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2382 lines
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/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Copyright (C) 1999-2007 id Software, Inc. and contributors.
For a list of contributors, see the accompanying CONTRIBUTORS file.
This file is part of GtkRadiant.
GtkRadiant is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
GtkRadiant is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with GtkRadiant; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
This code has been altered significantly from its original form, to support
several games based on the Quake III Arena engine, in the form of "Q3Map2."
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* marker */
#ifndef Q3MAP2_H
#define Q3MAP2_H
/* version */
#define Q3MAP_VERSION "2.5.17"
#define Q3MAP_MOTD "Last one turns the lights off"
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
QuakeLive stuff from unzip.c (q3-common)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
// used to tell unzip.c that you are opening ql pk3's 1 = quakelive 0 = everything else
// **NOTE** - should be set as early as possible e.g before the first call to VFSInitDirectory()
extern int unz_GAME_QL;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* platform-specific */
#if defined( __linux__ ) || defined( __APPLE__ )
#define Q_UNIX
#ifdef Q_UNIX
#include <unistd.h>
#include <pwd.h>
#include <limits.h>
#ifdef WIN32
#include <windows.h>
/* general */
#include "version.h" /* ttimo: might want to guard that if built outside of the GtkRadiant tree */
#include "cmdlib.h"
#include "mathlib.h"
#include "md5lib.h"
#include "md4lib.h"
#include "ddslib.h"
#include "picomodel.h"
#include "scriplib.h"
#include "polylib.h"
#include "imagelib.h"
#include "qthreads.h"
#include "inout.h"
#include "vfs.h"
#include "png.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#define MIN(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
#define MAX(a, b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
port-related hacks
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#if defined( __APPLE__ ) && MAC_STATIC_HACK
#define MAC_STATIC static
#define MAC_STATIC
#if 1
#ifdef WIN32
#define Q_stricmp stricmp
#define Q_strncasecmp strnicmp
#define Q_stricmp strcasecmp
#define Q_strncasecmp strncasecmp
/* macro version */
#define VectorMA( a, s, b, c ) ( ( c )[ 0 ] = ( a )[ 0 ] + ( s ) * ( b )[ 0 ], ( c )[ 1 ] = ( a )[ 1 ] + ( s ) * ( b )[ 1 ], ( c )[ 2 ] = ( a )[ 2 ] + ( s ) * ( b )[ 2 ] )
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* temporary hacks and tests (please keep off in SVN to prevent anyone's legacy map from screwing up) */
/* 2011-01-10 TTimo says we should turn these on in SVN, so turning on now */
/* general */
#define MAX_QPATH 64
#define MAX_IMAGES 512
#define DEFAULT_IMAGE "*default"
#define MAX_MODELS 512
#define DEF_BACKSPLASH_FRACTION 0.05f /* 5% backsplash by default */
#define DEF_RADIOSITY_BOUNCE 1.0f /* ydnar: default to 100% re-emitted light */
#define MAX_SHADER_INFO 8192
#define MAX_JITTERS 256
/* epair parsing (note case-sensitivity directive) */
#define EPAIR_STRCMP Q_stricmp
#define EPAIR_STRCMP strcmp
/* ydnar: compiler flags, because games have widely varying content/surface flags */
#define C_SOLID 0x00000001
#define C_TRANSLUCENT 0x00000002
#define C_STRUCTURAL 0x00000004
#define C_HINT 0x00000008
#define C_NODRAW 0x00000010
#define C_LIGHTGRID 0x00000020
#define C_ALPHASHADOW 0x00000040
#define C_LIGHTFILTER 0x00000080
#define C_VERTEXLIT 0x00000100
#define C_LIQUID 0x00000200
#define C_FOG 0x00000400
#define C_SKY 0x00000800
#define C_ORIGIN 0x00001000
#define C_AREAPORTAL 0x00002000
#define C_ANTIPORTAL 0x00004000 /* like hint, but doesn't generate portals */
#define C_SKIP 0x00008000 /* like hint, but skips this face (doesn't split bsp) */
#define C_NOMARKS 0x00010000 /* no decals */
#define C_DETAIL 0x08000000 /* THIS MUST BE THE SAME AS IN RADIANT! */
/* shadow flags */
/* bsp */
#define MAX_PATCH_SIZE 32
#define MAX_BRUSH_SIDES 1024
#define MAX_BUILD_SIDES 300
#define CLIP_EPSILON 0.1f
#define PLANESIDE_EPSILON 0.001f
#define PLANENUM_LEAF -1
#define HINT_PRIORITY 1000 /* ydnar: force hint splits first and antiportal/areaportal splits last */
#define PSIDE_FRONT 1
#define PSIDE_BACK 2
#define PSIDE_FACING 4
/* vis */
#define SEPERATORCACHE /* seperator caching helps a bit */
#define MAX_PORTALS 32768
#define MAX_POINTS_ON_FIXED_WINDING 24 /* ydnar: increased this from 12 at the expense of more memory */
/* light */
#define EMIT_POINT 0
#define EMIT_AREA 1
#define EMIT_SPOT 2
#define EMIT_SUN 3
#define LIGHT_GRID 16
#define LIGHT_DARK 64 /* probably never use this */
#define LIGHT_FAST 256
#define LIGHT_FAST_TEMP 512
#define LIGHT_NEGATIVE 1024
#define LUXEL_EPSILON 0.125f
#define VERTEX_EPSILON -0.125f
#define GRID_EPSILON 0.0f
#define EXTRA_SCALE 2 /* -extrawide = -super 2 */
#define EXTRAWIDE_SCALE 2 /* -extrawide = -super 2 -filter */
#define BSP_LUXEL_SIZE 3
#define RAD_LUXEL_SIZE 3
#define VERTEX_LUXEL( s, v ) ( vertexLuxels[ s ] + ( ( v ) * VERTEX_LUXEL_SIZE ) )
#define RAD_VERTEX_LUXEL( s, v )( radVertexLuxels[ s ] + ( ( v ) * VERTEX_LUXEL_SIZE ) )
#define BSP_LUXEL( s, x, y ) ( lm->bspLuxels[ s ] + ( ( ( ( y ) * lm->w ) + ( x ) ) * BSP_LUXEL_SIZE ) )
#define RAD_LUXEL( s, x, y ) ( lm->radLuxels[ s ] + ( ( ( ( y ) * lm->w ) + ( x ) ) * RAD_LUXEL_SIZE ) )
#define SUPER_LUXEL( s, x, y ) ( lm->superLuxels[ s ] + ( ( ( ( y ) * lm->sw ) + ( x ) ) * SUPER_LUXEL_SIZE ) )
#define SUPER_DELUXEL( x, y ) ( lm->superDeluxels + ( ( ( ( y ) * lm->sw ) + ( x ) ) * SUPER_DELUXEL_SIZE ) )
#define BSP_DELUXEL( x, y ) ( lm->bspDeluxels + ( ( ( ( y ) * lm->w ) + ( x ) ) * BSP_DELUXEL_SIZE ) )
#define SUPER_CLUSTER( x, y ) ( lm->superClusters + ( ( ( y ) * lm->sw ) + ( x ) ) )
#define SUPER_ORIGIN( x, y ) ( lm->superOrigins + ( ( ( ( y ) * lm->sw ) + ( x ) ) * SUPER_ORIGIN_SIZE ) )
#define SUPER_NORMAL( x, y ) ( lm->superNormals + ( ( ( ( y ) * lm->sw ) + ( x ) ) * SUPER_NORMAL_SIZE ) )
#define SUPER_DIRT( x, y ) ( lm->superNormals + ( ( ( ( y ) * lm->sw ) + ( x ) ) * SUPER_NORMAL_SIZE ) + 3 ) /* stash dirtyness in normal[ 3 ] */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
abstracted bsp file
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#define EXTERNAL_LIGHTMAP "lm_%04d.tga"
#define MAX_LIGHTMAPS 4 /* RBSP */
#define LS_NORMAL 0x00
#define LS_UNUSED 0xFE
#define LS_NONE 0xFF
/* ok to increase these at the expense of more memory */
#define MAX_MAP_MODELS 0x400
#define MAX_MAP_BRUSHES 0x10000
#define MAX_MAP_ENTITIES 0x1000 //% 0x800 /* ydnar */
#define MAX_MAP_ENTSTRING 0x80000 //% 0x40000 /* ydnar */
#define MAX_MAP_SHADERS 0x800 //% 0x400 /* ydnar */
#define MAX_MAP_AREAS 0x100 /* MAX_MAP_AREA_BYTES in q_shared must match! */
#define MAX_MAP_FOGS 30 //& 0x100 /* RBSP (32 - world fog - goggles) */
#define MAX_MAP_PLANES 0x100000 //% 0x20000 /* ydnar for md */
#define MAX_MAP_NODES 0x20000
#define MAX_MAP_BRUSHSIDES 0x100000 //% 0x20000 /* ydnar */
#define MAX_MAP_LEAFS 0x20000
#define MAX_MAP_LEAFFACES 0x100000 //% 0x20000 /* ydnar */
#define MAX_MAP_LEAFBRUSHES 0x40000
#define MAX_MAP_PORTALS 0x20000
#define MAX_MAP_LIGHTING 0x800000
#define MAX_MAP_LIGHTGRID 0x100000 //% 0x800000 /* ydnar: set to points, not bytes */
#define MAX_MAP_VISIBILITY 0x200000
#define MAX_MAP_DRAW_SURFS 0x20000
#define MAX_MAP_DRAW_VERTS 0x100000
#define MAX_MAP_DRAW_INDEXES 0x80000
/* key / value pair sizes in the entities lump */
#define MAX_KEY 32
#define MAX_VALUE 1024
/* the editor uses these predefined yaw angles to orient entities up or down */
#define ANGLE_UP -1
#define ANGLE_DOWN -2
