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// $Logfile:: /EF2/Code/DLLs/game/spawners.cpp $
// $Revision:: 32 $
// $Author:: Singlis $
// $Date:: 9/26/03 2:36p $
// Copyright (C) 1998 by Ritual Entertainment, Inc.
// All rights reserved.
// This source may not be distributed and/or modified without
// expressly written permission by Ritual Entertainment, Inc.
// Various spawning entities
/*QUAKED func_spawn(0 0.25 0.5) (-8 -8 -8) (8 8 8)
"modelName" The name of the TIKI file you wish to spawn. (Required)
"spawnTargetName" This will be the targetname of the spawned model. (default is null)
"spawnTarget" This will be the target of the spawned model. (default is null)
"pickupThread" passed on to the spawned model
"key" The item needed to activate this. (default nothing)
"attackMode" Attacking mode of the spawned actor (default 0)
#include "_pch_cpp.h"
//#include "g_local.h"
#include "spawners.h"
Event EV_Spawn_ModelName
"model_name1 model_name2 model_name3 model_name4 model_name5 model_name6 model_name7 model_name8 model_name9",
"Sets up to nine model names for this spawn entity."
Event EV_Spawn_SpawnTargetName
"Sets spawn target name for this spawn entity."
Event EV_Spawn_SpawnTarget
"Sets spawn target for this spawn entity."
Event EV_Spawn_SpawnNow
"Spawns the entity and returns it."
Event EV_Spawn_AttackMode
"Sets the _attackMode for this spawn entity."
Event EV_Spawn_PickupThread
"Sets the pickup thread for the spawned entity."
Event EV_Spawn_AddSpawnItem
"Adds this named item to what will be spawned when this spawned entity is killed, if it is an actor."
Event EV_Spawn_SetSpawnChance
"Sets the chance that this spawned entity will spawn something when killed, if it is an actor."
Event EV_Spawn_SetStartHidden
"Sets whether or not the entity starts hidden."
Event EV_Spawn_SetSpawnEffect
"effectType effectName",
"Displays this effect on spawn."
Event EV_Spawn_SetAnimName
"Animation to spawn the actor with"
Event EV_Spawn_SetSpawnVelocity
"Sets the velocity to spawn with"
Event EV_Spawn_SetSpawnGroupID
"Sets the groupID to spawn with"
Event EV_Spawn_SetSpawnMasterStateMap
"Sets the masterstatemap to spawn with"
Event EV_Spawn_SetSpawnGroupDeathThread
"Sets the group death thread to spawn with"
Event EV_Spawn_SetSpawnKeyValue
"key value",
"Sets any key/value pair to set on the spawned entity."
Event EV_Spawn_ClearSpawnKeyValues
"Clears all of the key/value pairs for the spawner."
Event EV_Spawn_CheckForSpace
"Checks to see if there is space for the spawn entity."
CLASS_DECLARATION( ScriptSlave, Spawn, "func_spawn" )
{ &EV_Activate, &Spawn::DoSpawn },
{ &EV_Spawn_ModelName, &Spawn::ModelName },
{ &EV_Spawn_SpawnTargetName, &Spawn::SpawnTargetName },
{ &EV_Spawn_AttackMode, &Spawn::AttackMode },
{ &EV_Spawn_SpawnTarget, &Spawn::SpawnTarget },
{ &EV_Spawn_PickupThread, &Spawn::SetPickupThread },
{ &EV_SetAngle, &Spawn::SetAngleEvent },
{ &EV_Spawn_AddSpawnItem, &Spawn::SetSpawnItem },
{ &EV_Spawn_SetSpawnChance, &Spawn::SetSpawnChance },
{ &EV_Spawn_SetStartHidden, &Spawn::SetStartHidden },
{ &EV_Spawn_SetSpawnEffect, &Spawn::SetSpawnEffect },
{ &EV_Spawn_SetAnimName, &Spawn::SetAnimName },
{ &EV_Spawn_SpawnNow, &Spawn::SpawnNow },
{ &EV_Spawn_SetSpawnVelocity, &Spawn::SetSpawnVelocity },
