LICENSE ( last update: Wed Feb  8 17:16:40 CST 2006 )

There are 3 license types used throughout GtkRadiant source code.

BSD - modified Berkeley Software Distribution license
( each BSD licensed source file starts with the appropriate header )
LGPL - GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
( see LGPL at the root of the tree )
GPL - GNU General Public License
( see GPL at the root of the tree )

How do I check which license applies to a given part of the source code?

Each source file in the tree comes with a license header which explains what
license applies. To sum up shortly:

GPL: ( except some files contributed by Loki Software under BSD license )
GtkRadiant Core
GtkRadiant Modules
GtkRadiant Libraries
Quake III Tools
Quake II Tools
Background2D Plugin
HydraToolz Plugin

JPEG Library
MD5 Library
DDS Library
PicoModel Library
PrtView Plugin

BobToolz Plugin
GenSurf Plugin