
1189 lines
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// $Logfile:: /EF2/Code/DLLs/game/mp_modeCtf.cpp $
// $Revision:: 60 $
// $Author:: Singlis $
// $Date:: 9/26/03 2:36p $
// Copyright (C) 2002 by Ritual Entertainment, Inc.
// All rights reserved.
// This source may not be distributed and/or modified without
// expressly written permission by Ritual Entertainment, Inc.
// Description:
// Implementation of Team and TeamArena classes. These classes provide
// Team-based multiplayer support.
#include "_pch_cpp.h"
#include "mp_modeCtf.hpp"
#include "mp_manager.hpp"
// C A P T U R E T H E F L A G A R E N A
// Setup constants
const float ModeCaptureTheFlag::_maxGuardingDist = 1000.0f;
const float ModeCaptureTheFlag::_ctfCapturePoints = 100.0f;
const float ModeCaptureTheFlag::_maxDroppedFlagTime = 15.0f;
const int ModeCaptureTheFlag::_pointsForFlagReturn = 5;
const int ModeCaptureTheFlag::_pointsForKillingFlagCarrier = 20;
const int ModeCaptureTheFlag::_pointsForAssist = 15;
const int ModeCaptureTheFlag::_pointsForDefense = 15;
const int ModeCaptureTheFlag::_pointsForTakingTheFlag = 15;
const int ModeCaptureTheFlag::_pointsForCapturingTheFlag = 85;
CLASS_DECLARATION( ModeTeamBase, ModeCaptureTheFlag, NULL )
//REGISTER_ARENA( ModeCaptureTheFlag );
// Name: ModeCaptureTheFlag
// Class: ModeCaptureTheFlag
// Description: Constructor
// Parameters: const str& -- name of the arena
// Returns: None
_redTeam = AddTeam("Red");
_blueTeam = AddTeam("Blue");
_playerCtfData = NULL;
_useTeamSpawnpoints = true;
_flagCarrierIconIndex = gi.imageindex( "sysimg/icons/mp/ctf_flagcarrier" );
_oneFlagTakenIconIndex = gi.imageindex( "sysimg/icons/mp/ctf_oneFlagTaken" );
_oneFlagMissingIconIndex = gi.imageindex( "sysimg/icons/mp/ctf_oneFlagMissing" );
_oneFlagInBaseIconIndex = gi.imageindex( "sysimg/icons/mp/ctf_oneFlagInBase" );
_redFlagTakenIconIndex = gi.imageindex( "sysimg/icons/mp/ctf_redFlagTaken" );
_redFlagMissingIconIndex = gi.imageindex( "sysimg/icons/mp/ctf_redFlagMissing" );
_redFlagInBaseIconIndex = gi.imageindex( "sysimg/icons/mp/ctf_redFlagInBase" );
_blueFlagTakenIconIndex = gi.imageindex( "sysimg/icons/mp/ctf_blueFlagTaken" );
_blueFlagMissingIconIndex = gi.imageindex( "sysimg/icons/mp/ctf_blueFlagMissing" );
_blueFlagInBaseIconIndex = gi.imageindex( "sysimg/icons/mp/ctf_blueFlagInBase" );
// Name: ~ModeCaptureTheFlag
// Class: ModeCaptureTheFlag
// Description: Destructor
// Parameters: None
// Returns: None, dammit
delete [] _playerCtfData;
_playerCtfData = NULL;
void ModeCaptureTheFlag::init( int maxPlayers )
// Initialize all of our data
ModeTeamBase::init( maxPlayers );
_playerCtfData = new MultiplayerPlayerCtfData[ _maxPlayers ];
// Read in the ctf data
readMultiplayerConfig( "global/mp_ctf.cfg" );
multiplayerManager.cacheMultiplayerFiles( "mp_ctf" );
bool ModeCaptureTheFlag::shouldKeepItem( MultiplayerItem *item )
// See if we want to keep this item
if ( strnicmp( item->getName().c_str(), "ctfflag", 7 ) == 0 )
if ( !multiplayerManager.checkRule ( "keepflags", true ) )
return false;
if ( ( stricmp( item->getName().c_str() + 8, "red" ) == 0 ) ||
( stricmp( item->getName().c_str() + 8, "blue" ) == 0 ) ||
( stricmp( item->getName().c_str() + 8, "base" ) == 0 ) )
// It is a red or blue flag so keep it
return true;
return false;
void ModeCaptureTheFlag::itemKept( MultiplayerItem *item )
// See if we care about this item
if ( strnicmp( item->getName().c_str(), "ctfflag", 7 ) == 0 )
CtfFlag ctfFlag;
// It is a flag so keep track of it
ctfFlag._realFlag = item;
