Thilo Schulz d37b2da593 - Add licence headers to new files
- Add patch from Zack Middleton which fixes a few issues still
2011-05-02 20:30:14 +00:00

863 lines
27 KiB

Copyright (C) 2011 Thilo Schulz <>
Copyright (C) 2011 Matthias Bentrup <>
This file is part of Quake III Arena source code.
Quake III Arena source code is free software; you can redistribute it
and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
or (at your option) any later version.
Quake III Arena source code is distributed in the hope that it will be
useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Quake III Arena source code; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#include "tr_local.h"
#define LL(x) x=LittleLong(x)
static qboolean IQM_CheckRange( iqmHeader_t *header, int offset,
int count,int size ) {
// return true if the range specified by offset, count and size
// doesn't fit into the file
return ( count <= 0 ||
offset < 0 ||
offset > header->filesize ||
offset + count * size < 0 ||
offset + count * size > header->filesize );
// "multiply" 3x4 matrices, these are assumed to be the top 3 rows
// of a 4x4 matrix with the last row = (0 0 0 1)
static void Matrix34Multiply( float *a, float *b, float *out ) {
out[ 0] = a[0] * b[0] + a[1] * b[4] + a[ 2] * b[ 8];
out[ 1] = a[0] * b[1] + a[1] * b[5] + a[ 2] * b[ 9];
out[ 2] = a[0] * b[2] + a[1] * b[6] + a[ 2] * b[10];
out[ 3] = a[0] * b[3] + a[1] * b[7] + a[ 2] * b[11] + a[ 3];
out[ 4] = a[4] * b[0] + a[5] * b[4] + a[ 6] * b[ 8];
out[ 5] = a[4] * b[1] + a[5] * b[5] + a[ 6] * b[ 9];
out[ 6] = a[4] * b[2] + a[5] * b[6] + a[ 6] * b[10];
out[ 7] = a[4] * b[3] + a[5] * b[7] + a[ 6] * b[11] + a[ 7];
out[ 8] = a[8] * b[0] + a[9] * b[4] + a[10] * b[ 8];
out[ 9] = a[8] * b[1] + a[9] * b[5] + a[10] * b[ 9];
out[10] = a[8] * b[2] + a[9] * b[6] + a[10] * b[10];
out[11] = a[8] * b[3] + a[9] * b[7] + a[10] * b[11] + a[11];
static void InterpolateMatrix( float *a, float *b, float lerp, float *mat ) {
float unLerp = 1.0f - lerp;
mat[ 0] = a[ 0] * unLerp + b[ 0] * lerp;
mat[ 1] = a[ 1] * unLerp + b[ 1] * lerp;
mat[ 2] = a[ 2] * unLerp + b[ 2] * lerp;
mat[ 3] = a[ 3] * unLerp + b[ 3] * lerp;
mat[ 4] = a[ 4] * unLerp + b[ 4] * lerp;
mat[ 5] = a[ 5] * unLerp + b[ 5] * lerp;
mat[ 6] = a[ 6] * unLerp + b[ 6] * lerp;
mat[ 7] = a[ 7] * unLerp + b[ 7] * lerp;
mat[ 8] = a[ 8] * unLerp + b[ 8] * lerp;
mat[ 9] = a[ 9] * unLerp + b[ 9] * lerp;
mat[10] = a[10] * unLerp + b[10] * lerp;
mat[11] = a[11] * unLerp + b[11] * lerp;
Load an IQM model and compute the joint matrices for every frame.
