Sin_CopyLump (SIN_LUMP_ENTITIES, sin_dentdata, 1);
Sin_CopyLump (SIN_LUMP_POP, sin_dpop, 1);
FreeMemory(header); // everything has been copied out
// swap everything
Sin_SwapBSPFile (false);
} //end of the function Sin_LoadBSPFile
Only loads the sin_texinfo lump, so qdata can scan for textures
void Sin_LoadBSPFileTexinfo (char *filename)
int i;
FILE *f;
int length, ofs;
header = GetMemory(sizeof(sin_dheader_t));
f = fopen (filename, "rb");
fread (header, sizeof(sin_dheader_t), 1, f);
// swap the header
for (i=0 ; i< sizeof(sin_dheader_t)/4 ; i++)
((int *)header)[i] = LittleLong ( ((int *)header)[i]);
if (header->ident != SIN_BSPHEADER && header->ident != SINGAME_BSPHEADER)
Error ("%s is not a IBSP file", filename);
if (header->version != SIN_BSPVERSION && header->version != SINGAME_BSPVERSION)
Error ("%s is version %i, not %i", filename, header->version, SIN_BSPVERSION);
length = header->lumps[SIN_LUMP_TEXINFO].filelen;
ofs = header->lumps[SIN_LUMP_TEXINFO].fileofs;
fseek (f, ofs, SEEK_SET);
fread (sin_texinfo, length, 1, f);
fclose (f);
sin_numtexinfo = length / sizeof(sin_texinfo_t);
FreeMemory(header); // everything has been copied out
Sin_SwapBSPFile (false);
} //end of the function Sin_LoadBSPFilesTexinfo
FILE *wadfile;
sin_dheader_t outheader;
#ifdef SIN
void Sin_AddLump (int lumpnum, void *data, int len, int size, int maxsize)
sin_lump_t *lump;
int totallength;
totallength = len*size;
if (len > maxsize)
Error ("Sin_WriteBSPFile: exceeded max size for lump %d size %d > maxsize %d\n", lumpnum, len, maxsize );
lump = &header->lumps[lumpnum];
lump->fileofs = LittleLong( ftell(wadfile) );
lump->filelen = LittleLong(totallength);
SafeWrite (wadfile, data, (totallength+3)&~3);
void Sin_AddLump (int lumpnum, void *data, int len)
sin_lump_t *lump;
lump = &header->lumps[lumpnum];
lump->fileofs = LittleLong( ftell(wadfile) );
lump->filelen = LittleLong(len);
SafeWrite (wadfile, data, (len+3)&~3);
Swaps the bsp file in place, so it should not be referenced again
void Sin_WriteBSPFile (char *filename)
header = &outheader;
memset (header, 0, sizeof(sin_dheader_t));
Sin_SwapBSPFile (true);
header->ident = LittleLong (SIN_BSPHEADER);
header->version = LittleLong (SIN_BSPVERSION);
wadfile = SafeOpenWrite (filename);
SafeWrite (wadfile, header, sizeof(sin_dheader_t)); // overwritten later
#ifdef SIN
Sin_AddLump (SIN_LUMP_PLANES, sin_dplanes, sin_numplanes, sizeof(sin_dplane_t), SIN_MAX_MAP_PLANES);
Sin_AddLump (SIN_LUMP_LEAFS, sin_dleafs, sin_numleafs, sizeof(sin_dleaf_t), SIN_MAX_MAP_LEAFS);
Sin_AddLump (SIN_LUMP_VERTEXES, sin_dvertexes, sin_numvertexes, sizeof(sin_dvertex_t), SIN_MAX_MAP_VERTS);
Sin_AddLump (SIN_LUMP_NODES, sin_dnodes, sin_numnodes, sizeof(sin_dnode_t), SIN_MAX_MAP_NODES);
Sin_AddLump (SIN_LUMP_TEXINFO, sin_texinfo, sin_numtexinfo, sizeof(sin_texinfo_t), SIN_MAX_MAP_TEXINFO);
Sin_AddLump (SIN_LUMP_FACES, sin_dfaces, sin_numfaces, sizeof(sin_dface_t), SIN_MAX_MAP_FACES);
