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// $Logfile:: /EF2/Code/Shared/qcommon/gameplaymanager.cpp $
// $Revision:: 14 $
// $Author:: Singlis $
// $Date:: 9/26/03 2:36p $
// Copyright (C) 2002 by Ritual Entertainment, Inc.
// All rights reserved.
// This source is may not be distributed and/or modified without
// expressly written permission by Ritual Entertainment, Inc.
// GameplayManager.cpp: implementation of the GameplayManager class.
#include "gameplaymanager.h"
#include <assert.h>
//#include <qcommon/qcommon.h>
// The Singleton
GameplayManager *GameplayManager::_theGameplayManager = 0;
// Name: GameplayManager
// Class: GameplayManager
// Description: Constructor
// Parameters: None
// Returns: None
// Name: ~GameplayManager
// Class: GameplayManager
// Description: Destructor.
// Parameters: None
// Returns: None
// Name: Shutdown (static)
// Class: GameplayManager
// Description: Destroys the GPM variable
// Parameters: None
// Returns: None
void GameplayManager::shutdown()
if ( _theGameplayManager )
delete _theGameplayManager;
_theGameplayManager = 0;
// Name: IsReady (static)
// Class: GameplayManager
// Description: Determines if the GPM variable has been created yet
// Parameters: None
// Returns: bool -- Is ready or not
bool GameplayManager::isReady()
if ( _theGameplayManager )
return true;
return false;
// Name: getTheGameplayManager (static)
// Class: GameplayManager
// Description: Interface function to the GameplayManager singleton
// Parameters: None
// Returns: Pointer to the GameplayManager singleton
GameplayManager* GameplayManager::getTheGameplayManager()
if ( _theGameplayManager )
return _theGameplayManager;
assert(0); // Something called this function before create();
return 0;
// Name: Create (static)
// Class: GameplayManager
// Description: Creates the GPM singleton.
// Parameters: None
// Returns: None
void GameplayManager::create()
if ( _theGameplayManager )
_theGameplayManager = new GameplayManager;
if (!_theGameplayManager)
// This probably won't happen unless we're out of memory
if ( !_theGameplayManager->_gameplayDatabase.parseFile("global/gameplay.gdb") )
// Parsing the database file failed!
Com_Error (ERR_DROP, "GameplayDatabase: Parsing failed. Contact programmer regarding this error.");
#ifdef GAME_DLL
if ( !_theGameplayManager->_gameplayFormulaManager.parseFile("global/gameplay.gpf") )
// Parsing the formula file failed!
gi.Error(ERR_DROP, "GameplayFormulas: Parsing failed. Contact programmer regarding this error.");
#endif // GAME_DLL
// Name: hasObject
// Class: GameplayManager
// Description: Checks to see if an object is in the database
// Parameters: const str& objname -- Name of the object
// Returns: bool
bool GameplayManager::hasObject(const str& objname)
if ( !objname.length() )
return false;
return _gameplayDatabase.hasObject(objname);
// Name: isDefined
// Class: GameplayManager
// Description: Checks to see if the specified property
// exists as a define in the database.
// Parameters: const str& propname -- Property to find
// Returns: bool -- True if exists
bool GameplayManager::isDefined(const str& propname)
GameplayObject *gpobject = _gameplayDatabase.getObject(propname);
if ( !gpobject )
return false;
if ( gpobject->hasProperty("value") )
return true;
return false;
// Name: getDefine
// Class: GameplayManager
// Description: Returns the define as a string
// Parameters: const str& propname -- Property to find
// Returns: const str& -- the define as a string
const str GameplayManager::getDefine(const str& propname)
GameplayObject *gpobject = _gameplayDatabase.getObject(propname);
if ( !gpobject )
return ""; // Should never happen since we go through isDefined first
str value = gpobject->getPropertyStringValue("value");
if ( value == "" )
float floatval;
char tmpstr[16];
floatval = gpobject->getPropertyFloatValue("value");
sprintf(tmpstr, "%g", floatval);
value = tmpstr;
return value;
// Name: setFloatValue
// Class: GameplayManager
// Description: Sets float value of a property.