qboolean R_LoadIQM( model_t *mod, void *buffer, int filesize, const char *mod_name ) {
iqmHeader_t *header;
iqmVertexArray_t *vertexarray;
iqmTriangle_t *triangle;
iqmMesh_t *mesh;
iqmJoint_t *joint;
iqmPose_t *pose;
iqmBounds_t *bounds;
unsigned short *framedata;
char *str;
int i, j;
float *jointMats, *mat;
size_t size, joint_names;
iqmData_t *iqmData;
srfIQModel_t *surface;
if( filesize < sizeof(iqmHeader_t) ) {
return qfalse;
header = (iqmHeader_t *)buffer;
if( Q_strncmp( header->magic, IQM_MAGIC, sizeof(header->magic) ) ) {
return qfalse;
LL( header->version );
if( header->version != IQM_VERSION ) {
return qfalse;
LL( header->filesize );
if( header->filesize > filesize || header->filesize > 16<<20 ) {
return qfalse;
LL( header->flags );
LL( header->num_text );
LL( header->ofs_text );
LL( header->num_meshes );
LL( header->ofs_meshes );
LL( header->num_vertexarrays );
LL( header->num_vertexes );
LL( header->ofs_vertexarrays );
LL( header->num_triangles );
LL( header->ofs_triangles );
LL( header->ofs_adjacency );
LL( header->num_joints );
LL( header->ofs_joints );
LL( header->num_poses );
LL( header->ofs_poses );
LL( header->num_anims );
LL( header->ofs_anims );
LL( header->num_frames );
LL( header->num_framechannels );
LL( header->ofs_frames );
LL( header->ofs_bounds );
LL( header->num_comment );
LL( header->ofs_comment );
LL( header->num_extensions );
LL( header->ofs_extensions );
// check and swap vertex arrays
if( IQM_CheckRange( header, header->ofs_vertexarrays,
sizeof(iqmVertexArray_t) ) ) {
return qfalse;
vertexarray = (iqmVertexArray_t *)((byte *)header + header->ofs_vertexarrays);
for( i = 0; i < header->num_vertexarrays; i++, vertexarray++ ) {
int j, n, *intPtr;
if( vertexarray->size <= 0 || vertexarray->size > 4 ) {
return qfalse;
// total number of values
n = header->num_vertexes * vertexarray->size;
switch( vertexarray->format ) {
case IQM_BYTE:
// 1 byte, no swapping necessary
if( IQM_CheckRange( header, vertexarray->offset,
n, sizeof(byte) ) ) {
return qfalse;
case IQM_INT:
case IQM_UINT:
// 4-byte swap
if( IQM_CheckRange( header, vertexarray->offset,
n, sizeof(float) ) ) {
return qfalse;
intPtr = (int *)((byte *)header + vertexarray->offset);
for( j = 0; j < n; j++, intPtr++ ) {
LL( *intPtr );
// not supported
return qfalse;
switch( vertexarray->type ) {
if( vertexarray->format != IQM_FLOAT ||
vertexarray->size != 3 ) {
return qfalse;
if( vertexarray->format != IQM_FLOAT ||
vertexarray->size != 4 ) {
return qfalse;
if( vertexarray->format != IQM_FLOAT ||
vertexarray->size != 2 ) {
return qfalse;
if( vertexarray->format != IQM_UBYTE ||
vertexarray->size != 4 ) {
return qfalse;
if( vertexarray->format != IQM_UBYTE ||
vertexarray->size != 4 ) {
return qfalse;
// check and swap triangles
if( IQM_CheckRange( header, header->ofs_triangles,
header->num_triangles, sizeof(iqmTriangle_t) ) ) {
return qfalse;
triangle = (iqmTriangle_t *)((byte *)header + header->ofs_triangles);
for( i = 0; i < header->num_triangles; i++, triangle++ ) {
LL( triangle->vertex[0] );
LL( triangle->vertex[1] );
LL( triangle->vertex[2] );
