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// $Logfile:: /Code/DLLs/game/player_combat.cpp $
// $Revision:: 40 $
// $Author:: Steven $
// $Date:: 5/17/03 3:09p $
// Copyright (C) 1998 by Ritual Entertainment, Inc.
// All rights reserved.
// This source may not be distributed and/or modified without
// expressly written permission by Ritual Entertainment, Inc.
// Player combat system and combat utility functions
#include "_pch_cpp.h"
#include "player.h"
#include "weaputils.h"
#include <qcommon/gameplaymanager.h>
#include "mp_manager.hpp"
Entity * Player::FindClosestEntityInRadius( const float horizontalFOVDegrees, const float verticalFOVDegrees, const float maxDistance )
Vector torsoForward;
Vector torsoRight;
Vector torsoUp;
torsoAngles.AngleVectors( &torsoForward, &torsoRight, &torsoUp );
const float horizontalFOVComponent = static_cast<float>( sin( DEG2RAD( horizontalFOVDegrees / 2.0f ) ) );
const float verticalFOVComponent = static_cast<float>( sin( DEG2RAD( verticalFOVDegrees / 2.0f ) ) );
Entity *bestEntity=NULL;
float bestDistance = maxDistance;
// Find closest enemy in radius
Entity *currentEntity = NULL;
while( ( currentEntity = findradius( currentEntity, centroid, maxDistance ) ) != NULL )
bool validEntity = false;
if ( currentEntity->flags & FL_AUTOAIM )
validEntity = true;
else if ( currentEntity->isSubclassOf( Actor ) && !currentEntity->deadflag )
Actor *actor = static_cast<Actor *>( currentEntity );
if ( ( actor->actortype == IS_ENEMY ) && actor->CanTarget() && !( actor->bind_info && actor->bind_info->bindmaster ) && ( actor->edict->s.parent == ENTITYNUM_NONE ) )
validEntity = true;
if ( validEntity )
// Check to see if the enemy is closest to us
Vector delta( currentEntity->centroid - centroid );
const float dist = delta.length();
if ( dist < bestDistance )
// It's close, now check to see if it's in our FOV.
const float forwardDot = DotProduct( torsoForward, delta );
const float horizontalDot = DotProduct( torsoRight, delta );
const float verticalDot = DotProduct( torsoUp, delta );
if (
forwardDot > 0.0f &&
fabs(horizontalDot) < horizontalFOVComponent &&
( (fabs(verticalDot) < verticalFOVComponent) || ( dist < 96.0f ) )
trace_t trace;
// Do a trace to see if we can get to it
trace = G_Trace( centroid,
"FindClosestEntityInRadius" );
if ( trace.ent || ( trace.fraction == 1 ) )
// dir = delta;
bestEntity = currentEntity;
bestDistance = dist;
return bestEntity;
const bool IsValidHeadTarget( const Entity &entity)
if ( entity.isSubclassOf( Actor ) && !entity.deadflag )
const Actor &actor = static_cast<const Actor &>( entity );
if ( ( actor.actortype == IS_ENEMY ) && actor.CanTarget() && ! ( actor.bind_info && actor.bind_info->bindmaster ) && ( actor.edict->s.parent == ENTITYNUM_NONE ) )
return true;
else if ( entity.isSubclassOf( Item ) )
const Item &item = static_cast<const Item &>( entity );
if ( !item.GetOwner() && !item.has_been_looked_at && entity.look_at_me)
return true;
return false;
Entity* Player::FindHeadTarget( const Vector &origin, const Vector &forward, const float fov, const float maxdist )
const int maximumNumberOfCandidates = 10;
int numberOfCandidates=0;
float validTargetRadiusSquared = maxdist * maxdist;
float fovdot = cos( DEG2RAD( fov * 0.5f) );
if ( multiplayerManager.inMultiplayer() )
return NULL;
Container<Entity *> possibleHeadTargets;
for( gentity_t *currentEdict = active_edicts.next; currentEdict != &active_edicts && numberOfCandidates < maximumNumberOfCandidates; currentEdict = currentEdict->next )
Entity ¤tEntity = *currentEdict->entity;
if ( IsValidHeadTarget( currentEntity ) )
Vector delta = ( currentEntity.centroid ) - origin;
float lengthOfDeltaSquared = delta.lengthSquared();
if ( lengthOfDeltaSquared < validTargetRadiusSquared )
// Headwatch Stuff
float dot = DotProduct( forward, delta );
if ( dot > fovdot )
int insertionPoint = 1;
const float distanceSquaredToCurrentEntity = Vector::DistanceSquared( origin, currentEntity.centroid );
for ( ; insertionPoint < possibleHeadTargets.NumObjects(); insertionPoint++ )
if ( distanceSquaredToCurrentEntity < Vector::DistanceSquared( origin, possibleHeadTargets.ObjectAt( insertionPoint )->centroid ) )
possibleHeadTargets.InsertObjectAt( insertionPoint, ¤tEntity );
// Finishable List -- If there's a finishable guy within 5 feet,
// add him to the finishable list.
