/* GenSurf plugin for GtkRadiant Copyright (C) 2001 David Hyde, Loki software and qeradiant.com This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <math.h> #include <stdio.h> #include "gensurf.h" // Heretic 2 - specific routines typedef struct palette_s { guint8 r,g,b; } palette_t; #define MIP_VERSION 2 #define PAL_SIZE 256 #define MIPLEVELS 16 typedef struct miptex_s { int version; char name[32]; unsigned width[MIPLEVELS], height[MIPLEVELS]; unsigned offsets[MIPLEVELS]; // four mip maps stored char animname[32]; // next frame in animation chain palette_t palette[PAL_SIZE]; int flags; int contents; int value; } miptex_t; //============================================================= int GetDefSurfaceProps(char *Tex) { return 0; // leo: only used for Heretic 2, fix later /* char path[NAME_MAX]; char *p; int flags; miptex_t *mt; FILE *f; int length; int pos; if(Game != HERETIC2) return 0; if(!strlen(Tex)) return 0; mt = NULL; flags = 0; if(UsePak[Game]) { FILE *fpak; pak_header_t pakheader; pak_item_t pakitem; int i; int num; int numitems; if (NULL != (fpak = fopen(pakfile[Game], "rb"))) { sprintf(path,"textures/%s.m8",Tex); g_strdown(path); num=fread(&pakheader,1,sizeof(pak_header_t),fpak); if((size_t)num < sizeof(pak_header_t)) { fclose(fpak); return 0; } if(strncmp(pakheader.id,"PACK",4)) { fclose(fpak); return 0; } numitems = pakheader.dsize/sizeof(pak_item_t); fseek(fpak,pakheader.dstart,SEEK_SET); for(i=0; i<numitems; i++) { fread(&pakitem,1,sizeof(pak_item_t),fpak); if(strstr(pakitem.name,path)) { fseek(fpak,pakitem.start,SEEK_SET); if((mt = (miptex_t*)malloc(sizeof(miptex_t)))==NULL) { fclose(fpak); return 0; } else { fread(mt, 1, sizeof(miptex_t), fpak); flags = mt->flags; free(mt); } } } fclose(fpak); } } else { // Assume .map will be output to gamedir/maps, then back up // to the gamedir and append /textures. Ugly but it should work strcpy(path,gszMapFile); g_strdown(path); p = strstr(path,"maps"); if(!p) return 0; p[0] = '\0'; strcat(path,"textures/"); strcat(path,Tex); strcat(path,".m8"); f = fopen (path, "rb"); if (!f) flags = 0; else { pos = ftell (f); fseek (f, 0, SEEK_END); length = ftell (f); fseek (f, pos, SEEK_SET); if((mt = (miptex_t*)malloc(length+1))==NULL) flags = 0; else { ((char *)mt)[length] = 0; fread(mt, 1, length, f); fclose (f); flags = mt->flags; free(mt); } } } return flags; */ }