# -*- mode: perl -*- # cons script for cgame game q3_ui ui .so and .qvm builds # # Oct. 2001 TTimo <ttimo@idsoftware.com> # # the top directory is # <config>-<cpu>-<OS>-<libc version> # where: # <config> is "debug" or "release" # <cpu> is "x86" or "ppc" # <OS> is "Linux" "BSD" "IRIX" etc. # <libc version> is major.minor of libc config # source the compiler version utility BEGIN { push @INC, './unix'; } use Cons_gcc; # defaults $config = 'debug'; $do_smp = 1; $do_masterserver = 0; $do_authserver = 0; $do_authport = 0; $do_setup = 0; $do_bspc = 0; $do_sdk = 0; $do_pk3 = 0; # those are exported $DO_WIN32 = 0; $NO_VM = 0; $NO_SO = 0; $CC='gcc'; $CXX='g++'; # detect an sdk build (don't attempt client build and other things) if ( -r 'unix/Conscript-client' ) { $no_core = 0; } else { $no_core = 1; } # detection of CPU type $cpu = `uname -m`; chop ($cpu); if ($cpu +~ /i?86/) { $cpu = 'x86'; } # OS $OS = `uname`; chop ($OS); # hacky win32 detection and win32 specifics code if ($OS =~ CYGWIN) { $DO_WIN32 = 1; } else { # libc .. do the little magic! $libc_cmd = '/lib/libc.so.6 |grep "GNU C "|grep version|awk -F "version " \'{ print $2 }\'|cut -b -3'; $libc = `$libc_cmd`; chop ($libc); } if ($DO_WIN32 eq 1) { print("Win32 build\n"); $config = $ARGV[0]; # TODO: option to override $Q3BASE from command line $Q3BASE = $ENV{Q3BASE}; # FIXME: this doesn't play nice with cygwin path syntax print("\$Q3BASE: $Q3BASE\n"); if($config eq 'debug') { $DIR = 'Debug'; system("cp -v $DIR/quake3.exe \$Q3BASE"); system("cp -v $DIR/cgamex86.dll $DIR/qagamex86.dll $DIR/uix86.dll \$Q3BASE/baseq3"); } elsif ($config eq 'debug-TA') { $DIR = 'Debug_TA'; system("cp -v $DIR/quake3.exe \$Q3BASE"); system("cp -v $DIR/cgamex86.dll $DIR/qagamex86.dll $DIR/uix86.dll \$Q3BASE/missionpack"); } elsif($config eq 'release-TA') { $DIR = 'Release_TA'; # spank! system("./spank.sh"); system("cp -v $DIR/quake3.exe \$Q3BASE"); } else { printf("ERROR: no config option (debug debug-TA release-TA)"); exit; } # copy selected stuff to shared media $DESTDIR='/cygdrive/e/incoming/Id/q3-1.32'; system("cp -v $DIR/quake3.exe $DESTDIR"); system("cp -v /cygdrive/e/Q3SetupMedia/quake3/CHANGES-1.32.txt $DESTDIR"); exit; } if(@ARGV gt 0) { foreach $cmdopt (@ARGV) { if(lc($cmdopt) eq 'release') { $config = 'release'; next; } elsif(lc($cmdopt) eq 'debug') { $config = 'debug'; next; } elsif(lc($cmdopt) eq 'novm') { $NO_VM = 1; next; } elsif(lc($cmdopt) eq 'noso') { $NO_SO = 1; next; } elsif(lc($cmdopt) eq 'nosmp') { $do_smp = 0; next; } elsif(lc($cmdopt) =~ 'master_server=.*') { $do_masterserver = 1; $master_server = lc($cmdopt); $master_server =~ s/master_server=(.*)/\1/; next; } elsif(lc($cmdopt) =~ 'auth_server=.*') { $do_authserver = 1; $auth_server = lc($cmdopt); $auth_server =~ s/auth_server=(.*)/\1/; next; } elsif(lc($cmdopt) =~ 'auth_port=.*') { $do_authport = 1; $auth_port = lc($cmdopt); $auth_port =~ s/auth_port=(.*)/\1/; next; } elsif(lc($cmdopt) =~ 'setup') { $do_setup = 1; next; } elsif(lc($cmdopt) =~ 'bspc') { $do_bspc = 1; next; } elsif(lc($cmdopt) =~ 'sdk') { $do_sdk = 1; next; } elsif(lc($cmdopt) =~ 'pk3') { $do_pk3 = 1; next; } elsif(lc($cmdopt) =~ 'gcc=.