TTimo cc4e44e31a merge branch work back into trunk
git-svn-id: svn:// 8a3a26a2-13c4-0310-b231-cf6edde360e5
2008-09-01 17:34:10 +00:00

590 lines
15 KiB

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Copyright (C) 1999-2007 id Software, Inc. and contributors.
For a list of contributors, see the accompanying CONTRIBUTORS file.
This file is part of GtkRadiant.
GtkRadiant is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
GtkRadiant is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with GtkRadiant; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
This code has been altered significantly from its original form, to support
several games based on the Quake III Arena engine, in the form of "Q3Map2."
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* marker */
/* dependencies */
#include "q3map2.h"
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
this file handles translating the bsp file format used by quake 3, rtcw, and ef
into the abstracted bsp file used by q3map2.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* constants */
#define LUMP_SHADERS 1
#define LUMP_PLANES 2
#define LUMP_NODES 3
#define LUMP_LEAFS 4
#define LUMP_MODELS 7
#define LUMP_BRUSHES 8
#define LUMP_FOGS 12
#define LUMP_SURFACES 13
#define HEADER_LUMPS 18
/* types */
typedef struct
char ident[ 4 ];
int version;
bspLump_t lumps[ HEADER_LUMPS ];
/* brush sides */
typedef struct
int planeNum;
int shaderNum;
static void CopyBrushSidesLump( ibspHeader_t *header )
int i;
ibspBrushSide_t *in;
bspBrushSide_t *out;
/* get count */
numBSPBrushSides = GetLumpElements( (bspHeader_t*) header, LUMP_BRUSHSIDES, sizeof( *in ) );
/* copy */
in = GetLump( (bspHeader_t*) header, LUMP_BRUSHSIDES );
out = bspBrushSides;
for( i = 0; i < numBSPBrushSides; i++ )
out->planeNum = in->planeNum;
out->shaderNum = in->shaderNum;
out->surfaceNum = -1;
static void AddBrushSidesLump( FILE *file, ibspHeader_t *header )
int i, size;
bspBrushSide_t *in;
ibspBrushSide_t *buffer, *out;
/* allocate output buffer */
size = numBSPBrushSides * sizeof( *buffer );
buffer = safe_malloc( size );
memset( buffer, 0, size );
/* convert */
in = bspBrushSides;
out = buffer;
for( i = 0; i < numBSPBrushSides; i++ )
out->planeNum = in->planeNum;
out->shaderNum = in->shaderNum;
/* write lump */
AddLump( file, (bspHeader_t*) header, LUMP_BRUSHSIDES, buffer, size );
/* free buffer */
free( buffer );
/* drawsurfaces */
typedef struct ibspDrawSurface_s
int shaderNum;
int fogNum;
int surfaceType;
int firstVert;
int numVerts;
int firstIndex;
int numIndexes;
int lightmapNum;
int lightmapX, lightmapY;
int lightmapWidth, lightmapHeight;
vec3_t lightmapOrigin;
vec3_t lightmapVecs[ 3 ];
int patchWidth;
int patchHeight;
static void CopyDrawSurfacesLump( ibspHeader_t *header )
int i, j;
ibspDrawSurface_t *in;
bspDrawSurface_t *out;
/* get count */
numBSPDrawSurfaces = GetLumpElements( (bspHeader_t*) header, LUMP_SURFACES, sizeof( *in ) );
SetDrawSurfaces( numBSPDrawSurfaces );
/* copy */
in = GetLump( (bspHeader_t*) header, LUMP_SURFACES );
out = bspDrawSurfaces;
for( i = 0; i < numBSPDrawSurfaces; i++ )
out->shaderNum = in->shaderNum;
out->fogNum = in->fogNum;
out->surfaceType = in->surfaceType;
out->firstVert = in->firstVert;
out->numVerts = in->numVerts;
out->firstIndex = in->firstIndex;
out->numIndexes = in->numIndexes;
out->lightmapStyles[ 0 ] = LS_NORMAL;
out->vertexStyles[ 0 ] = LS_NORMAL;
