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2005-08-26 17:39:27 +00:00
Copyright (C) 1999-2005 Id Software, Inc.
This file is part of Quake III Arena source code.
Quake III Arena source code is free software; you can redistribute it
and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
or (at your option) any later version.
Quake III Arena source code is distributed in the hope that it will be
useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Quake III Arena source code; if not, write to the Free Software
2005-08-26 17:39:27 +00:00
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* name: ai_dmq3.c
* desc: Quake3 bot AI
* $Archive: /MissionPack/code/game/ai_dmq3.c $
#include "g_local.h"
#include "../botlib/botlib.h"
#include "../botlib/be_aas.h"
#include "../botlib/be_ea.h"
#include "../botlib/be_ai_char.h"
#include "../botlib/be_ai_chat.h"
#include "../botlib/be_ai_gen.h"
#include "../botlib/be_ai_goal.h"
#include "../botlib/be_ai_move.h"
#include "../botlib/be_ai_weap.h"
2005-08-26 17:39:27 +00:00
#include "ai_main.h"
#include "ai_dmq3.h"
#include "ai_chat.h"
#include "ai_cmd.h"
#include "ai_dmnet.h"
#include "ai_team.h"
#include "chars.h" //characteristics
#include "inv.h" //indexes into the inventory
#include "syn.h" //synonyms
#include "match.h" //string matching types and vars
// for the voice chats
#include "../../ui/menudef.h" // sos001205 - for q3_ui also
// from aasfile.h
#define MAX_WAYPOINTS 128
bot_waypoint_t botai_waypoints[MAX_WAYPOINTS];
bot_waypoint_t *botai_freewaypoints;
//NOTE: not using a cvars which can be updated because the game should be reloaded anyway
int gametype; //game type
int maxclients; //maximum number of clients
vmCvar_t bot_grapple;
vmCvar_t bot_rocketjump;
vmCvar_t bot_fastchat;
vmCvar_t bot_nochat;
vmCvar_t bot_testrchat;
vmCvar_t bot_challenge;
vmCvar_t bot_predictobstacles;
vmCvar_t g_spSkill;
extern vmCvar_t bot_developer;
vec3_t lastteleport_origin; //last teleport event origin
float lastteleport_time; //last teleport event time
int max_bspmodelindex; //maximum BSP model index
//CTF flag goals
bot_goal_t ctf_redflag;
bot_goal_t ctf_blueflag;
bot_goal_t ctf_neutralflag;
bot_goal_t redobelisk;
bot_goal_t blueobelisk;
bot_goal_t neutralobelisk;
int altroutegoals_setup;
aas_altroutegoal_t red_altroutegoals[MAX_ALTROUTEGOALS];
int red_numaltroutegoals;
aas_altroutegoal_t blue_altroutegoals[MAX_ALTROUTEGOALS];
int blue_numaltroutegoals;
void BotSetUserInfo(bot_state_t *bs, char *key, char *value) {
char userinfo[MAX_INFO_STRING];
trap_GetUserinfo(bs->client, userinfo, sizeof(userinfo));
Info_SetValueForKey(userinfo, key, value);
trap_SetUserinfo(bs->client, userinfo);
ClientUserinfoChanged( bs->client );
int BotCTFCarryingFlag(bot_state_t *bs) {
if (gametype != GT_CTF) return CTF_FLAG_NONE;
if (bs->inventory[INVENTORY_REDFLAG] > 0) return CTF_FLAG_RED;
else if (bs->inventory[INVENTORY_BLUEFLAG] > 0) return CTF_FLAG_BLUE;
int BotTeam(bot_state_t *bs) {
if (bs->client < 0 || bs->client >= MAX_CLIENTS) {
return qfalse;
Batch of bug fixes for gamecode. Patch compiled and log message written by Tobias Kuehnhammer (#5144) ################################################################################ This Patch fixes: ################################################################################ - The "fraglimit warning" was not played at all, if on the blue team. - The "where" console command was broken. - Obelisk explosion wasn't drawn if no Rocketlauncher was loaded. - Impact marks sometimes didn't draw at all. - IMPORTANT BUGFIX: No killing for cheaters with Lightning gun and Gauntlet. - If two doors are close to each other a spectator couldn't fly through them. - More robust, efficient and logical respawning routine. NOTE: The game.qvm will get notable smaller and will use LESS MEMORY! - Drowning sounds are fixed. Now they are played as intended. (as the id comment in the source code shows). - Some AI bugs (OVERFLOW!) in the bot movement code. - Several "Team Arena" Overload and Harvester bugs. - Stops bots from attacking a team mate (player) who only changed teams. - Some voice chats and CTF commands fixed. - "Team_ReturnFlag" was called twice, which did wired things sometimes. NOTE: (G_RunItem checks CONTENTS_NODROP already!) - A bugfix for Gauntlet animation. - Incorrect CTF scoring. - A bunch of corrected comments and print lines ("\n"). - Some regularity of expression and some small trivial bugs. ################################################################################ Details: ################################################################################ ******************************************************************************** BUG: in gamemode GT_TEAM the fraglimit warning will not be played if joining the blue team! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: In "CG_CheckLocalSounds": if cgs.scores2 > highScore, highScore should be cgs.scores2. ******************************************************************************** BUG: the "where" console command doesn't work as expected (it's always 0 0 0) but not in id Quake 3 Arena. It seems that now Ioquake3 is affected! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: In Function "Cmd_Where_f" ent->s.origin should be ent->r.currentOrigin. ******************************************************************************** BUG: in gamemode GT_OBELISK obelisk explosion won't be drawn if there is no Rocketlauncher loaded. (The "maps without Rocketlauncher" bug) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: in "cg_main.c": cgs.media.rocketExplosionShader should be registered if gamemode is GT_OBELISK. ******************************************************************************** BUG: Impact marks sometimes doesn't draw at all. Not easy to reproduce if you don't play (io)Quake3 every day and know the places where it happens! ;) But anyway... Test: start q3dm12 go to "Long Jump Canyon" (where the small platform teleporter for the BFG is) place yourself at the point where the railgun spawns, look in the direction where the red suspended armor is. Now shoot at the sloped wall on the out/leftside of the door you see. (the sloped wall should be nearly in the center of your screen now). If you choose the correct brush face and shoot up and down at this brush face, the impact marks sometimes aren't visible. There are hundreds of custom maps where this can happen! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: I replaced the function "SnapVectorTowards" with the one from "Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory (GPL Source Code)" ******************************************************************************** BUG: Normally "NOCLIP" cheaters are logically not allowed to fire a gun. Unfortunatly the Gauntlet (and Lightning gun) was forgotten and not restricted to that. All weapons except those two were handled correct. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: Make Gauntlet and Lightning gun not firing for someone who cheats with "NOCLIP" (like all other weapons). ******************************************************************************** NOTE: A few bugfixes are not mine and are reported here: http://www.quake3world.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=9179. Thanks to Quake3world, for all those years and the good guys there! ******************************************************************************** BUG: During making a mod I found a very strange bug, which mainly occurs if someone tries to implement a lot of singleplayer monsters which should walk slowly (like the "Crash" bot). So if someone wants to make slow down bots or monsters when they are walking towards a goal and alter the function "BotMoveInGoalArea" then the bots/monsters do stupid things. Otherwise and this is the default (also buggy) behavior they start running although they shouldn't (as seen with the "Crash" bot and will not be fixed here). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: Fix overflow in bot user command. BUGFIX from "Hunt" mod by J. Hoffman. ******************************************************************************** BUG: in function "BotMoveToGoal" the special elevator case doesn't make sense. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: in "be_ai_move.c": ((result->flags & MOVERESULT_ONTOPOF_FUNCBOB) || (result->flags & MOVERESULT_ONTOPOF_FUNCBOB)) should be ((result->flags & MOVERESULT_ONTOPOF_ELEVATOR) || (result->flags & MOVERESULT_ONTOPOF_FUNCBOB)). ******************************************************************************** BUG: in function "BotWantsToRetreat" and "BotWantsToChase" this is wrong: "(bs->enemy != redobelisk.entitynum || bs->enemy != blueobelisk.entitynum)" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: "... redobelisk.entitynum) && (bs->enemy != blueobelisk.." is correct. ******************************************************************************** BUG: in gamemode GT_OBELISK there are too many node switches for bots (test: mpq3tourney6 with many bots). If that happens, game becomes unplayable. I don't know if this is the best solution but here it is: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: In function "AINode_Battle_Fight" right after: if (!BotEntityVisible(bs->entitynum, bs->eye, bs->viewangles, 360, bs->enemy)) { I added this: #ifdef MISSIONPACK if (bs->enemy == redobelisk.entitynum || bs->enemy == blueobelisk.entitynum) { AIEnter_Battle_Chase(bs, "battle fight: obelisk out of sight"); return qfalse; } #endif ******************************************************************************** BUG: in gamemode >= GT_TEAM, after team change, bots will (sometimes) not stop shooting at you, although you are on their team now. It seems that the configstrings are f***** up or not reliable in this case! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: In function "BotTeam" and "BotSameTeam" get the real team values. ******************************************************************************** BUG: Some of the bots voice commands are wrong. They are commanded to attack the enemy base but they say "Okay, I will defend!" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: Corrected some voice commands in "BotCTFOrders_FlagNotAtBase" and "Bot1FCTFOrders_EnemyDroppedFlag" ******************************************************************************** BUG: Spectators couldn't fly through doors if they are very close to each other. You can test it with some regular id maps (q3dm14, q3dm12) but there are also many custom maps where this can happen! This is annoying because in the worst case you can't move at all and are caught inside a door. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: There is a solution in a mod called "Hunt" by J. Hoffman. Bugfix is included in this patch! ******************************************************************************** BUG: During making a mod I found it very hard to implement some of my ideas (something like "Limbo" or "Meeting") because of the way the player spawn effect, intermission and spawning on victory pads is handled. I reworked it a bit and simplified it so that the effect is handled when a client respawns (as the name says) and not when a client begins. I think this will help more mod makers everytime they want to make changes to spawning of players, bots on victory pads or monsters... and want to avoid spectators with Machineguns which can kill and score... :() NOTE: I also renamed the poorly named function "respawn" to "ClientRespawn". If someone searches the code base for "respawn" it was really hard to find the correct place for what was meant. "respawn" is used so often, that you really get headache ... now with "ClientRespawn" it's easier! IMPORTANT: The whole respawning, moving to intermission point and everything related to that is now done in a more reliable way without changing the default behavior. (How critical the whole spwaning mess was did you see by yourself (ioquake3 rev. 2076). With this patch it's safer. Trust me, I spent hours of fixing silly problems... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: Simplified "ClientBegin" and moved the teleport event to "ClientSpawn". ******************************************************************************** BUG: If a player is dying or hurted under water the hurt/dying sounds AND the drowning sounds are played together. This is silly. Moreover it's no good idea to let the server play client sounds! There was a solution in a mod called "Q3A++" by Dan 'Neurobasher' Gomes which fixes the problem. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: Created a "CG_WaterLevel" function to play the appropriate sounds. ******************************************************************************** ################################################################################
2011-08-01 11:39:33 +00:00
if (level.clients[bs->client].sess.sessionTeam == TEAM_RED) {
return TEAM_RED;
} else if (level.clients[bs->client].sess.sessionTeam == TEAM_BLUE) {
return TEAM_BLUE;
2005-08-26 17:39:27 +00:00
return TEAM_FREE;
int BotOppositeTeam(bot_state_t *bs) {
switch(BotTeam(bs)) {
case TEAM_RED: return TEAM_BLUE;
case TEAM_BLUE: return TEAM_RED;
default: return TEAM_FREE;
bot_goal_t *BotEnemyFlag(bot_state_t *bs) {
if (BotTeam(bs) == TEAM_RED) {
return &ctf_blueflag;
else {
return &ctf_redflag;
bot_goal_t *BotTeamFlag(bot_state_t *bs) {
if (BotTeam(bs) == TEAM_RED) {
return &ctf_redflag;
else {
return &ctf_blueflag;
qboolean EntityIsDead(aas_entityinfo_t *entinfo) {
playerState_t ps;
if (entinfo->number >= 0 && entinfo->number < MAX_CLIENTS) {
//retrieve the current client state
BotAI_GetClientState( entinfo->number, &ps );
if (ps.pm_type != PM_NORMAL) return qtrue;
return qfalse;
qboolean EntityCarriesFlag(aas_entityinfo_t *entinfo) {
if ( entinfo->powerups & ( 1 << PW_REDFLAG ) )
return qtrue;
if ( entinfo->powerups & ( 1 << PW_BLUEFLAG ) )
return qtrue;
if ( entinfo->powerups & ( 1 << PW_NEUTRALFLAG ) )
return qtrue;
return qfalse;
qboolean EntityIsInvisible(aas_entityinfo_t *entinfo) {
// the flag is always visible
if (EntityCarriesFlag(entinfo)) {
return qfalse;
if (entinfo->powerups & (1 << PW_INVIS)) {
return qtrue;
return qfalse;
qboolean EntityIsShooting(aas_entityinfo_t *entinfo) {
if (entinfo->flags & EF_FIRING) {
return qtrue;
return qfalse;
qboolean EntityIsChatting(aas_entityinfo_t *entinfo) {
if (entinfo->flags & EF_TALK) {
return qtrue;
return qfalse;
qboolean EntityHasQuad(aas_entityinfo_t *entinfo) {
if (entinfo->powerups & (1 << PW_QUAD)) {
return qtrue;
return qfalse;
qboolean EntityHasKamikaze(aas_entityinfo_t *entinfo) {
if (entinfo->flags & EF_KAMIKAZE) {
return qtrue;
return qfalse;
qboolean EntityCarriesCubes(aas_entityinfo_t *entinfo) {
entityState_t state;
if (gametype != GT_HARVESTER)
return qfalse;
//FIXME: get this info from the aas_entityinfo_t ?
BotAI_GetEntityState(entinfo->number, &state);
if (state.generic1 > 0)
return qtrue;
return qfalse;
int Bot1FCTFCarryingFlag(bot_state_t *bs) {
if (gametype != GT_1FCTF) return qfalse;
if (bs->inventory[INVENTORY_NEUTRALFLAG] > 0) return qtrue;
return qfalse;
int BotHarvesterCarryingCubes(bot_state_t *bs) {
if (gametype != GT_HARVESTER) return qfalse;
if (bs->inventory[INVENTORY_REDCUBE] > 0) return qtrue;
if (bs->inventory[INVENTORY_BLUECUBE] > 0) return qtrue;
return qfalse;
void BotRememberLastOrderedTask(bot_state_t *bs) {
if (!bs->ordered) {
bs->lastgoal_decisionmaker = bs->decisionmaker;
bs->lastgoal_ltgtype = bs->ltgtype;
memcpy(&bs->lastgoal_teamgoal, &bs->teamgoal, sizeof(bot_goal_t));
bs->lastgoal_teammate = bs->teammate;
void BotSetTeamStatus(bot_state_t *bs) {
int teamtask;
aas_entityinfo_t entinfo;
switch(bs->ltgtype) {
BotEntityInfo(bs->teammate, &entinfo);
if ( ( (gametype == GT_CTF || gametype == GT_1FCTF) && EntityCarriesFlag(&entinfo))
|| ( gametype == GT_HARVESTER && EntityCarriesCubes(&entinfo)) ) {
else {
case LTG_CAMP:
teamtask = TEAMTASK_CAMP;
case LTG_KILL:
BotSetUserInfo(bs, "teamtask", va("%d", teamtask));
int BotSetLastOrderedTask(bot_state_t *bs) {
if (gametype == GT_CTF) {
// don't go back to returning the flag if it's at the base
if ( bs->lastgoal_ltgtype == LTG_RETURNFLAG ) {
if ( BotTeam(bs) == TEAM_RED ) {
if ( bs->redflagstatus == 0 ) {
bs->lastgoal_ltgtype = 0;
else {
if ( bs->blueflagstatus == 0 ) {
bs->lastgoal_ltgtype = 0;
if ( bs->lastgoal_ltgtype ) {
bs->decisionmaker = bs->lastgoal_decisionmaker;
bs->ordered = qtrue;
bs->ltgtype = bs->lastgoal_ltgtype;
memcpy(&bs->teamgoal, &bs->lastgoal_teamgoal, sizeof(bot_goal_t));
bs->teammate = bs->lastgoal_teammate;
bs->teamgoal_time = FloatTime() + 300;
if ( gametype == GT_CTF ) {
if ( bs->ltgtype == LTG_GETFLAG ) {
bot_goal_t *tb, *eb;
int tt, et;
tb = BotTeamFlag(bs);
eb = BotEnemyFlag(bs);
tt = trap_AAS_AreaTravelTimeToGoalArea(bs->areanum, bs->origin, tb->areanum, TFL_DEFAULT);
et = trap_AAS_AreaTravelTimeToGoalArea(bs->areanum, bs->origin, eb->areanum, TFL_DEFAULT);
// if the travel time towards the enemy base is larger than towards our base
if (et > tt) {
//get an alternative route goal towards the enemy base
BotGetAlternateRouteGoal(bs, BotOppositeTeam(bs));
return qtrue;
return qfalse;
void BotRefuseOrder(bot_state_t *bs) {
if (!bs->ordered)
// if the bot was ordered to do something
if ( bs->order_time && bs->order_time > FloatTime() - 10 ) {
trap_EA_Action(bs->client, ACTION_NEGATIVE);
BotVoiceChat(bs, bs->decisionmaker, VOICECHAT_NO);
bs->order_time = 0;
void BotCTFSeekGoals(bot_state_t *bs) {
float rnd, l1, l2;
int flagstatus, c;
vec3_t dir;
aas_entityinfo_t entinfo;
//when carrying a flag in ctf the bot should rush to the base
if (BotCTFCarryingFlag(bs)) {
//if not already rushing to the base
if (bs->ltgtype != LTG_RUSHBASE) {
bs->ltgtype = LTG_RUSHBASE;
bs->teamgoal_time = FloatTime() + CTF_RUSHBASE_TIME;
bs->rushbaseaway_time = 0;
bs->decisionmaker = bs->client;
bs->ordered = qfalse;
switch(BotTeam(bs)) {
case TEAM_RED: VectorSubtract(bs->origin, ctf_blueflag.origin, dir); break;
case TEAM_BLUE: VectorSubtract(bs->origin, ctf_redflag.origin, dir); break;
default: VectorSet(dir, 999, 999, 999); break;
// if the bot picked up the flag very close to the enemy base
if ( VectorLength(dir) < 128 ) {
// get an alternative route goal through the enemy base
BotGetAlternateRouteGoal(bs, BotOppositeTeam(bs));
} else {
// don't use any alt route goal, just get the hell out of the base
bs->altroutegoal.areanum = 0;
BotSetUserInfo(bs, "teamtask", va("%d", TEAMTASK_OFFENSE));
BotVoiceChat(bs, -1, VOICECHAT_IHAVEFLAG);
else if (bs->rushbaseaway_time > FloatTime()) {
if (BotTeam(bs) == TEAM_RED) flagstatus = bs->redflagstatus;
else flagstatus = bs->blueflagstatus;
//if the flag is back
if (flagstatus == 0) {
bs->rushbaseaway_time = 0;
// if the bot decided to follow someone
if ( bs->ltgtype == LTG_TEAMACCOMPANY && !bs->ordered ) {
// if the team mate being accompanied no longer carries the flag
BotEntityInfo(bs->teammate, &entinfo);
if (!EntityCarriesFlag(&entinfo)) {
bs->ltgtype = 0;
if (BotTeam(bs) == TEAM_RED) flagstatus = bs->redflagstatus * 2 + bs->blueflagstatus;
else flagstatus = bs->blueflagstatus * 2 + bs->redflagstatus;
//if our team has the enemy flag and our flag is at the base
if (flagstatus == 1) {
if (bs->owndecision_time < FloatTime()) {
//if Not defending the base already
if (!(bs->ltgtype == LTG_DEFENDKEYAREA &&
(bs->teamgoal.number == ctf_redflag.number ||
bs->teamgoal.number == ctf_blueflag.number))) {
//if there is a visible team mate flag carrier
c = BotTeamFlagCarrierVisible(bs);
if (c >= 0 &&
// and not already following the team mate flag carrier
(bs->ltgtype != LTG_TEAMACCOMPANY || bs->teammate != c)) {
//follow the flag carrier
bs->decisionmaker = bs->client;
bs->ordered = qfalse;
//the team mate
bs->teammate = c;
//last time the team mate was visible
bs->teammatevisible_time = FloatTime();
//no message
bs->teammessage_time = 0;
//no arrive message
bs->arrive_time = 1;
BotVoiceChat(bs, bs->teammate, VOICECHAT_ONFOLLOW);
//get the team goal time
bs->teamgoal_time = FloatTime() + TEAM_ACCOMPANY_TIME;
bs->ltgtype = LTG_TEAMACCOMPANY;
bs->formation_dist = 3.5 * 32; //3.5 meter
bs->owndecision_time = FloatTime() + 5;
//if the enemy has our flag
else if (flagstatus == 2) {
if (bs->owndecision_time < FloatTime()) {
//if enemy flag carrier is visible
c = BotEnemyFlagCarrierVisible(bs);
if (c >= 0) {
//FIXME: fight enemy flag carrier
//if not already doing something important
if (bs->ltgtype != LTG_GETFLAG &&
bs->ltgtype != LTG_RETURNFLAG &&
bs->ltgtype != LTG_TEAMHELP &&
bs->ltgtype != LTG_TEAMACCOMPANY &&
bs->ltgtype != LTG_CAMPORDER &&
bs->ltgtype != LTG_PATROL &&
bs->ltgtype != LTG_GETITEM) {
bs->decisionmaker = bs->client;
bs->ordered = qfalse;
if (random() < 0.5) {
//go for the enemy flag
bs->ltgtype = LTG_GETFLAG;
else {
bs->ltgtype = LTG_RETURNFLAG;
//no team message
bs->teammessage_time = 0;
//set the time the bot will stop getting the flag
bs->teamgoal_time = FloatTime() + CTF_GETFLAG_TIME;
//get an alternative route goal towards the enemy base
BotGetAlternateRouteGoal(bs, BotOppositeTeam(bs));
bs->owndecision_time = FloatTime() + 5;
//if both flags Not at their bases
else if (flagstatus == 3) {
if (bs->owndecision_time < FloatTime()) {
// if not trying to return the flag and not following the team flag carrier
if ( bs->ltgtype != LTG_RETURNFLAG && bs->ltgtype != LTG_TEAMACCOMPANY ) {
c = BotTeamFlagCarrierVisible(bs);
// if there is a visible team mate flag carrier
if (c >= 0) {
//follow the flag carrier
bs->decisionmaker = bs->client;
bs->ordered = qfalse;
//the team mate
bs->teammate = c;
//last time the team mate was visible
bs->teammatevisible_time = FloatTime();
//no message
bs->teammessage_time = 0;
//no arrive message
bs->arrive_time = 1;
BotVoiceChat(bs, bs->teammate, VOICECHAT_ONFOLLOW);
//get the team goal time
bs->teamgoal_time = FloatTime() + TEAM_ACCOMPANY_TIME;
bs->ltgtype = LTG_TEAMACCOMPANY;
bs->formation_dist = 3.5 * 32; //3.5 meter
bs->owndecision_time = FloatTime() + 5;
else {
bs->decisionmaker = bs->client;
bs->ordered = qfalse;
//get the enemy flag
bs->teammessage_time = FloatTime() + 2 * random();
//get the flag
bs->ltgtype = LTG_RETURNFLAG;
//set the time the bot will stop getting the flag
bs->teamgoal_time = FloatTime() + CTF_RETURNFLAG_TIME;
//get an alternative route goal towards the enemy base
BotGetAlternateRouteGoal(bs, BotOppositeTeam(bs));
bs->owndecision_time = FloatTime() + 5;
// don't just do something wait for the bot team leader to give orders
if (BotTeamLeader(bs)) {
// if the bot is ordered to do something
if ( bs->lastgoal_ltgtype ) {
bs->teamgoal_time += 60;
// if the bot decided to do something on its own and has a last ordered goal
2005-08-26 17:39:27 +00:00
if ( !bs->ordered && bs->lastgoal_ltgtype ) {
bs->ltgtype = 0;
//if already a CTF or team goal
if (bs->ltgtype == LTG_TEAMHELP ||
bs->ltgtype == LTG_TEAMACCOMPANY ||
bs->ltgtype == LTG_DEFENDKEYAREA ||
bs->ltgtype == LTG_GETFLAG ||
bs->ltgtype == LTG_RUSHBASE ||
bs->ltgtype == LTG_RETURNFLAG ||
bs->ltgtype == LTG_CAMPORDER ||
bs->ltgtype == LTG_PATROL ||
bs->ltgtype == LTG_GETITEM ||
bs->ltgtype == LTG_MAKELOVE_UNDER ||
bs->ltgtype == LTG_MAKELOVE_ONTOP) {
if (BotSetLastOrderedTask(bs))
if (bs->owndecision_time > FloatTime())
//if the bot is roaming
if (bs->ctfroam_time > FloatTime())
2012-06-18 16:39:58 +00:00
//if the bot has enough aggression to decide what to do
2005-08-26 17:39:27 +00:00
if (BotAggression(bs) < 50)
//set the time to send a message to the team mates
bs->teammessage_time = FloatTime() + 2 * random();
if (bs->teamtaskpreference & (TEAMTP_ATTACKER|TEAMTP_DEFENDER)) {
if (bs->teamtaskpreference & TEAMTP_ATTACKER) {
l1 = 0.7f;
else {
l1 = 0.2f;
l2 = 0.9f;
else {
l1 = 0.4f;
l2 = 0.7f;
//get the flag or defend the base
rnd = random();
if (rnd < l1 && ctf_redflag.areanum && ctf_blueflag.areanum) {
bs->decisionmaker = bs->client;
bs->ordered = qfalse;
bs->ltgtype = LTG_GETFLAG;
//set the time the bot will stop getting the flag
bs->teamgoal_time = FloatTime() + CTF_GETFLAG_TIME;
//get an alternative route goal towards the enemy base
BotGetAlternateRouteGoal(bs, BotOppositeTeam(bs));
else if (rnd < l2 && ctf_redflag.areanum && ctf_blueflag.areanum) {
bs->decisionmaker = bs->client;
bs->ordered = qfalse;
if (BotTeam(bs) == TEAM_RED) memcpy(&bs->teamgoal, &ctf_redflag, sizeof(bot_goal_t));
else memcpy(&bs->teamgoal, &ctf_blueflag, sizeof(bot_goal_t));
//set the ltg type
bs->ltgtype = LTG_DEFENDKEYAREA;
//set the time the bot stops defending the base
bs->teamgoal_time = FloatTime() + TEAM_DEFENDKEYAREA_TIME;
bs->defendaway_time = 0;
else {
bs->ltgtype = 0;
//set the time the bot will stop roaming
bs->ctfroam_time = FloatTime() + CTF_ROAM_TIME;
bs->owndecision_time = FloatTime() + 5;
#ifdef DEBUG
#endif //DEBUG
void BotCTFRetreatGoals(bot_state_t *bs) {
//when carrying a flag in ctf the bot should rush to the base
if (BotCTFCarryingFlag(bs)) {
//if not already rushing to the base
if (bs->ltgtype != LTG_RUSHBASE) {
bs->ltgtype = LTG_RUSHBASE;
bs->teamgoal_time = FloatTime() + CTF_RUSHBASE_TIME;
bs->rushbaseaway_time = 0;
bs->decisionmaker = bs->client;
bs->ordered = qfalse;
void Bot1FCTFSeekGoals(bot_state_t *bs) {
aas_entityinfo_t entinfo;
float rnd, l1, l2;
int c;
//when carrying a flag in ctf the bot should rush to the base
if (Bot1FCTFCarryingFlag(bs)) {
//if not already rushing to the base
if (bs->ltgtype != LTG_RUSHBASE) {
bs->ltgtype = LTG_RUSHBASE;
bs->teamgoal_time = FloatTime() + CTF_RUSHBASE_TIME;
bs->rushbaseaway_time = 0;
bs->decisionmaker = bs->client;
bs->ordered = qfalse;
//get an alternative route goal towards the enemy base
BotGetAlternateRouteGoal(bs, BotOppositeTeam(bs));
BotVoiceChat(bs, -1, VOICECHAT_IHAVEFLAG);
// if the bot decided to follow someone
if ( bs->ltgtype == LTG_TEAMACCOMPANY && !bs->ordered ) {
// if the team mate being accompanied no longer carries the flag
BotEntityInfo(bs->teammate, &entinfo);
if (!EntityCarriesFlag(&entinfo)) {
bs->ltgtype = 0;
//our team has the flag
if (bs->neutralflagstatus == 1) {
if (bs->owndecision_time < FloatTime()) {
// if not already following someone
if (bs->ltgtype != LTG_TEAMACCOMPANY) {
//if there is a visible team mate flag carrier
c = BotTeamFlagCarrierVisible(bs);
if (c >= 0) {
//follow the flag carrier
bs->decisionmaker = bs->client;
bs->ordered = qfalse;
//the team mate
bs->teammate = c;
//last time the team mate was visible
bs->teammatevisible_time = FloatTime();
//no message
bs->teammessage_time = 0;
//no arrive message
bs->arrive_time = 1;
BotVoiceChat(bs, bs->teammate, VOICECHAT_ONFOLLOW);
//get the team goal time
bs->teamgoal_time = FloatTime() + TEAM_ACCOMPANY_TIME;
bs->ltgtype = LTG_TEAMACCOMPANY;
bs->formation_dist = 3.5 * 32; //3.5 meter
bs->owndecision_time = FloatTime() + 5;
//if already a CTF or team goal
if (bs->ltgtype == LTG_TEAMHELP ||
bs->ltgtype == LTG_TEAMACCOMPANY ||
bs->ltgtype == LTG_DEFENDKEYAREA ||
bs->ltgtype == LTG_GETFLAG ||
bs->ltgtype == LTG_RUSHBASE ||
bs->ltgtype == LTG_CAMPORDER ||
bs->ltgtype == LTG_PATROL ||
bs->ltgtype == LTG_ATTACKENEMYBASE ||
bs->ltgtype == LTG_GETITEM ||
bs->ltgtype == LTG_MAKELOVE_UNDER ||
bs->ltgtype == LTG_MAKELOVE_ONTOP) {
//if not already attacking the enemy base
if (bs->ltgtype != LTG_ATTACKENEMYBASE) {
bs->decisionmaker = bs->client;
bs->ordered = qfalse;
if (BotTeam(bs) == TEAM_RED) memcpy(&bs->teamgoal, &ctf_blueflag, sizeof(bot_goal_t));
else memcpy(&bs->teamgoal, &ctf_redflag, sizeof(bot_goal_t));
//set the ltg type
//set the time the bot will stop getting the flag
bs->teamgoal_time = FloatTime() + TEAM_ATTACKENEMYBASE_TIME;
bs->owndecision_time = FloatTime() + 5;
//enemy team has the flag
else if (bs->neutralflagstatus == 2) {
if (bs->owndecision_time < FloatTime()) {
c = BotEnemyFlagCarrierVisible(bs);
if (c >= 0) {
//FIXME: attack enemy flag carrier
//if already a CTF or team goal
if (bs->ltgtype == LTG_TEAMHELP ||
bs->ltgtype == LTG_TEAMACCOMPANY ||
bs->ltgtype == LTG_CAMPORDER ||
bs->ltgtype == LTG_PATROL ||
bs->ltgtype == LTG_GETITEM) {
// if not already defending the base
if (bs->ltgtype != LTG_DEFENDKEYAREA) {
bs->decisionmaker = bs->client;
bs->ordered = qfalse;
if (BotTeam(bs) == TEAM_RED) memcpy(&bs->teamgoal, &ctf_redflag, sizeof(bot_goal_t));
else memcpy(&bs->teamgoal, &ctf_blueflag, sizeof(bot_goal_t));
//set the ltg type
bs->ltgtype = LTG_DEFENDKEYAREA;
//set the time the bot stops defending the base
bs->teamgoal_time = FloatTime() + TEAM_DEFENDKEYAREA_TIME;
bs->defendaway_time = 0;
bs->owndecision_time = FloatTime() + 5;
// don't just do something wait for the bot team leader to give orders
if (BotTeamLeader(bs)) {
// if the bot is ordered to do something
if ( bs->lastgoal_ltgtype ) {
bs->teamgoal_time += 60;
// if the bot decided to do something on its own and has a last ordered goal
2005-08-26 17:39:27 +00:00
if ( !bs->ordered && bs->lastgoal_ltgtype ) {
bs->ltgtype = 0;
//if already a CTF or team goal
if (bs->ltgtype == LTG_TEAMHELP ||
bs->ltgtype == LTG_TEAMACCOMPANY ||
bs->ltgtype == LTG_DEFENDKEYAREA ||
bs->ltgtype == LTG_GETFLAG ||
bs->ltgtype == LTG_RUSHBASE ||
bs->ltgtype == LTG_RETURNFLAG ||
bs->ltgtype == LTG_CAMPORDER ||
bs->ltgtype == LTG_PATROL ||
bs->ltgtype == LTG_ATTACKENEMYBASE ||
bs->ltgtype == LTG_GETITEM ||
bs->ltgtype == LTG_MAKELOVE_UNDER ||
bs->ltgtype == LTG_MAKELOVE_ONTOP) {
if (BotSetLastOrderedTask(bs))
if (bs->owndecision_time > FloatTime())
//if the bot is roaming
if (bs->ctfroam_time > FloatTime())
2012-06-18 16:39:58 +00:00
//if the bot has enough aggression to decide what to do
2005-08-26 17:39:27 +00:00
if (BotAggression(bs) < 50)
//set the time to send a message to the team mates
bs->teammessage_time = FloatTime() + 2 * random();
if (bs->teamtaskpreference & (TEAMTP_ATTACKER|TEAMTP_DEFENDER)) {
if (bs->teamtaskpreference & TEAMTP_ATTACKER) {
l1 = 0.7f;
else {
l1 = 0.2f;
l2 = 0.9f;
else {
l1 = 0.4f;
l2 = 0.7f;
//get the flag or defend the base
rnd = random();
if (rnd < l1 && ctf_neutralflag.areanum) {
bs->decisionmaker = bs->client;
bs->ordered = qfalse;
bs->ltgtype = LTG_GETFLAG;
//set the time the bot will stop getting the flag
bs->teamgoal_time = FloatTime() + CTF_GETFLAG_TIME;
else if (rnd < l2 && ctf_redflag.areanum && ctf_blueflag.areanum) {
bs->decisionmaker = bs->client;
bs->ordered = qfalse;
if (BotTeam(bs) == TEAM_RED) memcpy(&bs->teamgoal, &ctf_redflag, sizeof(bot_goal_t));
else memcpy(&bs->teamgoal, &ctf_blueflag, sizeof(bot_goal_t));
//set the ltg type
bs->ltgtype = LTG_DEFENDKEYAREA;
//set the time the bot stops defending the base
bs->teamgoal_time = FloatTime() + TEAM_DEFENDKEYAREA_TIME;
bs->defendaway_time = 0;
else {
bs->ltgtype = 0;
//set the time the bot will stop roaming
bs->ctfroam_time = FloatTime() + CTF_ROAM_TIME;
bs->owndecision_time = FloatTime() + 5;
#ifdef DEBUG
#endif //DEBUG
void Bot1FCTFRetreatGoals(bot_state_t *bs) {
//when carrying a flag in ctf the bot should rush to the enemy base
if (Bot1FCTFCarryingFlag(bs)) {
//if not already rushing to the base
if (bs->ltgtype != LTG_RUSHBASE) {
bs->ltgtype = LTG_RUSHBASE;
bs->teamgoal_time = FloatTime() + CTF_RUSHBASE_TIME;
bs->rushbaseaway_time = 0;
bs->decisionmaker = bs->client;
bs->ordered = qfalse;
//get an alternative route goal towards the enemy base
BotGetAlternateRouteGoal(bs, BotOppositeTeam(bs));
void BotObeliskSeekGoals(bot_state_t *bs) {
float rnd, l1, l2;
// don't just do something wait for the bot team leader to give orders
if (BotTeamLeader(bs)) {
// if the bot is ordered to do something
if ( bs->lastgoal_ltgtype ) {
bs->teamgoal_time += 60;
//if already a team goal
if (bs->ltgtype == LTG_TEAMHELP ||
bs->ltgtype == LTG_TEAMACCOMPANY ||
bs->ltgtype == LTG_DEFENDKEYAREA ||
bs->ltgtype == LTG_GETFLAG ||
bs->ltgtype == LTG_RUSHBASE ||
bs->ltgtype == LTG_RETURNFLAG ||
bs->ltgtype == LTG_CAMPORDER ||
bs->ltgtype == LTG_PATROL ||
bs->ltgtype == LTG_ATTACKENEMYBASE ||
bs->ltgtype == LTG_GETITEM ||
bs->ltgtype == LTG_MAKELOVE_UNDER ||
bs->ltgtype == LTG_MAKELOVE_ONTOP) {
if (BotSetLastOrderedTask(bs))
//if the bot is roaming
if (bs->ctfroam_time > FloatTime())
2012-06-18 16:39:58 +00:00
//if the bot has enough aggression to decide what to do
2005-08-26 17:39:27 +00:00
if (BotAggression(bs) < 50)
//set the time to send a message to the team mates
bs->teammessage_time = FloatTime() + 2 * random();
if (bs->teamtaskpreference & (TEAMTP_ATTACKER|TEAMTP_DEFENDER)) {
if (bs->teamtaskpreference & TEAMTP_ATTACKER) {
l1 = 0.7f;
else {
l1 = 0.2f;
l2 = 0.9f;
else {
l1 = 0.4f;
l2 = 0.7f;
//get the flag or defend the base
rnd = random();
if (rnd < l1 && redobelisk.areanum && blueobelisk.areanum) {
bs->decisionmaker = bs->client;
bs->ordered = qfalse;