{ &EV_Spawn_SetSpawnGroupID, &Spawn::SetSpawnGroupID },
{ &EV_Spawn_SetSpawnMasterStateMap, &Spawn::SetSpawnMasterStateMap },
{ &EV_Spawn_SetSpawnGroupDeathThread, &Spawn::SetSpawnGroupDeathThread },
{ &EV_Spawn_SetSpawnKeyValue, &Spawn::setSpawnKeyValue },
{ &EV_Spawn_ClearSpawnKeyValues, &Spawn::clearSpawnKeyValues },
{ &EV_Spawn_CheckForSpace, &Spawn::setCheckForSpace },
void Spawn::SetAngleEvent( Event *ev )
Entity::SetAngleEvent( ev );
void Spawn::SetPickupThread( Event *ev )
_pickupThread = ev->GetString( 1 );
void Spawn::SetAnimName( Event *ev )
_animName = ev->GetString( 1 );
void Spawn::SetSpawnVelocity( Event *ev )
_velocity = ev->GetVector( 1 );
void Spawn::SetSpawnGroupID( Event *ev )
_spawnGroupID = ev->GetInteger( 1 );
void Spawn::ModelName( Event *ev )
assert( ev->NumArgs() > 0 );
for (int i = 1; i <= ev->NumArgs(); i++)
str modelname = ev->GetString( i );
_modelNames.AddObject( modelname );
CacheResource( modelname.c_str(), this );
void Spawn::SpawnTargetName( Event *ev )
_spawnTargetName = ev->GetString( 1 );
void Spawn::SpawnTarget( Event *ev )
_spawnTarget = ev->GetString( 1 );
void Spawn::AttackMode( Event *ev )
_spawnTarget = ev->GetInteger( 1 );
void Spawn::SetSpawnItem( Event *ev )
_spawnItem = ev->GetString( 1 );
void Spawn::SetSpawnChance( Event *ev )
_spawnChance = ev->GetFloat( 1 );
void Spawn::SetStartHidden( Event *ev )
if ( ev->NumArgs() > 0 )
_startHidden = ev->GetBoolean( 1 );
_startHidden = true;
void Spawn::SetSpawnEffect( Event *ev )
_effectType = ev->GetString( 1 );
if ( ev->NumArgs() > 1 )
_effectName = ev->GetString( 2 );
_effectName = "";
void Spawn::SetSpawnMasterStateMap( Event *ev )
_masterStateMap = ev->GetString( 1 );
void Spawn::SetSpawnGroupDeathThread( Event *ev )
_spawnGroupDeathThread = ev->GetString( 1 );
setSolidType( SOLID_NOT );
setMoveType( MOVETYPE_NONE );
_spawnChance = 0;
_attackMode = 0;
_startHidden = false;
_animName = "idle";
_velocity = Vector(0, 0, -1);
_spawnGroupID = -9999;
_masterStateMap = "";
_spawnGroupDeathThread = "";
_checkForSpace = false;
void Spawn::SetArgs( SpawnArgs &args )
int i;
args.setArg( "origin", va( "%f %f %f", origin[ 0 ], origin[ 1 ], origin[ 2 ] ) );
args.setArg( "angle", va( "%f", angles[ 1 ] ) );
args.setArg( "angles", va( "%f %f %f", angles[ 0 ], angles[ 1 ], angles[ 2 ] ) );
if ( _modelNames.NumObjects() > 0 )
int randomModelIndex = ceil(G_Random() * _modelNames.NumObjects() );
randomModelIndex = iClamp( randomModelIndex, 1, _modelNames.NumObjects() );
args.setArg( "model", _modelNames.ObjectAt( randomModelIndex ).c_str() );
args.setArg( "attackMode", va( "%i",_attackMode ) );
args.setArg( "scale", va( "%f",edict->s.scale ) );
if ( _spawnTargetName.length() )
args.setArg( "targetname", _spawnTargetName.c_str() );
if ( _spawnTarget.length() )
args.setArg( "target", _spawnTarget.c_str() );
if ( _pickupThread.length() )
args.setArg( "pickupThread", _pickupThread.c_str() );
if ( _spawnItem.length() )
args.setArg( "spawnItem", _spawnItem.c_str() );
args.setArg( "spawnChance", va( "%f", _spawnChance ) );
if ( _startHidden )
args.setArg( "hide", "" );
// Add in all of the key/value pairs
for ( i = 1 ; i <= _keys.NumObjects() ; i++ )
args.setArg( _keys.ObjectAt( i ).c_str(), _values.ObjectAt( i ).c_str() );
if ( _effectType.length() )