ctfFlag._tempFlag = NULL;
if ( strnicmp( item->getName().c_str() + 8, "red", 3 ) == 0 )
ctfFlag._teamName = "Red";
else if ( strnicmp( item->getName().c_str() + 8, "blue", 4 ) == 0 )
ctfFlag._teamName = "Blue";
_flags.AddObject ( ctfFlag );
void ModeCaptureTheFlag::addPlayerToTeam( Player *player, Team *team )
ModeTeamBase::addPlayerToTeam( player, team );
_playerCtfData[ player->entnum ].init();
void ModeCaptureTheFlag::RemovePlayer( Player *player )
ModeTeamBase::RemovePlayer( player );
putFlagBack( player );
void ModeCaptureTheFlag::setupMultiplayerUI( Player *player )
// Todo: make this a function in MultiplayerModeBase, each subclass just sets a string to the hud name
gi.SendServerCommand( player->entnum, "stufftext \"ui_removehuds all\"\n" );
gi.SendServerCommand( player->entnum, "stufftext \"ui_addhud mp_console\"\n" );
gi.SendServerCommand( player->entnum, "stufftext \"ui_addhud mp_teamhud\"\n" );
if ( multiplayerManager.checkRule ( "flagpickup-enemyflag", true ) )
gi.SendServerCommand( player->entnum, "stufftext \"ui_addhud mp_flagstatus\"\n" );
gi.SendServerCommand( player->entnum, "stufftext \"globalwidgetcommand dmTimer enable\"\n");
gi.SendServerCommand( player->entnum, "stufftext \"globalwidgetcommand dmTimer disable\"\n");
void ModeCaptureTheFlag::playerKilled( Player *killedPlayer, Player *attackingPlayer, Entity *inflictor, int meansOfDeath )
Team *team;
//int points;
float distance;
str printString;
bool goodKill;
if ( attackingPlayer && ( killedPlayer != attackingPlayer ) &&
( _playerGameData[ attackingPlayer->entnum ]._currentTeam != _playerGameData[ killedPlayer->entnum ]._currentTeam ) )
goodKill = true;
goodKill = false;
handleKill( killedPlayer, attackingPlayer, inflictor, meansOfDeath, goodKill );
//MultiplayerModeBase::playerKilled( killedPlayer, attackingPlayer, inflictor, meansOfDeath );
if ( !attackingPlayer )
attackingPlayer = killedPlayer;
team = _playerGameData[ attackingPlayer->entnum ]._currentTeam;
/* if ( team )
if ( multiplayerManager.checkRule( "team-pointsForKills", true, attackingPlayer ) )
// Award a point to the attacking player's team (if victim's not on same team)
// Lose a point if on the same team
if ( _playerGameData[ killedPlayer->entnum ]._currentTeam != _playerGameData[ attackingPlayer->entnum ]._currentTeam )
points = _defaultPointsPerKill;
points = multiplayerManager.getPointsForKill( killedPlayer, attackingPlayer, inflictor, meansOfDeath, points );
team->addPoints( attackingPlayer, points );
} */
// See if the killed player was carrying the flag
if ( _playerCtfData[ killedPlayer->entnum ]._hasFlag )
if ( _playerGameData[ killedPlayer->entnum ]._currentTeam != _playerGameData[ attackingPlayer->entnum ]._currentTeam )
CtfFlag *ctfFlag;
str printString;
printString = "$$FlagCarrierKilled$$ ";
printString += attackingPlayer->client->pers.netname;
printString += " ($$";
printString += _playerGameData[ attackingPlayer->entnum ]._currentTeam->getName();
printString += "$$ $$Team$$)!";
multiplayerManager.centerPrintAllClients( printString, CENTERPRINT_IMPORTANCE_NORMAL );
ctfFlag = findFlag( _playerCtfData[ killedPlayer->entnum ]._flag );
if ( ctfFlag )
if ( ctfFlag->_teamName == "Red" )
multiplayerManager.broadcastSound( "localization/sound/dialog/dm/comp_rfk.mp3", CHAN_AUTO, DEFAULT_VOL, DEFAULT_MIN_DIST, NULL, 1.5f );
else if ( ctfFlag->_teamName == "Blue" )
multiplayerManager.broadcastSound( "localization/sound/dialog/dm/comp_bfk.mp3", CHAN_AUTO, DEFAULT_VOL, DEFAULT_MIN_DIST, NULL, 1.5f );