if( triangle->vertex[0] < 0 || triangle->vertex[0] > header->num_vertexes ||
triangle->vertex[1] < 0 || triangle->vertex[1] > header->num_vertexes ||
triangle->vertex[2] < 0 || triangle->vertex[2] > header->num_vertexes ) {
return qfalse;
// check and swap meshes
if( IQM_CheckRange( header, header->ofs_meshes,
header->num_meshes, sizeof(iqmMesh_t) ) ) {
return qfalse;
mesh = (iqmMesh_t *)((byte *)header + header->ofs_meshes);
for( i = 0; i < header->num_meshes; i++, mesh++) {
LL( mesh->name );
LL( mesh->material );
LL( mesh->first_vertex );
LL( mesh->num_vertexes );
LL( mesh->first_triangle );
LL( mesh->num_triangles );
if( mesh->first_vertex >= header->num_vertexes ||
mesh->first_vertex + mesh->num_vertexes > header->num_vertexes ||
mesh->first_triangle >= header->num_triangles ||
mesh->first_triangle + mesh->num_triangles > header->num_triangles ||
mesh->name < 0 ||
mesh->name >= header->num_text ||
mesh->material < 0 ||
mesh->material >= header->num_text ) {
return qfalse;
// check and swap joints
if( IQM_CheckRange( header, header->ofs_joints,
header->num_joints, sizeof(iqmJoint_t) ) ) {
return qfalse;
joint = (iqmJoint_t *)((byte *)header + header->ofs_joints);
joint_names = 0;
for( i = 0; i < header->num_joints; i++, joint++ ) {
LL( joint->name );
LL( joint->parent );
LL( joint->translate[0] );
LL( joint->translate[1] );
LL( joint->translate[2] );
LL( joint->rotate[0] );
LL( joint->rotate[1] );
LL( joint->rotate[2] );
LL( joint->scale[0] );
LL( joint->scale[1] );
LL( joint->scale[2] );
if( joint->parent < -1 ||
joint->parent >= (int)header->num_joints ||
joint->name < 0 ||
joint->name >= (int)header->num_text ) {
return qfalse;
joint_names += strlen( (char *)header + header->ofs_text +
joint->name ) + 1;
// check and swap poses
if( header->num_poses != header->num_joints ) {
return qfalse;
if( IQM_CheckRange( header, header->ofs_poses,
header->num_poses, sizeof(iqmPose_t) ) ) {
return qfalse;
pose = (iqmPose_t *)((byte *)header + header->ofs_poses);
for( i = 0; i < header->num_poses; i++, pose++ ) {
LL( pose->parent );
LL( pose->mask );
LL( pose->channeloffset[0] );
LL( pose->channeloffset[1] );
LL( pose->channeloffset[2] );
LL( pose->channeloffset[3] );
LL( pose->channeloffset[4] );
LL( pose->channeloffset[5] );
LL( pose->channeloffset[6] );
LL( pose->channeloffset[7] );
LL( pose->channeloffset[8] );
LL( pose->channelscale[0] );
LL( pose->channelscale[1] );
LL( pose->channelscale[2] );
LL( pose->channelscale[3] );
LL( pose->channelscale[4] );
LL( pose->channelscale[5] );
LL( pose->channelscale[6] );
LL( pose->channelscale[7] );
LL( pose->channelscale[8] );
// check and swap model bounds
if(IQM_CheckRange(header, header->ofs_bounds,
header->num_frames, sizeof(*bounds)))
return qfalse;
bounds = (iqmBounds_t *) ((byte *) header + header->ofs_bounds);
for(i = 0; i < header->num_poses; i++)
// allocate the model and copy the data
size = sizeof(iqmData_t);
size += header->num_meshes * sizeof( srfIQModel_t );
size += header->num_joints * header->num_frames * 12 * sizeof( float );
