/* =========================================================================== Copyright (C) 1999-2005 Id Software, Inc. Copyright (C) 2005 Ludwig Nussel <ludwig.nussel@web.de> This file is part of Quake III Arena source code. Quake III Arena source code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Quake III Arena source code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Quake III Arena source code; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA =========================================================================== */ // vm_x86_64.c -- load time compiler and execution environment for x86-64 #include "vm_local.h" #include <sys/mman.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/wait.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include <time.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <errno.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <stdarg.h> //#define USE_GAS //#define DEBUG_VM #ifdef DEBUG_VM #define Dfprintf(fd, args...) fprintf(fd, ##args) static FILE* qdasmout; #else #define Dfprintf(args...) #endif #define VM_X86_64_MMAP #ifndef USE_GAS void assembler_set_output(char* buf); size_t assembler_get_code_size(void); void assembler_init(int pass); void assemble_line(const char* input, size_t len); #ifdef Dfprintf #undef Dfprintf #define Dfprintf(args...) #endif #endif // USE_GAS static void VM_Destroy_Compiled(vm_t* self); /* |=====================| ^ dataMask ^- programStack rdi | +- r8 eax scratch ebx scratch ecx scratch (required for shifts) edx scratch (required for divisions) rsi stack pointer (opStack) rdi program frame pointer (programStack) r8 pointer data (vm->dataBase) r10 start of generated code */ static long callAsmCall(long callProgramStack, long callSyscallNum) { vm_t *savedVM; long ret = 0x77; long args[11]; // int iargs[11]; int i; // Dfprintf(stderr, "callAsmCall(%ld, %ld)\n", callProgramStack, callSyscallNum); // Com_Printf("-> callAsmCall %s, level %d, num %ld\n", currentVM->name, currentVM->callLevel, callSyscallNum); savedVM = currentVM; // save the stack to allow recursive VM entry currentVM->programStack = callProgramStack - 4; args[0] = callSyscallNum; // iargs[0] = callSyscallNum; for(i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { // iargs[i+1] = *(int *)((byte *)currentVM->dataBase + callProgramStack + 8 + 4*i); args[i+1] = *(int *)((byte *)currentVM->dataBase + callProgramStack + 8 + 4*i); } ret = currentVM->systemCall(args); currentVM = savedVM; // Com_Printf("<- callAsmCall %s, level %d, num %ld\n", currentVM->name, currentVM->callLevel, callSyscallNum); return ret; } #ifdef DEBUG_VM static char *opnames[256] = { "OP_UNDEF", "OP_IGNORE", "OP_BREAK", "OP_ENTER", "OP_LEAVE", "OP_CALL", "OP_PUSH", "OP_POP", "OP_CONST", "OP_LOCAL", "OP_JUMP", //------------------- "OP_EQ", "OP_NE", "OP_LTI", "OP_LEI", "OP_GTI", "OP_GEI", "OP_LTU", "OP_LEU", "OP_GTU", "OP_GEU", "OP_EQF", "OP_NEF", "OP_LTF", "OP_LEF", "OP_GTF", "OP_GEF", //------------------- "OP_LOAD1", "OP_LOAD2", "OP_LOAD4", "OP_STORE1", "OP_STORE2", "OP_STORE4", "OP_ARG", "OP_BLOCK_COPY", //------------------- "OP_SEX8", "OP_SEX16", "OP_NEGI", "OP_ADD", "OP_SUB", "OP_DIVI", "OP_DIVU", "OP_MODI", "OP_MODU", "OP_MULI", "OP_MULU", "OP_BAND", "OP_BOR", "OP_BXOR", "OP_BCOM", "OP_LSH", "OP_RSHI", "OP_RSHU", "OP_NEGF", "OP_ADDF", "OP_SUBF", "OP_DIVF", "OP_MULF", "OP_CVIF", "OP_CVFI" }; #endif // DEBUG_VM static unsigned char op_argsize[256] = { [OP_ENTER] = 4, [OP_LEAVE] = 4, [OP_CONST] = 4, [OP_LOCAL] = 4, [OP_EQ] = 4, [OP_NE] = 4, [OP_LTI] = 4, [OP_LEI] = 4, [OP_GTI] = 4, [OP_GEI] = 4, [OP_LTU] = 4, [OP_LEU] = 4, [OP_GTU] = 4, [OP_GEU] = 4, [OP_EQF] = 4, [OP_NEF] = 4, [OP_LTF] = 4, [OP_LEF] = 4, [OP_GTF] = 4, [OP_GEF] = 4, [OP_ARG] = 1, [OP_BLOCK_COPY] = 4, }; #ifdef USE_GAS #define emit(x...) \ do { fprintf(fh_s, ##x); fputc('\n', fh_s); } while(0) #else void emit(const char* fmt, ...) { va_list ap; char line[4096]; va_start(ap, fmt); vsnprintf(line, sizeof(line), fmt, ap); va_end(ap); assemble_line(line, strlen(line)); } #endif // USE_GAS #ifdef USE_GAS #define JMPIARG \ emit("jmp i_%08x", iarg); #else #define JMPIARG \ emit("movq $%lu, %%rax", vm->codeBase+vm->instructionPointers[iarg]); \ emit("jmpq *%rax"); #endif // integer compare and jump #define IJ(op) \ emit("subq $8, %%rsi"); \ emit("movl 4(%%rsi), %%eax"); \ emit("cmpl 8(%%rsi), %%eax"); \ emit(op " i_%08x", instruction+1); \ JMPIARG \ neednilabel = 1; #ifdef USE_X87 #define FJ(bits, op) \ emit("subq $8, %%rsi");\ emit("flds 4(%%rsi)");\ emit("fcomps 8(%%rsi)");\ emit("fnstsw %%ax");\ emit("testb $" #bits ", %%ah");\ emit(op " i_%08x", instruction+1);\ JMPIARG \ neednilabel = 1; #define XJ(x) #else #define FJ(x, y) #define XJ(op) \ emit("subq $8, %%rsi");\ emit("movss 4(%%rsi), %%xmm0");\ emit("ucomiss 8(%%rsi), %%xmm0");\ emit("jp i_%08x", instruction+1);\ emit(op " i_%08x", instruction+1);\ JMPIARG \ neednilabel = 1; #endif #define SIMPLE(op) \ emit("subq $4, %%rsi"); \ emit("movl 4(%%rsi), %%eax"); \ emit(op " %%eax, 0(%%rsi)"); #ifdef USE_X87 #define FSIMPLE(op) \ emit("subq $4, %%rsi"); \ emit("flds 0(%%rsi)"); \ emit(op " 4(%%rsi)"); \ emit("fstps 0(%%rsi)"); #define XSIMPLE(op) #else #define FSIMPLE(op) #define XSIMPLE(op) \ emit("subq $4, %%rsi"); \ emit("movss 0(%%rsi), %%xmm0"); \ emit(op " 4(%%rsi), %%xmm0"); \ emit("movss %%xmm0, 0(%%rsi)"); #endif #define SHIFT(op) \ emit("subq $4, %%rsi"); \ emit("movl 4(%%rsi), %%ecx"); \ emit("movl 0(%%rsi), %%eax"); \ emit(op " %%cl, %%eax"); \ emit("movl %%eax, 0(%%rsi)"); #if 1 #define RANGECHECK(reg) \ emit("andl $0x%x, %%" #reg, vm->dataMask); #elif 0 #define RANGECHECK(reg) \ emit("pushl %%" #reg); \ emit("andl $0x%x, %%" #reg, ~vm->dataMask); \ emit("jz rangecheck_ok_i_%08x", instruction); \ emit("int3"); \ emit("rangecheck_ok_i_%08x:", instruction); \ emit("popl %%" #reg); \ emit("andl $0x%x, %%" #reg, vm->dataMask); #else #define RANGECHECK(reg) #endif #ifdef DEBUG_VM #define NOTIMPL(x) \ do { Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "instruction not implemented: %s\n", opnames[x]); } while(0) #else #define NOTIMPL(x) \ do { Com_Printf(S_COLOR_RED "instruction not implemented: %x\n", x); vm->compiled = qfalse; return; } while(0) #endif static void* getentrypoint(vm_t* vm) { #ifdef USE_GAS return vm->codeBase+64; // skip ELF header #else return vm->codeBase; #endif // USE_GAS } #ifdef USE_GAS char* mmapfile(const char* fn, size_t* size) { int fd = -1; char* mem = NULL; struct stat stb; fd = open(fn, O_RDONLY); if(fd == -1) goto out; if(fstat(fd, &stb) == -1) goto