if (BotTeam(bs) == TEAM_RED) memcpy(&bs->teamgoal, &blueobelisk, sizeof(bot_goal_t));
else memcpy(&bs->teamgoal, &redobelisk, sizeof(bot_goal_t));
//set the ltg type
//set the time the bot will stop attacking the enemy base
bs->teamgoal_time = FloatTime() + TEAM_ATTACKENEMYBASE_TIME;
//get an alternate route goal towards the enemy base
BotGetAlternateRouteGoal(bs, BotOppositeTeam(bs));
else if (rnd < l2 && redobelisk.areanum && blueobelisk.areanum) {
bs->decisionmaker = bs->client;
bs->ordered = qfalse;
if (BotTeam(bs) == TEAM_RED) memcpy(&bs->teamgoal, &redobelisk, sizeof(bot_goal_t));
else memcpy(&bs->teamgoal, &blueobelisk, sizeof(bot_goal_t));
//set the ltg type
bs->ltgtype = LTG_DEFENDKEYAREA;
//set the time the bot stops defending the base
bs->teamgoal_time = FloatTime() + TEAM_DEFENDKEYAREA_TIME;
bs->defendaway_time = 0;
else {
bs->ltgtype = 0;
//set the time the bot will stop roaming
bs->ctfroam_time = FloatTime() + CTF_ROAM_TIME;
void BotGoHarvest(bot_state_t *bs) {
if (BotTeam(bs) == TEAM_RED) memcpy(&bs->teamgoal, &blueobelisk, sizeof(bot_goal_t));
else memcpy(&bs->teamgoal, &redobelisk, sizeof(bot_goal_t));
//set the ltg type
bs->ltgtype = LTG_HARVEST;
//set the time the bot will stop harvesting
bs->teamgoal_time = FloatTime() + TEAM_HARVEST_TIME;
bs->harvestaway_time = 0;
void BotObeliskRetreatGoals(bot_state_t *bs) {
//nothing special
void BotHarvesterSeekGoals(bot_state_t *bs) {
aas_entityinfo_t entinfo;
float rnd, l1, l2;
int c;
//when carrying cubes in harvester the bot should rush to the base
if (BotHarvesterCarryingCubes(bs)) {
//if not already rushing to the base
if (bs->ltgtype != LTG_RUSHBASE) {
bs->ltgtype = LTG_RUSHBASE;
bs->teamgoal_time = FloatTime() + CTF_RUSHBASE_TIME;
bs->rushbaseaway_time = 0;
bs->decisionmaker = bs->client;
bs->ordered = qfalse;
//get an alternative route goal towards the enemy base
BotGetAlternateRouteGoal(bs, BotOppositeTeam(bs));
// don't just do something wait for the bot team leader to give orders
if (BotTeamLeader(bs)) {
// if the bot decided to follow someone
if ( bs->ltgtype == LTG_TEAMACCOMPANY && !bs->ordered ) {
// if the team mate being accompanied no longer carries the flag
BotEntityInfo(bs->teammate, &entinfo);
if (!EntityCarriesCubes(&entinfo)) {
bs->ltgtype = 0;
// if the bot is ordered to do something
if ( bs->lastgoal_ltgtype ) {
bs->teamgoal_time += 60;
//if not yet doing something
if (bs->ltgtype == LTG_TEAMHELP ||
bs->ltgtype == LTG_TEAMACCOMPANY ||
bs->ltgtype == LTG_DEFENDKEYAREA ||
bs->ltgtype == LTG_GETFLAG ||
bs->ltgtype == LTG_CAMPORDER ||
bs->ltgtype == LTG_PATROL ||
bs->ltgtype == LTG_ATTACKENEMYBASE ||
bs->ltgtype == LTG_HARVEST ||
bs->ltgtype == LTG_GETITEM ||
bs->ltgtype == LTG_MAKELOVE_UNDER ||
bs->ltgtype == LTG_MAKELOVE_ONTOP) {
if (BotSetLastOrderedTask(bs))
//if the bot is roaming
if (bs->ctfroam_time > FloatTime())
2012-06-18 16:39:58 +00:00
//if the bot has enough aggression to decide what to do
2005-08-26 17:39:27 +00:00
if (BotAggression(bs) < 50)
//set the time to send a message to the team mates
bs->teammessage_time = FloatTime() + 2 * random();
c = BotEnemyCubeCarrierVisible(bs);
if (c >= 0) {
//FIXME: attack enemy cube carrier
if (bs->ltgtype != LTG_TEAMACCOMPANY) {
//if there is a visible team mate carrying cubes
c = BotTeamCubeCarrierVisible(bs);
if (c >= 0) {
//follow the team mate carrying cubes
bs->decisionmaker = bs->client;
bs->ordered = qfalse;
//the team mate
bs->teammate = c;
//last time the team mate was visible
bs->teammatevisible_time = FloatTime();
//no message
bs->teammessage_time = 0;
//no arrive message
bs->arrive_time = 1;
BotVoiceChat(bs, bs->teammate, VOICECHAT_ONFOLLOW);
//get the team goal time
bs->teamgoal_time = FloatTime() + TEAM_ACCOMPANY_TIME;
bs->ltgtype = LTG_TEAMACCOMPANY;
bs->formation_dist = 3.5 * 32; //3.5 meter
if (bs->teamtaskpreference & (TEAMTP_ATTACKER|TEAMTP_DEFENDER)) {
if (bs->teamtaskpreference & TEAMTP_ATTACKER) {
l1 = 0.7f;
else {
l1 = 0.2f;
l2 = 0.9f;
else {
l1 = 0.4f;
l2 = 0.7f;
rnd = random();
if (rnd < l1 && redobelisk.areanum && blueobelisk.areanum) {
bs->decisionmaker = bs->client;
bs->ordered = qfalse;
else if (rnd < l2 && redobelisk.areanum && blueobelisk.areanum) {
bs->decisionmaker = bs->client;
bs->ordered = qfalse;
if (BotTeam(bs) == TEAM_RED) memcpy(&bs->teamgoal, &redobelisk, sizeof(bot_goal_t));
else memcpy(&bs->teamgoal, &blueobelisk, sizeof(bot_goal_t));
//set the ltg type
bs->ltgtype = LTG_DEFENDKEYAREA;
//set the time the bot stops defending the base
bs->teamgoal_time = FloatTime() + TEAM_DEFENDKEYAREA_TIME;
bs->defendaway_time = 0;
else {
bs->ltgtype = 0;
//set the time the bot will stop roaming
bs->ctfroam_time = FloatTime() + CTF_ROAM_TIME;
void BotHarvesterRetreatGoals(bot_state_t *bs) {
//when carrying cubes in harvester the bot should rush to the base
if (BotHarvesterCarryingCubes(bs)) {
//if not already rushing to the base
if (bs->ltgtype != LTG_RUSHBASE) {
bs->ltgtype = LTG_RUSHBASE;
bs->teamgoal_time = FloatTime() + CTF_RUSHBASE_TIME;
bs->rushbaseaway_time = 0;
bs->decisionmaker = bs->client;
bs->ordered = qfalse;
void BotTeamGoals(bot_state_t *bs, int retreat) {
if ( retreat ) {
if (gametype == GT_CTF) {
else if (gametype == GT_1FCTF) {
else if (gametype == GT_OBELISK) {
else if (gametype == GT_HARVESTER) {
else {
if (gametype == GT_CTF) {
//decide what to do in CTF mode
else if (gametype == GT_1FCTF) {
else if (gametype == GT_OBELISK) {
else if (gametype == GT_HARVESTER) {
// reset the order time which is used to see if
// we decided to refuse an order
bs->order_time = 0;
int BotPointAreaNum(vec3_t origin) {
int areanum, numareas, areas[10];
vec3_t end;
areanum = trap_AAS_PointAreaNum(origin);
if (areanum) return areanum;
VectorCopy(origin, end);
end[2] += 10;
numareas = trap_AAS_TraceAreas(origin, end, areas, NULL, 10);
if (numareas > 0) return areas[0];
return 0;
char *ClientName(int client, char *name, int size) {
char buf[MAX_INFO_STRING];
if (client < 0 || client >= MAX_CLIENTS) {
BotAI_Print(PRT_ERROR, "ClientName: client out of range\n");
return "[client out of range]";
trap_GetConfigstring(CS_PLAYERS+client, buf, sizeof(buf));
strncpy(name, Info_ValueForKey(buf, "n"), size-1);
name[size-1] = '\0';
Q_CleanStr( name );
return name;
char *ClientSkin(int client, char *skin, int size) {
char buf[MAX_INFO_STRING];
if (client < 0 || client >= MAX_CLIENTS) {
BotAI_Print(PRT_ERROR, "ClientSkin: client out of range\n");
return "[client out of range]";
trap_GetConfigstring(CS_PLAYERS+client, buf, sizeof(buf));
strncpy(skin, Info_ValueForKey(buf, "model"), size-1);
skin[size-1] = '\0';
return skin;
int ClientFromName(char *name) {
int i;
char buf[MAX_INFO_STRING];
static int maxclients;
if (!maxclients)
maxclients = trap_Cvar_VariableIntegerValue("sv_maxclients");
for (i = 0; i < maxclients && i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++) {
trap_GetConfigstring(CS_PLAYERS+i, buf, sizeof(buf));
Q_CleanStr( buf );
if (!Q_stricmp(Info_ValueForKey(buf, "n"), name)) return i;
return -1;
int ClientOnSameTeamFromName(bot_state_t *bs, char *name) {
int i;
char buf[MAX_INFO_STRING];
static int maxclients;
if (!maxclients)
maxclients = trap_Cvar_VariableIntegerValue("sv_maxclients");
for (i = 0; i < maxclients && i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++) {
if (!BotSameTeam(bs, i))
trap_GetConfigstring(CS_PLAYERS+i, buf, sizeof(buf));
Q_CleanStr( buf );
if (!Q_stricmp(Info_ValueForKey(buf, "n"), name)) return i;
return -1;
char *stristr(char *str, char *charset) {
int i;
while(*str) {
for (i = 0; charset[i] && str[i]; i++) {
if (toupper(charset[i]) != toupper(str[i])) break;
if (!charset[i]) return str;
return NULL;
char *EasyClientName(int client, char *buf, int size) {
int i;
char *str1, *str2, *ptr, c;
char name[128];
ClientName(client, name, sizeof(name));
2005-08-26 17:39:27 +00:00
for (i = 0; name[i]; i++) name[i] &= 127;
//remove all spaces
for (ptr = strstr(name, " "); ptr; ptr = strstr(name, " ")) {
memmove(ptr, ptr+1, strlen(ptr+1)+1);
//check for [x] and ]x[ clan names
str1 = strstr(name, "[");
str2 = strstr(name, "]");
if (str1 && str2) {
if (str2 > str1) memmove(str1, str2+1, strlen(str2+1)+1);
else memmove(str2, str1+1, strlen(str1+1)+1);
//remove Mr prefix
if ((name[0] == 'm' || name[0] == 'M') &&
(name[1] == 'r' || name[1] == 'R')) {
memmove(name, name+2, strlen(name+2)+1);
//only allow lower case alphabet characters
ptr = name;
while(*ptr) {
c = *ptr;
if ((c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') ||
(c >= '0' && c <= '9') || c == '_') {
else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') {
*ptr += 'a' - 'A';
else {
memmove(ptr, ptr+1, strlen(ptr + 1)+1);
strncpy(buf, name, size-1);
buf[size-1] = '\0';
return buf;
int BotSynonymContext(bot_state_t *bs) {
int context;
if (gametype == GT_CTF
|| gametype == GT_1FCTF
) {
if (BotTeam(bs) == TEAM_RED) context |= CONTEXT_CTFREDTEAM;
else context |= CONTEXT_CTFBLUETEAM;
else if (gametype == GT_OBELISK) {
if (BotTeam(bs) == TEAM_RED) context |= CONTEXT_OBELISKREDTEAM;
else if (gametype == GT_HARVESTER) {
if (BotTeam(bs) == TEAM_RED) context |= CONTEXT_HARVESTERREDTEAM;
return context;
void BotChooseWeapon(bot_state_t *bs) {
int newweaponnum;
if (bs->cur_ps.weaponstate == WEAPON_RAISING ||
bs->cur_ps.weaponstate == WEAPON_DROPPING) {
trap_EA_SelectWeapon(bs->client, bs->weaponnum);
else {
newweaponnum = trap_BotChooseBestFightWeapon(bs->ws, bs->inventory);
if (bs->weaponnum != newweaponnum) bs->weaponchange_time = FloatTime();
bs->weaponnum = newweaponnum;
//BotAI_Print(PRT_MESSAGE, "bs->weaponnum = %d\n", bs->weaponnum);
trap_EA_SelectWeapon(bs->client, bs->weaponnum);
void BotSetupForMovement(bot_state_t *bs) {
bot_initmove_t initmove;
memset(&initmove, 0, sizeof(bot_initmove_t));
VectorCopy(bs->cur_ps.origin, initmove.origin);
VectorCopy(bs->cur_ps.velocity, initmove.velocity);
initmove.viewoffset[2] += bs->cur_ps.viewheight;
initmove.entitynum = bs->entitynum;
initmove.client = bs->client;
initmove.thinktime = bs->thinktime;
//set the onground flag
if (bs->cur_ps.groundEntityNum != ENTITYNUM_NONE) initmove.or_moveflags |= MFL_ONGROUND;
//set the teleported flag
if ((bs->cur_ps.pm_flags & PMF_TIME_KNOCKBACK) && (bs->cur_ps.pm_time > 0)) {
initmove.or_moveflags |= MFL_TELEPORTED;
//set the waterjump flag
if ((bs->cur_ps.pm_flags & PMF_TIME_WATERJUMP) && (bs->cur_ps.pm_time > 0)) {
initmove.or_moveflags |= MFL_WATERJUMP;
//set presence type
if (bs->cur_ps.pm_flags & PMF_DUCKED) initmove.presencetype = PRESENCE_CROUCH;
else initmove.presencetype = PRESENCE_NORMAL;
if (bs->walker > 0.5) initmove.or_moveflags |= MFL_WALK;
VectorCopy(bs->viewangles, initmove.viewangles);
trap_BotInitMoveState(bs->ms, &initmove);
void BotCheckItemPickup(bot_state_t *bs, int *oldinventory) {
int offence, leader;
if (gametype <= GT_TEAM)
offence = -1;
// go into offence if picked up the kamikaze or invulnerability
if (!oldinventory[INVENTORY_KAMIKAZE] && bs->inventory[INVENTORY_KAMIKAZE] >= 1) {
offence = qtrue;
if (!oldinventory[INVENTORY_INVULNERABILITY] && bs->inventory[INVENTORY_INVULNERABILITY] >= 1) {
offence = qtrue;
// if not already wearing the kamikaze or invulnerability
if (!bs->inventory[INVENTORY_KAMIKAZE] && !bs->inventory[INVENTORY_INVULNERABILITY]) {
if (!oldinventory[INVENTORY_SCOUT] && bs->inventory[INVENTORY_SCOUT] >= 1) {
offence = qtrue;
if (!oldinventory[INVENTORY_GUARD] && bs->inventory[INVENTORY_GUARD] >= 1) {
offence = qtrue;
if (!oldinventory[INVENTORY_DOUBLER] && bs->inventory[INVENTORY_DOUBLER] >= 1) {
offence = qfalse;
if (!oldinventory[INVENTORY_AMMOREGEN] && bs->inventory[INVENTORY_AMMOREGEN] >= 1) {
offence = qfalse;
if (offence >= 0) {
leader = ClientFromName(bs->teamleader);
if (offence) {
if (!(bs->teamtaskpreference & TEAMTP_ATTACKER)) {
// if we have a bot team leader
if (BotTeamLeader(bs)) {
// tell the leader we want to be on offence
BotVoiceChat(bs, leader, VOICECHAT_WANTONOFFENSE);
//BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "wantoffence", NULL);
//trap_BotEnterChat(bs->cs, leader, CHAT_TELL);
else if (g_spSkill.integer <= 3) {
if ( bs->ltgtype != LTG_GETFLAG &&
bs->ltgtype != LTG_ATTACKENEMYBASE &&
bs->ltgtype != LTG_HARVEST ) {
if ((gametype != GT_CTF || (bs->redflagstatus == 0 && bs->blueflagstatus == 0)) &&
(gametype != GT_1FCTF || bs->neutralflagstatus == 0) ) {
// tell the leader we want to be on offence
BotVoiceChat(bs, leader, VOICECHAT_WANTONOFFENSE);
//BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "wantoffence", NULL);
//trap_BotEnterChat(bs->cs, leader, CHAT_TELL);
Batch of bug fixes for gamecode. Patch compiled and log message written by Tobias Kuehnhammer (#5144) ################################################################################ This Patch fixes: ################################################################################ - The "fraglimit warning" was not played at all, if on the blue team. - The "where" console command was broken. - Obelisk explosion wasn't drawn if no Rocketlauncher was loaded. - Impact marks sometimes didn't draw at all. - IMPORTANT BUGFIX: No killing for cheaters with Lightning gun and Gauntlet. - If two doors are close to each other a spectator couldn't fly through them. - More robust, efficient and logical respawning routine. NOTE: The game.qvm will get notable smaller and will use LESS MEMORY! - Drowning sounds are fixed. Now they are played as intended. (as the id comment in the source code shows). - Some AI bugs (OVERFLOW!) in the bot movement code. - Several "Team Arena" Overload and Harvester bugs. - Stops bots from attacking a team mate (player) who only changed teams. - Some voice chats and CTF commands fixed. - "Team_ReturnFlag" was called twice, which did wired things sometimes. NOTE: (G_RunItem checks CONTENTS_NODROP already!) - A bugfix for Gauntlet animation. - Incorrect CTF scoring. - A bunch of corrected comments and print lines ("\n"). - Some regularity of expression and some small trivial bugs. ################################################################################ Details: ################################################################################ ******************************************************************************** BUG: in gamemode GT_TEAM the fraglimit warning will not be played if joining the blue team! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: In "CG_CheckLocalSounds": if cgs.scores2 > highScore, highScore should be cgs.scores2. ******************************************************************************** BUG: the "where" console command doesn't work as expected (it's always 0 0 0) but not in id Quake 3 Arena. It seems that now Ioquake3 is affected! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: In Function "Cmd_Where_f" ent->s.origin should be ent->r.currentOrigin. ******************************************************************************** BUG: in gamemode GT_OBELISK obelisk explosion won't be drawn if there is no Rocketlauncher loaded. (The "maps without Rocketlauncher" bug) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: in "cg_main.c": cgs.media.rocketExplosionShader should be registered if gamemode is GT_OBELISK. ******************************************************************************** BUG: Impact marks sometimes doesn't draw at all. Not easy to reproduce if you don't play (io)Quake3 every day and know the places where it happens! ;) But anyway... Test: start q3dm12 go to "Long Jump Canyon" (where the small platform teleporter for the BFG is) place yourself at the point where the railgun spawns, look in the direction where the red suspended armor is. Now shoot at the sloped wall on the out/leftside of the door you see. (the sloped wall should be nearly in the center of your screen now). If you choose the correct brush face and shoot up and down at this brush face, the impact marks sometimes aren't visible. There are hundreds of custom maps where this can happen! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: I replaced the function "SnapVectorTowards" with the one from "Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory (GPL Source Code)" ******************************************************************************** BUG: Normally "NOCLIP" cheaters are logically not allowed to fire a gun. Unfortunatly the Gauntlet (and Lightning gun) was forgotten and not restricted to that. All weapons except those two were handled correct. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: Make Gauntlet and Lightning gun not firing for someone who cheats with "NOCLIP" (like all other weapons). ******************************************************************************** NOTE: A few bugfixes are not mine and are reported here: http://www.quake3world.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=9179. Thanks to Quake3world, for all those years and the good guys there! ******************************************************************************** BUG: During making a mod I found a very strange bug, which mainly occurs if someone tries to implement a lot of singleplayer monsters which should walk slowly (like the "Crash" bot). So if someone wants to make slow down bots or monsters when they are walking towards a goal and alter the function "BotMoveInGoalArea" then the bots/monsters do stupid things. Otherwise and this is the default (also buggy) behavior they start running although they shouldn't (as seen with the "Crash" bot and will not be fixed here). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: Fix overflow in bot user command. BUGFIX from "Hunt" mod by J. Hoffman. ******************************************************************************** BUG: in function "BotMoveToGoal" the special elevator case doesn't make sense. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: in "be_ai_move.c": ((result->flags & MOVERESULT_ONTOPOF_FUNCBOB) || (result->flags & MOVERESULT_ONTOPOF_FUNCBOB)) should be ((result->flags & MOVERESULT_ONTOPOF_ELEVATOR) || (result->flags & MOVERESULT_ONTOPOF_FUNCBOB)). ******************************************************************************** BUG: in function "BotWantsToRetreat" and "BotWantsToChase" this is wrong: "(bs->enemy != redobelisk.entitynum || bs->enemy != blueobelisk.entitynum)" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: "... redobelisk.entitynum) && (bs->enemy != blueobelisk.." is correct. ******************************************************************************** BUG: in gamemode GT_OBELISK there are too many node switches for bots (test: mpq3tourney6 with many bots). If that happens, game becomes unplayable. I don't know if this is the best solution but here it is: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: In function "AINode_Battle_Fight" right after: if (!BotEntityVisible(bs->entitynum, bs->eye, bs->viewangles, 360, bs->enemy)) { I added this: #ifdef MISSIONPACK if (bs->enemy == redobelisk.entitynum || bs->enemy == blueobelisk.entitynum) { AIEnter_Battle_Chase(bs, "battle fight: obelisk out of sight"); return qfalse; } #endif ******************************************************************************** BUG: in gamemode >= GT_TEAM, after team change, bots will (sometimes) not stop shooting at you, although you are on their team now. It seems that the configstrings are f***** up or not reliable in this case! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: In function "BotTeam" and "BotSameTeam" get the real team values. ******************************************************************************** BUG: Some of the bots voice commands are wrong. They are commanded to attack the enemy base but they say "Okay, I will defend!" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: Corrected some voice commands in "BotCTFOrders_FlagNotAtBase" and "Bot1FCTFOrders_EnemyDroppedFlag" ******************************************************************************** BUG: Spectators couldn't fly through doors if they are very close to each other. You can test it with some regular id maps (q3dm14, q3dm12) but there are also many custom maps where this can happen! This is annoying because in the worst case you can't move at all and are caught inside a door. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: There is a solution in a mod called "Hunt" by J. Hoffman. Bugfix is included in this patch! ******************************************************************************** BUG: During making a mod I found it very hard to implement some of my ideas (something like "Limbo" or "Meeting") because of the way the player spawn effect, intermission and spawning on victory pads is handled. I reworked it a bit and simplified it so that the effect is handled when a client respawns (as the name says) and not when a client begins. I think this will help more mod makers everytime they want to make changes to spawning of players, bots on victory pads or monsters... and want to avoid spectators with Machineguns which can kill and score... :() NOTE: I also renamed the poorly named function "respawn" to "ClientRespawn". If someone searches the code base for "respawn" it was really hard to find the correct place for what was meant. "respawn" is used so often, that you really get headache ... now with "ClientRespawn" it's easier! IMPORTANT: The whole respawning, moving to intermission point and everything related to that is now done in a more reliable way without changing the default behavior. (How critical the whole spwaning mess was did you see by yourself (ioquake3 rev. 2076). With this patch it's safer. Trust me, I spent hours of fixing silly problems... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: Simplified "ClientBegin" and moved the teleport event to "ClientSpawn". ******************************************************************************** BUG: If a player is dying or hurted under water the hurt/dying sounds AND the drowning sounds are played together. This is silly. Moreover it's no good idea to let the server play client sounds! There was a solution in a mod called "Q3A++" by Dan 'Neurobasher' Gomes which fixes the problem. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: Created a "CG_WaterLevel" function to play the appropriate sounds. ******************************************************************************** ################################################################################
2011-08-01 11:39:33 +00:00
bs->teamtaskpreference |= TEAMTP_ATTACKER;
2005-08-26 17:39:27 +00:00
bs->teamtaskpreference &= ~TEAMTP_DEFENDER;
else {
if (!(bs->teamtaskpreference & TEAMTP_DEFENDER)) {
// if we have a bot team leader
if (BotTeamLeader(bs)) {
// tell the leader we want to be on defense
//BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "wantdefence", NULL);
//trap_BotEnterChat(bs->cs, leader, CHAT_TELL);
else if (g_spSkill.integer <= 3) {
if ( bs->ltgtype != LTG_DEFENDKEYAREA ) {
if ((gametype != GT_CTF || (bs->redflagstatus == 0 && bs->blueflagstatus == 0)) &&
(gametype != GT_1FCTF || bs->neutralflagstatus == 0) ) {
// tell the leader we want to be on defense
//BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "wantdefence", NULL);
//trap_BotEnterChat(bs->cs, leader, CHAT_TELL);
bs->teamtaskpreference |= TEAMTP_DEFENDER;
bs->teamtaskpreference &= ~TEAMTP_ATTACKER;
void BotUpdateInventory(bot_state_t *bs) {
int oldinventory[MAX_ITEMS];
memcpy(oldinventory, bs->inventory, sizeof(oldinventory));
bs->inventory[INVENTORY_ARMOR] = bs->cur_ps.stats[STAT_ARMOR];
bs->inventory[INVENTORY_GAUNTLET] = (bs->cur_ps.stats[STAT_WEAPONS] & (1 << WP_GAUNTLET)) != 0;
bs->inventory[INVENTORY_SHOTGUN] = (bs->cur_ps.stats[STAT_WEAPONS] & (1 << WP_SHOTGUN)) != 0;
bs->inventory[INVENTORY_MACHINEGUN] = (bs->cur_ps.stats[STAT_WEAPONS] & (1 << WP_MACHINEGUN)) != 0;
bs->inventory[INVENTORY_GRENADELAUNCHER] = (bs->cur_ps.stats[STAT_WEAPONS] & (1 << WP_GRENADE_LAUNCHER)) != 0;
bs->inventory[INVENTORY_ROCKETLAUNCHER] = (bs->cur_ps.stats[STAT_WEAPONS] & (1 << WP_ROCKET_LAUNCHER)) != 0;
bs->inventory[INVENTORY_LIGHTNING] = (bs->cur_ps.stats[STAT_WEAPONS] & (1 << WP_LIGHTNING)) != 0;
bs->inventory[INVENTORY_RAILGUN] = (bs->cur_ps.stats[STAT_WEAPONS] & (1 << WP_RAILGUN)) != 0;
bs->inventory[INVENTORY_PLASMAGUN] = (bs->cur_ps.stats[STAT_WEAPONS] & (1 << WP_PLASMAGUN)) != 0;
bs->inventory[INVENTORY_BFG10K] = (bs->cur_ps.stats[STAT_WEAPONS] & (1 << WP_BFG)) != 0;
bs->inventory[INVENTORY_GRAPPLINGHOOK] = (bs->cur_ps.stats[STAT_WEAPONS] & (1 << WP_GRAPPLING_HOOK)) != 0;
bs->inventory[INVENTORY_NAILGUN] = (bs->cur_ps.stats[STAT_WEAPONS] & (1 << WP_NAILGUN)) != 0;;
bs->inventory[INVENTORY_PROXLAUNCHER] = (bs->cur_ps.stats[STAT_WEAPONS] & (1 << WP_PROX_LAUNCHER)) != 0;;
bs->inventory[INVENTORY_CHAINGUN] = (bs->cur_ps.stats[STAT_WEAPONS] & (1 << WP_CHAINGUN)) != 0;;
bs->inventory[INVENTORY_SHELLS] = bs->cur_ps.ammo[WP_SHOTGUN];
bs->inventory[INVENTORY_BULLETS] = bs->cur_ps.ammo[WP_MACHINEGUN];
bs->inventory[INVENTORY_GRENADES] = bs->cur_ps.ammo[WP_GRENADE_LAUNCHER];
bs->inventory[INVENTORY_CELLS] = bs->cur_ps.ammo[WP_PLASMAGUN];
bs->inventory[INVENTORY_LIGHTNINGAMMO] = bs->cur_ps.ammo[WP_LIGHTNING];
bs->inventory[INVENTORY_ROCKETS] = bs->cur_ps.ammo[WP_ROCKET_LAUNCHER];
bs->inventory[INVENTORY_SLUGS] = bs->cur_ps.ammo[WP_RAILGUN];
bs->inventory[INVENTORY_BFGAMMO] = bs->cur_ps.ammo[WP_BFG];
bs->inventory[INVENTORY_NAILS] = bs->cur_ps.ammo[WP_NAILGUN];
bs->inventory[INVENTORY_MINES] = bs->cur_ps.ammo[WP_PROX_LAUNCHER];
bs->inventory[INVENTORY_BELT] = bs->cur_ps.ammo[WP_CHAINGUN];
bs->inventory[INVENTORY_HEALTH] = bs->cur_ps.stats[STAT_HEALTH];
bs->inventory[INVENTORY_QUAD] = bs->cur_ps.powerups[PW_QUAD] != 0;
bs->inventory[INVENTORY_ENVIRONMENTSUIT] = bs->cur_ps.powerups[PW_BATTLESUIT] != 0;
bs->inventory[INVENTORY_HASTE] = bs->cur_ps.powerups[PW_HASTE] != 0;
bs->inventory[INVENTORY_INVISIBILITY] = bs->cur_ps.powerups[PW_INVIS] != 0;
bs->inventory[INVENTORY_REGEN] = bs->cur_ps.powerups[PW_REGEN] != 0;
bs->inventory[INVENTORY_FLIGHT] = bs->cur_ps.powerups[PW_FLIGHT] != 0;
bs->inventory[INVENTORY_REDFLAG] = bs->cur_ps.powerups[PW_REDFLAG] != 0;
bs->inventory[INVENTORY_BLUEFLAG] = bs->cur_ps.powerups[PW_BLUEFLAG] != 0;
bs->inventory[INVENTORY_NEUTRALFLAG] = bs->cur_ps.powerups[PW_NEUTRALFLAG] != 0;
if (BotTeam(bs) == TEAM_RED) {
bs->inventory[INVENTORY_REDCUBE] = bs->cur_ps.generic1;
bs->inventory[INVENTORY_BLUECUBE] = 0;
else {
bs->inventory[INVENTORY_REDCUBE] = 0;
bs->inventory[INVENTORY_BLUECUBE] = bs->cur_ps.generic1;
BotCheckItemPickup(bs, oldinventory);
void BotUpdateBattleInventory(bot_state_t *bs, int enemy) {
vec3_t dir;
aas_entityinfo_t entinfo;
BotEntityInfo(enemy, &entinfo);
VectorSubtract(entinfo.origin, bs->origin, dir);
bs->inventory[ENEMY_HEIGHT] = (int) dir[2];
dir[2] = 0;
bs->inventory[ENEMY_HORIZONTAL_DIST] = (int) VectorLength(dir);
//FIXME: add num visible enemies and num visible team mates to the inventory
#define KAMIKAZE_DIST 1024
void BotUseKamikaze(bot_state_t *bs) {
int c, teammates, enemies;
aas_entityinfo_t entinfo;
vec3_t dir, target;
bot_goal_t *goal;
bsp_trace_t trace;
//if the bot has no kamikaze
if (bs->inventory[INVENTORY_KAMIKAZE] <= 0)
if (bs->kamikaze_time > FloatTime())
bs->kamikaze_time = FloatTime() + 0.2;
if (gametype == GT_CTF) {
//never use kamikaze if the team flag carrier is visible
if (BotCTFCarryingFlag(bs))
c = BotTeamFlagCarrierVisible(bs);
if (c >= 0) {
BotEntityInfo(c, &entinfo);
VectorSubtract(entinfo.origin, bs->origin, dir);
if (VectorLengthSquared(dir) < Square(KAMIKAZE_DIST))
c = BotEnemyFlagCarrierVisible(bs);
if (c >= 0) {
BotEntityInfo(c, &entinfo);
VectorSubtract(entinfo.origin, bs->origin, dir);
if (VectorLengthSquared(dir) < Square(KAMIKAZE_DIST)) {
else if (gametype == GT_1FCTF) {
//never use kamikaze if the team flag carrier is visible
if (Bot1FCTFCarryingFlag(bs))
c = BotTeamFlagCarrierVisible(bs);
if (c >= 0) {
BotEntityInfo(c, &entinfo);
VectorSubtract(entinfo.origin, bs->origin, dir);
if (VectorLengthSquared(dir) < Square(KAMIKAZE_DIST))
c = BotEnemyFlagCarrierVisible(bs);
if (c >= 0) {
BotEntityInfo(c, &entinfo);
VectorSubtract(entinfo.origin, bs->origin, dir);
if (VectorLengthSquared(dir) < Square(KAMIKAZE_DIST)) {
else if (gametype == GT_OBELISK) {
switch(BotTeam(bs)) {
case TEAM_RED: goal = &blueobelisk; break;
default: goal = &redobelisk; break;
//if the obelisk is visible
VectorCopy(goal->origin, target);
target[2] += 1;
VectorSubtract(bs->origin, target, dir);
if (VectorLengthSquared(dir) < Square(KAMIKAZE_DIST * 0.9)) {
BotAI_Trace(&trace, bs->eye, NULL, NULL, target, bs->client, CONTENTS_SOLID);
if (trace.fraction >= 1 || trace.ent == goal->entitynum) {
else if (gametype == GT_HARVESTER) {
if (BotHarvesterCarryingCubes(bs))
//never use kamikaze if a team mate carrying cubes is visible
c = BotTeamCubeCarrierVisible(bs);
if (c >= 0) {
BotEntityInfo(c, &entinfo);
VectorSubtract(entinfo.origin, bs->origin, dir);
if (VectorLengthSquared(dir) < Square(KAMIKAZE_DIST))
c = BotEnemyCubeCarrierVisible(bs);
if (c >= 0) {
BotEntityInfo(c, &entinfo);
VectorSubtract(entinfo.origin, bs->origin, dir);
if (VectorLengthSquared(dir) < Square(KAMIKAZE_DIST)) {
BotVisibleTeamMatesAndEnemies(bs, &teammates, &enemies, KAMIKAZE_DIST);
if (enemies > 2 && enemies > teammates+1) {
void BotUseInvulnerability(bot_state_t *bs) {
int c;
vec3_t dir, target;
bot_goal_t *goal;
bsp_trace_t trace;
//if the bot has no invulnerability
if (bs->inventory[INVENTORY_INVULNERABILITY] <= 0)
if (bs->invulnerability_time > FloatTime())
bs->invulnerability_time = FloatTime() + 0.2;
if (gametype == GT_CTF) {
//never use kamikaze if the team flag carrier is visible
if (BotCTFCarryingFlag(bs))
c = BotEnemyFlagCarrierVisible(bs);
if (c >= 0)
//if near enemy flag and the flag is visible
switch(BotTeam(bs)) {
case TEAM_RED: goal = &ctf_blueflag; break;
default: goal = &ctf_redflag; break;
//if the obelisk is visible
VectorCopy(goal->origin, target);
target[2] += 1;
VectorSubtract(bs->origin, target, dir);
if (VectorLengthSquared(dir) < Square(200)) {
BotAI_Trace(&trace, bs->eye, NULL, NULL, target, bs->client, CONTENTS_SOLID);
if (trace.fraction >= 1 || trace.ent == goal->entitynum) {
else if (gametype == GT_1FCTF) {
//never use kamikaze if the team flag carrier is visible
if (Bot1FCTFCarryingFlag(bs))
c = BotEnemyFlagCarrierVisible(bs);
if (c >= 0)
//if near enemy flag and the flag is visible
switch(BotTeam(bs)) {
case TEAM_RED: goal = &ctf_blueflag; break;
default: goal = &ctf_redflag; break;
//if the obelisk is visible
VectorCopy(goal->origin, target);
target[2] += 1;
VectorSubtract(bs->origin, target, dir);
if (VectorLengthSquared(dir) < Square(200)) {
BotAI_Trace(&trace, bs->eye, NULL, NULL, target, bs->client, CONTENTS_SOLID);
if (trace.fraction >= 1 || trace.ent == goal->entitynum) {
else if (gametype == GT_OBELISK) {
switch(BotTeam(bs)) {
case TEAM_RED: goal = &blueobelisk; break;
default: goal = &redobelisk; break;
//if the obelisk is visible
VectorCopy(goal->origin, target);
target[2] += 1;
VectorSubtract(bs->origin, target, dir);
if (VectorLengthSquared(dir) < Square(300)) {
BotAI_Trace(&trace, bs->eye, NULL, NULL, target, bs->client, CONTENTS_SOLID);
if (trace.fraction >= 1 || trace.ent == goal->entitynum) {
else if (gametype == GT_HARVESTER) {
if (BotHarvesterCarryingCubes(bs))
c = BotEnemyCubeCarrierVisible(bs);
if (c >= 0)
//if near enemy base and enemy base is visible
switch(BotTeam(bs)) {
case TEAM_RED: goal = &blueobelisk; break;
default: goal = &redobelisk; break;
//if the obelisk is visible
VectorCopy(goal->origin, target);
target[2] += 1;
VectorSubtract(bs->origin, target, dir);
if (VectorLengthSquared(dir) < Square(200)) {
BotAI_Trace(&trace, bs->eye, NULL, NULL, target, bs->client, CONTENTS_SOLID);
if (trace.fraction >= 1 || trace.ent == goal->entitynum) {
void BotBattleUseItems(bot_state_t *bs) {
if (bs->inventory[INVENTORY_HEALTH] < 40) {
if (bs->inventory[INVENTORY_TELEPORTER] > 0) {
if (!BotCTFCarryingFlag(bs)
&& !Bot1FCTFCarryingFlag(bs)
&& !BotHarvesterCarryingCubes(bs)
) {
if (bs->inventory[INVENTORY_HEALTH] < 60) {
if (bs->inventory[INVENTORY_MEDKIT] > 0) {
void BotSetTeleportTime(bot_state_t *bs) {
if ((bs->cur_ps.eFlags ^ bs->last_eFlags) & EF_TELEPORT_BIT) {
bs->teleport_time = FloatTime();
bs->last_eFlags = bs->cur_ps.eFlags;
qboolean BotIsDead(bot_state_t *bs) {
return (bs->cur_ps.pm_type == PM_DEAD);
qboolean BotIsObserver(bot_state_t *bs) {
char buf[MAX_INFO_STRING];
if (bs->cur_ps.pm_type == PM_SPECTATOR) return qtrue;
trap_GetConfigstring(CS_PLAYERS+bs->client, buf, sizeof(buf));
if (atoi(Info_ValueForKey(buf, "t")) == TEAM_SPECTATOR) return qtrue;
return qfalse;
qboolean BotIntermission(bot_state_t *bs) {
//NOTE: we shouldn't be looking at the game code...