multiplayerManager.broadcastSound( "localization/sound/dialog/dm/comp_flagcarrierkilled.mp3", CHAN_AUTO, DEFAULT_VOL, DEFAULT_MIN_DIST, NULL, 1.5f );
// Give points to the player
multiplayerManager.addPoints( attackingPlayer->entnum, _pointsForKillingFlagCarrier );
dropFlag( killedPlayer );
// See if the player was guarding the flag (either he or the killed player was close to his flag)
if ( _playerGameData[ killedPlayer->entnum ]._currentTeam != _playerGameData[ attackingPlayer->entnum ]._currentTeam )
bool flagGuarded;
distance = findNearestTeamFlagDist( team->getName(), attackingPlayer->origin );
flagGuarded = false;
if ( ( distance > 0 ) && ( distance < _maxGuardingDist ) )
flagGuarded = true;
distance = findNearestTeamFlagDist( team->getName(), killedPlayer->origin );
if ( ( distance > 0 ) && ( distance < _maxGuardingDist ) )
flagGuarded = true;
if ( flagGuarded )
multiplayerManager.playerEventNotification( "flag-guarded", "", attackingPlayer );
printString = "$$FlagGuarded$$ ";
printString += attackingPlayer->client->pers.netname;
multiplayerManager.playerSound( attackingPlayer->entnum, "localization/sound/dialog/dm/comp_flagguarded.mp3", CHAN_AUTO, DEFAULT_VOL, DEFAULT_MIN_DIST, 1.0f );
multiplayerManager.centerPrintTeamClients( attackingPlayer, printString, CENTERPRINT_IMPORTANCE_HIGH );
// Give points to the player
multiplayerManager.addPoints( attackingPlayer->entnum, _pointsForDefense );
// See if the player was guarding his team's flag carrier (either he or the killed player was close to the flag carrier)
if ( ( _playerGameData[ killedPlayer->entnum ]._currentTeam != _playerGameData[ attackingPlayer->entnum ]._currentTeam ) &&
!_playerCtfData[ attackingPlayer->entnum ]._hasFlag )
bool flagCarrierGuarded;
distance = findNearestTeamFlagCarrierDist( team->getName(), attackingPlayer->origin );
flagCarrierGuarded = false;
if ( ( distance > 0 ) && ( distance < _maxGuardingDist ) )
flagCarrierGuarded = true;
distance = findNearestTeamFlagCarrierDist( team->getName(), killedPlayer->origin );
if ( ( distance > 0 ) && ( distance < _maxGuardingDist ) )
flagCarrierGuarded = true;
if ( flagCarrierGuarded )
//multiplayerManager.playerEventNotification( "flag-carrierguarded", "", attackingPlayer );
printString = "$$FlagAssist$$ ";
printString += attackingPlayer->client->pers.netname;
multiplayerManager.playerSound( attackingPlayer->entnum, "localization/sound/dialog/dm/comp_flagassist.mp3", CHAN_AUTO, DEFAULT_VOL, DEFAULT_MIN_DIST, 1.0f );
multiplayerManager.centerPrintTeamClients( attackingPlayer, printString, CENTERPRINT_IMPORTANCE_HIGH );
// Give points to the player
multiplayerManager.addPoints( attackingPlayer->entnum, _pointsForAssist );
CtfFlag *ModeCaptureTheFlag::findFlag( MultiplayerItem *item )
int i;
CtfFlag *ctfFlag;
for ( i = 1 ; i <= _flags.NumObjects() ; i++ )
ctfFlag = &_flags.ObjectAt( i );
if ( ( ctfFlag->_realFlag == item ) || ( ctfFlag->_tempFlag == item ) )
return ctfFlag;
return NULL;
float ModeCaptureTheFlag::findNearestTeamFlagDist( const str &teamName, const Vector &position )
int i;
CtfFlag *ctfFlag;
CtfFlag *nearestCtfFlag = NULL;
float nearestDistance = -1.0f;
Vector diff;
float distance;
// Go through all of the flags
for ( i = 1 ; i <= _flags.NumObjects() ; i++ )
ctfFlag = &_flags.ObjectAt( i );
// Make sure everything is ok
if ( !ctfFlag->_realFlag )
if ( ctfFlag->_teamName != teamName )
// Get the distance to the flag
diff = position - ctfFlag->_realFlag->origin;
distance = diff.length();
// See if this is the nearest flag