out; *size = stb.st_size; mem = mmap(NULL, stb.st_size, PROT_READ|PROT_EXEC, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0); if(mem == (void*)-1) mem = NULL; out: if(fd != -1) close(fd); return mem; } static int doas(char* in, char* out, unsigned char** compiledcode) { unsigned char* mem; size_t size = -1; pid_t pid; Com_Printf("running assembler < %s > %s\n", in, out); pid = fork(); if(pid == -1) { Com_Printf(S_COLOR_RED "can't fork\n"); return -1; } if(!pid) { char* const argv[] = { "as", "-o", out, in, NULL }; execvp(argv[0], argv); _exit(-1); } else { int status; if(waitpid(pid, &status, 0) == -1) { Com_Printf(S_COLOR_RED "can't wait for as: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return -1; } if(!WIFEXITED(status)) { Com_Printf(S_COLOR_RED "as died\n"); return -1; } if(WEXITSTATUS(status)) { Com_Printf(S_COLOR_RED "as failed with status %d\n", WEXITSTATUS(status)); return -1; } } Com_Printf("done\n"); mem = (unsigned char*)mmapfile(out, &size); if(!mem) { Com_Printf(S_COLOR_RED "can't mmap object file %s: %s\n", out, strerror(errno)); return -1; } *compiledcode = mem; return size; } #endif // USE_GAS static void block_copy_vm(unsigned dest, unsigned src, unsigned count) { unsigned dataMask = currentVM->dataMask; if ((dest & dataMask) != dest || (src & dataMask) != src || ((dest+count) & dataMask) != dest + count || ((src+count) & dataMask) != src + count) { Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "OP_BLOCK_COPY out of range!\n"); } memcpy(currentVM->dataBase+dest, currentVM->dataBase+src, count); } /* ================= VM_Compile ================= */ void VM_Compile( vm_t *vm, vmHeader_t *header ) { unsigned char op; int pc; unsigned instruction; char* code; unsigned iarg = 0; unsigned char barg = 0; int neednilabel = 0; struct timeval tvstart = {0, 0}; #ifdef USE_GAS byte* compiledcode; int compiledsize; void* entryPoint; char fn_s[2*MAX_QPATH]; // output file for assembler code char fn_o[2*MAX_QPATH]; // file written by as #ifdef DEBUG_VM char fn_d[MAX_QPATH]; // disassembled #endif FILE* fh_s; int fd_s, fd_o; gettimeofday(&tvstart, NULL); Com_Printf("compiling %s\n", vm->name); #ifdef DEBUG_VM snprintf(fn_s, sizeof(fn_s), "%.63s.s", vm->name); snprintf(fn_o, sizeof(fn_o), "%.63s.o", vm->name); fd_s = open(fn_s, O_CREAT|O_WRONLY|O_TRUNC, 0644); fd_o = open(fn_o, O_CREAT|O_WRONLY|O_TRUNC, 0644); #else snprintf(fn_s, sizeof(fn_s), "/tmp/%.63s.s_XXXXXX", vm->name); snprintf(fn_o, sizeof(fn_o), "/tmp/%.63s.o_XXXXXX", vm->name); fd_s = mkstemp(fn_s); fd_o = mkstemp(fn_o); #endif if(fd_s == -1 || fd_o == -1) { if(fd_s != -1) close(fd_s); if(fd_o != -1) close(fd_o); unlink(fn_s); unlink(fn_o); Com_Printf(S_COLOR_RED "can't create temporary file %s for vm\n", fn_s); vm->compiled = qfalse; return; } #ifdef DEBUG_VM strcpy(fn_d,vm->name); strcat(fn_d, ".qdasm"); qdasmout = fopen(fn_d, "w"); #endif fh_s = fdopen(fd_s, "wb"); if(!fh_s) { Com_Printf(S_COLOR_RED "can't write %s\n", fn_s); vm->compiled = qfalse; return; } emit("start:"); emit("or %%r8, %%r8"); // check whether to set up instruction pointers emit("jnz main"); emit("jmp setupinstructionpointers"); emit("main:"); #else // USE_GAS int pass; size_t compiledOfs = 0; gettimeofday(&tvstart, NULL); for (pass = 