if (level.intermissiontime) return qtrue;
return (bs->cur_ps.pm_type == PM_FREEZE || bs->cur_ps.pm_type == PM_INTERMISSION);
qboolean BotInLavaOrSlime(bot_state_t *bs) {
vec3_t feet;
VectorCopy(bs->origin, feet);
feet[2] -= 23;
return (trap_AAS_PointContents(feet) & (CONTENTS_LAVA|CONTENTS_SLIME));
bot_waypoint_t *BotCreateWayPoint(char *name, vec3_t origin, int areanum) {
bot_waypoint_t *wp;
vec3_t waypointmins = {-8, -8, -8}, waypointmaxs = {8, 8, 8};
wp = botai_freewaypoints;
if ( !wp ) {
BotAI_Print( PRT_WARNING, "BotCreateWayPoint: Out of waypoints\n" );
return NULL;
botai_freewaypoints = botai_freewaypoints->next;
Q_strncpyz( wp->name, name, sizeof(wp->name) );
VectorCopy(origin, wp->goal.origin);
VectorCopy(waypointmins, wp->goal.mins);
VectorCopy(waypointmaxs, wp->goal.maxs);
wp->goal.areanum = areanum;
wp->next = NULL;
wp->prev = NULL;
return wp;
bot_waypoint_t *BotFindWayPoint(bot_waypoint_t *waypoints, char *name) {
bot_waypoint_t *wp;
for (wp = waypoints; wp; wp = wp->next) {
if (!Q_stricmp(wp->name, name)) return wp;
return NULL;
void BotFreeWaypoints(bot_waypoint_t *wp) {
bot_waypoint_t *nextwp;
for (; wp; wp = nextwp) {
nextwp = wp->next;
wp->next = botai_freewaypoints;
botai_freewaypoints = wp;
void BotInitWaypoints(void) {
int i;
botai_freewaypoints = NULL;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_WAYPOINTS; i++) {
botai_waypoints[i].next = botai_freewaypoints;
botai_freewaypoints = &botai_waypoints[i];
int TeamPlayIsOn(void) {
return ( gametype >= GT_TEAM );
float BotAggression(bot_state_t *bs) {
//if the bot has quad
if (bs->inventory[INVENTORY_QUAD]) {
//if the bot is not holding the gauntlet or the enemy is really nearby
if (bs->weaponnum != WP_GAUNTLET ||
bs->inventory[ENEMY_HORIZONTAL_DIST] < 80) {
return 70;
//if the enemy is located way higher than the bot
if (bs->inventory[ENEMY_HEIGHT] > 200) return 0;
//if the bot is very low on health
if (bs->inventory[INVENTORY_HEALTH] < 60) return 0;
//if the bot is low on health
if (bs->inventory[INVENTORY_HEALTH] < 80) {
//if the bot has insufficient armor
if (bs->inventory[INVENTORY_ARMOR] < 40) return 0;
//if the bot can use the bfg
if (bs->inventory[INVENTORY_BFG10K] > 0 &&
bs->inventory[INVENTORY_BFGAMMO] > 7) return 100;
//if the bot can use the railgun
if (bs->inventory[INVENTORY_RAILGUN] > 0 &&
bs->inventory[INVENTORY_SLUGS] > 5) return 95;
//if the bot can use the lightning gun
if (bs->inventory[INVENTORY_LIGHTNING] > 0 &&
bs->inventory[INVENTORY_LIGHTNINGAMMO] > 50) return 90;
//if the bot can use the rocketlauncher
if (bs->inventory[INVENTORY_ROCKETLAUNCHER] > 0 &&
bs->inventory[INVENTORY_ROCKETS] > 5) return 90;
//if the bot can use the plasmagun
if (bs->inventory[INVENTORY_PLASMAGUN] > 0 &&
bs->inventory[INVENTORY_CELLS] > 40) return 85;
//if the bot can use the grenade launcher
if (bs->inventory[INVENTORY_GRENADELAUNCHER] > 0 &&
bs->inventory[INVENTORY_GRENADES] > 10) return 80;
//if the bot can use the shotgun
if (bs->inventory[INVENTORY_SHOTGUN] > 0 &&
bs->inventory[INVENTORY_SHELLS] > 10) return 50;
//otherwise the bot is not feeling too good
return 0;
float BotFeelingBad(bot_state_t *bs) {
if (bs->weaponnum == WP_GAUNTLET) {
return 100;
if (bs->inventory[INVENTORY_HEALTH] < 40) {
return 100;
if (bs->weaponnum == WP_MACHINEGUN) {
return 90;
if (bs->inventory[INVENTORY_HEALTH] < 60) {
return 80;
return 0;
int BotWantsToRetreat(bot_state_t *bs) {
aas_entityinfo_t entinfo;
if (gametype == GT_CTF) {
//always retreat when carrying a CTF flag
if (BotCTFCarryingFlag(bs))
return qtrue;
else if (gametype == GT_1FCTF) {
//if carrying the flag then always retreat
if (Bot1FCTFCarryingFlag(bs))
return qtrue;
else if (gametype == GT_OBELISK) {
//the bots should be dedicated to attacking the enemy obelisk
if (bs->ltgtype == LTG_ATTACKENEMYBASE) {
Batch of bug fixes for gamecode. Patch compiled and log message written by Tobias Kuehnhammer (#5144) ################################################################################ This Patch fixes: ################################################################################ - The "fraglimit warning" was not played at all, if on the blue team. - The "where" console command was broken. - Obelisk explosion wasn't drawn if no Rocketlauncher was loaded. - Impact marks sometimes didn't draw at all. - IMPORTANT BUGFIX: No killing for cheaters with Lightning gun and Gauntlet. - If two doors are close to each other a spectator couldn't fly through them. - More robust, efficient and logical respawning routine. NOTE: The game.qvm will get notable smaller and will use LESS MEMORY! - Drowning sounds are fixed. Now they are played as intended. (as the id comment in the source code shows). - Some AI bugs (OVERFLOW!) in the bot movement code. - Several "Team Arena" Overload and Harvester bugs. - Stops bots from attacking a team mate (player) who only changed teams. - Some voice chats and CTF commands fixed. - "Team_ReturnFlag" was called twice, which did wired things sometimes. NOTE: (G_RunItem checks CONTENTS_NODROP already!) - A bugfix for Gauntlet animation. - Incorrect CTF scoring. - A bunch of corrected comments and print lines ("\n"). - Some regularity of expression and some small trivial bugs. ################################################################################ Details: ################################################################################ ******************************************************************************** BUG: in gamemode GT_TEAM the fraglimit warning will not be played if joining the blue team! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: In "CG_CheckLocalSounds": if cgs.scores2 > highScore, highScore should be cgs.scores2. ******************************************************************************** BUG: the "where" console command doesn't work as expected (it's always 0 0 0) but not in id Quake 3 Arena. It seems that now Ioquake3 is affected! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: In Function "Cmd_Where_f" ent->s.origin should be ent->r.currentOrigin. ******************************************************************************** BUG: in gamemode GT_OBELISK obelisk explosion won't be drawn if there is no Rocketlauncher loaded. (The "maps without Rocketlauncher" bug) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: in "cg_main.c": cgs.media.rocketExplosionShader should be registered if gamemode is GT_OBELISK. ******************************************************************************** BUG: Impact marks sometimes doesn't draw at all. Not easy to reproduce if you don't play (io)Quake3 every day and know the places where it happens! ;) But anyway... Test: start q3dm12 go to "Long Jump Canyon" (where the small platform teleporter for the BFG is) place yourself at the point where the railgun spawns, look in the direction where the red suspended armor is. Now shoot at the sloped wall on the out/leftside of the door you see. (the sloped wall should be nearly in the center of your screen now). If you choose the correct brush face and shoot up and down at this brush face, the impact marks sometimes aren't visible. There are hundreds of custom maps where this can happen! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: I replaced the function "SnapVectorTowards" with the one from "Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory (GPL Source Code)" ******************************************************************************** BUG: Normally "NOCLIP" cheaters are logically not allowed to fire a gun. Unfortunatly the Gauntlet (and Lightning gun) was forgotten and not restricted to that. All weapons except those two were handled correct. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: Make Gauntlet and Lightning gun not firing for someone who cheats with "NOCLIP" (like all other weapons). ******************************************************************************** NOTE: A few bugfixes are not mine and are reported here: http://www.quake3world.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=9179. Thanks to Quake3world, for all those years and the good guys there! ******************************************************************************** BUG: During making a mod I found a very strange bug, which mainly occurs if someone tries to implement a lot of singleplayer monsters which should walk slowly (like the "Crash" bot). So if someone wants to make slow down bots or monsters when they are walking towards a goal and alter the function "BotMoveInGoalArea" then the bots/monsters do stupid things. Otherwise and this is the default (also buggy) behavior they start running although they shouldn't (as seen with the "Crash" bot and will not be fixed here). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: Fix overflow in bot user command. BUGFIX from "Hunt" mod by J. Hoffman. ******************************************************************************** BUG: in function "BotMoveToGoal" the special elevator case doesn't make sense. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: in "be_ai_move.c": ((result->flags & MOVERESULT_ONTOPOF_FUNCBOB) || (result->flags & MOVERESULT_ONTOPOF_FUNCBOB)) should be ((result->flags & MOVERESULT_ONTOPOF_ELEVATOR) || (result->flags & MOVERESULT_ONTOPOF_FUNCBOB)). ******************************************************************************** BUG: in function "BotWantsToRetreat" and "BotWantsToChase" this is wrong: "(bs->enemy != redobelisk.entitynum || bs->enemy != blueobelisk.entitynum)" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: "... redobelisk.entitynum) && (bs->enemy != blueobelisk.." is correct. ******************************************************************************** BUG: in gamemode GT_OBELISK there are too many node switches for bots (test: mpq3tourney6 with many bots). If that happens, game becomes unplayable. I don't know if this is the best solution but here it is: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: In function "AINode_Battle_Fight" right after: if (!BotEntityVisible(bs->entitynum, bs->eye, bs->viewangles, 360, bs->enemy)) { I added this: #ifdef MISSIONPACK if (bs->enemy == redobelisk.entitynum || bs->enemy == blueobelisk.entitynum) { AIEnter_Battle_Chase(bs, "battle fight: obelisk out of sight"); return qfalse; } #endif ******************************************************************************** BUG: in gamemode >= GT_TEAM, after team change, bots will (sometimes) not stop shooting at you, although you are on their team now. It seems that the configstrings are f***** up or not reliable in this case! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: In function "BotTeam" and "BotSameTeam" get the real team values. ******************************************************************************** BUG: Some of the bots voice commands are wrong. They are commanded to attack the enemy base but they say "Okay, I will defend!" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: Corrected some voice commands in "BotCTFOrders_FlagNotAtBase" and "Bot1FCTFOrders_EnemyDroppedFlag" ******************************************************************************** BUG: Spectators couldn't fly through doors if they are very close to each other. You can test it with some regular id maps (q3dm14, q3dm12) but there are also many custom maps where this can happen! This is annoying because in the worst case you can't move at all and are caught inside a door. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: There is a solution in a mod called "Hunt" by J. Hoffman. Bugfix is included in this patch! ******************************************************************************** BUG: During making a mod I found it very hard to implement some of my ideas (something like "Limbo" or "Meeting") because of the way the player spawn effect, intermission and spawning on victory pads is handled. I reworked it a bit and simplified it so that the effect is handled when a client respawns (as the name says) and not when a client begins. I think this will help more mod makers everytime they want to make changes to spawning of players, bots on victory pads or monsters... and want to avoid spectators with Machineguns which can kill and score... :() NOTE: I also renamed the poorly named function "respawn" to "ClientRespawn". If someone searches the code base for "respawn" it was really hard to find the correct place for what was meant. "respawn" is used so often, that you really get headache ... now with "ClientRespawn" it's easier! IMPORTANT: The whole respawning, moving to intermission point and everything related to that is now done in a more reliable way without changing the default behavior. (How critical the whole spwaning mess was did you see by yourself (ioquake3 rev. 2076). With this patch it's safer. Trust me, I spent hours of fixing silly problems... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: Simplified "ClientBegin" and moved the teleport event to "ClientSpawn". ******************************************************************************** BUG: If a player is dying or hurted under water the hurt/dying sounds AND the drowning sounds are played together. This is silly. Moreover it's no good idea to let the server play client sounds! There was a solution in a mod called "Q3A++" by Dan 'Neurobasher' Gomes which fixes the problem. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: Created a "CG_WaterLevel" function to play the appropriate sounds. ******************************************************************************** ################################################################################
2011-08-01 11:39:33 +00:00
if (bs->enemy != redobelisk.entitynum &&
2005-08-26 17:39:27 +00:00
bs->enemy != blueobelisk.entitynum) {
return qtrue;
if (BotFeelingBad(bs) > 50) {
return qtrue;
return qfalse;
else if (gametype == GT_HARVESTER) {
//if carrying cubes then always retreat
if (BotHarvesterCarryingCubes(bs)) return qtrue;
if (bs->enemy >= 0) {
BotEntityInfo(bs->enemy, &entinfo);
Batch of bug fixes for gamecode. Patch compiled and log message written by Tobias Kuehnhammer (#5144) ################################################################################ This Patch fixes: ################################################################################ - The "fraglimit warning" was not played at all, if on the blue team. - The "where" console command was broken. - Obelisk explosion wasn't drawn if no Rocketlauncher was loaded. - Impact marks sometimes didn't draw at all. - IMPORTANT BUGFIX: No killing for cheaters with Lightning gun and Gauntlet. - If two doors are close to each other a spectator couldn't fly through them. - More robust, efficient and logical respawning routine. NOTE: The game.qvm will get notable smaller and will use LESS MEMORY! - Drowning sounds are fixed. Now they are played as intended. (as the id comment in the source code shows). - Some AI bugs (OVERFLOW!) in the bot movement code. - Several "Team Arena" Overload and Harvester bugs. - Stops bots from attacking a team mate (player) who only changed teams. - Some voice chats and CTF commands fixed. - "Team_ReturnFlag" was called twice, which did wired things sometimes. NOTE: (G_RunItem checks CONTENTS_NODROP already!) - A bugfix for Gauntlet animation. - Incorrect CTF scoring. - A bunch of corrected comments and print lines ("\n"). - Some regularity of expression and some small trivial bugs. ################################################################################ Details: ################################################################################ ******************************************************************************** BUG: in gamemode GT_TEAM the fraglimit warning will not be played if joining the blue team! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: In "CG_CheckLocalSounds": if cgs.scores2 > highScore, highScore should be cgs.scores2. ******************************************************************************** BUG: the "where" console command doesn't work as expected (it's always 0 0 0) but not in id Quake 3 Arena. It seems that now Ioquake3 is affected! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: In Function "Cmd_Where_f" ent->s.origin should be ent->r.currentOrigin. ******************************************************************************** BUG: in gamemode GT_OBELISK obelisk explosion won't be drawn if there is no Rocketlauncher loaded. (The "maps without Rocketlauncher" bug) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: in "cg_main.c": cgs.media.rocketExplosionShader should be registered if gamemode is GT_OBELISK. ******************************************************************************** BUG: Impact marks sometimes doesn't draw at all. Not easy to reproduce if you don't play (io)Quake3 every day and know the places where it happens! ;) But anyway... Test: start q3dm12 go to "Long Jump Canyon" (where the small platform teleporter for the BFG is) place yourself at the point where the railgun spawns, look in the direction where the red suspended armor is. Now shoot at the sloped wall on the out/leftside of the door you see. (the sloped wall should be nearly in the center of your screen now). If you choose the correct brush face and shoot up and down at this brush face, the impact marks sometimes aren't visible. There are hundreds of custom maps where this can happen! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: I replaced the function "SnapVectorTowards" with the one from "Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory (GPL Source Code)" ******************************************************************************** BUG: Normally "NOCLIP" cheaters are logically not allowed to fire a gun. Unfortunatly the Gauntlet (and Lightning gun) was forgotten and not restricted to that. All weapons except those two were handled correct. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: Make Gauntlet and Lightning gun not firing for someone who cheats with "NOCLIP" (like all other weapons). ******************************************************************************** NOTE: A few bugfixes are not mine and are reported here: http://www.quake3world.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=9179. Thanks to Quake3world, for all those years and the good guys there! ******************************************************************************** BUG: During making a mod I found a very strange bug, which mainly occurs if someone tries to implement a lot of singleplayer monsters which should walk slowly (like the "Crash" bot). So if someone wants to make slow down bots or monsters when they are walking towards a goal and alter the function "BotMoveInGoalArea" then the bots/monsters do stupid things. Otherwise and this is the default (also buggy) behavior they start running although they shouldn't (as seen with the "Crash" bot and will not be fixed here). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: Fix overflow in bot user command. BUGFIX from "Hunt" mod by J. Hoffman. ******************************************************************************** BUG: in function "BotMoveToGoal" the special elevator case doesn't make sense. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: in "be_ai_move.c": ((result->flags & MOVERESULT_ONTOPOF_FUNCBOB) || (result->flags & MOVERESULT_ONTOPOF_FUNCBOB)) should be ((result->flags & MOVERESULT_ONTOPOF_ELEVATOR) || (result->flags & MOVERESULT_ONTOPOF_FUNCBOB)). ******************************************************************************** BUG: in function "BotWantsToRetreat" and "BotWantsToChase" this is wrong: "(bs->enemy != redobelisk.entitynum || bs->enemy != blueobelisk.entitynum)" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: "... redobelisk.entitynum) && (bs->enemy != blueobelisk.." is correct. ******************************************************************************** BUG: in gamemode GT_OBELISK there are too many node switches for bots (test: mpq3tourney6 with many bots). If that happens, game becomes unplayable. I don't know if this is the best solution but here it is: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: In function "AINode_Battle_Fight" right after: if (!BotEntityVisible(bs->entitynum, bs->eye, bs->viewangles, 360, bs->enemy)) { I added this: #ifdef MISSIONPACK if (bs->enemy == redobelisk.entitynum || bs->enemy == blueobelisk.entitynum) { AIEnter_Battle_Chase(bs, "battle fight: obelisk out of sight"); return qfalse; } #endif ******************************************************************************** BUG: in gamemode >= GT_TEAM, after team change, bots will (sometimes) not stop shooting at you, although you are on their team now. It seems that the configstrings are f***** up or not reliable in this case! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: In function "BotTeam" and "BotSameTeam" get the real team values. ******************************************************************************** BUG: Some of the bots voice commands are wrong. They are commanded to attack the enemy base but they say "Okay, I will defend!" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: Corrected some voice commands in "BotCTFOrders_FlagNotAtBase" and "Bot1FCTFOrders_EnemyDroppedFlag" ******************************************************************************** BUG: Spectators couldn't fly through doors if they are very close to each other. You can test it with some regular id maps (q3dm14, q3dm12) but there are also many custom maps where this can happen! This is annoying because in the worst case you can't move at all and are caught inside a door. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: There is a solution in a mod called "Hunt" by J. Hoffman. Bugfix is included in this patch! ******************************************************************************** BUG: During making a mod I found it very hard to implement some of my ideas (something like "Limbo" or "Meeting") because of the way the player spawn effect, intermission and spawning on victory pads is handled. I reworked it a bit and simplified it so that the effect is handled when a client respawns (as the name says) and not when a client begins. I think this will help more mod makers everytime they want to make changes to spawning of players, bots on victory pads or monsters... and want to avoid spectators with Machineguns which can kill and score... :() NOTE: I also renamed the poorly named function "respawn" to "ClientRespawn". If someone searches the code base for "respawn" it was really hard to find the correct place for what was meant. "respawn" is used so often, that you really get headache ... now with "ClientRespawn" it's easier! IMPORTANT: The whole respawning, moving to intermission point and everything related to that is now done in a more reliable way without changing the default behavior. (How critical the whole spwaning mess was did you see by yourself (ioquake3 rev. 2076). With this patch it's safer. Trust me, I spent hours of fixing silly problems... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: Simplified "ClientBegin" and moved the teleport event to "ClientSpawn". ******************************************************************************** BUG: If a player is dying or hurted under water the hurt/dying sounds AND the drowning sounds are played together. This is silly. Moreover it's no good idea to let the server play client sounds! There was a solution in a mod called "Q3A++" by Dan 'Neurobasher' Gomes which fixes the problem. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: Created a "CG_WaterLevel" function to play the appropriate sounds. ******************************************************************************** ################################################################################
2011-08-01 11:39:33 +00:00
// if the enemy is carrying a flag
if (EntityCarriesFlag(&entinfo)) return qfalse;
// if the enemy is carrying cubes
if (EntityCarriesCubes(&entinfo)) return qfalse;
2005-08-26 17:39:27 +00:00
//if the bot is getting the flag
if (bs->ltgtype == LTG_GETFLAG)
return qtrue;
if (BotAggression(bs) < 50)
return qtrue;
return qfalse;
int BotWantsToChase(bot_state_t *bs) {
aas_entityinfo_t entinfo;
if (gametype == GT_CTF) {
//never chase when carrying a CTF flag
if (BotCTFCarryingFlag(bs))
return qfalse;
//always chase if the enemy is carrying a flag
BotEntityInfo(bs->enemy, &entinfo);
if (EntityCarriesFlag(&entinfo))
return qtrue;
else if (gametype == GT_1FCTF) {
//never chase if carrying the flag
if (Bot1FCTFCarryingFlag(bs))
return qfalse;
//always chase if the enemy is carrying a flag
BotEntityInfo(bs->enemy, &entinfo);
if (EntityCarriesFlag(&entinfo))
return qtrue;
else if (gametype == GT_OBELISK) {
//the bots should be dedicated to attacking the enemy obelisk
if (bs->ltgtype == LTG_ATTACKENEMYBASE) {
Batch of bug fixes for gamecode. Patch compiled and log message written by Tobias Kuehnhammer (#5144) ################################################################################ This Patch fixes: ################################################################################ - The "fraglimit warning" was not played at all, if on the blue team. - The "where" console command was broken. - Obelisk explosion wasn't drawn if no Rocketlauncher was loaded. - Impact marks sometimes didn't draw at all. - IMPORTANT BUGFIX: No killing for cheaters with Lightning gun and Gauntlet. - If two doors are close to each other a spectator couldn't fly through them. - More robust, efficient and logical respawning routine. NOTE: The game.qvm will get notable smaller and will use LESS MEMORY! - Drowning sounds are fixed. Now they are played as intended. (as the id comment in the source code shows). - Some AI bugs (OVERFLOW!) in the bot movement code. - Several "Team Arena" Overload and Harvester bugs. - Stops bots from attacking a team mate (player) who only changed teams. - Some voice chats and CTF commands fixed. - "Team_ReturnFlag" was called twice, which did wired things sometimes. NOTE: (G_RunItem checks CONTENTS_NODROP already!) - A bugfix for Gauntlet animation. - Incorrect CTF scoring. - A bunch of corrected comments and print lines ("\n"). - Some regularity of expression and some small trivial bugs. ################################################################################ Details: ################################################################################ ******************************************************************************** BUG: in gamemode GT_TEAM the fraglimit warning will not be played if joining the blue team! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: In "CG_CheckLocalSounds": if cgs.scores2 > highScore, highScore should be cgs.scores2. ******************************************************************************** BUG: the "where" console command doesn't work as expected (it's always 0 0 0) but not in id Quake 3 Arena. It seems that now Ioquake3 is affected! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: In Function "Cmd_Where_f" ent->s.origin should be ent->r.currentOrigin. ******************************************************************************** BUG: in gamemode GT_OBELISK obelisk explosion won't be drawn if there is no Rocketlauncher loaded. (The "maps without Rocketlauncher" bug) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: in "cg_main.c": cgs.media.rocketExplosionShader should be registered if gamemode is GT_OBELISK. ******************************************************************************** BUG: Impact marks sometimes doesn't draw at all. Not easy to reproduce if you don't play (io)Quake3 every day and know the places where it happens! ;) But anyway... Test: start q3dm12 go to "Long Jump Canyon" (where the small platform teleporter for the BFG is) place yourself at the point where the railgun spawns, look in the direction where the red suspended armor is. Now shoot at the sloped wall on the out/leftside of the door you see. (the sloped wall should be nearly in the center of your screen now). If you choose the correct brush face and shoot up and down at this brush face, the impact marks sometimes aren't visible. There are hundreds of custom maps where this can happen! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: I replaced the function "SnapVectorTowards" with the one from "Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory (GPL Source Code)" ******************************************************************************** BUG: Normally "NOCLIP" cheaters are logically not allowed to fire a gun. Unfortunatly the Gauntlet (and Lightning gun) was forgotten and not restricted to that. All weapons except those two were handled correct. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: Make Gauntlet and Lightning gun not firing for someone who cheats with "NOCLIP" (like all other weapons). ******************************************************************************** NOTE: A few bugfixes are not mine and are reported here: http://www.quake3world.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=9179. Thanks to Quake3world, for all those years and the good guys there! ******************************************************************************** BUG: During making a mod I found a very strange bug, which mainly occurs if someone tries to implement a lot of singleplayer monsters which should walk slowly (like the "Crash" bot). So if someone wants to make slow down bots or monsters when they are walking towards a goal and alter the function "BotMoveInGoalArea" then the bots/monsters do stupid things. Otherwise and this is the default (also buggy) behavior they start running although they shouldn't (as seen with the "Crash" bot and will not be fixed here). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: Fix overflow in bot user command. BUGFIX from "Hunt" mod by J. Hoffman. ******************************************************************************** BUG: in function "BotMoveToGoal" the special elevator case doesn't make sense. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: in "be_ai_move.c": ((result->flags & MOVERESULT_ONTOPOF_FUNCBOB) || (result->flags & MOVERESULT_ONTOPOF_FUNCBOB)) should be ((result->flags & MOVERESULT_ONTOPOF_ELEVATOR) || (result->flags & MOVERESULT_ONTOPOF_FUNCBOB)). ******************************************************************************** BUG: in function "BotWantsToRetreat" and "BotWantsToChase" this is wrong: "(bs->enemy != redobelisk.entitynum || bs->enemy != blueobelisk.entitynum)" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: "... redobelisk.entitynum) && (bs->enemy != blueobelisk.." is correct. ******************************************************************************** BUG: in gamemode GT_OBELISK there are too many node switches for bots (test: mpq3tourney6 with many bots). If that happens, game becomes unplayable. I don't know if this is the best solution but here it is: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: In function "AINode_Battle_Fight" right after: if (!BotEntityVisible(bs->entitynum, bs->eye, bs->viewangles, 360, bs->enemy)) { I added this: #ifdef MISSIONPACK if (bs->enemy == redobelisk.entitynum || bs->enemy == blueobelisk.entitynum) { AIEnter_Battle_Chase(bs, "battle fight: obelisk out of sight"); return qfalse; } #endif ******************************************************************************** BUG: in gamemode >= GT_TEAM, after team change, bots will (sometimes) not stop shooting at you, although you are on their team now. It seems that the configstrings are f***** up or not reliable in this case! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: In function "BotTeam" and "BotSameTeam" get the real team values. ******************************************************************************** BUG: Some of the bots voice commands are wrong. They are commanded to attack the enemy base but they say "Okay, I will defend!" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: Corrected some voice commands in "BotCTFOrders_FlagNotAtBase" and "Bot1FCTFOrders_EnemyDroppedFlag" ******************************************************************************** BUG: Spectators couldn't fly through doors if they are very close to each other. You can test it with some regular id maps (q3dm14, q3dm12) but there are also many custom maps where this can happen! This is annoying because in the worst case you can't move at all and are caught inside a door. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: There is a solution in a mod called "Hunt" by J. Hoffman. Bugfix is included in this patch! ******************************************************************************** BUG: During making a mod I found it very hard to implement some of my ideas (something like "Limbo" or "Meeting") because of the way the player spawn effect, intermission and spawning on victory pads is handled. I reworked it a bit and simplified it so that the effect is handled when a client respawns (as the name says) and not when a client begins. I think this will help more mod makers everytime they want to make changes to spawning of players, bots on victory pads or monsters... and want to avoid spectators with Machineguns which can kill and score... :() NOTE: I also renamed the poorly named function "respawn" to "ClientRespawn". If someone searches the code base for "respawn" it was really hard to find the correct place for what was meant. "respawn" is used so often, that you really get headache ... now with "ClientRespawn" it's easier! IMPORTANT: The whole respawning, moving to intermission point and everything related to that is now done in a more reliable way without changing the default behavior. (How critical the whole spwaning mess was did you see by yourself (ioquake3 rev. 2076). With this patch it's safer. Trust me, I spent hours of fixing silly problems... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: Simplified "ClientBegin" and moved the teleport event to "ClientSpawn". ******************************************************************************** BUG: If a player is dying or hurted under water the hurt/dying sounds AND the drowning sounds are played together. This is silly. Moreover it's no good idea to let the server play client sounds! There was a solution in a mod called "Q3A++" by Dan 'Neurobasher' Gomes which fixes the problem. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: Created a "CG_WaterLevel" function to play the appropriate sounds. ******************************************************************************** ################################################################################
2011-08-01 11:39:33 +00:00
if (bs->enemy != redobelisk.entitynum &&
2005-08-26 17:39:27 +00:00
bs->enemy != blueobelisk.entitynum) {
return qfalse;
else if (gametype == GT_HARVESTER) {
//never chase if carrying cubes
Batch of bug fixes for gamecode. Patch compiled and log message written by Tobias Kuehnhammer (#5144) ################################################################################ This Patch fixes: ################################################################################ - The "fraglimit warning" was not played at all, if on the blue team. - The "where" console command was broken. - Obelisk explosion wasn't drawn if no Rocketlauncher was loaded. - Impact marks sometimes didn't draw at all. - IMPORTANT BUGFIX: No killing for cheaters with Lightning gun and Gauntlet. - If two doors are close to each other a spectator couldn't fly through them. - More robust, efficient and logical respawning routine. NOTE: The game.qvm will get notable smaller and will use LESS MEMORY! - Drowning sounds are fixed. Now they are played as intended. (as the id comment in the source code shows). - Some AI bugs (OVERFLOW!) in the bot movement code. - Several "Team Arena" Overload and Harvester bugs. - Stops bots from attacking a team mate (player) who only changed teams. - Some voice chats and CTF commands fixed. - "Team_ReturnFlag" was called twice, which did wired things sometimes. NOTE: (G_RunItem checks CONTENTS_NODROP already!) - A bugfix for Gauntlet animation. - Incorrect CTF scoring. - A bunch of corrected comments and print lines ("\n"). - Some regularity of expression and some small trivial bugs. ################################################################################ Details: ################################################################################ ******************************************************************************** BUG: in gamemode GT_TEAM the fraglimit warning will not be played if joining the blue team! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: In "CG_CheckLocalSounds": if cgs.scores2 > highScore, highScore should be cgs.scores2. ******************************************************************************** BUG: the "where" console command doesn't work as expected (it's always 0 0 0) but not in id Quake 3 Arena. It seems that now Ioquake3 is affected! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: In Function "Cmd_Where_f" ent->s.origin should be ent->r.currentOrigin. ******************************************************************************** BUG: in gamemode GT_OBELISK obelisk explosion won't be drawn if there is no Rocketlauncher loaded. (The "maps without Rocketlauncher" bug) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: in "cg_main.c": cgs.media.rocketExplosionShader should be registered if gamemode is GT_OBELISK. ******************************************************************************** BUG: Impact marks sometimes doesn't draw at all. Not easy to reproduce if you don't play (io)Quake3 every day and know the places where it happens! ;) But anyway... Test: start q3dm12 go to "Long Jump Canyon" (where the small platform teleporter for the BFG is) place yourself at the point where the railgun spawns, look in the direction where the red suspended armor is. Now shoot at the sloped wall on the out/leftside of the door you see. (the sloped wall should be nearly in the center of your screen now). If you choose the correct brush face and shoot up and down at this brush face, the impact marks sometimes aren't visible. There are hundreds of custom maps where this can happen! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: I replaced the function "SnapVectorTowards" with the one from "Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory (GPL Source Code)" ******************************************************************************** BUG: Normally "NOCLIP" cheaters are logically not allowed to fire a gun. Unfortunatly the Gauntlet (and Lightning gun) was forgotten and not restricted to that. All weapons except those two were handled correct. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: Make Gauntlet and Lightning gun not firing for someone who cheats with "NOCLIP" (like all other weapons). ******************************************************************************** NOTE: A few bugfixes are not mine and are reported here: http://www.quake3world.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=9179. Thanks to Quake3world, for all those years and the good guys there! ******************************************************************************** BUG: During making a mod I found a very strange bug, which mainly occurs if someone tries to implement a lot of singleplayer monsters which should walk slowly (like the "Crash" bot). So if someone wants to make slow down bots or monsters when they are walking towards a goal and alter the function "BotMoveInGoalArea" then the bots/monsters do stupid things. Otherwise and this is the default (also buggy) behavior they start running although they shouldn't (as seen with the "Crash" bot and will not be fixed here). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: Fix overflow in bot user command. BUGFIX from "Hunt" mod by J. Hoffman. ******************************************************************************** BUG: in function "BotMoveToGoal" the special elevator case doesn't make sense. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: in "be_ai_move.c": ((result->flags & MOVERESULT_ONTOPOF_FUNCBOB) || (result->flags & MOVERESULT_ONTOPOF_FUNCBOB)) should be ((result->flags & MOVERESULT_ONTOPOF_ELEVATOR) || (result->flags & MOVERESULT_ONTOPOF_FUNCBOB)). ******************************************************************************** BUG: in function "BotWantsToRetreat" and "BotWantsToChase" this is wrong: "(bs->enemy != redobelisk.entitynum || bs->enemy != blueobelisk.entitynum)" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: "... redobelisk.entitynum) && (bs->enemy != blueobelisk.." is correct. ******************************************************************************** BUG: in gamemode GT_OBELISK there are too many node switches for bots (test: mpq3tourney6 with many bots). If that happens, game becomes unplayable. I don't know if this is the best solution but here it is: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: In function "AINode_Battle_Fight" right after: if (!BotEntityVisible(bs->entitynum, bs->eye, bs->viewangles, 360, bs->enemy)) { I added this: #ifdef MISSIONPACK if (bs->enemy == redobelisk.entitynum || bs->enemy == blueobelisk.entitynum) { AIEnter_Battle_Chase(bs, "battle fight: obelisk out of sight"); return qfalse; } #endif ******************************************************************************** BUG: in gamemode >= GT_TEAM, after team change, bots will (sometimes) not stop shooting at you, although you are on their team now. It seems that the configstrings are f***** up or not reliable in this case! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: In function "BotTeam" and "BotSameTeam" get the real team values. ******************************************************************************** BUG: Some of the bots voice commands are wrong. They are commanded to attack the enemy base but they say "Okay, I will defend!" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: Corrected some voice commands in "BotCTFOrders_FlagNotAtBase" and "Bot1FCTFOrders_EnemyDroppedFlag" ******************************************************************************** BUG: Spectators couldn't fly through doors if they are very close to each other. You can test it with some regular id maps (q3dm14, q3dm12) but there are also many custom maps where this can happen! This is annoying because in the worst case you can't move at all and are caught inside a door. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: There is a solution in a mod called "Hunt" by J. Hoffman. Bugfix is included in this patch! ******************************************************************************** BUG: During making a mod I found it very hard to implement some of my ideas (something like "Limbo" or "Meeting") because of the way the player spawn effect, intermission and spawning on victory pads is handled. I reworked it a bit and simplified it so that the effect is handled when a client respawns (as the name says) and not when a client begins. I think this will help more mod makers everytime they want to make changes to spawning of players, bots on victory pads or monsters... and want to avoid spectators with Machineguns which can kill and score... :() NOTE: I also renamed the poorly named function "respawn" to "ClientRespawn". If someone searches the code base for "respawn" it was really hard to find the correct place for what was meant. "respawn" is used so often, that you really get headache ... now with "ClientRespawn" it's easier! IMPORTANT: The whole respawning, moving to intermission point and everything related to that is now done in a more reliable way without changing the default behavior. (How critical the whole spwaning mess was did you see by yourself (ioquake3 rev. 2076). With this patch it's safer. Trust me, I spent hours of fixing silly problems... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: Simplified "ClientBegin" and moved the teleport event to "ClientSpawn". ******************************************************************************** BUG: If a player is dying or hurted under water the hurt/dying sounds AND the drowning sounds are played together. This is silly. Moreover it's no good idea to let the server play client sounds! There was a solution in a mod called "Q3A++" by Dan 'Neurobasher' Gomes which fixes the problem. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: Created a "CG_WaterLevel" function to play the appropriate sounds. ******************************************************************************** ################################################################################
2011-08-01 11:39:33 +00:00
if (BotHarvesterCarryingCubes(bs)) return qfalse;
BotEntityInfo(bs->enemy, &entinfo);
// always chase if the enemy is carrying cubes
if (EntityCarriesCubes(&entinfo)) return qtrue;
2005-08-26 17:39:27 +00:00
//if the bot is getting the flag
if (bs->ltgtype == LTG_GETFLAG)
return qfalse;
if (BotAggression(bs) > 50)
return qtrue;
return qfalse;
int BotWantsToHelp(bot_state_t *bs) {
return qtrue;
int BotCanAndWantsToRocketJump(bot_state_t *bs) {
float rocketjumper;
//if rocket jumping is disabled
if (!bot_rocketjump.integer) return qfalse;
//if no rocket launcher
if (bs->inventory[INVENTORY_ROCKETLAUNCHER] <= 0) return qfalse;
//if low on rockets
if (bs->inventory[INVENTORY_ROCKETS] < 3) return qfalse;
//never rocket jump with the Quad
if (bs->inventory[INVENTORY_QUAD]) return qfalse;
//if low on health
if (bs->inventory[INVENTORY_HEALTH] < 60) return qfalse;
//if not full health
if (bs->inventory[INVENTORY_HEALTH] < 90) {
//if the bot has insufficient armor
if (bs->inventory[INVENTORY_ARMOR] < 40) return qfalse;
rocketjumper = trap_Characteristic_BFloat(bs->character, CHARACTERISTIC_WEAPONJUMPING, 0, 1);
if (rocketjumper < 0.5) return qfalse;
return qtrue;
int BotHasPersistantPowerupAndWeapon(bot_state_t *bs) {
// if the bot does not have a persistant powerup
if (!bs->inventory[INVENTORY_SCOUT] &&
!bs->inventory[INVENTORY_GUARD] &&
!bs->inventory[INVENTORY_DOUBLER] &&
!bs->inventory[INVENTORY_AMMOREGEN] ) {
return qfalse;
//if the bot is very low on health
if (bs->inventory[INVENTORY_HEALTH] < 60) return qfalse;
//if the bot is low on health
if (bs->inventory[INVENTORY_HEALTH] < 80) {
//if the bot has insufficient armor
if (bs->inventory[INVENTORY_ARMOR] < 40) return qfalse;
//if the bot can use the bfg
if (bs->inventory[INVENTORY_BFG10K] > 0 &&
bs->inventory[INVENTORY_BFGAMMO] > 7) return qtrue;
//if the bot can use the railgun
if (bs->inventory[INVENTORY_RAILGUN] > 0 &&
bs->inventory[INVENTORY_SLUGS] > 5) return qtrue;
//if the bot can use the lightning gun
if (bs->inventory[INVENTORY_LIGHTNING] > 0 &&
bs->inventory[INVENTORY_LIGHTNINGAMMO] > 50) return qtrue;
//if the bot can use the rocketlauncher
if (bs->inventory[INVENTORY_ROCKETLAUNCHER] > 0 &&
bs->inventory[INVENTORY_ROCKETS] > 5) return qtrue;
if (bs->inventory[INVENTORY_NAILGUN] > 0 &&
bs->inventory[INVENTORY_NAILS] > 5) return qtrue;
if (bs->inventory[INVENTORY_PROXLAUNCHER] > 0 &&
bs->inventory[INVENTORY_MINES] > 5) return qtrue;
if (bs->inventory[INVENTORY_CHAINGUN] > 0 &&
bs->inventory[INVENTORY_BELT] > 40) return qtrue;
//if the bot can use the plasmagun
if (bs->inventory[INVENTORY_PLASMAGUN] > 0 &&
bs->inventory[INVENTORY_CELLS] > 20) return qtrue;
return qfalse;
void BotGoCamp(bot_state_t *bs, bot_goal_t *goal) {
float camper;
bs->decisionmaker = bs->client;
//set message time to zero so bot will NOT show any message
bs->teammessage_time = 0;
//set the ltg type
bs->ltgtype = LTG_CAMP;
//set the team goal
memcpy(&bs->teamgoal, goal, sizeof(bot_goal_t));
//get the team goal time
camper = trap_Characteristic_BFloat(bs->character, CHARACTERISTIC_CAMPER, 0, 1);
if (camper > 0.99) bs->teamgoal_time = FloatTime() + 99999;
else bs->teamgoal_time = FloatTime() + 120 + 180 * camper + random() * 15;
//set the last time the bot started camping
bs->camp_time = FloatTime();
//the teammate that requested the camping
bs->teammate = 0;
//do NOT type arrive message
bs->arrive_time = 1;
int BotWantsToCamp(bot_state_t *bs) {
float camper;
int cs, traveltime, besttraveltime;
bot_goal_t goal, bestgoal;
camper = trap_Characteristic_BFloat(bs->character, CHARACTERISTIC_CAMPER, 0, 1);
if (camper < 0.1) return qfalse;
//if the bot has a team goal
if (bs->ltgtype == LTG_TEAMHELP ||
bs->ltgtype == LTG_TEAMACCOMPANY ||
bs->ltgtype == LTG_DEFENDKEYAREA ||
bs->ltgtype == LTG_GETFLAG ||
bs->ltgtype == LTG_RUSHBASE ||
bs->ltgtype == LTG_CAMP ||
bs->ltgtype == LTG_CAMPORDER ||
bs->ltgtype == LTG_PATROL) {
return qfalse;
//if camped recently
if (bs->camp_time > FloatTime() - 60 + 300 * (1-camper)) return qfalse;
if (random() > camper) {
bs->camp_time = FloatTime();
return qfalse;
2012-06-18 16:39:58 +00:00
//if the bot isn't healthy enough
2005-08-26 17:39:27 +00:00
if (BotAggression(bs) < 50) return qfalse;
//the bot should have at least have the rocket launcher, the railgun or the bfg10k with some ammo
if ((bs->inventory[INVENTORY_ROCKETLAUNCHER] <= 0 || bs->inventory[INVENTORY_ROCKETS] < 10) &&
2005-08-26 17:39:27 +00:00
(bs->inventory[INVENTORY_RAILGUN] <= 0 || bs->inventory[INVENTORY_SLUGS] < 10) &&
(bs->inventory[INVENTORY_BFG10K] <= 0 || bs->inventory[INVENTORY_BFGAMMO] < 10)) {
return qfalse;
//find the closest camp spot
besttraveltime = 99999;
for (cs = trap_BotGetNextCampSpotGoal(0, &goal); cs; cs = trap_BotGetNextCampSpotGoal(cs, &goal)) {
traveltime = trap_AAS_AreaTravelTimeToGoalArea(bs->areanum, bs->origin, goal.areanum, TFL_DEFAULT);
if (traveltime && traveltime < besttraveltime) {
besttraveltime = traveltime;
memcpy(&bestgoal, &goal, sizeof(bot_goal_t));
if (besttraveltime > 150) return qfalse;
//ok found a camp spot, go camp there
BotGoCamp(bs, &bestgoal);
bs->ordered = qfalse;
return qtrue;
void BotDontAvoid(bot_state_t *bs, char *itemname) {
bot_goal_t goal;
int num;
num = trap_BotGetLevelItemGoal(-1, itemname, &goal);
while(num >= 0) {
trap_BotRemoveFromAvoidGoals(bs->gs, goal.number);
num = trap_BotGetLevelItemGoal(num, itemname, &goal);
void BotGoForPowerups(bot_state_t *bs) {
//don't avoid any of the powerups anymore
BotDontAvoid(bs, "Quad Damage");
BotDontAvoid(bs, "Regeneration");
BotDontAvoid(bs, "Battle Suit");
BotDontAvoid(bs, "Speed");
BotDontAvoid(bs, "Invisibility");
//BotDontAvoid(bs, "Flight");
//reset the long term goal time so the bot will go for the powerup
//NOTE: the long term goal type doesn't change
bs->ltg_time = 0;
void BotRoamGoal(bot_state_t *bs, vec3_t goal) {
int pc, i;
float len, rnd;
vec3_t dir, bestorg, belowbestorg;
bsp_trace_t trace;
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
//start at the bot origin
VectorCopy(bs->origin, bestorg);
rnd = random();
if (rnd > 0.25) {
//add a random value to the x-coordinate
if (random() < 0.5) bestorg[0] -= 800 * random() + 100;
else bestorg[0] += 800 * random() + 100;
if (rnd < 0.75) {
//add a random value to the y-coordinate
if (random() < 0.5) bestorg[1] -= 800 * random() + 100;
else bestorg[1] += 800 * random() + 100;
//add a random value to the z-coordinate (NOTE: 48 = maxjump?)