#define LIGHTMAP_WIDTH 128
#define MIN_WORLD_COORD ( -65536 )
#define MAX_WORLD_COORD ( 65536 )
typedef void ( *bspFunc )( const char * );
typedef struct
int offset, length;
typedef struct
char ident[ 4 ];
int version;
bspLump_t lumps[ 100 ]; /* theoretical maximum # of bsp lumps */
typedef struct
float mins[ 3 ], maxs[ 3 ];
int firstBSPSurface, numBSPSurfaces;
int firstBSPBrush, numBSPBrushes;
typedef struct
char shader[ MAX_QPATH ];
int surfaceFlags;
int contentFlags;
/* planes x^1 is allways the opposite of plane x */
typedef struct
float normal[ 3 ];
float dist;
typedef struct
int planeNum;
int children[ 2 ]; /* negative numbers are -(leafs+1), not nodes */
int mins[ 3 ]; /* for frustom culling */
int maxs[ 3 ];
typedef struct
int cluster; /* -1 = opaque cluster (do I still store these?) */
int area;
int mins[ 3 ]; /* for frustum culling */
int maxs[ 3 ];
int firstBSPLeafSurface;
int numBSPLeafSurfaces;
int firstBSPLeafBrush;
int numBSPLeafBrushes;
typedef struct
int planeNum; /* positive plane side faces out of the leaf */
int shaderNum;
int surfaceNum; /* RBSP */
typedef struct
int firstSide;
int numSides;
int shaderNum; /* the shader that determines the content flags */
typedef struct
char shader[ MAX_QPATH ];
int brushNum;
int visibleSide; /* the brush side that ray tests need to clip against (-1 == none) */
typedef struct
vec3_t xyz;
float st[ 2 ];
float lightmap[ MAX_LIGHTMAPS ][ 2 ]; /* RBSP */
vec3_t normal;
byte color[ MAX_LIGHTMAPS ][ 4 ]; /* RBSP */
typedef enum
typedef struct bspGridPoint_s
byte ambient[ MAX_LIGHTMAPS ][ 3 ];
byte directed[ MAX_LIGHTMAPS ][ 3 ];
byte styles[ MAX_LIGHTMAPS ];
byte latLong[ 2 ];
typedef struct
int shaderNum;
int fogNum;
int surfaceType;
int firstVert;
int numVerts;
int firstIndex;
int numIndexes;
byte lightmapStyles[ MAX_LIGHTMAPS ]; /* RBSP */
byte vertexStyles[ MAX_LIGHTMAPS ]; /* RBSP */
int lightmapNum[ MAX_LIGHTMAPS ]; /* RBSP */
int lightmapX[ MAX_LIGHTMAPS ], lightmapY[ MAX_LIGHTMAPS ]; /* RBSP */
int lightmapWidth, lightmapHeight;
vec3_t lightmapOrigin;
vec3_t lightmapVecs[ 3 ]; /* on patches, [ 0 ] and [ 1 ] are lodbounds */
int patchWidth;
int patchHeight;
/* advertisements */
typedef struct {
int cellId;
vec3_t normal;
vec3_t rect[4];
char model[ MAX_QPATH ];
} bspAdvertisement_t;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
general types
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* ydnar: for smaller structs */
typedef char qb_t;
/* ydnar: for q3map_tcMod */
typedef float tcMod_t[ 3 ][ 3 ];
/* ydnar: for multiple game support */
typedef struct surfaceParm_s
char *name;
int contentFlags, contentFlagsClear;
int surfaceFlags, surfaceFlagsClear;
int compileFlags, compileFlagsClear;
typedef struct game_s
char *arg; /* -game matches this */
char *gamePath; /* main game data dir */
char *homeBasePath; /* home sub-dir on unix */
char *magic; /* magic word for figuring out base path */
char *shaderPath; /* shader directory */
int maxLMSurfaceVerts; /* default maximum meta surface verts */
int maxSurfaceVerts; /* default maximum surface verts */
int maxSurfaceIndexes; /* default maximum surface indexes (tris * 3) */
qboolean emitFlares; /* when true, emit flare surfaces */
char *flareShader; /* default flare shader (MUST BE SET) */
qboolean wolfLight; /* when true, lights work like wolf q3map */
int lightmapSize; /* bsp lightmap width/height */
float lightmapGamma; /* default lightmap gamma */
float lightmapCompensate; /* default lightmap compensate value */
char *bspIdent; /* 4-letter bsp file prefix */
int bspVersion; /* bsp version to use */
qboolean lumpSwap; /* cod-style len/ofs order */
bspFunc load, write; /* load/write function pointers */
surfaceParm_t surfaceParms[ 128 ]; /* surfaceparm array */
typedef struct image_s
char *name, *filename;
int refCount;
int width, height;
byte *pixels;
typedef struct sun_s
struct sun_s *next;
vec3_t direction, color;
float photons, deviance, filterRadius;
int numSamples, style;
typedef struct surfaceModel_s
struct surfaceModel_s *next;
char model[ MAX_QPATH ];
float density, odds;
float minScale, maxScale;
float minAngle, maxAngle;
qboolean oriented;
/* ydnar/sd: foliage stuff for wolf et (engine-supported optimization of the above) */
typedef struct foliage_s
struct foliage_s *next;
char model[ MAX_QPATH ];
float scale, density, odds;
qboolean inverseAlpha;
typedef struct foliageInstance_s
vec3_t xyz, normal;
typedef struct remap_s
struct remap_s *next;
char from[ 1024 ];
char to[ MAX_QPATH ];
/* wingdi.h hack, it's the same: 0 */
#undef CM_NONE
typedef enum
typedef struct colorMod_s
struct colorMod_s *next;
colorModType_t type;
vec_t data[ 16 ];
typedef enum
typedef struct shaderInfo_s
char shader[ MAX_QPATH ];
int surfaceFlags;
int contentFlags;
int compileFlags;
float value; /* light value */
char *flareShader; /* for light flares */
char *damageShader; /* ydnar: sof2 damage shader name */
char *backShader; /* for surfaces that generate different front and back passes */
char *cloneShader; /* ydnar: for cloning of a surface */
char *remapShader; /* ydnar: remap a shader in final stage */
surfaceModel_t *surfaceModel; /* ydnar: for distribution of models */
foliage_t *foliage; /* ydnar/splash damage: wolf et foliage */
float subdivisions; /* from a "tesssize xxx" */
float backsplashFraction; /* floating point value, usually 0.05 */
float backsplashDistance; /* default 16 */
float lightSubdivide; /* default 999 */
float lightFilterRadius; /* ydnar: lightmap filtering/blurring radius for lights created by this shader (default: 0) */
int lightmapSampleSize; /* lightmap sample size */
float lightmapSampleOffset; /* ydnar: lightmap sample offset (default: 1.0) */
float bounceScale; /* ydnar: radiosity re-emission [0,1.0+] */
float offset; /* ydnar: offset in units */
float shadeAngleDegrees; /* ydnar: breaking angle for smooth shading (degrees) */
vec3_t mins, maxs; /* ydnar: for particle studio vertexDeform move support */
qb_t legacyTerrain; /* ydnar: enable legacy terrain crutches */
qb_t indexed; /* ydnar: attempt to use indexmap (terrain alphamap style) */
qb_t forceMeta; /* ydnar: force metasurface path */
qb_t noClip; /* ydnar: don't clip into bsp, preserve original face winding */
qb_t noFast; /* ydnar: supress fast lighting for surfaces with this shader */
qb_t invert; /* ydnar: reverse facing */
qb_t nonplanar; /* ydnar: for nonplanar meta surface merging */
qb_t tcGen; /* ydnar: has explicit texcoord generation */
vec3_t vecs[ 2 ]; /* ydnar: explicit texture vectors for [0,1] texture space */
tcMod_t mod; /* ydnar: q3map_tcMod matrix for djbob :) */
vec3_t lightmapAxis; /* ydnar: explicit lightmap axis projection */
colorMod_t *colorMod; /* ydnar: q3map_rgb/color/alpha/Set/Mod support */
int furNumLayers; /* ydnar: number of fur layers */
float furOffset; /* ydnar: offset of each layer */
float furFade; /* ydnar: alpha fade amount per layer */
qb_t splotchFix; /* ydnar: filter splotches on lightmaps */
qb_t hasPasses; /* false if the shader doesn't define any rendering passes */
qb_t globalTexture; /* don't normalize texture repeats */
qb_t twoSided; /* cull none */
qb_t autosprite; /* autosprite shaders will become point lights instead of area lights */
qb_t polygonOffset; /* ydnar: don't face cull this or against this */
qb_t patchShadows; /* have patches casting shadows when using -light for this surface */
qb_t vertexShadows; /* shadows will be casted at this surface even when vertex lit */
qb_t forceSunlight; /* force sun light at this surface even tho we might not calculate shadows in vertex lighting */
qb_t notjunc; /* don't use this surface for tjunction fixing */
qb_t fogParms; /* ydnar: has fogparms */