0; pass < 2; ++pass) { if(pass) { compiledOfs = assembler_get_code_size(); vm->codeLength = compiledOfs; vm->codeBase = mmap(NULL, compiledOfs, PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0); if(vm->codeBase == (void*)-1) Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "VM_CompileX86: can't mmap memory"); assembler_set_output((char*)vm->codeBase); } assembler_init(pass); #endif // USE_GAS // translate all instructions pc = 0; code = (char *)header + header->codeOffset; for ( instruction = 0; instruction < header->instructionCount; ++instruction ) { op = code[ pc ]; ++pc; #ifndef USE_GAS vm->instructionPointers[instruction] = assembler_get_code_size(); #endif /* store current instruction number in r15 for debugging */ #if 1 emit("nop"); emit("movq $%d, %%r15", instruction); emit("nop"); #endif if(op_argsize[op] == 4) { iarg = *(int*)(code+pc); pc += 4; Dfprintf(qdasmout, "%s %8u\n", opnames[op], iarg); } else if(op_argsize[op] == 1) { barg = code[pc++]; Dfprintf(qdasmout, "%s %8hhu\n", opnames[op], barg); } else { Dfprintf(qdasmout, "%s\n", opnames[op]); } #ifdef USE_GAS emit("i_%08x:", instruction); #else if(neednilabel) { emit("i_%08x:", instruction); neednilabel = 0; } #endif switch ( op ) { case OP_UNDEF: NOTIMPL(op); break; case OP_IGNORE: emit("nop"); break; case OP_BREAK: emit("int3"); break; case OP_ENTER: emit("subl $%d, %%edi", iarg); RANGECHECK(edi); break; case OP_LEAVE: emit("addl $%d, %%edi", iarg); // get rid of stack frame emit("ret"); break; case OP_CALL: emit("movl 0(%%rsi), %%eax"); // get instr from stack emit("subq $4, %%rsi"); emit("movl $%d, 0(%%r8, %%rdi, 1)", instruction+1); // save next instruction emit("orl %%eax, %%eax"); emit("jl callSyscall%d", instruction); emit("movq $%lu, %%rbx", (unsigned long)vm->instructionPointers); emit("movl (%%rbx, %%rax, 4), %%eax"); // load new relative jump address emit("addq %%r10, %%rax"); emit("callq *%%rax"); emit("jmp i_%08x", instruction+1); emit("callSyscall%d:", instruction); // emit("fnsave 4(%%rsi)"); emit("push %%rsi"); emit("push %%rdi"); emit("push %%r8"); emit("push %%r9"); emit("push %%r10"); emit("movq %%rsp, %%rbx"); // we need to align the stack pointer emit("subq $8, %%rbx"); // | emit("andq $127, %%rbx"); // | emit("subq %%rbx, %%rsp"); // <-+ emit("push %%rbx"); emit("negl %%eax"); // convert to actual number emit("decl %%eax"); // first argument already in rdi emit("movq %%rax, %%rsi"); // second argument in rsi emit("movq $%lu, %%rax", (unsigned long)callAsmCall); emit("callq *%%rax"); emit("pop %%rbx"); emit("addq %%rbx, %%rsp"); emit("pop %%r10"); emit("pop %%r9"); emit("pop %%r8"); emit("pop %%rdi"); emit("pop %%rsi"); // emit("frstor 4(%%rsi)"); emit("addq $4, %%rsi"); emit("movl %%eax, (%%rsi)"); // store return value neednilabel = 1; break; case OP_PUSH: emit("addq $4, %%rsi"); break; case OP_POP: emit("subq $4, %%rsi"); break; case OP_CONST: emit("addq $4, %%rsi"); emit("movl $%d, 0(%%rsi)", iarg); break; case OP_LOCAL: emit("movl %%edi, %%ebx"); emit("addl $%d,%%ebx", iarg); emit("addq $4, %%rsi"); emit("movl %%ebx, 0(%%rsi)"); break; case OP_JUMP: emit("movl 0(%%rsi), %%eax"); // get instr from stack emit("subq $4, %%rsi"); emit("movq $%lu, %%rbx", (unsigned long)vm->instructionPointers); emit("movl (%%rbx, %%rax, 