if ( lengthOfDeltaSquared < 6400.0f ) // 5 feet
if ( currentEntity.isSubclassOf(Actor) )
Actor *act = (Actor*)¤tEntity;
if ( act->IsFinishable() )
Entity *closestValidEntity = NULL;
for (int i = 1; i <= possibleHeadTargets.NumObjects(); i++ )
Entity *currentCandidate = possibleHeadTargets.ObjectAt( i );
trace_t trace = G_Trace( origin, vec_zero, vec_zero, currentCandidate->centroid, NULL, MASK_OPAQUE, false, "FindHeadTarget" );
if ( ( trace.ent && trace.entityNum == currentCandidate->entnum ) || ( trace.fraction == 1.0f ) )
closestValidEntity = currentCandidate;
return closestValidEntity;
void Player::ActivateNewWeapon( Event *ev )
// Change the weapon to the currently active weapon as specified by useWeapon
ChangeWeapon( newActiveWeapon.weapon, newActiveWeapon.hand );
// Clear out the newActiveWeapon
// Clear out the holstered weapons
holsteredWeapons[WEAPON_LEFT] = NULL;
holsteredWeapons[WEAPON_RIGHT] = NULL;
holsteredWeapons[WEAPON_DUAL] = NULL;
// let the player know that our weapons are not holstered
void Player::DeactivateWeapon( Event *ev )
// Deactivate the weapon
weaponhand_t hand;
str side;
side = ev->GetString( 1 );
hand = WeaponHandNameToNum( side );
if ( hand == WEAPON_ERROR )
Sentient::DeactivateWeapon( hand );
if ( !GetActiveWeapon( WEAPON_LEFT ) && !GetActiveWeapon( WEAPON_RIGHT ) && !GetActiveWeapon( WEAPON_DUAL ) )
// let the player know our weapons are holstered
void Player::PutawayWeapon( Event *ev )
Weapon * weapon;
weaponhand_t hand;
str side;
side = ev->GetString( 1 );
hand = WeaponHandNameToNum( side );
if ( hand == WEAPON_ERROR )
weapon = GetActiveWeapon( hand );
if ( !weapon ) return;
if ( weapon->isSubclassOf( Weapon ) )
weapon->targetidleflag = false;
CancelEventsOfType( EV_Weapon_TargetIdleThink );
if ( gi.Anim_NumForName( weapon->edict->s.modelindex, "putaway" ) != -1 )
weapon->SetAnim( "putaway", EV_Weapon_DonePutaway );
weapon->PostEvent( EV_Weapon_DonePutaway, 0.0f );
// Name: useWeapon
// Class: Player
// Description: Find the weapon by name and use it in the specifed
// hand.
// Parameters: const char *weaponname -- name of the weapon to use
// weaponhand_t hand -- Hand to use it in
// Returns: None
bool Player::useWeapon( const char *weaponname, weaponhand_t hand )
Weapon *weapon;
str name(weaponname);
GameplayManager *gpm = GameplayManager::getTheGameplayManager();
if ( gpm )
str objectName("CurrentPlayer.");
objectName += name ;
if ( gpm->hasProperty( objectName, "name" ) )
name = gpm->getStringValue( objectName, "name" );
weapon = ( Weapon * )FindItem( name );
// Check to see if player has the weapon
if ( !weapon )
warning( "Player::useWeapon", "Player does not have weapon %s", weaponname );
return false;
return useWeapon( weapon, hand );
bool Player::useWeapon( Weapon *weapon, weaponhand_t hand )
Weapon * activeWeapon;
if ( !weapon )
warning( "Player::useWeapon", "Null weapon used.\n" );
return false;
// Check to see if we are already in the process of using a new weapon.