size += header->num_frames * 6 * sizeof(float); // model bounds
size += header->num_vertexes * 3 * sizeof(float); // positions
size += header->num_vertexes * 2 * sizeof(float); // texcoords
size += header->num_vertexes * 3 * sizeof(float); // normals
size += header->num_vertexes * 4 * sizeof(float); // tangents
size += header->num_vertexes * 4 * sizeof(byte); // blendIndexes
size += header->num_vertexes * 4 * sizeof(byte); // blendWeights
size += header->num_vertexes * 4 * sizeof(byte); // colors
size += header->num_joints * sizeof(int); // parents
size += header->num_triangles * 3 * sizeof(int); // triangles
size += joint_names; // joint names
mod->type = MOD_IQM;
iqmData = (iqmData_t *)ri.Hunk_Alloc( size, h_low );
mod->modelData = iqmData;
// fill header
iqmData->num_vertexes = header->num_vertexes;
iqmData->num_triangles = header->num_triangles;
iqmData->num_frames = header->num_frames;
iqmData->num_surfaces = header->num_meshes;
iqmData->num_joints = header->num_joints;
iqmData->surfaces = (srfIQModel_t *)(iqmData + 1);
iqmData->poseMats = (float *) (iqmData->surfaces + iqmData->num_surfaces);
iqmData->bounds = iqmData->poseMats + 12 * header->num_joints * header->num_frames;
iqmData->positions = iqmData->bounds + 6 * header->num_frames;
iqmData->positions = iqmData->poseMats + 12 * header->num_joints * header->num_frames;
iqmData->texcoords = iqmData->positions + 3 * header->num_vertexes;
iqmData->normals = iqmData->texcoords + 2 * header->num_vertexes;
iqmData->tangents = iqmData->normals + 3 * header->num_vertexes;
iqmData->blendIndexes = (byte *)(iqmData->tangents + 4 * header->num_vertexes);
iqmData->blendWeights = iqmData->blendIndexes + 4 * header->num_vertexes;
iqmData->colors = iqmData->blendWeights + 4 * header->num_vertexes;
iqmData->jointParents = (int *)(iqmData->colors + 4 * header->num_vertexes);
iqmData->triangles = iqmData->jointParents + header->num_joints;
iqmData->names = (char *)(iqmData->triangles + 3 * header->num_triangles);
// calculate joint matrices and their inverses
// they are needed only until the pose matrices are calculated
jointMats = (float *)ri.Hunk_AllocateTempMemory( header->num_joints * 2 * 3 * 4 * sizeof(float) );
mat = jointMats;
joint = (iqmJoint_t *)((byte *)header + header->ofs_joints);
for( i = 0; i < header->num_joints; i++, joint++ ) {
float tmpMat[12];
float rotW = DotProduct(joint->rotate, joint->rotate);
rotW = -SQRTFAST(1.0f - rotW);
float xx = 2.0f * joint->rotate[0] * joint->rotate[0];
float yy = 2.0f * joint->rotate[1] * joint->rotate[1];
float zz = 2.0f * joint->rotate[2] * joint->rotate[2];
float xy = 2.0f * joint->rotate[0] * joint->rotate[1];
float xz = 2.0f * joint->rotate[0] * joint->rotate[2];
float yz = 2.0f * joint->rotate[1] * joint->rotate[2];
float wx = 2.0f * rotW * joint->rotate[0];
float wy = 2.0f * rotW * joint->rotate[1];
float wz = 2.0f * rotW * joint->rotate[2];
tmpMat[ 0] = joint->scale[0] * (1.0f - (yy + zz));
tmpMat[ 1] = joint->scale[0] * (xy - wz);
tmpMat[ 2] = joint->scale[0] * (xz + wy);
tmpMat[ 3] = joint->translate[0];
tmpMat[ 4] = joint->scale[1] * (xy + wz);
