/* =========================================================================== Copyright (C) 1999-2005 Id Software, Inc. This file is part of Quake III Arena source code. Quake III Arena source code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Quake III Arena source code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Quake III Arena source code; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA =========================================================================== */ // tr_light.c #include "tr_local.h" #define DLIGHT_AT_RADIUS 16 // at the edge of a dlight's influence, this amount of light will be added #define DLIGHT_MINIMUM_RADIUS 16 // never calculate a range less than this to prevent huge light numbers /* =============== R_TransformDlights Transforms the origins of an array of dlights. Used by both the front end (for DlightBmodel) and the back end (before doing the lighting calculation) =============== */ void R_TransformDlights( int count, dlight_t *dl, orientationr_t *or) { int i; vec3_t temp; for ( i = 0 ; i < count ; i++, dl++ ) { VectorSubtract( dl->origin, or->origin, temp ); dl->transformed[0] = DotProduct( temp, or->axis[0] ); dl->transformed[1] = DotProduct( temp, or->axis[1] ); dl->transformed[2] = DotProduct( temp, or->axis[2] ); } } /* ============= R_DlightBmodel Determine which dynamic lights may effect this bmodel ============= */ void R_DlightBmodel( bmodel_t *bmodel ) { int i, j; dlight_t *dl; int mask; msurface_t *surf; // transform all the lights R_TransformDlights( tr.refdef.num_dlights, tr.refdef.dlights, &tr.or ); mask = 0; for ( i=0 ; i<tr.refdef.num_dlights ; i++ ) { dl = &tr.refdef.dlights[i]; // see if the point is close enough to the bounds to matter for ( j = 0 ; j < 3 ; j++ ) { if ( dl->transformed[j] - bmodel->bounds[1][j] > dl->radius ) { break; } if ( bmodel->bounds[0][j] - dl->transformed[j] > dl->radius ) { break; } } if ( j < 3 ) { continue; } // we need to check this light mask |= 1 << i; } tr.currentEntity->needDlights = (mask != 0); // set the dlight bits in all the surfaces for ( i = 0 ; i < bmodel->numSurfaces ; i++ ) { surf = tr.world->surfaces + bmodel->firstSurface + i; switch(*surf->data) { case SF_FACE: case SF_GRID: case SF_TRIANGLES: case SF_VAO_MESH: ((srfBspSurface_t *)surf->data)->dlightBits = mask; break; default: break; } } } /* ============================================================================= LIGHT SAMPLING ============================================================================= */ extern cvar_t *r_ambientScale; extern cvar_t *r_directedScale; extern cvar_t *r_debugLight; /* ================= R_SetupEntityLightingGrid ================= */ static void R_SetupEntityLightingGrid( trRefEntity_t *ent, world_t *world ) { vec3_t lightOrigin; int pos[3]; int i, j; byte *gridData; float frac[3]; int gridStep[3]; vec3_t direction; float totalFactor; if ( ent->e.renderfx & RF_LIGHTING_ORIGIN ) { // seperate lightOrigins are needed so an object that is // sinking into the ground can still be lit, and so // multi-part models can be lit identically VectorCopy( ent->e.lightingOrigin, lightOrigin ); } else { VectorCopy( ent->e.origin, lightOrigin ); } VectorSubtract( lightOrigin, world->lightGridOrigin, lightOrigin ); for ( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ ) { float v; v = lightOrigin[i]*world->lightGridInverseSize[i]; pos[i] = floor( v ); frac[i] = v - pos[i]; if ( pos[i] < 0 ) { pos[i] = 0; } else if ( pos[i] > world->lightGridBounds[i] - 1 ) { pos[i] = world->lightGridBounds[i] - 1; } } VectorClear( ent->ambientLight ); VectorClear( ent->directedLight ); VectorClear( direction ); assert( world->lightGridData ); // NULL with -nolight maps // trilerp the light value gridStep[0] = 8; gridStep[1] = 8 * world->lightGridBounds[0]; gridStep[2] = 8 * world->lightGridBounds[0] * world->lightGridBounds[1]; gridData = world->lightGridData + pos[0] * gridStep[0] + pos[1] * gridStep[1] + pos[2] * gridStep[2]; totalFactor = 0; for ( i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i++ ) { float factor; byte *data; int lat, lng; vec3_t normal; #if idppc float d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5; #endif factor = 1.0; data = gridData; for ( j = 0 ; j < 3 ; j++ ) { if ( i & (1<<j) ) { if ( pos[j] + 1 > world->lightGridBounds[j] - 1 ) { break; // ignore values outside lightgrid } factor *= frac[j]; data += gridStep[j]; } else { factor *= (1.0f - frac[j]); } } if ( j != 3 ) { continue; } if (world->hdrLightGrid) { float *hdrData = world->hdrLightGrid + (int)(data - world->lightGridData) / 8 * 6; if (!(hdrData[0]+hdrData[1]+hdrData[2]+hdrData[3]+hdrData[4]+hdrData[5]) ) { continue; // ignore samples in walls } } else { if (!(data[0]+data[1]+data[2]+data[3]+data[4]+data[5]) ) { continue; // ignore samples in walls } } totalFactor += factor; #if idppc d0 = data[0]; d1 = data[1]; d2 = data[2]; d3 = data[3]; d4 = data[4]; d5 = data[5]; ent->ambientLight[0] += factor * d0; ent->ambientLight[1] += factor * d1; ent->ambientLight[2] += factor * d2; ent->directedLight[0] += factor * d3; ent->directedLight[1] += factor * d4; ent->directedLight[2] += factor * d5; #else if (world->hdrLightGrid) { // FIXME: this is hideous float *hdrData = world->hdrLightGrid + (int)(data - world->lightGridData) / 8 * 6; ent->ambientLight[0] += factor * hdrData[0]; ent->ambientLight[1] += factor * hdrData[1]; ent->ambientLight[2] += factor * hdrData[2]; ent->directedLight[0] += factor * hdrData[3]; ent->directedLight[1] += factor * hdrData[4]; ent->directedLight[2] += factor * hdrData[5]; } else { ent->ambientLight[0] += factor * data[0]; ent->ambientLight[1] += factor * data[1]; ent->ambientLight[2] += factor * data[2]; ent->directedLight[0] += factor * data[3]; ent->directedLight[1] += factor * data[4]; ent->directedLight[2] += factor * data[5]; } #endif lat = data[7]; lng = data[6]; lat *= (FUNCTABLE_SIZE/256); lng *= (FUNCTABLE_SIZE/256); // decode X as cos( lat ) * sin( long ) // decode Y as sin( lat ) * sin( long ) // decode Z as cos( long ) normal[0] = tr.sinTable[(lat+(FUNCTABLE_SIZE/4))&FUNCTABLE_MASK] * tr.sinTable[lng]; normal[1] = tr.sinTable[lat] * tr.sinTable[lng]; normal[2] = tr.sinTable[(lng+(FUNCTABLE_SIZE/4))&FUNCTABLE_MASK]; VectorMA( direction, factor, normal, direction ); } if ( totalFactor > 0 && totalFactor < 0.99 ) { totalFactor = 1.0f / totalFactor; VectorScale( ent->ambientLight, totalFactor, ent->ambientLight ); VectorScale( ent->directedLight, totalFactor, ent->directedLight ); } VectorScale( ent->ambientLight, r_ambientScale->value, ent->ambientLight ); VectorScale( ent->directedLight, r_directedScale->value, ent->directedLight ); VectorNormalize2( direction, ent->lightDir ); } /* =============== LogLight =============== */ static void LogLight( trRefEntity_t *ent ) { int max1, max2; if ( !(ent->e.renderfx & RF_FIRST_PERSON ) ) { return; } max1 = ent->ambientLight[0]; if ( ent->ambientLight[1] > max1 ) { max1 = ent->ambientLight[1]; } else if ( ent->ambientLight[2] > max1 ) { max1 = ent->ambientLight[2]; } max2 = ent->directedLight[0]; if ( ent->directedLight[1] > max2 ) { max2 = ent->directedLight[1]; } else if ( ent->directedLight[2] > max2 ) { max2 = ent->directedLight[2]; } ri.Printf( PRINT_ALL, "amb:%i dir:%i\n", max1, max2 ); } /* ================= R_SetupEntityLighting Calculates all the lighting values that will be used by the Calc_* functions ================= */ void R_SetupEntityLighting( const trRefdef_t *refdef, trRefEntity_t *ent ) { int i; dlight_t *dl; float power; vec3_t dir; float d; vec3_t lightDir; vec3_t lightOrigin; // lighting calculations if ( ent->lightingCalculated ) { return; } ent->lightingCalculated = qtrue; // // trace a sample point down to find ambient light // if ( ent->e.renderfx & RF_LIGHTING_ORIGIN ) { // seperate lightOrigins are needed so an object that is // sinking into the ground can still be lit, and so // multi-part models can be lit identically VectorCopy( ent->e.lightingOrigin, lightOrigin ); } else { VectorCopy( ent->e.origin, lightOrigin ); } // if NOWORLDMODEL, only use dynamic lights (menu system, etc) if ( !