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431 lines
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# Copyright (C) 2001-2006 William Joseph.
# This file is part of GtkRadiant.
# GtkRadiant is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# GtkRadiant is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with GtkRadiant; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
import os.path
import xml.dom
import os
import stat
import string
from xml.dom.minidom import parse
import msi
cwd = os.getcwd()
print("cwd=" + cwd)
def format_guid(guid):
return "{" + guid.upper() + "}"
def generate_guid():
os.system("uuidgen > tmp_uuid.txt")
uuidFile = file("tmp_uuid.txt", "rt")
guid = format_guid(uuidFile.read(36))
os.system("del tmp_uuid.txt")
return guid
def path_components(path):
directories = []
remaining = path
while(remaining != ""):
splitPath = os.path.split(remaining)
remaining = splitPath[0]
return directories
class Feature:
def __init__(self, feature, parent, title, desc, display, level, directory, attributes):
self.feature = feature
self.parent = parent
self.title = title
self.desc = desc
self.display = display
self.level = level
self.directory = directory
self.attributes = attributes
class FeatureComponent:
def __init__(self, feature, component):
self.feature = feature
self.component = component
class Directory:
def __init__(self, directory, parent, default):
self.directory = directory
self.parent = parent
self.default = default
class Component:
def __init__(self, name, keypath, directory, attributes):
self.name = name
self.keypath = keypath
self.directory = directory
self.attributes = attributes
class File:
def __init__(self, file, component, filename, filesize, sequence):
self.file = file
self.component = component
self.filename = filename
self.filesize = filesize
self.sequence = sequence
class Shortcut:
def __init__(self, name, directory, component, feature, icon):
self.name = name
self.directory = directory
self.component = component
self.feature = feature
self.icon = icon
class ComponentFiles:
def __init__(self, name, files, directory):
self.name = name
self.files = files
self.directory = directory
class MSIPackage:
def __init__(self, packageFile):
self.code = ""
self.name = ""
self.version = ""
self.target = ""
self.license = ""
self.cabList = []
self.featureCount = 0
self.featureTable = []
self.featurecomponentsTable = []
self.componentCache = {}
self.componentCount = 0
self.componentTable = {}
self.directoryTree = {}
self.directoryCount = 0
self.directoryTable = []
self.fileCount = 0
self.fileTable = []
self.shortcutCount = 0
self.shortcutTable = []
def addDirectory(self, directoryName, parentKey, directory):
if(not directory.has_key(directoryName)):
directoryKey = "d" + str(self.directoryCount)
self.directoryCount = self.directoryCount + 1
print("adding msi directory " + directoryKey + " parent=" + parentKey + " name=" + directoryName)
self.directoryTable.append(Directory(directoryKey, parentKey, directoryKey + "|" + directoryName))
directory[directoryName] = (directoryKey, {})
print("ignored duplicate directory " + directoryName)
return directory[directoryName]
def parseComponentTree(self, treeElement, parent, directory, directoryPath, component):
files = []
for childElement in treeElement.childNodes:
if (childElement.nodeName == "file"):
fileName = childElement.getAttribute("name")
filePath = os.path.join(directoryPath, fileName)
if(fileName != "" and os.path.exists(filePath)):
print("found file " + filePath)
file = (fileName, os.path.getsize(filePath), filePath)
raise Exception("file not found " + filePath)
if (childElement.nodeName == "dir"):
directoryName = childElement.getAttribute("name")
print("found directory " + directoryName)
directoryPair = self.addDirectory(directoryName, parent, directory)
self.parseComponentTree(childElement, directoryPair[0], directoryPair[1], os.path.join(directoryPath, directoryName), component)
count = len(files)
if(count != 0):
componentKey = "c" + str(self.componentCount)
self.componentCount = self.componentCount + 1
msiComponent = ComponentFiles(componentKey, files, parent);
print("adding msi component " + msiComponent.name + " with " + str(count) + " file(s)")
def parseComponent(self, componentElement, rootPath):
shortcut = componentElement.getAttribute("shortcut")
icon = componentElement.getAttribute("icon")
component = []
subDirectory = componentElement.getAttribute("subdirectory")
directoryPair = ("TARGETDIR", self.directoryTree)
for directoryName in path_components(subDirectory):
directoryPair = self.addDirectory(directoryName, directoryPair[0], directoryPair[1])
self.parseComponentTree(componentElement, directoryPair[0], directoryPair[1], rootPath, component)
print("component requires " + str(len(component)) + " msi component(s)")
return (component, shortcut, icon)