tmpMat[ 5] = joint->scale[1] * (1.0f - (xx + zz));
tmpMat[ 6] = joint->scale[1] * (yz - wx);
tmpMat[ 7] = joint->translate[1];
tmpMat[ 8] = joint->scale[2] * (xz - wy);
tmpMat[ 9] = joint->scale[2] * (yz + wx);
tmpMat[10] = joint->scale[2] * (1.0f - (xx + yy));
tmpMat[11] = joint->translate[2];
if( joint->parent >= 0 ) {
// premultiply with parent-matrix
Matrix34Multiply( jointMats + 2 * 12 * joint->parent,
tmpMat, mat);
} else {
Com_Memcpy( mat, tmpMat, sizeof(tmpMat) );
mat += 12;
// compute the inverse matrix by combining the
// inverse scale, rotation and translation
tmpMat[ 0] = joint->scale[0] * (1.0f - (yy + zz));
tmpMat[ 1] = joint->scale[1] * (xy + wz);
tmpMat[ 2] = joint->scale[2] * (xz - wy);
tmpMat[ 3] = -DotProduct((tmpMat + 0), joint->translate);
tmpMat[ 4] = joint->scale[0] * (xy - wz);
tmpMat[ 5] = joint->scale[1] * (1.0f - (xx + zz));
tmpMat[ 6] = joint->scale[2] * (yz + wx);
tmpMat[ 7] = -DotProduct((tmpMat + 4), joint->translate);
tmpMat[ 8] = joint->scale[0] * (xz + wy);
tmpMat[ 9] = joint->scale[1] * (yz - wx);
tmpMat[10] = joint->scale[2] * (1.0f - (xx + yy));
tmpMat[11] = -DotProduct((tmpMat + 8), joint->translate);
if( joint->parent >= 0 ) {
// premultiply with inverse parent-matrix
Matrix34Multiply( tmpMat,
jointMats + 2 * 12 * joint->parent + 12,
} else {
Com_Memcpy( mat, tmpMat, sizeof(tmpMat) );
mat += 12;
// calculate pose matrices
framedata = (unsigned short *)((byte *)header + header->ofs_frames);
mat = iqmData->poseMats;
for( i = 0; i < header->num_frames; i++ ) {
pose = (iqmPose_t *)((byte *)header + header->ofs_poses);
for( j = 0; j < header->num_poses; j++, pose++ ) {
vec3_t translate, rotate, scale;
float mat1[12], mat2[12];
translate[0] = pose->channeloffset[0];
if( pose->mask & 0x001)
translate[0] += *framedata++ * pose->channelscale[0];
translate[1] = pose->channeloffset[1];
if( pose->mask & 0x002)
translate[1] += *framedata++ * pose->channelscale[1];
translate[2] = pose->channeloffset[2];
if( pose->mask & 0x004)
translate[2] += *framedata++ * pose->channelscale[2];
rotate[0] = pose->channeloffset[3];
if( pose->mask & 0x008)
rotate[0] += *framedata++ * pose->channelscale[3];
rotate[1] = pose->channeloffset[4];
if( pose->mask & 0x010)
rotate[1] += *framedata++ * pose->channelscale[4];
rotate[2] = pose->channeloffset[5];
if( pose->mask & 0x020)
rotate[2] += *framedata++ * pose->channelscale[5];
scale[0] = pose->channeloffset[6];
if( pose->mask & 0x040)
scale[0] += *framedata++ * pose->channelscale[6];
scale[1] = pose->channeloffset[7];
if( pose->mask & 0x080)
scale[1] += *framedata++ * pose->channelscale[7];
scale[2] = pose->channeloffset[8];
if( pose->mask & 0x100)
scale[2] += *framedata++ * pose->channelscale[8];
// construct transformation matrix
float rotW = DotProduct(rotate, rotate);
rotW = -SQRTFAST(1.0f - rotW);
float xx = 2.0f * rotate[0] * rotate[0];
float yy = 2.0f * rotate[1] * rotate[1];
float zz = 2.0f * rotate[2] * rotate[2];
float xy = 2.0f * rotate[0] * rotate[1];
float xz = 2.0f * rotate[0] * rotate[2];
float yz = 2.0f * rotate[1] * rotate[2];
