Copyright (C) 1999-2005 Id Software, Inc.

This file is part of Quake III Arena source code.

Quake III Arena source code is free software; you can redistribute it
and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
or (at your option) any later version.

Quake III Arena source code is distributed in the hope that it will be
useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Quake III Arena source code; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
#ifndef TR_COMMON_H
#define TR_COMMON_H

#include "../qcommon/q_shared.h"
#include "../renderercommon/tr_public.h"
#include "qgl.h"

typedef enum
	IMGTYPE_COLORALPHA, // for color, lightmap, diffuse, and specular
	IMGTYPE_DELUXE, // normals are swizzled, deluxe are not
} imgType_t;

typedef enum
	IMGFLAG_NONE           = 0x0000,
	IMGFLAG_MIPMAP         = 0x0001,
	IMGFLAG_PICMIP         = 0x0002,
	IMGFLAG_CUBEMAP        = 0x0004,
	IMGFLAG_SRGB           = 0x0080,
} imgFlags_t;

typedef struct image_s {
	char		imgName[MAX_QPATH];		// game path, including extension
	int			width, height;				// source image
	int			uploadWidth, uploadHeight;	// after power of two and picmip but not including clamp to MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE
	GLuint		texnum;					// gl texture binding

	int			frameUsed;			// for texture usage in frame statistics

	int			internalFormat;
	int			TMU;				// only needed for voodoo2

	imgType_t   type;
	imgFlags_t  flags;

	struct image_s*	next;
} image_t;

// any change in the LIGHTMAP_* defines here MUST be reflected in
// R_FindShader() in tr_bsp.c
#define LIGHTMAP_2D         -4	// shader is for 2D rendering
#define LIGHTMAP_BY_VERTEX  -3	// pre-lit triangle models
#define LIGHTMAP_NONE       -1

extern	refimport_t		ri;
extern glconfig_t	glConfig;		// outside of TR since it shouldn't be cleared during ref re-init

// These variables should live inside glConfig but can't because of
// compatibility issues to the original ID vms.  If you release a stand-alone
// game and your mod uses tr_types.h from this build you can safely move them
// to the glconfig_t struct.
extern qboolean  textureFilterAnisotropic;
extern int       maxAnisotropy;
extern float     displayAspect;

// cvars
extern cvar_t *r_stencilbits;			// number of desired stencil bits
extern cvar_t *r_depthbits;			// number of desired depth bits
extern cvar_t *r_colorbits;			// number of desired color bits, only relevant for fullscreen
extern cvar_t *r_texturebits;			// number of desired texture bits
extern cvar_t *r_ext_multisample;
										// 0 = use framebuffer depth
										// 16 = use 16-bit textures
										// 32 = use 32-bit textures
										// all else = error

extern cvar_t *r_mode;				// video mode
extern cvar_t *r_noborder;
extern cvar_t *r_fullscreen;
extern cvar_t *r_ignorehwgamma;		// overrides hardware gamma capabilities
extern cvar_t *r_drawBuffer;
extern cvar_t *r_swapInterval;

extern cvar_t *r_allowExtensions;				// global enable/disable of OpenGL extensions
extern cvar_t *r_ext_compressed_textures;		// these control use of specific extensions
extern cvar_t *r_ext_multitexture;
extern cvar_t *r_ext_compiled_vertex_array;
extern cvar_t *r_ext_texture_env_add;

extern cvar_t *r_ext_texture_filter_anisotropic;
extern cvar_t *r_ext_max_anisotropy;

extern cvar_t *r_stereoEnabled;

extern	cvar_t	*r_saveFontData;

qboolean	R_GetModeInfo( int *width, int *height, float *windowAspect, int mode );

float R_NoiseGet4f( float x, float y, float z, float t );
void  R_NoiseInit( void );

image_t     *R_FindImageFile( const char *name, imgType_t type, imgFlags_t flags );
image_t *R_CreateImage( const char *name, byte *pic, int width, int height, imgType_t type, imgFlags_t flags, int internalFormat );

void R_IssuePendingRenderCommands( void );
qhandle_t		 RE_RegisterShaderLightMap( const char *name, int lightmapIndex );
qhandle_t		 RE_RegisterShader( const char *name );
qhandle_t		 RE_RegisterShaderNoMip( const char *name );
qhandle_t RE_RegisterShaderFromImage(const char *name, int lightmapIndex, image_t *image, qboolean mipRawImage);

// font stuff
void R_InitFreeType( void );
void R_DoneFreeType( void );
void RE_RegisterFont(const char *fontName, int pointSize, fontInfo_t *font);




void		GLimp_Init( void );
void		GLimp_Shutdown( void );
void		GLimp_EndFrame( void );

void		GLimp_LogComment( char *comment );
void		GLimp_Minimize(void);

void		GLimp_SetGamma( unsigned char red[256],
		unsigned char green[256],
		unsigned char blue[256] );