// Parameters: const str& objname -- Object name
// const str& propname -- Property name
// float value -- value
// bool create -- whether or not to create properties that are not found
// Returns: None
void GameplayManager::setFloatValue(const str& objname, const str& propname, float value, bool create)
#ifdef GAME_DLL
bool valueChanged = _gameplayDatabase.setFloatValue(objname, propname, value, create);
if ( valueChanged )
char message[256] ;
sprintf( message, "gdb_setfloatproperty %s %s %g\n", objname.c_str(), propname.c_str(), value );
G_SendCommandToAllPlayers( message );
_gameplayDatabase.setFloatValue(objname, propname, value, create);
#endif // GAME_DLL
// Name: setStringValue
// Class: GameplayManager
// Description: Sets float value of a property.
// Parameters: const str& objname -- Object name
// const str& propname -- Property name
// const str& value -- string value
// bool create -- whether or not to create properties that are not found
// Returns: None
void GameplayManager::setStringValue(const str& objname, const str& propname, const str& valuestr, bool create)
#ifdef GAME_DLL
bool valueChanged = _gameplayDatabase.setStringValue(objname, propname, valuestr, create);
if ( valueChanged )
char message[256] ;
sprintf( message, "gdb_setstringproperty %s %s %s\n", objname.c_str(), propname.c_str(), valuestr.c_str() );
G_SendCommandToAllPlayers( message );
_gameplayDatabase.setStringValue(objname, propname, valuestr, create);
#endif // GAME_DLL
// Name: getFloatValue
// Class: GameplayManager
// Description: Gets the float value of the property.
// Parameters: const str& objname -- Object to retrieve the property from, supports scoping
// via the . symbol, example: "Object1.SubObject"
// Returns: float -- Float value of the property or 1.0
float GameplayManager::getFloatValue(const str& objname, const str& propname)
if ( !hasObject(objname) )
return 1.0f;
GameplayObject *gpobject = 0;
gpobject = _gameplayDatabase.getObject(objname);
return gpobject->getPropertyFloatValue(propname);
// Name: getStringValue
// Class: GameplayManager
// Description: Gets the string value of the property.
// Parameters: const str& objname -- Object to retrieve the property from, supports scoping
// via the . symbol, example: "Object1.SubObject"
// Returns: const str -- String value of the property or ""
const str GameplayManager::getStringValue(const str& objname, const str& propname)
if ( !hasObject(objname) )
return "";
GameplayObject *gpobject = 0;
gpobject = _gameplayDatabase.getObject(objname);
return gpobject->getPropertyStringValue(propname);
// Name: hasProperty
// Class: GameplayManager
// Description: Checks to see if the property exists in the object
// Parameters: const str& objname -- Object to find
// const str& propname -- Property name to check for
// Returns: bool
bool GameplayManager::hasProperty(const str& objname, const str& propname)
if ( !hasObject(objname) )
return false;
GameplayObject *gpobject = _gameplayDatabase.getObject(objname);
return gpobject->hasProperty(propname);
// Name: hasSubObject
// Class: GameplayManager
// Description: Checks to see if the specified object has the subobject
// Parameters: const str& objname -- Object name
// const str& subobject -- Subobject to look for
// Returns: bool
bool GameplayManager::hasSubObject(const str& objname, const str& subobject)
if ( !objname.length() || !subobject.length())
return false;
GameplayObject *gpobject = 0;
gpobject = _gameplayDatabase.getObject(objname);
if ( !gpobject )
return false;
if ( !gpobject->getSubObject(subobject) )
return false;
return true;
#ifdef GAME_DLL
// F O R M U L A S T U F F
// Name: hasFormula
// Class: GameplayManager
// Description: Checks to see if the formula is in the database
// Parameters: const str& formulaName -- Formula to check for
// Returns: bool
bool GameplayManager::hasFormula(const str& formulaName)
return _gameplayFormulaManager.hasFormula(formulaName);
// Name: calculate
// Class: GameplayManager
// Description: Queries the FormulaManager for the result given the formula
// name and some data.
// Parameters: const str& formulaName -- Name of the formula
// const GameplayFormulaData& formulaData -- Formula Data
// float multiplier -- optional multiplier that defaults to 1.0
// Returns: flaot
float GameplayManager::calculate(const str& formulaName, const GameplayFormulaData& formulaData, float multiplier)
float result = _gameplayFormulaManager.getFormulaResult(formulaName, formulaData) * multiplier;
return result;
// Name: setBase
// Class: GameplayManager
// Description: Sets the base object of objname to be baseobj.
