# Included Doxygen Config file
# Project name & version number
PROJECT_NAME           = 

# Where to put the output
# Note: The images dir should be next to the created html dir within the
#	output dir.
#       eg;
#       [Current Dir]
#               L__[OUTPUT_DIRECTORY]
#                      L__[html]
#                      L__[images]
OUTPUT_DIRECTORY       = ../GtkRadiant-doxygen

# Where to read the sources
# you can add more than one source...
# INPUT                   = radiant/ \
#                           tools/quake3/q3map \
#                           tools/quake3/q3data
# Recursive is set on, so setting it to ./ (current dir) would read source
# files recursively from the current dir down. (which would take a while)
# eg: To document just include, if the current directory is ../GtkRadiant/ 
# then...
INPUT                  = GtkRadiant/include/

# Misc settings
# TAB_SIZE     - sets the indenting for the inline source and the source 
#                browser
# INCLUDE_PATH - will include documentation for included files from other
#                packages. You can specify more than one path the same as
#                shown in the INPUT example Leave it blank if you don't want 
#                this.
# PERL_PATH    - path to the perl executable
PERL_PATH              = /usr/bin/perl