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<title>Suggested GenSurf settings</title>
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<p align="center"><font size="5">Suggested GenSurf settings</font> (by Tab)</p>
<div align="right">
<table border="1" cellspacing="1" width="100%" bordercolor="#808080" bgcolor="#000000" cellpadding="10">
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<p>The General TAB:</p>
<font FACE="Symbol">
<p>· </font>Select Quake 3 Arena under Game.</p>
<font FACE="Symbol">
<p>· </font>Select From Bitmap under Waveform. Of course, you may want to
play around with some of the other wave forms. But bitmaps give you the
greatest degree of control.</p>
<font FACE="Symbol">
<p>· </font>Orientation: as appropriate</p>
<font FACE="Symbol">
<p>· </font>If you don’t want GenSurf to add any “noise” or
randomization to the height of the mesh, set the Roughness to zero. The
preview window gives you a good representation of what roughness does to
your surface. The random seed changes the distribution of the noise. Adjust
both fields accordingly.</p>
<p>The Extents TAB:</p>
<p>Extents:</b> The extents of a map are the points on a map that define its
lowermost t and leftmost corner and its uppermost and rightmost corner. They are
given in terms of X, Y coordinates.</p>
<font FACE="Symbol" SIZE="2">
<p>· </font>Under Extents, you should chose number values that are even
multiples of your number of Divisions so that the grid rectangles are all
the same size (this produces better texturing results). It also makes extra
work for the compiler. Furthermore, use the Extents to position the terrain
entity on the map (XY only). You will want to make sure that the terrain
locates exactly where you want it each time you revise it. Repositioning a
terrain file can be time consuming.</p>
<font FACE="Symbol" SIZE="2">
<p>· </font>Set your X and Y divisions to equal the number of rows and
columns of triangles you want. You may want to strongly consider playing
with the numbers so that your triangle sides end up be large powers of two
(64, 128, 256 units etc.).</p>
<font FACE="Symbol" SIZE="2">
<p>· </font>Do not check Use Bezier Patches.</p>
<font FACE="Symbol" SIZE="2">
<p>· </font>Do not Decimate (keep it set to 0%). The process that applies
textures to the surfaces and blends textures between vertexes works best if
the size of the triangles is consistent and constant.</p>
<p>The Bitmap TAB:</p>
</b><font FACE="Symbol" SIZE="2">
<p>· </font>Filename should point to the .bmp file you are using as a height
map. Reload will bring in any changes you have made to the art file without
having to restart the program.</p>
<font FACE="Symbol" SIZE="2">
<p>· </font>GenSurf assigns an integer value to each of 256 shades of gray.
The value is based on the position of the color in the palette. In a grayscale
palette, the values typically range from 0 (black) to 255 (white). Map Color 0
corresponds (usually) to the lowest point on the height map and Map Color 255
to the highest. If you set Map Color 0 to 0 and Map Color 255 to 2048, each
increase in color value adds 8 units to the height of the vertex. When you
increase the difference between to the two values, the height changes are
steeper. Decrease the difference and the height changes are more global. You
can control the “Z” location at which the terrain draws by adding any
extra height above (or below) zero to the height values for both numbers.</p>
<p>The Fix Points TAB:</p>
<p>The general recommendation for this TAB is to leave it alone. You should
either modify the height map or directly manipulate vertexes inside the
Q3Radiant editor.</p>
<p>Texture TAB:</p>
</b><font FACE="Symbol" SIZE="2">
<p>· </font>Set the main texture to common/terrain. The “Steep” angle is
irrelevant for terrain texture mapping.</p>
<font FACE="Symbol" SIZE="2">
<p>· </font>Make sure that the Use detail brushes setting is checked.</p>
<p>Once you’ve tweaked all your settings, do a Save as. If you make changes to
the settings, consider saving again as a new file. It’s nice to have a back up
if you screw things up.</p>
<p>GenSurf Tips</p>
</b><font FACE="Symbol" SIZE="2">
<p>· </font>Setting extents to correspond exactly with the desired map
location is important. You want to be able to drop revised terrain into a map
without a lot of repositioning.</p>
<p align="center"><a href="height_map_into_terrain_mesh.html">Back</a> - <a href="table_of_contents.html">Table
of Contents</a> - <a href="manipulating_the_terrain_mesh.html">Manipulating the
Terrain Mesh</a></p>
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<p align="center">-11-</p>