qb_t noFog; /* ydnar: supress fogging */
qb_t clipModel; /* ydnar: solid model hack */
qb_t noVertexLight; /* ydnar: leave vertex color alone */
byte styleMarker; /* ydnar: light styles hack */
float vertexScale; /* vertex light scale */
char skyParmsImageBase[ MAX_QPATH ]; /* ydnar: for skies */
char editorImagePath[ MAX_QPATH ]; /* use this image to generate texture coordinates */
char lightImagePath[ MAX_QPATH ]; /* use this image to generate color / averageColor */
char normalImagePath[ MAX_QPATH ]; /* ydnar: normalmap image for bumpmapping */
implicitMap_t implicitMap; /* ydnar: enemy territory implicit shaders */
char implicitImagePath[ MAX_QPATH ];
image_t *shaderImage;
image_t *lightImage;
image_t *normalImage;
float skyLightValue; /* ydnar */
int skyLightIterations; /* ydnar */
sun_t *sun; /* ydnar */
vec3_t color; /* normalized color */
vec3_t averageColor;
byte lightStyle;
qb_t lmMergable; /* ydnar */
int lmCustomWidth, lmCustomHeight; /* ydnar */
float lmBrightness; /* ydnar */
float lmFilterRadius; /* ydnar: lightmap filtering/blurring radius for this shader (default: 0) */
int shaderWidth, shaderHeight; /* ydnar */
float stFlat[ 2 ];
vec3_t fogDir; /* ydnar */
char *shaderText; /* ydnar */
qb_t custom;
qb_t finished;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
bsp structures
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
typedef struct face_s
struct face_s *next;
int planenum;
int priority;
qboolean checked;
int compileFlags;
winding_t *w;
typedef struct plane_s
vec3_t normal;
vec_t dist;
int type;
struct plane_s *hash_chain;
typedef struct side_s
int planenum;
int outputNum; /* set when the side is written to the file list */
float texMat[ 2 ][ 3 ]; /* brush primitive texture matrix */
float vecs[ 2 ][ 4 ]; /* old-style texture coordinate mapping */
winding_t *winding;
winding_t *visibleHull; /* convex hull of all visible fragments */
shaderInfo_t *shaderInfo;
int contentFlags; /* from shaderInfo */
int surfaceFlags; /* from shaderInfo */
int compileFlags; /* from shaderInfo */
int value; /* from shaderInfo */
qboolean visible; /* choose visble planes first */
qboolean bevel; /* don't ever use for bsp splitting, and don't bother making windings for it */
qboolean culled; /* ydnar: face culling */
typedef struct sideRef_s
struct sideRef_s *next;
side_t *side;
/* ydnar: generic index mapping for entities (natural extension of terrain texturing) */
typedef struct indexMap_s
int w, h, numLayers;
char name[ MAX_QPATH ], shader[ MAX_QPATH ];
float offsets[ 256 ];
byte *pixels;
typedef struct brush_s
struct brush_s *next;
struct brush_s *nextColorModBrush; /* ydnar: colorMod volume brushes go here */
struct brush_s *original; /* chopped up brushes will reference the originals */
int entityNum, brushNum; /* editor numbering */
int outputNum; /* set when the brush is written to the file list */
/* ydnar: for shadowcasting entities */
int castShadows;
int recvShadows;
shaderInfo_t *contentShader;
shaderInfo_t *celShader; /* :) */
/* ydnar: gs mods */
float lightmapScale;
vec3_t eMins, eMaxs;
indexMap_t *im;
int contentFlags;
int compileFlags; /* ydnar */
qboolean detail;
qboolean opaque;
int portalareas[ 2 ];
vec3_t mins, maxs;
int numsides;
side_t sides[ 6 ]; /* variably sized */
typedef struct fog_s
shaderInfo_t *si;
brush_t *brush;
int visibleSide; /* the brush side that ray tests need to clip against (-1 == none) */
typedef struct
int width, height;
bspDrawVert_t *verts;
typedef struct parseMesh_s
struct parseMesh_s *next;
int entityNum, brushNum; /* ydnar: editor numbering */
/* ydnar: for shadowcasting entities */
int castShadows;
int recvShadows;
mesh_t mesh;
shaderInfo_t *shaderInfo;
shaderInfo_t *celShader; /* :) */
/* ydnar: gs mods */
float lightmapScale;
vec3_t eMins, eMaxs;
indexMap_t *im;
/* grouping */
qboolean grouped;
float longestCurve;
int maxIterations;
ydnar: the drawsurf struct was extended to allow for:
- non-convex planar surfaces
- non-planar brushface surfaces
- lightmapped terrain
- planar patches
typedef enum
/* ydnar: these match up exactly with bspSurfaceType_t */
SURFACE_FOLIAGE, /* wolf et */
/* ydnar: compiler-relevant surface types */
char *surfaceTypes[ NUM_SURFACE_TYPES ]
#ifndef MAIN_C
/* ydnar: this struct needs an overhaul (again, heh) */
typedef struct mapDrawSurface_s
surfaceType_t type;
qboolean planar;
int outputNum; /* ydnar: to match this sort of thing up */
qboolean fur; /* ydnar: this is kind of a hack, but hey... */
qboolean skybox; /* ydnar: yet another fun hack */
qboolean backSide; /* ydnar: q3map_backShader support */
struct mapDrawSurface_s *parent; /* ydnar: for cloned (skybox) surfaces to share lighting data */
struct mapDrawSurface_s *clone; /* ydnar: for cloned surfaces */
struct mapDrawSurface_s *cel; /* ydnar: for cloned cel surfaces */
shaderInfo_t *shaderInfo;
shaderInfo_t *celShader;
brush_t *mapBrush;
parseMesh_t *mapMesh;
sideRef_t *sideRef;
int fogNum;
int numVerts; /* vertexes and triangles */
bspDrawVert_t *verts;
int numIndexes;
int *indexes;
int planeNum;
vec3_t lightmapOrigin; /* also used for flares */
vec3_t lightmapVecs[ 3 ]; /* also used for flares */
int lightStyle; /* used for flares */
/* ydnar: per-surface (per-entity, actually) lightmap sample size scaling */
float lightmapScale;
/* ydnar: surface classification */
vec3_t mins, maxs;
vec3_t lightmapAxis;
int sampleSize;
/* ydnar: shadow group support */
int castShadows, recvShadows;
/* ydnar: texture coordinate range monitoring for hardware with limited texcoord precision (in texel space) */
float bias[ 2 ];
int texMins[ 2 ], texMaxs[ 2 ], texRange[ 2 ];
/* ydnar: for patches */
float longestCurve;
int maxIterations;
int patchWidth, patchHeight;
vec3_t bounds[ 2 ];
/* ydnar/sd: for foliage */
int numFoliageInstances;
/* ydnar: editor/useful numbering */
int entityNum;
int surfaceNum;
typedef struct drawSurfRef_s
struct drawSurfRef_s *nextRef;
int outputNum;
/* ydnar: metasurfaces are constructed from lists of metatriangles so they can be merged in the best way */
typedef struct metaTriangle_s
shaderInfo_t *si;
side_t *side;
int entityNum, surfaceNum, planeNum, fogNum, sampleSize, castShadows, recvShadows;
vec4_t plane;
vec3_t lightmapAxis;
int indexes[ 3 ];
typedef struct epair_s
struct epair_s *next;
char *key, *value;
typedef struct
vec3_t origin;
brush_t *brushes, *lastBrush, *colorModBrushes;
parseMesh_t *patches;
int mapEntityNum, firstDrawSurf;
int firstBrush, numBrushes; /* only valid during BSP compile */
epair_t *epairs;
typedef struct node_s
/* both leafs and nodes */
int planenum; /* -1 = leaf node */
struct node_s *parent;
vec3_t mins, maxs; /* valid after portalization */
brush_t *volume; /* one for each leaf/node */
/* nodes only */
side_t *side; /* the side that created the node */
struct node_s *children[ 2 ];
int compileFlags; /* ydnar: hint, antiportal */
int tinyportals;
vec3_t referencepoint;
/* leafs only */
qboolean opaque; /* view can never be inside */
qboolean areaportal;
qboolean skybox; /* ydnar: a skybox leaf */
qboolean sky; /* ydnar: a sky leaf */
int cluster; /* for portalfile writing */
int area; /* for areaportals */
brush_t *brushlist; /* fragments of all brushes in this leaf */
drawSurfRef_t *drawSurfReferences;
int occupied; /* 1 or greater can reach entity */
entity_t *occupant; /* for leak file testing */
struct portal_s *portals; /* also on nodes during construction */
typedef struct portal_s
plane_t plane;
node_t *onnode; /* NULL = outside box */
node_t *nodes[ 2 ]; /* [ 0 ] = front side of plane */
struct portal_s *next[ 2 ];
winding_t *winding;
qboolean sidefound; /* false if ->side hasn't been checked */
