/* =========================================================================== Copyright (C) 1999-2005 Id Software, Inc. This file is part of Quake III Arena source code. Quake III Arena source code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Quake III Arena source code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Quake III Arena source code; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA =========================================================================== */ #include "q_shared.h" #include "qcommon.h" static huffman_t msgHuff; static qboolean msgInit = qfalse; int pcount[256]; /* ============================================================================== MESSAGE IO FUNCTIONS Handles byte ordering and avoids alignment errors ============================================================================== */ int oldsize = 0; void MSG_initHuffman( void ); void MSG_Init( msg_t *buf, byte *data, int length ) { if (!msgInit) { MSG_initHuffman(); } Com_Memset (buf, 0, sizeof(*buf)); buf->data = data; buf->maxsize = length; } void MSG_InitOOB( msg_t *buf, byte *data, int length ) { if (!msgInit) { MSG_initHuffman(); } Com_Memset (buf, 0, sizeof(*buf)); buf->data = data; buf->maxsize = length; buf->oob = qtrue; } void MSG_Clear( msg_t *buf ) { buf->cursize = 0; buf->overflowed = qfalse; buf->bit = 0; //<- in bits } void MSG_Bitstream( msg_t *buf ) { buf->oob = qfalse; } void MSG_BeginReading( msg_t *msg ) { msg->readcount = 0; msg->bit = 0; msg->oob = qfalse; } void MSG_BeginReadingOOB( msg_t *msg ) { msg->readcount = 0; msg->bit = 0; msg->oob = qtrue; } void MSG_Copy(msg_t *buf, byte *data, int length, msg_t *src) { if (lengthcursize) { Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "MSG_Copy: can't copy into a smaller msg_t buffer"); } Com_Memcpy(buf, src, sizeof(msg_t)); buf->data = data; Com_Memcpy(buf->data, src->data, src->cursize); } /* ============================================================================= bit functions ============================================================================= */ int overflows; #ifdef ELITEFORCE // Apparently, eliteforce only sends stuff like strings on 1 byte boundaries. void MSG_RoundBits(msg_t *msg) { if(msg->bit & 0x07) msg->bit = ++msg->readcount << 3; } #endif // negative bit values include signs void MSG_WriteBits( msg_t *msg, int value, int bits ) { int i; // FILE* fp; oldsize += bits; // this isn't an exact overflow check, but close enough if ( msg->maxsize - msg->cursize < 4 ) { msg->overflowed = qtrue; return; } if ( bits == 0 || bits < -31 || bits > 32 ) { Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "MSG_WriteBits: bad bits %i", bits ); } // check for overflows if ( bits != 32 ) { if ( bits > 0 ) { if ( value > ( ( 1 << bits ) - 1 ) || value < 0 ) { overflows++; } } else { int r; r = 1 << (bits-1); if ( value > r - 1 || value < -r ) { overflows++; } } } if ( bits < 0 ) { bits = -bits; } if (msg->oob) { #ifdef ELITEFORCE if(msg->compat) { int write, leftover, nbits = bits, location; // make sure to set all non-used space in value to zero. if(bits < 32) value &= ((1 << bits) - 1); while(nbits) { leftover = msg->bit & 0x07; write = 8 - leftover; location = msg->bit >> 3; if(write > nbits) write = nbits; msg->data[location] &= (1 << leftover) - 1; msg->data[location] |= (value & ((1 << write) - 1)) << (leftover); nbits -= write; value >>= write; msg->bit += write; } msg->cursize = (msg->bit >> 3) + ((msg->bit & 0x07) ? 1 : 0); } else #endif { if(bits==8) { msg->data[msg->cursize] = value; msg->cursize += 1; msg->bit += 8; } else if(bits==16) { short temp = value; CopyLittleShort(&msg->data[msg->cursize], &temp); msg->cursize += 2; msg->bit += 16; } else if(bits==32) { CopyLittleLong(&msg->data[msg->cursize], &value); msg->cursize += 4; msg->bit += 32; } else Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "can't write %d bits", bits); } } else { // fp = fopen("c:\\netchan.bin", "a"); value &= (0xffffffff>>(32-bits)); if (bits&7) { int nbits; nbits = bits&7; for(i=0;idata, &msg->bit); value = (value>>1); } bits = bits - nbits; } if (bits) { for(i=0;idata, &msg->bit); value = (value>>8); } } msg->cursize = (msg->bit>>3)+1; // fclose(fp); } } int MSG_ReadBits( msg_t *msg, int bits ) { int value; int get; qboolean sgn; int i, nbits; // FILE* fp; value = 0; if ( bits < 0 ) { bits = -bits; sgn = qtrue; } else { sgn = qfalse; } if (msg->oob) { #ifdef ELITEFORCE if(msg->compat) { nbits = 0; while(nbits < bits) { i = msg->bit & 0x07; get = 8 - i; if(get > bits - nbits) get = bits - nbits; value |= ((msg->data[msg->bit >> 3] >> i) & ((1 << get) - 1)) << nbits; msg->bit += get; nbits += get; } msg->readcount = (msg->bit >> 3) + ((msg->bit & 0x07) ? 