bestorg[2] += 2 * 48 * crandom();
//trace a line from the origin to the roam target
BotAI_Trace(&trace, bs->origin, NULL, NULL, bestorg, bs->entitynum, MASK_SOLID);
//direction and length towards the roam target
VectorSubtract(trace.endpos, bs->origin, dir);
len = VectorNormalize(dir);
2012-06-18 16:39:58 +00:00
//if the roam target is far away enough
2005-08-26 17:39:27 +00:00
if (len > 200) {
//the roam target is in the given direction before walls
VectorScale(dir, len * trace.fraction - 40, dir);
VectorAdd(bs->origin, dir, bestorg);
//get the coordinates of the floor below the roam target
belowbestorg[0] = bestorg[0];
belowbestorg[1] = bestorg[1];
belowbestorg[2] = bestorg[2] - 800;
BotAI_Trace(&trace, bestorg, NULL, NULL, belowbestorg, bs->entitynum, MASK_SOLID);
if (!trace.startsolid) {
pc = trap_PointContents(trace.endpos, bs->entitynum);
VectorCopy(bestorg, goal);
VectorCopy(bestorg, goal);
bot_moveresult_t BotAttackMove(bot_state_t *bs, int tfl) {
int movetype, i, attackentity;
float attack_skill, jumper, croucher, dist, strafechange_time;
float attack_dist, attack_range;
vec3_t forward, backward, sideward, hordir, up = {0, 0, 1};
aas_entityinfo_t entinfo;
bot_moveresult_t moveresult;
bot_goal_t goal;
attackentity = bs->enemy;
if (bs->attackchase_time > FloatTime()) {
//create the chase goal
goal.entitynum = attackentity;
goal.areanum = bs->lastenemyareanum;
VectorCopy(bs->lastenemyorigin, goal.origin);
VectorSet(goal.mins, -8, -8, -8);
VectorSet(goal.maxs, 8, 8, 8);
//initialize the movement state
//move towards the goal
trap_BotMoveToGoal(&moveresult, bs->ms, &goal, tfl);
return moveresult;
memset(&moveresult, 0, sizeof(bot_moveresult_t));
attack_skill = trap_Characteristic_BFloat(bs->character, CHARACTERISTIC_ATTACK_SKILL, 0, 1);
jumper = trap_Characteristic_BFloat(bs->character, CHARACTERISTIC_JUMPER, 0, 1);
croucher = trap_Characteristic_BFloat(bs->character, CHARACTERISTIC_CROUCHER, 0, 1);
//if the bot is really stupid
if (attack_skill < 0.2) return moveresult;
//initialize the movement state
//get the enemy entity info
BotEntityInfo(attackentity, &entinfo);
//direction towards the enemy
VectorSubtract(entinfo.origin, bs->origin, forward);
//the distance towards the enemy
dist = VectorNormalize(forward);
VectorNegate(forward, backward);
//walk, crouch or jump
movetype = MOVE_WALK;
if (bs->attackcrouch_time < FloatTime() - 1) {
if (random() < jumper) {
movetype = MOVE_JUMP;
//wait at least one second before crouching again
else if (bs->attackcrouch_time < FloatTime() - 1 && random() < croucher) {
bs->attackcrouch_time = FloatTime() + croucher * 5;
if (bs->attackcrouch_time > FloatTime()) movetype = MOVE_CROUCH;
//if the bot should jump
if (movetype == MOVE_JUMP) {
//if jumped last frame
if (bs->attackjump_time > FloatTime()) {
movetype = MOVE_WALK;
else {
bs->attackjump_time = FloatTime() + 1;
if (bs->cur_ps.weapon == WP_GAUNTLET) {
attack_dist = 0;
attack_range = 0;
else {
attack_dist = IDEAL_ATTACKDIST;
attack_range = 40;
//if the bot is stupid
if (attack_skill <= 0.4) {
//just walk to or away from the enemy
if (dist > attack_dist + attack_range) {
if (trap_BotMoveInDirection(bs->ms, forward, 400, movetype)) return moveresult;
if (dist < attack_dist - attack_range) {
if (trap_BotMoveInDirection(bs->ms, backward, 400, movetype)) return moveresult;
return moveresult;
//increase the strafe time
bs->attackstrafe_time += bs->thinktime;
//get the strafe change time
strafechange_time = 0.4 + (1 - attack_skill) * 0.2;
if (attack_skill > 0.7) strafechange_time += crandom() * 0.2;
//if the strafe direction should be changed
if (bs->attackstrafe_time > strafechange_time) {
//some magic number :)
if (random() > 0.935) {
//flip the strafe direction
bs->flags ^= BFL_STRAFERIGHT;
bs->attackstrafe_time = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
hordir[0] = forward[0];
hordir[1] = forward[1];
hordir[2] = 0;
//get the sideward vector
CrossProduct(hordir, up, sideward);
//reverse the vector depending on the strafe direction
if (bs->flags & BFL_STRAFERIGHT) VectorNegate(sideward, sideward);
//randomly go back a little
if (random() > 0.9) {
VectorAdd(sideward, backward, sideward);
else {
//walk forward or backward to get at the ideal attack distance
if (dist > attack_dist + attack_range) {
VectorAdd(sideward, forward, sideward);
else if (dist < attack_dist - attack_range) {
VectorAdd(sideward, backward, sideward);
//perform the movement
if (trap_BotMoveInDirection(bs->ms, sideward, 400, movetype))
return moveresult;
//movement failed, flip the strafe direction
bs->flags ^= BFL_STRAFERIGHT;
bs->attackstrafe_time = 0;
//bot couldn't do any usefull movement
// bs->attackchase_time = AAS_Time() + 6;
return moveresult;
int BotSameTeam(bot_state_t *bs, int entnum) {
if (bs->client < 0 || bs->client >= MAX_CLIENTS) {
return qfalse;
Batch of bug fixes for gamecode. Patch compiled and log message written by Tobias Kuehnhammer (#5144) ################################################################################ This Patch fixes: ################################################################################ - The "fraglimit warning" was not played at all, if on the blue team. - The "where" console command was broken. - Obelisk explosion wasn't drawn if no Rocketlauncher was loaded. - Impact marks sometimes didn't draw at all. - IMPORTANT BUGFIX: No killing for cheaters with Lightning gun and Gauntlet. - If two doors are close to each other a spectator couldn't fly through them. - More robust, efficient and logical respawning routine. NOTE: The game.qvm will get notable smaller and will use LESS MEMORY! - Drowning sounds are fixed. Now they are played as intended. (as the id comment in the source code shows). - Some AI bugs (OVERFLOW!) in the bot movement code. - Several "Team Arena" Overload and Harvester bugs. - Stops bots from attacking a team mate (player) who only changed teams. - Some voice chats and CTF commands fixed. - "Team_ReturnFlag" was called twice, which did wired things sometimes. NOTE: (G_RunItem checks CONTENTS_NODROP already!) - A bugfix for Gauntlet animation. - Incorrect CTF scoring. - A bunch of corrected comments and print lines ("\n"). - Some regularity of expression and some small trivial bugs. ################################################################################ Details: ################################################################################ ******************************************************************************** BUG: in gamemode GT_TEAM the fraglimit warning will not be played if joining the blue team! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: In "CG_CheckLocalSounds": if cgs.scores2 > highScore, highScore should be cgs.scores2. ******************************************************************************** BUG: the "where" console command doesn't work as expected (it's always 0 0 0) but not in id Quake 3 Arena. It seems that now Ioquake3 is affected! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: In Function "Cmd_Where_f" ent->s.origin should be ent->r.currentOrigin. ******************************************************************************** BUG: in gamemode GT_OBELISK obelisk explosion won't be drawn if there is no Rocketlauncher loaded. (The "maps without Rocketlauncher" bug) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: in "cg_main.c": cgs.media.rocketExplosionShader should be registered if gamemode is GT_OBELISK. ******************************************************************************** BUG: Impact marks sometimes doesn't draw at all. Not easy to reproduce if you don't play (io)Quake3 every day and know the places where it happens! ;) But anyway... Test: start q3dm12 go to "Long Jump Canyon" (where the small platform teleporter for the BFG is) place yourself at the point where the railgun spawns, look in the direction where the red suspended armor is. Now shoot at the sloped wall on the out/leftside of the door you see. (the sloped wall should be nearly in the center of your screen now). If you choose the correct brush face and shoot up and down at this brush face, the impact marks sometimes aren't visible. There are hundreds of custom maps where this can happen! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: I replaced the function "SnapVectorTowards" with the one from "Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory (GPL Source Code)" ******************************************************************************** BUG: Normally "NOCLIP" cheaters are logically not allowed to fire a gun. Unfortunatly the Gauntlet (and Lightning gun) was forgotten and not restricted to that. All weapons except those two were handled correct. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: Make Gauntlet and Lightning gun not firing for someone who cheats with "NOCLIP" (like all other weapons). ******************************************************************************** NOTE: A few bugfixes are not mine and are reported here: http://www.quake3world.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=9179. Thanks to Quake3world, for all those years and the good guys there! ******************************************************************************** BUG: During making a mod I found a very strange bug, which mainly occurs if someone tries to implement a lot of singleplayer monsters which should walk slowly (like the "Crash" bot). So if someone wants to make slow down bots or monsters when they are walking towards a goal and alter the function "BotMoveInGoalArea" then the bots/monsters do stupid things. Otherwise and this is the default (also buggy) behavior they start running although they shouldn't (as seen with the "Crash" bot and will not be fixed here). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: Fix overflow in bot user command. BUGFIX from "Hunt" mod by J. Hoffman. ******************************************************************************** BUG: in function "BotMoveToGoal" the special elevator case doesn't make sense. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: in "be_ai_move.c": ((result->flags & MOVERESULT_ONTOPOF_FUNCBOB) || (result->flags & MOVERESULT_ONTOPOF_FUNCBOB)) should be ((result->flags & MOVERESULT_ONTOPOF_ELEVATOR) || (result->flags & MOVERESULT_ONTOPOF_FUNCBOB)). ******************************************************************************** BUG: in function "BotWantsToRetreat" and "BotWantsToChase" this is wrong: "(bs->enemy != redobelisk.entitynum || bs->enemy != blueobelisk.entitynum)" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: "... redobelisk.entitynum) && (bs->enemy != blueobelisk.." is correct. ******************************************************************************** BUG: in gamemode GT_OBELISK there are too many node switches for bots (test: mpq3tourney6 with many bots). If that happens, game becomes unplayable. I don't know if this is the best solution but here it is: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: In function "AINode_Battle_Fight" right after: if (!BotEntityVisible(bs->entitynum, bs->eye, bs->viewangles, 360, bs->enemy)) { I added this: #ifdef MISSIONPACK if (bs->enemy == redobelisk.entitynum || bs->enemy == blueobelisk.entitynum) { AIEnter_Battle_Chase(bs, "battle fight: obelisk out of sight"); return qfalse; } #endif ******************************************************************************** BUG: in gamemode >= GT_TEAM, after team change, bots will (sometimes) not stop shooting at you, although you are on their team now. It seems that the configstrings are f***** up or not reliable in this case! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: In function "BotTeam" and "BotSameTeam" get the real team values. ******************************************************************************** BUG: Some of the bots voice commands are wrong. They are commanded to attack the enemy base but they say "Okay, I will defend!" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: Corrected some voice commands in "BotCTFOrders_FlagNotAtBase" and "Bot1FCTFOrders_EnemyDroppedFlag" ******************************************************************************** BUG: Spectators couldn't fly through doors if they are very close to each other. You can test it with some regular id maps (q3dm14, q3dm12) but there are also many custom maps where this can happen! This is annoying because in the worst case you can't move at all and are caught inside a door. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: There is a solution in a mod called "Hunt" by J. Hoffman. Bugfix is included in this patch! ******************************************************************************** BUG: During making a mod I found it very hard to implement some of my ideas (something like "Limbo" or "Meeting") because of the way the player spawn effect, intermission and spawning on victory pads is handled. I reworked it a bit and simplified it so that the effect is handled when a client respawns (as the name says) and not when a client begins. I think this will help more mod makers everytime they want to make changes to spawning of players, bots on victory pads or monsters... and want to avoid spectators with Machineguns which can kill and score... :() NOTE: I also renamed the poorly named function "respawn" to "ClientRespawn". If someone searches the code base for "respawn" it was really hard to find the correct place for what was meant. "respawn" is used so often, that you really get headache ... now with "ClientRespawn" it's easier! IMPORTANT: The whole respawning, moving to intermission point and everything related to that is now done in a more reliable way without changing the default behavior. (How critical the whole spwaning mess was did you see by yourself (ioquake3 rev. 2076). With this patch it's safer. Trust me, I spent hours of fixing silly problems... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: Simplified "ClientBegin" and moved the teleport event to "ClientSpawn". ******************************************************************************** BUG: If a player is dying or hurted under water the hurt/dying sounds AND the drowning sounds are played together. This is silly. Moreover it's no good idea to let the server play client sounds! There was a solution in a mod called "Q3A++" by Dan 'Neurobasher' Gomes which fixes the problem. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: Created a "CG_WaterLevel" function to play the appropriate sounds. ******************************************************************************** ################################################################################
2011-08-01 11:39:33 +00:00
2005-08-26 17:39:27 +00:00
if (entnum < 0 || entnum >= MAX_CLIENTS) {
return qfalse;
Batch of bug fixes for gamecode. Patch compiled and log message written by Tobias Kuehnhammer (#5144) ################################################################################ This Patch fixes: ################################################################################ - The "fraglimit warning" was not played at all, if on the blue team. - The "where" console command was broken. - Obelisk explosion wasn't drawn if no Rocketlauncher was loaded. - Impact marks sometimes didn't draw at all. - IMPORTANT BUGFIX: No killing for cheaters with Lightning gun and Gauntlet. - If two doors are close to each other a spectator couldn't fly through them. - More robust, efficient and logical respawning routine. NOTE: The game.qvm will get notable smaller and will use LESS MEMORY! - Drowning sounds are fixed. Now they are played as intended. (as the id comment in the source code shows). - Some AI bugs (OVERFLOW!) in the bot movement code. - Several "Team Arena" Overload and Harvester bugs. - Stops bots from attacking a team mate (player) who only changed teams. - Some voice chats and CTF commands fixed. - "Team_ReturnFlag" was called twice, which did wired things sometimes. NOTE: (G_RunItem checks CONTENTS_NODROP already!) - A bugfix for Gauntlet animation. - Incorrect CTF scoring. - A bunch of corrected comments and print lines ("\n"). - Some regularity of expression and some small trivial bugs. ################################################################################ Details: ################################################################################ ******************************************************************************** BUG: in gamemode GT_TEAM the fraglimit warning will not be played if joining the blue team! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: In "CG_CheckLocalSounds": if cgs.scores2 > highScore, highScore should be cgs.scores2. ******************************************************************************** BUG: the "where" console command doesn't work as expected (it's always 0 0 0) but not in id Quake 3 Arena. It seems that now Ioquake3 is affected! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: In Function "Cmd_Where_f" ent->s.origin should be ent->r.currentOrigin. ******************************************************************************** BUG: in gamemode GT_OBELISK obelisk explosion won't be drawn if there is no Rocketlauncher loaded. (The "maps without Rocketlauncher" bug) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: in "cg_main.c": cgs.media.rocketExplosionShader should be registered if gamemode is GT_OBELISK. ******************************************************************************** BUG: Impact marks sometimes doesn't draw at all. Not easy to reproduce if you don't play (io)Quake3 every day and know the places where it happens! ;) But anyway... Test: start q3dm12 go to "Long Jump Canyon" (where the small platform teleporter for the BFG is) place yourself at the point where the railgun spawns, look in the direction where the red suspended armor is. Now shoot at the sloped wall on the out/leftside of the door you see. (the sloped wall should be nearly in the center of your screen now). If you choose the correct brush face and shoot up and down at this brush face, the impact marks sometimes aren't visible. There are hundreds of custom maps where this can happen! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: I replaced the function "SnapVectorTowards" with the one from "Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory (GPL Source Code)" ******************************************************************************** BUG: Normally "NOCLIP" cheaters are logically not allowed to fire a gun. Unfortunatly the Gauntlet (and Lightning gun) was forgotten and not restricted to that. All weapons except those two were handled correct. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: Make Gauntlet and Lightning gun not firing for someone who cheats with "NOCLIP" (like all other weapons). ******************************************************************************** NOTE: A few bugfixes are not mine and are reported here: http://www.quake3world.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=9179. Thanks to Quake3world, for all those years and the good guys there! ******************************************************************************** BUG: During making a mod I found a very strange bug, which mainly occurs if someone tries to implement a lot of singleplayer monsters which should walk slowly (like the "Crash" bot). So if someone wants to make slow down bots or monsters when they are walking towards a goal and alter the function "BotMoveInGoalArea" then the bots/monsters do stupid things. Otherwise and this is the default (also buggy) behavior they start running although they shouldn't (as seen with the "Crash" bot and will not be fixed here). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: Fix overflow in bot user command. BUGFIX from "Hunt" mod by J. Hoffman. ******************************************************************************** BUG: in function "BotMoveToGoal" the special elevator case doesn't make sense. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: in "be_ai_move.c": ((result->flags & MOVERESULT_ONTOPOF_FUNCBOB) || (result->flags & MOVERESULT_ONTOPOF_FUNCBOB)) should be ((result->flags & MOVERESULT_ONTOPOF_ELEVATOR) || (result->flags & MOVERESULT_ONTOPOF_FUNCBOB)). ******************************************************************************** BUG: in function "BotWantsToRetreat" and "BotWantsToChase" this is wrong: "(bs->enemy != redobelisk.entitynum || bs->enemy != blueobelisk.entitynum)" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: "... redobelisk.entitynum) && (bs->enemy != blueobelisk.." is correct. ******************************************************************************** BUG: in gamemode GT_OBELISK there are too many node switches for bots (test: mpq3tourney6 with many bots). If that happens, game becomes unplayable. I don't know if this is the best solution but here it is: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: In function "AINode_Battle_Fight" right after: if (!BotEntityVisible(bs->entitynum, bs->eye, bs->viewangles, 360, bs->enemy)) { I added this: #ifdef MISSIONPACK if (bs->enemy == redobelisk.entitynum || bs->enemy == blueobelisk.entitynum) { AIEnter_Battle_Chase(bs, "battle fight: obelisk out of sight"); return qfalse; } #endif ******************************************************************************** BUG: in gamemode >= GT_TEAM, after team change, bots will (sometimes) not stop shooting at you, although you are on their team now. It seems that the configstrings are f***** up or not reliable in this case! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: In function "BotTeam" and "BotSameTeam" get the real team values. ******************************************************************************** BUG: Some of the bots voice commands are wrong. They are commanded to attack the enemy base but they say "Okay, I will defend!" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: Corrected some voice commands in "BotCTFOrders_FlagNotAtBase" and "Bot1FCTFOrders_EnemyDroppedFlag" ******************************************************************************** BUG: Spectators couldn't fly through doors if they are very close to each other. You can test it with some regular id maps (q3dm14, q3dm12) but there are also many custom maps where this can happen! This is annoying because in the worst case you can't move at all and are caught inside a door. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: There is a solution in a mod called "Hunt" by J. Hoffman. Bugfix is included in this patch! ******************************************************************************** BUG: During making a mod I found it very hard to implement some of my ideas (something like "Limbo" or "Meeting") because of the way the player spawn effect, intermission and spawning on victory pads is handled. I reworked it a bit and simplified it so that the effect is handled when a client respawns (as the name says) and not when a client begins. I think this will help more mod makers everytime they want to make changes to spawning of players, bots on victory pads or monsters... and want to avoid spectators with Machineguns which can kill and score... :() NOTE: I also renamed the poorly named function "respawn" to "ClientRespawn". If someone searches the code base for "respawn" it was really hard to find the correct place for what was meant. "respawn" is used so often, that you really get headache ... now with "ClientRespawn" it's easier! IMPORTANT: The whole respawning, moving to intermission point and everything related to that is now done in a more reliable way without changing the default behavior. (How critical the whole spwaning mess was did you see by yourself (ioquake3 rev. 2076). With this patch it's safer. Trust me, I spent hours of fixing silly problems... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: Simplified "ClientBegin" and moved the teleport event to "ClientSpawn". ******************************************************************************** BUG: If a player is dying or hurted under water the hurt/dying sounds AND the drowning sounds are played together. This is silly. Moreover it's no good idea to let the server play client sounds! There was a solution in a mod called "Q3A++" by Dan 'Neurobasher' Gomes which fixes the problem. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: Created a "CG_WaterLevel" function to play the appropriate sounds. ******************************************************************************** ################################################################################
2011-08-01 11:39:33 +00:00
if (gametype >= GT_TEAM) {
if (level.clients[bs->client].sess.sessionTeam == level.clients[entnum].sess.sessionTeam) return qtrue;
2005-08-26 17:39:27 +00:00
Batch of bug fixes for gamecode. Patch compiled and log message written by Tobias Kuehnhammer (#5144) ################################################################################ This Patch fixes: ################################################################################ - The "fraglimit warning" was not played at all, if on the blue team. - The "where" console command was broken. - Obelisk explosion wasn't drawn if no Rocketlauncher was loaded. - Impact marks sometimes didn't draw at all. - IMPORTANT BUGFIX: No killing for cheaters with Lightning gun and Gauntlet. - If two doors are close to each other a spectator couldn't fly through them. - More robust, efficient and logical respawning routine. NOTE: The game.qvm will get notable smaller and will use LESS MEMORY! - Drowning sounds are fixed. Now they are played as intended. (as the id comment in the source code shows). - Some AI bugs (OVERFLOW!) in the bot movement code. - Several "Team Arena" Overload and Harvester bugs. - Stops bots from attacking a team mate (player) who only changed teams. - Some voice chats and CTF commands fixed. - "Team_ReturnFlag" was called twice, which did wired things sometimes. NOTE: (G_RunItem checks CONTENTS_NODROP already!) - A bugfix for Gauntlet animation. - Incorrect CTF scoring. - A bunch of corrected comments and print lines ("\n"). - Some regularity of expression and some small trivial bugs. ################################################################################ Details: ################################################################################ ******************************************************************************** BUG: in gamemode GT_TEAM the fraglimit warning will not be played if joining the blue team! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: In "CG_CheckLocalSounds": if cgs.scores2 > highScore, highScore should be cgs.scores2. ******************************************************************************** BUG: the "where" console command doesn't work as expected (it's always 0 0 0) but not in id Quake 3 Arena. It seems that now Ioquake3 is affected! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: In Function "Cmd_Where_f" ent->s.origin should be ent->r.currentOrigin. ******************************************************************************** BUG: in gamemode GT_OBELISK obelisk explosion won't be drawn if there is no Rocketlauncher loaded. (The "maps without Rocketlauncher" bug) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: in "cg_main.c": cgs.media.rocketExplosionShader should be registered if gamemode is GT_OBELISK. ******************************************************************************** BUG: Impact marks sometimes doesn't draw at all. Not easy to reproduce if you don't play (io)Quake3 every day and know the places where it happens! ;) But anyway... Test: start q3dm12 go to "Long Jump Canyon" (where the small platform teleporter for the BFG is) place yourself at the point where the railgun spawns, look in the direction where the red suspended armor is. Now shoot at the sloped wall on the out/leftside of the door you see. (the sloped wall should be nearly in the center of your screen now). If you choose the correct brush face and shoot up and down at this brush face, the impact marks sometimes aren't visible. There are hundreds of custom maps where this can happen! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: I replaced the function "SnapVectorTowards" with the one from "Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory (GPL Source Code)" ******************************************************************************** BUG: Normally "NOCLIP" cheaters are logically not allowed to fire a gun. Unfortunatly the Gauntlet (and Lightning gun) was forgotten and not restricted to that. All weapons except those two were handled correct. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: Make Gauntlet and Lightning gun not firing for someone who cheats with "NOCLIP" (like all other weapons). ******************************************************************************** NOTE: A few bugfixes are not mine and are reported here: http://www.quake3world.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=9179. Thanks to Quake3world, for all those years and the good guys there! ******************************************************************************** BUG: During making a mod I found a very strange bug, which mainly occurs if someone tries to implement a lot of singleplayer monsters which should walk slowly (like the "Crash" bot). So if someone wants to make slow down bots or monsters when they are walking towards a goal and alter the function "BotMoveInGoalArea" then the bots/monsters do stupid things. Otherwise and this is the default (also buggy) behavior they start running although they shouldn't (as seen with the "Crash" bot and will not be fixed here). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: Fix overflow in bot user command. BUGFIX from "Hunt" mod by J. Hoffman. ******************************************************************************** BUG: in function "BotMoveToGoal" the special elevator case doesn't make sense. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: in "be_ai_move.c": ((result->flags & MOVERESULT_ONTOPOF_FUNCBOB) || (result->flags & MOVERESULT_ONTOPOF_FUNCBOB)) should be ((result->flags & MOVERESULT_ONTOPOF_ELEVATOR) || (result->flags & MOVERESULT_ONTOPOF_FUNCBOB)). ******************************************************************************** BUG: in function "BotWantsToRetreat" and "BotWantsToChase" this is wrong: "(bs->enemy != redobelisk.entitynum || bs->enemy != blueobelisk.entitynum)" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: "... redobelisk.entitynum) && (bs->enemy != blueobelisk.." is correct. ******************************************************************************** BUG: in gamemode GT_OBELISK there are too many node switches for bots (test: mpq3tourney6 with many bots). If that happens, game becomes unplayable. I don't know if this is the best solution but here it is: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: In function "AINode_Battle_Fight" right after: if (!BotEntityVisible(bs->entitynum, bs->eye, bs->viewangles, 360, bs->enemy)) { I added this: #ifdef MISSIONPACK if (bs->enemy == redobelisk.entitynum || bs->enemy == blueobelisk.entitynum) { AIEnter_Battle_Chase(bs, "battle fight: obelisk out of sight"); return qfalse; } #endif ******************************************************************************** BUG: in gamemode >= GT_TEAM, after team change, bots will (sometimes) not stop shooting at you, although you are on their team now. It seems that the configstrings are f***** up or not reliable in this case! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: In function "BotTeam" and "BotSameTeam" get the real team values. ******************************************************************************** BUG: Some of the bots voice commands are wrong. They are commanded to attack the enemy base but they say "Okay, I will defend!" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: Corrected some voice commands in "BotCTFOrders_FlagNotAtBase" and "Bot1FCTFOrders_EnemyDroppedFlag" ******************************************************************************** BUG: Spectators couldn't fly through doors if they are very close to each other. You can test it with some regular id maps (q3dm14, q3dm12) but there are also many custom maps where this can happen! This is annoying because in the worst case you can't move at all and are caught inside a door. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: There is a solution in a mod called "Hunt" by J. Hoffman. Bugfix is included in this patch! ******************************************************************************** BUG: During making a mod I found it very hard to implement some of my ideas (something like "Limbo" or "Meeting") because of the way the player spawn effect, intermission and spawning on victory pads is handled. I reworked it a bit and simplified it so that the effect is handled when a client respawns (as the name says) and not when a client begins. I think this will help more mod makers everytime they want to make changes to spawning of players, bots on victory pads or monsters... and want to avoid spectators with Machineguns which can kill and score... :() NOTE: I also renamed the poorly named function "respawn" to "ClientRespawn". If someone searches the code base for "respawn" it was really hard to find the correct place for what was meant. "respawn" is used so often, that you really get headache ... now with "ClientRespawn" it's easier! IMPORTANT: The whole respawning, moving to intermission point and everything related to that is now done in a more reliable way without changing the default behavior. (How critical the whole spwaning mess was did you see by yourself (ioquake3 rev. 2076). With this patch it's safer. Trust me, I spent hours of fixing silly problems... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: Simplified "ClientBegin" and moved the teleport event to "ClientSpawn". ******************************************************************************** BUG: If a player is dying or hurted under water the hurt/dying sounds AND the drowning sounds are played together. This is silly. Moreover it's no good idea to let the server play client sounds! There was a solution in a mod called "Q3A++" by Dan 'Neurobasher' Gomes which fixes the problem. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: Created a "CG_WaterLevel" function to play the appropriate sounds. ******************************************************************************** ################################################################################
2011-08-01 11:39:33 +00:00
2005-08-26 17:39:27 +00:00
return qfalse;
qboolean InFieldOfVision(vec3_t viewangles, float fov, vec3_t angles)
int i;
float diff, angle;
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
angle = AngleMod(viewangles[i]);
angles[i] = AngleMod(angles[i]);
diff = angles[i] - angle;
if (angles[i] > angle) {
if (diff > 180.0) diff -= 360.0;
else {
if (diff < -180.0) diff += 360.0;
if (diff > 0) {
if (diff > fov * 0.5) return qfalse;
else {
if (diff < -fov * 0.5) return qfalse;
return qtrue;
returns visibility in the range [0, 1] taking fog and water surfaces into account
float BotEntityVisible(int viewer, vec3_t eye, vec3_t viewangles, float fov, int ent) {
int i, contents_mask, passent, hitent, infog, inwater, otherinfog, pc;
float squaredfogdist, waterfactor, vis, bestvis;
bsp_trace_t trace;
aas_entityinfo_t entinfo;
vec3_t dir, entangles, start, end, middle;
//calculate middle of bounding box
BotEntityInfo(ent, &entinfo);
VectorAdd(entinfo.mins, entinfo.maxs, middle);
VectorScale(middle, 0.5, middle);
VectorAdd(entinfo.origin, middle, middle);
//check if entity is within field of vision
VectorSubtract(middle, eye, dir);
vectoangles(dir, entangles);
if (!InFieldOfVision(viewangles, fov, entangles)) return 0;
pc = trap_AAS_PointContents(eye);
infog = (pc & CONTENTS_FOG);
bestvis = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
//if the point is not in potential visible sight
//if (!AAS_inPVS(eye, middle)) continue;
passent = viewer;
hitent = ent;
VectorCopy(eye, start);
VectorCopy(middle, end);
//if the entity is in water, lava or slime
//if eye is in water, lava or slime
if (inwater) {
passent = ent;
hitent = viewer;
VectorCopy(middle, start);
VectorCopy(eye, end);
//trace from start to end
BotAI_Trace(&trace, start, NULL, NULL, end, passent, contents_mask);
//if water was hit
waterfactor = 1.0;
//if the water surface is translucent
if (1) {
//trace through the water
BotAI_Trace(&trace, trace.endpos, NULL, NULL, end, passent, contents_mask);
waterfactor = 0.5;
//if a full trace or the hitent was hit
if (trace.fraction >= 1 || trace.ent == hitent) {
//check for fog, assuming there's only one fog brush where
//either the viewer or the entity is in or both are in
otherinfog = (trap_AAS_PointContents(middle) & CONTENTS_FOG);
if (infog && otherinfog) {
VectorSubtract(trace.endpos, eye, dir);
squaredfogdist = VectorLengthSquared(dir);
else if (infog) {
VectorCopy(trace.endpos, start);
BotAI_Trace(&trace, start, NULL, NULL, eye, viewer, CONTENTS_FOG);
VectorSubtract(eye, trace.endpos, dir);
squaredfogdist = VectorLengthSquared(dir);
else if (otherinfog) {
VectorCopy(trace.endpos, end);
BotAI_Trace(&trace, eye, NULL, NULL, end, viewer, CONTENTS_FOG);
VectorSubtract(end, trace.endpos, dir);
squaredfogdist = VectorLengthSquared(dir);
else {
//if the entity and the viewer are not in fog assume there's no fog in between
squaredfogdist = 0;
//decrease visibility with the view distance through fog
vis = 1 / ((squaredfogdist * 0.001) < 1 ? 1 : (squaredfogdist * 0.001));
//if entering water visibility is reduced
vis *= waterfactor;
if (vis > bestvis) bestvis = vis;
//if pretty much no fog
if (bestvis >= 0.95) return bestvis;
//check bottom and top of bounding box as well
if (i == 0) middle[2] += entinfo.mins[2];
else if (i == 1) middle[2] += entinfo.maxs[2] - entinfo.mins[2];
return bestvis;
int BotFindEnemy(bot_state_t *bs, int curenemy) {
int i, healthdecrease;
float f, alertness, easyfragger, vis;
float squaredist, cursquaredist;
aas_entityinfo_t entinfo, curenemyinfo;
vec3_t dir, angles;
alertness = trap_Characteristic_BFloat(bs->character, CHARACTERISTIC_ALERTNESS, 0, 1);
easyfragger = trap_Characteristic_BFloat(bs->character, CHARACTERISTIC_EASY_FRAGGER, 0, 1);
//check if the health decreased
healthdecrease = bs->lasthealth > bs->inventory[INVENTORY_HEALTH];
//remember the current health value
bs->lasthealth = bs->inventory[INVENTORY_HEALTH];
if (curenemy >= 0) {
BotEntityInfo(curenemy, &curenemyinfo);
if (EntityCarriesFlag(&curenemyinfo)) return qfalse;
VectorSubtract(curenemyinfo.origin, bs->origin, dir);
cursquaredist = VectorLengthSquared(dir);
else {
cursquaredist = 0;
if (gametype == GT_OBELISK) {
vec3_t target;
bot_goal_t *goal;
bsp_trace_t trace;
if (BotTeam(bs) == TEAM_RED)
goal = &blueobelisk;
goal = &redobelisk;
//if the obelisk is visible
VectorCopy(goal->origin, target);
target[2] += 1;
BotAI_Trace(&trace, bs->eye, NULL, NULL, target, bs->client, CONTENTS_SOLID);
if (trace.fraction >= 1 || trace.ent == goal->entitynum) {
if (goal->entitynum == bs->enemy) {
return qfalse;
bs->enemy = goal->entitynum;
bs->enemysight_time = FloatTime();
bs->enemysuicide = qfalse;
bs->enemydeath_time = 0;
bs->enemyvisible_time = FloatTime();
return qtrue;
for (i = 0; i < maxclients && i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++) {
if (i == bs->client) continue;
//if it's the current enemy
if (i == curenemy) continue;
BotEntityInfo(i, &entinfo);
if (!entinfo.valid) continue;
//if the enemy isn't dead and the enemy isn't the bot self
if (EntityIsDead(&entinfo) || entinfo.number == bs->entitynum) continue;
//if the enemy is invisible and not shooting
if (EntityIsInvisible(&entinfo) && !EntityIsShooting(&entinfo)) {
//if not an easy fragger don't shoot at chatting players
if (easyfragger < 0.5 && EntityIsChatting(&entinfo)) continue;
if (lastteleport_time > FloatTime() - 3) {
VectorSubtract(entinfo.origin, lastteleport_origin, dir);
if (VectorLengthSquared(dir) < Square(70)) continue;
//calculate the distance towards the enemy
VectorSubtract(entinfo.origin, bs->origin, dir);
squaredist = VectorLengthSquared(dir);
//if this entity is not carrying a flag
if (!EntityCarriesFlag(&entinfo))
//if this enemy is further away than the current one
if (curenemy >= 0 && squaredist > cursquaredist) continue;
} //end if
//if the bot has no
if (squaredist > Square(900.0 + alertness * 4000.0)) continue;
//if on the same team
if (BotSameTeam(bs, i)) continue;
//if the bot's health decreased or the enemy is shooting
if (curenemy < 0 && (healthdecrease || EntityIsShooting(&entinfo)))
f = 360;
f = 90 + 90 - (90 - (squaredist > Square(810) ? Square(810) : squaredist) / (810 * 9));
//check if the enemy is visible
vis = BotEntityVisible(bs->entitynum, bs->eye, bs->viewangles, f, i);
if (vis <= 0) continue;
//if the enemy is quite far away, not shooting and the bot is not damaged
if (curenemy < 0 && squaredist > Square(100) && !healthdecrease && !EntityIsShooting(&entinfo))
//check if we can avoid this enemy
VectorSubtract(bs->origin, entinfo.origin, dir);
vectoangles(dir, angles);
//if the bot isn't in the fov of the enemy
if (!InFieldOfVision(entinfo.angles, 90, angles)) {
//update some stuff for this enemy
BotUpdateBattleInventory(bs, i);
//if the bot doesn't really want to fight
if (BotWantsToRetreat(bs)) continue;
//found an enemy
bs->enemy = entinfo.number;
if (curenemy >= 0) bs->enemysight_time = FloatTime() - 2;
else bs->enemysight_time = FloatTime();
bs->enemysuicide = qfalse;
bs->enemydeath_time = 0;
bs->enemyvisible_time = FloatTime();
return qtrue;
return qfalse;
int BotTeamFlagCarrierVisible(bot_state_t *bs) {
int i;
float vis;
aas_entityinfo_t entinfo;
for (i = 0; i < maxclients && i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++) {
if (i == bs->client)
BotEntityInfo(i, &entinfo);
//if this player is active
if (!entinfo.valid)
//if this player is carrying a flag
if (!EntityCarriesFlag(&entinfo))
//if the flag carrier is not on the same team
if (!BotSameTeam(bs, i))
//if the flag carrier is not visible
vis = BotEntityVisible(bs->entitynum, bs->eye, bs->viewangles, 360, i);
if (vis <= 0)
return i;
return -1;
int BotTeamFlagCarrier(bot_state_t *bs) {
int i;
aas_entityinfo_t entinfo;
for (i = 0; i < maxclients && i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++) {
if (i == bs->client)
BotEntityInfo(i, &entinfo);
//if this player is active
if (!entinfo.valid)
//if this player is carrying a flag
if (!EntityCarriesFlag(&entinfo))
//if the flag carrier is not on the same team
if (!BotSameTeam(bs, i))
return i;
return -1;
int BotEnemyFlagCarrierVisible(bot_state_t *bs) {
int i;
float vis;
aas_entityinfo_t entinfo;
for (i = 0; i < maxclients && i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++) {
if (i == bs->client)
BotEntityInfo(i, &entinfo);
//if this player is active
if (!entinfo.valid)
//if this player is carrying a flag
if (!EntityCarriesFlag(&entinfo))
//if the flag carrier is on the same team
if (BotSameTeam(bs, i))
//if the flag carrier is not visible
vis = BotEntityVisible(bs->entitynum, bs->eye, bs->viewangles, 360, i);
if (vis <= 0)
return i;
return -1;
void BotVisibleTeamMatesAndEnemies(bot_state_t *bs, int *teammates, int *enemies, float range) {
int i;
float vis;
aas_entityinfo_t entinfo;
vec3_t dir;
if (teammates)
*teammates = 0;
if (enemies)
*enemies = 0;
for (i = 0; i < maxclients && i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++) {
if (i == bs->client)
BotEntityInfo(i, &entinfo);
//if this player is active
if (!entinfo.valid)
//if this player is carrying a flag
if (!EntityCarriesFlag(&entinfo))
//if not within range
VectorSubtract(entinfo.origin, bs->origin, dir);