int compileFlags; /* from original face that caused the split */
side_t *side; /* NULL = non-visible */
typedef struct
node_t *headnode;
node_t outside_node;
vec3_t mins, maxs;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
vis structures
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
typedef struct
vec3_t normal;
float dist;
typedef struct
int numpoints;
vec3_t points[ MAX_POINTS_ON_FIXED_WINDING ]; /* variable sized */
typedef struct passage_s
struct passage_s *next;
byte cansee[ 1 ]; /* all portals that can be seen through this passage */
} passage_t;
typedef enum
typedef struct
int num;
qboolean hint; /* true if this portal was created from a hint splitter */
qboolean removed;
visPlane_t plane; /* normal pointing into neighbor */
int leaf; /* neighbor */
vec3_t origin; /* for fast clip testing */
float radius;
fixedWinding_t *winding;
vstatus_t status;
byte *portalfront; /* [portals], preliminary */
byte *portalflood; /* [portals], intermediate */
byte *portalvis; /* [portals], final */
int nummightsee; /* bit count on portalflood for sort */
passage_t *passages; /* there are just as many passages as there */
/* are portals in the leaf this portal leads */
typedef struct leaf_s
int numportals;
int merged;
vportal_t *portals[MAX_PORTALS_ON_LEAF];
typedef struct pstack_s
byte mightsee[ MAX_PORTALS / 8 ];
struct pstack_s *next;
leaf_t *leaf;
vportal_t *portal; /* portal exiting */
fixedWinding_t *source;
fixedWinding_t *pass;
fixedWinding_t windings[ 3 ]; /* source, pass, temp in any order */
int freewindings[ 3 ];
visPlane_t portalplane;
int depth;
visPlane_t seperators[ 2 ][ MAX_SEPERATORS ];
int numseperators[ 2 ];
typedef struct
vportal_t *base;
int c_chains;
pstack_t pstack_head;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
light structures
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* ydnar: new light struct with flags */
typedef struct light_s
struct light_s *next;
int type;
int flags; /* ydnar: condensed all the booleans into one flags int */
shaderInfo_t *si;
vec3_t origin;
vec3_t normal; /* for surfaces, spotlights, and suns */
float dist; /* plane location along normal */
float photons;
int style;
vec3_t color;
float radiusByDist; /* for spotlights */
float fade; /* ydnar: from wolf, for linear lights */
float angleScale; /* ydnar: stolen from vlight for K */
float add; /* ydnar: used for area lights */
float envelope; /* ydnar: units until falloff < tolerance */
float envelope2; /* ydnar: envelope squared (tiny optimization) */
vec3_t mins, maxs; /* ydnar: pvs envelope */
int cluster; /* ydnar: cluster light falls into */
winding_t *w;
vec3_t emitColor; /* full out-of-gamut value */
float falloffTolerance; /* ydnar: minimum attenuation threshold */
float filterRadius; /* ydnar: lightmap filter radius in world units, 0 == default */
typedef struct
/* constant input */
qboolean testOcclusion, forceSunlight, testAll;
int recvShadows;
int numSurfaces;
int *surfaces;
int numLights;
light_t **lights;
qboolean twoSided;
/* per-sample input */
int cluster;
vec3_t origin, normal;
vec_t inhibitRadius; /* sphere in which occluding geometry is ignored */
/* per-light input */
light_t *light;
vec3_t end;
/* calculated input */
vec3_t displacement, direction;
vec_t distance;
/* input and output */
vec3_t color; /* starts out at full color, may be reduced if transparent surfaces are crossed */
/* output */
vec3_t hit;
int compileFlags; /* for determining surface compile flags traced through */
qboolean passSolid;
qboolean opaque;
/* working data */
int numTestNodes;
int testNodes[ MAX_TRACE_TEST_NODES ];
/* must be identical to bspDrawVert_t except for float color! */
typedef struct
vec3_t xyz;
float st[ 2 ];
float lightmap[ MAX_LIGHTMAPS ][ 2 ];
vec3_t normal;
float color[ MAX_LIGHTMAPS ][ 4 ];
typedef struct
int numVerts;
radVert_t verts[ MAX_POINTS_ON_WINDING ];
/* crutch for poor local allocations in win32 smp */
typedef struct
vec_t dists[ MAX_POINTS_ON_WINDING + 4 ];
int sides[ MAX_POINTS_ON_WINDING + 4 ];
/* ydnar: new lightmap handling code */
typedef struct outLightmap_s
int lightmapNum, extLightmapNum;
int customWidth, customHeight;
int numLightmaps;
int freeLuxels;
int numShaders;
shaderInfo_t *shaders[ MAX_LIGHTMAP_SHADERS ];
byte *lightBits;
byte *bspLightBytes;
byte *bspDirBytes;
typedef struct rawLightmap_s
qboolean finished, splotchFix, wrap[ 2 ];
int customWidth, customHeight;
float brightness;
float filterRadius;
int firstLightSurface, numLightSurfaces; /* index into lightSurfaces */
int numLightClusters, *lightClusters;
int sampleSize, actualSampleSize, axisNum;
int entityNum;
int recvShadows;
vec3_t mins, maxs, axis, origin, *vecs;
float *plane;
int w, h, sw, sh, used;
qboolean solid[ MAX_LIGHTMAPS ];
vec3_t solidColor[ MAX_LIGHTMAPS ];
int numStyledTwins;
struct rawLightmap_s *twins[ MAX_LIGHTMAPS ];
int outLightmapNums[ MAX_LIGHTMAPS ];
int twinNums[ MAX_LIGHTMAPS ];
int lightmapX[ MAX_LIGHTMAPS ], lightmapY[ MAX_LIGHTMAPS ];
byte styles[ MAX_LIGHTMAPS ];
float *bspLuxels[ MAX_LIGHTMAPS ];
float *radLuxels[ MAX_LIGHTMAPS ];
float *superLuxels[ MAX_LIGHTMAPS ];
float *superOrigins;
float *superNormals;
int *superClusters;
float *superDeluxels; /* average light direction */
float *bspDeluxels;
typedef struct rawGridPoint_s
vec3_t ambient[ MAX_LIGHTMAPS ];
vec3_t directed[ MAX_LIGHTMAPS ];
vec3_t dir;
byte styles[ MAX_LIGHTMAPS ];
typedef struct surfaceInfo_s
bspModel_t *model;
shaderInfo_t *si;
rawLightmap_t *lm;
int parentSurfaceNum, childSurfaceNum;
int entityNum, castShadows, recvShadows, sampleSize, patchIterations;
float longestCurve;
float *plane;
vec3_t axis, mins, maxs;
qboolean hasLightmap, approximated;
int firstSurfaceCluster, numSurfaceClusters;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* main.c */
vec_t Random( void );
char *Q_strncpyz( char *dst, const char *src, size_t len );
char *Q_strcat( char *dst, size_t dlen, const char *src );
char *Q_strncat( char *dst, size_t dlen, const char *src, size_t slen );
int BSPInfo( int count, char **fileNames );
int ScaleBSPMain( int argc, char **argv );
int ConvertMain( int argc, char **argv );
/* path_init.c */
game_t *GetGame( char *arg );
void InitPaths( int *argc, char **argv );
/* bsp.c */
int BSPMain( int argc, char **argv );
/* convert_map.c */
int ConvertBSPToMap( char *bspName );
/* convert_ase.c */
int ConvertBSPToASE( char *bspName );
/* brush.c */
sideRef_t *AllocSideRef( side_t *side, sideRef_t *next );
int CountBrushList( brush_t *brushes );
brush_t *AllocBrush( int numsides );
void FreeBrush( brush_t *brushes );
void FreeBrushList( brush_t *brushes );
brush_t *CopyBrush( brush_t *brush );
qboolean BoundBrush( brush_t *brush );
qboolean CreateBrushWindings( brush_t *brush );
brush_t *BrushFromBounds( vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs );
vec_t BrushVolume( brush_t *brush );
void WriteBSPBrushMap( char *name, brush_t *list );
void FilterDetailBrushesIntoTree( entity_t *e, tree_t *tree );
void FilterStructuralBrushesIntoTree( entity_t *e, tree_t *tree );
int BoxOnPlaneSide( vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs, plane_t *plane );
qboolean WindingIsTiny( winding_t *w );
void SplitBrush( brush_t *brush, int planenum, brush_t **front, brush_t **back );
tree_t *AllocTree( void );
node_t *AllocNode( void );
/* mesh.c */
void LerpDrawVert( bspDrawVert_t *a, bspDrawVert_t *b, bspDrawVert_t *out );
void LerpDrawVertAmount( bspDrawVert_t *a, bspDrawVert_t *b, float amount, bspDrawVert_t *out );
void FreeMesh( mesh_t *m );
mesh_t *CopyMesh( mesh_t *mesh );
void PrintMesh( mesh_t *m );
mesh_t *TransposeMesh( mesh_t *in );
void InvertMesh( mesh_t *m );