1 : 0); } else #endif { if(bits==8) { value = msg->data[msg->readcount]; msg->readcount += 1; msg->bit += 8; } else if(bits==16) { short temp; CopyLittleShort(&temp, &msg->data[msg->readcount]); value = temp; msg->readcount += 2; msg->bit += 16; } else if(bits==32) { CopyLittleLong(&value, &msg->data[msg->readcount]); msg->readcount += 4; msg->bit += 32; } else Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "can't read %d bits", bits); } } else { nbits = 0; if (bits&7) { nbits = bits&7; for(i=0;idata, &msg->bit)<data, &msg->bit); // fwrite(&get, 1, 1, fp); value |= (get<<(i+nbits)); } // fclose(fp); } msg->readcount = (msg->bit>>3)+1; } if ( sgn && bits > 0 && bits < 32 ) { if ( value & ( 1 << ( bits - 1 ) ) ) { value |= -1 ^ ( ( 1 << bits ) - 1 ); } } return value; } //================================================================================ // // writing functions // void MSG_WriteChar( msg_t *sb, int c ) { #ifdef PARANOID if (c < -128 || c > 127) Com_Error (ERR_FATAL, "MSG_WriteChar: range error"); #endif MSG_WriteBits( sb, c, 8 ); } void MSG_WriteByte( msg_t *sb, int c ) { #ifdef PARANOID if (c < 0 || c > 255) Com_Error (ERR_FATAL, "MSG_WriteByte: range error"); #endif MSG_WriteBits( sb, c, 8 ); } void MSG_WriteData( msg_t *buf, const void *data, int length ) { int i; #ifdef ELITEFORCE if(buf->compat) { // Start writing on a whole-byte boundary if(buf->bit & 0x07) buf->bit = ++buf->cursize << 3; } #endif for(i=0;i (short)0x7fff) Com_Error (ERR_FATAL, "MSG_WriteShort: range error"); #endif MSG_WriteBits( sb, c, 16 ); } void MSG_WriteLong( msg_t *sb, int c ) { MSG_WriteBits( sb, c, 32 ); } void MSG_WriteFloat( msg_t *sb, float f ) { floatint_t dat; dat.f = f; MSG_WriteBits( sb, dat.i, 32 ); } void MSG_WriteString( msg_t *sb, const char *s ) { if ( !s ) { MSG_WriteData (sb, "", 1); } else { #ifdef ELITEFORCE int l; #else int l,i; #endif char string[MAX_STRING_CHARS]; l = strlen( s ); if ( l >= MAX_STRING_CHARS ) { Com_Printf( "MSG_WriteString: MAX_STRING_CHARS" ); MSG_WriteData (sb, "", 1); return; } Q_strncpyz( string, s, sizeof( string ) ); #ifndef ELITEFORCE // get rid of 0x80+ and '%' chars, because old clients don't like them for ( i = 0 ; i < l ; i++ ) { if ( ((byte *)string)[i] > 127 || string[i] == '%' ) { string[i] = '.'; } } #endif MSG_WriteData (sb, string, l+1); } } void MSG_WriteBigString( msg_t *sb, const char *s ) { if ( !s ) { MSG_WriteData (sb, "", 1); } else { #ifdef ELITEFORCE int l; #else int l,i; #endif char string[BIG_INFO_STRING]; l = strlen( s ); if ( l >= BIG_INFO_STRING ) { Com_Printf( "MSG_WriteString: BIG_INFO_STRING" ); MSG_WriteData (sb, "", 1); return; } Q_strncpyz( string, s, sizeof( string ) ); #ifndef ELITEFORCE // get rid of 0x80+ and '%' chars, because old clients don't like them for ( i = 0 ; i < l ; i++ ) { if ( ((byte *)string)[i] > 127 || string[i] == '%' ) { string[i] = '.'; } } #endif MSG_WriteData (sb, string, l+1); } } void MSG_WriteAngle( msg_t *sb, float f ) { MSG_WriteByte (sb, (int)(f*256/360) & 255); } void MSG_WriteAngle16( msg_t *sb, float f ) { MSG_WriteShort (sb, ANGLE2SHORT(f)); } //============================================================ // // reading functions // // returns -1 if no more characters are available int MSG_ReadChar (msg_t *msg ) { int c; c = (signed char)MSG_ReadBits( msg, 8 ); if ( msg->readcount > msg->cursize ) { c = -1; } return c; } int MSG_ReadByte( msg_t *msg ) { int c; c = (unsigned char)MSG_ReadBits( msg, 8 ); if ( msg->readcount > msg->cursize ) { c = -1; } return c; } int MSG_LookaheadByte( msg_t *msg ) { const int bloc = Huff_getBloc(); const int readcount = msg->readcount; const int bit = msg->bit; int c = MSG_ReadByte(msg); Huff_setBloc(bloc); msg->readcount = readcount; msg->bit = bit; return c; } int MSG_ReadShort( msg_t *msg ) { int c; c = (short)MSG_ReadBits( msg, 16 ); if ( msg->readcount > msg->cursize ) { c = -1; } return c; } int MSG_ReadLong( msg_t *msg ) { int c; c = MSG_ReadBits( msg, 32 ); if ( msg->readcount > msg->cursize ) { c = -1; } return c; } float MSG_ReadFloat( msg_t *msg ) { floatint_t dat; dat.i = MSG_ReadBits( msg, 32 ); if ( msg->readcount > msg->cursize ) { dat.f = -1; } return dat.f; } char *MSG_ReadString( msg_t *msg ) { static char string[MAX_STRING_CHARS]; int l,c; #ifdef ELITEFORCE if(msg->compat) MSG_RoundBits(msg); #endif l = 0; do { c = MSG_ReadByte(msg); // use ReadByte so -1 is out of bounds if ( c == -1 || c == 0 ) { break; } // translate all fmt spec to avoid crash bugs if ( c == '%' ) { c = '.'; } #ifndef ELITEFORCE // don't allow higher ascii values if ( c > 127 ) { c = '.'; } #endif string[l] = c; l++; } while (l < sizeof(string)-1); string[l] = 0; return string; } char *MSG_ReadBigString( msg_t *msg ) { static char string[BIG_INFO_STRING]; int l,c; #ifdef ELITEFORCE if(msg->compat) MSG_RoundBits(msg); #endif l = 0; do { c = MSG_ReadByte(msg); // use ReadByte so -1 is out of bounds if ( c == -1 || c == 0 ) { break; } // translate all fmt spec to avoid crash bugs if ( c == '%' ) { c = '.'; } #ifndef ELITEFORCE // don't allow higher ascii values if ( c > 127 ) { c = '.'; } #endif string[l] = c; l++; } while (l < sizeof(string)-1); string[l] = 0; return string; } char *MSG_ReadStringLine( msg_t *msg ) { static char string[MAX_STRING_CHARS]; int l,c; #ifdef ELITEFORCE if(msg->compat) MSG_RoundBits(msg); #endif l = 0; do { c = MSG_ReadByte(msg); // use ReadByte so -1 is out of bounds if (c == -1 || c == 0 || c == '\n') { break; } // translate all fmt spec to avoid crash bugs if ( c == '%' ) { c = '.'; } #ifndef ELITEFORCE // don't allow higher ascii values if ( c > 127 ) { c = '.'; } #endif string[l] = c; l++; } while (l < sizeof(string)-1); string[l] = 0; return string; } float MSG_ReadAngle16( msg_t *msg ) { return SHORT2ANGLE(MSG_ReadShort(msg)); } void MSG_ReadData( msg_t *msg, void *data, int len ) { int i; #ifdef ELITEFORCE if(msg->compat) MSG_RoundBits(msg); #endif for (i=0 ; i> 10) ^ (hash >> 20)); return hash; } /* ============================================================================= delta functions ============================================================================= */ extern cvar_t *cl_shownet; #define LOG(x) if( cl_shownet && cl_shownet->integer == 4 ) { Com_Printf("%s ", x ); }; void MSG_WriteDelta( msg_t *msg, int oldV, int newV, int bits ) { if ( oldV == newV ) { MSG_WriteBits( msg, 0, 1 ); return; } MSG_WriteBits( msg, 1, 1 ); MSG_WriteBits( msg, newV, bits ); } int MSG_ReadDelta( msg_t *msg, int oldV, int bits ) { if ( MSG_ReadBits( msg, 1 ) ) { return MSG_ReadBits( msg, bits ); } return oldV; } void MSG_WriteDeltaFloat( msg_t *msg, float oldV, float newV ) { floatint_t fi; if ( oldV == newV ) { MSG_WriteBits( msg, 0, 1 ); return; } fi.f = newV; MSG_WriteBits( msg, 1, 1 ); MSG_WriteBits( msg, fi.i, 32 ); } float MSG_ReadDeltaFloat( msg_t *msg, float oldV ) { if ( MSG_ReadBits( msg, 1 ) ) { floatint_t fi; fi.i = MSG_ReadBits( msg, 32 ); return fi.f; } return oldV; } /* ============================================================================= delta functions with keys ============================================================================= */ int kbitmask[32] = { 0x00000001, 0x00000003, 0x00000007, 0x0000000F, 0x0000001F, 0x0000003F, 0x0000007F, 0x000000FF, 0x000001FF, 0x000003FF, 0x000007FF, 0x00000FFF, 0x00001FFF, 0x00003FFF, 0x00007FFF, 0x0000FFFF, 0x0001FFFF, 0x0003FFFF, 0x0007FFFF, 0x000FFFFF, 0x001FFFFf, 0x003FFFFF, 0x007FFFFF, 0x00FFFFFF, 0x01FFFFFF, 0x03FFFFFF, 0x07FFFFFF, 0x0FFFFFFF, 0x1FFFFFFF, 0x3FFFFFFF, 0x7FFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, }; void MSG_WriteDeltaKey( msg_t *msg, int key, int oldV, int newV, int bits ) { if ( oldV == newV ) { MSG_WriteBits( msg, 0, 1 ); return; } MSG_WriteBits( msg, 1, 1 ); MSG_WriteBits( msg, newV ^ key, bits ); } int MSG_ReadDeltaKey( msg_t *msg, int key, int oldV, int bits ) { if ( MSG_ReadBits( msg, 1 ) ) { return MSG_ReadBits( msg, bits ) ^ (key & kbitmask[ bits - 1 ]); } return oldV; } void MSG_WriteDeltaKeyFloat( msg_t *msg, int key, float oldV, float newV ) { floatint_t fi; if ( oldV == newV ) { MSG_WriteBits( msg, 0, 1 ); return; } fi.f = newV; MSG_WriteBits( msg, 1, 1 ); MSG_WriteBits( msg, fi.i ^ key, 32 ); } float MSG_ReadDeltaKeyFloat( msg_t *msg, int key, float oldV ) { if ( MSG_ReadBits( msg, 1 ) ) { floatint_t fi; fi.i = MSG_ReadBits( msg, 32 ) ^ key; return fi.f; } return oldV; } /* ============================================================================ usercmd_t communication ============================================================================ */ #ifdef ELITEFORCE /* ===================== MSG_WriteDeltaUsercmd ===================== */ void MSG_WriteDeltaUsercmd( msg_t *msg, usercmd_t *from, usercmd_t *to ) { if ( to->serverTime - from->serverTime < 256 ) { MSG_WriteBits( msg, 1, 1 ); MSG_WriteBits( msg, to->serverTime - from->serverTime, 8 ); } else { MSG_WriteBits( msg, 0, 1 ); MSG_WriteBits( msg, to->serverTime, 32 ); } MSG_WriteDelta( msg, from->angles[0], to->angles[0], 16 ); MSG_WriteDelta( msg, from->angles[1], to->angles[1], 16 ); MSG_WriteDelta( msg, from->angles[2], to->angles[2], 16 ); MSG_WriteDelta( msg, from->forwardmove, to->forwardmove, 8 ); MSG_WriteDelta( msg, from->rightmove, to->rightmove, 8 ); MSG_WriteDelta( msg, from->upmove, to->upmove, 8 ); MSG_WriteDelta( msg, from->buttons, to->buttons, 8 ); MSG_WriteDelta( msg, from->weapon, to->weapon, 8 ); } /* ===================== MSG_ReadDeltaUsercmd ===================== */ void MSG_ReadDeltaUsercmd( msg_t *msg, usercmd_t *from, usercmd_t *to ) { if ( MSG_ReadBits( msg, 1 ) ) { to->serverTime = from->serverTime + MSG_ReadBits( msg, 8 ); } else { to->serverTime = MSG_ReadBits( msg, 32 ); } to->angles[0] = MSG_ReadDelta( msg, from->angles[0], 16); to->angles[1] = MSG_ReadDelta( msg, from->angles[1], 16); to->angles[2] = MSG_ReadDelta( msg, from->angles[2], 16); to->forwardmove = MSG_ReadDelta( msg, from->forwardmove, 8); if( to->forwardmove == -128 ) to->forwardmove = -127; to->rightmove = MSG_ReadDelta( msg, from->rightmove, 8); if( to->rightmove == -128 ) to->rightmove = -127; to->upmove = MSG_ReadDelta( msg, from->upmove, 8); if( to->upmove == -128 ) to->upmove = -127; to->buttons = MSG_ReadDelta( msg, from->buttons, 8); to->weapon = MSG_ReadDelta( msg, from->weapon, 8); } #endif /* ======================== MSG_WriteDeltaUsercmdKey ======================== */ void MSG_WriteDeltaUsercmdKey( msg_t *msg, int key, usercmd_t *from, usercmd_t *to ) { if ( to->serverTime - from->serverTime < 256 ) { MSG_WriteBits( msg, 1, 1 ); MSG_WriteBits( msg, to->serverTime - from->serverTime, 8 ); } else { MSG_WriteBits( msg, 0, 1 ); MSG_WriteBits( msg, to->serverTime, 32 ); } if (from->angles[0] == to->angles[0] && from->angles[1] == to->angles[1] && from->angles[2] == to->angles[2] && from->forwardmove == to->forwardmove && from->rightmove == to->rightmove && from->upmove == to->upmove && from->buttons == to->buttons && from->weapon == to->weapon) { MSG_WriteBits( msg, 0, 1 ); // no change oldsize += 7; return; } key ^= to->serverTime; MSG_WriteBits( msg, 1, 1 ); MSG_WriteDeltaKey( msg, key, from->angles[0], to->angles[0], 16 ); MSG_WriteDeltaKey( msg, key, from->angles[1], to->angles[1], 16 ); MSG_WriteDeltaKey( msg, key, from->angles[2], to->angles[2], 16 ); MSG_WriteDeltaKey( msg, key, from->forwardmove, to->forwardmove, 8 ); MSG_WriteDeltaKey( msg, key, from->rightmove, to->rightmove, 8 ); MSG_WriteDeltaKey( msg, key, from->upmove, to->upmove, 8 ); #ifdef ELITEFORCE MSG_WriteDeltaKey( msg, key, from->buttons, to->buttons, 8 ); #else MSG_WriteDeltaKey( msg, key, from->buttons, to->buttons, 16 ); #endif MSG_WriteDeltaKey( msg, key, from->weapon, to->weapon, 8 ); } /* ======================= MSG_ReadDeltaUsercmdKey ======================= */ void MSG_ReadDeltaUsercmdKey( msg_t *msg, int key, usercmd_t *from, usercmd_t *to ) { if ( MSG_ReadBits( msg, 1 ) ) { to->serverTime = from->serverTime + MSG_ReadBits( msg, 8 ); } else { to->serverTime = MSG_ReadBits( msg, 32 ); } if ( MSG_ReadBits( msg, 1 ) ) { key ^= to->serverTime; to->angles[0] = MSG_ReadDeltaKey( msg, key, from->angles[0], 16); to->angles[1] = MSG_ReadDeltaKey( msg, key, from->angles[1], 16); to->angles[2] = MSG_ReadDeltaKey( msg, key, from->angles[2], 16); to->forwardmove = MSG_ReadDeltaKey( msg, key, from->forwardmove, 8); if( to->forwardmove == -128 ) to->forwardmove = -127; to->rightmove = MSG_ReadDeltaKey( msg, key, from->rightmove, 8); if( to->rightmove == -128 ) to->rightmove = -127; to->upmove = MSG_ReadDeltaKey( msg, key, from->upmove, 8); if( to->upmove == -128 ) to->upmove = -127; #ifdef ELITEFORCE to->buttons = MSG_ReadDeltaKey( msg, key, from->buttons, 8); #else to->buttons = MSG_ReadDeltaKey( msg, key, from->buttons, 16); #endif to->weapon = MSG_ReadDeltaKey( msg, key, from->weapon, 8); } else { to->angles[0] = from->angles[0]; to->angles[1] = from->angles[1]; to->angles[2] = from->angles[2]; to->forwardmove = from->forwardmove; to->rightmove = from->rightmove; to->upmove = from->upmove; to->buttons = from->buttons; to->weapon = from->weapon; } } /* ============================================================================= entityState_t communication ============================================================================= */ #ifdef ELITEFORCE #define PVECTOR_BITS 5 // amount of bits we need to reference all predefined vectors. #define PVECTOR_BYTES 8 // length of predefined vector. #define PVECTOR_NUM (1 << PVECTOR_BITS) - 1 // number of existing predefined vectors. byte pVectors[PVECTOR_NUM][PVECTOR_BYTES] = { {0x60, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}, {0x60, 0xc0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}, {0x60, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}, {0x40, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}, {0x20, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}, {0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}, {0x20, 0xc0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}, {0x40, 0xc0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}, {0x60, 0x40, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}, {0x20, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}, {0x40, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}, {0x60, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00}, {0x60, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}, {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00}, {0x00, 0xc0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}, {0xe0, 0xc0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}, {0x60, 0xc0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}, {0x60, 0xc0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00}, {0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}, {0x60, 0xc0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00}, {0x60, 0xc0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x10, 0x02, 0x00}, {0x60, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00}, {0x60, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00}, {0xe1, 0x00, 0xc0, 0x01, 0x90, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}, {0xed, 0x07, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x30, 0x00, 0x00}, {0x60, 0xc0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00}, {0x62, 0xc0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00}, {0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00}, {0xe0, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}, {0xe0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}, {0x60, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00}, }; #endif /* ================= MSG_ReportChangeVectors_f Prints out a table from the current statistics for copying to code ================= */ void MSG_ReportChangeVectors_f( void ) { int i; for(i=0;i<256;i++) { if (pcount[i]) { Com_Printf("%d used %d\n", i, pcount[i]); } } } typedef struct { char *name; int offset; int bits; // 0 = float } netField_t; // using the stringizing operator to save typing... #define NETF(x) #x,(size_t)&((entityState_t*)0)->x #ifdef ELITEFORCE netField_t entityStateFields[] = { { NETF(eType), 8 }, { NETF(eFlags), 24 }, { NETF(pos.trType), 8 }, { NETF(pos.trTime), 32 }, { NETF(pos.trDuration), 32 }, { NETF(pos.trBase[0]), 0 }, { NETF(pos.trBase[1]), 0 }, { NETF(pos.trBase[2]), 0 }, { NETF(pos.trDelta[0]), 0 }, { NETF(pos.trDelta[1]), 0 }, { NETF(pos.trDelta[2]), 0 }, { NETF(apos.trType), 8 }, { NETF(apos.trTime), 32 }, { NETF(apos.trDuration), 32 }, { NETF(apos.trBase[0]), 0 }, { NETF(apos.trBase[1]), 0 }, { NETF(apos.trBase[2]), 0 }, { NETF(apos.trDelta[0]), 0 }, { NETF(apos.trDelta[1]), 0 }, { NETF(apos.trDelta[2]), 0 }, { NETF(time), 32 }, { NETF(time2), 32 }, { NETF(origin[0]), 0 }, { NETF(origin[1]), 0 }, { NETF(origin[2]), 0 }, { NETF(origin2[0]), 0 }, { NETF(origin2[1]), 0 }, { NETF(origin2[2]), 0 }, { NETF(angles[0]), 0 }, { NETF(angles[1]), 0 }, { NETF(angles[2]), 0 }, { NETF(angles2[0]), 0 }, { NETF(angles2[1]), 0 }, { NETF(angles2[2]), 0 }, { NETF(otherEntityNum), GENTITYNUM_BITS }, { NETF(otherEntityNum2), GENTITYNUM_BITS }, { NETF(groundEntityNum), GENTITYNUM_BITS }, { NETF(loopSound), 16 }, { NETF(constantLight), 32 }, { NETF(modelindex), 8 }, { NETF(modelindex2), 8 }, { NETF(frame), 16 }, { NETF(clientNum), 8 }, { NETF(solid), 24 }, { NETF(event), 10 }, { NETF(eventParm), 8 }, { NETF(powerups), 16 }, { NETF(weapon), 8 }, { NETF(legsAnim), 