str effectString;
effectString = _effectType;
if ( _effectName.length() )
effectString += "-";
effectString += _effectName;
args.setArg( "displayeffect", effectString.c_str() );
void Spawn::postSpawn( Entity *spawn )
if ( !spawn )
if ( _spawnGroupID > 0 )
spawn->AddToGroup( _spawnGroupID );
Event *e = new Event( EV_Anim );
e->AddString( _animName );
spawn->PostEvent( e, EV_SPAWNARG );
if ( g_debugtargets->integer )
G_DebugTargets( spawn, "Spawn::DoSpawn" );
if ( _masterStateMap.length() )
Event *smapEvent = new Event ( "masterstatemap" );
smapEvent->AddString( _masterStateMap );
spawn->PostEvent( smapEvent, EV_POSTSPAWN );
if ( _spawnGroupDeathThread.length() )
Event *groupDeathThreadEvent = new Event ( "groupdeaththread" );
groupDeathThreadEvent->AddString( _spawnGroupDeathThread );
spawn->PostEvent( groupDeathThreadEvent, EV_POSTSPAWN );
void Spawn::DoSpawn( Event * )
Entity *spawn;
SpawnArgs args;
if ( _modelNames.NumObjects() == 0 )
warning("Spawn", "No models set" );
SetArgs( args );
spawn = args.Spawn();
if ( spawn )
spawn->velocity = _velocity;
postSpawn( spawn );
if ( _checkForSpace && checkStuck( spawn ) )
spawn->PostEvent( EV_Remove, 0.0f );
// Name: SpawnNow
// Class: Spawn
// Description: Spawns a new entity immediately, per the properties
// already set on this object.
// Parameters: Event* -- return value is the spawned entity.
// Returns: None
void Spawn::SpawnNow( Event *ev )
Entity *spawn;
SpawnArgs args;
if ( _modelNames.NumObjects() == 0 )
warning("Spawn", "No models set" );
SetArgs( args );
spawn = args.Spawn();
if ( spawn )
spawn->CancelEventsOfType( EV_ProcessInitCommands );
spawn->ProcessInitCommands( spawn->edict->s.modelindex );
// make sure spawned entity starts falling if necessary
spawn->velocity = Vector(0, 0, -1);
postSpawn( spawn );
if ( _checkForSpace && checkStuck( spawn ) )
spawn->CancelEventsOfType( EV_DisplayEffect );
spawn->PostEvent( EV_Remove, 0.0f );
ev->ReturnEntity( NULL );
ev->ReturnEntity( spawn );
bool Spawn::checkStuck( Entity *spawn )
int i;
int num;
int touch[ MAX_GENTITIES ];
gentity_t *hit;
Vector min;
Vector max;
min = origin + spawn->mins;
max = origin + spawn->maxs;
num = gi.AreaEntities( min, max, touch, MAX_GENTITIES, qfalse );
for( i = 0; i < num; i++ )
hit = &g_entities[ touch[ i ] ];
if ( hit->inuse && hit->entity && ( hit->entity != spawn ) && ( hit->entity->edict->solid == SOLID_BBOX ) )
return true;
return false;
void Spawn::setSpawnKeyValue( Event *ev )
str key;
str value;
key = ev->GetString( 1 );
value = ev->GetString( 2 );
_keys.AddObject( key );
_values.AddObject( value );
void Spawn::clearSpawnKeyValues( Event * )
void Spawn::setCheckForSpace( Event * )
_checkForSpace = true;
/*QUAKED func_randomspawn(0 0.25 0.5) (-8 -8 -8) (8 8 8) START_OFF
Randomly spawns an entity. The time between spawns is determined by min_time and max_time
The entity can be turned off and on by triggering it
"modelName" The name of the TIKI file you wish to spawn. (Required)
"key" The item needed to activate this. (default nothing)
"min_time" The minimum time between spawns (default 0.2 seconds)
"max_time" The maximum time between spawns (default 1 seconds)
START_OFF - spawn is off by default
Event EV_RandomSpawn_MinTime
"Minimum time between random spawns."