out->lightmapNum[ 0 ] = in->lightmapNum;
out->lightmapX[ 0 ] = in->lightmapX;
out->lightmapY[ 0 ] = in->lightmapY;
for( j = 1; j < MAX_LIGHTMAPS; j++ )
out->lightmapStyles[ j ] = LS_NONE;
out->vertexStyles[ j ] = LS_NONE;
out->lightmapNum[ j ] = -3;
out->lightmapX[ j ] = 0;
out->lightmapY[ j ] = 0;
out->lightmapWidth = in->lightmapWidth;
out->lightmapHeight = in->lightmapHeight;
VectorCopy( in->lightmapOrigin, out->lightmapOrigin );
VectorCopy( in->lightmapVecs[ 0 ], out->lightmapVecs[ 0 ] );
VectorCopy( in->lightmapVecs[ 1 ], out->lightmapVecs[ 1 ] );
VectorCopy( in->lightmapVecs[ 2 ], out->lightmapVecs[ 2 ] );
out->patchWidth = in->patchWidth;
out->patchHeight = in->patchHeight;
static void AddDrawSurfacesLump( FILE *file, ibspHeader_t *header )
int i, size;
bspDrawSurface_t *in;
ibspDrawSurface_t *buffer, *out;
/* allocate output buffer */
size = numBSPDrawSurfaces * sizeof( *buffer );
buffer = safe_malloc( size );
memset( buffer, 0, size );
/* convert */
in = bspDrawSurfaces;
out = buffer;
for( i = 0; i < numBSPDrawSurfaces; i++ )
out->shaderNum = in->shaderNum;
out->fogNum = in->fogNum;
out->surfaceType = in->surfaceType;
out->firstVert = in->firstVert;
out->numVerts = in->numVerts;
out->firstIndex = in->firstIndex;
out->numIndexes = in->numIndexes;
out->lightmapNum = in->lightmapNum[ 0 ];
out->lightmapX = in->lightmapX[ 0 ];
out->lightmapY = in->lightmapY[ 0 ];
out->lightmapWidth = in->lightmapWidth;
out->lightmapHeight = in->lightmapHeight;
VectorCopy( in->lightmapOrigin, out->lightmapOrigin );
VectorCopy( in->lightmapVecs[ 0 ], out->lightmapVecs[ 0 ] );
VectorCopy( in->lightmapVecs[ 1 ], out->lightmapVecs[ 1 ] );
VectorCopy( in->lightmapVecs[ 2 ], out->lightmapVecs[ 2 ] );
out->patchWidth = in->patchWidth;
out->patchHeight = in->patchHeight;
/* write lump */
AddLump( file, (bspHeader_t*) header, LUMP_SURFACES, buffer, size );
/* free buffer */
free( buffer );
/* drawverts */
typedef struct
vec3_t xyz;
float st[ 2 ];
float lightmap[ 2 ];
vec3_t normal;
byte color[ 4 ];
static void CopyDrawVertsLump( ibspHeader_t *header )
int i;
ibspDrawVert_t *in;
bspDrawVert_t *out;
/* get count */
numBSPDrawVerts = GetLumpElements( (bspHeader_t*) header, LUMP_DRAWVERTS, sizeof( *in ) );
SetDrawVerts( numBSPDrawVerts );
/* copy */
in = GetLump( (bspHeader_t*) header, LUMP_DRAWVERTS );
out = bspDrawVerts;
for( i = 0; i < numBSPDrawVerts; i++ )
VectorCopy( in->xyz, out->xyz );
out->st[ 0 ] = in->st[ 0 ];
out->st[ 1 ] = in->st[ 1 ];
out->lightmap[ 0 ][ 0 ] = in->lightmap[ 0 ];
out->lightmap[ 0 ][ 1 ] = in->lightmap[ 1 ];
VectorCopy( in->normal, out->normal );
out->color[ 0 ][ 0 ] = in->color[ 0 ];
out->color[ 0 ][ 1 ] = in->color[ 1 ];
out->color[ 0 ][ 2 ] = in->color[ 2 ];
out->color[ 0 ][ 3 ] = in->color[ 3 ];
static void AddDrawVertsLump( FILE *file, ibspHeader_t *header )
int i, size;
bspDrawVert_t *in;
ibspDrawVert_t *buffer, *out;
/* allocate output buffer */
size = numBSPDrawVerts * sizeof( *buffer );
buffer = safe_malloc( size );
memset( buffer, 0, size );
/* convert */
in = bspDrawVerts;
out = buffer;
for( i = 0; i < numBSPDrawVerts; i++ )
VectorCopy( in->xyz, out->xyz );
out->st[ 0 ] = in->st[ 0 ];
out->st[ 1 ] = in->st[ 1 ];
out->lightmap[ 0 ] = in->lightmap[ 0 ][ 0 ];
out->lightmap[ 1 ] = in->lightmap[ 0 ][ 1 ];
VectorCopy( in->normal, out->normal );
out->color[ 0 ] = in->color[ 0 ][ 0 ];
out->color[ 1 ] = in->color[ 0 ][ 1 ];