//if ( newActiveWeapon.weapon )
// return false;
// Check to see if weapon has ammo and if useNoAmmo is allowed
if ( !weapon->HasAmmo( FIRE_MODE1 ) && !weapon->HasAmmo( FIRE_MODE2 ) && !weapon->GetUseNoAmmo() )
Sound( "snd_noammo" );
return false;
// Check to see if the hand is allowed to have that weapon
// WEAPON_ANY can be used in WEAPON_LEFT or WEAPON_RIGHT but not as a WEAPON_DUAL, so check for that first
if ( ( hand == WEAPON_DUAL ) && ( weapon->GetHand() != hand ) )
warning( "Player::useWeapon", "Weapon %s is not allowed in %s", weapon->getName().c_str(), WeaponHandNumToName( hand ) );
return false;
else if ( ( weapon->GetHand() != WEAPON_ANY ) && ( weapon->GetHand() != hand ) )
warning( "Player::useWeapon", "Weapon %s is not allowed in %s", weapon->getName().c_str(), WeaponHandNumToName( hand ) );
return false;
// If the weapon we are wielding is a WEAPON_DUAL, then put away the left and right ones
if ( weapon->GetHand() == WEAPON_DUAL )
activeWeapon = GetActiveWeapon( WEAPON_LEFT );
if ( activeWeapon )
activeWeapon = GetActiveWeapon( WEAPON_RIGHT );
if ( activeWeapon )
// Check to see if a WEAPON_DUAL is being used and put it away if needed
activeWeapon = GetActiveWeapon( WEAPON_DUAL );
if ( activeWeapon && activeWeapon != weapon )
// we just want to put the dual handed weapon away
if ( activeWeapon == weapon )
return false;
// Now get the active weapon in the specified hand
activeWeapon = GetActiveWeapon( hand );
// Check to see if this weapon is already being used in this hand and just put it away and return
if ( ( activeWeapon == weapon ) && ( !newActiveWeapon.weapon || newActiveWeapon.weapon == weapon ) )
// Set the putaway flag to true. The state machine will then play the correct animation to put away the active weapon
return true;
// If activeWeapon is set, and it's not == weapon then put away this weapon
if ( activeWeapon )
// Set the putaway flag to true. The state machine will then play the correct animation to put away the active weapon
// Check to see if this weapon is being used in a different hand and put it away as well (if it's in a different hand)
if ( IsActiveWeapon( weapon ) )
// Set the newActiveWeapon as the weapon specified, the state machine will play the appropriate animation and
// trigger when to attach it to the player model.
newActiveWeapon.weapon = weapon;
newActiveWeapon.hand = hand;
return true;
void Player::ActivateShield( Event *ev )
shield_active = true;
void Player::DeactivateShield( Event *ev )
shield_active = false;
qboolean Player::ShieldActive( void )
return shield_active;
qboolean Player::LargeShieldActive( void )
Weapon *weapon;
qboolean large_shield_active=false;
weapon = GetActiveWeapon( WEAPON_LEFT );
if ( weapon && !str::icmp( weapon->item_name, "LargeShield" ) )
large_shield_active = true;
return shield_active && large_shield_active;
void Player::AcquireHeadTarget( void )
vec3_t mat[3];
Entity *new_head_target;
Entity *ent;
Item *item;
// Find a good target
if ( targetEnemy )
head_target = targetEnemy;
AnglesToAxis( headAngles, mat );
// Make sure not to look at items too long
if ( ( look_at_time <= level.time ) && head_target && head_target->isSubclassOf( Item ) )
item = (Item *)(Entity *)head_target;
item->has_been_looked_at = true;
// Get the new head target
new_head_target = FindHeadTarget( this->centroid, mat[0], 160.0f, 1000.0f );
if ( !new_head_target )
head_target = NULL;
if ( new_head_target != head_target )
// If we were looking at an item and are not now, mark it as has been looked at
if ( head_target && head_target->isSubclassOf( Item ) )
item = (Item *)(Entity *)head_target;
item->has_been_looked_at = true;
// Set up new head target
head_target = new_head_target;
look_at_time = level.time + 5.0f;
// Mark items near this one as looked at
if ( head_target && head_target->isSubclassOf( Item ) )
ent = findradius( NULL, head_target->origin, 50.0f );
while( ent )
if ( ent != head_target && ent->isSubclassOf( Item ) )
item = (Item *)ent;
item->has_been_looked_at = true;
ent = findradius( ent, head_target->origin, 50.0f );