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synced 2025-03-10 19:11:48 +00:00
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487 lines
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Copyright (C) 1999-2006 Id Software, Inc. and contributors.
For a list of contributors, see the accompanying CONTRIBUTORS file.
This file is part of GtkRadiant.
GtkRadiant is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
GtkRadiant is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with GtkRadiant; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#include "q3data.h"
byte *byteimage, *lbmpalette;
int byteimagewidth, byteimageheight;
char mip_prefix[1024]; // directory to dump the textures in
qboolean colormap_issued;
byte colormap_palette[768];
$grab filename x y width height
void Cmd_Grab (void)
int xl,yl,w,h,y;
byte *cropped;
char savename[1024];
char dest[1024];
GetToken (qfalse);
if (token[0] == '/' || token[0] == '\\')
sprintf (savename, "%s%s.pcx", writedir, token+1);
sprintf (savename, "%spics/%s.pcx", writedir, token);
if (g_release)
if (token[0] == '/' || token[0] == '\\')
sprintf (dest, "%s.pcx", token+1);
sprintf (dest, "pics/%s.pcx", token);
ReleaseFile (dest);
GetToken (qfalse);
xl = atoi (token);
GetToken (qfalse);
yl = atoi (token);
GetToken (qfalse);
w = atoi (token);
GetToken (qfalse);
h = atoi (token);
if (xl<0 || yl<0 || w<0 || h<0 || xl+w>byteimagewidth || yl+h>byteimageheight)
Error ("GrabPic: Bad size: %i, %i, %i, %i",xl,yl,w,h);
// crop it to the proper size
cropped = malloc (w*h);
for (y=0 ; y<h ; y++)
memcpy (cropped+y*w, byteimage+(y+yl)*byteimagewidth+xl, w);
// save off the new image
printf ("saving %s\n", savename);
CreatePath (savename);
WritePCXfile (savename, cropped, w, h, lbmpalette);
free (cropped);
$grab filename x y width height
void Cmd_Raw (void)
int xl,yl,w,h,y;
byte *cropped;
char savename[1024];
char dest[1024];
GetToken (qfalse);
sprintf (savename, "%s%s.lmp", writedir, token);
if (g_release)
sprintf (dest, "%s.lmp", token);
ReleaseFile (dest);
GetToken (qfalse);
xl = atoi (token);
GetToken (qfalse);
yl = atoi (token);
GetToken (qfalse);
w = atoi (token);
GetToken (qfalse);
h = atoi (token);
if (xl<0 || yl<0 || w<0 || h<0 || xl+w>byteimagewidth || yl+h>byteimageheight)
Error ("GrabPic: Bad size: %i, %i, %i, %i",xl,yl,w,h);
// crop it to the proper size
cropped = malloc (w*h);
for (y=0 ; y<h ; y++)
memcpy (cropped+y*w, byteimage+(y+yl)*byteimagewidth+xl, w);
// save off the new image
printf ("saving %s\n", savename);
CreatePath (savename);
SaveFile (savename, cropped, w*h);
free (cropped);
byte BestColor (int r, int g, int b, int start, int stop)
int i;
int dr, dg, db;
int bestdistortion, distortion;
int bestcolor;
byte *pal;
// let any color go to 0 as a last resort
bestdistortion = 256*256*4;
bestcolor = 0;
pal = colormap_palette + start*3;
for (i=start ; i<= stop ; i++)
dr = r - (int)pal[0];
dg = g - (int)pal[1];
db = b - (int)pal[2];
pal += 3;
distortion = dr*dr + dg*dg + db*db;
if (distortion < bestdistortion)
if (!distortion)
return i; // perfect match
bestdistortion = distortion;
bestcolor = i;
return bestcolor;
$colormap filename
the brightes colormap is first in the table (FIXME: reverse this now?)