if (VectorLengthSquared(dir) > Square(range))
//if the flag carrier is not visible
vis = BotEntityVisible(bs->entitynum, bs->eye, bs->viewangles, 360, i);
if (vis <= 0)
//if the flag carrier is on the same team
if (BotSameTeam(bs, i)) {
if (teammates)
else {
if (enemies)
int BotTeamCubeCarrierVisible(bot_state_t *bs) {
int i;
float vis;
aas_entityinfo_t entinfo;
for (i = 0; i < maxclients && i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++) {
if (i == bs->client) continue;
BotEntityInfo(i, &entinfo);
//if this player is active
if (!entinfo.valid) continue;
//if this player is carrying a flag
if (!EntityCarriesCubes(&entinfo)) continue;
//if the flag carrier is not on the same team
if (!BotSameTeam(bs, i)) continue;
//if the flag carrier is not visible
vis = BotEntityVisible(bs->entitynum, bs->eye, bs->viewangles, 360, i);
if (vis <= 0) continue;
return i;
return -1;
int BotEnemyCubeCarrierVisible(bot_state_t *bs) {
int i;
float vis;
aas_entityinfo_t entinfo;
for (i = 0; i < maxclients && i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++) {
if (i == bs->client)
BotEntityInfo(i, &entinfo);
//if this player is active
if (!entinfo.valid)
//if this player is carrying a flag
if (!EntityCarriesCubes(&entinfo)) continue;
//if the flag carrier is on the same team
if (BotSameTeam(bs, i))
//if the flag carrier is not visible
vis = BotEntityVisible(bs->entitynum, bs->eye, bs->viewangles, 360, i);
if (vis <= 0)
return i;
return -1;
void BotAimAtEnemy(bot_state_t *bs) {
int i, enemyvisible;
float dist, f, aim_skill, aim_accuracy, speed, reactiontime;
vec3_t dir, bestorigin, end, start, groundtarget, cmdmove, enemyvelocity;
vec3_t mins = {-4,-4,-4}, maxs = {4, 4, 4};
weaponinfo_t wi;
aas_entityinfo_t entinfo;
bot_goal_t goal;
bsp_trace_t trace;
vec3_t target;
//if the bot has no enemy
if (bs->enemy < 0) {
//get the enemy entity information
BotEntityInfo(bs->enemy, &entinfo);
//if this is not a player (should be an obelisk)
if (bs->enemy >= MAX_CLIENTS) {
//if the obelisk is visible
VectorCopy(entinfo.origin, target);
// if attacking an obelisk
if ( bs->enemy == redobelisk.entitynum ||
bs->enemy == blueobelisk.entitynum ) {
target[2] += 32;
//aim at the obelisk
VectorSubtract(target, bs->eye, dir);
vectoangles(dir, bs->ideal_viewangles);
//set the aim target before trying to attack
VectorCopy(target, bs->aimtarget);
//BotAI_Print(PRT_MESSAGE, "client %d: aiming at client %d\n", bs->entitynum, bs->enemy);
aim_skill = trap_Characteristic_BFloat(bs->character, CHARACTERISTIC_AIM_SKILL, 0, 1);
aim_accuracy = trap_Characteristic_BFloat(bs->character, CHARACTERISTIC_AIM_ACCURACY, 0, 1);
if (aim_skill > 0.95) {
//don't aim too early
reactiontime = 0.5 * trap_Characteristic_BFloat(bs->character, CHARACTERISTIC_REACTIONTIME, 0, 1);
if (bs->enemysight_time > FloatTime() - reactiontime) return;
if (bs->teleport_time > FloatTime() - reactiontime) return;
//get the weapon information
trap_BotGetWeaponInfo(bs->ws, bs->weaponnum, &wi);
//get the weapon specific aim accuracy and or aim skill
if (wi.number == WP_MACHINEGUN) {
aim_accuracy = trap_Characteristic_BFloat(bs->character, CHARACTERISTIC_AIM_ACCURACY_MACHINEGUN, 0, 1);
else if (wi.number == WP_SHOTGUN) {
aim_accuracy = trap_Characteristic_BFloat(bs->character, CHARACTERISTIC_AIM_ACCURACY_SHOTGUN, 0, 1);
else if (wi.number == WP_GRENADE_LAUNCHER) {
aim_accuracy = trap_Characteristic_BFloat(bs->character, CHARACTERISTIC_AIM_ACCURACY_GRENADELAUNCHER, 0, 1);
aim_skill = trap_Characteristic_BFloat(bs->character, CHARACTERISTIC_AIM_SKILL_GRENADELAUNCHER, 0, 1);
else if (wi.number == WP_ROCKET_LAUNCHER) {
aim_accuracy = trap_Characteristic_BFloat(bs->character, CHARACTERISTIC_AIM_ACCURACY_ROCKETLAUNCHER, 0, 1);
aim_skill = trap_Characteristic_BFloat(bs->character, CHARACTERISTIC_AIM_SKILL_ROCKETLAUNCHER, 0, 1);
else if (wi.number == WP_LIGHTNING) {
aim_accuracy = trap_Characteristic_BFloat(bs->character, CHARACTERISTIC_AIM_ACCURACY_LIGHTNING, 0, 1);
else if (wi.number == WP_RAILGUN) {
aim_accuracy = trap_Characteristic_BFloat(bs->character, CHARACTERISTIC_AIM_ACCURACY_RAILGUN, 0, 1);
else if (wi.number == WP_PLASMAGUN) {
aim_accuracy = trap_Characteristic_BFloat(bs->character, CHARACTERISTIC_AIM_ACCURACY_PLASMAGUN, 0, 1);
aim_skill = trap_Characteristic_BFloat(bs->character, CHARACTERISTIC_AIM_SKILL_PLASMAGUN, 0, 1);
else if (wi.number == WP_BFG) {
aim_accuracy = trap_Characteristic_BFloat(bs->character, CHARACTERISTIC_AIM_ACCURACY_BFG10K, 0, 1);
aim_skill = trap_Characteristic_BFloat(bs->character, CHARACTERISTIC_AIM_SKILL_BFG10K, 0, 1);
if (aim_accuracy <= 0) aim_accuracy = 0.0001f;
//get the enemy entity information
BotEntityInfo(bs->enemy, &entinfo);
//if the enemy is invisible then shoot crappy most of the time
if (EntityIsInvisible(&entinfo)) {
if (random() > 0.1) aim_accuracy *= 0.4f;
VectorSubtract(entinfo.origin, entinfo.lastvisorigin, enemyvelocity);
VectorScale(enemyvelocity, 1 / entinfo.update_time, enemyvelocity);
//enemy origin and velocity is remembered every 0.5 seconds
if (bs->enemyposition_time < FloatTime()) {
bs->enemyposition_time = FloatTime() + 0.5;
VectorCopy(enemyvelocity, bs->enemyvelocity);
VectorCopy(entinfo.origin, bs->enemyorigin);
//if not extremely skilled
if (aim_skill < 0.9) {
VectorSubtract(entinfo.origin, bs->enemyorigin, dir);
//if the enemy moved a bit
if (VectorLengthSquared(dir) > Square(48)) {
//if the enemy changed direction
if (DotProduct(bs->enemyvelocity, enemyvelocity) < 0) {
//aim accuracy should be worse now
aim_accuracy *= 0.7f;
//check visibility of enemy
enemyvisible = BotEntityVisible(bs->entitynum, bs->eye, bs->viewangles, 360, bs->enemy);
//if the enemy is visible
if (enemyvisible) {
VectorCopy(entinfo.origin, bestorigin);
bestorigin[2] += 8;
//get the start point shooting from
//NOTE: the x and y projectile start offsets are ignored
VectorCopy(bs->origin, start);
start[2] += bs->cur_ps.viewheight;
start[2] += wi.offset[2];
BotAI_Trace(&trace, start, mins, maxs, bestorigin, bs->entitynum, MASK_SHOT);
//if the enemy is NOT hit
if (trace.fraction <= 1 && trace.ent != entinfo.number) {
bestorigin[2] += 16;
//if it is not an instant hit weapon the bot might want to predict the enemy
if (wi.speed) {
VectorSubtract(bestorigin, bs->origin, dir);
dist = VectorLength(dir);
VectorSubtract(entinfo.origin, bs->enemyorigin, dir);
//if the enemy is NOT pretty far away and strafing just small steps left and right
if (!(dist > 100 && VectorLengthSquared(dir) < Square(32))) {
2012-06-18 16:39:58 +00:00
//if skilled enough do exact prediction
2005-08-26 17:39:27 +00:00
if (aim_skill > 0.8 &&
//if the weapon is ready to fire
bs->cur_ps.weaponstate == WEAPON_READY) {
aas_clientmove_t move;
vec3_t origin;
VectorSubtract(entinfo.origin, bs->origin, dir);
//distance towards the enemy
dist = VectorLength(dir);
//direction the enemy is moving in
VectorSubtract(entinfo.origin, entinfo.lastvisorigin, dir);
VectorScale(dir, 1 / entinfo.update_time, dir);
VectorCopy(entinfo.origin, origin);
origin[2] += 1;
trap_AAS_PredictClientMovement(&move, bs->enemy, origin,
dir, cmdmove, 0,
dist * 10 / wi.speed, 0.1f, 0, 0, qfalse);
VectorCopy(move.endpos, bestorigin);
//BotAI_Print(PRT_MESSAGE, "%1.1f predicted speed = %f, frames = %f\n", FloatTime(), VectorLength(dir), dist * 10 / wi.speed);
//if not that skilled do linear prediction
else if (aim_skill > 0.4) {
VectorSubtract(entinfo.origin, bs->origin, dir);
//distance towards the enemy
dist = VectorLength(dir);
//direction the enemy is moving in
VectorSubtract(entinfo.origin, entinfo.lastvisorigin, dir);
dir[2] = 0;
speed = VectorNormalize(dir) / entinfo.update_time;
//botimport.Print(PRT_MESSAGE, "speed = %f, wi->speed = %f\n", speed, wi->speed);
//best spot to aim at
VectorMA(entinfo.origin, (dist / wi.speed) * speed, dir, bestorigin);
//if the projectile does radial damage
if (aim_skill > 0.6 && wi.proj.damagetype & DAMAGETYPE_RADIAL) {
//if the enemy isn't standing significantly higher than the bot
if (entinfo.origin[2] < bs->origin[2] + 16) {
//try to aim at the ground in front of the enemy
VectorCopy(entinfo.origin, end);
end[2] -= 64;
BotAI_Trace(&trace, entinfo.origin, NULL, NULL, end, entinfo.number, MASK_SHOT);
VectorCopy(bestorigin, groundtarget);
if (trace.startsolid) groundtarget[2] = entinfo.origin[2] - 16;
else groundtarget[2] = trace.endpos[2] - 8;
//trace a line from projectile start to ground target
BotAI_Trace(&trace, start, NULL, NULL, groundtarget, bs->entitynum, MASK_SHOT);
//if hitpoint is not vertically too far from the ground target
if (fabs(trace.endpos[2] - groundtarget[2]) < 50) {
VectorSubtract(trace.endpos, groundtarget, dir);
2012-06-18 16:39:58 +00:00
//if the hitpoint is near enough the ground target
2005-08-26 17:39:27 +00:00
if (VectorLengthSquared(dir) < Square(60)) {
VectorSubtract(trace.endpos, start, dir);
2012-06-18 16:39:58 +00:00
//if the hitpoint is far enough from the bot
2005-08-26 17:39:27 +00:00
if (VectorLengthSquared(dir) > Square(100)) {
//check if the bot is visible from the ground target
trace.endpos[2] += 1;
BotAI_Trace(&trace, trace.endpos, NULL, NULL, entinfo.origin, entinfo.number, MASK_SHOT);
if (trace.fraction >= 1) {
//botimport.Print(PRT_MESSAGE, "%1.1f aiming at ground\n", AAS_Time());
VectorCopy(groundtarget, bestorigin);
bestorigin[0] += 20 * crandom() * (1 - aim_accuracy);
bestorigin[1] += 20 * crandom() * (1 - aim_accuracy);
bestorigin[2] += 10 * crandom() * (1 - aim_accuracy);
else {
VectorCopy(bs->lastenemyorigin, bestorigin);
bestorigin[2] += 8;
2012-06-18 16:39:58 +00:00
//if the bot is skilled enough
2005-08-26 17:39:27 +00:00
if (aim_skill > 0.5) {
//do prediction shots around corners
if (wi.number == WP_BFG ||
wi.number == WP_ROCKET_LAUNCHER ||
wi.number == WP_GRENADE_LAUNCHER) {
//create the chase goal
goal.entitynum = bs->client;
goal.areanum = bs->areanum;
VectorCopy(bs->eye, goal.origin);
VectorSet(goal.mins, -8, -8, -8);
VectorSet(goal.maxs, 8, 8, 8);
if (trap_BotPredictVisiblePosition(bs->lastenemyorigin, bs->lastenemyareanum, &goal, TFL_DEFAULT, target)) {
VectorSubtract(target, bs->eye, dir);
if (VectorLengthSquared(dir) > Square(80)) {
VectorCopy(target, bestorigin);
bestorigin[2] -= 20;
aim_accuracy = 1;
if (enemyvisible) {
BotAI_Trace(&trace, bs->eye, NULL, NULL, bestorigin, bs->entitynum, MASK_SHOT);
VectorCopy(trace.endpos, bs->aimtarget);
else {
VectorCopy(bestorigin, bs->aimtarget);
//get aim direction
VectorSubtract(bestorigin, bs->eye, dir);
if (wi.number == WP_MACHINEGUN ||
wi.number == WP_SHOTGUN ||
wi.number == WP_LIGHTNING ||
wi.number == WP_RAILGUN) {
//distance towards the enemy
dist = VectorLength(dir);
if (dist > 150) dist = 150;
f = 0.6 + dist / 150 * 0.4;
aim_accuracy *= f;
//add some random stuff to the aim direction depending on the aim accuracy
if (aim_accuracy < 0.8) {
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) dir[i] += 0.3 * crandom() * (1 - aim_accuracy);
//set the ideal view angles
vectoangles(dir, bs->ideal_viewangles);
//take the weapon spread into account for lower skilled bots
bs->ideal_viewangles[PITCH] += 6 * wi.vspread * crandom() * (1 - aim_accuracy);
bs->ideal_viewangles[PITCH] = AngleMod(bs->ideal_viewangles[PITCH]);
bs->ideal_viewangles[YAW] += 6 * wi.hspread * crandom() * (1 - aim_accuracy);
bs->ideal_viewangles[YAW] = AngleMod(bs->ideal_viewangles[YAW]);
//if the bots should be really challenging
if (bot_challenge.integer) {
//if the bot is really accurate and has the enemy in view for some time
if (aim_accuracy > 0.9 && bs->enemysight_time < FloatTime() - 1) {
//set the view angles directly
if (bs->ideal_viewangles[PITCH] > 180) bs->ideal_viewangles[PITCH] -= 360;
VectorCopy(bs->ideal_viewangles, bs->viewangles);
trap_EA_View(bs->client, bs->viewangles);
void BotCheckAttack(bot_state_t *bs) {
float points, reactiontime, fov, firethrottle;
int attackentity;
bsp_trace_t bsptrace;
//float selfpreservation;
vec3_t forward, right, start, end, dir, angles;
weaponinfo_t wi;
bsp_trace_t trace;
aas_entityinfo_t entinfo;
vec3_t mins = {-8, -8, -8}, maxs = {8, 8, 8};
attackentity = bs->enemy;
BotEntityInfo(attackentity, &entinfo);
// if not attacking a player
if (attackentity >= MAX_CLIENTS) {
// if attacking an obelisk
if ( entinfo.number == redobelisk.entitynum ||
entinfo.number == blueobelisk.entitynum ) {
// if obelisk is respawning return
if ( g_entities[entinfo.number].activator &&
g_entities[entinfo.number].activator->s.frame == 2 ) {
reactiontime = trap_Characteristic_BFloat(bs->character, CHARACTERISTIC_REACTIONTIME, 0, 1);
if (bs->enemysight_time > FloatTime() - reactiontime) return;
if (bs->teleport_time > FloatTime() - reactiontime) return;
//if changing weapons
if (bs->weaponchange_time > FloatTime() - 0.1) return;
//check fire throttle characteristic
if (bs->firethrottlewait_time > FloatTime()) return;
firethrottle = trap_Characteristic_BFloat(bs->character, CHARACTERISTIC_FIRETHROTTLE, 0, 1);
if (bs->firethrottleshoot_time < FloatTime()) {
if (random() > firethrottle) {
bs->firethrottlewait_time = FloatTime() + firethrottle;
bs->firethrottleshoot_time = 0;
else {
bs->firethrottleshoot_time = FloatTime() + 1 - firethrottle;
bs->firethrottlewait_time = 0;
VectorSubtract(bs->aimtarget, bs->eye, dir);
if (bs->weaponnum == WP_GAUNTLET) {
if (VectorLengthSquared(dir) > Square(60)) {
if (VectorLengthSquared(dir) < Square(100))
fov = 120;
fov = 50;
vectoangles(dir, angles);
if (!InFieldOfVision(bs->viewangles, fov, angles))
BotAI_Trace(&bsptrace, bs->eye, NULL, NULL, bs->aimtarget, bs->client, CONTENTS_SOLID|CONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP);
if (bsptrace.fraction < 1 && bsptrace.ent != attackentity)
//get the weapon info
trap_BotGetWeaponInfo(bs->ws, bs->weaponnum, &wi);
//get the start point shooting from
VectorCopy(bs->origin, start);
start[2] += bs->cur_ps.viewheight;
AngleVectors(bs->viewangles, forward, right, NULL);
start[0] += forward[0] * wi.offset[0] + right[0] * wi.offset[1];
start[1] += forward[1] * wi.offset[0] + right[1] * wi.offset[1];
start[2] += forward[2] * wi.offset[0] + right[2] * wi.offset[1] + wi.offset[2];
//end point aiming at
VectorMA(start, 1000, forward, end);
//a little back to make sure not inside a very close enemy
VectorMA(start, -12, forward, start);
BotAI_Trace(&trace, start, mins, maxs, end, bs->entitynum, MASK_SHOT);
//if the entity is a client
Batch of bug fixes for gamecode. Patch compiled and log message written by Tobias Kuehnhammer (#5144) ################################################################################ This Patch fixes: ################################################################################ - The "fraglimit warning" was not played at all, if on the blue team. - The "where" console command was broken. - Obelisk explosion wasn't drawn if no Rocketlauncher was loaded. - Impact marks sometimes didn't draw at all. - IMPORTANT BUGFIX: No killing for cheaters with Lightning gun and Gauntlet. - If two doors are close to each other a spectator couldn't fly through them. - More robust, efficient and logical respawning routine. NOTE: The game.qvm will get notable smaller and will use LESS MEMORY! - Drowning sounds are fixed. Now they are played as intended. (as the id comment in the source code shows). - Some AI bugs (OVERFLOW!) in the bot movement code. - Several "Team Arena" Overload and Harvester bugs. - Stops bots from attacking a team mate (player) who only changed teams. - Some voice chats and CTF commands fixed. - "Team_ReturnFlag" was called twice, which did wired things sometimes. NOTE: (G_RunItem checks CONTENTS_NODROP already!) - A bugfix for Gauntlet animation. - Incorrect CTF scoring. - A bunch of corrected comments and print lines ("\n"). - Some regularity of expression and some small trivial bugs. ################################################################################ Details: ################################################################################ ******************************************************************************** BUG: in gamemode GT_TEAM the fraglimit warning will not be played if joining the blue team! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: In "CG_CheckLocalSounds": if cgs.scores2 > highScore, highScore should be cgs.scores2. ******************************************************************************** BUG: the "where" console command doesn't work as expected (it's always 0 0 0) but not in id Quake 3 Arena. It seems that now Ioquake3 is affected! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: In Function "Cmd_Where_f" ent->s.origin should be ent->r.currentOrigin. ******************************************************************************** BUG: in gamemode GT_OBELISK obelisk explosion won't be drawn if there is no Rocketlauncher loaded. (The "maps without Rocketlauncher" bug) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: in "cg_main.c": cgs.media.rocketExplosionShader should be registered if gamemode is GT_OBELISK. ******************************************************************************** BUG: Impact marks sometimes doesn't draw at all. Not easy to reproduce if you don't play (io)Quake3 every day and know the places where it happens! ;) But anyway... Test: start q3dm12 go to "Long Jump Canyon" (where the small platform teleporter for the BFG is) place yourself at the point where the railgun spawns, look in the direction where the red suspended armor is. Now shoot at the sloped wall on the out/leftside of the door you see. (the sloped wall should be nearly in the center of your screen now). If you choose the correct brush face and shoot up and down at this brush face, the impact marks sometimes aren't visible. There are hundreds of custom maps where this can happen! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: I replaced the function "SnapVectorTowards" with the one from "Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory (GPL Source Code)" ******************************************************************************** BUG: Normally "NOCLIP" cheaters are logically not allowed to fire a gun. Unfortunatly the Gauntlet (and Lightning gun) was forgotten and not restricted to that. All weapons except those two were handled correct. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: Make Gauntlet and Lightning gun not firing for someone who cheats with "NOCLIP" (like all other weapons). ******************************************************************************** NOTE: A few bugfixes are not mine and are reported here: http://www.quake3world.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=9179. Thanks to Quake3world, for all those years and the good guys there! ******************************************************************************** BUG: During making a mod I found a very strange bug, which mainly occurs if someone tries to implement a lot of singleplayer monsters which should walk slowly (like the "Crash" bot). So if someone wants to make slow down bots or monsters when they are walking towards a goal and alter the function "BotMoveInGoalArea" then the bots/monsters do stupid things. Otherwise and this is the default (also buggy) behavior they start running although they shouldn't (as seen with the "Crash" bot and will not be fixed here). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: Fix overflow in bot user command. BUGFIX from "Hunt" mod by J. Hoffman. ******************************************************************************** BUG: in function "BotMoveToGoal" the special elevator case doesn't make sense. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: in "be_ai_move.c": ((result->flags & MOVERESULT_ONTOPOF_FUNCBOB) || (result->flags & MOVERESULT_ONTOPOF_FUNCBOB)) should be ((result->flags & MOVERESULT_ONTOPOF_ELEVATOR) || (result->flags & MOVERESULT_ONTOPOF_FUNCBOB)). ******************************************************************************** BUG: in function "BotWantsToRetreat" and "BotWantsToChase" this is wrong: "(bs->enemy != redobelisk.entitynum || bs->enemy != blueobelisk.entitynum)" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: "... redobelisk.entitynum) && (bs->enemy != blueobelisk.." is correct. ******************************************************************************** BUG: in gamemode GT_OBELISK there are too many node switches for bots (test: mpq3tourney6 with many bots). If that happens, game becomes unplayable. I don't know if this is the best solution but here it is: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: In function "AINode_Battle_Fight" right after: if (!BotEntityVisible(bs->entitynum, bs->eye, bs->viewangles, 360, bs->enemy)) { I added this: #ifdef MISSIONPACK if (bs->enemy == redobelisk.entitynum || bs->enemy == blueobelisk.entitynum) { AIEnter_Battle_Chase(bs, "battle fight: obelisk out of sight"); return qfalse; } #endif ******************************************************************************** BUG: in gamemode >= GT_TEAM, after team change, bots will (sometimes) not stop shooting at you, although you are on their team now. It seems that the configstrings are f***** up or not reliable in this case! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: In function "BotTeam" and "BotSameTeam" get the real team values. ******************************************************************************** BUG: Some of the bots voice commands are wrong. They are commanded to attack the enemy base but they say "Okay, I will defend!" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: Corrected some voice commands in "BotCTFOrders_FlagNotAtBase" and "Bot1FCTFOrders_EnemyDroppedFlag" ******************************************************************************** BUG: Spectators couldn't fly through doors if they are very close to each other. You can test it with some regular id maps (q3dm14, q3dm12) but there are also many custom maps where this can happen! This is annoying because in the worst case you can't move at all and are caught inside a door. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: There is a solution in a mod called "Hunt" by J. Hoffman. Bugfix is included in this patch! ******************************************************************************** BUG: During making a mod I found it very hard to implement some of my ideas (something like "Limbo" or "Meeting") because of the way the player spawn effect, intermission and spawning on victory pads is handled. I reworked it a bit and simplified it so that the effect is handled when a client respawns (as the name says) and not when a client begins. I think this will help more mod makers everytime they want to make changes to spawning of players, bots on victory pads or monsters... and want to avoid spectators with Machineguns which can kill and score... :() NOTE: I also renamed the poorly named function "respawn" to "ClientRespawn". If someone searches the code base for "respawn" it was really hard to find the correct place for what was meant. "respawn" is used so often, that you really get headache ... now with "ClientRespawn" it's easier! IMPORTANT: The whole respawning, moving to intermission point and everything related to that is now done in a more reliable way without changing the default behavior. (How critical the whole spwaning mess was did you see by yourself (ioquake3 rev. 2076). With this patch it's safer. Trust me, I spent hours of fixing silly problems... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: Simplified "ClientBegin" and moved the teleport event to "ClientSpawn". ******************************************************************************** BUG: If a player is dying or hurted under water the hurt/dying sounds AND the drowning sounds are played together. This is silly. Moreover it's no good idea to let the server play client sounds! There was a solution in a mod called "Q3A++" by Dan 'Neurobasher' Gomes which fixes the problem. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: Created a "CG_WaterLevel" function to play the appropriate sounds. ******************************************************************************** ################################################################################
2011-08-01 11:39:33 +00:00
if (trace.ent >= 0 && trace.ent < MAX_CLIENTS) {
2005-08-26 17:39:27 +00:00
if (trace.ent != attackentity) {
//if a teammate is hit
if (BotSameTeam(bs, trace.ent))
//if won't hit the enemy or not attacking a player (obelisk)
if (trace.ent != attackentity || attackentity >= MAX_CLIENTS) {
//if the projectile does radial damage
if (wi.proj.damagetype & DAMAGETYPE_RADIAL) {
if (trace.fraction * 1000 < wi.proj.radius) {
points = (wi.proj.damage - 0.5 * trace.fraction * 1000) * 0.5;
if (points > 0) {
//FIXME: check if a teammate gets radial damage
//if fire has to be release to activate weapon
if (wi.flags & WFL_FIRERELEASED) {
if (bs->flags & BFL_ATTACKED) {
else {
bs->flags ^= BFL_ATTACKED;
void BotMapScripts(bot_state_t *bs) {
char info[1024];
char mapname[128];
int i, shootbutton;
float aim_accuracy;
aas_entityinfo_t entinfo;
vec3_t dir;
trap_GetServerinfo(info, sizeof(info));
strncpy(mapname, Info_ValueForKey( info, "mapname" ), sizeof(mapname)-1);
mapname[sizeof(mapname)-1] = '\0';
if (!Q_stricmp(mapname, "q3tourney6")) {
vec3_t mins = {700, 204, 672}, maxs = {964, 468, 680};
vec3_t buttonorg = {304, 352, 920};
//NOTE: NEVER use the func_bobbing in q3tourney6
bs->tfl &= ~TFL_FUNCBOB;
//if the bot is below the bounding box
if (bs->origin[0] > mins[0] && bs->origin[0] < maxs[0]) {
if (bs->origin[1] > mins[1] && bs->origin[1] < maxs[1]) {
if (bs->origin[2] < mins[2]) {
shootbutton = qfalse;
//if an enemy is below this bounding box then shoot the button
for (i = 0; i < maxclients && i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++) {
if (i == bs->client) continue;
BotEntityInfo(i, &entinfo);
if (!entinfo.valid) continue;
//if the enemy isn't dead and the enemy isn't the bot self
if (EntityIsDead(&entinfo) || entinfo.number == bs->entitynum) continue;
if (entinfo.origin[0] > mins[0] && entinfo.origin[0] < maxs[0]) {
if (entinfo.origin[1] > mins[1] && entinfo.origin[1] < maxs[1]) {
if (entinfo.origin[2] < mins[2]) {
//if there's a team mate below the crusher
if (BotSameTeam(bs, i)) {
shootbutton = qfalse;
else {
shootbutton = qtrue;
if (shootbutton) {
bs->flags |= BFL_IDEALVIEWSET;
VectorSubtract(buttonorg, bs->eye, dir);
vectoangles(dir, bs->ideal_viewangles);
aim_accuracy = trap_Characteristic_BFloat(bs->character, CHARACTERISTIC_AIM_ACCURACY, 0, 1);
bs->ideal_viewangles[PITCH] += 8 * crandom() * (1 - aim_accuracy);
bs->ideal_viewangles[PITCH] = AngleMod(bs->ideal_viewangles[PITCH]);
bs->ideal_viewangles[YAW] += 8 * crandom() * (1 - aim_accuracy);
bs->ideal_viewangles[YAW] = AngleMod(bs->ideal_viewangles[YAW]);
if (InFieldOfVision(bs->viewangles, 20, bs->ideal_viewangles)) {
else if (!Q_stricmp(mapname, "mpq3tourney6")) {
//NOTE: NEVER use the func_bobbing in mpq3tourney6
bs->tfl &= ~TFL_FUNCBOB;
static vec3_t VEC_UP = {0, -1, 0};
static vec3_t MOVEDIR_UP = {0, 0, 1};
static vec3_t VEC_DOWN = {0, -2, 0};
static vec3_t MOVEDIR_DOWN = {0, 0, -1};
void BotSetMovedir(vec3_t angles, vec3_t movedir) {
if (VectorCompare(angles, VEC_UP)) {
VectorCopy(MOVEDIR_UP, movedir);
else if (VectorCompare(angles, VEC_DOWN)) {
VectorCopy(MOVEDIR_DOWN, movedir);
else {
AngleVectors(angles, movedir, NULL, NULL);
this is ugly
int BotModelMinsMaxs(int modelindex, int eType, int contents, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs) {
gentity_t *ent;
int i;
ent = &g_entities[0];
for (i = 0; i < level.num_entities; i++, ent++) {
if ( !ent->inuse ) {
if ( eType && ent->s.eType != eType) {
if ( contents && ent->r.contents != contents) {
if (ent->s.modelindex == modelindex) {
if (mins)
VectorAdd(ent->r.currentOrigin, ent->r.mins, mins);
if (maxs)
VectorAdd(ent->r.currentOrigin, ent->r.maxs, maxs);
return i;
if (mins)
if (maxs)
return 0;
int BotFuncButtonActivateGoal(bot_state_t *bs, int bspent, bot_activategoal_t *activategoal) {
int i, areas[10], numareas, modelindex, entitynum;
char model[128];
float lip, dist, health, angle;
vec3_t size, start, end, mins, maxs, angles, points[10];
vec3_t movedir, origin, goalorigin, bboxmins, bboxmaxs;
vec3_t extramins = {1, 1, 1}, extramaxs = {-1, -1, -1};
bsp_trace_t bsptrace;
activategoal->shoot = qfalse;
//create a bot goal towards the button
trap_AAS_ValueForBSPEpairKey(bspent, "model", model, sizeof(model));
if (!*model)
return qfalse;
modelindex = atoi(model+1);
if (!modelindex)
return qfalse;
entitynum = BotModelMinsMaxs(modelindex, ET_MOVER, 0, mins, maxs);
//get the lip of the button
trap_AAS_FloatForBSPEpairKey(bspent, "lip", &lip);
if (!lip) lip = 4;
//get the move direction from the angle
trap_AAS_FloatForBSPEpairKey(bspent, "angle", &angle);
VectorSet(angles, 0, angle, 0);
BotSetMovedir(angles, movedir);
//button size
VectorSubtract(maxs, mins, size);
//button origin
VectorAdd(mins, maxs, origin);
VectorScale(origin, 0.5, origin);
//touch distance of the button
dist = fabs(movedir[0]) * size[0] + fabs(movedir[1]) * size[1] + fabs(movedir[2]) * size[2];
dist *= 0.5;
trap_AAS_FloatForBSPEpairKey(bspent, "health", &health);
//if the button is shootable
if (health) {
//calculate the shoot target
VectorMA(origin, -dist, movedir, goalorigin);
VectorCopy(goalorigin, activategoal->target);
activategoal->shoot = qtrue;
BotAI_Trace(&bsptrace, bs->eye, NULL, NULL, goalorigin, bs->entitynum, MASK_SHOT);
// if the button is visible from the current position
if (bsptrace.fraction >= 1.0 || bsptrace.ent == entitynum) {
activategoal->goal.entitynum = entitynum; //NOTE: this is the entity number of the shootable button
activategoal->goal.number = 0;
activategoal->goal.flags = 0;
VectorCopy(bs->origin, activategoal->goal.origin);
activategoal->goal.areanum = bs->areanum;
VectorSet(activategoal->goal.mins, -8, -8, -8);
VectorSet(activategoal->goal.maxs, 8, 8, 8);
return qtrue;
else {
//create a goal from where the button is visible and shoot at the button from there
//add bounding box size to the dist
trap_AAS_PresenceTypeBoundingBox(PRESENCE_CROUCH, bboxmins, bboxmaxs);
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
if (movedir[i] < 0) dist += fabs(movedir[i]) * fabs(bboxmaxs[i]);
else dist += fabs(movedir[i]) * fabs(bboxmins[i]);
//calculate the goal origin
VectorMA(origin, -dist, movedir, goalorigin);
VectorCopy(goalorigin, start);
start[2] += 24;
VectorCopy(start, end);
end[2] -= 512;
numareas = trap_AAS_TraceAreas(start, end, areas, points, 10);
for (i = numareas-1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (trap_AAS_AreaReachability(areas[i])) {
if (i < 0) {
// FIXME: trace forward and maybe in other directions to find a valid area
if (i >= 0) {
VectorCopy(points[i], activategoal->goal.origin);
activategoal->goal.areanum = areas[i];
VectorSet(activategoal->goal.mins, 8, 8, 8);
VectorSet(activategoal->goal.maxs, -8, -8, -8);
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
if (movedir[i] < 0) activategoal->goal.maxs[i] += fabs(movedir[i]) * fabs(extramaxs[i]);
else activategoal->goal.mins[i] += fabs(movedir[i]) * fabs(extramins[i]);
} //end for
activategoal->goal.entitynum = entitynum;
activategoal->goal.number = 0;
activategoal->goal.flags = 0;
return qtrue;
return qfalse;
else {
//add bounding box size to the dist
trap_AAS_PresenceTypeBoundingBox(PRESENCE_CROUCH, bboxmins, bboxmaxs);
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
if (movedir[i] < 0) dist += fabs(movedir[i]) * fabs(bboxmaxs[i]);
else dist += fabs(movedir[i]) * fabs(bboxmins[i]);
//calculate the goal origin
VectorMA(origin, -dist, movedir, goalorigin);
VectorCopy(goalorigin, start);
start[2] += 24;
VectorCopy(start, end);
end[2] -= 100;
numareas = trap_AAS_TraceAreas(start, end, areas, NULL, 10);
for (i = 0; i < numareas; i++) {
if (trap_AAS_AreaReachability(areas[i])) {
if (i < numareas) {
VectorCopy(origin, activategoal->goal.origin);
activategoal->goal.areanum = areas[i];
VectorSubtract(mins, origin, activategoal->goal.mins);
VectorSubtract(maxs, origin, activategoal->goal.maxs);
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
if (movedir[i] < 0) activategoal->goal.maxs[i] += fabs(movedir[i]) * fabs(extramaxs[i]);
else activategoal->goal.mins[i] += fabs(movedir[i]) * fabs(extramins[i]);
} //end for
activategoal->goal.entitynum = entitynum;
activategoal->goal.number = 0;
activategoal->goal.flags = 0;
return qtrue;
return qfalse;
int BotFuncDoorActivateGoal(bot_state_t *bs, int bspent, bot_activategoal_t *activategoal) {
int modelindex, entitynum;
char model[MAX_INFO_STRING];
vec3_t mins, maxs, origin, angles;
//shoot at the shootable door
trap_AAS_ValueForBSPEpairKey(bspent, "model", model, sizeof(model));
if (!*model)
return qfalse;
modelindex = atoi(model+1);
if (!modelindex)
return qfalse;
entitynum = BotModelMinsMaxs(modelindex, ET_MOVER, 0, mins, maxs);
//door origin
VectorAdd(mins, maxs, origin);
VectorScale(origin, 0.5, origin);
VectorCopy(origin, activategoal->target);
activategoal->shoot = qtrue;
activategoal->goal.entitynum = entitynum; //NOTE: this is the entity number of the shootable door
activategoal->goal.number = 0;
activategoal->goal.flags = 0;
VectorCopy(bs->origin, activategoal->goal.origin);
activategoal->goal.areanum = bs->areanum;
VectorSet(activategoal->goal.mins, -8, -8, -8);
VectorSet(activategoal->goal.maxs, 8, 8, 8);
return qtrue;
int BotTriggerMultipleActivateGoal(bot_state_t *bs, int bspent, bot_activategoal_t *activategoal) {
int i, areas[10], numareas, modelindex, entitynum;
char model[128];
vec3_t start, end, mins, maxs, angles;
vec3_t origin, goalorigin;
activategoal->shoot = qfalse;
//create a bot goal towards the trigger
trap_AAS_ValueForBSPEpairKey(bspent, "model", model, sizeof(model));
if (!*model)
return qfalse;
modelindex = atoi(model+1);
if (!modelindex)
return qfalse;
entitynum = BotModelMinsMaxs(modelindex, 0, CONTENTS_TRIGGER, mins, maxs);
//trigger origin
VectorAdd(mins, maxs, origin);
VectorScale(origin, 0.5, origin);
VectorCopy(origin, goalorigin);
VectorCopy(goalorigin, start);
start[2] += 24;
VectorCopy(start, end);
end[2] -= 100;
numareas = trap_AAS_TraceAreas(start, end, areas, NULL, 10);
for (i = 0; i < numareas; i++) {
if (trap_AAS_AreaReachability(areas[i])) {
if (i < numareas) {
VectorCopy(origin, activategoal->goal.origin);
activategoal->goal.areanum = areas[i];
VectorSubtract(mins, origin, activategoal->goal.mins);
VectorSubtract(maxs, origin, activategoal->goal.maxs);
activategoal->goal.entitynum = entitynum;
activategoal->goal.number = 0;
activategoal->goal.flags = 0;
return qtrue;
return qfalse;
int BotPopFromActivateGoalStack(bot_state_t *bs) {
if (!bs->activatestack)
return qfalse;
BotEnableActivateGoalAreas(bs->activatestack, qtrue);
bs->activatestack->inuse = qfalse;
bs->activatestack->justused_time = FloatTime();
bs->activatestack = bs->activatestack->next;
return qtrue;
int BotPushOntoActivateGoalStack(bot_state_t *bs, bot_activategoal_t *activategoal) {
int i, best;
float besttime;
best = -1;
besttime = FloatTime() + 9999;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_ACTIVATESTACK; i++) {
if (!bs->activategoalheap[i].inuse) {
if (bs->activategoalheap[i].justused_time < besttime) {
besttime = bs->activategoalheap[i].justused_time;
best = i;
if (best != -1) {
memcpy(&bs->activategoalheap[best], activategoal, sizeof(bot_activategoal_t));
bs->activategoalheap[best].inuse = qtrue;
bs->activategoalheap[best].next = bs->activatestack;
bs->activatestack = &bs->activategoalheap[best];
return qtrue;
return qfalse;
void BotClearActivateGoalStack(bot_state_t *bs) {
void BotEnableActivateGoalAreas(bot_activategoal_t *activategoal, int enable) {
int i;
if (activategoal->areasdisabled == !enable)
for (i = 0; i < activategoal->numareas; i++)
trap_AAS_EnableRoutingArea( activategoal->areas[i], enable );
activategoal->areasdisabled = !enable;
int BotIsGoingToActivateEntity(bot_state_t *bs, int entitynum) {
bot_activategoal_t *a;
int i;
for (a = bs->activatestack; a; a = a->next) {
if (a->time < FloatTime())
if (a->goal.entitynum == entitynum)
return qtrue;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_ACTIVATESTACK; i++) {
if (bs->activategoalheap[i].inuse)
if (bs->activategoalheap[i].goal.entitynum == entitynum) {
// if the bot went for this goal less than 2 seconds ago
if (bs->activategoalheap[i].justused_time > FloatTime() - 2)
return qtrue;
return qfalse;
returns the number of the bsp entity to activate
goal->entitynum will be set to the game entity to activate
int BotGetActivateGoal(bot_state_t *bs, int entitynum, bot_activategoal_t *activategoal) {
int i, ent, cur_entities[10], spawnflags, modelindex, areas[MAX_ACTIVATEAREAS*2], numareas, t;
char model[MAX_INFO_STRING], tmpmodel[128];
char target[128], classname[128];
float health;
char targetname[10][128];
aas_entityinfo_t entinfo;
aas_areainfo_t areainfo;
vec3_t origin, angles, absmins, absmaxs;
memset(activategoal, 0, sizeof(bot_activategoal_t));
BotEntityInfo(entitynum, &entinfo);
Com_sprintf(model, sizeof( model ), "*%d", entinfo.modelindex);
for (ent = trap_AAS_NextBSPEntity(0); ent; ent = trap_AAS_NextBSPEntity(ent)) {
if (!trap_AAS_ValueForBSPEpairKey(ent, "model", tmpmodel, sizeof(tmpmodel))) continue;
if (!strcmp(model, tmpmodel)) break;
if (!ent) {
BotAI_Print(PRT_ERROR, "BotGetActivateGoal: no entity found with model %s\n", model);
return 0;
trap_AAS_ValueForBSPEpairKey(ent, "classname", classname, sizeof(classname));
if (!*classname) {
2005-08-26 17:39:27 +00:00
BotAI_Print(PRT_ERROR, "BotGetActivateGoal: entity with model %s has no classname\n", model);
return 0;
//if it is a door
if (!strcmp(classname, "func_door")) {
if (trap_AAS_FloatForBSPEpairKey(ent, "health", &health)) {
//if the door has health then the door must be shot to open
if (health) {
BotFuncDoorActivateGoal(bs, ent, activategoal);
return ent;
trap_AAS_IntForBSPEpairKey(ent, "spawnflags", &spawnflags);
// if the door starts open then just wait for the door to return
if ( spawnflags & 1 )
return 0;
//get the door origin
if (!trap_AAS_VectorForBSPEpairKey(ent, "origin", origin)) {
//if the door is open or opening already
if (!VectorCompare(origin, entinfo.origin))
return 0;
// store all the areas the door is in
trap_AAS_ValueForBSPEpairKey(ent, "model", model, sizeof(model));
if (*model) {
modelindex = atoi(model+1);
if (modelindex) {
BotModelMinsMaxs(modelindex, ET_MOVER, 0, absmins, absmaxs);
numareas = trap_AAS_BBoxAreas(absmins, absmaxs, areas, MAX_ACTIVATEAREAS*2);
// store the areas with reachabilities first
for (i = 0; i < numareas; i++) {
if (activategoal->numareas >= MAX_ACTIVATEAREAS)
if ( !trap_AAS_AreaReachability(areas[i]) ) {
trap_AAS_AreaInfo(areas[i], &areainfo);
if (areainfo.contents & AREACONTENTS_MOVER) {
activategoal->areas[activategoal->numareas++] = areas[i];
// store any remaining areas
for (i = 0; i < numareas; i++) {
if (activategoal->numareas >= MAX_ACTIVATEAREAS)
if ( trap_AAS_AreaReachability(areas[i]) ) {
trap_AAS_AreaInfo(areas[i], &areainfo);
if (areainfo.contents & AREACONTENTS_MOVER) {
activategoal->areas[activategoal->numareas++] = areas[i];
// if the bot is blocked by or standing on top of a button
if (!strcmp(classname, "func_button")) {
return 0;
// get the targetname so we can find an entity with a matching target
if (!trap_AAS_ValueForBSPEpairKey(ent, "targetname", targetname[0], sizeof(targetname[0]))) {
if (bot_developer.integer) {
BotAI_Print(PRT_ERROR, "BotGetActivateGoal: entity with model \"%s\" has no targetname\n", model);
return 0;
// allow tree-like activation
cur_entities[0] = trap_AAS_NextBSPEntity(0);
for (i = 0; i >= 0 && i < 10;) {
for (ent = cur_entities[i]; ent; ent = trap_AAS_NextBSPEntity(ent)) {
if (!trap_AAS_ValueForBSPEpairKey(ent, "target", target, sizeof(target))) continue;
if (!strcmp(targetname[i], target)) {
cur_entities[i] = trap_AAS_NextBSPEntity(ent);
if (!ent) {
if (bot_developer.integer) {
BotAI_Print(PRT_ERROR, "BotGetActivateGoal: no entity with target \"%s\"\n", targetname[i]);
if (!trap_AAS_ValueForBSPEpairKey(ent, "classname", classname, sizeof(classname))) {
if (bot_developer.integer) {
BotAI_Print(PRT_ERROR, "BotGetActivateGoal: entity with target \"%s\" has no classname\n", targetname[i]);
// BSP button model
if (!strcmp(classname, "func_button")) {
if (!BotFuncButtonActivateGoal(bs, ent, activategoal))
// if the bot tries to activate this button already
if ( bs->activatestack && bs->activatestack->inuse &&
bs->activatestack->goal.entitynum == activategoal->goal.entitynum &&
bs->activatestack->time > FloatTime() &&
bs->activatestack->start_time < FloatTime() - 2)
// if the bot is in a reachability area
if ( trap_AAS_AreaReachability(bs->areanum) ) {
// disable all areas the blocking entity is in
BotEnableActivateGoalAreas( activategoal, qfalse );
t = trap_AAS_AreaTravelTimeToGoalArea(bs->areanum, bs->origin, activategoal->goal.areanum, bs->tfl);
// if the button is not reachable
if (!t) {
activategoal->time = FloatTime() + t * 0.01 + 5;
return ent;
// invisible trigger multiple box
else if (!strcmp(classname, "trigger_multiple")) {
if (!BotTriggerMultipleActivateGoal(bs, ent, activategoal))
// if the bot tries to activate this trigger already
if ( bs->activatestack && bs->activatestack->inuse &&
bs->activatestack->goal.entitynum == activategoal->goal.entitynum &&
bs->activatestack->time > FloatTime() &&
bs->activatestack->start_time < FloatTime() - 2)
// if the bot is in a reachability area
if ( trap_AAS_AreaReachability(bs->areanum) ) {
// disable all areas the blocking entity is in
BotEnableActivateGoalAreas( activategoal, qfalse );
t = trap_AAS_AreaTravelTimeToGoalArea(bs->areanum, bs->origin, activategoal->goal.areanum, bs->tfl);
// if the trigger is not reachable
if (!t) {
activategoal->time = FloatTime() + t * 0.01 + 5;
return ent;
else if (!strcmp(classname, "func_timer")) {
// just skip the func_timer
// the actual button or trigger might be linked through a target_relay or target_delay
else if (!strcmp(classname, "target_relay") || !strcmp(classname, "target_delay")) {
if (trap_AAS_ValueForBSPEpairKey(ent, "targetname", targetname[i+1], sizeof(targetname[0]))) {
cur_entities[i] = trap_AAS_NextBSPEntity(0);
BotAI_Print(PRT_ERROR, "BotGetActivateGoal: no valid activator for entity with target \"%s\"\n", targetname[0]);
return 0;
int BotGoForActivateGoal(bot_state_t *bs, bot_activategoal_t *activategoal) {
aas_entityinfo_t activateinfo;
activategoal->inuse = qtrue;
if (!activategoal->time)
activategoal->time = FloatTime() + 10;
activategoal->start_time = FloatTime();
BotEntityInfo(activategoal->goal.entitynum, &activateinfo);
VectorCopy(activateinfo.origin, activategoal->origin);
if (BotPushOntoActivateGoalStack(bs, activategoal)) {
// enter the activate entity AI node
AIEnter_Seek_ActivateEntity(bs, "BotGoForActivateGoal");
return qtrue;
else {
// enable any routing areas that were disabled
BotEnableActivateGoalAreas(activategoal, qtrue);
return qfalse;
void BotPrintActivateGoalInfo(bot_state_t *bs, bot_activategoal_t *activategoal, int bspent) {
char netname[MAX_NETNAME];
char classname[128];
char buf[128];
ClientName(bs->client, netname, sizeof(netname));
trap_AAS_ValueForBSPEpairKey(bspent, "classname", classname, sizeof(classname));
if (activategoal->shoot) {
Com_sprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s: I have to shoot at a %s from %1.1f %1.1f %1.1f in area %d\n",
netname, classname,
else {
Com_sprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s: I have to activate a %s at %1.1f %1.1f %1.1f in area %d\n",
netname, classname,
trap_EA_Say(bs->client, buf);
void BotRandomMove(bot_state_t *bs, bot_moveresult_t *moveresult) {
vec3_t dir, angles;
angles[0] = 0;
angles[1] = random() * 360;
angles[2] = 0;
AngleVectors(angles, dir, NULL, NULL);
trap_BotMoveInDirection(bs->ms, dir, 400, MOVE_WALK);
moveresult->failure = qfalse;
VectorCopy(dir, moveresult->movedir);
Very basic handling of bots being blocked by other entities.