4), %%eax"); // load new relative jump address emit("addq %%r10, %%rax"); emit("jmp *%%rax"); break; case OP_EQ: IJ("jne"); break; case OP_NE: IJ("je"); break; case OP_LTI: IJ("jnl"); break; case OP_LEI: IJ("jnle"); break; case OP_GTI: IJ("jng"); break; case OP_GEI: IJ("jnge"); break; case OP_LTU: IJ("jnb"); break; case OP_LEU: IJ("jnbe"); break; case OP_GTU: IJ("jna"); break; case OP_GEU: IJ("jnae"); break; case OP_EQF: FJ(0x40, "jz"); XJ("jnz"); break; case OP_NEF: FJ(0x40, "jnz"); #ifndef USE_X87 emit("subq $8, %%rsi"); emit("movss 4(%%rsi), %%xmm0"); emit("ucomiss 8(%%rsi), %%xmm0"); emit("jp dojump_i_%08x", instruction); emit("jz i_%08x", instruction+1); emit("dojump_i_%08x:", instruction); JMPIARG neednilabel = 1; #endif break; case OP_LTF: FJ(0x01, "jz"); XJ("jnc"); break; case OP_LEF: FJ(0x41, "jz"); XJ("ja"); break; case OP_GTF: FJ(0x41, "jnz"); XJ("jbe"); break; case OP_GEF: FJ(0x01, "jnz"); XJ("jb"); break; case OP_LOAD1: emit("movl 0(%%rsi), %%eax"); // get value from stack RANGECHECK(eax); emit("movb 0(%%r8, %%rax, 1), %%al"); // deref into eax emit("andq $255, %%rax"); emit("movl %%eax, 0(%%rsi)"); // store on stack break; case OP_LOAD2: emit("movl 0(%%rsi), %%eax"); // get value from stack RANGECHECK(eax); emit("movw 0(%%r8, %%rax, 1), %%ax"); // deref into eax emit("movl %%eax, 0(%%rsi)"); // store on stack break; case OP_LOAD4: emit("movl 0(%%rsi), %%eax"); // get value from stack RANGECHECK(eax); // not a pointer!? emit("movl 0(%%r8, %%rax, 1), %%eax"); // deref into eax emit("movl %%eax, 0(%%rsi)"); // store on stack break; case OP_STORE1: emit("movl 0(%%rsi), %%eax"); // get value from stack emit("andq $255, %%rax"); emit("movl -4(%%rsi), %%ebx"); // get pointer from stack RANGECHECK(ebx); emit("movb %%al, 0(%%r8, %%rbx, 1)"); // store in memory emit("subq $8, %%rsi"); break; case OP_STORE2: emit("movl 0(%%rsi), %%eax"); // get value from stack emit("movl -4(%%rsi), %%ebx"); // get pointer from stack RANGECHECK(ebx); emit("movw %%ax, 0(%%r8, %%rbx, 1)"); // store in memory emit("subq $8, %%rsi"); break; case OP_STORE4: emit("movl -4(%%rsi), %%ebx"); // get pointer from stack RANGECHECK(ebx); emit("movl 0(%%rsi), %%ecx"); // get value from stack emit("movl %%ecx, 0(%%r8, %%rbx, 1)"); // store in memory emit("subq $8, %%rsi"); break; case OP_ARG: emit("subq $4, %%rsi"); emit("movl 4(%%rsi), %%eax"); // get value from stack emit("movl $0x%hhx, %%ebx", barg); emit("addl %%edi, %%ebx"); RANGECHECK(ebx); emit("movl %%eax, 0(%%r8,%%rbx, 1)"); // store in args space break; case OP_BLOCK_COPY: emit("subq $8, %%rsi"); emit("push %%rsi"); emit("push %%rdi"); emit("push %%r8"); emit("push %%r9"); emit("push %%r10"); emit("movl 4(%%rsi), %%edi"); // 1st argument dest emit("movl 8(%%rsi), %%esi"); // 2nd argument src emit("movl $%d, %%edx", iarg); // 3rd argument count emit("movq $%lu, %%rax", (unsigned long)block_copy_vm); emit("callq *%%rax"); emit("pop %%r10"); emit("pop %%r9"); emit("pop %%r8"); emit("pop %%rdi"); emit("pop %%rsi"); break; case OP_SEX8: emit("movw 0(%%rsi), %%ax"); emit("andq $255, %%rax"); emit("cbw"); emit("cwde"); emit("movl %%eax, 0(%%rsi)"); break; case OP_SEX16: emit("movw 0(%%rsi), %%ax"); emit("cwde"); emit("movl %%eax, 0(%%rsi)"); break; case OP_NEGI: emit("negl 