// Parameters: const str& objname -- Object on which to set the base
// const str& baseobj -- Base object to reference
// Returns: bool
bool GameplayManager::setBase(const str& objname, const str& baseobj)
return _gameplayDatabase.setBase(objname, baseobj);
// Name: clearPropertyOverrides
// Class: GameplayManager
// Description: Clears all properties in this object that override
// properties in the base object.
// Parameters: const str& objname -- Object to clear the properties for
// Returns: bool - successful or not
bool GameplayManager::clearPropertyOverrides(const str& objname)
return _gameplayDatabase.clearPropertyOverrides(objname);
// Name: processPendingMessages
// Class: GameplayManager
// Description: Sends all messages that haven't been sent about
// deltas in the database to the client.
// Parameters: None
// Returns: None
void GameplayManager::processPendingMessages( void )
char message[256] ;
Container<PendingDelta> &pendingDeltaList = _gameplayDatabase.getPendingDeltaList();
for ( int pendingDeltaIdx = 1; pendingDeltaIdx <= pendingDeltaList.NumObjects(); pendingDeltaIdx++ )
PendingDelta pendingDelta = pendingDeltaList.ObjectAt( pendingDeltaIdx );
Vector vectorValue ;
float floatValue = 0.0f ;
str objName = pendingDelta.getObjectName();
str propName = pendingDelta.getPropertyName();
str stringValue ;
switch ( pendingDelta.getGameplayValueType() )
floatValue = pendingDelta.getFloatValue();
sprintf( message, "gdb_setfloatproperty %s %s %g\n", objName.c_str(), propName.c_str(), floatValue );
break ;
stringValue = pendingDelta.getStringValue();
sprintf( message, "gdb_setstringproperty %s %s %s\n", objName.c_str(), propName.c_str(), stringValue.c_str() );
break ;
vectorValue = pendingDelta.getVectorValue();
sprintf( message, "gdb_setvectorproperty %s %s %g %g %g\n", objName.c_str(), propName.c_str(), vectorValue.x, vectorValue.y, vectorValue.z );
break ;
break ;
G_SendCommandToAllPlayers( message );
// Name: Archive
// Class: GameplayDatabase
// Description: Archive function.
// Parameters: Archiver &arc -- Archive reference
// Returns: None
void GameplayManager::Archive(Archiver &arc)
// E X T E R N A L "C" A P I
// Name: HasProperty
// Class: None
// Description: Checks if a property exists.
// Parameters: objectName - The object name
// propertyName - The property name
// Returns: If found, true is returned, otherwise false.
extern "C" qboolean HasGameplayProperty(const char* objectName, const char* propertyName)
GameplayManager* gpm = GameplayManager::getTheGameplayManager();
if(gpm == 0)
return 0;
if(gpm->hasProperty(objectName, propertyName))
return qtrue;
return qfalse;
// Name: GetGameplayStringProperty
// Class: None
// Description: Gets the string property in the gameplay database
// Parameters: objectName - The object name
// propertyName - The property name
// Returns: If found, the property string is returned, otherwise 0
extern "C" void GetGameplayStringProperty(const char* objectName, const char* propertyName, char* buffer, int length)
if(buffer == 0 || length <= 0)
GameplayManager* gpm = GameplayManager::getTheGameplayManager();
if(gpm == 0)
str stringValue = gpm->getStringValue(objectName, propertyName);
strncpy(buffer, stringValue.c_str(), length);
// Name: SetGameplayStringProperty
// Class: None
// Description: Sets the string property in the gameplay database
// Parameters: objname - The object name
// propname - The property name
// valuestr - The value of the property.
// create - If true, it creates the property if the property does not exist
// Returns: None
extern "C" void SetGameplayStringProperty(const char* objectName, const char* propertyName, const char* stringValue, qboolean create)
GameplayManager* gpm = GameplayManager::getTheGameplayManager();
if(gpm == 0)
//Convert the qboolean to boolean
bool createProperty = false;
createProperty = true;
gpm->setStringValue(objectName, propertyName, stringValue, createProperty);
// Name: GetGameplayFloatProperty
// Class: None
// Description: Gets a float property from the gameplay datbase
// Parameters: objectName - the object name
// propertyName - the property name
// Returns: The found value.
extern "C" float GetGameplayFloatProperty(const char* objectName, const char* propertyName)
GameplayManager* gpm = GameplayManager::getTheGameplayManager();
if(gpm == 0)
return 1.0f;
return gpm->getFloatValue(objectName, propertyName);
// Name: GetGameplayFloatPropertyCmd
// Class: None
// Description: Gets a float property from the gameplay datbase
// and prints it to the console.