if ( !nearestCtfFlag || ( distance < nearestDistance ) )
nearestCtfFlag = ctfFlag;
nearestDistance = distance;
return nearestDistance;
float ModeCaptureTheFlag::findNearestTeamFlagCarrierDist( const str &teamName, const Vector &position )
int i;
Player *currentPlayer;
Player *nearestFlagCarrier = NULL;
float nearestDistance = -1.0f;
Team *team;
Vector diff;
float distance;
// Go through all of the flags
for ( i = 0 ; i < _maxPlayers ; i++ )
if ( !_playerGameData[ i ]._playing )
currentPlayer = (Player *)g_entities[ _playerGameData[ i ]._entnum ].entity;
team = multiplayerManager.getPlayersTeam( currentPlayer );
// Make sure this player is one the correct team and has the flag
if ( !team )
if ( team->getName() != teamName )
if ( !_playerCtfData[ currentPlayer->entnum ]._hasFlag )
// Get the distance to the flag carrier
diff = position - currentPlayer->origin;
distance = diff.length();
// See if this is the nearest flag carrier
if ( !nearestFlagCarrier || ( distance < nearestDistance ) )
nearestFlagCarrier = currentPlayer;
nearestDistance = distance;
return nearestDistance;
void ModeCaptureTheFlag::itemTouched( Player *player, MultiplayerItem *item )
CtfFlag *ctfFlag;
bool myFlag;
bool teamFlag;
bool tempFlag;
// Make sure this item is one of the flags
ctfFlag = findFlag( item );
if ( !ctfFlag )
// Determine if this is my team's flag or not
if ( !_playerGameData[ player->entnum ]._currentTeam )
if ( ( ( ctfFlag->_teamName == "Red" ) && ( _playerGameData[ player->entnum ]._currentTeam == _redTeam ) ) ||
( ( ctfFlag->_teamName == "Blue" ) && ( _playerGameData[ player->entnum ]._currentTeam == _blueTeam ) ) )
myFlag = true;
myFlag = false;
// Determine if this is one of the team flags (red or blue)
if ( ( ctfFlag->_teamName == "Red" ) || ( ctfFlag->_teamName == "Blue" ) )
teamFlag = true;
teamFlag = false;
// Determine if this is a temporary flag (one dropped)
if ( item == ctfFlag->_tempFlag )
tempFlag = true;
tempFlag = false;
// Determine what to do about touching the flag
if ( myFlag && teamFlag && tempFlag && multiplayerManager.checkRule ( "flagreturn-teamflag", true ) )
// Return this temporary flag back to the flag position
returnFlag( item, player );
else if ( _playerCtfData[ player->entnum ]._hasFlag )
// The player has a flag, see if we score or not
if ( !tempFlag && myFlag && multiplayerManager.checkRule ( "flagscore-teamflag", true ) )
score( player );
else if ( !tempFlag && !myFlag && teamFlag && multiplayerManager.checkRule ( "flagscore-enemyflag", false ) )
score( player );
else if ( !tempFlag && !teamFlag )
str rule;
rule = "flagscore-otherflag-";
rule += item->getName();
if ( multiplayerManager.checkRule ( rule.c_str(), false ) )
score( player );
// The player does not have a flag, see if we can grab the flag
if ( !myFlag && teamFlag && multiplayerManager.checkRule ( "flagpickup-enemyflag", true ) )
grabTheFlag( player, item );
else if ( myFlag && teamFlag && multiplayerManager.checkRule ( "flagpickup-teamflag", false ) )
grabTheFlag( player, item );
else if ( !teamFlag )
str rule;
rule = "flagpickup-otherflag-";
rule += ctfFlag->_realFlag->getName();
if ( multiplayerManager.checkRule ( rule.c_str(), false ) )
grabTheFlag( player, item );
void ModeCaptureTheFlag::score( Player *player )
Team *team;
str printString;
CtfFlag *ctfFlag;
ctfFlag = findFlag( _playerCtfData[ player->entnum ]._flag );
if ( !ctfFlag )
// Put the flag back where it is suppose to be
putFlagBack( player );
// Give the player's team points
// Todo: hide all team stuff in ModeTeamBase ?