float wx = 2.0f * rotW * rotate[0];
float wy = 2.0f * rotW * rotate[1];
float wz = 2.0f * rotW * rotate[2];
mat1[ 0] = scale[0] * (1.0f - (yy + zz));
mat1[ 1] = scale[0] * (xy - wz);
mat1[ 2] = scale[0] * (xz + wy);
mat1[ 3] = translate[0];
mat1[ 4] = scale[1] * (xy + wz);
mat1[ 5] = scale[1] * (1.0f - (xx + zz));
mat1[ 6] = scale[1] * (yz - wx);
mat1[ 7] = translate[1];
mat1[ 8] = scale[2] * (xz - wy);
mat1[ 9] = scale[2] * (yz + wx);
mat1[10] = scale[2] * (1.0f - (xx + yy));
mat1[11] = translate[2];
if( pose->parent >= 0 ) {
Matrix34Multiply( jointMats + 12 * 2 * pose->parent,
mat1, mat2 );
} else {
Com_Memcpy( mat2, mat1, sizeof(mat1) );
Matrix34Multiply( mat2, jointMats + 12 * (2 * j + 1), mat );
mat += 12;
ri.Hunk_FreeTempMemory( jointMats );
// register shaders
// overwrite the material offset with the shader index
mesh = (iqmMesh_t *)((byte *)header + header->ofs_meshes);
surface = iqmData->surfaces;
str = (char *)header + header->ofs_text;
for( i = 0; i < header->num_meshes; i++, mesh++, surface++ ) {
surface->surfaceType = SF_IQM;
surface->shader = R_FindShader( str + mesh->material, LIGHTMAP_NONE, qtrue );
if( surface->shader->defaultShader )
surface->shader = tr.defaultShader;
surface->data = iqmData;
surface->first_vertex = mesh->first_vertex;
surface->num_vertexes = mesh->num_vertexes;
surface->first_triangle = mesh->first_triangle;
surface->num_triangles = mesh->num_triangles;
// copy vertexarrays and indexes
vertexarray = (iqmVertexArray_t *)((byte *)header + header->ofs_vertexarrays);
for( i = 0; i < header->num_vertexarrays; i++, vertexarray++ ) {
int n;
// total number of values
n = header->num_vertexes * vertexarray->size;
switch( vertexarray->type ) {
Com_Memcpy( iqmData->positions,
(byte *)header + vertexarray->offset,
n * sizeof(float) );
Com_Memcpy( iqmData->normals,
(byte *)header + vertexarray->offset,
n * sizeof(float) );
Com_Memcpy( iqmData->tangents,
(byte *)header + vertexarray->offset,
n * sizeof(float) );
Com_Memcpy( iqmData->texcoords,
(byte *)header + vertexarray->offset,
n * sizeof(float) );
Com_Memcpy( iqmData->blendIndexes,
(byte *)header + vertexarray->offset,
n * sizeof(byte) );
Com_Memcpy( iqmData->blendWeights,
(byte *)header + vertexarray->offset,
n * sizeof(byte) );
Com_Memcpy( iqmData->colors,
(byte *)header + vertexarray->offset,
n * sizeof(byte) );
// copy joint parents
joint = (iqmJoint_t *)((byte *)header + header->ofs_joints);
for( i = 0; i < header->num_joints; i++, joint++ ) {
iqmData->jointParents[i] = joint->parent;
// copy triangles
triangle = (iqmTriangle_t *)((byte *)header + header->ofs_triangles);
for( i = 0; i < header->num_triangles; i++, triangle++ ) {
iqmData->triangles[3*i+0] = triangle->vertex[0];
iqmData->triangles[3*i+1] = triangle->vertex[1];
iqmData->triangles[3*i+2] = triangle->vertex[2];
// copy joint names
str = iqmData->names;
joint = (iqmJoint_t *)((byte *)header + header->ofs_joints);
for( i = 0; i < header->num_joints; i++, joint++ ) {
char *name = (char *)header + header->ofs_text +
int len = strlen( name ) + 1;
Com_Memcpy( str, name, len );
str += len;