Sin_AddLump (SIN_LUMP_BRUSHES, sin_dbrushes, sin_numbrushes, sizeof(sin_dbrush_t), SIN_MAX_MAP_BRUSHES);
Sin_AddLump (SIN_LUMP_BRUSHSIDES, sin_dbrushsides, sin_numbrushsides, sizeof(sin_dbrushside_t), SIN_MAX_MAP_BRUSHSIDES);
Sin_AddLump (SIN_LUMP_LEAFFACES, sin_dleaffaces, sin_numleaffaces, sizeof(sin_dleaffaces[0]), SIN_MAX_MAP_LEAFFACES);
Sin_AddLump (SIN_LUMP_LEAFBRUSHES, sin_dleafbrushes, sin_numleafbrushes, sizeof(sin_dleafbrushes[0]), SIN_MAX_MAP_LEAFBRUSHES);
Sin_AddLump (SIN_LUMP_SURFEDGES, sin_dsurfedges, sin_numsurfedges, sizeof(sin_dsurfedges[0]), SIN_MAX_MAP_SURFEDGES);
Sin_AddLump (SIN_LUMP_EDGES, sin_dedges, sin_numedges, sizeof(sin_dedge_t), SIN_MAX_MAP_EDGES);
Sin_AddLump (SIN_LUMP_MODELS, sin_dmodels, sin_nummodels, sizeof(sin_dmodel_t), SIN_MAX_MAP_MODELS);
Sin_AddLump (SIN_LUMP_AREAS, sin_dareas, sin_numareas, sizeof(sin_darea_t), SIN_MAX_MAP_AREAS);
Sin_AddLump (SIN_LUMP_AREAPORTALS, sin_dareaportals, sin_numareaportals, sizeof(sin_dareaportal_t), SIN_MAX_MAP_AREAPORTALS);
Sin_AddLump (SIN_LUMP_LIGHTINFO, sin_lightinfo, sin_numlightinfo, sizeof(sin_lightvalue_t), SIN_MAX_MAP_LIGHTINFO);
Sin_AddLump (SIN_LUMP_LIGHTING, sin_dlightdata, sin_lightdatasize, 1, SIN_MAX_MAP_LIGHTING);
Sin_AddLump (SIN_LUMP_VISIBILITY, sin_dvisdata, sin_visdatasize, 1, SIN_MAX_MAP_VISIBILITY);
Sin_AddLump (SIN_LUMP_ENTITIES, sin_dentdata, sin_entdatasize, 1, SIN_MAX_MAP_ENTSTRING);
Sin_AddLump (SIN_LUMP_POP, sin_dpop, sizeof(sin_dpop), 1, sizeof(sin_dpop));
Sin_AddLump (SIN_LUMP_PLANES, sin_dplanes, sin_numplanes*sizeof(sin_dplane_t));
Sin_AddLump (SIN_LUMP_LEAFS, sin_dleafs, sin_numleafs*sizeof(sin_dleaf_t));
Sin_AddLump (SIN_LUMP_VERTEXES, sin_dvertexes, sin_numvertexes*sizeof(sin_dvertex_t));
Sin_AddLump (SIN_LUMP_NODES, sin_dnodes, sin_numnodes*sizeof(sin_dnode_t));
Sin_AddLump (SIN_LUMP_TEXINFO, sin_texinfo, sin_numtexinfo*sizeof(sin_texinfo_t));
Sin_AddLump (SIN_LUMP_FACES, sin_dfaces, sin_numfaces*sizeof(sin_dface_t));
Sin_AddLump (SIN_LUMP_BRUSHES, sin_dbrushes, sin_numbrushes*sizeof(sin_dbrush_t));
Sin_AddLump (SIN_LUMP_BRUSHSIDES, sin_dbrushsides, sin_numbrushsides*sizeof(sin_dbrushside_t));
Sin_AddLump (SIN_LUMP_LEAFFACES, sin_dleaffaces, sin_numleaffaces*sizeof(sin_dleaffaces[0]));
Sin_AddLump (SIN_LUMP_LEAFBRUSHES, sin_dleafbrushes, sin_numleafbrushes*sizeof(sin_dleafbrushes[0]));
Sin_AddLump (SIN_LUMP_SURFEDGES, sin_dsurfedges, sin_numsurfedges*sizeof(sin_dsurfedges[0]));
Sin_AddLump (SIN_LUMP_EDGES, sin_dedges, sin_numedges*sizeof(sin_dedge_t));
Sin_AddLump (SIN_LUMP_MODELS, sin_dmodels, sin_nummodels*sizeof(sin_dmodel_t));
Sin_AddLump (SIN_LUMP_AREAS, sin_dareas, sin_numareas*sizeof(sin_darea_t));
Sin_AddLump (SIN_LUMP_AREAPORTALS, sin_dareaportals, sin_numareaportals*sizeof(sin_dareaportal_t));
Sin_AddLump (SIN_LUMP_LIGHTING, sin_dlightdata, sin_lightdatasize);
Sin_AddLump (SIN_LUMP_VISIBILITY, sin_dvisdata, sin_visdatasize);