*') { $CC=lc($cmdopt); $CC =~ s/gcc=(.*)/\1/; next; } elsif(lc($cmdopt) =~ 'g\+\+=.*') { $CXX=lc($cmdopt); $CXX=~s/g\+\+=(.*)/\1/; next; } else { # output an error & exit print("Error\n $0: Unknown command line option: [ $cmdopt ]\n"); system("cons -h"); exit; } } } if (($do_setup eq 1) && ($config ne 'release')) { print("Error\n $0: 'setup' requires 'release'\n"); exit; } # sdk if ($do_sdk eq 1) { # extract the Q3 version from q_shared.h $line = `cat game/q_shared.h | grep Q3_VERSION`; chomp $line; $line =~ s/.*Q3\ (.*)\"/$1/; $Q3_VER = $line; $SDK_NAME = "linuxq3a-sdk-$Q3_VER.x86.run"; Default "unix/$SDK_NAME"; Export qw( SDK_NAME Q3_VER ); Build 'unix/Conscript-sdk'; return; } # build the config directory $CONFIG_DIR = $config . '-' . $cpu . '-' . $OS . '-' . $libc; $COMMON_CFLAGS = '-pipe -fsigned-char '; if ($config eq 'debug') { # use -Werror for better QA $BASE_CFLAGS = $COMMON_CFLAGS . '-g -Wall -Werror -O '; $BSPC_BASE_CFLAGS = $COMMON_CFLAGS . '-g -O -DLINUX -DBSPC -Dstricmp=strcasecmp '; } else { $BASE_CFLAGS = $COMMON_CFLAGS . '-DNDEBUG -O6 -mcpu=pentiumpro -march=pentium -fomit-frame-pointer -ffast-math -malign-loops=2 -malign-jumps=2 -malign-functions=2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fstrength-reduce '; $BSPC_BASE_CFLAGS = $BASE_CFLAGS . '-DLINUX -DBSPC -Dstricmp=strcasecmp '; } if ($do_masterserver eq 1) { $BASE_CFLAGS .= "-DMASTER_SERVER_NAME=\\\"$master_server\\\" "; } if ($do_authserver eq 1) { $BASE_CFLAGS .= "-DAUTHORIZE_SERVER_NAME=\\\"$auth_server\\\" "; } if ($do_authport eq 1) { $BASE_CFLAGS .= "-DPORT_AUTHORIZE=$auth_port "; } my @gcc_version = Cons_gcc::get_gcc_version($CC); print("GCC version: $gcc_version[1] - $gcc_version[2]\n"); # with 2.95 you can link with gcc, this avoids nasty useless libstdc++ dependency if ($gcc_version[0] eq '2') { $LINK = $CC; } else { $LINK = $CXX; } my @ccache = Cons_gcc::get_ccache(); if ($ccache[0] eq '1') { $CC = $ccache[1] . " " . $CC; $CXX = $ccache[1] . " " . $CXX; } print 'cpu : ' . $cpu . "\nOS : " . $OS . "\n"; print "libc: " . $libc . "\n"; print "configured for " . $config . " build\n"; print 'CFLAGS: ' . $BASE_CFLAGS . "\n"; # install config $INSTALL_BASEDIR='#install'; Default $INSTALL_BASEDIR; sub build_tools { system("mkdir qvmtools 2>/dev/null"); if (@_[0] eq 'q3lcc') { system("cd ../lcc ; make all ; cp /tmp/lcc ../code/qvmtools/q3lcc ; cp /tmp/rcc ../code/qvmtools/q3rcc ; cp /tmp/cpp ../code/qvmtools/q3cpp"); } elsif (@_[0] eq 'q3asm') { system("cd ../q3asm ; make ; cp q3asm ../code/qvmtools"); } else { printf("build_tools: @_[0] unrecognized command\n"); die; } return 1; } # build tools $env_tools = new cons(); Command $env_tools 'qvmtools/q3lcc', '[perl] &build_tools(\'q3lcc\')'; Command $env_tools 'qvmtools/q3asm', '[perl] &build_tools(\'q3asm\')'; if ($do_bspc eq 1) { # build bspc $BUILD_DIR = $CONFIG_DIR . '/bspc'; Link $BUILD_DIR => '.'; $INSTALL_DIR = $INSTALL_BASEDIR . '/utils'; Export qw( BSPC_BASE_CFLAGS BUILD_DIR INSTALL_DIR CC CXX LINK ); Build $BUILD_DIR . '/bspc/Conscript'; } # build vanilla Q3 $TARGET_DIR='Q3'; $INSTALL_DIR = $INSTALL_BASEDIR . '/baseq3'; $BUILD_DIR = $CONFIG_DIR . '/' . $TARGET_DIR . '/cgame'; Link $BUILD_DIR => '.'; Export qw( BASE_CFLAGS TARGET_DIR INSTALL_DIR NO_VM NO_SO CC CXX LINK ); Build $BUILD_DIR . '/cgame/Conscript'; $BUILD_DIR = $CONFIG_DIR . '/' . $TARGET_DIR . '/game'; Link $BUILD_DIR => '.'; Export qw( BASE_CFLAGS TARGET_DIR INSTALL_DIR NO_VM NO_SO CC CXX LINK ); Build $BUILD_DIR . '/game/Conscript'; $BUILD_DIR = $CONFIG_DIR . '/' . $TARGET_DIR . '/q3_ui'; Link $BUILD_DIR => '.'; Export qw( BASE_CFLAGS TARGET_DIR INSTALL_DIR NO_VM NO_SO CC CXX LINK ); Build $BUILD_DIR . '/q3_ui/Conscript'; # build TA $TARGET_DIR='TA'; $INSTALL_DIR = $INSTALL_BASEDIR . '/missionpack'; $BUILD_DIR = $CONFIG_DIR . "/" . $TARGET_DIR . '/cgame'; Link $BUILD_DIR => '.'; Export qw( BASE_CFLAGS TARGET_DIR INSTALL_DIR NO_VM NO_SO CC CXX LINK ); Build $BUILD_DIR . '/cgame/Conscript'; $BUILD_DIR = $CONFIG_DIR . "/" . $TARGET_DIR . '/game'; Link $BUILD_DIR => '.'; Export qw( BASE_CFLAGS TARGET_DIR INSTALL_DIR NO_VM NO_SO CC CXX LINK ); Build $BUILD_DIR . '/game/Conscript'; $BUILD_DIR = $CONFIG_DIR . '/' . $TARGET_DIR . '/ui'; Link $BUILD_DIR => '.'; Export qw( BASE_CFLAGS TARGET_DIR INSTALL_DIR NO_VM NO_SO CC CXX LINK ); Build $BUILD_DIR . '/ui/Conscript'; # core if ($no_core eq 1) { return; } $INSTALL_DIR = $INSTALL_BASEDIR; $BUILD_DIR = $CONFIG_DIR . '/core/dedicated'; Link $BUILD_DIR => '.'; $hack = $BASE_CFLAGS; # hit me! $BASE_CFLAGS .= '-DDEDICATED '; Export qw( BASE_CFLAGS BUILD_DIR INSTALL_DIR CC CXX LINK ); Build $BUILD_DIR . '/unix/Conscript-dedicated'; $BASE_CFLAGS = $hack; $TARGETNAME = 'linuxquake3'; $BUILD_DIR = $CONFIG_DIR . '/core/client'; $BASE_LDFLAGS = ''; Link $BUILD_DIR => '.'; Export qw( BASE_CFLAGS BASE_LDFLAGS BUILD_DIR INSTALL_DIR TARGETNAME CC CXX LINK ); Build $BUILD_DIR . '/unix/Conscript-client'; if ($do_smp eq 1) { $TARGETNAME = 'linuxquake3-smp'; $BUILD_DIR = $CONFIG_DIR . '/core/client-smp'; $BASE_CFLAGS .= '-DSMP '; $BASE_LDFLAGS = '-lpthread '; Link $BUILD_DIR => '.'; Export qw( BASE_CFLAGS BASE_LDFLAGS BUILD_DIR INSTALL_DIR TARGETNAME CC CXX LINK ); Build $BUILD_DIR . '/unix/Conscript-client'; } if ($NO_VM eq 0 && $do_pk3 eq 1) { # build the PK3s $INSTALL_DIR = $INSTALL_BASEDIR; $BUILD_DIR = $CONFIG_DIR . '/pk3-builder'; Link $BUILD_DIR => 'unix'; Export qw( INSTALL_DIR BUILD_DIR CONFIG_DIR CC CXX LINK ); Build $BUILD_DIR . '/Conscript-pk3'; } if ($do_setup eq 1) { Link $CONFIG_DIR => '.'; Export qw( INSTALL_BASEDIR ); Build $CONFIG_DIR . '/unix/Conscript-setup'; } Help " Usage: cons [-h] [ -- [release|debug] [novm] [noso] [nosmp] [master_server=<adr>] [auth_server=<adr>] [auth_port=<port>] [pk3] [bspc] [setup] [sdk]] Default build type is Debug, specifying '-- release' on the command line builds a Release version (NOTE that this option only affects the native libraries). novm: will not build the VMs noso: will not build the so below are for core builds only: nosmp : do not build the SMP-enabled version of the renderer pk3 : generate the pk3s on the fly (defined in unix/Conscript-pk3) bspc : build bspc setup : build setup sdk : build the mod sdk " ;