Check what kind of entity is blocking the bot and try to activate
it. If that's not an option then try to walk around or over the entity.
Before the bot ends in this part of the AI it should predict which doors to
open, which buttons to activate etc.
void BotAIBlocked(bot_state_t *bs, bot_moveresult_t *moveresult, int activate) {
int movetype, bspent;
vec3_t hordir, sideward, angles, up = {0, 0, 1};
//vec3_t start, end, mins, maxs;
2005-08-26 17:39:27 +00:00
aas_entityinfo_t entinfo;
bot_activategoal_t activategoal;
// if the bot is not blocked by anything
if (!moveresult->blocked) {
bs->notblocked_time = FloatTime();
// if stuck in a solid area
if ( moveresult->type == RESULTTYPE_INSOLIDAREA ) {
// move in a random direction in the hope to get out
BotRandomMove(bs, moveresult);
// get info for the entity that is blocking the bot
BotEntityInfo(moveresult->blockentity, &entinfo);
ClientName(bs->client, netname, sizeof(netname));
BotAI_Print(PRT_MESSAGE, "%s: I'm blocked by model %d\n", netname, entinfo.modelindex);
// if blocked by a bsp model and the bot wants to activate it
if (activate && entinfo.modelindex > 0 && entinfo.modelindex <= max_bspmodelindex) {
// find the bsp entity which should be activated in order to get the blocking entity out of the way
bspent = BotGetActivateGoal(bs, entinfo.number, &activategoal);
if (bspent) {
if (bs->activatestack && !bs->activatestack->inuse)
bs->activatestack = NULL;
// if not already trying to activate this entity
if (!BotIsGoingToActivateEntity(bs, activategoal.goal.entitynum)) {
BotGoForActivateGoal(bs, &activategoal);
// if ontop of an obstacle or
// if the bot is not in a reachability area it'll still
// need some dynamic obstacle avoidance, otherwise return
if (!(moveresult->flags & MOVERESULT_ONTOPOFOBSTACLE) &&
else {
// enable any routing areas that were disabled
BotEnableActivateGoalAreas(&activategoal, qtrue);
// just some basic dynamic obstacle avoidance code
hordir[0] = moveresult->movedir[0];
hordir[1] = moveresult->movedir[1];
hordir[2] = 0;
// if no direction just take a random direction
if (VectorNormalize(hordir) < 0.1) {
VectorSet(angles, 0, 360 * random(), 0);
AngleVectors(angles, hordir, NULL, NULL);
//if (moveresult->flags & MOVERESULT_ONTOPOFOBSTACLE) movetype = MOVE_JUMP;
movetype = MOVE_WALK;
// if there's an obstacle at the bot's feet and head then
// the bot might be able to crouch through
//VectorCopy(bs->origin, start);
//start[2] += 18;
//VectorMA(start, 5, hordir, end);
//VectorSet(mins, -16, -16, -24);
//VectorSet(maxs, 16, 16, 4);
2005-08-26 17:39:27 +00:00
//bsptrace = AAS_Trace(start, mins, maxs, end, bs->entitynum, MASK_PLAYERSOLID);
//if (bsptrace.fraction >= 1) movetype = MOVE_CROUCH;
// get the sideward vector
CrossProduct(hordir, up, sideward);
if (bs->flags & BFL_AVOIDRIGHT) VectorNegate(sideward, sideward);
// try to crouch straight forward?
if (movetype != MOVE_CROUCH || !trap_BotMoveInDirection(bs->ms, hordir, 400, movetype)) {
// perform the movement
if (!trap_BotMoveInDirection(bs->ms, sideward, 400, movetype)) {
// flip the avoid direction flag
bs->flags ^= BFL_AVOIDRIGHT;
// flip the direction
// VectorNegate(sideward, sideward);
VectorMA(sideward, -1, hordir, sideward);
// move in the other direction
trap_BotMoveInDirection(bs->ms, sideward, 400, movetype);
if (bs->notblocked_time < FloatTime() - 0.4) {
// just reset goals and hope the bot will go into another direction?
// is this still needed??
if (bs->ainode == AINode_Seek_NBG) bs->nbg_time = 0;
else if (bs->ainode == AINode_Seek_LTG) bs->ltg_time = 0;
Predict the route towards the goal and check if the bot
will be blocked by certain obstacles. When the bot has obstacles
on its path the bot should figure out if they can be removed
2005-08-26 17:39:27 +00:00
by activating certain entities.
int BotAIPredictObstacles(bot_state_t *bs, bot_goal_t *goal) {
int modelnum, entitynum, bspent;
bot_activategoal_t activategoal;
aas_predictroute_t route;
if (!bot_predictobstacles.integer)
return qfalse;
// always predict when the goal change or at regular intervals
if (bs->predictobstacles_goalareanum == goal->areanum &&
bs->predictobstacles_time > FloatTime() - 6) {
return qfalse;
bs->predictobstacles_goalareanum = goal->areanum;
bs->predictobstacles_time = FloatTime();
// predict at most 100 areas or 10 seconds ahead
trap_AAS_PredictRoute(&route, bs->areanum, bs->origin,
goal->areanum, bs->tfl, 100, 1000,
// if bot has to travel through an area with a mover
if (route.stopevent & RSE_ENTERCONTENTS) {
// if the bot will run into a mover
if (route.endcontents & AREACONTENTS_MOVER) {
//NOTE: this only works with bspc 2.1 or higher
if (modelnum) {
entitynum = BotModelMinsMaxs(modelnum, ET_MOVER, 0, NULL, NULL);
if (entitynum) {
//NOTE: BotGetActivateGoal already checks if the door is open or not
bspent = BotGetActivateGoal(bs, entitynum, &activategoal);
if (bspent) {
if (bs->activatestack && !bs->activatestack->inuse)
bs->activatestack = NULL;
// if not already trying to activate this entity
if (!BotIsGoingToActivateEntity(bs, activategoal.goal.entitynum)) {
//BotAI_Print(PRT_MESSAGE, "blocked by mover model %d, entity %d ?\n", modelnum, entitynum);
BotGoForActivateGoal(bs, &activategoal);
return qtrue;
else {
// enable any routing areas that were disabled
BotEnableActivateGoalAreas(&activategoal, qtrue);
else if (route.stopevent & RSE_USETRAVELTYPE) {
if (route.endtravelflags & TFL_BRIDGE) {
//FIXME: check if the bridge is available to travel over
return qfalse;
void BotCheckConsoleMessages(bot_state_t *bs) {
char botname[MAX_NETNAME], message[MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE], netname[MAX_NETNAME], *ptr;
float chat_reply;
int context, handle;
bot_consolemessage_t m;
bot_match_t match;
//the name of this bot
ClientName(bs->client, botname, sizeof(botname));
while((handle = trap_BotNextConsoleMessage(bs->cs, &m)) != 0) {
//if the chat state is flooded with messages the bot will read them quickly
if (trap_BotNumConsoleMessages(bs->cs) < 10) {
//if it is a chat message the bot needs some time to read it
if (m.type == CMS_CHAT && m.time > FloatTime() - (1 + random())) break;
ptr = m.message;
//if it is a chat message then don't unify white spaces and don't
//replace synonyms in the netname
if (m.type == CMS_CHAT) {
if (trap_BotFindMatch(m.message, &match, MTCONTEXT_REPLYCHAT)) {
ptr = m.message + match.variables[MESSAGE].offset;
//unify the white spaces in the message
//replace synonyms in the right context
context = BotSynonymContext(bs);
trap_BotReplaceSynonyms(ptr, context);
//if there's no match
if (!BotMatchMessage(bs, m.message)) {
//if it is a chat message
if (m.type == CMS_CHAT && !bot_nochat.integer) {
if (!trap_BotFindMatch(m.message, &match, MTCONTEXT_REPLYCHAT)) {
trap_BotRemoveConsoleMessage(bs->cs, handle);
//don't use eliza chats with team messages
if (match.subtype & ST_TEAM) {
trap_BotRemoveConsoleMessage(bs->cs, handle);
trap_BotMatchVariable(&match, NETNAME, netname, sizeof(netname));
trap_BotMatchVariable(&match, MESSAGE, message, sizeof(message));
//if this is a message from the bot self
if (bs->client == ClientFromName(netname)) {
trap_BotRemoveConsoleMessage(bs->cs, handle);
//unify the message
if (bot_testrchat.integer) {
trap_BotLibVarSet("bot_testrchat", "1");
//if bot replies with a chat message
if (trap_BotReplyChat(bs->cs, message, context, CONTEXT_REPLY,
botname, netname)) {
BotAI_Print(PRT_MESSAGE, "------------------------\n");
else {
BotAI_Print(PRT_MESSAGE, "**** no valid reply ****\n");
//if at a valid chat position and not chatting already and not in teamplay
else if (bs->ainode != AINode_Stand && BotValidChatPosition(bs) && !TeamPlayIsOn()) {
chat_reply = trap_Characteristic_BFloat(bs->character, CHARACTERISTIC_CHAT_REPLY, 0, 1);
if (random() < 1.5 / (NumBots()+1) && random() < chat_reply) {
//if bot replies with a chat message
if (trap_BotReplyChat(bs->cs, message, context, CONTEXT_REPLY,
botname, netname)) {
//remove the console message
trap_BotRemoveConsoleMessage(bs->cs, handle);
bs->stand_time = FloatTime() + BotChatTime(bs);
AIEnter_Stand(bs, "BotCheckConsoleMessages: reply chat");
//EA_Say(bs->client, bs->cs.chatmessage);
//remove the console message
trap_BotRemoveConsoleMessage(bs->cs, handle);
void BotCheckForGrenades(bot_state_t *bs, entityState_t *state) {
// if this is not a grenade
if (state->eType != ET_MISSILE || state->weapon != WP_GRENADE_LAUNCHER)
// try to avoid the grenade
trap_BotAddAvoidSpot(bs->ms, state->pos.trBase, 160, AVOID_ALWAYS);
void BotCheckForProxMines(bot_state_t *bs, entityState_t *state) {
// if this is not a prox mine
if (state->eType != ET_MISSILE || state->weapon != WP_PROX_LAUNCHER)
// if this prox mine is from someone on our own team
if (state->generic1 == BotTeam(bs))
// if the bot doesn't have a weapon to deactivate the mine
if (!(bs->inventory[INVENTORY_PLASMAGUN] > 0 && bs->inventory[INVENTORY_CELLS] > 0) &&
!(bs->inventory[INVENTORY_ROCKETLAUNCHER] > 0 && bs->inventory[INVENTORY_ROCKETS] > 0) &&
!(bs->inventory[INVENTORY_BFG10K] > 0 && bs->inventory[INVENTORY_BFGAMMO] > 0) ) {
// try to avoid the prox mine
trap_BotAddAvoidSpot(bs->ms, state->pos.trBase, 160, AVOID_ALWAYS);
if (bs->numproxmines >= MAX_PROXMINES)
bs->proxmines[bs->numproxmines] = state->number;
void BotCheckForKamikazeBody(bot_state_t *bs, entityState_t *state) {
// if this entity is not wearing the kamikaze
if (!(state->eFlags & EF_KAMIKAZE))
// if this entity isn't dead
if (!(state->eFlags & EF_DEAD))
//remember this kamikaze body
bs->kamikazebody = state->number;
void BotCheckEvents(bot_state_t *bs, entityState_t *state) {
int event;
char buf[128];
aas_entityinfo_t entinfo;
//NOTE: this sucks, we're accessing the gentity_t directly
//but there's no other fast way to do it right now
if (bs->entityeventTime[state->number] == g_entities[state->number].eventTime) {
bs->entityeventTime[state->number] = g_entities[state->number].eventTime;
//if it's an event only entity
if (state->eType > ET_EVENTS) {
event = (state->eType - ET_EVENTS) & ~EV_EVENT_BITS;
else {
event = state->event & ~EV_EVENT_BITS;
switch(event) {
//client obituary event
int target, attacker, mod;
target = state->otherEntityNum;
attacker = state->otherEntityNum2;
mod = state->eventParm;
if (target == bs->client) {
bs->botdeathtype = mod;
bs->lastkilledby = attacker;
if (target == attacker ||
target == ENTITYNUM_NONE ||
target == ENTITYNUM_WORLD) bs->botsuicide = qtrue;
else bs->botsuicide = qfalse;
//else if this client was killed by the bot
else if (attacker == bs->client) {
bs->enemydeathtype = mod;
bs->lastkilledplayer = target;
bs->killedenemy_time = FloatTime();
else if (attacker == bs->enemy && target == attacker) {
bs->enemysuicide = qtrue;
if (gametype == GT_1FCTF) {
BotEntityInfo(target, &entinfo);
if ( entinfo.powerups & ( 1 << PW_NEUTRALFLAG ) ) {
if (!BotSameTeam(bs, target)) {
bs->neutralflagstatus = 3; //enemy dropped the flag
bs->flagstatuschanged = qtrue;
2012-11-18 19:09:54 +00:00
if (state->eventParm < 0 || state->eventParm >= MAX_SOUNDS) {
2005-08-26 17:39:27 +00:00
BotAI_Print(PRT_ERROR, "EV_GLOBAL_SOUND: eventParm (%d) out of range\n", state->eventParm);
trap_GetConfigstring(CS_SOUNDS + state->eventParm, buf, sizeof(buf));
if (!strcmp(buf, "sound/teamplay/flagret_red.wav")) {
//red flag is returned
bs->redflagstatus = 0;
bs->flagstatuschanged = qtrue;
else if (!strcmp(buf, "sound/teamplay/flagret_blu.wav")) {
//blue flag is returned
bs->blueflagstatus = 0;
bs->flagstatuschanged = qtrue;
if (!strcmp(buf, "sound/items/kamikazerespawn.wav" )) {
//the kamikaze respawned so dont avoid it
BotDontAvoid(bs, "Kamikaze");
if (!strcmp(buf, "sound/items/poweruprespawn.wav")) {
//powerup respawned... go get it
if (gametype == GT_CTF) {
switch(state->eventParm) {
bs->blueflagstatus = 0;
bs->redflagstatus = 0;
bs->flagstatuschanged = qtrue;
break; //see BotMatch_CTF
bs->blueflagstatus = 0;
bs->redflagstatus = 0;
bs->flagstatuschanged = qtrue;
break; //see BotMatch_CTF
//blue flag is returned
bs->blueflagstatus = 0;
bs->flagstatuschanged = qtrue;
//red flag is returned
bs->redflagstatus = 0;
bs->flagstatuschanged = qtrue;
//blue flag is taken
bs->blueflagstatus = 1;
bs->flagstatuschanged = qtrue;
break; //see BotMatch_CTF
//red flag is taken
bs->redflagstatus = 1;
bs->flagstatuschanged = qtrue;
break; //see BotMatch_CTF
else if (gametype == GT_1FCTF) {
switch(state->eventParm) {
bs->neutralflagstatus = 0;
bs->flagstatuschanged = qtrue;
bs->neutralflagstatus = 0;
bs->flagstatuschanged = qtrue;
//flag has returned
bs->neutralflagstatus = 0;
bs->flagstatuschanged = qtrue;
//flag has returned
bs->neutralflagstatus = 0;
bs->flagstatuschanged = qtrue;
bs->neutralflagstatus = BotTeam(bs) == TEAM_RED ? 2 : 1; //FIXME: check Team_TakeFlagSound in g_team.c
bs->flagstatuschanged = qtrue;
bs->neutralflagstatus = BotTeam(bs) == TEAM_BLUE ? 2 : 1; //FIXME: check Team_TakeFlagSound in g_team.c
bs->flagstatuschanged = qtrue;
VectorCopy(state->origin, lastteleport_origin);
lastteleport_time = FloatTime();
//if this sound is played on the bot
if (state->number == bs->client) {
2012-11-18 19:09:54 +00:00
if (state->eventParm < 0 || state->eventParm >= MAX_SOUNDS) {
2005-08-26 17:39:27 +00:00
BotAI_Print(PRT_ERROR, "EV_GENERAL_SOUND: eventParm (%d) out of range\n", state->eventParm);
//check out the sound
trap_GetConfigstring(CS_SOUNDS + state->eventParm, buf, sizeof(buf));
//if falling into a death pit
if (!strcmp(buf, "*falling1.wav")) {
//if the bot has a personal teleporter
if (bs->inventory[INVENTORY_TELEPORTER] > 0) {
//use the holdable item
case EV_SWIM:
case EV_STEP_4:
case EV_STEP_8:
case EV_STEP_12:
case EV_STEP_16:
case EV_JUMP:
case EV_TAUNT:
//FIXME: either add to sound queue or mark player as someone making noise
case EV_USE_ITEM0:
case EV_USE_ITEM1:
case EV_USE_ITEM2:
case EV_USE_ITEM3:
case EV_USE_ITEM4:
case EV_USE_ITEM5:
case EV_USE_ITEM6:
case EV_USE_ITEM7:
case EV_USE_ITEM8:
case EV_USE_ITEM9:
case EV_USE_ITEM10:
case EV_USE_ITEM11:
case EV_USE_ITEM12:
case EV_USE_ITEM13:
case EV_USE_ITEM14:
void BotCheckSnapshot(bot_state_t *bs) {
int ent;
entityState_t state;
//remove all avoid spots
trap_BotAddAvoidSpot(bs->ms, vec3_origin, 0, AVOID_CLEAR);
//reset kamikaze body
bs->kamikazebody = 0;
//reset number of proxmines
bs->numproxmines = 0;
ent = 0;
while( ( ent = BotAI_GetSnapshotEntity( bs->client, ent, &state ) ) != -1 ) {
//check the entity state for events
BotCheckEvents(bs, &state);
//check for grenades the bot should avoid
BotCheckForGrenades(bs, &state);
//check for proximity mines which the bot should deactivate
BotCheckForProxMines(bs, &state);
//check for dead bodies with the kamikaze effect which should be gibbed
BotCheckForKamikazeBody(bs, &state);
//check the player state for events
BotAI_GetEntityState(bs->client, &state);
//copy the player state events to the entity state
state.event = bs->cur_ps.externalEvent;
state.eventParm = bs->cur_ps.externalEventParm;
BotCheckEvents(bs, &state);
void BotCheckAir(bot_state_t *bs) {
if (bs->inventory[INVENTORY_ENVIRONMENTSUIT] <= 0) {
if (trap_AAS_PointContents(bs->eye) & (CONTENTS_WATER|CONTENTS_SLIME|CONTENTS_LAVA)) {
bs->lastair_time = FloatTime();
bot_goal_t *BotAlternateRoute(bot_state_t *bs, bot_goal_t *goal) {
int t;
// if the bot has an alternative route goal
if (bs->altroutegoal.areanum) {
if (bs->reachedaltroutegoal_time)
return goal;
// travel time towards alternative route goal
t = trap_AAS_AreaTravelTimeToGoalArea(bs->areanum, bs->origin, bs->altroutegoal.areanum, bs->tfl);
if (t && t < 20) {
//BotAI_Print(PRT_MESSAGE, "reached alternate route goal\n");
bs->reachedaltroutegoal_time = FloatTime();
memcpy(goal, &bs->altroutegoal, sizeof(bot_goal_t));
return &bs->altroutegoal;
return goal;
int BotGetAlternateRouteGoal(bot_state_t *bs, int base) {
aas_altroutegoal_t *altroutegoals;
bot_goal_t *goal;
int numaltroutegoals, rnd;
if (base == TEAM_RED) {
altroutegoals = red_altroutegoals;
numaltroutegoals = red_numaltroutegoals;
else {
altroutegoals = blue_altroutegoals;
numaltroutegoals = blue_numaltroutegoals;
if (!numaltroutegoals)
return qfalse;
rnd = (float) random() * numaltroutegoals;
if (rnd >= numaltroutegoals)
rnd = numaltroutegoals-1;
goal = &bs->altroutegoal;
goal->areanum = altroutegoals[rnd].areanum;
VectorCopy(altroutegoals[rnd].origin, goal->origin);
VectorSet(goal->mins, -8, -8, -8);
VectorSet(goal->maxs, 8, 8, 8);
goal->entitynum = 0;
goal->iteminfo = 0;
goal->number = 0;
goal->flags = 0;
bs->reachedaltroutegoal_time = 0;
return qtrue;
void BotSetupAlternativeRouteGoals(void) {
if (altroutegoals_setup)
if (gametype == GT_CTF) {
if (trap_BotGetLevelItemGoal(-1, "Neutral Flag", &ctf_neutralflag) < 0)
Batch of bug fixes for gamecode. Patch compiled and log message written by Tobias Kuehnhammer (#5144) ################################################################################ This Patch fixes: ################################################################################ - The "fraglimit warning" was not played at all, if on the blue team. - The "where" console command was broken. - Obelisk explosion wasn't drawn if no Rocketlauncher was loaded. - Impact marks sometimes didn't draw at all. - IMPORTANT BUGFIX: No killing for cheaters with Lightning gun and Gauntlet. - If two doors are close to each other a spectator couldn't fly through them. - More robust, efficient and logical respawning routine. NOTE: The game.qvm will get notable smaller and will use LESS MEMORY! - Drowning sounds are fixed. Now they are played as intended. (as the id comment in the source code shows). - Some AI bugs (OVERFLOW!) in the bot movement code. - Several "Team Arena" Overload and Harvester bugs. - Stops bots from attacking a team mate (player) who only changed teams. - Some voice chats and CTF commands fixed. - "Team_ReturnFlag" was called twice, which did wired things sometimes. NOTE: (G_RunItem checks CONTENTS_NODROP already!) - A bugfix for Gauntlet animation. - Incorrect CTF scoring. - A bunch of corrected comments and print lines ("\n"). - Some regularity of expression and some small trivial bugs. ################################################################################ Details: ################################################################################ ******************************************************************************** BUG: in gamemode GT_TEAM the fraglimit warning will not be played if joining the blue team! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: In "CG_CheckLocalSounds": if cgs.scores2 > highScore, highScore should be cgs.scores2. ******************************************************************************** BUG: the "where" console command doesn't work as expected (it's always 0 0 0) but not in id Quake 3 Arena. It seems that now Ioquake3 is affected! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: In Function "Cmd_Where_f" ent->s.origin should be ent->r.currentOrigin. ******************************************************************************** BUG: in gamemode GT_OBELISK obelisk explosion won't be drawn if there is no Rocketlauncher loaded. (The "maps without Rocketlauncher" bug) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: in "cg_main.c": cgs.media.rocketExplosionShader should be registered if gamemode is GT_OBELISK. ******************************************************************************** BUG: Impact marks sometimes doesn't draw at all. Not easy to reproduce if you don't play (io)Quake3 every day and know the places where it happens! ;) But anyway... Test: start q3dm12 go to "Long Jump Canyon" (where the small platform teleporter for the BFG is) place yourself at the point where the railgun spawns, look in the direction where the red suspended armor is. Now shoot at the sloped wall on the out/leftside of the door you see. (the sloped wall should be nearly in the center of your screen now). If you choose the correct brush face and shoot up and down at this brush face, the impact marks sometimes aren't visible. There are hundreds of custom maps where this can happen! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: I replaced the function "SnapVectorTowards" with the one from "Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory (GPL Source Code)" ******************************************************************************** BUG: Normally "NOCLIP" cheaters are logically not allowed to fire a gun. Unfortunatly the Gauntlet (and Lightning gun) was forgotten and not restricted to that. All weapons except those two were handled correct. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: Make Gauntlet and Lightning gun not firing for someone who cheats with "NOCLIP" (like all other weapons). ******************************************************************************** NOTE: A few bugfixes are not mine and are reported here: http://www.quake3world.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=9179. Thanks to Quake3world, for all those years and the good guys there! ******************************************************************************** BUG: During making a mod I found a very strange bug, which mainly occurs if someone tries to implement a lot of singleplayer monsters which should walk slowly (like the "Crash" bot). So if someone wants to make slow down bots or monsters when they are walking towards a goal and alter the function "BotMoveInGoalArea" then the bots/monsters do stupid things. Otherwise and this is the default (also buggy) behavior they start running although they shouldn't (as seen with the "Crash" bot and will not be fixed here). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: Fix overflow in bot user command. BUGFIX from "Hunt" mod by J. Hoffman. ******************************************************************************** BUG: in function "BotMoveToGoal" the special elevator case doesn't make sense. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: in "be_ai_move.c": ((result->flags & MOVERESULT_ONTOPOF_FUNCBOB) || (result->flags & MOVERESULT_ONTOPOF_FUNCBOB)) should be ((result->flags & MOVERESULT_ONTOPOF_ELEVATOR) || (result->flags & MOVERESULT_ONTOPOF_FUNCBOB)). ******************************************************************************** BUG: in function "BotWantsToRetreat" and "BotWantsToChase" this is wrong: "(bs->enemy != redobelisk.entitynum || bs->enemy != blueobelisk.entitynum)" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: "... redobelisk.entitynum) && (bs->enemy != blueobelisk.." is correct. ******************************************************************************** BUG: in gamemode GT_OBELISK there are too many node switches for bots (test: mpq3tourney6 with many bots). If that happens, game becomes unplayable. I don't know if this is the best solution but here it is: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: In function "AINode_Battle_Fight" right after: if (!BotEntityVisible(bs->entitynum, bs->eye, bs->viewangles, 360, bs->enemy)) { I added this: #ifdef MISSIONPACK if (bs->enemy == redobelisk.entitynum || bs->enemy == blueobelisk.entitynum) { AIEnter_Battle_Chase(bs, "battle fight: obelisk out of sight"); return qfalse; } #endif ******************************************************************************** BUG: in gamemode >= GT_TEAM, after team change, bots will (sometimes) not stop shooting at you, although you are on their team now. It seems that the configstrings are f***** up or not reliable in this case! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: In function "BotTeam" and "BotSameTeam" get the real team values. ******************************************************************************** BUG: Some of the bots voice commands are wrong. They are commanded to attack the enemy base but they say "Okay, I will defend!" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: Corrected some voice commands in "BotCTFOrders_FlagNotAtBase" and "Bot1FCTFOrders_EnemyDroppedFlag" ******************************************************************************** BUG: Spectators couldn't fly through doors if they are very close to each other. You can test it with some regular id maps (q3dm14, q3dm12) but there are also many custom maps where this can happen! This is annoying because in the worst case you can't move at all and are caught inside a door. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: There is a solution in a mod called "Hunt" by J. Hoffman. Bugfix is included in this patch! ******************************************************************************** BUG: During making a mod I found it very hard to implement some of my ideas (something like "Limbo" or "Meeting") because of the way the player spawn effect, intermission and spawning on victory pads is handled. I reworked it a bit and simplified it so that the effect is handled when a client respawns (as the name says) and not when a client begins. I think this will help more mod makers everytime they want to make changes to spawning of players, bots on victory pads or monsters... and want to avoid spectators with Machineguns which can kill and score... :() NOTE: I also renamed the poorly named function "respawn" to "ClientRespawn". If someone searches the code base for "respawn" it was really hard to find the correct place for what was meant. "respawn" is used so often, that you really get headache ... now with "ClientRespawn" it's easier! IMPORTANT: The whole respawning, moving to intermission point and everything related to that is now done in a more reliable way without changing the default behavior. (How critical the whole spwaning mess was did you see by yourself (ioquake3 rev. 2076). With this patch it's safer. Trust me, I spent hours of fixing silly problems... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: Simplified "ClientBegin" and moved the teleport event to "ClientSpawn". ******************************************************************************** BUG: If a player is dying or hurted under water the hurt/dying sounds AND the drowning sounds are played together. This is silly. Moreover it's no good idea to let the server play client sounds! There was a solution in a mod called "Q3A++" by Dan 'Neurobasher' Gomes which fixes the problem. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: Created a "CG_WaterLevel" function to play the appropriate sounds. ******************************************************************************** ################################################################################
2011-08-01 11:39:33 +00:00
BotAI_Print(PRT_WARNING, "No alt routes without Neutral Flag\n");
2005-08-26 17:39:27 +00:00
if (ctf_neutralflag.areanum) {
red_numaltroutegoals = trap_AAS_AlternativeRouteGoals(
ctf_neutralflag.origin, ctf_neutralflag.areanum,
ctf_redflag.origin, ctf_redflag.areanum, TFL_DEFAULT,
red_altroutegoals, MAX_ALTROUTEGOALS,
blue_numaltroutegoals = trap_AAS_AlternativeRouteGoals(
ctf_neutralflag.origin, ctf_neutralflag.areanum,
ctf_blueflag.origin, ctf_blueflag.areanum, TFL_DEFAULT,
blue_altroutegoals, MAX_ALTROUTEGOALS,
else if (gametype == GT_1FCTF) {
Batch of bug fixes for gamecode. Patch compiled and log message written by Tobias Kuehnhammer (#5144) ################################################################################ This Patch fixes: ################################################################################ - The "fraglimit warning" was not played at all, if on the blue team. - The "where" console command was broken. - Obelisk explosion wasn't drawn if no Rocketlauncher was loaded. - Impact marks sometimes didn't draw at all. - IMPORTANT BUGFIX: No killing for cheaters with Lightning gun and Gauntlet. - If two doors are close to each other a spectator couldn't fly through them. - More robust, efficient and logical respawning routine. NOTE: The game.qvm will get notable smaller and will use LESS MEMORY! - Drowning sounds are fixed. Now they are played as intended. (as the id comment in the source code shows). - Some AI bugs (OVERFLOW!) in the bot movement code. - Several "Team Arena" Overload and Harvester bugs. - Stops bots from attacking a team mate (player) who only changed teams. - Some voice chats and CTF commands fixed. - "Team_ReturnFlag" was called twice, which did wired things sometimes. NOTE: (G_RunItem checks CONTENTS_NODROP already!) - A bugfix for Gauntlet animation. - Incorrect CTF scoring. - A bunch of corrected comments and print lines ("\n"). - Some regularity of expression and some small trivial bugs. ################################################################################ Details: ################################################################################ ******************************************************************************** BUG: in gamemode GT_TEAM the fraglimit warning will not be played if joining the blue team! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: In "CG_CheckLocalSounds": if cgs.scores2 > highScore, highScore should be cgs.scores2. ******************************************************************************** BUG: the "where" console command doesn't work as expected (it's always 0 0 0) but not in id Quake 3 Arena. It seems that now Ioquake3 is affected! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: In Function "Cmd_Where_f" ent->s.origin should be ent->r.currentOrigin. ******************************************************************************** BUG: in gamemode GT_OBELISK obelisk explosion won't be drawn if there is no Rocketlauncher loaded. (The "maps without Rocketlauncher" bug) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: in "cg_main.c": cgs.media.rocketExplosionShader should be registered if gamemode is GT_OBELISK. ******************************************************************************** BUG: Impact marks sometimes doesn't draw at all. Not easy to reproduce if you don't play (io)Quake3 every day and know the places where it happens! ;) But anyway... Test: start q3dm12 go to "Long Jump Canyon" (where the small platform teleporter for the BFG is) place yourself at the point where the railgun spawns, look in the direction where the red suspended armor is. Now shoot at the sloped wall on the out/leftside of the door you see. (the sloped wall should be nearly in the center of your screen now). If you choose the correct brush face and shoot up and down at this brush face, the impact marks sometimes aren't visible. There are hundreds of custom maps where this can happen! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: I replaced the function "SnapVectorTowards" with the one from "Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory (GPL Source Code)" ******************************************************************************** BUG: Normally "NOCLIP" cheaters are logically not allowed to fire a gun. Unfortunatly the Gauntlet (and Lightning gun) was forgotten and not restricted to that. All weapons except those two were handled correct. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: Make Gauntlet and Lightning gun not firing for someone who cheats with "NOCLIP" (like all other weapons). ******************************************************************************** NOTE: A few bugfixes are not mine and are reported here: http://www.quake3world.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=9179. Thanks to Quake3world, for all those years and the good guys there! ******************************************************************************** BUG: During making a mod I found a very strange bug, which mainly occurs if someone tries to implement a lot of singleplayer monsters which should walk slowly (like the "Crash" bot). So if someone wants to make slow down bots or monsters when they are walking towards a goal and alter the function "BotMoveInGoalArea" then the bots/monsters do stupid things. Otherwise and this is the default (also buggy) behavior they start running although they shouldn't (as seen with the "Crash" bot and will not be fixed here). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: Fix overflow in bot user command. BUGFIX from "Hunt" mod by J. Hoffman. ******************************************************************************** BUG: in function "BotMoveToGoal" the special elevator case doesn't make sense. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: in "be_ai_move.c": ((result->flags & MOVERESULT_ONTOPOF_FUNCBOB) || (result->flags & MOVERESULT_ONTOPOF_FUNCBOB)) should be ((result->flags & MOVERESULT_ONTOPOF_ELEVATOR) || (result->flags & MOVERESULT_ONTOPOF_FUNCBOB)). ******************************************************************************** BUG: in function "BotWantsToRetreat" and "BotWantsToChase" this is wrong: "(bs->enemy != redobelisk.entitynum || bs->enemy != blueobelisk.entitynum)" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: "... redobelisk.entitynum) && (bs->enemy != blueobelisk.." is correct. ******************************************************************************** BUG: in gamemode GT_OBELISK there are too many node switches for bots (test: mpq3tourney6 with many bots). If that happens, game becomes unplayable. I don't know if this is the best solution but here it is: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: In function "AINode_Battle_Fight" right after: if (!BotEntityVisible(bs->entitynum, bs->eye, bs->viewangles, 360, bs->enemy)) { I added this: #ifdef MISSIONPACK if (bs->enemy == redobelisk.entitynum || bs->enemy == blueobelisk.entitynum) { AIEnter_Battle_Chase(bs, "battle fight: obelisk out of sight"); return qfalse; } #endif ******************************************************************************** BUG: in gamemode >= GT_TEAM, after team change, bots will (sometimes) not stop shooting at you, although you are on their team now. It seems that the configstrings are f***** up or not reliable in this case! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: In function "BotTeam" and "BotSameTeam" get the real team values. ******************************************************************************** BUG: Some of the bots voice commands are wrong. They are commanded to attack the enemy base but they say "Okay, I will defend!" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: Corrected some voice commands in "BotCTFOrders_FlagNotAtBase" and "Bot1FCTFOrders_EnemyDroppedFlag" ******************************************************************************** BUG: Spectators couldn't fly through doors if they are very close to each other. You can test it with some regular id maps (q3dm14, q3dm12) but there are also many custom maps where this can happen! This is annoying because in the worst case you can't move at all and are caught inside a door. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: There is a solution in a mod called "Hunt" by J. Hoffman. Bugfix is included in this patch! ******************************************************************************** BUG: During making a mod I found it very hard to implement some of my ideas (something like "Limbo" or "Meeting") because of the way the player spawn effect, intermission and spawning on victory pads is handled. I reworked it a bit and simplified it so that the effect is handled when a client respawns (as the name says) and not when a client begins. I think this will help more mod makers everytime they want to make changes to spawning of players, bots on victory pads or monsters... and want to avoid spectators with Machineguns which can kill and score... :() NOTE: I also renamed the poorly named function "respawn" to "ClientRespawn". If someone searches the code base for "respawn" it was really hard to find the correct place for what was meant. "respawn" is used so often, that you really get headache ... now with "ClientRespawn" it's easier! IMPORTANT: The whole respawning, moving to intermission point and everything related to that is now done in a more reliable way without changing the default behavior. (How critical the whole spwaning mess was did you see by yourself (ioquake3 rev. 2076). With this patch it's safer. Trust me, I spent hours of fixing silly problems... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: Simplified "ClientBegin" and moved the teleport event to "ClientSpawn". ******************************************************************************** BUG: If a player is dying or hurted under water the hurt/dying sounds AND the drowning sounds are played together. This is silly. Moreover it's no good idea to let the server play client sounds! There was a solution in a mod called "Q3A++" by Dan 'Neurobasher' Gomes which fixes the problem. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: Created a "CG_WaterLevel" function to play the appropriate sounds. ******************************************************************************** ################################################################################
2011-08-01 11:39:33 +00:00
if (trap_BotGetLevelItemGoal(-1, "Neutral Obelisk", &neutralobelisk) < 0)
BotAI_Print(PRT_WARNING, "One Flag CTF without Neutral Obelisk\n");
2005-08-26 17:39:27 +00:00
red_numaltroutegoals = trap_AAS_AlternativeRouteGoals(
ctf_neutralflag.origin, ctf_neutralflag.areanum,
ctf_redflag.origin, ctf_redflag.areanum, TFL_DEFAULT,
red_altroutegoals, MAX_ALTROUTEGOALS,
blue_numaltroutegoals = trap_AAS_AlternativeRouteGoals(
ctf_neutralflag.origin, ctf_neutralflag.areanum,
ctf_blueflag.origin, ctf_blueflag.areanum, TFL_DEFAULT,
blue_altroutegoals, MAX_ALTROUTEGOALS,
else if (gametype == GT_OBELISK) {
if (trap_BotGetLevelItemGoal(-1, "Neutral Obelisk", &neutralobelisk) < 0)
Batch of bug fixes for gamecode. Patch compiled and log message written by Tobias Kuehnhammer (#5144) ################################################################################ This Patch fixes: ################################################################################ - The "fraglimit warning" was not played at all, if on the blue team. - The "where" console command was broken. - Obelisk explosion wasn't drawn if no Rocketlauncher was loaded. - Impact marks sometimes didn't draw at all. - IMPORTANT BUGFIX: No killing for cheaters with Lightning gun and Gauntlet. - If two doors are close to each other a spectator couldn't fly through them. - More robust, efficient and logical respawning routine. NOTE: The game.qvm will get notable smaller and will use LESS MEMORY! - Drowning sounds are fixed. Now they are played as intended. (as the id comment in the source code shows). - Some AI bugs (OVERFLOW!) in the bot movement code. - Several "Team Arena" Overload and Harvester bugs. - Stops bots from attacking a team mate (player) who only changed teams. - Some voice chats and CTF commands fixed. - "Team_ReturnFlag" was called twice, which did wired things sometimes. NOTE: (G_RunItem checks CONTENTS_NODROP already!) - A bugfix for Gauntlet animation. - Incorrect CTF scoring. - A bunch of corrected comments and print lines ("\n"). - Some regularity of expression and some small trivial bugs. ################################################################################ Details: ################################################################################ ******************************************************************************** BUG: in gamemode GT_TEAM the fraglimit warning will not be played if joining the blue team! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: In "CG_CheckLocalSounds": if cgs.scores2 > highScore, highScore should be cgs.scores2. ******************************************************************************** BUG: the "where" console command doesn't work as expected (it's always 0 0 0) but not in id Quake 3 Arena. It seems that now Ioquake3 is affected! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: In Function "Cmd_Where_f" ent->s.origin should be ent->r.currentOrigin. ******************************************************************************** BUG: in gamemode GT_OBELISK obelisk explosion won't be drawn if there is no Rocketlauncher loaded. (The "maps without Rocketlauncher" bug) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: in "cg_main.c": cgs.media.rocketExplosionShader should be registered if gamemode is GT_OBELISK. ******************************************************************************** BUG: Impact marks sometimes doesn't draw at all. Not easy to reproduce if you don't play (io)Quake3 every day and know the places where it happens! ;) But anyway... Test: start q3dm12 go to "Long Jump Canyon" (where the small platform teleporter for the BFG is) place yourself at the point where the railgun spawns, look in the direction where the red suspended armor is. Now shoot at the sloped wall on the out/leftside of the door you see. (the sloped wall should be nearly in the center of your screen now). If you choose the correct brush face and shoot up and down at this brush face, the impact marks sometimes aren't visible. There are hundreds of custom maps where this can happen! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: I replaced the function "SnapVectorTowards" with the one from "Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory (GPL Source Code)" ******************************************************************************** BUG: Normally "NOCLIP" cheaters are logically not allowed to fire a gun. Unfortunatly the Gauntlet (and Lightning gun) was forgotten and not restricted to that. All weapons except those two were handled correct. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: Make Gauntlet and Lightning gun not firing for someone who cheats with "NOCLIP" (like all other weapons). ******************************************************************************** NOTE: A few bugfixes are not mine and are reported here: http://www.quake3world.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=9179. Thanks to Quake3world, for all those years and the good guys there! ******************************************************************************** BUG: During making a mod I found a very strange bug, which mainly occurs if someone tries to implement a lot of singleplayer monsters which should walk slowly (like the "Crash" bot). So if someone wants to make slow down bots or monsters when they are walking towards a goal and alter the function "BotMoveInGoalArea" then the bots/monsters do stupid things. Otherwise and this is the default (also buggy) behavior they start running although they shouldn't (as seen with the "Crash" bot and will not be fixed here). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: Fix overflow in bot user command. BUGFIX from "Hunt" mod by J. Hoffman. ******************************************************************************** BUG: in function "BotMoveToGoal" the special elevator case doesn't make sense. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: in "be_ai_move.c": ((result->flags & MOVERESULT_ONTOPOF_FUNCBOB) || (result->flags & MOVERESULT_ONTOPOF_FUNCBOB)) should be ((result->flags & MOVERESULT_ONTOPOF_ELEVATOR) || (result->flags & MOVERESULT_ONTOPOF_FUNCBOB)). ******************************************************************************** BUG: in function "BotWantsToRetreat" and "BotWantsToChase" this is wrong: "(bs->enemy != redobelisk.entitynum || bs->enemy != blueobelisk.entitynum)" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: "... redobelisk.entitynum) && (bs->enemy != blueobelisk.." is correct. ******************************************************************************** BUG: in gamemode GT_OBELISK there are too many node switches for bots (test: mpq3tourney6 with many bots). If that happens, game becomes unplayable. I don't know if this is the best solution but here it is: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: In function "AINode_Battle_Fight" right after: if (!BotEntityVisible(bs->entitynum, bs->eye, bs->viewangles, 360, bs->enemy)) { I added this: #ifdef MISSIONPACK if (bs->enemy == redobelisk.entitynum || bs->enemy == blueobelisk.entitynum) { AIEnter_Battle_Chase(bs, "battle fight: obelisk out of sight"); return qfalse; } #endif ******************************************************************************** BUG: in gamemode >= GT_TEAM, after team change, bots will (sometimes) not stop shooting at you, although you are on their team now. It seems that the configstrings are f***** up or not reliable in this case! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: In function "BotTeam" and "BotSameTeam" get the real team values. ******************************************************************************** BUG: Some of the bots voice commands are wrong. They are commanded to attack the enemy base but they say "Okay, I will defend!" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: Corrected some voice commands in "BotCTFOrders_FlagNotAtBase" and "Bot1FCTFOrders_EnemyDroppedFlag" ******************************************************************************** BUG: Spectators couldn't fly through doors if they are very close to each other. You can test it with some regular id maps (q3dm14, q3dm12) but there are also many custom maps where this can happen! This is annoying because in the worst case you can't move at all and are caught inside a door. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: There is a solution in a mod called "Hunt" by J. Hoffman. Bugfix is included in this patch! ******************************************************************************** BUG: During making a mod I found it very hard to implement some of my ideas (something like "Limbo" or "Meeting") because of the way the player spawn effect, intermission and spawning on victory pads is handled. I reworked it a bit and simplified it so that the effect is handled when a client respawns (as the name says) and not when a client begins. I think this will help more mod makers everytime they want to make changes to spawning of players, bots on victory pads or monsters... and want to avoid spectators with Machineguns which can kill and score... :() NOTE: I also renamed the poorly named function "respawn" to "ClientRespawn". If someone searches the code base for "respawn" it was really hard to find the correct place for what was meant. "respawn" is used so often, that you really get headache ... now with "ClientRespawn" it's easier! IMPORTANT: The whole respawning, moving to intermission point and everything related to that is now done in a more reliable way without changing the default behavior. (How critical the whole spwaning mess was did you see by yourself (ioquake3 rev. 2076). With this patch it's safer. Trust me, I spent hours of fixing silly problems... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: Simplified "ClientBegin" and moved the teleport event to "ClientSpawn". ******************************************************************************** BUG: If a player is dying or hurted under water the hurt/dying sounds AND the drowning sounds are played together. This is silly. Moreover it's no good idea to let the server play client sounds! There was a solution in a mod called "Q3A++" by Dan 'Neurobasher' Gomes which fixes the problem. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: Created a "CG_WaterLevel" function to play the appropriate sounds. ******************************************************************************** ################################################################################