team = _playerGameData[ player->entnum ]._currentTeam;
// Tell everyone the flag was captured
printString = "$$FlagCaptured$$ ";
printString += player->client->pers.netname;
printString += " ($$";
printString += team->getName();
printString += "$$ $$Team$$)!";
multiplayerManager.centerPrintAllClients( printString, CENTERPRINT_IMPORTANCE_NORMAL );
if ( strnicmp( ctfFlag->_realFlag->getName().c_str(), "ctfflag-red", strlen( "ctfflag-red" ) ) == 0 )
multiplayerManager.broadcastSound( "localization/sound/dialog/dm/comp_frc.mp3", CHAN_AUTO, DEFAULT_VOL, DEFAULT_MIN_DIST, NULL, 1.5f );
else if ( strnicmp( ctfFlag->_realFlag->getName().c_str(), "ctfflag-blue", strlen( "ctfflag-blue" ) ) == 0 )
multiplayerManager.broadcastSound( "localization/sound/dialog/dm/comp_bfc.mp3", CHAN_AUTO, DEFAULT_VOL, DEFAULT_MIN_DIST, NULL, 1.5f );
if ( team->getName() == "Red" )
multiplayerManager.broadcastSound( "localization/sound/dialog/dm/comp_fcrt.mp3", CHAN_AUTO, DEFAULT_VOL, DEFAULT_MIN_DIST, NULL, 1.5f );
multiplayerManager.broadcastSound( "localization/sound/dialog/dm/comp_fcbt.mp3", CHAN_AUTO, DEFAULT_VOL, DEFAULT_MIN_DIST, NULL, 1.5f );
// Tell the other multiplayer systems that the flag was captured
multiplayerManager.playerEventNotification( "flag-captured", ctfFlag->_realFlag->getName().c_str(), player );
// Give the team and the player points
team->addPoints( player,(int) _ctfCapturePoints );
multiplayerManager.addPoints( player->entnum, _pointsForCapturingTheFlag );
void ModeCaptureTheFlag::dropFlag( Player *player )
CtfFlag *ctfFlag;
MultiplayerItem *newFlag;
// Make sure everything is ok
if ( !_playerCtfData[ player->entnum ]._hasFlag )
ctfFlag = findFlag( _playerCtfData[ player->entnum ]._flag );
if ( !ctfFlag )
// Create a new flag to put on the ground
newFlag = new MultiplayerItem;
newFlag->setModel( ctfFlag->_realFlag->model );
newFlag->angles = player->angles;
newFlag->setOrigin( player->origin );
newFlag->CancelEventsOfType( EV_ProcessInitCommands );
newFlag->ProcessInitCommands( newFlag->edict->s.modelindex );
newFlag->setName( "ctfflag-temp" );
// Save off some info about the dropped flag
ctfFlag->_tempFlag = newFlag;
ctfFlag->_tempFlagTime = multiplayerManager.getTime();
// Remove the flag from the player
if ( _playerCtfData[ player->entnum ]._carriedFlag )
_playerCtfData[ player->entnum ]._carriedFlag->PostEvent( EV_Detach, 0.0f );
_playerCtfData[ player->entnum ]._carriedFlag->PostEvent( EV_Remove, FRAMETIME );
_playerCtfData[ player->entnum ]._carriedFlag = NULL;
_playerCtfData[ player->entnum ]._hasFlag = false;
multiplayerManager.playerEventNotification( "flag-dropped", ctfFlag->_realFlag->getName().c_str(), player );
void ModeCaptureTheFlag::returnFlag( MultiplayerItem *item, Player *player )
CtfFlag *ctfFlag;
str printString;
ctfFlag = findFlag( item );
if ( !ctfFlag )
// Remove the dropped flag from the ground
if ( ctfFlag->_tempFlag )
ctfFlag->_tempFlag->PostEvent( EV_Remove, FRAMETIME );
ctfFlag->_tempFlag = NULL;
// Put the flag back to where it belongs (really just show it again)
if ( ctfFlag->_realFlag )
ctfFlag->_realFlag->setSolidType( SOLID_TRIGGER );
if ( player )
// Tell everyone that the player returned the flag
printString = "$$FlagReturnedBy$$ ";
printString += player->client->pers.netname;
printString += " ($$";
printString += _playerGameData[ player->entnum ]._currentTeam->getName();
printString += "$$ $$Team$$)!";
multiplayerManager.centerPrintAllClients( printString, CENTERPRINT_IMPORTANCE_NORMAL );
if ( strnicmp( ctfFlag->_realFlag->getName().c_str(), "ctfflag-red", strlen( "ctfflag-red" ) ) == 0 )
multiplayerManager.broadcastSound( "localization/sound/dialog/dm/comp_rfr.mp3", CHAN_AUTO, DEFAULT_VOL, DEFAULT_MIN_DIST, NULL, 1.2f );