def parseComponentXML(self, filename, rootPath):
componentDocument = parse(filename)
print("parsing component file " + filename)
componentElement = componentDocument.documentElement
return self.parseComponent(componentElement, rootPath)
def componentForName(self, name, rootPath):
return self.componentCache[name]
component = self.parseComponentXML(name, rootPath)
self.componentCache[name] = component
return component
def parseFeature(self, featureElement, parent, index):
featureName = "ft" + str(self.featureCount)
self.featureCount = self.featureCount + 1
title = featureElement.getAttribute("name")
desc = featureElement.getAttribute("desc")
print("adding msi feature " + featureName + " title=" + title)
feature = Feature(featureName, parent, title, desc, index, 1, "TARGETDIR", 8)
featureComponents = {}
indexChild = 2
for childElement in featureElement.childNodes:
if (childElement.nodeName == "feature"):
self.parseFeature(childElement, featureName, indexChild)
indexChild = indexChild + 2
elif (childElement.nodeName == "component"):
componentName = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(cwd, childElement.getAttribute("name")))
raise Exception("feature \"" + title + "\" contains more than one reference to \"" + componentName + "\"")
featureComponents[componentName] = ""
componentSource = os.path.normpath(childElement.getAttribute("root"))
print("found component reference " + componentName)
componentPair = self.componentForName(componentName, componentSource)
component = componentPair[0]
for msiComponent in component:
print("adding msi featurecomponent " + featureName + " name=" + msiComponent.name)
self.featurecomponentsTable.append(FeatureComponent(featureName, msiComponent.name))
if(not self.componentTable.has_key(msiComponent.name)):
keyPath = ""
for fileTuple in msiComponent.files:
fileKey = "f" + str(self.fileCount)
self.fileCount = self.fileCount + 1
if(keyPath == ""):
keyPath = fileKey
print("component " + msiComponent.name + " keypath=" + keyPath)
print("adding msi file " + fileKey + " name=" + fileTuple[0] + " size=" + str(fileTuple[1]))
self.fileTable.append(File(fileKey, msiComponent.name, fileKey + "|" + fileTuple[0], fileTuple[1], self.fileCount))
self.cabList.append("\"" + fileTuple[2] + "\" " + fileKey + "\n")
self.componentTable[msiComponent.name] = Component(msiComponent.name, keyPath, msiComponent.directory, 0)
shortcut = componentPair[1]
if(shortcut != ""):
shortcutName = "sc" + str(self.shortcutCount)
self.shortcutCount = self.shortcutCount + 1
self.shortcutTable.append(Shortcut(shortcutName + "|" + shortcut, "ProductShortcutFolder", component[0].name, featureName, componentPair[2]))
print("adding msi shortcut " + shortcut)
def parsePackage(self, packageElement):
index = 2
self.code = packageElement.getAttribute("code")
if(self.code == ""):
raise Exception("invalid package code")
self.version = packageElement.getAttribute("version")
if(self.version == ""):
raise Exception("invalid package version")
self.name = packageElement.getAttribute("name")
if(self.name == ""):
raise Exception("invalid package name")
self.target = packageElement.getAttribute("target")
if(self.target == ""):
raise Exception("invalid target directory")
self.license = packageElement.getAttribute("license")
if(self.license == ""):
raise Exception("invalid package license agreement")
for childElement in packageElement.childNodes:
if (childElement.nodeName == "feature"):
self.parseFeature(childElement, "", index)
index = index + 2
def parsePackageXML(self, filename):
document = parse(filename)
print("parsing package file " + filename)
def createPackage(self, packageFile):
self.directoryTable.append(Directory("TARGETDIR", "", "SourceDir"))
self.directoryTable.append(Directory("ProgramMenuFolder", "TARGETDIR", "."))
self.directoryTable.append(Directory("SystemFolder", "TARGETDIR", "."))
if(self.shortcutCount != 0):
self.directoryTable.append(Directory("ProductShortcutFolder", "ProgramMenuFolder", "s0|" + self.name))
def writeFileTable(self, name):
tableFile = file(name, "wt")
for row in self.fileTable:
tableFile.write(row.file + "\t" + row.component + "\t" + row.filename + "\t" + str(row.filesize) + "\t" + "" + "\t" + "" + "\t" + "0" + "\t" + str(row.sequence) + "\n")
def writeComponentTable(self, name):
tableFile = file(name, "wt")
for k, row in self.componentTable.iteritems():
tableFile.write(row.name + "\t" + generate_guid() + "\t" + row.directory + "\t" + str(row.attributes) + "\t" + "" + "\t" + row.keypath + "\n")
def writeFeatureComponentsTable(self, name):
tableFile = file(name, "wt")
for row in self.featurecomponentsTable:
tableFile.write(row.feature + "\t" + row.component + "\n")
def writeDirectoryTable(self, name):
tableFile = file(name, "wt")
for row in self.directoryTable:
tableFile.write(row.directory + "\t" + row.parent + "\t" + row.default + "\n")