mesh_t *SubdivideMesh( mesh_t in, float maxError, float minLength );
int IterationsForCurve( float len, int subdivisions );
mesh_t *SubdivideMesh2( mesh_t in, int iterations );
mesh_t *SubdivideMeshQuads( mesh_t *in, float minLength, int maxsize, int *widthtable, int *heighttable );
mesh_t *RemoveLinearMeshColumnsRows( mesh_t *in );
void MakeMeshNormals( mesh_t in );
void PutMeshOnCurve( mesh_t in );
void MakeNormalVectors( vec3_t forward, vec3_t right, vec3_t up );
/* map.c */
void LoadMapFile( char *filename, qboolean onlyLights );
int FindFloatPlane( vec3_t normal, vec_t dist, int numPoints, vec3_t *points );
int PlaneTypeForNormal( vec3_t normal );
void AddBrushBevels( void );
brush_t *FinishBrush( void );
/* portals.c */
void MakeHeadnodePortals( tree_t *tree );
void MakeNodePortal( node_t *node );
void SplitNodePortals( node_t *node );
qboolean PortalPassable( portal_t *p );
qboolean FloodEntities( tree_t *tree );
void FillOutside( node_t *headnode );
void FloodAreas( tree_t *tree );
face_t *VisibleFaces( entity_t *e, tree_t *tree );
void FreePortal( portal_t *p );
void MakeTreePortals( tree_t *tree );
/* leakfile.c */
xmlNodePtr LeakFile( tree_t *tree );
/* prtfile.c */
void NumberClusters( tree_t *tree );
void WritePortalFile( tree_t *tree );
/* writebsp.c */
void SetModelNumbers( void );
void SetLightStyles( void );
int EmitShader( const char *shader, int *contentFlags, int *surfaceFlags );
void BeginBSPFile( void );
void EndBSPFile( void );
void EmitBrushes( brush_t *brushes, int *firstBrush, int *numBrushes );
void EmitFogs( void );
void BeginModel( void );
void EndModel( entity_t *e, node_t *headnode );
/* tree.c */
void FreeTree( tree_t *tree );
void FreeTree_r( node_t *node );
void PrintTree_r( node_t *node, int depth );
void FreeTreePortals_r( node_t *node );
/* patch.c */
void ParsePatch( qboolean onlyLights );
mesh_t *SubdivideMesh( mesh_t in, float maxError, float minLength );
void PatchMapDrawSurfs( entity_t *e );
/* tjunction.c */
void FixTJunctions( entity_t *e );
/* fog.c */
winding_t *WindingFromDrawSurf( mapDrawSurface_t *ds );
void FogDrawSurfaces( entity_t *e );
int FogForPoint( vec3_t point, float epsilon );
int FogForBounds( vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs, float epsilon );
void CreateMapFogs( void );
/* facebsp.c */
face_t *MakeStructuralBSPFaceList( brush_t *list );
face_t *MakeVisibleBSPFaceList( brush_t *list );
tree_t *FaceBSP( face_t *list );
/* model.c */
void PicoPrintFunc( int level, const char *str );
void PicoLoadFileFunc( char *name, byte **buffer, int *bufSize );
picoModel_t *FindModel( char *name, int frame );
picoModel_t *LoadModel( char *name, int frame );
void InsertModel( char *name, int frame, m4x4_t transform, remap_t *remap, shaderInfo_t *celShader, int eNum, int castShadows, int recvShadows, int spawnFlags, float lightmapScale );
void AddTriangleModels( entity_t *e );
/* surface.c */
mapDrawSurface_t *AllocDrawSurface( surfaceType_t type );
void FinishSurface( mapDrawSurface_t *ds );
void StripFaceSurface( mapDrawSurface_t *ds );
qboolean CalcSurfaceTextureRange( mapDrawSurface_t *ds );
qboolean CalcLightmapAxis( vec3_t normal, vec3_t axis );
void ClassifySurfaces( int numSurfs, mapDrawSurface_t *ds );
void ClassifyEntitySurfaces( entity_t *e );
void TidyEntitySurfaces( entity_t *e );
mapDrawSurface_t *CloneSurface( mapDrawSurface_t *src, shaderInfo_t *si );
mapDrawSurface_t *MakeCelSurface( mapDrawSurface_t *src, shaderInfo_t *si );
qboolean IsTriangleDegenerate( bspDrawVert_t *points, int a, int b, int c );
void ClearSurface( mapDrawSurface_t *ds );
void AddEntitySurfaceModels( entity_t *e );
mapDrawSurface_t *DrawSurfaceForSide( entity_t *e, brush_t *b, side_t *s, winding_t *w );
mapDrawSurface_t *DrawSurfaceForMesh( entity_t *e, parseMesh_t *p, mesh_t *mesh );
mapDrawSurface_t *DrawSurfaceForFlare( int entNum, vec3_t origin, vec3_t normal, vec3_t color, char *flareShader, int lightStyle );
mapDrawSurface_t *DrawSurfaceForShader( char *shader );
void ClipSidesIntoTree( entity_t *e, tree_t *tree );
void MakeDebugPortalSurfs( tree_t *tree );
void MakeFogHullSurfs( entity_t *e, tree_t *tree, char *shader );
void SubdivideFaceSurfaces( entity_t *e, tree_t *tree );
void AddEntitySurfaceModels( entity_t *e );
int AddSurfaceModels( mapDrawSurface_t *ds );
void FilterDrawsurfsIntoTree( entity_t *e, tree_t *tree );
/* surface_fur.c */
void Fur( mapDrawSurface_t *src );
/* surface_foliage.c */
void Foliage( mapDrawSurface_t *src );
/* ydnar: surface_meta.c */
void ClearMetaTriangles( void );
int FindMetaTriangle( metaTriangle_t *src, bspDrawVert_t *a, bspDrawVert_t *b, bspDrawVert_t *c, int planeNum );
void MakeEntityMetaTriangles( entity_t *e );
void FixMetaTJunctions( void );
void SmoothMetaTriangles( void );
void MergeMetaTriangles( void );
/* surface_extra.c */
void SetDefaultSampleSize( int sampleSize );
void SetSurfaceExtra( mapDrawSurface_t *ds, int num );
shaderInfo_t *GetSurfaceExtraShaderInfo( int num );
int GetSurfaceExtraParentSurfaceNum( int num );
int GetSurfaceExtraEntityNum( int num );
int GetSurfaceExtraCastShadows( int num );
int GetSurfaceExtraRecvShadows( int num );
int GetSurfaceExtraSampleSize( int num );
float GetSurfaceExtraLongestCurve( int num );
void GetSurfaceExtraLightmapAxis( int num, vec3_t lightmapAxis );
void WriteSurfaceExtraFile( const char *path );
void LoadSurfaceExtraFile( const char *path );
/* decals.c */
void ProcessDecals( void );
void MakeEntityDecals( entity_t *e );
/* brush_primit.c */
void ComputeAxisBase( vec3_t normal, vec3_t texX, vec3_t texY );
/* vis.c */
fixedWinding_t *NewFixedWinding( int points );
int VisMain( int argc, char **argv );
/* visflow.c */
int CountBits( byte *bits, int numbits );
void PassageFlow( int portalnum );
void CreatePassages( int portalnum );
void PassageMemory( void );
void BasePortalVis( int portalnum );
void BetterPortalVis( int portalnum );
void PortalFlow( int portalnum );
void PassagePortalFlow( int portalnum );
/* light.c */
float PointToPolygonFormFactor( const vec3_t point, const vec3_t normal, const winding_t *w );
int LightContributionToSample( trace_t *trace );
void LightingAtSample( trace_t * trace, byte styles[ MAX_LIGHTMAPS ], vec3_t colors[ MAX_LIGHTMAPS ] );
int LightContributionToPoint( trace_t *trace );
int LightMain( int argc, char **argv );
/* light_trace.c */
void SetupTraceNodes( void );
void TraceLine( trace_t *trace );
float SetupTrace( trace_t *trace );
/* light_bounce.c */
qboolean RadSampleImage( byte * pixels, int width, int height, float st[ 2 ], float color[ 4 ] );
void RadLightForTriangles( int num, int lightmapNum, rawLightmap_t *lm, shaderInfo_t *si, float scale, float subdivide, clipWork_t *cw );
void RadLightForPatch( int num, int lightmapNum, rawLightmap_t *lm, shaderInfo_t *si, float scale, float subdivide, clipWork_t *cw );
void RadCreateDiffuseLights( void );
void RadFreeLights();
/* light_ydnar.c */
void ColorToBytes( const float *color, byte *colorBytes, float scale );
void SmoothNormals( void );
void MapRawLightmap( int num );
void SetupDirt();
float DirtForSample( trace_t *trace );
void DirtyRawLightmap( int num );
void IlluminateRawLightmap( int num );
void IlluminateVertexes( int num );
void SetupBrushes( void );
void SetupClusters( void );
qboolean ClusterVisible( int a, int b );
qboolean ClusterVisibleToPoint( vec3_t point, int cluster );
int ClusterForPoint( vec3_t point );
int ClusterForPointExt( vec3_t point, float epsilon );
int ClusterForPointExtFilter( vec3_t point, float epsilon, int numClusters, int *clusters );
int ShaderForPointInLeaf( vec3_t point, int leafNum, float epsilon, int wantContentFlags, int wantSurfaceFlags, int *contentFlags, int *surfaceFlags );