64 rows of 256 : lightmaps
256 rows of 256 : translucency table
void Cmd_Colormap (void)
int levels, brights;
int l, c;
float frac, red, green, blue;
float range;
byte *cropped, *lump_p;
char savename[1024];
char dest[1024];
colormap_issued = qtrue;
if (!g_release)
memcpy (colormap_palette, lbmpalette, 768);
if (!TokenAvailable ())
{ // just setting colormap_issued
GetToken (qfalse);
sprintf (savename, "%spics/%s.pcx", writedir, token);
if (g_release)
sprintf (dest, "pics/%s.pcx", token);
ReleaseFile (dest);
range = 2;
levels = 64;
brights = 1; // ignore 255 (transparent)
cropped = malloc((levels+256)*256);
lump_p = cropped;
// shaded levels
for (l=0;l<levels;l++)
frac = range - range*(float)l/(levels-1);
for (c=0 ; c<256-brights ; c++)
red = lbmpalette[c*3];
green = lbmpalette[c*3+1];
blue = lbmpalette[c*3+2];
red = (int)(red*frac+0.5);
green = (int)(green*frac+0.5);
blue = (int)(blue*frac+0.5);
// note: 254 instead of 255 because 255 is the transparent color, and we
// don't want anything remapping to that
// don't use color 0, because NT can't remap that (or 255)
*lump_p++ = BestColor(red,green,blue, 1, 254);
// fullbrights allways stay the same
for ( ; c<256 ; c++)
*lump_p++ = c;
// 66% transparancy table
for (l=0;l<255;l++)
for (c=0 ; c<255 ; c++)
red = lbmpalette[c*3]*0.33 + lbmpalette[l*3]*0.66;
green = lbmpalette[c*3+1]*0.33 + lbmpalette[l*3+1]*0.66;
blue = lbmpalette[c*3+2]*0.33 + lbmpalette[l*3+2]*0.66;
*lump_p++ = BestColor(red,green,blue, 1, 254);
*lump_p++ = 255;
for (c=0 ; c<256 ; c++)
*lump_p++ = 255;
// save off the new image
printf ("saving %s\n", savename);
CreatePath (savename);
WritePCXfile (savename, cropped, 256, levels+256, lbmpalette);
free (cropped);
byte pixdata[256];
int d_red, d_green, d_blue;
byte palmap[32][32][32];
qboolean palmap_built;
int FindColor (int r, int g, int b)
int bestcolor;
if (r > 255)
r = 255;
if (r < 0)
r = 0;
if (g > 255)
g = 255;
if (g < 0)
g = 0;
if (b > 255)
b = 255;
if (b < 0)
b = 0;
bestcolor = BestColor (r, g, b, 0, 254);
bestcolor = palmap[r>>3][g>>3][b>>3];
return bestcolor;
void BuildPalmap (void)
int r, g, b;
int bestcolor;
if (palmap_built)
palmap_built = qtrue;
for (r=4 ; r<256 ; r+=8)
for (g=4 ; g<256 ; g+=8)
for (b=4 ; b<256 ; b+=8)
bestcolor = BestColor (r, g, b, 1, 254);
palmap[r>>3][g>>3][b>>3] = bestcolor;
if (!colormap_issued)
Error ("You must issue a $colormap command first");
byte AveragePixels (int count)
int r,g,b;
int i;
int vis;
int pix;
int bestcolor;
byte *pal;
int fullbright;
vis = 0;
r = g = b = 0;
fullbright = 0;
for (i=0 ; i<count ; i++)
pix = pixdata[i];
r += lbmpalette[pix*3];
g += lbmpalette[pix*3+1];
b += lbmpalette[pix*3+2];
r /= vis;
g /= vis;
b /= vis;
// error diffusion
r += d_red;
g += d_green;
b += d_blue;
// find the best color
bestcolor = FindColor (r, g, b);
// error diffusion
pal = colormap_palette + bestcolor*3;
d_red = r - (int)pal[0];
d_green = g - (int)pal[1];
d_blue = b - (int)pal[2];
return bestcolor;
Creates six pcx files from tga files without any palette edge seams
also copies the tga files for GL rendering.
// 3dstudio environment map suffixes
char *suf[6] = {"rt", "ft", "lf", "bk", "up", "dn"};
void Cmd_Environment (void)
char name[1024];
int i, x, y;
byte image[256*256];
byte *tga;
GetToken (qfalse);
if (g_release)
for (i=0 ; i<6 ; i++)
sprintf (name, "env/%s%s.pcx", token, suf[i]);
ReleaseFile (name);
sprintf (name, "env/%s%s.tga", token, suf[i]);
ReleaseFile (name);
// get the palette
BuildPalmap ();
sprintf (name, "%senv/", gamedir);
CreatePath (name);
// convert the images
for (i=0 ; i<6 ; i++)
sprintf (name, "%senv/%s%s.tga", gamedir, token, suf[i]);
printf ("loading %s...\n", name);
LoadTGA (name, &tga, NULL, NULL);
for (y=0 ; y<256 ; y++)
for (x=0 ; x<256 ; x++)
image[y*256+x] = FindColor (tga[(y*256+x)*4+0],tga[(y*256+x)*4+1],tga[(y*256+x)*4+2]);
free (tga);
sprintf (name, "%senv/%s%s.pcx", writedir, token, suf[i]);
if (FileTime (name) != -1)
printf ("%s already exists, not overwriting.\n", name);
WritePCXfile (name, image, 256, 256, colormap_palette);