out->color[ 2 ] = in->color[ 0 ][ 2 ];
out->color[ 3 ] = in->color[ 0 ][ 3 ];
/* write lump */
AddLump( file, (bspHeader_t*) header, LUMP_DRAWVERTS, buffer, size );
/* free buffer */
free( buffer );
/* light grid */
typedef struct
byte ambient[ 3 ];
byte directed[ 3 ];
byte latLong[ 2 ];
static void CopyLightGridLumps( ibspHeader_t *header )
int i, j;
ibspGridPoint_t *in;
bspGridPoint_t *out;
/* get count */
numBSPGridPoints = GetLumpElements( (bspHeader_t*) header, LUMP_LIGHTGRID, sizeof( *in ) );
/* allocate buffer */
bspGridPoints = safe_malloc( numBSPGridPoints * sizeof( *bspGridPoints ) );
memset( bspGridPoints, 0, numBSPGridPoints * sizeof( *bspGridPoints ) );
/* copy */
in = GetLump( (bspHeader_t*) header, LUMP_LIGHTGRID );
out = bspGridPoints;
for( i = 0; i < numBSPGridPoints; i++ )
for( j = 0; j < MAX_LIGHTMAPS; j++ )
VectorCopy( in->ambient, out->ambient[ j ] );
VectorCopy( in->directed, out->directed[ j ] );
out->styles[ j ] = LS_NONE;
out->styles[ 0 ] = LS_NORMAL;
out->latLong[ 0 ] = in->latLong[ 0 ];
out->latLong[ 1 ] = in->latLong[ 1 ];
static void AddLightGridLumps( FILE *file, ibspHeader_t *header )
int i;
bspGridPoint_t *in;
ibspGridPoint_t *buffer, *out;
/* dummy check */
if( bspGridPoints == NULL )
/* allocate temporary buffer */
buffer = safe_malloc( numBSPGridPoints * sizeof( *out ) );
/* convert */
in = bspGridPoints;
out = buffer;
for( i = 0; i < numBSPGridPoints; i++ )
VectorCopy( in->ambient[ 0 ], out->ambient );
VectorCopy( in->directed[ 0 ], out->directed );
out->latLong[ 0 ] = in->latLong[ 0 ];
out->latLong[ 1 ] = in->latLong[ 1 ];
/* write lumps */
AddLump( file, (bspHeader_t*) header, LUMP_LIGHTGRID, buffer, (numBSPGridPoints * sizeof( *out )) );
/* free buffer (ydnar 2002-10-22: [bug 641] thanks Rap70r! */
free( buffer );
loads a quake 3 bsp file into memory
void LoadIBSPFile( const char *filename )
ibspHeader_t *header;
/* load the file header */
LoadFile( filename, (void**) &header );
/* swap the header (except the first 4 bytes) */
SwapBlock( (int*) ((byte*) header + sizeof( int )), sizeof( *header ) - sizeof( int ) );
/* make sure it matches the format we're trying to load */
if( force == qfalse && *((int*) header->ident) != *((int*) game->bspIdent) )
Error( "%s is not a %s file", filename, game->bspIdent );
if( force == qfalse && header->version != game->bspVersion )
Error( "%s is version %d, not %d", filename, header->version, game->bspVersion );
/* load/convert lumps */
numBSPShaders = CopyLump( (bspHeader_t*) header, LUMP_SHADERS, bspShaders, sizeof( bspShader_t ) );
numBSPModels = CopyLump( (bspHeader_t*) header, LUMP_MODELS, bspModels, sizeof( bspModel_t ) );
numBSPPlanes = CopyLump( (bspHeader_t*) header, LUMP_PLANES, bspPlanes, sizeof( bspPlane_t ) );
numBSPLeafs = CopyLump( (bspHeader_t*) header, LUMP_LEAFS, bspLeafs, sizeof( bspLeaf_t ) );
numBSPNodes = CopyLump( (bspHeader_t*) header, LUMP_NODES, bspNodes, sizeof( bspNode_t ) );
numBSPLeafSurfaces = CopyLump( (bspHeader_t*) header, LUMP_LEAFSURFACES, bspLeafSurfaces, sizeof( bspLeafSurfaces[ 0 ] ) );
numBSPLeafBrushes = CopyLump( (bspHeader_t*) header, LUMP_LEAFBRUSHES, bspLeafBrushes, sizeof( bspLeafBrushes[ 0 ] ) );
numBSPBrushes = CopyLump( (bspHeader_t*) header, LUMP_BRUSHES, bspBrushes, sizeof( bspBrush_t ) );
CopyBrushSidesLump( header );
CopyDrawVertsLump( header );
CopyDrawSurfacesLump( header );