// copy model bounds
mat = iqmData->bounds;
bounds = (iqmBounds_t *) ((byte *) header + header->ofs_bounds);
for(i = 0; i < header->num_frames; i++)
mat[0] = bounds->bbmin[0];
mat[1] = bounds->bbmin[1];
mat[2] = bounds->bbmin[2];
mat[3] = bounds->bbmax[0];
mat[4] = bounds->bbmax[1];
mat[5] = bounds->bbmax[2];
mat += 6;
return qtrue;
Add all surfaces of this model
void R_AddIQMSurfaces( trRefEntity_t *ent ) {
iqmData_t *data;
srfIQModel_t *surface;
int i;
data = tr.currentModel->modelData;
surface = data->surfaces;
R_SetupEntityLighting( &tr.refdef, ent );
for ( i = 0 ; i < data->num_surfaces ; i++ ) {
R_AddDrawSurf( &surface->surfaceType,
surface->shader, 0 /*fogNum*/, 0 );
static void ComputeJointMats( iqmData_t *data, int frame, int oldframe,
float backlerp, float *mat ) {
float *mat1, *mat2;
int *joint = data->jointParents;
int i;
if ( oldframe == frame ) {
mat1 = mat2 = data->poseMats + 12 * data->num_joints * frame;
for( i = 0; i < data->num_joints; i++, joint++ ) {
if( *joint >= 0 ) {
Matrix34Multiply( mat + 12 * *joint,
mat1 + 12*i, mat + 12*i );
} else {
Com_Memcpy( mat + 12*i, mat1 + 12*i, 12 * sizeof(float) );
} else {
mat1 = data->poseMats + 12 * data->num_joints * frame;
mat2 = data->poseMats + 12 * data->num_joints * oldframe;
for( i = 0; i < 12 * data->num_joints; i++, joint++ ) {
if( *joint >= 0 ) {
float tmpMat[12];
InterpolateMatrix( mat1 + 12*i, mat2 + 12*i,
backlerp, tmpMat );
Matrix34Multiply( mat + 12 * *joint,
tmpMat, mat + 12*i );
} else {
InterpolateMatrix( mat1 + 12*i, mat2 + 12*i,
backlerp, mat );
Compute vertices for this model surface
void RB_IQMSurfaceAnim( surfaceType_t *surface ) {
srfIQModel_t *surf = (srfIQModel_t *)surface;
iqmData_t *data = surf->data;
int i;
vec4_t *outXYZ = &[tess.numVertexes];
vec4_t *outNormal = &tess.normal[tess.numVertexes];
vec2_t (*outTexCoord)[2] = &tess.texCoords[tess.numVertexes];
color4ub_t *outColor = &tess.vertexColors[tess.numVertexes];
float mat[data->num_joints * 12];
int frame = backEnd.currentEntity->e.frame % data->num_frames;
int oldframe = backEnd.currentEntity->e.oldframe % data->num_frames;
float backlerp = backEnd.currentEntity->e.backlerp;
RB_CHECKOVERFLOW( surf->num_vertexes, surf->num_triangles * 3 );
// compute interpolated joint matrices
ComputeJointMats( data, frame, oldframe, backlerp, mat );
// transform vertexes and fill other data
for( i = 0; i < surf->num_vertexes;
i++, outXYZ++, outNormal++, outTexCoord++, outColor++ ) {
int j, k;
float vtxMat[12];
float nrmMat[9];
int vtx = i + surf->first_vertex;
// compute the vertex matrix by blending the up to
// four blend weights
for( k = 0; k < 12; k++ )
vtxMat[k] = data->blendWeights[4*vtx]
* mat[12*data->blendIndexes[4*vtx] + k];
for( j = 1; j < 4; j++ ) {
if( data->blendWeights[4*vtx + j] <= 0 )
for( k = 0; k < 12; k++ )
vtxMat[k] += data->blendWeights[4*vtx + j]
* mat[12*data->blendIndexes[4*vtx + j] + k];
for( k = 0; k < 12; k++ )
vtxMat[k] *= 1.0f / 255.0f;
// compute the normal matrix as transpose of the adjoint
// of the vertex matrix
nrmMat[ 0] = vtxMat[ 5]*vtxMat[10] - vtxMat[ 6]*vtxMat[ 9];