Event EV_RandomSpawn_MaxTime
"Maximum time between random spawns."
Event EV_RandomSpawn_Think
"The function that actually spawns things in."
CLASS_DECLARATION( Spawn, RandomSpawn, "func_randomspawn" )
{ &EV_Activate, &RandomSpawn::ToggleSpawn },
{ &EV_RandomSpawn_MinTime, &RandomSpawn::MinTime },
{ &EV_RandomSpawn_MaxTime, &RandomSpawn::MaxTime },
{ &EV_RandomSpawn_Think, &RandomSpawn::Think },
min_time = 0.2f;
max_time = 1.0f;
if ( !LoadingSavegame && !( spawnflags & 1 ) )
PostEvent( EV_RandomSpawn_Think, min_time + ( G_Random( max_time - min_time ) ) );
void RandomSpawn::MinTime( Event *ev )
min_time = ev->GetFloat( 1 );
void RandomSpawn::MaxTime( Event *ev )
max_time = ev->GetFloat( 1 );
void RandomSpawn::ToggleSpawn( Event * )
if ( EventPending( EV_RandomSpawn_Think ) )
// if currently on, turn it off
CancelEventsOfType( EV_RandomSpawn_Think );
Think( NULL );
void RandomSpawn::Think( Event * )
CancelEventsOfType( EV_RandomSpawn_Think );
// spawn our entity
DoSpawn( NULL );
// post the next time
PostEvent( EV_RandomSpawn_Think, min_time + ( G_Random( max_time - min_time ) ) );
/*QUAKED func_respawn(0 0.25 0.5) (-8 -8 -8) (8 8 8)
When the thing that is spawned is killed, this func_respawn will get
"modelName" The name of the TIKI file you wish to spawn. (Required)
"key" The item needed to activate this. (default nothing)
CLASS_DECLARATION( Spawn, ReSpawn, "func_respawn" )
void ReSpawn::DoSpawn( Event * )
Entity *spawn;
SpawnArgs args;
SetArgs( args );
// This will trigger the func_respawn when the thing dies
args.setArg( "targetname", TargetName() );
args.setArg( "target", TargetName() );
spawn = args.Spawn();
if ( spawn )
// make sure spawned entity starts falling if necessary
spawn->velocity = Vector(0, 0, -1);
/*QUAKED func_spawnoutofsight(0 0.25 0.5) (-8 -8 -8) (8 8 8)
Will only spawn something out of sight of the players.
By default, that means doing a trace from the spawner to the player.
Use "checkFOV" to indicate that it's OK to spawn as long as the spawner is not in the player's FOV.
"modelName" The name of the TIKI file you wish to spawn. (Required)
"spawnTargetName" This will be the targetname of the spawned model. (default is null)
"spawnTarget" This will be the target of the spawned model. (default is null)
"key" The item needed to activate this. (default nothing)
"checkFOV" The spawner will check that if it is in the players' FOV
Event EV_SpawnOutOfSight_CheckFOV
"Use checkFOV to indicate that it's OK to spawn as long as the spawner is not in the player's FOV."
CLASS_DECLARATION( Spawn, SpawnOutOfSight, "func_spawnoutofsight" )
{ &EV_SpawnOutOfSight_CheckFOV, &SpawnOutOfSight::CheckFOV },
checkFOV = false;
void SpawnOutOfSight::CheckFOV( Event* ev )
if( ev->NumArgs() >= 1 )
checkFOV = ev->GetBoolean( 1 );
checkFOV = true;
void SpawnOutOfSight::DoSpawn( Event *ev )
Entity *ent;
gentity_t *ed;
trace_t trace;
// check if any players can see this entity before spawning
for( int i = 0; i < game.maxclients; i++ )
// get the gentity_t and skip it if invalid
ed = &g_entities[ i ];
if ( !ed->inuse || !ed->entity )
// get the Entity from the gentity_t and skip it if invalid
ent = ed->entity;
if ( ( ent->health < 0.0f ) || ( ent->flags & FL_NOTARGET ) )
if( checkFOV )
// get angle between client forward vector and vector between client and spawner
Vector clientFwd( ed->client->ps.viewangles );
clientFwd.AngleVectors( &clientFwd );
clientFwd.z = 0.0f;
Vector clientToSpawner( origin );
clientToSpawner -= Vector( ed->centroid );
// compare the angle to the client's FOV and see if it's inside or not
float clientFOV = DEG2RAD( ed->client->ps.fov + 10.0f );
if( (clientFOV / 2.0f) > Vector::AngleBetween( clientToSpawner, clientFwd ) )
// this client can see the spawner, don't need to do anything else
// just do a simple trace from the spawner to the client entity's centroid
trace = G_Trace( origin, vec_zero, vec_zero, ent->centroid, this, MASK_OPAQUE, false, "SpawnOutOfSight::DoSpawn" );
if ( trace.fraction == 1.0f )
// this client can see the spawner, don't need to do anything else
// getting here must mean that no clients can see the spawner
Spawn::DoSpawn( ev );
/*QUAKED func_spawnchain(0 0.25 0.5) (-8 -8 -8) (8 8 8)
Tries to spawn something out of the sight of players. If it fails, it will
trigger its targets.