8 }, { NETF(torsoAnim), 8 }, }; #else netField_t entityStateFields[] = { { NETF(pos.trTime), 32 }, { NETF(pos.trBase[0]), 0 }, { NETF(pos.trBase[1]), 0 }, { NETF(pos.trDelta[0]), 0 }, { NETF(pos.trDelta[1]), 0 }, { NETF(pos.trBase[2]), 0 }, { NETF(apos.trBase[1]), 0 }, { NETF(pos.trDelta[2]), 0 }, { NETF(apos.trBase[0]), 0 }, { NETF(event), 10 }, { NETF(angles2[1]), 0 }, { NETF(eType), 8 }, { NETF(torsoAnim), 8 }, { NETF(eventParm), 8 }, { NETF(legsAnim), 8 }, { NETF(groundEntityNum), GENTITYNUM_BITS }, { NETF(pos.trType), 8 }, { NETF(eFlags), 27 }, { NETF(otherEntityNum), GENTITYNUM_BITS }, { NETF(weapon), 8 }, { NETF(clientNum), 8 }, { NETF(angles[1]), 0 }, { NETF(pos.trDuration), 32 }, { NETF(apos.trType), 8 }, { NETF(origin[0]), 0 }, { NETF(origin[1]), 0 }, { NETF(origin[2]), 0 }, { NETF(solid), 24 }, { NETF(powerups), MAX_POWERUPS }, { NETF(modelindex), 8 }, { NETF(otherEntityNum2), GENTITYNUM_BITS }, { NETF(loopSound), 8 }, { NETF(generic1), 8 }, { NETF(origin2[2]), 0 }, { NETF(origin2[0]), 0 }, { NETF(origin2[1]), 0 }, { NETF(modelindex2), 8 }, { NETF(angles[0]), 0 }, { NETF(time), 32 }, { NETF(apos.trTime), 32 }, { NETF(apos.trDuration), 32 }, { NETF(apos.trBase[2]), 0 }, { NETF(apos.trDelta[0]), 0 }, { NETF(apos.trDelta[1]), 0 }, { NETF(apos.trDelta[2]), 0 }, { NETF(time2), 32 }, { NETF(angles[2]), 0 }, { NETF(angles2[0]), 0 }, { NETF(angles2[2]), 0 }, { NETF(constantLight), 32 }, { NETF(frame), 16 } }; #endif // if (int)f == f and (int)f + ( 1<<(FLOAT_INT_BITS-1) ) < ( 1 << FLOAT_INT_BITS ) // the float will be sent with FLOAT_INT_BITS, otherwise all 32 bits will be sent #define FLOAT_INT_BITS 13 #define FLOAT_INT_BIAS (1<<(FLOAT_INT_BITS-1)) /* ================== MSG_WriteDeltaEntity Writes part of a packetentities message, including the entity number. Can delta from either a baseline or a previous packet_entity If to is NULL, a remove entity update will be sent If force is not set, then nothing at all will be generated if the entity is identical, under the assumption that the in-order delta code will catch it. ================== */ void MSG_WriteDeltaEntity( msg_t *msg, struct entityState_s *from, struct entityState_s *to, qboolean force ) { int i, lc; int numFields; netField_t *field; int trunc; float fullFloat; int *fromF, *toF; #ifdef ELITEFORCE byte vector[PVECTOR_BYTES]; int vectorIndex = -1; #endif numFields = ARRAY_LEN( entityStateFields ); // all fields should be 32 bits to avoid any compiler packing issues // the "number" field is not part of the field list // if this assert fails, someone added a field to the entityState_t // struct without updating the message fields assert( numFields + 1 == sizeof( *from )/4 ); // a NULL to is a delta remove message if ( to == NULL ) { if ( from == NULL ) { return; } MSG_WriteBits( msg, from->number, GENTITYNUM_BITS ); MSG_WriteBits( msg, 1, 1 ); return; } if ( to->number < 0 || to->number >= MAX_GENTITIES ) { Com_Error (ERR_FATAL, "MSG_WriteDeltaEntity: Bad entity number: %i", to->number ); } #ifdef ELITEFORCE if(msg->compat) Com_Memset(vector, 0, sizeof(vector)); #endif lc = 0; // build the change vector as bytes so it is endien independent for ( i = 0, field = entityStateFields ; i < numFields ; i++, field++ ) { fromF = (int *)( (byte *)from + field->offset ); toF = (int *)( (byte *)to + field->offset ); if ( *fromF != *toF ) { #ifdef ELITEFORCE if(msg->compat) vector[i >> 3] |= 1 << (i & 0x07); else #endif lc = i+1; } } #ifdef ELITEFORCE if((msg->compat && !((int *) vector)[0] && !((int *) vector)[1]) || (!msg->compat && !lc)) { #else if ( lc == 0 ) { #endif // nothing at all changed if ( !force ) { return; // nothing at all } // write two bits for no change MSG_WriteBits( msg, to->number, GENTITYNUM_BITS ); MSG_WriteBits( msg, 0, 1 ); // not removed MSG_WriteBits( msg, 0, 1 ); // no delta return; } #ifdef ELITEFORCE if(msg->compat) { for (i = 0; i < PVECTOR_NUM; i++) { if( ((int *) vector)[0] == ((int *)pVectors[i])[0] && ((int *) vector)[1] == ((int *)pVectors[i])[1] ) { vectorIndex = i; break; } } } #endif MSG_WriteBits( msg, to->number, GENTITYNUM_BITS ); MSG_WriteBits( msg, 0, 1 ); // not removed MSG_WriteBits( msg, 1, 1 ); // we have a delta #ifdef ELITEFORCE if(msg->compat) { MSG_WriteBits(msg, vectorIndex, PVECTOR_BITS); if (vectorIndex < 0) { for ( i = 0 ; i + 8 <= numFields ; i += 8 ) MSG_WriteByte( msg, vector[i >> 3] ); if ( numFields & 7 ) MSG_WriteBits( msg, vector[i >> 3], numFields & 7 ); } } else #endif MSG_WriteByte( msg, lc ); // # of changes oldsize += numFields; #ifdef ELITEFORCE for ( i = 0, field = entityStateFields ; msg->compat ? (i < numFields) : (i < lc) ; i++, field++ ) { #else for ( i = 0, field = entityStateFields ; i < lc ; i++, field++ ) { #endif fromF = (int *)( (byte *)from + field->offset ); toF = (int *)( (byte *)to + field->offset ); if ( *fromF == *toF ) { #ifdef ELITEFORCE if(!msg->compat) #endif MSG_WriteBits( msg, 0, 1 ); // no change continue; } #ifdef ELITEFORCE if(!msg->compat) #endif MSG_WriteBits( msg, 1, 1 ); // changed if ( field->bits == 0 ) { // float fullFloat = *(float *)toF; trunc = (int)fullFloat; #ifdef ELITEFORCE if(!msg->compat && fullFloat == 0.0f) #else if (fullFloat == 0.0f) #endif { MSG_WriteBits( msg, 0, 1 ); oldsize += FLOAT_INT_BITS; } else { #ifdef ELITEFORCE if(!msg->compat) #endif MSG_WriteBits( msg, 1, 1 ); if ( trunc == fullFloat && trunc + FLOAT_INT_BIAS >= 0 && trunc + FLOAT_INT_BIAS < ( 1 << FLOAT_INT_BITS ) ) { // send as small integer MSG_WriteBits( msg, 0, 1 ); MSG_WriteBits( msg, trunc + FLOAT_INT_BIAS, FLOAT_INT_BITS ); } else { // send as full floating point value MSG_WriteBits( msg, 1, 1 ); MSG_WriteBits( msg, *toF, 32 ); } } } else { #ifdef ELITEFORCE if(msg->compat) MSG_WriteBits(msg, *toF, field->bits); else { #endif if (*toF == 0) MSG_WriteBits( msg, 0, 1 ); else { MSG_WriteBits( msg, 1, 1 ); // integer MSG_WriteBits( msg, *toF, field->bits ); } #ifdef ELITEFORCE } #endif } } } /* ================== MSG_ReadDeltaEntity The entity number has already been read from the message, which is how the from state is identified. If the delta removes the entity, entityState_t->number will be set to MAX_GENTITIES-1 Can go from either a baseline or a previous packet_entity ================== */ void MSG_ReadDeltaEntity( msg_t *msg, entityState_t *from, entityState_t *to, int number) { int i, lc = 0; int numFields; netField_t *field; int *fromF, *toF; int print; int trunc; int startBit, endBit; #ifdef ELITEFORCE int vectorIndex; byte vector_space[PVECTOR_BYTES]; byte *vector = vector_space; #endif if ( number < 0 || number >= MAX_GENTITIES) { Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "Bad delta entity number: %i", number ); } if ( msg->bit == 0 ) { startBit = msg->readcount * 8 - GENTITYNUM_BITS; } else { startBit = ( msg->readcount - 1 ) * 8 + msg->bit - GENTITYNUM_BITS; } // check for a remove if ( MSG_ReadBits( msg, 1 ) == 1 ) { Com_Memset( to, 0, sizeof( *to ) ); to->number = MAX_GENTITIES - 1; if ( cl_shownet && ( cl_shownet->integer >= 2 || cl_shownet->integer == -1 ) ) { Com_Printf( "%3i: #%-3i remove\n", msg->readcount, number ); } return; } // check for no delta if ( MSG_ReadBits( msg, 1 ) == 0 ) { *to = *from; to->number = number; return; } numFields = ARRAY_LEN( entityStateFields ); #ifdef ELITEFORCE if(!msg->compat) #endif lc = MSG_ReadByte(msg); if ( lc > numFields || lc < 0 ) { Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "invalid entityState field count" ); } // shownet 2/3 will interleave with other printed info, -1 will // just print the delta records` if ( cl_shownet && ( cl_shownet->integer >= 2 || cl_shownet->integer == -1 ) ) { print = 1; Com_Printf( "%3i: #%-3i ", msg->readcount, to->number ); } else { print = 0; } to->number = number; #ifdef ELITEFORCE if(msg->compat) { // Read in the vector index and check whether there is a predefined one or not. vectorIndex = MSG_ReadBits( msg, PVECTOR_BITS ); if (vectorIndex == PVECTOR_NUM) { for (i = 0; i + 8 < numFields; i += 8) vector[i >> 3] = MSG_ReadByte(msg); if (numFields & 7) vector[i>>3] = MSG_ReadBits( msg, numFields & 7 ); } else vector = pVectors[vectorIndex]; } for ( i = 0, field = entityStateFields ; msg->compat ? (i < numFields) : (i < lc) ; i++, field++ ) { #else for ( i = 0, field = entityStateFields ; i < lc ; i++, field++ ) { #endif fromF = (int *)( (byte *)from + field->offset ); toF = (int *)( (byte *)to + field->offset ); #ifdef ELITEFORCE if((msg->compat && ! (vector[i >> 3] & (1 << (i & 7)) )) || (!msg->compat && !MSG_ReadBits(msg, 1))) #else if ( ! MSG_ReadBits( msg, 1 ) ) #endif { // no change *toF = *fromF; } else { if ( field->bits == 0 ) { // float #ifdef ELITEFORCE if(!msg->compat && !MSG_ReadBits( msg, 1 )) #else if ( MSG_ReadBits( msg, 1 ) == 0 ) #endif *(float *)toF = 0.0f; else { if ( MSG_ReadBits( msg, 1 ) == 0 ) { // integral float trunc = MSG_ReadBits( msg, FLOAT_INT_BITS ); // bias to allow equal parts positive and negative trunc -= FLOAT_INT_BIAS; *(float *)toF = trunc; if ( print ) { Com_Printf( "%s:%i ", field->name, trunc ); } } else { // full floating point value *toF = MSG_ReadBits( msg, 32 ); if ( print ) { Com_Printf( "%s:%f ", field->name, *(float *)toF ); } } } } else { #ifdef ELITEFORCE if(!msg->compat && !MSG_ReadBits(msg, 1)) #else if ( MSG_ReadBits( msg, 1 ) == 0 ) #endif *toF = 0; else { // integer *toF = MSG_ReadBits( msg, field->bits ); if ( print ) { Com_Printf( "%s:%i ", field->name, *toF ); } } } // pcount[i]++; } } #ifdef ELITEFORCE if(!msg->compat) { #endif for ( i = lc, field = &entityStateFields[lc] ; i < numFields ; i++, field++ ) { fromF = (int *)( (byte *)from + field->offset ); toF = (int *)( (byte *)to + field->offset ); // no change *toF = *fromF; } #ifdef ELITEFORCE } #endif if ( print ) { if ( msg->bit == 0 ) { endBit = msg->readcount * 8 - GENTITYNUM_BITS; } else { endBit = ( msg->readcount - 1 ) * 8 + msg->bit - GENTITYNUM_BITS; } Com_Printf( " (%i bits)\n", endBit - startBit ); } } /* ============================================================================ plyer_state_t communication ============================================================================ */ // using the stringizing operator to save typing... #define PSF(x) #x,(size_t)&((playerState_t*)0)->x #ifdef ELITEFORCE netField_t playerStateFields[] = { { PSF(commandTime), 32 }, { PSF(pm_type), 8 }, { PSF(bobCycle), 8 }, { PSF(pm_flags), 16 }, { PSF(pm_time), -16 }, { PSF(origin[0]), 0 }, { PSF(origin[1]), 0 }, { PSF(origin[2]), 0 }, { PSF(velocity[0]), 0 }, { PSF(velocity[1]), 0 }, { PSF(velocity[2]), 0 }, { PSF(weaponTime), -16 }, { PSF(gravity), 16 }, { PSF(speed), 16 }, { PSF(delta_angles[0]), 16 }, { PSF(delta_angles[1]), 16 }, { PSF(delta_angles[2]), 16 }, { PSF(groundEntityNum), GENTITYNUM_BITS }, { PSF(legsTimer), 8 }, { PSF(torsoTimer), 12 }, { PSF(legsAnim), 8 }, { PSF(torsoAnim), 8 }, { PSF(movementDir), 4 }, { PSF(eFlags), 16 }, { PSF(eventSequence), 16 }, { PSF(events[0]), 8 }, { PSF(events[1]), 8 }, { PSF(events[2]), 8 }, { PSF(events[3]), 8 }, { PSF(eventParms[0]), 8 }, { PSF(eventParms[1]), 8 }, { PSF(eventParms[2]), 8 }, { PSF(eventParms[3]), 8 }, { PSF(externalEvent), 10 }, { PSF(externalEventParm), 8 }, { PSF(clientNum), 8 }, { PSF(weapon), 5 }, { PSF(weaponstate), 4 }, { PSF(viewangles[0]), 0 }, { PSF(viewangles[1]), 0 }, { PSF(viewangles[2]), 0 }, { PSF(viewheight), -8 }, { PSF(damageEvent), 8 }, { PSF(damageYaw), 8 }, { PSF(damagePitch), 8 }, { PSF(damageCount), 8 }, { PSF(damageShieldCount), 8 }, { PSF(introTime), 32}, }; #else netField_t playerStateFields[] = { { PSF(commandTime), 32 }, { PSF(origin[0]), 0 }, { PSF(origin[1]), 0 }, { PSF(bobCycle), 8 }, { PSF(velocity[0]), 0 }, { PSF(velocity[1]), 0 }, { PSF(viewangles[1]), 0 }, { PSF(viewangles[0]), 0 }, { PSF(weaponTime), -16 }, { PSF(origin[2]), 0 }, { PSF(velocity[2]), 0 }, { PSF(legsTimer), 8 }, { PSF(pm_time), -16 }, { PSF(eventSequence), 16 }, { PSF(torsoAnim), 8 }, { PSF(movementDir), 4 }, { PSF(events[0]), 8 }, { PSF(legsAnim), 8 }, { PSF(events[1]), 8 }, { PSF(pm_flags), 16 }, { PSF(groundEntityNum), GENTITYNUM_BITS }, { PSF(weaponstate), 4 }, { PSF(eFlags), 16 }, { PSF(externalEvent), 10 }, { PSF(gravity), 16 }, { PSF(speed), 16 }, { PSF(delta_angles[1]), 16 }, { PSF(externalEventParm), 8 }, { PSF(viewheight), -8 }, { PSF(damageEvent), 8 }, { PSF(damageYaw), 8 }, { PSF(damagePitch), 8 }, { PSF(damageCount), 8 }, { PSF(generic1), 8 }, { PSF(pm_type), 8 }, { PSF(delta_angles[0]), 16 }, { PSF(delta_angles[2]), 16 }, { PSF(torsoTimer), 12 }, { PSF(eventParms[0]), 8 }, { PSF(eventParms[1]), 8 }, { PSF(clientNum), 8 }, { PSF(weapon), 5 }, { PSF(viewangles[2]), 0 }, { PSF(grapplePoint[0]), 0 }, { PSF(grapplePoint[1]), 0 }, { PSF(grapplePoint[2]), 0 }, { PSF(jumppad_ent), GENTITYNUM_BITS }, { PSF(loopSound), 16 } }; #endif /* ============= MSG_WriteDeltaPlayerstate ============= */ void MSG_WriteDeltaPlayerstate( msg_t *msg, struct playerState_s *from, struct playerState_s *to ) { int i; playerState_t dummy; int statsbits; int persistantbits; int ammobits; int powerupbits; int numFields; netField_t *field; int *fromF, *toF; float fullFloat; int trunc, lc = 0; if (!from) { from = &dummy; Com_Memset (&dummy, 0, sizeof(dummy)); } numFields = ARRAY_LEN( playerStateFields ); #ifdef ELITEFORCE if(!msg->compat) { #endif lc = 0; for ( i = 0, field = playerStateFields ; i < numFields ; i++, field++ ) { fromF = (int *)( (byte *)from + field->offset ); toF = (int *)( (byte *)to + field->offset ); if ( *fromF != *toF ) { lc = i+1; } } MSG_WriteByte( msg, lc ); // # of changes #ifdef ELITEFORCE } #endif oldsize += numFields - lc; #ifdef ELITEFORCE for ( i = 0, field = playerStateFields ; msg->compat ? (i < numFields) : (i < lc) ; i++, field++ ) #else for ( i = 0, field = playerStateFields ; i < lc ; i++, field++ ) #endif { fromF = (int *)( (byte *)from + field->offset ); toF = (int *)( (byte *)to + field->offset ); if ( *fromF == *toF ) { MSG_WriteBits( msg, 0, 1 ); // no change continue; } MSG_WriteBits( msg, 1, 1 ); // changed // pcount[i]++; if ( field->bits == 0 ) { // float fullFloat = *(float *)toF; trunc = (int)fullFloat; if ( trunc == fullFloat && trunc + FLOAT_INT_BIAS >= 0 && trunc + FLOAT_INT_BIAS < ( 1 << FLOAT_INT_BITS ) ) { // send as small integer MSG_WriteBits( msg, 0, 1 ); MSG_WriteBits( msg, trunc + FLOAT_INT_BIAS, FLOAT_INT_BITS ); } else { // send as full floating point value MSG_WriteBits( msg, 1, 1 ); MSG_WriteBits( msg, *toF, 32 ); } } else { // integer MSG_WriteBits( msg, *toF, field->bits ); } } // // send the arrays // statsbits = 0; for (i=0 ; istats[i] != from->stats[i]) { statsbits |= 1<persistant[i] != from->persistant[i]) { persistantbits |= 1<ammo[i] != from->ammo[i]) { ammobits |= 1<powerups[i] != from->powerups[i]) { powerupbits |= 1<compat && !statsbits && !persistantbits && !ammobits && !powerupbits) #else if (!statsbits && !persistantbits && !ammobits && !powerupbits) #endif { MSG_WriteBits( msg, 0, 1 ); // no change oldsize += 4; return; } #ifdef ELITEFORCE if(!msg->compat) #endif MSG_WriteBits( msg, 1, 1 ); // changed if ( statsbits ) { MSG_WriteBits( msg, 1, 1 ); // changed MSG_WriteBits( msg, statsbits, MAX_STATS ); for (i=0 ; istats[i]); } else { MSG_WriteBits( msg, 0, 1 ); // no change } if ( persistantbits ) { MSG_WriteBits( msg, 1, 1 ); // changed MSG_WriteBits( msg, persistantbits, MAX_PERSISTANT ); for (i=0 ; ipersistant[i]); } else { MSG_WriteBits( msg, 0, 1 ); // no change } if ( ammobits ) { MSG_WriteBits( msg, 1, 1 ); // changed MSG_WriteBits( msg, ammobits, MAX_WEAPONS ); for (i=0 ; iammo[i]); } else { MSG_WriteBits( msg, 0, 1 ); // no change } if ( powerupbits ) { MSG_WriteBits( msg, 1, 1 ); // changed MSG_WriteBits( msg, powerupbits, MAX_POWERUPS ); for (i=0 ; ipowerups[i] ); } else { MSG_WriteBits( msg, 0, 1 ); // no change } } /* =================== MSG_ReadDeltaPlayerstate =================== */ void MSG_ReadDeltaPlayerstate (msg_t *msg, playerState_t *from, playerState_t *to ) { int i, lc = 0; int bits; netField_t *field; int numFields; int startBit, endBit; int print; int *fromF, *toF; int trunc; playerState_t dummy; if ( !from ) { from = &dummy; Com_Memset( &dummy, 0, sizeof( dummy ) ); } *to = *from; if ( msg->bit == 0 ) { startBit = msg->readcount * 8 - GENTITYNUM_BITS; } else { startBit = ( msg->readcount - 1 ) * 8 + msg->bit - GENTITYNUM_BITS; } // shownet 2/3 will interleave with other printed info, -2 will // just print the delta records if ( cl_shownet && ( cl_shownet->integer >= 2 || cl_shownet->integer == -2 ) ) { print = 1; Com_Printf( "%3i: playerstate ", msg->readcount ); } else { print = 0; } numFields = ARRAY_LEN( playerStateFields ); #ifdef ELITEFORCE if(msg->compat) lc = numFields; else #endif { lc = MSG_ReadByte(msg); if(lc > numFields || lc < 0) Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "invalid entityState field count"); } for ( i = 0, field = playerStateFields ; i < lc ; i++, field++ ) { fromF = (int *)( (byte *)from + field->offset ); toF = (int *)( (byte *)to + field->offset ); if ( ! MSG_ReadBits( msg, 1 ) ) { // no change *toF = *fromF; } else { if ( field->bits == 0 ) { // float if ( MSG_ReadBits( msg, 1 ) == 0 ) { // integral float trunc = MSG_ReadBits( msg, FLOAT_INT_BITS ); // bias to allow equal parts positive and negative trunc -= FLOAT_INT_BIAS; *(float *)toF = trunc; if ( print ) { Com_Printf( "%s:%i ", field->name, trunc ); } } else { // full floating point value *toF = MSG_ReadBits( msg, 32 ); if ( print ) { Com_Printf( "%s:%f ", field->name, *(float *)toF ); } } } else { // integer *toF = MSG_ReadBits( msg, field->bits ); if ( print ) { Com_Printf( "%s:%i ", field->name, *toF ); } } } } #ifdef ELITEFORCE if(!msg->compat) { #endif for ( i=lc,field = &playerStateFields[lc];ioffset ); toF = (int *)( (byte *)to + field->offset ); // no change *toF = *fromF; } #ifdef ELITEFORCE } #endif // read the arrays #ifdef ELITEFORCE if(msg->compat || MSG_ReadBits( msg, 1 )) #else if (MSG_ReadBits( msg, 1 ) ) #endif { // parse stats if ( MSG_ReadBits( msg, 1 ) ) { LOG("PS_STATS"); bits = MSG_ReadBits (msg, MAX_STATS); for (i=0 ; istats[i] = MSG_ReadShort(msg); } } } // parse persistant stats if ( MSG_ReadBits( msg, 1 ) ) { LOG("PS_PERSISTANT"); bits = MSG_ReadBits (msg, MAX_PERSISTANT); for (i=0 ; ipersistant[i] = MSG_ReadShort(msg); } } } // parse ammo if ( MSG_ReadBits( msg, 1 ) ) { LOG("PS_AMMO"); bits = MSG_ReadBits (msg, MAX_WEAPONS); for (i=0 ; iammo[i] = MSG_ReadShort(msg); } } } // parse powerups if ( MSG_ReadBits( msg, 1 ) ) { LOG("PS_POWERUPS"); bits = MSG_ReadBits (msg, MAX_POWERUPS); for (i=0 ; ipowerups[i] = MSG_ReadLong(msg); } } } } if ( print ) { if ( msg->bit == 0 ) { endBit = msg->readcount * 8 - GENTITYNUM_BITS; } else { endBit = ( msg->readcount - 1 ) * 8 + msg->bit - GENTITYNUM_BITS; } Com_Printf( " (%i bits)\n", endBit - startBit ); } } int msg_hData[256] = { 250315, // 0 41193, // 1 6292, // 2 7106, // 3 3730, // 4 3750, // 5 6110, // 6 23283, // 7 33317, // 8 6950, // 9 7838, // 10 9714, // 11 9257, // 12 17259, // 13 3949, // 14 1778, // 15 8288, // 16 1604, // 17 1590, // 18 1663, // 19 1100, // 20 1213, // 21 1238, // 22 1134, // 23 1749, // 24 1059, // 25 1246, // 26 1149, // 27 1273, // 28 4486, // 29 2805, // 30 3472, // 31 21819, // 32 1159, // 33 1670, // 34 1066, // 35 1043, // 36 1012, // 37 1053, // 38 1070, // 39 1726, // 40 888, // 41 1180, // 42 850, // 43 960, // 44 780, // 45 1752, // 46 3296, // 47 10630, // 48 4514, // 49 5881, // 50 2685, // 51 4650, // 52 3837, // 53 2093, // 54 1867, // 55 2584, // 56 1949, // 57 1972, // 58 940, // 59 1134, // 60 1788, // 61 1670, // 62 1206, // 63 5719, // 64 6128, // 65 7222, // 66 6654, // 67 3710, // 68 3795, // 69 1492, // 70 1524, // 71 2215, // 72 1140, // 73 1355, // 74 971, // 75 2180, // 76 1248, // 77 1328, // 78 1195, // 79 1770, // 80 1078, // 81 1264, // 82 1266, // 83 1168, // 84 965, // 85 1155, // 86 1186, // 87 1347, // 88 1228, // 89 1529, // 90 1600, // 91 2617, // 92 2048, // 93 2546, // 94 3275, // 95 2410, // 96 3585, // 97 2504, // 98 2800, // 99 2675, // 100 6146, // 101 3663, // 102 2840, // 103 14253, // 104 3164, // 105 2221, // 106 1687, // 107 3208, // 108 2739, // 109 3512, // 110 4796, // 111 4091, // 112 3515, // 113 5288, // 114 4016, // 115 7937, // 116 6031, // 117 5360, // 118 3924, // 119 4892, // 120 3743, // 121 4566, // 122 4807, // 123 5852, // 124 6400, // 125 6225, // 126 8291, // 127 23243, // 128 7838, // 129 7073, // 130 8935, // 131 5437, // 132 4483, // 133 3641, // 134 5256, // 135 5312, // 136 5328, // 137 5370, // 138 3492, // 139 2458, // 140 1694, // 141 1821, // 142 2121, // 143 1916, // 144 1149, // 145 1516, // 146 1367, // 147 1236, // 148 1029, // 149 1258, // 150 1104, // 151 1245, // 152 1006, // 153 1149, // 154 1025, // 155 1241, // 156 952, // 157 1287, // 158 997, // 159 1713, // 160 1009, // 161 1187, // 162 879, // 163 1099, // 164 929, // 165 1078, // 166 951, // 167 1656, // 168 930, // 169 1153, // 170 1030, // 171 1262, // 172 1062, // 173 1214, // 174 1060, // 175 1621, // 176 930, // 177 1106, // 178 912, // 179 1034, // 180 892, // 181 1158, // 182 990, // 183 1175, // 184 850, // 185 1121, // 186 903, // 187 1087, // 188 920, // 189 1144, // 190 1056, // 191 3462, // 192 2240, // 193 4397, // 194 12136, // 195 7758, // 196 1345, // 197 1307, // 198 3278, // 199 1950, // 200 886, // 201 1023, // 202 1112, // 203 1077, // 204 1042, // 205 1061, // 206 1071, // 207 1484, // 208 1001, // 209 1096, // 210 915, // 211 1052, // 212 995, // 213 1070, // 214 876, // 215 1111, // 216 851, // 217 1059, // 218 805, // 219 1112, // 220 923, // 221 1103, // 222 817, // 223 1899, // 224 1872, // 225 976, // 226 841, // 227 1127, // 228 956, // 229 1159, // 230 950, // 231 7791, // 232 954, // 233 1289, // 234 933, // 235 1127, // 236 3207, // 237 1020, // 238 927, // 239 1355, // 240 768, // 241 1040, // 242 745, // 243 952, // 244 805, // 245 1073, // 246 740, // 247 1013, // 248 805, // 249 1008, // 250 796, // 251 996, // 252 1057, // 253 11457, // 254 13504, // 255 }; void MSG_initHuffman( void ) { int i,j; msgInit = qtrue; Huff_Init(&msgHuff); for(i=0;i<256;i++) { for (j=0;j