else if ( strnicmp( ctfFlag->_realFlag->getName().c_str(), "ctfflag-blue", strlen( "ctfflag-blue" ) ) == 0 )
multiplayerManager.broadcastSound( "localization/sound/dialog/dm/comp_bfr.mp3", CHAN_AUTO, DEFAULT_VOL, DEFAULT_MIN_DIST, NULL, 1.2f );
if ( _playerGameData[ player->entnum ]._currentTeam->getName() == "Red" )
multiplayerManager.broadcastSound( "localization/sound/dialog/dm/comp_frbrt.mp3", CHAN_AUTO, DEFAULT_VOL, DEFAULT_MIN_DIST, NULL, 1.2f );
multiplayerManager.broadcastSound( "localization/sound/dialog/dm/comp_frbbt.mp3", CHAN_AUTO, DEFAULT_VOL, DEFAULT_MIN_DIST, NULL, 1.2f );
// Tell all of the other multiplayer systems that the flag was returned
multiplayerManager.playerEventNotification( "flag-returned", ctfFlag->_realFlag->getName().c_str(), player );
// Give points to the player
multiplayerManager.addPoints( player->entnum, _pointsForFlagReturn );
printString = "$$FlagReturned$$";
multiplayerManager.centerPrintAllClients( printString, CENTERPRINT_IMPORTANCE_NORMAL );
if ( strnicmp( ctfFlag->_realFlag->getName().c_str(), "ctfflag-red", strlen( "ctfflag-red" ) ) == 0 )
multiplayerManager.broadcastSound( "localization/sound/dialog/dm/comp_rfr.mp3", CHAN_AUTO, DEFAULT_VOL, DEFAULT_MIN_DIST, NULL, 1.2f );
else if ( strnicmp( ctfFlag->_realFlag->getName().c_str(), "ctfflag-blue", strlen( "ctfflag-blue" ) ) == 0 )
multiplayerManager.broadcastSound( "localization/sound/dialog/dm/comp_bfr.mp3", CHAN_AUTO, DEFAULT_VOL, DEFAULT_MIN_DIST, NULL, 1.2f );
void ModeCaptureTheFlag::putFlagBack( Player *player )
CtfFlag *ctfFlag;
MultiplayerItem *flag;
// Make sure everything is ok
if ( !_playerCtfData[ player->entnum ]._hasFlag )
ctfFlag = findFlag( _playerCtfData[ player->entnum ]._flag );
if ( !ctfFlag )
flag = ctfFlag->_realFlag;
// Put the flag back
if ( flag )
flag->setSolidType( SOLID_TRIGGER );
// Remove flag from the player
if ( _playerCtfData[ player->entnum ]._carriedFlag )
_playerCtfData[ player->entnum ]._carriedFlag->PostEvent( EV_Detach, 0.0f );
_playerCtfData[ player->entnum ]._carriedFlag->PostEvent( EV_Remove, FRAMETIME );
_playerCtfData[ player->entnum ]._carriedFlag = NULL;
_playerCtfData[ player->entnum ]._hasFlag = false;
void ModeCaptureTheFlag::grabTheFlag( Player *player, MultiplayerItem *item )
CtfFlag *ctfFlag;
Entity *obj;
str printString;
Team *team;
MultiplayerItem *flag;
bool tempFlag;
ctfFlag = findFlag( item );
flag = ctfFlag->_realFlag;
// Get rid of the dropped flag (if any)
if ( ctfFlag->_tempFlag )
ctfFlag->_tempFlag->PostEvent( EV_Remove, FRAMETIME );
ctfFlag->_tempFlag = NULL;
tempFlag = true;
tempFlag = false;
// Give the flag to the player
obj->setModel( flag->model );
obj->animate->RandomAnimate( "idle" );
attachFlag( player, obj );
_playerCtfData[ player->entnum ]._hasFlag = true;
_playerCtfData[ player->entnum ]._carriedFlag = obj;
_playerCtfData[ player->entnum ]._flag = flag;
// Hide the real flag and make it not solid
flag->setSolidType( SOLID_NOT );
// Give the player some points for taking the flag (only if it was taken from the base)
if ( !tempFlag )
multiplayerManager.addPoints( player->entnum, _pointsForTakingTheFlag );
// Tell everyone that the flag was taken
team = _playerGameData[ player->entnum ]._currentTeam;
printString = "$$FlagTaken$$ ";
printString += player->client->pers.netname;
printString += " ($$";
printString += team->getName();
printString += "$$ $$Team$$)!";
multiplayerManager.centerPrintAllClients( printString, CENTERPRINT_IMPORTANCE_NORMAL );
if ( strnicmp( ctfFlag->_realFlag->getName().c_str(), "ctfflag-red", strlen( "ctfflag-red" ) ) == 0 )
multiplayerManager.broadcastSound( "localization/sound/dialog/dm/comp_rft.mp3", CHAN_AUTO, DEFAULT_VOL, DEFAULT_MIN_DIST, NULL, 1.2f );