def writeFeatureTable(self, name):
tableFile = file(name, "wt")
for row in self.featureTable:
tableFile.write(row.feature + "\t" + row.parent + "\t" + row.title + "\t" + row.desc + "\t" + str(row.display) + "\t" + str(row.level) + "\t" + row.directory + "\t" + str(row.attributes) + "\n")
def writeMediaTable(self, name):
tableFile = file(name, "wt")
tableFile.write("1" + "\t" + str(self.fileCount) + "\t" + "" + "\t" + "#archive.cab" + "\t" + "" + "\t" + "" + "\n")
def writeShortcutTable(self, name):
tableFile = file(name, "wt")
for row in self.shortcutTable:
tableFile.write(row.component + "\t" + row.directory + "\t" + row.name + "\t" + row.component + "\t" + row.feature + "\t" + "" + "\t" + "" + "\t" + "" + "\t" + row.icon + "\t" + "" + "\t" + "" + "\t" + "" + "\n")
def writeRemoveFileTable(self, name):
tableFile = file(name, "wt")
count = 0
for row in self.shortcutTable:
tableFile.write("rf" + str(count) + "\t" + row.component + "\t" + "" + "\t" + row.directory + "\t" + "2" + "\n")
count = count + 1
def writeCustomActionTable(self, name):
tableFile = file(name, "wt")
tableFile.write("caSetTargetDir\t51\tTARGETDIR\t" + self.target)
def writeUpgradeTable(self, name):
tableFile = file(name, "wt")
tableFile.write(format_guid(self.code) + "\t\t" + self.version + "\t1033\t1\t\tRELATEDPRODUCTS")
def writeMSILicense(self, msiName, licenseName):
if(not os.path.exists(licenseName)):
raise Exception("file not found: " + licenseName)
print("license=\"" + licenseName + "\"")
licenseFile = file(licenseName, "rt")
text = licenseFile.read(1024)
rtfString = ""
while(text != ""):
rtfString += text
text = licenseFile.read(1024)
msiDB = msi.Database(msiName)
def writeMSIProperties(self, msiName):
msiDB = msi.Database(msiName)
print("ProductCode=" + format_guid(self.code))
msiDB.setproperty("ProductCode", format_guid(self.code))
print("UpgradeCode=" + format_guid(self.code))
msiDB.setproperty("UpgradeCode", format_guid(self.code))
print("ProductName=" + self.name)
msiDB.setproperty("ProductName", self.name)
print("ProductVersion=" + self.version)
msiDB.setproperty("ProductVersion", self.version)
msiDB.setproperty("RELATEDPRODUCTS", "")
msiDB.setproperty("SecureCustomProperties", "RELATEDPRODUCTS")
def writeMSI(self, msiTemplate, msiName):
msiWorkName = "working.msi"
if(os.system("copy " + msiTemplate + " " + msiWorkName) != 0):
raise Exception("copy failed")
os.system("msiinfo " + msiWorkName + " /w 2 /v " + generate_guid() + " /a \"Radiant Community\" /j \"" + self.name + "\" /o \"This installation database contains the logic and data needed to install " + self.name + "\"")
self.writeMSILicense(msiWorkName, self.license)
os.system("msidb -d " + msiWorkName + " -i -f \"" + cwd + "\" File.idt")
os.system("del File.idt")
os.system("msidb -d " + msiWorkName + " -i -f \"" + cwd + "\" Component.idt")
os.system("del Component.idt")
os.system("msidb -d " + msiWorkName + " -i -f \"" + cwd + "\" FeatureComponents.idt")
os.system("del FeatureComponents.idt")
os.system("msidb -d " + msiWorkName + " -i -f \"" + cwd + "\" Directory.idt")
os.system("del Directory.idt")
os.system("msidb -d " + msiWorkName + " -i -f \"" + cwd + "\" Feature.idt")
os.system("del Feature.idt")
os.system("msidb -d " + msiWorkName + " -i -f \"" + cwd + "\" Media.idt")
os.system("del Media.idt")
os.system("msidb -d " + msiWorkName + " -i -f \"" + cwd + "\" Shortcut.idt")
os.system("del Shortcut.idt")
os.system("msidb -d " + msiWorkName + " -i -f \"" + cwd + "\" RemoveFile.idt")
os.system("del RemoveFile.idt")
os.system("msidb -d " + msiWorkName + " -i -f \"" + cwd + "\" CustomAction.idt")
os.system("del CustomAction.idt")
os.system("msidb -d " + msiWorkName + " -i -f \"" + cwd + "\" Upgrade.idt")
os.system("del Upgrade.idt")
cabText = file("archive_files.txt", "wt")
for cabDirective in self.cabList:
if(os.system("cabarc -m LZX:21 n archive.cab @archive_files.txt") != 0):
raise Exception("cabarc returned error")
os.system("del archive_files.txt")
os.system("msidb -d " + msiWorkName + " -a archive.cab")
os.system("del archive.cab")
print("running standard MSI validators ...")
if(os.system("msival2 " + msiWorkName + " darice.cub > darice.txt") != 0):
raise Exception("MSI VALIDATION ERROR: see darice.txt")
print("running Logo Program validators ...")
if(os.system("msival2 " + msiWorkName + " logo.cub > logo.txt") != 0):
raise Exception("MSI VALIDATION ERROR: see logo.txt")
print("running XP Logo Program validators ...")
if(os.system("msival2 " + msiWorkName + " XPlogo.cub > XPlogo.txt") != 0):
raise Exception("MSI VALIDATION ERROR: see XPlogo.txt")
msiNameQuoted = "\"" + msiName + "\""
if(os.path.exists(os.path.join(".\\", msiName)) and os.system("del " + msiNameQuoted) != 0):
raise Exception("failed to delete old target")
if(os.system("rename " + msiWorkName + " " + msiNameQuoted) != 0):
raise Exception("failed to rename new target")