void SetupEnvelopes( qboolean forGrid, qboolean fastFlag );
void FreeTraceLights( trace_t *trace );
void CreateTraceLightsForBounds( vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs, vec3_t normal, int numClusters, int *clusters, int flags, trace_t *trace );
void CreateTraceLightsForSurface( int num, trace_t *trace );
/* lightmaps_ydnar.c */
void ExportLightmaps( void );
int ExportLightmapsMain( int argc, char **argv );
int ImportLightmapsMain( int argc, char **argv );
void SetupSurfaceLightmaps( void );
void StitchSurfaceLightmaps( void );
void StoreSurfaceLightmaps( void );
/* image.c */
void ImageFree( image_t *image );
image_t *ImageFind( const char *filename );
image_t *ImageLoad( const char *filename );
/* shaders.c */
void ColorMod( colorMod_t *am, int numVerts, bspDrawVert_t *drawVerts );
void TCMod( tcMod_t mod, float st[ 2 ] );
void TCModIdentity( tcMod_t mod );
void TCModMultiply( tcMod_t a, tcMod_t b, tcMod_t out );
void TCModTranslate( tcMod_t mod, float s, float t );
void TCModScale( tcMod_t mod, float s, float t );
void TCModRotate( tcMod_t mod, float euler );
qboolean ApplySurfaceParm( char *name, int *contentFlags, int *surfaceFlags, int *compileFlags );
void BeginMapShaderFile( const char *mapFile );
void WriteMapShaderFile( void );
shaderInfo_t *CustomShader( shaderInfo_t *si, char *find, char *replace );
void EmitVertexRemapShader( char *from, char *to );
void LoadShaderInfo( void );
shaderInfo_t *ShaderInfoForShader( const char *shader );
/* bspfile_abstract.c */
void SetGridPoints( int n );
void SetDrawVerts( int n );
void IncDrawVerts();
void SetDrawSurfaces( int n );
void SetDrawSurfacesBuffer();
void BSPFilesCleanup();
void SwapBlock( int *block, int size );
int GetLumpElements( bspHeader_t *header, int lump, int size );
void *GetLump( bspHeader_t *header, int lump );
int CopyLump( bspHeader_t *header, int lump, void *dest, int size );
void AddLump( FILE *file, bspHeader_t *header, int lumpNum, const void *data, int length );
void LoadBSPFile( const char *filename );
void WriteBSPFile( const char *filename );
void PrintBSPFileSizes( void );
epair_t *ParseEPair( void );
void ParseEntities( void );
void UnparseEntities( void );
void PrintEntity( const entity_t *ent );
void SetKeyValue( entity_t *ent, const char *key, const char *value );
const char *ValueForKey( const entity_t *ent, const char *key );
int IntForKey( const entity_t *ent, const char *key );
vec_t FloatForKey( const entity_t *ent, const char *key );
void GetVectorForKey( const entity_t *ent, const char *key, vec3_t vec );
entity_t *FindTargetEntity( const char *target );
void GetEntityShadowFlags( const entity_t *ent, const entity_t *ent2, int *castShadows, int *recvShadows );
/* bspfile_ibsp.c */
void LoadIBSPFile( const char *filename );
void WriteIBSPFile( const char *filename );
/* bspfile_rbsp.c */
void LoadRBSPFile( const char *filename );
void WriteRBSPFile( const char *filename );
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
bsp/general global variables
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#ifdef MAIN_C
#define Q_EXTERN
#define Q_ASSIGN( a ) = a
#define Q_EXTERN extern
#define Q_ASSIGN( a )
/* game support */
Q_EXTERN game_t games[]
#ifndef MAIN_C
#include "game_quake3.h"
#include "game_quakelive.h" /* most be after game_quake3.h as they share defines! */
#include "game_nexuiz.h" /* most be after game_quake3.h as they share defines! */
#include "game_tremulous.h" /*LinuxManMikeC: must be after game_quake3.h, depends on #define's set in it */
#include "game_tenebrae.h"
#include "game_wolf.h"
#include "game_wolfet.h" /* most be after game_wolf.h as they share defines! */
#include "game_etut.h"
#include "game_ef.h"
#include "game_sof2.h"
#include "game_jk2.h" /* most be after game_sof2.h as they share defines! */
#include "game_ja.h" /* most be after game_jk2.h as they share defines! */
#include "game_qfusion.h" /* qfusion game */
#include "game_reaction.h" /* must be after game_quake3.h */
{ NULL } /* null game */
Q_EXTERN game_t *game Q_ASSIGN( &games[ 0 ] );
/* general */
Q_EXTERN int numImages Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
Q_EXTERN image_t images[ MAX_IMAGES ];
Q_EXTERN int numPicoModels Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
Q_EXTERN picoModel_t *picoModels[ MAX_MODELS ];
Q_EXTERN shaderInfo_t *shaderInfo Q_ASSIGN( NULL );
Q_EXTERN int numShaderInfo Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
Q_EXTERN int numVertexRemaps Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
Q_EXTERN surfaceParm_t custSurfaceParms[ MAX_CUST_SURFACEPARMS ];
Q_EXTERN int numCustSurfaceParms Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
Q_EXTERN char mapName[ MAX_QPATH ]; /* ydnar: per-map custom shaders for larger lightmaps */
Q_EXTERN char mapShaderFile[ 1024 ];
Q_EXTERN qboolean warnImage Q_ASSIGN( qtrue );
/* ydnar: sinusoid samples */
Q_EXTERN float jitters[ MAX_JITTERS ];
/* commandline arguments */
Q_EXTERN qboolean verbose;
Q_EXTERN qboolean verboseEntities Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN qboolean force Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN qboolean infoMode Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN qboolean useCustomInfoParms Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN qboolean noprune Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN qboolean leaktest Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN qboolean nodetail Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN qboolean nosubdivide Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN qboolean notjunc Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN qboolean fulldetail Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN qboolean nowater Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN qboolean noCurveBrushes Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN qboolean fakemap Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN qboolean coplanar Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN qboolean nofog Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN qboolean noHint Q_ASSIGN( qfalse ); /* ydnar */
Q_EXTERN qboolean renameModelShaders Q_ASSIGN( qfalse ); /* ydnar */
Q_EXTERN qboolean skyFixHack Q_ASSIGN( qfalse ); /* ydnar */
Q_EXTERN int patchSubdivisions Q_ASSIGN( 8 ); /* ydnar: -patchmeta subdivisions */
Q_EXTERN int maxLMSurfaceVerts Q_ASSIGN( 64 ); /* ydnar */
Q_EXTERN int maxSurfaceVerts Q_ASSIGN( 999 ); /* ydnar */
Q_EXTERN int maxSurfaceIndexes Q_ASSIGN( 6000 ); /* ydnar */
Q_EXTERN float npDegrees Q_ASSIGN( 0.0f ); /* ydnar: nonplanar degrees */
Q_EXTERN int bevelSnap Q_ASSIGN( 0 ); /* ydnar: bevel plane snap */
Q_EXTERN int texRange Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
Q_EXTERN qboolean flat Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN qboolean meta Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN qboolean patchMeta Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN qboolean emitFlares Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN qboolean debugSurfaces Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN qboolean debugInset Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN qboolean debugPortals Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
// Increasing the normalEpsilon to compensate for new logic in SnapNormal(), where
// this epsilon is now used to compare against 0 components instead of the 1 or -1
// components. Unfortunately, normalEpsilon is also used in PlaneEqual(). So changing
// this will affect anything that calls PlaneEqual() as well (which are, at the time
// of this writing, FindFloatPlane() and AddBrushBevels()).