(refdef->rdflags & RDF_NOWORLDMODEL ) && tr.world->lightGridData ) { R_SetupEntityLightingGrid( ent, tr.world ); } else { ent->ambientLight[0] = ent->ambientLight[1] = ent->ambientLight[2] = tr.identityLight * 150; ent->directedLight[0] = ent->directedLight[1] = ent->directedLight[2] = tr.identityLight * 150; VectorCopy( tr.sunDirection, ent->lightDir ); } // bonus items and view weapons have a fixed minimum add if ( !r_hdr->integer /* ent->e.renderfx & RF_MINLIGHT */ ) { // give everything a minimum light add ent->ambientLight[0] += tr.identityLight * 32; ent->ambientLight[1] += tr.identityLight * 32; ent->ambientLight[2] += tr.identityLight * 32; } // // modify the light by dynamic lights // d = VectorLength( ent->directedLight ); VectorScale( ent->lightDir, d, lightDir ); for ( i = 0 ; i < refdef->num_dlights ; i++ ) { dl = &refdef->dlights[i]; VectorSubtract( dl->origin, lightOrigin, dir ); d = VectorNormalize( dir ); power = DLIGHT_AT_RADIUS * ( dl->radius * dl->radius ); if ( d < DLIGHT_MINIMUM_RADIUS ) { d = DLIGHT_MINIMUM_RADIUS; } d = power / ( d * d ); VectorMA( ent->directedLight, d, dl->color, ent->directedLight ); VectorMA( lightDir, d, dir, lightDir ); } // clamp ambient if ( !r_hdr->integer ) { for ( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ ) { if ( ent->ambientLight[i] > tr.identityLightByte ) { ent->ambientLight[i] = tr.identityLightByte; } } } if ( r_debugLight->integer ) { LogLight( ent ); } // save out the byte packet version ((byte *)&ent->ambientLightInt)[0] = ri.ftol(ent->ambientLight[0]); ((byte *)&ent->ambientLightInt)[1] = ri.ftol(ent->ambientLight[1]); ((byte *)&ent->ambientLightInt)[2] = ri.ftol(ent->ambientLight[2]); ((byte *)&ent->ambientLightInt)[3] = 0xff; // transform the direction to local space VectorNormalize( lightDir ); ent->modelLightDir[0] = DotProduct( lightDir, ent->e.axis[0] ); ent->modelLightDir[1] = DotProduct( lightDir, ent->e.axis[1] ); ent->modelLightDir[2] = DotProduct( lightDir, ent->e.axis[2] ); VectorCopy(lightDir, ent->lightDir); } /* ================= R_LightForPoint ================= */ int R_LightForPoint( vec3_t point, vec3_t ambientLight, vec3_t directedLight, vec3_t lightDir ) { trRefEntity_t ent; if ( tr.world->lightGridData == NULL ) return qfalse; Com_Memset(&ent, 0, sizeof(ent)); VectorCopy( point, ent.e.origin ); R_SetupEntityLightingGrid( &ent, tr.world ); VectorCopy(ent.ambientLight, ambientLight); VectorCopy(ent.directedLight, directedLight); VectorCopy(ent.lightDir, lightDir); return qtrue; } int R_LightDirForPoint( vec3_t point, vec3_t lightDir, vec3_t normal, world_t *world ) { trRefEntity_t ent; if ( world->lightGridData == NULL ) return qfalse; Com_Memset(&ent, 0, sizeof(ent)); VectorCopy( point, ent.e.origin ); R_SetupEntityLightingGrid( &ent, world ); if (DotProduct(ent.lightDir, normal) > 0.2f) VectorCopy(ent.lightDir, lightDir); else VectorCopy(normal, lightDir); return qtrue; } int R_CubemapForPoint( vec3_t point ) { int cubemapIndex = -1; if (r_cubeMapping->integer && tr.numCubemaps) { int i; vec_t shortest = (float)WORLD_SIZE * (float)WORLD_SIZE; for (i = 0; i < tr.numCubemaps; i++) { vec3_t diff; vec_t length; VectorSubtract(point, tr.cubemapOrigins[i], diff); length = DotProduct(diff, diff); if (shortest > length) { shortest = length; cubemapIndex = i; } } } return cubemapIndex + 1; }