Sin_AddLump (SIN_LUMP_ENTITIES, sin_dentdata, sin_entdatasize);
Sin_AddLump (SIN_LUMP_POP, sin_dpop, sizeof(sin_dpop));
fseek (wadfile, 0, SEEK_SET);
SafeWrite (wadfile, header, sizeof(sin_dheader_t));
fclose (wadfile);
Parses the sin_dentdata string into entities
void Sin_ParseEntities (void)
script_t *script;
num_entities = 0;
script = LoadScriptMemory(sin_dentdata, sin_entdatasize, "*sin bsp file");
} //end while
} //end of the function Sin_ParseEntities
Generates the sin_dentdata string from all the entities
void Sin_UnparseEntities (void)
char *buf, *end;
epair_t *ep;
char line[2048];
int i;
char key[1024], value[1024];
buf = sin_dentdata;
end = buf;
*end = 0;
for (i=0 ; i<num_entities ; i++)
ep = entities[i].epairs;
if (!ep)
continue; // ent got removed
strcat (end,"{\n");
end += 2;
for (ep = entities[i].epairs ; ep ; ep=ep->next)
strcpy (key, ep->key);
StripTrailing (key);
strcpy (value, ep->value);
StripTrailing (value);
sprintf (line, "\"%s\" \"%s\"\n", key, value);
strcat (end, line);
end += strlen(line);
strcat (end,"}\n");
end += 2;
if (end > buf + SIN_MAX_MAP_ENTSTRING)
Error ("Entity text too long");
sin_entdatasize = end - buf + 1;
} //end of the function Sin_UnparseEntities
#ifdef SIN
void FreeValueKeys(entity_t *ent)
epair_t *ep,*next;
for (ep=ent->epairs ; ep ; ep=next)
next = ep->next;
ent->epairs = NULL;
Dumps info about current file
void Sin_PrintBSPFileSizes (void)
if (!num_entities)
Sin_ParseEntities ();
Log_Print("%6i models %7i\n"
,sin_nummodels, (int)(sin_nummodels*sizeof(sin_dmodel_t)));
Log_Print("%6i brushes %7i\n"
,sin_numbrushes, (int)(sin_numbrushes*sizeof(sin_dbrush_t)));
Log_Print("%6i brushsides %7i\n"
,sin_numbrushsides, (int)(sin_numbrushsides*sizeof(sin_dbrushside_t)));
Log_Print("%6i planes %7i\n"
,sin_numplanes, (int)(sin_numplanes*sizeof(sin_dplane_t)));
Log_Print("%6i texinfo %7i\n"
,sin_numtexinfo, (int)(sin_numtexinfo*sizeof(sin_texinfo_t)));
#ifdef SIN
Log_Print("%6i lightinfo %7i\n"
,sin_numlightinfo, (int)(sin_numlightinfo*sizeof(sin_lightvalue_t)));
Log_Print("%6i entdata %7i\n", num_entities, sin_entdatasize);
Log_Print("%6i vertexes %7i\n"
,sin_numvertexes, (int)(sin_numvertexes*sizeof(sin_dvertex_t)));
Log_Print("%6i nodes %7i\n"
,sin_numnodes, (int)(sin_numnodes*sizeof(sin_dnode_t)));
Log_Print("%6i faces %7i\n"
,sin_numfaces, (int)(sin_numfaces*sizeof(sin_dface_t)));
Log_Print("%6i leafs %7i\n"
,sin_numleafs, (int)(sin_numleafs*sizeof(sin_dleaf_t)));
Log_Print("%6i leaffaces %7i\n"
,sin_numleaffaces, (int)(sin_numleaffaces*sizeof(sin_dleaffaces[0])));
Log_Print("%6i leafbrushes %7i\n"
,sin_numleafbrushes, (int)(sin_numleafbrushes*sizeof(sin_dleafbrushes[0])));
Log_Print("%6i surfedges %7i\n"
,sin_numsurfedges, (int)(sin_numsurfedges*sizeof(sin_dsurfedges[0])));
Log_Print("%6i edges %7i\n"
,sin_numedges, (int)(sin_numedges*sizeof(sin_dedge_t)));
Log_Print(" lightdata %7i\n", sin_lightdatasize);
Log_Print(" visdata %7i\n", sin_visdatasize);