Q_EXTERN double normalEpsilon Q_ASSIGN( 0.00005 );
Q_EXTERN double normalEpsilon Q_ASSIGN( 0.00001 );
// NOTE: This distanceEpsilon is too small if parts of the map are at maximum world
// extents (in the range of plus or minus 2^16). The smallest epsilon at values
// close to 2^16 is about 0.007, which is greater than distanceEpsilon. Therefore,
// maps should be constrained to about 2^15, otherwise slightly undesirable effects
// may result. The 0.01 distanceEpsilon used previously is just too coarse in my
// opinion. The real fix for this problem is to have 64 bit distances and then make
// this epsilon even smaller, or to constrain world coordinates to plus minus 2^15
// (or even 2^14).
Q_EXTERN double distanceEpsilon Q_ASSIGN( 0.005 );
Q_EXTERN double distanceEpsilon Q_ASSIGN( 0.01 );
/* bsp */
Q_EXTERN int numMapEntities Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
Q_EXTERN int blockSize[ 3 ] /* should be the same as in radiant */
#ifndef MAIN_C
= { 1024, 1024, 1024 };
Q_EXTERN char name[ 1024 ];
Q_EXTERN char source[ 1024 ];
Q_EXTERN char outbase[ 32 ];
Q_EXTERN int sampleSize; /* lightmap sample size in units */
Q_EXTERN int mapEntityNum Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
Q_EXTERN int entitySourceBrushes;
Q_EXTERN plane_t mapplanes[ MAX_MAP_PLANES ]; /* mapplanes[ num ^ 1 ] will always be the mirror or mapplanes[ num ] */
Q_EXTERN int nummapplanes; /* nummapplanes will always be even */
Q_EXTERN int numMapPatches;
Q_EXTERN vec3_t mapMins, mapMaxs;
Q_EXTERN int defaultFogNum Q_ASSIGN( -1 ); /* ydnar: cleaner fog handling */
Q_EXTERN int numMapFogs Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
Q_EXTERN fog_t mapFogs[ MAX_MAP_FOGS ];
Q_EXTERN entity_t *mapEnt;
Q_EXTERN brush_t *buildBrush;
Q_EXTERN int numActiveBrushes;
Q_EXTERN int g_bBrushPrimit;
Q_EXTERN int numStrippedLights Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
/* surface stuff */
Q_EXTERN mapDrawSurface_t *mapDrawSurfs Q_ASSIGN( NULL );
Q_EXTERN int numMapDrawSurfs;
Q_EXTERN int numSurfacesByType[ NUM_SURFACE_TYPES ];
Q_EXTERN int numClearedSurfaces;
Q_EXTERN int numStripSurfaces;
Q_EXTERN int numFanSurfaces;
Q_EXTERN int numMergedSurfaces;
Q_EXTERN int numMergedVerts;
Q_EXTERN int numRedundantIndexes;
Q_EXTERN int numSurfaceModels Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
Q_EXTERN byte debugColors[ 12 ][ 3 ]
#ifndef MAIN_C
{ 255, 0, 0 },
{ 192, 128, 128 },
{ 255, 255, 0 },
{ 192, 192, 128 },
{ 0, 255, 255 },
{ 128, 192, 192 },
{ 0, 0, 255 },
{ 128, 128, 192 },
{ 255, 0, 255 },
{ 192, 128, 192 },
{ 0, 255, 0 },
{ 128, 192, 128 }
Q_EXTERN qboolean skyboxPresent Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN int skyboxArea Q_ASSIGN( -1 );
Q_EXTERN m4x4_t skyboxTransform;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
vis global variables
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* commandline arguments */
Q_EXTERN qboolean fastvis;
Q_EXTERN qboolean noPassageVis;
Q_EXTERN qboolean passageVisOnly;
Q_EXTERN qboolean mergevis;
Q_EXTERN qboolean nosort;
Q_EXTERN qboolean saveprt;
Q_EXTERN qboolean hint; /* ydnar */
Q_EXTERN char inbase[ MAX_QPATH ];
/* other bits */
Q_EXTERN int totalvis;
Q_EXTERN float farPlaneDist; /* rr2do2, rf, mre, ydnar all contributed to this one... */
Q_EXTERN int numportals;
Q_EXTERN int portalclusters;
Q_EXTERN vportal_t *portals;
Q_EXTERN leaf_t *leafs;
Q_EXTERN vportal_t *faces;
Q_EXTERN leaf_t *faceleafs;
Q_EXTERN int numfaces;
Q_EXTERN int c_portaltest, c_portalpass, c_portalcheck;
Q_EXTERN int c_portalskip, c_leafskip;
Q_EXTERN int c_vistest, c_mighttest;
Q_EXTERN int c_chains;
Q_EXTERN byte *vismap, *vismap_p, *vismap_end;
Q_EXTERN int testlevel;
Q_EXTERN byte *uncompressed;
Q_EXTERN int leafbytes, leaflongs;
Q_EXTERN int portalbytes, portallongs;
Q_EXTERN vportal_t *sorted_portals[ MAX_MAP_PORTALS * 2 ];
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
light global variables
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* commandline arguments */
Q_EXTERN qboolean wolfLight Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN qboolean loMem Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN qboolean noStyles Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN qboolean noVertexLighting Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN qboolean noGridLighting Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN qboolean noTrace Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN qboolean noSurfaces Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN qboolean patchShadows Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN qboolean cpmaHack Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN qboolean deluxemap Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN qboolean debugDeluxemap Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN qboolean fast Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN qboolean faster Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN qboolean fastgrid Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN qboolean fastbounce Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN qboolean cheap Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN qboolean cheapgrid Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN int bounce Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
Q_EXTERN qboolean bounceOnly Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN qboolean bouncing Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN qboolean bouncegrid Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN qboolean normalmap Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN qboolean trisoup Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN qboolean shade Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN float shadeAngleDegrees Q_ASSIGN( 0.0f );
Q_EXTERN int superSample Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
Q_EXTERN int lightSamples Q_ASSIGN( 1 );
Q_EXTERN qboolean filter Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN qboolean dark Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN qboolean sunOnly Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN int approximateTolerance Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
Q_EXTERN qboolean noCollapse Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN qboolean exportLightmaps Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN qboolean externalLightmaps Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN qboolean dirty Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN qboolean dirtDebug Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN int dirtMode Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
Q_EXTERN float dirtDepth Q_ASSIGN( 128.0f );
Q_EXTERN float dirtScale Q_ASSIGN( 1.0f );
Q_EXTERN float dirtGain Q_ASSIGN( 1.0f );
Q_EXTERN qboolean dump Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN qboolean debug Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN qboolean debugUnused Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN qboolean debugAxis Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN qboolean debugCluster Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN qboolean debugOrigin Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN qboolean lightmapBorder Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
/* longest distance across the map */
Q_EXTERN float maxMapDistance Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
/* for run time tweaking of light sources */
Q_EXTERN float pointScale Q_ASSIGN( 7500.0f );
Q_EXTERN float areaScale Q_ASSIGN( 0.25f );
Q_EXTERN float skyScale Q_ASSIGN( 1.0f );
