/* Copyright (C) 1999-2007 id Software, Inc. and contributors. For a list of contributors, see the accompanying CONTRIBUTORS file. This file is part of GtkRadiant. GtkRadiant is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. GtkRadiant is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GtkRadiant; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ // // trilib.c: library for loading triangles from an Alias triangle file // #include <stdio.h> #include "cmdlib.h" #include "mathlib.h" #include "polyset.h" #include "trilib.h" // on disk representation of a face #define FLOAT_START 99999.0 #define FLOAT_END -FLOAT_START #define MAGIC 123322 //#define NOISY 1 #if defined ( __linux__ ) || defined ( __APPLE__ ) #define strlwr strlower #endif typedef struct { float v[3]; } vector; typedef struct { vector n; /* normal */ vector p; /* point */ vector c; /* color */ float u; /* u */ float v; /* v */ } aliaspoint_t; typedef struct { aliaspoint_t pt[3]; } tf_triangle; static void ByteSwapTri( tf_triangle *tri ){ int i; for ( i = 0 ; i < sizeof( tf_triangle ) / 4 ; i++ ) { ( (int *)tri )[i] = BigLong( ( (int *)tri )[i] ); } } static void ReadPolysetGeometry( triangle_t *tripool, FILE *input, int count, triangle_t *ptri ){ tf_triangle tri; int i; for ( i = 0; i < count; ++i ) { int j; fread( &tri, sizeof( tf_triangle ), 1, input ); ByteSwapTri( &tri ); for ( j = 0 ; j < 3 ; j++ ) { int k; for ( k = 0 ; k < 3 ; k++ ) { ptri->verts[j][k] = tri.pt[j].p.v[k]; ptri->normals[j][k] = tri.pt[j].n.v[k]; // ptri->colors[j][k] = tri.pt[j].c.v[k]; } ptri->texcoords[j][0] = tri.pt[j].u; ptri->texcoords[j][1] = tri.pt[j].v; } ptri++; if ( ( ptri - tripool ) >= POLYSET_MAXTRIANGLES ) { Error( "Error: too many triangles; increase POLYSET_MAXTRIANGLES\n" ); } } } void TRI_LoadPolysets( const char *filename, polyset_t **ppPSET, int *numpsets ){ FILE *input; float start; char name[256], tex[256]; int i, count, magic, pset = 0; triangle_t *ptri; polyset_t *pPSET; int iLevel; int exitpattern; float t; t = -FLOAT_START; *( (unsigned char *)&exitpattern + 0 ) = *( (unsigned char *)&t + 3 ); *( (unsigned char *)&exitpattern + 1 ) = *( (unsigned char *)&t + 2 ); *( (unsigned char *)&exitpattern + 2 ) = *( (unsigned char *)&t + 1 ); *( (unsigned char *)&exitpattern + 3 ) = *( (unsigned char *)&t + 0 ); if ( ( input = fopen( filename, "rb" ) ) == 0 ) { Error( "reader: could not open file '%s'", filename ); } iLevel = 0; fread( &magic, sizeof( int ), 1, input ); if ( BigLong( magic ) != MAGIC ) { Error( "%s is not a Alias object separated triangle file, magic number is wrong.", filename ); } pPSET = calloc( 1, POLYSET_MAXPOLYSETS * sizeof( polyset_t ) ); ptri = calloc( 1, POLYSET_MAXTRIANGLES * sizeof( triangle_t ) ); *ppPSET = pPSET; while ( feof( input ) == 0 ) { if ( fread( &start, sizeof( float ), 1, input ) < 1 ) { break; } *(int *)&start = BigLong( *(int *)&start ); if ( *(int *)&start != exitpattern ) { if ( start == FLOAT_START ) { /* Start of an object or group of objects. */ i = -1; do { /* There are probably better ways to read a string from */ /* a file, but this does allow you to do error checking */ /* (which I'm not doing) on a per character basis. */ ++i; fread( &( name[i] ), sizeof( char ), 1, input ); } while ( name[i] != '\0' ); if ( i != 0 ) { strncpy( pPSET[pset].name, name, sizeof( pPSET[pset].name ) - 1 ); } else{ strcpy( pPSET[pset].name, "(unnamed)" ); } strlwr( pPSET[pset].name ); // indent(); // fprintf(stdout,"OBJECT START: %s\n",name); fread( &count, sizeof( int ), 1, input ); count = BigLong( count ); ++iLevel; if ( count != 0 ) { // indent(); // fprintf(stdout,"NUMBER OF TRIANGLES: %d\n",count); i = -1; do { ++i; fread( &( tex[i] ), sizeof( char ), 1, input ); } while ( tex[i] != '\0' ); /* if ( i != 0 ) strncpy( pPSET[pset].texname, tex, sizeof( pPSET[pset].texname ) - 1 ); else strcpy( pPSET[pset].texname, "(unnamed)" ); strlwr( pPSET[pset].texname ); */ // indent(); // fprintf(stdout," Object texture name: '%s'\n",tex); } /* Else (count == 0) this is the start of a group, and */ /* no texture name is present. */ } else if ( start == FLOAT_END ) { /* End of an object or group. Yes, the name should be */ /* obvious from context, but it is in here just to be */ /* safe and to provide a little extra information for */ /* those who do not wish to write a recursive reader. */ /* Mea culpa. */ --iLevel; i = -1; do { ++i; fread( &( name[i] ), sizeof( char ), 1, input ); } while ( name[i] != '\0' ); if ( i != 0 ) { strncpy( pPSET[pset].name, name, sizeof( pPSET[pset].name ) - 1 ); } else{ strcpy( pPSET[pset].name, "(unnamed)" ); } strlwr( pPSET[pset].name ); // indent(); // fprintf(stdout,"OBJECT END: %s\n",name); continue; } } // // read the triangles // if ( count > 0 ) { pPSET[pset].triangles = ptri; ReadPolysetGeometry( pPSET[0].triangles, input, count, ptri ); ptri += count; pPSET[pset].numtriangles = count; if ( ++pset >= POLYSET_MAXPOLYSETS ) { Error( "Error: too many polysets; increase POLYSET_MAXPOLYSETS\n" ); } } } *numpsets = pset; fclose( input ); }