2011-08-01 11:39:33 +00:00
BotAI_Print(PRT_WARNING, "No alt routes without Neutral Obelisk\n");
2005-08-26 17:39:27 +00:00
red_numaltroutegoals = trap_AAS_AlternativeRouteGoals(
neutralobelisk.origin, neutralobelisk.areanum,
redobelisk.origin, redobelisk.areanum, TFL_DEFAULT,
red_altroutegoals, MAX_ALTROUTEGOALS,
blue_numaltroutegoals = trap_AAS_AlternativeRouteGoals(
neutralobelisk.origin, neutralobelisk.areanum,
blueobelisk.origin, blueobelisk.areanum, TFL_DEFAULT,
blue_altroutegoals, MAX_ALTROUTEGOALS,
else if (gametype == GT_HARVESTER) {
Batch of bug fixes for gamecode. Patch compiled and log message written by Tobias Kuehnhammer (#5144) ################################################################################ This Patch fixes: ################################################################################ - The "fraglimit warning" was not played at all, if on the blue team. - The "where" console command was broken. - Obelisk explosion wasn't drawn if no Rocketlauncher was loaded. - Impact marks sometimes didn't draw at all. - IMPORTANT BUGFIX: No killing for cheaters with Lightning gun and Gauntlet. - If two doors are close to each other a spectator couldn't fly through them. - More robust, efficient and logical respawning routine. NOTE: The game.qvm will get notable smaller and will use LESS MEMORY! - Drowning sounds are fixed. Now they are played as intended. (as the id comment in the source code shows). - Some AI bugs (OVERFLOW!) in the bot movement code. - Several "Team Arena" Overload and Harvester bugs. - Stops bots from attacking a team mate (player) who only changed teams. - Some voice chats and CTF commands fixed. - "Team_ReturnFlag" was called twice, which did wired things sometimes. NOTE: (G_RunItem checks CONTENTS_NODROP already!) - A bugfix for Gauntlet animation. - Incorrect CTF scoring. - A bunch of corrected comments and print lines ("\n"). - Some regularity of expression and some small trivial bugs. ################################################################################ Details: ################################################################################ ******************************************************************************** BUG: in gamemode GT_TEAM the fraglimit warning will not be played if joining the blue team! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: In "CG_CheckLocalSounds": if cgs.scores2 > highScore, highScore should be cgs.scores2. ******************************************************************************** BUG: the "where" console command doesn't work as expected (it's always 0 0 0) but not in id Quake 3 Arena. It seems that now Ioquake3 is affected! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: In Function "Cmd_Where_f" ent->s.origin should be ent->r.currentOrigin. ******************************************************************************** BUG: in gamemode GT_OBELISK obelisk explosion won't be drawn if there is no Rocketlauncher loaded. (The "maps without Rocketlauncher" bug) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: in "cg_main.c": cgs.media.rocketExplosionShader should be registered if gamemode is GT_OBELISK. ******************************************************************************** BUG: Impact marks sometimes doesn't draw at all. Not easy to reproduce if you don't play (io)Quake3 every day and know the places where it happens! ;) But anyway... Test: start q3dm12 go to "Long Jump Canyon" (where the small platform teleporter for the BFG is) place yourself at the point where the railgun spawns, look in the direction where the red suspended armor is. Now shoot at the sloped wall on the out/leftside of the door you see. (the sloped wall should be nearly in the center of your screen now). If you choose the correct brush face and shoot up and down at this brush face, the impact marks sometimes aren't visible. There are hundreds of custom maps where this can happen! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: I replaced the function "SnapVectorTowards" with the one from "Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory (GPL Source Code)" ******************************************************************************** BUG: Normally "NOCLIP" cheaters are logically not allowed to fire a gun. Unfortunatly the Gauntlet (and Lightning gun) was forgotten and not restricted to that. All weapons except those two were handled correct. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: Make Gauntlet and Lightning gun not firing for someone who cheats with "NOCLIP" (like all other weapons). ******************************************************************************** NOTE: A few bugfixes are not mine and are reported here: http://www.quake3world.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=9179. Thanks to Quake3world, for all those years and the good guys there! ******************************************************************************** BUG: During making a mod I found a very strange bug, which mainly occurs if someone tries to implement a lot of singleplayer monsters which should walk slowly (like the "Crash" bot). So if someone wants to make slow down bots or monsters when they are walking towards a goal and alter the function "BotMoveInGoalArea" then the bots/monsters do stupid things. Otherwise and this is the default (also buggy) behavior they start running although they shouldn't (as seen with the "Crash" bot and will not be fixed here). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: Fix overflow in bot user command. BUGFIX from "Hunt" mod by J. Hoffman. ******************************************************************************** BUG: in function "BotMoveToGoal" the special elevator case doesn't make sense. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: in "be_ai_move.c": ((result->flags & MOVERESULT_ONTOPOF_FUNCBOB) || (result->flags & MOVERESULT_ONTOPOF_FUNCBOB)) should be ((result->flags & MOVERESULT_ONTOPOF_ELEVATOR) || (result->flags & MOVERESULT_ONTOPOF_FUNCBOB)). ******************************************************************************** BUG: in function "BotWantsToRetreat" and "BotWantsToChase" this is wrong: "(bs->enemy != redobelisk.entitynum || bs->enemy != blueobelisk.entitynum)" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: "... redobelisk.entitynum) && (bs->enemy != blueobelisk.." is correct. ******************************************************************************** BUG: in gamemode GT_OBELISK there are too many node switches for bots (test: mpq3tourney6 with many bots). If that happens, game becomes unplayable. I don't know if this is the best solution but here it is: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: In function "AINode_Battle_Fight" right after: if (!BotEntityVisible(bs->entitynum, bs->eye, bs->viewangles, 360, bs->enemy)) { I added this: #ifdef MISSIONPACK if (bs->enemy == redobelisk.entitynum || bs->enemy == blueobelisk.entitynum) { AIEnter_Battle_Chase(bs, "battle fight: obelisk out of sight"); return qfalse; } #endif ******************************************************************************** BUG: in gamemode >= GT_TEAM, after team change, bots will (sometimes) not stop shooting at you, although you are on their team now. It seems that the configstrings are f***** up or not reliable in this case! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: In function "BotTeam" and "BotSameTeam" get the real team values. ******************************************************************************** BUG: Some of the bots voice commands are wrong. They are commanded to attack the enemy base but they say "Okay, I will defend!" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: Corrected some voice commands in "BotCTFOrders_FlagNotAtBase" and "Bot1FCTFOrders_EnemyDroppedFlag" ******************************************************************************** BUG: Spectators couldn't fly through doors if they are very close to each other. You can test it with some regular id maps (q3dm14, q3dm12) but there are also many custom maps where this can happen! This is annoying because in the worst case you can't move at all and are caught inside a door. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: There is a solution in a mod called "Hunt" by J. Hoffman. Bugfix is included in this patch! ******************************************************************************** BUG: During making a mod I found it very hard to implement some of my ideas (something like "Limbo" or "Meeting") because of the way the player spawn effect, intermission and spawning on victory pads is handled. I reworked it a bit and simplified it so that the effect is handled when a client respawns (as the name says) and not when a client begins. I think this will help more mod makers everytime they want to make changes to spawning of players, bots on victory pads or monsters... and want to avoid spectators with Machineguns which can kill and score... :() NOTE: I also renamed the poorly named function "respawn" to "ClientRespawn". If someone searches the code base for "respawn" it was really hard to find the correct place for what was meant. "respawn" is used so often, that you really get headache ... now with "ClientRespawn" it's easier! IMPORTANT: The whole respawning, moving to intermission point and everything related to that is now done in a more reliable way without changing the default behavior. (How critical the whole spwaning mess was did you see by yourself (ioquake3 rev. 2076). With this patch it's safer. Trust me, I spent hours of fixing silly problems... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: Simplified "ClientBegin" and moved the teleport event to "ClientSpawn". ******************************************************************************** BUG: If a player is dying or hurted under water the hurt/dying sounds AND the drowning sounds are played together. This is silly. Moreover it's no good idea to let the server play client sounds! There was a solution in a mod called "Q3A++" by Dan 'Neurobasher' Gomes which fixes the problem. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: Created a "CG_WaterLevel" function to play the appropriate sounds. ******************************************************************************** ################################################################################
2011-08-01 11:39:33 +00:00
if (trap_BotGetLevelItemGoal(-1, "Neutral Obelisk", &neutralobelisk) < 0)
BotAI_Print(PRT_WARNING, "Harvester without Neutral Obelisk\n");
2005-08-26 17:39:27 +00:00
red_numaltroutegoals = trap_AAS_AlternativeRouteGoals(
neutralobelisk.origin, neutralobelisk.areanum,
redobelisk.origin, redobelisk.areanum, TFL_DEFAULT,
red_altroutegoals, MAX_ALTROUTEGOALS,
blue_numaltroutegoals = trap_AAS_AlternativeRouteGoals(
neutralobelisk.origin, neutralobelisk.areanum,
blueobelisk.origin, blueobelisk.areanum, TFL_DEFAULT,
blue_altroutegoals, MAX_ALTROUTEGOALS,
altroutegoals_setup = qtrue;
void BotDeathmatchAI(bot_state_t *bs, float thinktime) {
char gender[144], name[144], buf[144];
char userinfo[MAX_INFO_STRING];
int i;
//if the bot has just been setup
if (bs->setupcount > 0) {
if (bs->setupcount > 0) return;
//get the gender characteristic
trap_Characteristic_String(bs->character, CHARACTERISTIC_GENDER, gender, sizeof(gender));
//set the bot gender
trap_GetUserinfo(bs->client, userinfo, sizeof(userinfo));
Info_SetValueForKey(userinfo, "sex", gender);
trap_SetUserinfo(bs->client, userinfo);
//set the team
if ( !bs->map_restart && g_gametype.integer != GT_TOURNAMENT ) {
Com_sprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "team %s", bs->settings.team);
trap_EA_Command(bs->client, buf);
//set the chat gender
if (gender[0] == 'm') trap_BotSetChatGender(bs->cs, CHAT_GENDERMALE);
else if (gender[0] == 'f') trap_BotSetChatGender(bs->cs, CHAT_GENDERFEMALE);
else trap_BotSetChatGender(bs->cs, CHAT_GENDERLESS);
//set the chat name
ClientName(bs->client, name, sizeof(name));
trap_BotSetChatName(bs->cs, name, bs->client);
bs->lastframe_health = bs->inventory[INVENTORY_HEALTH];
bs->lasthitcount = bs->cur_ps.persistant[PERS_HITS];
bs->setupcount = 0;
//no ideal view set
bs->flags &= ~BFL_IDEALVIEWSET;
if (!BotIntermission(bs)) {
//set the teleport time
//update some inventory values
//check out the snapshot
//check for air
//check the console messages
//if not in the intermission and not in observer mode
if (!BotIntermission(bs) && !BotIsObserver(bs)) {
//do team AI
//if the bot has no ai node
if (!bs->ainode) {
AIEnter_Seek_LTG(bs, "BotDeathmatchAI: no ai node");
//if the bot entered the game less than 8 seconds ago
if (!bs->entergamechat && bs->entergame_time > FloatTime() - 8) {
if (BotChat_EnterGame(bs)) {
bs->stand_time = FloatTime() + BotChatTime(bs);
AIEnter_Stand(bs, "BotDeathmatchAI: chat enter game");
bs->entergamechat = qtrue;
//reset the node switches from the previous frame
//execute AI nodes
for (i = 0; i < MAX_NODESWITCHES; i++) {
if (bs->ainode(bs)) break;
//if the bot removed itself :)
if (!bs->inuse) return;
//if the bot executed too many AI nodes
ClientName(bs->client, name, sizeof(name));
BotAI_Print(PRT_ERROR, "%s at %1.1f switched more than %d AI nodes\n", name, FloatTime(), MAX_NODESWITCHES);
bs->lastframe_health = bs->inventory[INVENTORY_HEALTH];
bs->lasthitcount = bs->cur_ps.persistant[PERS_HITS];
void BotSetEntityNumForGoalWithModel(bot_goal_t *goal, int eType, char *modelname) {
gentity_t *ent;
int i, modelindex;
vec3_t dir;
modelindex = G_ModelIndex( modelname );
ent = &g_entities[0];
for (i = 0; i < level.num_entities; i++, ent++) {
if ( !ent->inuse ) {
if ( eType && ent->s.eType != eType) {
if (ent->s.modelindex != modelindex) {
VectorSubtract(goal->origin, ent->s.origin, dir);
if (VectorLengthSquared(dir) < Square(10)) {
goal->entitynum = i;
void BotSetEntityNumForGoal(bot_goal_t *goal, char *classname) {
gentity_t *ent;
int i;
vec3_t dir;
ent = &g_entities[0];
for (i = 0; i < level.num_entities; i++, ent++) {
if ( !ent->inuse ) {
if ( !Q_stricmp(ent->classname, classname) ) {
VectorSubtract(goal->origin, ent->s.origin, dir);
if (VectorLengthSquared(dir) < Square(10)) {
goal->entitynum = i;
int BotGoalForBSPEntity( char *classname, bot_goal_t *goal ) {
char value[MAX_INFO_STRING];
vec3_t origin, start, end;
int ent, numareas, areas[10];
memset(goal, 0, sizeof(bot_goal_t));
for (ent = trap_AAS_NextBSPEntity(0); ent; ent = trap_AAS_NextBSPEntity(ent)) {
if (!trap_AAS_ValueForBSPEpairKey(ent, "classname", value, sizeof(value)))
if (!strcmp(value, classname)) {
if (!trap_AAS_VectorForBSPEpairKey(ent, "origin", origin))
return qfalse;
VectorCopy(origin, goal->origin);
VectorCopy(origin, start);
start[2] -= 32;
VectorCopy(origin, end);
end[2] += 32;
numareas = trap_AAS_TraceAreas(start, end, areas, NULL, 10);
if (!numareas)
return qfalse;
goal->areanum = areas[0];
return qtrue;
return qfalse;
void BotSetupDeathmatchAI(void) {
int ent, modelnum;
char model[128];
gametype = trap_Cvar_VariableIntegerValue("g_gametype");
maxclients = trap_Cvar_VariableIntegerValue("sv_maxclients");
trap_Cvar_Register(&bot_rocketjump, "bot_rocketjump", "1", 0);
trap_Cvar_Register(&bot_grapple, "bot_grapple", "0", 0);
trap_Cvar_Register(&bot_fastchat, "bot_fastchat", "0", 0);
trap_Cvar_Register(&bot_nochat, "bot_nochat", "0", 0);
trap_Cvar_Register(&bot_testrchat, "bot_testrchat", "0", 0);
trap_Cvar_Register(&bot_challenge, "bot_challenge", "0", 0);
trap_Cvar_Register(&bot_predictobstacles, "bot_predictobstacles", "1", 0);
trap_Cvar_Register(&g_spSkill, "g_spSkill", "2", 0);
if (gametype == GT_CTF) {
if (trap_BotGetLevelItemGoal(-1, "Red Flag", &ctf_redflag) < 0)
BotAI_Print(PRT_WARNING, "CTF without Red Flag\n");
if (trap_BotGetLevelItemGoal(-1, "Blue Flag", &ctf_blueflag) < 0)
BotAI_Print(PRT_WARNING, "CTF without Blue Flag\n");
else if (gametype == GT_1FCTF) {
if (trap_BotGetLevelItemGoal(-1, "Neutral Flag", &ctf_neutralflag) < 0)
BotAI_Print(PRT_WARNING, "One Flag CTF without Neutral Flag\n");
if (trap_BotGetLevelItemGoal(-1, "Red Flag", &ctf_redflag) < 0)
Batch of bug fixes for gamecode. Patch compiled and log message written by Tobias Kuehnhammer (#5144) ################################################################################ This Patch fixes: ################################################################################ - The "fraglimit warning" was not played at all, if on the blue team. - The "where" console command was broken. - Obelisk explosion wasn't drawn if no Rocketlauncher was loaded. - Impact marks sometimes didn't draw at all. - IMPORTANT BUGFIX: No killing for cheaters with Lightning gun and Gauntlet. - If two doors are close to each other a spectator couldn't fly through them. - More robust, efficient and logical respawning routine. NOTE: The game.qvm will get notable smaller and will use LESS MEMORY! - Drowning sounds are fixed. Now they are played as intended. (as the id comment in the source code shows). - Some AI bugs (OVERFLOW!) in the bot movement code. - Several "Team Arena" Overload and Harvester bugs. - Stops bots from attacking a team mate (player) who only changed teams. - Some voice chats and CTF commands fixed. - "Team_ReturnFlag" was called twice, which did wired things sometimes. NOTE: (G_RunItem checks CONTENTS_NODROP already!) - A bugfix for Gauntlet animation. - Incorrect CTF scoring. - A bunch of corrected comments and print lines ("\n"). - Some regularity of expression and some small trivial bugs. ################################################################################ Details: ################################################################################ ******************************************************************************** BUG: in gamemode GT_TEAM the fraglimit warning will not be played if joining the blue team! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: In "CG_CheckLocalSounds": if cgs.scores2 > highScore, highScore should be cgs.scores2. ******************************************************************************** BUG: the "where" console command doesn't work as expected (it's always 0 0 0) but not in id Quake 3 Arena. It seems that now Ioquake3 is affected! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: In Function "Cmd_Where_f" ent->s.origin should be ent->r.currentOrigin. ******************************************************************************** BUG: in gamemode GT_OBELISK obelisk explosion won't be drawn if there is no Rocketlauncher loaded. (The "maps without Rocketlauncher" bug) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: in "cg_main.c": cgs.media.rocketExplosionShader should be registered if gamemode is GT_OBELISK. ******************************************************************************** BUG: Impact marks sometimes doesn't draw at all. Not easy to reproduce if you don't play (io)Quake3 every day and know the places where it happens! ;) But anyway... Test: start q3dm12 go to "Long Jump Canyon" (where the small platform teleporter for the BFG is) place yourself at the point where the railgun spawns, look in the direction where the red suspended armor is. Now shoot at the sloped wall on the out/leftside of the door you see. (the sloped wall should be nearly in the center of your screen now). If you choose the correct brush face and shoot up and down at this brush face, the impact marks sometimes aren't visible. There are hundreds of custom maps where this can happen! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: I replaced the function "SnapVectorTowards" with the one from "Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory (GPL Source Code)" ******************************************************************************** BUG: Normally "NOCLIP" cheaters are logically not allowed to fire a gun. Unfortunatly the Gauntlet (and Lightning gun) was forgotten and not restricted to that. All weapons except those two were handled correct. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: Make Gauntlet and Lightning gun not firing for someone who cheats with "NOCLIP" (like all other weapons). ******************************************************************************** NOTE: A few bugfixes are not mine and are reported here: http://www.quake3world.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=9179. Thanks to Quake3world, for all those years and the good guys there! ******************************************************************************** BUG: During making a mod I found a very strange bug, which mainly occurs if someone tries to implement a lot of singleplayer monsters which should walk slowly (like the "Crash" bot). So if someone wants to make slow down bots or monsters when they are walking towards a goal and alter the function "BotMoveInGoalArea" then the bots/monsters do stupid things. Otherwise and this is the default (also buggy) behavior they start running although they shouldn't (as seen with the "Crash" bot and will not be fixed here). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: Fix overflow in bot user command. BUGFIX from "Hunt" mod by J. Hoffman. ******************************************************************************** BUG: in function "BotMoveToGoal" the special elevator case doesn't make sense. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: in "be_ai_move.c": ((result->flags & MOVERESULT_ONTOPOF_FUNCBOB) || (result->flags & MOVERESULT_ONTOPOF_FUNCBOB)) should be ((result->flags & MOVERESULT_ONTOPOF_ELEVATOR) || (result->flags & MOVERESULT_ONTOPOF_FUNCBOB)). ******************************************************************************** BUG: in function "BotWantsToRetreat" and "BotWantsToChase" this is wrong: "(bs->enemy != redobelisk.entitynum || bs->enemy != blueobelisk.entitynum)" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: "... redobelisk.entitynum) && (bs->enemy != blueobelisk.." is correct. ******************************************************************************** BUG: in gamemode GT_OBELISK there are too many node switches for bots (test: mpq3tourney6 with many bots). If that happens, game becomes unplayable. I don't know if this is the best solution but here it is: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: In function "AINode_Battle_Fight" right after: if (!BotEntityVisible(bs->entitynum, bs->eye, bs->viewangles, 360, bs->enemy)) { I added this: #ifdef MISSIONPACK if (bs->enemy == redobelisk.entitynum || bs->enemy == blueobelisk.entitynum) { AIEnter_Battle_Chase(bs, "battle fight: obelisk out of sight"); return qfalse; } #endif ******************************************************************************** BUG: in gamemode >= GT_TEAM, after team change, bots will (sometimes) not stop shooting at you, although you are on their team now. It seems that the configstrings are f***** up or not reliable in this case! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: In function "BotTeam" and "BotSameTeam" get the real team values. ******************************************************************************** BUG: Some of the bots voice commands are wrong. They are commanded to attack the enemy base but they say "Okay, I will defend!" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: Corrected some voice commands in "BotCTFOrders_FlagNotAtBase" and "Bot1FCTFOrders_EnemyDroppedFlag" ******************************************************************************** BUG: Spectators couldn't fly through doors if they are very close to each other. You can test it with some regular id maps (q3dm14, q3dm12) but there are also many custom maps where this can happen! This is annoying because in the worst case you can't move at all and are caught inside a door. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: There is a solution in a mod called "Hunt" by J. Hoffman. Bugfix is included in this patch! ******************************************************************************** BUG: During making a mod I found it very hard to implement some of my ideas (something like "Limbo" or "Meeting") because of the way the player spawn effect, intermission and spawning on victory pads is handled. I reworked it a bit and simplified it so that the effect is handled when a client respawns (as the name says) and not when a client begins. I think this will help more mod makers everytime they want to make changes to spawning of players, bots on victory pads or monsters... and want to avoid spectators with Machineguns which can kill and score... :() NOTE: I also renamed the poorly named function "respawn" to "ClientRespawn". If someone searches the code base for "respawn" it was really hard to find the correct place for what was meant. "respawn" is used so often, that you really get headache ... now with "ClientRespawn" it's easier! IMPORTANT: The whole respawning, moving to intermission point and everything related to that is now done in a more reliable way without changing the default behavior. (How critical the whole spwaning mess was did you see by yourself (ioquake3 rev. 2076). With this patch it's safer. Trust me, I spent hours of fixing silly problems... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: Simplified "ClientBegin" and moved the teleport event to "ClientSpawn". ******************************************************************************** BUG: If a player is dying or hurted under water the hurt/dying sounds AND the drowning sounds are played together. This is silly. Moreover it's no good idea to let the server play client sounds! There was a solution in a mod called "Q3A++" by Dan 'Neurobasher' Gomes which fixes the problem. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: Created a "CG_WaterLevel" function to play the appropriate sounds. ******************************************************************************** ################################################################################
2011-08-01 11:39:33 +00:00
BotAI_Print(PRT_WARNING, "One Flag CTF without Red Flag\n");
2005-08-26 17:39:27 +00:00
if (trap_BotGetLevelItemGoal(-1, "Blue Flag", &ctf_blueflag) < 0)
Batch of bug fixes for gamecode. Patch compiled and log message written by Tobias Kuehnhammer (#5144) ################################################################################ This Patch fixes: ################################################################################ - The "fraglimit warning" was not played at all, if on the blue team. - The "where" console command was broken. - Obelisk explosion wasn't drawn if no Rocketlauncher was loaded. - Impact marks sometimes didn't draw at all. - IMPORTANT BUGFIX: No killing for cheaters with Lightning gun and Gauntlet. - If two doors are close to each other a spectator couldn't fly through them. - More robust, efficient and logical respawning routine. NOTE: The game.qvm will get notable smaller and will use LESS MEMORY! - Drowning sounds are fixed. Now they are played as intended. (as the id comment in the source code shows). - Some AI bugs (OVERFLOW!) in the bot movement code. - Several "Team Arena" Overload and Harvester bugs. - Stops bots from attacking a team mate (player) who only changed teams. - Some voice chats and CTF commands fixed. - "Team_ReturnFlag" was called twice, which did wired things sometimes. NOTE: (G_RunItem checks CONTENTS_NODROP already!) - A bugfix for Gauntlet animation. - Incorrect CTF scoring. - A bunch of corrected comments and print lines ("\n"). - Some regularity of expression and some small trivial bugs. ################################################################################ Details: ################################################################################ ******************************************************************************** BUG: in gamemode GT_TEAM the fraglimit warning will not be played if joining the blue team! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: In "CG_CheckLocalSounds": if cgs.scores2 > highScore, highScore should be cgs.scores2. ******************************************************************************** BUG: the "where" console command doesn't work as expected (it's always 0 0 0) but not in id Quake 3 Arena. It seems that now Ioquake3 is affected! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: In Function "Cmd_Where_f" ent->s.origin should be ent->r.currentOrigin. ******************************************************************************** BUG: in gamemode GT_OBELISK obelisk explosion won't be drawn if there is no Rocketlauncher loaded. (The "maps without Rocketlauncher" bug) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: in "cg_main.c": cgs.media.rocketExplosionShader should be registered if gamemode is GT_OBELISK. ******************************************************************************** BUG: Impact marks sometimes doesn't draw at all. Not easy to reproduce if you don't play (io)Quake3 every day and know the places where it happens! ;) But anyway... Test: start q3dm12 go to "Long Jump Canyon" (where the small platform teleporter for the BFG is) place yourself at the point where the railgun spawns, look in the direction where the red suspended armor is. Now shoot at the sloped wall on the out/leftside of the door you see. (the sloped wall should be nearly in the center of your screen now). If you choose the correct brush face and shoot up and down at this brush face, the impact marks sometimes aren't visible. There are hundreds of custom maps where this can happen! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: I replaced the function "SnapVectorTowards" with the one from "Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory (GPL Source Code)" ******************************************************************************** BUG: Normally "NOCLIP" cheaters are logically not allowed to fire a gun. Unfortunatly the Gauntlet (and Lightning gun) was forgotten and not restricted to that. All weapons except those two were handled correct. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: Make Gauntlet and Lightning gun not firing for someone who cheats with "NOCLIP" (like all other weapons). ******************************************************************************** NOTE: A few bugfixes are not mine and are reported here: http://www.quake3world.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=9179. Thanks to Quake3world, for all those years and the good guys there! ******************************************************************************** BUG: During making a mod I found a very strange bug, which mainly occurs if someone tries to implement a lot of singleplayer monsters which should walk slowly (like the "Crash" bot). So if someone wants to make slow down bots or monsters when they are walking towards a goal and alter the function "BotMoveInGoalArea" then the bots/monsters do stupid things. Otherwise and this is the default (also buggy) behavior they start running although they shouldn't (as seen with the "Crash" bot and will not be fixed here). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: Fix overflow in bot user command. BUGFIX from "Hunt" mod by J. Hoffman. ******************************************************************************** BUG: in function "BotMoveToGoal" the special elevator case doesn't make sense. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: in "be_ai_move.c": ((result->flags & MOVERESULT_ONTOPOF_FUNCBOB) || (result->flags & MOVERESULT_ONTOPOF_FUNCBOB)) should be ((result->flags & MOVERESULT_ONTOPOF_ELEVATOR) || (result->flags & MOVERESULT_ONTOPOF_FUNCBOB)). ******************************************************************************** BUG: in function "BotWantsToRetreat" and "BotWantsToChase" this is wrong: "(bs->enemy != redobelisk.entitynum || bs->enemy != blueobelisk.entitynum)" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: "... redobelisk.entitynum) && (bs->enemy != blueobelisk.." is correct. ******************************************************************************** BUG: in gamemode GT_OBELISK there are too many node switches for bots (test: mpq3tourney6 with many bots). If that happens, game becomes unplayable. I don't know if this is the best solution but here it is: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: In function "AINode_Battle_Fight" right after: if (!BotEntityVisible(bs->entitynum, bs->eye, bs->viewangles, 360, bs->enemy)) { I added this: #ifdef MISSIONPACK if (bs->enemy == redobelisk.entitynum || bs->enemy == blueobelisk.entitynum) { AIEnter_Battle_Chase(bs, "battle fight: obelisk out of sight"); return qfalse; } #endif ******************************************************************************** BUG: in gamemode >= GT_TEAM, after team change, bots will (sometimes) not stop shooting at you, although you are on their team now. It seems that the configstrings are f***** up or not reliable in this case! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: In function "BotTeam" and "BotSameTeam" get the real team values. ******************************************************************************** BUG: Some of the bots voice commands are wrong. They are commanded to attack the enemy base but they say "Okay, I will defend!" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: Corrected some voice commands in "BotCTFOrders_FlagNotAtBase" and "Bot1FCTFOrders_EnemyDroppedFlag" ******************************************************************************** BUG: Spectators couldn't fly through doors if they are very close to each other. You can test it with some regular id maps (q3dm14, q3dm12) but there are also many custom maps where this can happen! This is annoying because in the worst case you can't move at all and are caught inside a door. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: There is a solution in a mod called "Hunt" by J. Hoffman. Bugfix is included in this patch! ******************************************************************************** BUG: During making a mod I found it very hard to implement some of my ideas (something like "Limbo" or "Meeting") because of the way the player spawn effect, intermission and spawning on victory pads is handled. I reworked it a bit and simplified it so that the effect is handled when a client respawns (as the name says) and not when a client begins. I think this will help more mod makers everytime they want to make changes to spawning of players, bots on victory pads or monsters... and want to avoid spectators with Machineguns which can kill and score... :() NOTE: I also renamed the poorly named function "respawn" to "ClientRespawn". If someone searches the code base for "respawn" it was really hard to find the correct place for what was meant. "respawn" is used so often, that you really get headache ... now with "ClientRespawn" it's easier! IMPORTANT: The whole respawning, moving to intermission point and everything related to that is now done in a more reliable way without changing the default behavior. (How critical the whole spwaning mess was did you see by yourself (ioquake3 rev. 2076). With this patch it's safer. Trust me, I spent hours of fixing silly problems... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: Simplified "ClientBegin" and moved the teleport event to "ClientSpawn". ******************************************************************************** BUG: If a player is dying or hurted under water the hurt/dying sounds AND the drowning sounds are played together. This is silly. Moreover it's no good idea to let the server play client sounds! There was a solution in a mod called "Q3A++" by Dan 'Neurobasher' Gomes which fixes the problem. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: Created a "CG_WaterLevel" function to play the appropriate sounds. ******************************************************************************** ################################################################################
2011-08-01 11:39:33 +00:00
BotAI_Print(PRT_WARNING, "One Flag CTF without Blue Flag\n");
2005-08-26 17:39:27 +00:00
else if (gametype == GT_OBELISK) {
if (trap_BotGetLevelItemGoal(-1, "Red Obelisk", &redobelisk) < 0)
Batch of bug fixes for gamecode. Patch compiled and log message written by Tobias Kuehnhammer (#5144) ################################################################################ This Patch fixes: ################################################################################ - The "fraglimit warning" was not played at all, if on the blue team. - The "where" console command was broken. - Obelisk explosion wasn't drawn if no Rocketlauncher was loaded. - Impact marks sometimes didn't draw at all. - IMPORTANT BUGFIX: No killing for cheaters with Lightning gun and Gauntlet. - If two doors are close to each other a spectator couldn't fly through them. - More robust, efficient and logical respawning routine. NOTE: The game.qvm will get notable smaller and will use LESS MEMORY! - Drowning sounds are fixed. Now they are played as intended. (as the id comment in the source code shows). - Some AI bugs (OVERFLOW!) in the bot movement code. - Several "Team Arena" Overload and Harvester bugs. - Stops bots from attacking a team mate (player) who only changed teams. - Some voice chats and CTF commands fixed. - "Team_ReturnFlag" was called twice, which did wired things sometimes. NOTE: (G_RunItem checks CONTENTS_NODROP already!) - A bugfix for Gauntlet animation. - Incorrect CTF scoring. - A bunch of corrected comments and print lines ("\n"). - Some regularity of expression and some small trivial bugs. ################################################################################ Details: ################################################################################ ******************************************************************************** BUG: in gamemode GT_TEAM the fraglimit warning will not be played if joining the blue team! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: In "CG_CheckLocalSounds": if cgs.scores2 > highScore, highScore should be cgs.scores2. ******************************************************************************** BUG: the "where" console command doesn't work as expected (it's always 0 0 0) but not in id Quake 3 Arena. It seems that now Ioquake3 is affected! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: In Function "Cmd_Where_f" ent->s.origin should be ent->r.currentOrigin. ******************************************************************************** BUG: in gamemode GT_OBELISK obelisk explosion won't be drawn if there is no Rocketlauncher loaded. (The "maps without Rocketlauncher" bug) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: in "cg_main.c": cgs.media.rocketExplosionShader should be registered if gamemode is GT_OBELISK. ******************************************************************************** BUG: Impact marks sometimes doesn't draw at all. Not easy to reproduce if you don't play (io)Quake3 every day and know the places where it happens! ;) But anyway... Test: start q3dm12 go to "Long Jump Canyon" (where the small platform teleporter for the BFG is) place yourself at the point where the railgun spawns, look in the direction where the red suspended armor is. Now shoot at the sloped wall on the out/leftside of the door you see. (the sloped wall should be nearly in the center of your screen now). If you choose the correct brush face and shoot up and down at this brush face, the impact marks sometimes aren't visible. There are hundreds of custom maps where this can happen! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: I replaced the function "SnapVectorTowards" with the one from "Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory (GPL Source Code)" ******************************************************************************** BUG: Normally "NOCLIP" cheaters are logically not allowed to fire a gun. Unfortunatly the Gauntlet (and Lightning gun) was forgotten and not restricted to that. All weapons except those two were handled correct. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: Make Gauntlet and Lightning gun not firing for someone who cheats with "NOCLIP" (like all other weapons). ******************************************************************************** NOTE: A few bugfixes are not mine and are reported here: http://www.quake3world.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=9179. Thanks to Quake3world, for all those years and the good guys there! ******************************************************************************** BUG: During making a mod I found a very strange bug, which mainly occurs if someone tries to implement a lot of singleplayer monsters which should walk slowly (like the "Crash" bot). So if someone wants to make slow down bots or monsters when they are walking towards a goal and alter the function "BotMoveInGoalArea" then the bots/monsters do stupid things. Otherwise and this is the default (also buggy) behavior they start running although they shouldn't (as seen with the "Crash" bot and will not be fixed here). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: Fix overflow in bot user command. BUGFIX from "Hunt" mod by J. Hoffman. ******************************************************************************** BUG: in function "BotMoveToGoal" the special elevator case doesn't make sense. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: in "be_ai_move.c": ((result->flags & MOVERESULT_ONTOPOF_FUNCBOB) || (result->flags & MOVERESULT_ONTOPOF_FUNCBOB)) should be ((result->flags & MOVERESULT_ONTOPOF_ELEVATOR) || (result->flags & MOVERESULT_ONTOPOF_FUNCBOB)). ******************************************************************************** BUG: in function "BotWantsToRetreat" and "BotWantsToChase" this is wrong: "(bs->enemy != redobelisk.entitynum || bs->enemy != blueobelisk.entitynum)" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: "... redobelisk.entitynum) && (bs->enemy != blueobelisk.." is correct. ******************************************************************************** BUG: in gamemode GT_OBELISK there are too many node switches for bots (test: mpq3tourney6 with many bots). If that happens, game becomes unplayable. I don't know if this is the best solution but here it is: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: In function "AINode_Battle_Fight" right after: if (!BotEntityVisible(bs->entitynum, bs->eye, bs->viewangles, 360, bs->enemy)) { I added this: #ifdef MISSIONPACK if (bs->enemy == redobelisk.entitynum || bs->enemy == blueobelisk.entitynum) { AIEnter_Battle_Chase(bs, "battle fight: obelisk out of sight"); return qfalse; } #endif ******************************************************************************** BUG: in gamemode >= GT_TEAM, after team change, bots will (sometimes) not stop shooting at you, although you are on their team now. It seems that the configstrings are f***** up or not reliable in this case! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: In function "BotTeam" and "BotSameTeam" get the real team values. ******************************************************************************** BUG: Some of the bots voice commands are wrong. They are commanded to attack the enemy base but they say "Okay, I will defend!" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: Corrected some voice commands in "BotCTFOrders_FlagNotAtBase" and "Bot1FCTFOrders_EnemyDroppedFlag" ******************************************************************************** BUG: Spectators couldn't fly through doors if they are very close to each other. You can test it with some regular id maps (q3dm14, q3dm12) but there are also many custom maps where this can happen! This is annoying because in the worst case you can't move at all and are caught inside a door. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: There is a solution in a mod called "Hunt" by J. Hoffman. Bugfix is included in this patch! ******************************************************************************** BUG: During making a mod I found it very hard to implement some of my ideas (something like "Limbo" or "Meeting") because of the way the player spawn effect, intermission and spawning on victory pads is handled. I reworked it a bit and simplified it so that the effect is handled when a client respawns (as the name says) and not when a client begins. I think this will help more mod makers everytime they want to make changes to spawning of players, bots on victory pads or monsters... and want to avoid spectators with Machineguns which can kill and score... :() NOTE: I also renamed the poorly named function "respawn" to "ClientRespawn". If someone searches the code base for "respawn" it was really hard to find the correct place for what was meant. "respawn" is used so often, that you really get headache ... now with "ClientRespawn" it's easier! IMPORTANT: The whole respawning, moving to intermission point and everything related to that is now done in a more reliable way without changing the default behavior. (How critical the whole spwaning mess was did you see by yourself (ioquake3 rev. 2076). With this patch it's safer. Trust me, I spent hours of fixing silly problems... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: Simplified "ClientBegin" and moved the teleport event to "ClientSpawn". ******************************************************************************** BUG: If a player is dying or hurted under water the hurt/dying sounds AND the drowning sounds are played together. This is silly. Moreover it's no good idea to let the server play client sounds! There was a solution in a mod called "Q3A++" by Dan 'Neurobasher' Gomes which fixes the problem. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: Created a "CG_WaterLevel" function to play the appropriate sounds. ******************************************************************************** ################################################################################