else if ( strnicmp( ctfFlag->_realFlag->getName().c_str(), "ctfflag-blue", strlen( "ctfflag-blue" ) ) == 0 )
multiplayerManager.broadcastSound( "localization/sound/dialog/dm/comp_bft.mp3", CHAN_AUTO, DEFAULT_VOL, DEFAULT_MIN_DIST, NULL, 1.2f );
if ( team->getName() == "Red" )
multiplayerManager.broadcastSound( "localization/sound/dialog/dm/comp_ftbrt.mp3", CHAN_AUTO, DEFAULT_VOL, DEFAULT_MIN_DIST, NULL, 1.2f );
multiplayerManager.broadcastSound( "localization/sound/dialog/dm/comp_ftbbt.mp3", CHAN_AUTO, DEFAULT_VOL, DEFAULT_MIN_DIST, NULL, 1.2f );
multiplayerManager.playerEventNotification( "flag-taken", ctfFlag->_realFlag->getName().c_str(), player );
void ModeCaptureTheFlag::update( float frameTime )
CtfFlag *ctfFlag;
int i;
MultiplayerModeBase::update( frameTime );
// Return any flags that have been sitting on the ground too long
for ( i = 1 ; i <= _flags.NumObjects() ; i++ )
ctfFlag = &_flags.ObjectAt( i );
if ( ( ctfFlag->_tempFlag ) && ( ctfFlag->_tempFlagTime + _maxDroppedFlagTime < multiplayerManager.getTime() ) )
returnFlag( ctfFlag->_tempFlag, NULL );
bool ModeCaptureTheFlag::isEndOfMatch( void )
// See if we have a gone over the point limit
if ( getPointLimit() > 0 )
// Check team points
if ( _redTeam->getPoints() >= getPointLimit() )
return true;
else if ( _blueTeam->getPoints() >= getPointLimit() )
return true;
// See if we have a gone over the time limit
if ( ( getTimeLimit() > 0.0f ) && ( multiplayerManager.getTime() - _gameStartTime > getTimeLimit() ) )
return true;
return false;
int ModeCaptureTheFlag::getIcon( Player *player, int statNum, int value )
if ( statNum == STAT_MP_MODE_ICON )
if ( _playerCtfData[ player->entnum ]._hasFlag )
return _flagCarrierIconIndex;
return -1;
return ModeTeamBase::getIcon( player, statNum, value );
int ModeCaptureTheFlag::getScoreIcon( Player *player, int index, int value )
if ( index == SCOREICON1 )
if ( _playerCtfData[ player->entnum ]._hasFlag )
return _flagCarrierIconIndex;
return 0;
return value;
void ModeCaptureTheFlag::score( const Player *player )
char string[1400];
char entry[1024];
int i;
int tempStringlength;
int count = 0;
int stringlength = 0;
Team *team;
str teamName;
//int teamPoints;
Player *currentPlayer;
int redScore;
int blueScore;
assert( player );
if ( !player )
warning( "MultiplayerModeBase::score", "Null Player specified.\n" );
string[0] = 0;
entry[0] = 0;
// This for loop builds a string containing all the players scores.
for ( i = 0 ; i < _maxPlayers ; i++ )
currentPlayer = multiplayerManager.getPlayer( i );
if ( !currentPlayer )
team = multiplayerManager.getPlayersTeam( currentPlayer );
if ( team )
teamName = team->getName();
//teamPoints = team->getPoints();
teamName = "spectator";
//teamPoints = 0;
Com_sprintf( entry, sizeof( entry ), "%i %i %i %i %s %i %i %d %d %d %d %d %d ",
multiplayerManager.getClientNum( _playerGameData[ i ]._entnum ),
_playerGameData[ i ]._points,
_playerGameData[ i ]._numKills,
_playerGameData[ i ]._numDeaths,
//0 /*pl->GetMatchesWon() */,
//0 /*pl->GetMatchesLost()*/,
(int)(multiplayerManager.getTime() - _playerGameData[i]._startTime),
multiplayerManager.getClientPing( _playerGameData[ i ]._entnum ),
multiplayerManager.getScoreIcon( currentPlayer, SCOREICON1 ),
multiplayerManager.getScoreIcon( currentPlayer, SCOREICON2 ),
multiplayerManager.getScoreIcon( currentPlayer, SCOREICON3 ),
multiplayerManager.getScoreIcon( currentPlayer, SCOREICON4 ),
multiplayerManager.getScoreIcon( currentPlayer, SCOREICON5 ),
multiplayerManager.getScoreIcon( currentPlayer, SCOREICON6 ) );
tempStringlength = strlen( entry );
// Make sure the string is not too big (take into account other stuff that gets prepended below also)
if ( stringlength + tempStringlength > 975 )
strcpy( string + stringlength, entry );