// Parameters:
// Returns: The found value.
void GetGameplayFloatPropertyCmd( void )
GameplayManager* gpm = GameplayManager::getTheGameplayManager();
if ( gpm )
const char *objectName = Cmd_Argv( 1 );
const char *propertyName = Cmd_Argv( 2 );
float floatValue = gpm->getFloatValue( objectName, propertyName );
Com_Printf( "%s.%s: %g\n", objectName, propertyName, floatValue );
// Name: GetGameplayStringPropertyCmd
// Class: None
// Description: Gets a string property from the gameplay datbase
// and prints it to the console.
// Parameters:
// Returns: The found value.
void GetGameplayStringPropertyCmd( void )
GameplayManager* gpm = GameplayManager::getTheGameplayManager();
if( gpm )
const char *objectName = Cmd_Argv( 1 );
const char *propertyName = Cmd_Argv( 2 );
str stringValue = gpm->getStringValue( objectName, propertyName );
Com_Printf( "%s.%s: %s\n", objectName, propertyName, stringValue.c_str() );
// Name: SetGameplayFloatProperty
// Class: None
// Description: Sets a float property in the gameplay database
// Parameters: objectName - the object name
// propertyName - the property name
// value - the new float value
// create - If true, the value is created, otherwise the value is set.
// Returns: None
extern "C" void SetGameplayFloatProperty(const char* objectName, const char* propertyName, float value, qboolean create)
GameplayManager* gpm = GameplayManager::getTheGameplayManager();
if(gpm == 0)
//Convert the qboolean to boolean.
bool createProperty = false;
createProperty = true;
gpm->setFloatValue(objectName, propertyName, value, createProperty);
// Name: SetGameplayStringProperty
// Class: None
// Description: Sets a string property in the gameplay database.
// Parameters: None
// Returns: None
void SetGameplayStringProperty( void )
if ( Cmd_Argc() != 4 )
Com_Printf( "Syntax: gdb_setstringproperty <objname> <propname> <stringvalue>\n" );
return ;
const char *objectName = Cmd_Argv( 1 );
const char *propertyName = Cmd_Argv( 2 );
const char *stringValue = Cmd_Argv( 3 );
GameplayManager *gpm = GameplayManager::getTheGameplayManager();
if ( !gpm ) return ;
gpm->setStringValue( objectName, propertyName, stringValue, true );
// Name: SetGameplayFloatProperty
// Class: None
// Description: Sets a float property in the gameplay database.
// Parameters: None
// Returns: None
void SetGameplayFloatProperty( void )
if ( Cmd_Argc() != 4 )
Com_Printf( "Syntax: gdb_setfloatproperty <objname> <propname> <floatvalue>\n" );
return ;
const char *objectName = Cmd_Argv( 1 );
const char *propertyName = Cmd_Argv( 2 );
const char *floatStringValue = Cmd_Argv( 3 );
GameplayManager *gpm = GameplayManager::getTheGameplayManager();
if ( !gpm ) return ;
float floatValue = atof( floatStringValue );
gpm->setFloatValue( objectName, propertyName, floatValue, true );
// Name: CreateGameplayManager
// Class: None
// Description: Creates the GameplayManager. This loads the
// Gameplay Database from disk.
// Parameters: None
// Returns: None
extern "C" void CreateGameplayManager( void )
Cmd_AddCommand( "gdb_setfloatproperty", SetGameplayFloatProperty );
Cmd_AddCommand( "gdb_setstringproperty", SetGameplayStringProperty );
Cmd_AddCommand( "gdb_getfloatproperty", GetGameplayFloatPropertyCmd );
Cmd_AddCommand( "gdb_getstringproperty", GetGameplayStringPropertyCmd );
// Name: ShutdownGameplayManager
// Class: None
// Description: Shuts down (destroys) the GameplayManager.
// Parameters: None
// Returns: None
extern "C" void ShutdownGameplayManager( void )
Cmd_RemoveCommand( "gdb_setfloatproperty" );
Cmd_RemoveCommand( "gdb_setstringproperty" );
Cmd_RemoveCommand( "gdb_getfloatproperty" );
Cmd_RemoveCommand( "gdb_getstringproperty" );
#endif // GAME_DLL