"modelName" The name of the TIKI file you wish to spawn. (Required)
"spawnTargetName" This will be the targetname of the spawned model. (default is null)
"spawnTarget" This will be the target of the spawned model. (default is null)
"use_3rd_person_camera" Whether or not to check from the camera or character.(default false)
Event EV_SpawnChain_Use3rdPersonCamera
"Whether or not to check from the camera or character."
CLASS_DECLARATION( Spawn, SpawnChain, "func_spawnchain" )
{ &EV_SpawnChain_Use3rdPersonCamera, &SpawnChain::Use3rdPersonCamera },
SpawnChain::SpawnChain( void )
use3rdPersonCamera = false;
void SpawnChain::Use3rdPersonCamera( Event *ev )
use3rdPersonCamera = ev->GetBoolean( 1 );
void SpawnChain::DoSpawn( Event *ev )
qboolean seen = false;
// Check to see if this can see any players before spawning
for( int i = 0; i < game.maxclients; i++ )
gentity_t *ed = &g_entities[ i ];
if ( ed->inuse && ed->entity )
Vector playerPosition;
Vector entityForward;
float entityFOV( DEG2RAD(ed->client->ps.fov) );
if ( use3rdPersonCamera )
const Vector cameraAngles( ed->client->ps.camera_angles );
cameraAngles.AngleVectors( &entityForward );
playerPosition = ed->client->ps.camera_origin;
entityFOV = DEG2RAD(ed->client->ps.fov + 10.0f);
const Vector viewAngles( ed->client->ps.viewangles );
viewAngles.AngleVectors( &entityForward );
playerPosition = ed->centroid;
entityFOV = DEG2RAD(ed->client->ps.fov + 10.0f );
Vector directionFromEntityToMe( origin - playerPosition );
entityForward.z = 0.0f;
assert( fCloseEnough( directionFromEntityToMe.length(), 1.0f, fEpsilon() ) );
assert( fCloseEnough( entityForward.length(), 1.0f, fEpsilon() ) );
const float angleToMe( acos( Vector::Dot( directionFromEntityToMe, entityForward ) ) );
// Check to see if I am in the field of view of the entity
if ( angleToMe < entityFOV/2.0f )
Entity *entity = ed->entity;
if ( ( entity->health >= 0.0f ) && !( entity->flags & FL_NOTARGET ) )
trace_t trace = G_Trace( origin, vec_zero, vec_zero, entity->centroid, this, MASK_OPAQUE, false, "SpawnChain::DoSpawn" );
if ( trace.fraction == 1.0f )
seen = true;
// Couldn't spawn anything, so activate targets
Vector mins(-64,-64,16);
Vector maxs(64,64,112);
trace_t trace = G_Trace( origin, mins, maxs, origin, NULL, MASK_MONSTERSOLID, false, "spawnchain" );
if ( trace.fraction != 1.0f || trace.startsolid || seen )
const char *name = Target();
if ( name && strcmp( name, "" ) )
Entity *entity = NULL;
entity = G_FindTarget( entity, name );
if ( !entity )
Event *event = new Event( EV_Activate );
// event->AddEntity( world );
event->AddEntity( this );
entity->PostEvent( event, 0.0f );
} while ( 1 );
Spawn::DoSpawn( ev );