2011-08-01 11:39:33 +00:00
BotAI_Print(PRT_WARNING, "Overload without Red Obelisk\n");
2005-08-26 17:39:27 +00:00
BotSetEntityNumForGoal(&redobelisk, "team_redobelisk");
if (trap_BotGetLevelItemGoal(-1, "Blue Obelisk", &blueobelisk) < 0)
Batch of bug fixes for gamecode. Patch compiled and log message written by Tobias Kuehnhammer (#5144) ################################################################################ This Patch fixes: ################################################################################ - The "fraglimit warning" was not played at all, if on the blue team. - The "where" console command was broken. - Obelisk explosion wasn't drawn if no Rocketlauncher was loaded. - Impact marks sometimes didn't draw at all. - IMPORTANT BUGFIX: No killing for cheaters with Lightning gun and Gauntlet. - If two doors are close to each other a spectator couldn't fly through them. - More robust, efficient and logical respawning routine. NOTE: The game.qvm will get notable smaller and will use LESS MEMORY! - Drowning sounds are fixed. Now they are played as intended. (as the id comment in the source code shows). - Some AI bugs (OVERFLOW!) in the bot movement code. - Several "Team Arena" Overload and Harvester bugs. - Stops bots from attacking a team mate (player) who only changed teams. - Some voice chats and CTF commands fixed. - "Team_ReturnFlag" was called twice, which did wired things sometimes. NOTE: (G_RunItem checks CONTENTS_NODROP already!) - A bugfix for Gauntlet animation. - Incorrect CTF scoring. - A bunch of corrected comments and print lines ("\n"). - Some regularity of expression and some small trivial bugs. ################################################################################ Details: ################################################################################ ******************************************************************************** BUG: in gamemode GT_TEAM the fraglimit warning will not be played if joining the blue team! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: In "CG_CheckLocalSounds": if cgs.scores2 > highScore, highScore should be cgs.scores2. ******************************************************************************** BUG: the "where" console command doesn't work as expected (it's always 0 0 0) but not in id Quake 3 Arena. It seems that now Ioquake3 is affected! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: In Function "Cmd_Where_f" ent->s.origin should be ent->r.currentOrigin. ******************************************************************************** BUG: in gamemode GT_OBELISK obelisk explosion won't be drawn if there is no Rocketlauncher loaded. (The "maps without Rocketlauncher" bug) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: in "cg_main.c": cgs.media.rocketExplosionShader should be registered if gamemode is GT_OBELISK. ******************************************************************************** BUG: Impact marks sometimes doesn't draw at all. Not easy to reproduce if you don't play (io)Quake3 every day and know the places where it happens! ;) But anyway... Test: start q3dm12 go to "Long Jump Canyon" (where the small platform teleporter for the BFG is) place yourself at the point where the railgun spawns, look in the direction where the red suspended armor is. Now shoot at the sloped wall on the out/leftside of the door you see. (the sloped wall should be nearly in the center of your screen now). If you choose the correct brush face and shoot up and down at this brush face, the impact marks sometimes aren't visible. There are hundreds of custom maps where this can happen! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: I replaced the function "SnapVectorTowards" with the one from "Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory (GPL Source Code)" ******************************************************************************** BUG: Normally "NOCLIP" cheaters are logically not allowed to fire a gun. Unfortunatly the Gauntlet (and Lightning gun) was forgotten and not restricted to that. All weapons except those two were handled correct. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: Make Gauntlet and Lightning gun not firing for someone who cheats with "NOCLIP" (like all other weapons). ******************************************************************************** NOTE: A few bugfixes are not mine and are reported here: http://www.quake3world.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=9179. Thanks to Quake3world, for all those years and the good guys there! ******************************************************************************** BUG: During making a mod I found a very strange bug, which mainly occurs if someone tries to implement a lot of singleplayer monsters which should walk slowly (like the "Crash" bot). So if someone wants to make slow down bots or monsters when they are walking towards a goal and alter the function "BotMoveInGoalArea" then the bots/monsters do stupid things. Otherwise and this is the default (also buggy) behavior they start running although they shouldn't (as seen with the "Crash" bot and will not be fixed here). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: Fix overflow in bot user command. BUGFIX from "Hunt" mod by J. Hoffman. ******************************************************************************** BUG: in function "BotMoveToGoal" the special elevator case doesn't make sense. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: in "be_ai_move.c": ((result->flags & MOVERESULT_ONTOPOF_FUNCBOB) || (result->flags & MOVERESULT_ONTOPOF_FUNCBOB)) should be ((result->flags & MOVERESULT_ONTOPOF_ELEVATOR) || (result->flags & MOVERESULT_ONTOPOF_FUNCBOB)). ******************************************************************************** BUG: in function "BotWantsToRetreat" and "BotWantsToChase" this is wrong: "(bs->enemy != redobelisk.entitynum || bs->enemy != blueobelisk.entitynum)" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: "... redobelisk.entitynum) && (bs->enemy != blueobelisk.." is correct. ******************************************************************************** BUG: in gamemode GT_OBELISK there are too many node switches for bots (test: mpq3tourney6 with many bots). If that happens, game becomes unplayable. I don't know if this is the best solution but here it is: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: In function "AINode_Battle_Fight" right after: if (!BotEntityVisible(bs->entitynum, bs->eye, bs->viewangles, 360, bs->enemy)) { I added this: #ifdef MISSIONPACK if (bs->enemy == redobelisk.entitynum || bs->enemy == blueobelisk.entitynum) { AIEnter_Battle_Chase(bs, "battle fight: obelisk out of sight"); return qfalse; } #endif ******************************************************************************** BUG: in gamemode >= GT_TEAM, after team change, bots will (sometimes) not stop shooting at you, although you are on their team now. It seems that the configstrings are f***** up or not reliable in this case! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: In function "BotTeam" and "BotSameTeam" get the real team values. ******************************************************************************** BUG: Some of the bots voice commands are wrong. They are commanded to attack the enemy base but they say "Okay, I will defend!" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: Corrected some voice commands in "BotCTFOrders_FlagNotAtBase" and "Bot1FCTFOrders_EnemyDroppedFlag" ******************************************************************************** BUG: Spectators couldn't fly through doors if they are very close to each other. You can test it with some regular id maps (q3dm14, q3dm12) but there are also many custom maps where this can happen! This is annoying because in the worst case you can't move at all and are caught inside a door. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: There is a solution in a mod called "Hunt" by J. Hoffman. Bugfix is included in this patch! ******************************************************************************** BUG: During making a mod I found it very hard to implement some of my ideas (something like "Limbo" or "Meeting") because of the way the player spawn effect, intermission and spawning on victory pads is handled. I reworked it a bit and simplified it so that the effect is handled when a client respawns (as the name says) and not when a client begins. I think this will help more mod makers everytime they want to make changes to spawning of players, bots on victory pads or monsters... and want to avoid spectators with Machineguns which can kill and score... :() NOTE: I also renamed the poorly named function "respawn" to "ClientRespawn". If someone searches the code base for "respawn" it was really hard to find the correct place for what was meant. "respawn" is used so often, that you really get headache ... now with "ClientRespawn" it's easier! IMPORTANT: The whole respawning, moving to intermission point and everything related to that is now done in a more reliable way without changing the default behavior. (How critical the whole spwaning mess was did you see by yourself (ioquake3 rev. 2076). With this patch it's safer. Trust me, I spent hours of fixing silly problems... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: Simplified "ClientBegin" and moved the teleport event to "ClientSpawn". ******************************************************************************** BUG: If a player is dying or hurted under water the hurt/dying sounds AND the drowning sounds are played together. This is silly. Moreover it's no good idea to let the server play client sounds! There was a solution in a mod called "Q3A++" by Dan 'Neurobasher' Gomes which fixes the problem. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: Created a "CG_WaterLevel" function to play the appropriate sounds. ******************************************************************************** ################################################################################
2011-08-01 11:39:33 +00:00
BotAI_Print(PRT_WARNING, "Overload without Blue Obelisk\n");
2005-08-26 17:39:27 +00:00
BotSetEntityNumForGoal(&blueobelisk, "team_blueobelisk");
else if (gametype == GT_HARVESTER) {
if (trap_BotGetLevelItemGoal(-1, "Red Obelisk", &redobelisk) < 0)
Batch of bug fixes for gamecode. Patch compiled and log message written by Tobias Kuehnhammer (#5144) ################################################################################ This Patch fixes: ################################################################################ - The "fraglimit warning" was not played at all, if on the blue team. - The "where" console command was broken. - Obelisk explosion wasn't drawn if no Rocketlauncher was loaded. - Impact marks sometimes didn't draw at all. - IMPORTANT BUGFIX: No killing for cheaters with Lightning gun and Gauntlet. - If two doors are close to each other a spectator couldn't fly through them. - More robust, efficient and logical respawning routine. NOTE: The game.qvm will get notable smaller and will use LESS MEMORY! - Drowning sounds are fixed. Now they are played as intended. (as the id comment in the source code shows). - Some AI bugs (OVERFLOW!) in the bot movement code. - Several "Team Arena" Overload and Harvester bugs. - Stops bots from attacking a team mate (player) who only changed teams. - Some voice chats and CTF commands fixed. - "Team_ReturnFlag" was called twice, which did wired things sometimes. NOTE: (G_RunItem checks CONTENTS_NODROP already!) - A bugfix for Gauntlet animation. - Incorrect CTF scoring. - A bunch of corrected comments and print lines ("\n"). - Some regularity of expression and some small trivial bugs. ################################################################################ Details: ################################################################################ ******************************************************************************** BUG: in gamemode GT_TEAM the fraglimit warning will not be played if joining the blue team! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: In "CG_CheckLocalSounds": if cgs.scores2 > highScore, highScore should be cgs.scores2. ******************************************************************************** BUG: the "where" console command doesn't work as expected (it's always 0 0 0) but not in id Quake 3 Arena. It seems that now Ioquake3 is affected! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: In Function "Cmd_Where_f" ent->s.origin should be ent->r.currentOrigin. ******************************************************************************** BUG: in gamemode GT_OBELISK obelisk explosion won't be drawn if there is no Rocketlauncher loaded. (The "maps without Rocketlauncher" bug) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: in "cg_main.c": cgs.media.rocketExplosionShader should be registered if gamemode is GT_OBELISK. ******************************************************************************** BUG: Impact marks sometimes doesn't draw at all. Not easy to reproduce if you don't play (io)Quake3 every day and know the places where it happens! ;) But anyway... Test: start q3dm12 go to "Long Jump Canyon" (where the small platform teleporter for the BFG is) place yourself at the point where the railgun spawns, look in the direction where the red suspended armor is. Now shoot at the sloped wall on the out/leftside of the door you see. (the sloped wall should be nearly in the center of your screen now). If you choose the correct brush face and shoot up and down at this brush face, the impact marks sometimes aren't visible. There are hundreds of custom maps where this can happen! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: I replaced the function "SnapVectorTowards" with the one from "Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory (GPL Source Code)" ******************************************************************************** BUG: Normally "NOCLIP" cheaters are logically not allowed to fire a gun. Unfortunatly the Gauntlet (and Lightning gun) was forgotten and not restricted to that. All weapons except those two were handled correct. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: Make Gauntlet and Lightning gun not firing for someone who cheats with "NOCLIP" (like all other weapons). ******************************************************************************** NOTE: A few bugfixes are not mine and are reported here: http://www.quake3world.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=9179. Thanks to Quake3world, for all those years and the good guys there! ******************************************************************************** BUG: During making a mod I found a very strange bug, which mainly occurs if someone tries to implement a lot of singleplayer monsters which should walk slowly (like the "Crash" bot). So if someone wants to make slow down bots or monsters when they are walking towards a goal and alter the function "BotMoveInGoalArea" then the bots/monsters do stupid things. Otherwise and this is the default (also buggy) behavior they start running although they shouldn't (as seen with the "Crash" bot and will not be fixed here). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: Fix overflow in bot user command. BUGFIX from "Hunt" mod by J. Hoffman. ******************************************************************************** BUG: in function "BotMoveToGoal" the special elevator case doesn't make sense. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: in "be_ai_move.c": ((result->flags & MOVERESULT_ONTOPOF_FUNCBOB) || (result->flags & MOVERESULT_ONTOPOF_FUNCBOB)) should be ((result->flags & MOVERESULT_ONTOPOF_ELEVATOR) || (result->flags & MOVERESULT_ONTOPOF_FUNCBOB)). ******************************************************************************** BUG: in function "BotWantsToRetreat" and "BotWantsToChase" this is wrong: "(bs->enemy != redobelisk.entitynum || bs->enemy != blueobelisk.entitynum)" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: "... redobelisk.entitynum) && (bs->enemy != blueobelisk.." is correct. ******************************************************************************** BUG: in gamemode GT_OBELISK there are too many node switches for bots (test: mpq3tourney6 with many bots). If that happens, game becomes unplayable. I don't know if this is the best solution but here it is: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: In function "AINode_Battle_Fight" right after: if (!BotEntityVisible(bs->entitynum, bs->eye, bs->viewangles, 360, bs->enemy)) { I added this: #ifdef MISSIONPACK if (bs->enemy == redobelisk.entitynum || bs->enemy == blueobelisk.entitynum) { AIEnter_Battle_Chase(bs, "battle fight: obelisk out of sight"); return qfalse; } #endif ******************************************************************************** BUG: in gamemode >= GT_TEAM, after team change, bots will (sometimes) not stop shooting at you, although you are on their team now. It seems that the configstrings are f***** up or not reliable in this case! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: In function "BotTeam" and "BotSameTeam" get the real team values. ******************************************************************************** BUG: Some of the bots voice commands are wrong. They are commanded to attack the enemy base but they say "Okay, I will defend!" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: Corrected some voice commands in "BotCTFOrders_FlagNotAtBase" and "Bot1FCTFOrders_EnemyDroppedFlag" ******************************************************************************** BUG: Spectators couldn't fly through doors if they are very close to each other. You can test it with some regular id maps (q3dm14, q3dm12) but there are also many custom maps where this can happen! This is annoying because in the worst case you can't move at all and are caught inside a door. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: There is a solution in a mod called "Hunt" by J. Hoffman. Bugfix is included in this patch! ******************************************************************************** BUG: During making a mod I found it very hard to implement some of my ideas (something like "Limbo" or "Meeting") because of the way the player spawn effect, intermission and spawning on victory pads is handled. I reworked it a bit and simplified it so that the effect is handled when a client respawns (as the name says) and not when a client begins. I think this will help more mod makers everytime they want to make changes to spawning of players, bots on victory pads or monsters... and want to avoid spectators with Machineguns which can kill and score... :() NOTE: I also renamed the poorly named function "respawn" to "ClientRespawn". If someone searches the code base for "respawn" it was really hard to find the correct place for what was meant. "respawn" is used so often, that you really get headache ... now with "ClientRespawn" it's easier! IMPORTANT: The whole respawning, moving to intermission point and everything related to that is now done in a more reliable way without changing the default behavior. (How critical the whole spwaning mess was did you see by yourself (ioquake3 rev. 2076). With this patch it's safer. Trust me, I spent hours of fixing silly problems... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: Simplified "ClientBegin" and moved the teleport event to "ClientSpawn". ******************************************************************************** BUG: If a player is dying or hurted under water the hurt/dying sounds AND the drowning sounds are played together. This is silly. Moreover it's no good idea to let the server play client sounds! There was a solution in a mod called "Q3A++" by Dan 'Neurobasher' Gomes which fixes the problem. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: Created a "CG_WaterLevel" function to play the appropriate sounds. ******************************************************************************** ################################################################################
2011-08-01 11:39:33 +00:00
BotAI_Print(PRT_WARNING, "Harvester without Red Obelisk\n");
2005-08-26 17:39:27 +00:00
BotSetEntityNumForGoal(&redobelisk, "team_redobelisk");
if (trap_BotGetLevelItemGoal(-1, "Blue Obelisk", &blueobelisk) < 0)
Batch of bug fixes for gamecode. Patch compiled and log message written by Tobias Kuehnhammer (#5144) ################################################################################ This Patch fixes: ################################################################################ - The "fraglimit warning" was not played at all, if on the blue team. - The "where" console command was broken. - Obelisk explosion wasn't drawn if no Rocketlauncher was loaded. - Impact marks sometimes didn't draw at all. - IMPORTANT BUGFIX: No killing for cheaters with Lightning gun and Gauntlet. - If two doors are close to each other a spectator couldn't fly through them. - More robust, efficient and logical respawning routine. NOTE: The game.qvm will get notable smaller and will use LESS MEMORY! - Drowning sounds are fixed. Now they are played as intended. (as the id comment in the source code shows). - Some AI bugs (OVERFLOW!) in the bot movement code. - Several "Team Arena" Overload and Harvester bugs. - Stops bots from attacking a team mate (player) who only changed teams. - Some voice chats and CTF commands fixed. - "Team_ReturnFlag" was called twice, which did wired things sometimes. NOTE: (G_RunItem checks CONTENTS_NODROP already!) - A bugfix for Gauntlet animation. - Incorrect CTF scoring. - A bunch of corrected comments and print lines ("\n"). - Some regularity of expression and some small trivial bugs. ################################################################################ Details: ################################################################################ ******************************************************************************** BUG: in gamemode GT_TEAM the fraglimit warning will not be played if joining the blue team! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: In "CG_CheckLocalSounds": if cgs.scores2 > highScore, highScore should be cgs.scores2. ******************************************************************************** BUG: the "where" console command doesn't work as expected (it's always 0 0 0) but not in id Quake 3 Arena. It seems that now Ioquake3 is affected! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: In Function "Cmd_Where_f" ent->s.origin should be ent->r.currentOrigin. ******************************************************************************** BUG: in gamemode GT_OBELISK obelisk explosion won't be drawn if there is no Rocketlauncher loaded. (The "maps without Rocketlauncher" bug) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: in "cg_main.c": cgs.media.rocketExplosionShader should be registered if gamemode is GT_OBELISK. ******************************************************************************** BUG: Impact marks sometimes doesn't draw at all. Not easy to reproduce if you don't play (io)Quake3 every day and know the places where it happens! ;) But anyway... Test: start q3dm12 go to "Long Jump Canyon" (where the small platform teleporter for the BFG is) place yourself at the point where the railgun spawns, look in the direction where the red suspended armor is. Now shoot at the sloped wall on the out/leftside of the door you see. (the sloped wall should be nearly in the center of your screen now). If you choose the correct brush face and shoot up and down at this brush face, the impact marks sometimes aren't visible. There are hundreds of custom maps where this can happen! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: I replaced the function "SnapVectorTowards" with the one from "Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory (GPL Source Code)" ******************************************************************************** BUG: Normally "NOCLIP" cheaters are logically not allowed to fire a gun. Unfortunatly the Gauntlet (and Lightning gun) was forgotten and not restricted to that. All weapons except those two were handled correct. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: Make Gauntlet and Lightning gun not firing for someone who cheats with "NOCLIP" (like all other weapons). ******************************************************************************** NOTE: A few bugfixes are not mine and are reported here: http://www.quake3world.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=9179. Thanks to Quake3world, for all those years and the good guys there! ******************************************************************************** BUG: During making a mod I found a very strange bug, which mainly occurs if someone tries to implement a lot of singleplayer monsters which should walk slowly (like the "Crash" bot). So if someone wants to make slow down bots or monsters when they are walking towards a goal and alter the function "BotMoveInGoalArea" then the bots/monsters do stupid things. Otherwise and this is the default (also buggy) behavior they start running although they shouldn't (as seen with the "Crash" bot and will not be fixed here). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: Fix overflow in bot user command. BUGFIX from "Hunt" mod by J. Hoffman. ******************************************************************************** BUG: in function "BotMoveToGoal" the special elevator case doesn't make sense. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: in "be_ai_move.c": ((result->flags & MOVERESULT_ONTOPOF_FUNCBOB) || (result->flags & MOVERESULT_ONTOPOF_FUNCBOB)) should be ((result->flags & MOVERESULT_ONTOPOF_ELEVATOR) || (result->flags & MOVERESULT_ONTOPOF_FUNCBOB)). ******************************************************************************** BUG: in function "BotWantsToRetreat" and "BotWantsToChase" this is wrong: "(bs->enemy != redobelisk.entitynum || bs->enemy != blueobelisk.entitynum)" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: "... redobelisk.entitynum) && (bs->enemy != blueobelisk.." is correct. ******************************************************************************** BUG: in gamemode GT_OBELISK there are too many node switches for bots (test: mpq3tourney6 with many bots). If that happens, game becomes unplayable. I don't know if this is the best solution but here it is: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: In function "AINode_Battle_Fight" right after: if (!BotEntityVisible(bs->entitynum, bs->eye, bs->viewangles, 360, bs->enemy)) { I added this: #ifdef MISSIONPACK if (bs->enemy == redobelisk.entitynum || bs->enemy == blueobelisk.entitynum) { AIEnter_Battle_Chase(bs, "battle fight: obelisk out of sight"); return qfalse; } #endif ******************************************************************************** BUG: in gamemode >= GT_TEAM, after team change, bots will (sometimes) not stop shooting at you, although you are on their team now. It seems that the configstrings are f***** up or not reliable in this case! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: In function "BotTeam" and "BotSameTeam" get the real team values. ******************************************************************************** BUG: Some of the bots voice commands are wrong. They are commanded to attack the enemy base but they say "Okay, I will defend!" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: Corrected some voice commands in "BotCTFOrders_FlagNotAtBase" and "Bot1FCTFOrders_EnemyDroppedFlag" ******************************************************************************** BUG: Spectators couldn't fly through doors if they are very close to each other. You can test it with some regular id maps (q3dm14, q3dm12) but there are also many custom maps where this can happen! This is annoying because in the worst case you can't move at all and are caught inside a door. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: There is a solution in a mod called "Hunt" by J. Hoffman. Bugfix is included in this patch! ******************************************************************************** BUG: During making a mod I found it very hard to implement some of my ideas (something like "Limbo" or "Meeting") because of the way the player spawn effect, intermission and spawning on victory pads is handled. I reworked it a bit and simplified it so that the effect is handled when a client respawns (as the name says) and not when a client begins. I think this will help more mod makers everytime they want to make changes to spawning of players, bots on victory pads or monsters... and want to avoid spectators with Machineguns which can kill and score... :() NOTE: I also renamed the poorly named function "respawn" to "ClientRespawn". If someone searches the code base for "respawn" it was really hard to find the correct place for what was meant. "respawn" is used so often, that you really get headache ... now with "ClientRespawn" it's easier! IMPORTANT: The whole respawning, moving to intermission point and everything related to that is now done in a more reliable way without changing the default behavior. (How critical the whole spwaning mess was did you see by yourself (ioquake3 rev. 2076). With this patch it's safer. Trust me, I spent hours of fixing silly problems... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: Simplified "ClientBegin" and moved the teleport event to "ClientSpawn". ******************************************************************************** BUG: If a player is dying or hurted under water the hurt/dying sounds AND the drowning sounds are played together. This is silly. Moreover it's no good idea to let the server play client sounds! There was a solution in a mod called "Q3A++" by Dan 'Neurobasher' Gomes which fixes the problem. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: Created a "CG_WaterLevel" function to play the appropriate sounds. ******************************************************************************** ################################################################################
2011-08-01 11:39:33 +00:00
BotAI_Print(PRT_WARNING, "Harvester without Blue Obelisk\n");
2005-08-26 17:39:27 +00:00
BotSetEntityNumForGoal(&blueobelisk, "team_blueobelisk");
if (trap_BotGetLevelItemGoal(-1, "Neutral Obelisk", &neutralobelisk) < 0)
Batch of bug fixes for gamecode. Patch compiled and log message written by Tobias Kuehnhammer (#5144) ################################################################################ This Patch fixes: ################################################################################ - The "fraglimit warning" was not played at all, if on the blue team. - The "where" console command was broken. - Obelisk explosion wasn't drawn if no Rocketlauncher was loaded. - Impact marks sometimes didn't draw at all. - IMPORTANT BUGFIX: No killing for cheaters with Lightning gun and Gauntlet. - If two doors are close to each other a spectator couldn't fly through them. - More robust, efficient and logical respawning routine. NOTE: The game.qvm will get notable smaller and will use LESS MEMORY! - Drowning sounds are fixed. Now they are played as intended. (as the id comment in the source code shows). - Some AI bugs (OVERFLOW!) in the bot movement code. - Several "Team Arena" Overload and Harvester bugs. - Stops bots from attacking a team mate (player) who only changed teams. - Some voice chats and CTF commands fixed. - "Team_ReturnFlag" was called twice, which did wired things sometimes. NOTE: (G_RunItem checks CONTENTS_NODROP already!) - A bugfix for Gauntlet animation. - Incorrect CTF scoring. - A bunch of corrected comments and print lines ("\n"). - Some regularity of expression and some small trivial bugs. ################################################################################ Details: ################################################################################ ******************************************************************************** BUG: in gamemode GT_TEAM the fraglimit warning will not be played if joining the blue team! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: In "CG_CheckLocalSounds": if cgs.scores2 > highScore, highScore should be cgs.scores2. ******************************************************************************** BUG: the "where" console command doesn't work as expected (it's always 0 0 0) but not in id Quake 3 Arena. It seems that now Ioquake3 is affected! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: In Function "Cmd_Where_f" ent->s.origin should be ent->r.currentOrigin. ******************************************************************************** BUG: in gamemode GT_OBELISK obelisk explosion won't be drawn if there is no Rocketlauncher loaded. (The "maps without Rocketlauncher" bug) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: in "cg_main.c": cgs.media.rocketExplosionShader should be registered if gamemode is GT_OBELISK. ******************************************************************************** BUG: Impact marks sometimes doesn't draw at all. Not easy to reproduce if you don't play (io)Quake3 every day and know the places where it happens! ;) But anyway... Test: start q3dm12 go to "Long Jump Canyon" (where the small platform teleporter for the BFG is) place yourself at the point where the railgun spawns, look in the direction where the red suspended armor is. Now shoot at the sloped wall on the out/leftside of the door you see. (the sloped wall should be nearly in the center of your screen now). If you choose the correct brush face and shoot up and down at this brush face, the impact marks sometimes aren't visible. There are hundreds of custom maps where this can happen! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: I replaced the function "SnapVectorTowards" with the one from "Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory (GPL Source Code)" ******************************************************************************** BUG: Normally "NOCLIP" cheaters are logically not allowed to fire a gun. Unfortunatly the Gauntlet (and Lightning gun) was forgotten and not restricted to that. All weapons except those two were handled correct. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: Make Gauntlet and Lightning gun not firing for someone who cheats with "NOCLIP" (like all other weapons). ******************************************************************************** NOTE: A few bugfixes are not mine and are reported here: http://www.quake3world.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=9179. Thanks to Quake3world, for all those years and the good guys there! ******************************************************************************** BUG: During making a mod I found a very strange bug, which mainly occurs if someone tries to implement a lot of singleplayer monsters which should walk slowly (like the "Crash" bot). So if someone wants to make slow down bots or monsters when they are walking towards a goal and alter the function "BotMoveInGoalArea" then the bots/monsters do stupid things. Otherwise and this is the default (also buggy) behavior they start running although they shouldn't (as seen with the "Crash" bot and will not be fixed here). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: Fix overflow in bot user command. BUGFIX from "Hunt" mod by J. Hoffman. ******************************************************************************** BUG: in function "BotMoveToGoal" the special elevator case doesn't make sense. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: in "be_ai_move.c": ((result->flags & MOVERESULT_ONTOPOF_FUNCBOB) || (result->flags & MOVERESULT_ONTOPOF_FUNCBOB)) should be ((result->flags & MOVERESULT_ONTOPOF_ELEVATOR) || (result->flags & MOVERESULT_ONTOPOF_FUNCBOB)). ******************************************************************************** BUG: in function "BotWantsToRetreat" and "BotWantsToChase" this is wrong: "(bs->enemy != redobelisk.entitynum || bs->enemy != blueobelisk.entitynum)" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: "... redobelisk.entitynum) && (bs->enemy != blueobelisk.." is correct. ******************************************************************************** BUG: in gamemode GT_OBELISK there are too many node switches for bots (test: mpq3tourney6 with many bots). If that happens, game becomes unplayable. I don't know if this is the best solution but here it is: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: In function "AINode_Battle_Fight" right after: if (!BotEntityVisible(bs->entitynum, bs->eye, bs->viewangles, 360, bs->enemy)) { I added this: #ifdef MISSIONPACK if (bs->enemy == redobelisk.entitynum || bs->enemy == blueobelisk.entitynum) { AIEnter_Battle_Chase(bs, "battle fight: obelisk out of sight"); return qfalse; } #endif ******************************************************************************** BUG: in gamemode >= GT_TEAM, after team change, bots will (sometimes) not stop shooting at you, although you are on their team now. It seems that the configstrings are f***** up or not reliable in this case! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: In function "BotTeam" and "BotSameTeam" get the real team values. ******************************************************************************** BUG: Some of the bots voice commands are wrong. They are commanded to attack the enemy base but they say "Okay, I will defend!" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: Corrected some voice commands in "BotCTFOrders_FlagNotAtBase" and "Bot1FCTFOrders_EnemyDroppedFlag" ******************************************************************************** BUG: Spectators couldn't fly through doors if they are very close to each other. You can test it with some regular id maps (q3dm14, q3dm12) but there are also many custom maps where this can happen! This is annoying because in the worst case you can't move at all and are caught inside a door. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: There is a solution in a mod called "Hunt" by J. Hoffman. Bugfix is included in this patch! ******************************************************************************** BUG: During making a mod I found it very hard to implement some of my ideas (something like "Limbo" or "Meeting") because of the way the player spawn effect, intermission and spawning on victory pads is handled. I reworked it a bit and simplified it so that the effect is handled when a client respawns (as the name says) and not when a client begins. I think this will help more mod makers everytime they want to make changes to spawning of players, bots on victory pads or monsters... and want to avoid spectators with Machineguns which can kill and score... :() NOTE: I also renamed the poorly named function "respawn" to "ClientRespawn". If someone searches the code base for "respawn" it was really hard to find the correct place for what was meant. "respawn" is used so often, that you really get headache ... now with "ClientRespawn" it's easier! IMPORTANT: The whole respawning, moving to intermission point and everything related to that is now done in a more reliable way without changing the default behavior. (How critical the whole spwaning mess was did you see by yourself (ioquake3 rev. 2076). With this patch it's safer. Trust me, I spent hours of fixing silly problems... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: Simplified "ClientBegin" and moved the teleport event to "ClientSpawn". ******************************************************************************** BUG: If a player is dying or hurted under water the hurt/dying sounds AND the drowning sounds are played together. This is silly. Moreover it's no good idea to let the server play client sounds! There was a solution in a mod called "Q3A++" by Dan 'Neurobasher' Gomes which fixes the problem. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: Created a "CG_WaterLevel" function to play the appropriate sounds. ******************************************************************************** ################################################################################
2011-08-01 11:39:33 +00:00
BotAI_Print(PRT_WARNING, "Harvester without Neutral Obelisk\n");
2005-08-26 17:39:27 +00:00
BotSetEntityNumForGoal(&neutralobelisk, "team_neutralobelisk");
max_bspmodelindex = 0;
for (ent = trap_AAS_NextBSPEntity(0); ent; ent = trap_AAS_NextBSPEntity(ent)) {
if (!trap_AAS_ValueForBSPEpairKey(ent, "model", model, sizeof(model))) continue;
if (model[0] == '*') {
modelnum = atoi(model+1);
if (modelnum > max_bspmodelindex)
max_bspmodelindex = modelnum;
//initialize the waypoint heap
void BotShutdownDeathmatchAI(void) {
altroutegoals_setup = qfalse;