stringlength += tempStringlength;
redScore = multiplayerManager.getTeamPoints( "Red" );
blueScore = multiplayerManager.getTeamPoints( "Blue" );
gi.SendServerCommand( player->edict-g_entities, "scores 2 %i %d %d %s", count, redScore, blueScore, string );
// P R O T E C T E D M E T H O D S
/* void ModeCaptureTheFlag::_endMatch( void )
multiplayerManager.centerPrintAllClients( "$$MatchOver$$\n", CENTERPRINT_IMPORTANCE_NORMAL );
multiplayerManager.broadcastSound( "localization/sound/dialog/dm/comp_matover.mp3" );
} */
bool ModeCaptureTheFlag::checkGameType( const char *gameType )
if ( stricmp( gameType, "ctf" ) == 0 )
return true;
return false;
bool ModeCaptureTheFlag::doesPlayerHaveItem( Player *player, const char *itemName )
// We only care about flags
if ( strnicmp( itemName, "ctfflag", 7 ) == 0 )
// See if the player has a flag
if ( _playerCtfData[ player->entnum ]._hasFlag )
CtfFlag *ctfFlag;
// Get the flag that the player has
ctfFlag = findFlag( _playerCtfData[ player->entnum ]._flag );
if ( !ctfFlag )
return false;
if ( ctfFlag->_realFlag )
// See if this is the flag in question
if ( stricmp( ctfFlag->_realFlag->getName().c_str(), itemName ) == 0 )
return true;
return false;
int ModeCaptureTheFlag::getStat( Player *player, int statNum, int value )
CtfFlag *ctfFlag;
int i;
str flagName;
bool oneFlag;
int takenIconIndex;
int missingIconIndex;
int inBaseIconIndex;
if ( ( statNum == STAT_MP_GENERIC5 ) || ( statNum == STAT_MP_GENERIC6 ) )
// Make sure not one flag
oneFlag = !multiplayerManager.checkRule ( "flagpickup-enemyflag", true );
if ( oneFlag && statNum == STAT_MP_GENERIC6 )
return value;
if ( oneFlag )
flagName = "ctfflag-one";
takenIconIndex = _oneFlagTakenIconIndex;
missingIconIndex = _oneFlagMissingIconIndex;
inBaseIconIndex = _oneFlagInBaseIconIndex;
else if ( statNum == STAT_MP_GENERIC5 )
flagName = "ctfflag-red";
takenIconIndex = _redFlagTakenIconIndex;
missingIconIndex = _redFlagMissingIconIndex;
inBaseIconIndex = _redFlagInBaseIconIndex;
flagName = "ctfflag-blue";
takenIconIndex = _blueFlagTakenIconIndex;
missingIconIndex = _blueFlagMissingIconIndex;
inBaseIconIndex = _blueFlagInBaseIconIndex;
for ( i = 1 ; i <= _flags.NumObjects() ; i++ )
ctfFlag = &_flags.ObjectAt( i );
if ( strnicmp( ctfFlag->_realFlag->getName().c_str(), flagName.c_str(), flagName.length() ) == 0 )
if ( ctfFlag->_tempFlag )
return missingIconIndex;
else if ( ctfFlag->_realFlag->getSolidType() == SOLID_NOT )
return takenIconIndex;
return inBaseIconIndex;
else if ( statNum == STAT_MP_STATE )
return MultiplayerModeBase::getStat( player, statNum, value );
return value;
void ModeCaptureTheFlag::playerEventNotification( const char *eventName, const char *eventItemName, Player *eventPlayer )
if ( stricmp( eventName, "use-HoldableItem" ) == 0 )
if ( stricmp( eventItemName, "Transporter" ) == 0 )
dropFlag( eventPlayer );
void ModeCaptureTheFlag::playerChangedModel( Player *player )
Entity *flag;
if ( _playerCtfData[ player->entnum ]._hasFlag && _playerCtfData[ player->entnum ]._carriedFlag )
flag = _playerCtfData[ player->entnum ]._carriedFlag;
attachFlag( player, flag );
updatePlayerSkin( player );
void ModeCaptureTheFlag::attachFlag( Player *player, Entity *obj )
int tagnum;
tagnum = gi.Tag_NumForName( player->edict->s.modelindex, "Bip01 spine2" );
if ( tagnum < 0 )
tagnum = gi.Tag_NumForName( player->edict->s.modelindex, "Bip01 spine1" );
if ( tagnum < 0 )
tagnum = gi.Tag_NumForName( player->edict->s.modelindex, "Bip01 Head" );
if ( ( tagnum < 0 ) || !obj->attach( player->entnum, tagnum, false, player->getFlagAttachOffset(), player->getFlagAttachAngles() ) )
warning( "ModeCaptureTheFlag::attachFlag", "Could not attach model %s", obj->model.c_str() );
delete obj;