0(%%rsi)"); break; case OP_ADD: SIMPLE("addl"); break; case OP_SUB: SIMPLE("subl"); break; case OP_DIVI: emit("subq $4, %%rsi"); emit("movl 0(%%rsi), %%eax"); emit("cdq"); emit("idivl 4(%%rsi)"); emit("movl %%eax, 0(%%rsi)"); break; case OP_DIVU: emit("subq $4, %%rsi"); emit("movl 0(%%rsi), %%eax"); emit("xorq %%rdx, %%rdx"); emit("divl 4(%%rsi)"); emit("movl %%eax, 0(%%rsi)"); break; case OP_MODI: emit("subq $4, %%rsi"); emit("movl 0(%%rsi), %%eax"); emit("xorl %%edx, %%edx"); emit("cdq"); emit("idivl 4(%%rsi)"); emit("movl %%edx, 0(%%rsi)"); break; case OP_MODU: emit("subq $4, %%rsi"); emit("movl 0(%%rsi), %%eax"); emit("xorl %%edx, %%edx"); emit("divl 4(%%rsi)"); emit("movl %%edx, 0(%%rsi)"); break; case OP_MULI: emit("subq $4, %%rsi"); emit("movl 0(%%rsi), %%eax"); emit("imull 4(%%rsi)"); emit("movl %%eax, 0(%%rsi)"); break; case OP_MULU: emit("subq $4, %%rsi"); emit("movl 0(%%rsi), %%eax"); emit("mull 4(%%rsi)"); emit("movl %%eax, 0(%%rsi)"); break; case OP_BAND: SIMPLE("andl"); break; case OP_BOR: SIMPLE("orl"); break; case OP_BXOR: SIMPLE("xorl"); break; case OP_BCOM: emit("notl 0(%%rsi)"); break; case OP_LSH: SHIFT("shl"); break; case OP_RSHI: SHIFT("sarl"); break; case OP_RSHU: SHIFT("shrl"); break; case OP_NEGF: #ifdef USE_X87 emit("flds 0(%%rsi)"); emit("fchs"); emit("fstps 0(%%rsi)"); #else emit("movl $0x80000000, %%eax"); emit("xorl %%eax, 0(%%rsi)"); #endif break; case OP_ADDF: FSIMPLE("fadds"); XSIMPLE("addss"); break; case OP_SUBF: FSIMPLE("fsubs"); XSIMPLE("subss"); break; case OP_DIVF: FSIMPLE("fdivs"); XSIMPLE("divss"); break; case OP_MULF: FSIMPLE("fmuls"); XSIMPLE("mulss"); break; case OP_CVIF: #ifdef USE_X87 emit("filds 0(%%rsi)"); emit("fstps 0(%%rsi)"); #else emit("movl 0(%%rsi), %%eax"); emit("cvtsi2ss %%eax, %%xmm0"); emit("movss %%xmm0, 0(%%rsi)"); #endif break; case OP_CVFI: #ifdef USE_X87 emit("flds 0(%%rsi)"); emit("fnstcw 4(%%rsi)"); emit("movw $0x0F7F, 8(%%rsi)"); // round toward zero emit("fldcw 8(%%rsi)"); emit("fistpl 0(%%rsi)"); emit("fldcw 4(%%rsi)"); #else emit("movss 0(%%rsi), %%xmm0"); emit("cvttss2si %%xmm0, %%eax"); emit("movl %%eax, 0(%%rsi)"); #endif break; default: NOTIMPL(op); break; } } #ifdef USE_GAS emit("setupinstructionpointers:"); emit("movq $%lu, %%rax", (unsigned long)vm->instructionPointers); for ( instruction = 0; instruction < header->instructionCount; ++instruction ) { emit("movl $i_%08x-start, %d(%%rax)", instruction, instruction*4); } emit("ret"); emit("debugger:"); if(1); { int i = 6; while(i--) { emit("nop"); emit("int3"); } } fflush(fh_s); fclose(fh_s); compiledsize = doas(fn_s, fn_o, &compiledcode); if(compiledsize == -1) { vm->compiled = qfalse; goto out; } vm->codeBase = compiledcode; // remember to skip ELF header! vm->codeLength = compiledsize; #else // USE_GAS } assembler_init(0); if(mprotect(vm->codeBase, compiledOfs, PROT_READ|PROT_EXEC)) Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "VM_CompileX86: mprotect failed"); #endif // USE_GAS vm->destroy = VM_Destroy_Compiled; #ifdef USE_GAS entryPoint = getentrypoint(vm); // __asm__ __volatile__ ("int3"); Com_Printf("computing jump table\n"); // call code with r8 set to zero to set up instruction pointers __asm__ __volatile__ ( " xorq %%r8,%%r8 \r\n" \ " movq %0,%%r10 \r\n" \ " callq *%%r10 \r\n" \ : : "m" (entryPoint) : "%r8", "%r10", "%rax" ); #ifdef DEBUG_VM fflush(qdasmout); fclose(qdasmout); #endif out: close(fd_o); #ifndef DEBUG_VM if(!com_developer->integer) { unlink(fn_o); unlink(fn_s); } #endif #endif // USE_GAS if(vm->compiled) { struct timeval tvdone = {0, 0}; struct timeval dur = {0, 0}; Com_Printf( "VM file %s compiled to %i bytes of code (%p - %p)\n", vm->name, vm->codeLength, vm->codeBase, vm->codeBase+vm->codeLength ); gettimeofday(&tvdone, NULL); timersub(&tvdone, &tvstart, &dur); Com_Printf( "compilation took %lu.%06lu seconds\n", dur.tv_sec, dur.tv_usec ); } } void VM_Destroy_Compiled(vm_t* self) { #ifdef USE_GAS munmap(self->codeBase, self->codeLength); #elif _WIN32 VirtualFree(self->codeBase, self->codeLength, MEM_RELEASE); #else munmap(self->codeBase, self->codeLength); #endif } /* ============== VM_CallCompiled This function is called directly by the generated code ============== */ #ifdef DEBUG_VM static char* memData; #endif int VM_CallCompiled( vm_t *vm, int *args ) { int programCounter; int programStack; int stackOnEntry; byte *image; void *entryPoint; void *opStack; int stack[1024] = { 0xDEADBEEF }; currentVM = vm; ++vm->callLevel; // Com_Printf("entering %s level %d, call %d, arg1 = 0x%x\n", vm->name, vm->callLevel, args[0], args[1]); // interpret the code vm->currentlyInterpreting = qtrue; // callMask = vm->dataMask; // we might be called recursively, so this might not be the very top programStack = vm->programStack; stackOnEntry = programStack; // set up the stack frame image = vm->dataBase; #ifdef DEBUG_VM memData = (char*)image; #endif programCounter = 0; programStack -= 48; *(int *)&image[ programStack + 44] = args[9]; *(int *)&image[ programStack + 40] = args[8]; *(int *)&image[ programStack + 36] = args[7]; *(int *)&image[ programStack + 32] = args[6]; *(int *)&image[ programStack + 28] = args[5]; *(int *)&image[ programStack + 24] = args[4]; *(int *)&image[ programStack + 20] = args[3]; *(int *)&image[ programStack + 16] = args[2]; *(int *)&image[ programStack + 12] = args[1]; *(int *)&image[ programStack + 8 ] = args[0]; *(int *)&image[ programStack + 4 ] = 0x77777777; // return stack *(int *)&image[ programStack ] = -1; // will terminate the loop on return // off we go into generated code... entryPoint = getentrypoint(vm); opStack = &stack; __asm__ __volatile__ ( " movq %5,%%rsi \r\n" \ " movl %4,%%edi \r\n" \ " movq %2,%%r10 \r\n" \ " movq %3,%%r8 \r\n" \ " subq $24, %%rsp # fix alignment as call pushes one value \r\n" \ " callq *%%r10 \r\n" \ " addq $24, %%rsp \r\n" \ " movl %%edi, %0 \r\n" \ " movq %%rsi, %1 \r\n" \ : "=m" (programStack), "=m" (opStack) : "m" (entryPoint), "m" (vm->dataBase), "m" (programStack), "m" (opStack) : "%rsi", "%rdi", "%rax", "%rbx", "%rcx", "%rdx", "%r8", "%r10", "%r15", "%xmm0" ); if ( opStack != &stack[1] ) { Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "opStack corrupted in compiled code (offset %ld)\n", (long int) ((void *) &stack[1] - opStack)); } if ( programStack != stackOnEntry - 48 ) { Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "programStack corrupted in compiled code\n" ); } // Com_Printf("exiting %s level %d\n", vm->name, vm->callLevel); --vm->callLevel; vm->programStack = stackOnEntry; return *(int *)opStack; }