Q_EXTERN float bounceScale Q_ASSIGN( 0.25f );
/* ydnar: lightmap gamma/compensation */
Q_EXTERN float lightmapGamma Q_ASSIGN( 1.0f );
Q_EXTERN float lightmapCompensate Q_ASSIGN( 1.0f );
/* ydnar: for runtime tweaking of falloff tolerance */
Q_EXTERN float falloffTolerance Q_ASSIGN( 1.0f );
Q_EXTERN qboolean exactPointToPolygon Q_ASSIGN( qtrue );
Q_EXTERN float formFactorValueScale Q_ASSIGN( 3.0f );
Q_EXTERN float linearScale Q_ASSIGN( 1.0f / 8000.0f );
Q_EXTERN light_t *lights;
Q_EXTERN int numPointLights;
Q_EXTERN int numSpotLights;
Q_EXTERN int numSunLights;
Q_EXTERN int numAreaLights;
/* ydnar: for luxel placement */
Q_EXTERN int numSurfaceClusters, maxSurfaceClusters;
Q_EXTERN int *surfaceClusters;
/* ydnar: for radiosity */
Q_EXTERN int numDiffuseLights;
Q_EXTERN int numBrushDiffuseLights;
Q_EXTERN int numTriangleDiffuseLights;
Q_EXTERN int numPatchDiffuseLights;
/* ydnar: general purpose extra copy of drawvert list */
Q_EXTERN bspDrawVert_t *yDrawVerts;
/* ydnar: for tracing statistics */
Q_EXTERN int minSurfacesTested;
Q_EXTERN int maxSurfacesTested;
Q_EXTERN int totalSurfacesTested;
Q_EXTERN int totalTraces;
Q_EXTERN FILE *dumpFile;
Q_EXTERN int c_visible, c_occluded;
Q_EXTERN int c_subsampled; /* ydnar */
Q_EXTERN int defaultLightSubdivide Q_ASSIGN( 999 );
Q_EXTERN vec3_t ambientColor;
Q_EXTERN vec3_t minLight, minVertexLight, minGridLight;
Q_EXTERN int *entitySurface;
Q_EXTERN vec3_t *surfaceOrigin;
Q_EXTERN vec3_t sunDirection;
Q_EXTERN vec3_t sunLight;
/* tracing */
Q_EXTERN int c_totalTrace;
Q_EXTERN int c_cullTrace, c_testTrace;
Q_EXTERN int c_testFacets;
/* ydnar: light optimization */
Q_EXTERN int numOpaqueBrushes, maxOpaqueBrush;
Q_EXTERN byte *opaqueBrushes;
Q_EXTERN int numLights;
Q_EXTERN int numCulledLights;
Q_EXTERN int gridBoundsCulled;
Q_EXTERN int gridEnvelopeCulled;
Q_EXTERN int lightsBoundsCulled;
Q_EXTERN int lightsEnvelopeCulled;
Q_EXTERN int lightsPlaneCulled;
Q_EXTERN int lightsClusterCulled;
/* ydnar: radiosity */
Q_EXTERN float diffuseSubdivide Q_ASSIGN( 256.0f );
Q_EXTERN float minDiffuseSubdivide Q_ASSIGN( 64.0f );
Q_EXTERN int numDiffuseSurfaces Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
/* ydnar: list of surface information necessary for lightmap calculation */
Q_EXTERN surfaceInfo_t *surfaceInfos Q_ASSIGN( NULL );
/* ydnar: sorted list of surfaces */
Q_EXTERN int *sortSurfaces Q_ASSIGN( NULL );
/* clumps of surfaces that share a raw lightmap */
Q_EXTERN int numLightSurfaces Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
Q_EXTERN int *lightSurfaces Q_ASSIGN( NULL );
/* raw lightmaps */
Q_EXTERN int numRawSuperLuxels Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
Q_EXTERN int numRawLightmaps Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
Q_EXTERN rawLightmap_t *rawLightmaps Q_ASSIGN( NULL );
Q_EXTERN int *sortLightmaps Q_ASSIGN( NULL );
/* vertex luxels */
Q_EXTERN float *vertexLuxels[ MAX_LIGHTMAPS ];
Q_EXTERN float *radVertexLuxels[ MAX_LIGHTMAPS ];
/* bsp lightmaps */
Q_EXTERN int numLightmapShaders Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
Q_EXTERN int numSolidLightmaps Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
Q_EXTERN int numOutLightmaps Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
Q_EXTERN int numBSPLightmaps Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
Q_EXTERN int numExtLightmaps Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
Q_EXTERN outLightmap_t *outLightmaps Q_ASSIGN( NULL );
/* grid points */
Q_EXTERN int numRawGridPoints Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
Q_EXTERN rawGridPoint_t *rawGridPoints Q_ASSIGN( NULL );
Q_EXTERN int numSurfsVertexLit Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
Q_EXTERN int numSurfsVertexForced Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
Q_EXTERN int numSurfsVertexApproximated Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
Q_EXTERN int numSurfsLightmapped Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
Q_EXTERN int numPlanarsLightmapped Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
Q_EXTERN int numNonPlanarsLightmapped Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
Q_EXTERN int numPatchesLightmapped Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
Q_EXTERN int numPlanarPatchesLightmapped Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
Q_EXTERN int numLuxels Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
Q_EXTERN int numLuxelsMapped Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
Q_EXTERN int numLuxelsOccluded Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
Q_EXTERN int numLuxelsIlluminated Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
Q_EXTERN int numVertsIlluminated Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
/* lightgrid */
Q_EXTERN vec3_t gridMins;
Q_EXTERN int gridBounds[ 3 ];
Q_EXTERN vec3_t gridSize
#ifndef MAIN_C
= { 64, 64, 128 };
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
abstracted bsp globals
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Q_EXTERN int numEntities Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
Q_EXTERN int numBSPEntities Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
Q_EXTERN entity_t entities[ MAX_MAP_ENTITIES ];
Q_EXTERN int numBSPModels Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
Q_EXTERN bspModel_t bspModels[ MAX_MAP_MODELS ];
Q_EXTERN int numBSPShaders Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
Q_EXTERN bspShader_t bspShaders[ MAX_MAP_MODELS ];
Q_EXTERN int bspEntDataSize Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
Q_EXTERN int numBSPLeafs Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
Q_EXTERN bspLeaf_t bspLeafs[ MAX_MAP_LEAFS ];
Q_EXTERN int numBSPPlanes Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
Q_EXTERN bspPlane_t bspPlanes[ MAX_MAP_PLANES ];
Q_EXTERN int numBSPNodes Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
Q_EXTERN bspNode_t bspNodes[ MAX_MAP_NODES ];
Q_EXTERN int numBSPLeafSurfaces Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
Q_EXTERN int bspLeafSurfaces[ MAX_MAP_LEAFFACES ];
Q_EXTERN int numBSPLeafBrushes Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
Q_EXTERN int numBSPBrushes Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
Q_EXTERN bspBrush_t bspBrushes[ MAX_MAP_BRUSHES ];
Q_EXTERN int numBSPBrushSides Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
Q_EXTERN bspBrushSide_t bspBrushSides[ MAX_MAP_BRUSHSIDES ];
Q_EXTERN int numBSPLightBytes Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
Q_EXTERN byte *bspLightBytes Q_ASSIGN( NULL );
//% Q_EXTERN int numBSPGridPoints Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
//% Q_EXTERN byte *bspGridPoints Q_ASSIGN( NULL );
Q_EXTERN int numBSPGridPoints Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
Q_EXTERN bspGridPoint_t *bspGridPoints Q_ASSIGN( NULL );
Q_EXTERN int numBSPVisBytes Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
Q_EXTERN int numBSPDrawVerts Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
Q_EXTERN bspDrawVert_t *bspDrawVerts Q_ASSIGN( NULL );
Q_EXTERN int numBSPDrawIndexes Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
Q_EXTERN int bspDrawIndexes[ MAX_MAP_DRAW_INDEXES ];
Q_EXTERN int numBSPDrawSurfaces Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
Q_EXTERN bspDrawSurface_t *bspDrawSurfaces Q_ASSIGN( NULL );
Q_EXTERN int numBSPFogs Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
Q_EXTERN bspFog_t bspFogs[ MAX_MAP_FOGS ];
Q_EXTERN int numBSPAds Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
Q_EXTERN bspAdvertisement_t bspAds[ MAX_MAP_ADVERTISEMENTS ];
/* end marker */