numBSPFogs = CopyLump( (bspHeader_t*) header, LUMP_FOGS, bspFogs, sizeof( bspFog_t ) );
numBSPDrawIndexes = CopyLump( (bspHeader_t*) header, LUMP_DRAWINDEXES, bspDrawIndexes, sizeof( bspDrawIndexes[ 0 ] ) );
numBSPVisBytes = CopyLump( (bspHeader_t*) header, LUMP_VISIBILITY, bspVisBytes, 1 );
numBSPLightBytes = GetLumpElements( (bspHeader_t*) header, LUMP_LIGHTMAPS, 1 );
bspLightBytes = safe_malloc( numBSPLightBytes );
CopyLump( (bspHeader_t*) header, LUMP_LIGHTMAPS, bspLightBytes, 1 );
bspEntDataSize = CopyLump( (bspHeader_t*) header, LUMP_ENTITIES, bspEntData, 1);
CopyLightGridLumps( header );
/* advertisements */
numBSPAds = CopyLump( (bspHeader_t*) header, LUMP_ADVERTISEMENTS, bspAds, sizeof( bspAdvertisement_t ) );
/* free the file buffer */
free( header );
writes an id bsp file
void WriteIBSPFile( const char *filename )
ibspHeader_t outheader, *header;
FILE *file;
time_t t;
char marker[ 1024 ];
int size;
/* set header */
header = &outheader;
memset( header, 0, sizeof( *header ) );
//% Swapfile();
/* set up header */
*((int*) (bspHeader_t*) header->ident) = *((int*) game->bspIdent);
header->version = LittleLong( game->bspVersion );
/* write initial header */
file = SafeOpenWrite( filename );
SafeWrite( file, (bspHeader_t*) header, sizeof( *header ) ); /* overwritten later */
/* add marker lump */
time( &t );
sprintf( marker, "I LOVE MY Q3MAP2 %s on %s)", Q3MAP_VERSION, asctime( localtime( &t ) ) );
AddLump( file, (bspHeader_t*) header, 0, marker, strlen( marker ) + 1 );
/* add lumps */
AddLump( file, (bspHeader_t*) header, LUMP_SHADERS, bspShaders, numBSPShaders * sizeof( bspShader_t ) );
AddLump( file, (bspHeader_t*) header, LUMP_PLANES, bspPlanes, numBSPPlanes * sizeof( bspPlane_t ) );
AddLump( file, (bspHeader_t*) header, LUMP_LEAFS, bspLeafs, numBSPLeafs * sizeof( bspLeaf_t ) );
AddLump( file, (bspHeader_t*) header, LUMP_NODES, bspNodes, numBSPNodes * sizeof( bspNode_t ) );
AddLump( file, (bspHeader_t*) header, LUMP_BRUSHES, bspBrushes, numBSPBrushes*sizeof( bspBrush_t ) );
AddBrushSidesLump( file, header );
AddLump( file, (bspHeader_t*) header, LUMP_LEAFSURFACES, bspLeafSurfaces, numBSPLeafSurfaces * sizeof( bspLeafSurfaces[ 0 ] ) );
AddLump( file, (bspHeader_t*) header, LUMP_LEAFBRUSHES, bspLeafBrushes, numBSPLeafBrushes * sizeof( bspLeafBrushes[ 0 ] ) );
AddLump( file, (bspHeader_t*) header, LUMP_MODELS, bspModels, numBSPModels * sizeof( bspModel_t ) );
AddDrawVertsLump( file, header );
AddDrawSurfacesLump( file, header );
AddLump( file, (bspHeader_t*) header, LUMP_VISIBILITY, bspVisBytes, numBSPVisBytes );
AddLump( file, (bspHeader_t*) header, LUMP_LIGHTMAPS, bspLightBytes, numBSPLightBytes );
AddLightGridLumps( file, header );
AddLump( file, (bspHeader_t*) header, LUMP_ENTITIES, bspEntData, bspEntDataSize );
AddLump( file, (bspHeader_t*) header, LUMP_FOGS, bspFogs, numBSPFogs * sizeof( bspFog_t ) );
AddLump( file, (bspHeader_t*) header, LUMP_DRAWINDEXES, bspDrawIndexes, numBSPDrawIndexes * sizeof( bspDrawIndexes[ 0 ] ) );
/* advertisements */
AddLump( file, (bspHeader_t*) header, LUMP_ADVERTISEMENTS, bspAds, numBSPAds * sizeof( bspAdvertisement_t ) );
/* emit bsp size */
size = ftell( file );
Sys_Printf( "Wrote %.1f MB (%d bytes)\n", (float) size / (1024 * 1024), size );
/* write the completed header */
fseek( file, 0, SEEK_SET );
SafeWrite( file, header, sizeof( *header ) );
/* close the file */
fclose( file );