nrmMat[ 1] = vtxMat[ 6]*vtxMat[ 8] - vtxMat[ 4]*vtxMat[10];
nrmMat[ 2] = vtxMat[ 4]*vtxMat[ 9] - vtxMat[ 5]*vtxMat[ 8];
nrmMat[ 3] = vtxMat[ 2]*vtxMat[ 9] - vtxMat[ 1]*vtxMat[10];
nrmMat[ 4] = vtxMat[ 0]*vtxMat[10] - vtxMat[ 2]*vtxMat[ 8];
nrmMat[ 5] = vtxMat[ 1]*vtxMat[ 8] - vtxMat[ 0]*vtxMat[ 9];
nrmMat[ 6] = vtxMat[ 1]*vtxMat[ 6] - vtxMat[ 2]*vtxMat[ 5];
nrmMat[ 7] = vtxMat[ 2]*vtxMat[ 4] - vtxMat[ 0]*vtxMat[ 6];
nrmMat[ 8] = vtxMat[ 0]*vtxMat[ 5] - vtxMat[ 1]*vtxMat[ 4];
(*outTexCoord)[0][0] = data->texcoords[2*vtx + 0];
(*outTexCoord)[0][1] = data->texcoords[2*vtx + 1];
(*outTexCoord)[1][0] = (*outTexCoord)[0][0];
(*outTexCoord)[1][1] = (*outTexCoord)[0][1];
(*outXYZ)[0] =
vtxMat[ 0] * data->positions[3*vtx+0] +
vtxMat[ 1] * data->positions[3*vtx+1] +
vtxMat[ 2] * data->positions[3*vtx+2] +
vtxMat[ 3];
(*outXYZ)[1] =
vtxMat[ 4] * data->positions[3*vtx+0] +
vtxMat[ 5] * data->positions[3*vtx+1] +
vtxMat[ 6] * data->positions[3*vtx+2] +
vtxMat[ 7];
(*outXYZ)[2] =
vtxMat[ 8] * data->positions[3*vtx+0] +
vtxMat[ 9] * data->positions[3*vtx+1] +
vtxMat[10] * data->positions[3*vtx+2] +
(*outXYZ)[3] = 1.0f;
(*outNormal)[0] =
nrmMat[ 0] * data->normals[3*vtx+0] +
nrmMat[ 1] * data->normals[3*vtx+1] +
nrmMat[ 2] * data->normals[3*vtx+2];
(*outNormal)[1] =
nrmMat[ 3] * data->normals[3*vtx+0] +
nrmMat[ 4] * data->normals[3*vtx+1] +
nrmMat[ 5] * data->normals[3*vtx+2];
(*outNormal)[2] =
nrmMat[ 6] * data->normals[3*vtx+0] +
nrmMat[ 7] * data->normals[3*vtx+1] +
nrmMat[ 8] * data->normals[3*vtx+2];
(*outNormal)[3] = 0.0f;
(*outColor)[0] = data->colors[4*vtx+0];
(*outColor)[1] = data->colors[4*vtx+1];
(*outColor)[2] = data->colors[4*vtx+2];
(*outColor)[3] = data->colors[4*vtx+3];
int *tri = data->triangles;
tri += 3 * surf->first_triangle;
glIndex_t *ptr = &tess.indexes[tess.numIndexes];
glIndex_t base = tess.numVertexes;
for( i = 0; i < surf->num_triangles; i++ ) {
*ptr++ = base + (*tri++ - surf->first_vertex);
*ptr++ = base + (*tri++ - surf->first_vertex);
*ptr++ = base + (*tri++ - surf->first_vertex);
tess.numIndexes += 3 * surf->num_triangles;
tess.numVertexes += surf->num_vertexes;
int R_IQMLerpTag( orientation_t *tag, iqmData_t *data,
int startFrame, int endFrame,
float frac, const char *tagName ) {
int joint;
char *names = data->names;
float mat[data->num_joints * 12];
// get joint number by reading the joint names
for( joint = 0; joint < data->num_joints; joint++ ) {
if( !strcmp( tagName, names ) )
names += strlen( names ) + 1;
if( joint >= data->num_joints )
return qfalse;
ComputeJointMats( data, startFrame, endFrame, frac, mat );
tag->axis[0][0] = mat[12 * joint + 0];
tag->axis[1][0] = mat[12 * joint + 1];
tag->axis[2][0] = mat[12 * joint + 2];
tag->origin[0] = mat[12 * joint + 3];
tag->axis[0][1] = mat[12 * joint + 4];
tag->axis[1][1] = mat[12 * joint + 5];
tag->axis[2][1] = mat[12 * joint + 6];
tag->origin[1] = mat[12 * joint + 7];
tag->axis[0][2] = mat[12 * joint + 8];
tag->axis[1][2] = mat[12 * joint + 9];
tag->axis[2][2] = mat[12 * joint + 10];
tag->origin[0] = mat[12 * joint + 11];
return qfalse;