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// $Logfile:: /Code/DLLs/game/g_public.h $
// $Revision:: 83 $
// $Author:: Steven $
// $Date:: 10/13/03 9:43a $
// Copyright (C) 1998 by Ritual Entertainment, Inc.
// All rights reserved.
// This source may not be distributed and/or modified without
// expressly written permission by Ritual Entertainment, Inc.
// Game module information visible to server
#ifndef __G_PUBLIC_H__
#define __G_PUBLIC_H__
#include <qcommon/qfiles.h>
#define FRAMETIME ( level.fixedframetime )
// entity->svFlags
// the server does not know how to interpret most of the values
// in entityStates (level eType), so the game must explicitly flag
// special server behaviors
#define SVF_NOCLIENT (1<<0) // don't send entity to clients, even if it has effects
#define SVF_BOT (1<<1)
#define SVF_BROADCAST (1<<2) // send to all connected clients
#define SVF_PORTAL (1<<3) // merge a second pvs at origin2 into snapshots
#define SVF_SENDPVS (1<<4) // even though it doesn't have a sound or modelindex, still run it through the pvs
#define SVF_USE_CURRENT_ORIGIN (1<<5) // entity->currentOrigin instead of entity->s.origin
// for link position (missiles and movers)
#define SVF_DEADMONSTER (1<<6) // treat as CONTENTS_DEADMONSTER for collision
#define SVF_MONSTER (1<<7) // treat as CONTENTS_MONSTER for collision
#define SVF_USEBBOX (1<<9) // do not perform perfect collision use the bbox instead
#define SVF_ONLYPARENT (1<<10) // only send this entity to its parent
#define SVF_HIDEOWNER (1<<11) // hide the owner of the client
#define SVF_MONSTERCLIP (1<<12) // treat as CONTENTS_MONSTERCLIP for collision
#define SVF_PLAYERCLIP (1<<13) // treat as CONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP for collision
#define SVF_SENDONCE (1<<14) // Send this entity over the network at least one time
#define SVF_SENT (1<<15) // This flag is set when the entity has been sent over at least one time
typedef enum
SOLID_NOT, // no interaction with other objects
SOLID_TRIGGER, // only touch when inside, after moving
SOLID_BBOX, // touch on edge
SOLID_BSP // bsp clip, touch on edge
} solid_t;
typedef struct gentity_s gentity_t;
typedef struct gclient_s gclient_t;
// the server needs to know enough information to handle collision and snapshot generation
struct gentity_s
entityState_t s; // communicated by server to clients
struct playerState_s *client;
qboolean inuse;
qboolean linked; // qfalse if not in any good cluster
int linkcount;
int svFlags; // SVF_NOCLIENT, SVF_BROADCAST, etc
qboolean bmodel; // if false, assume an explicit mins / maxs bounding box
// only set by gi.SetBrushModel
vec3_t mins, maxs;
// a non-solid entity should set to 0
vec3_t absmin, absmax; // derived from mins/maxs and origin + rotation
float radius; // radius of object
vec3_t centroid; // centroid, to be used with radius
int areanum; // areanum needs to be seen inside the game as well
// currentOrigin will be used for all collision detection and world linking.
// it will not necessarily be the same as the trajectory evaluation for the current
// time, because each entity must be moved one at a time after time is advanced
// to avoid simultanious collision issues
vec3_t currentOrigin;
vec3_t currentAngles;
// when a trace call is made and passEntityNum != ENTITYNUM_NONE,
// an ent will be excluded from testing if:
// ent->s.number == passEntityNum (don't interact with self)
// ent->s.ownerNum = passEntityNum (don't interact with your own missiles)
// entity[ent->s.ownerNum].ownerNum = passEntityNum (don't interact with other missiles from owner)
int ownerNum;
//gentity_t *owner; // objects never interact with their owners, to
// prevent player missiles from immediately
// colliding with their owner
solid_t solid;
// the game dll can add anything it wants after
// this point in the structure
#endif // GAME_INCLUDE
// functions provided by the main engine
// added for BOTLIB
#include "botlib.h"
//typedef struct bot_input_s bot_input_t;
//typedef struct bot_entitystate_s bot_entitystate_t;
//typedef struct client_s client_t;
//typedef struct usercmd_s usercmd_t;
// end BOTLIB additions
typedef struct
//============== general services ==================
// print message on the local console
void (*Printf)( const char *fmt, ... );
void (*DPrintf)( const char *fmt, ... );
void (*WPrintf)( const char *fmt, ... );
void (*WDPrintf)( const char *fmt, ... );
void (*DebugPrintf)( const char *fmt, ... );
void (*LocalizeFilePath)(const char* path, char* localizedPath);
// abort the game
void (*Error)( int errorLevel, const char *fmt, ... );
// get current time for profiling reasons this should NOT be used for any game related tasks,
// because it is not journaled
int (*Milliseconds)( void );
// managed memory allocation
void *(*Malloc)( int size );
void (*Free)( void *block );
// console variable interaction
cvar_t *(*cvar)( const char *var_name, const char *value, int flags );
cvar_t *(*cvar_get)( const char *var_name);
void (*cvar_set)( const char *var_name, const char *value );
// this section added for botlib compatibility
void (*Cvar_VariableStringBuffer)( const char *var_name, char *buffer, int bufsize );
void (*Cvar_Register)( vmCvar_t *vmCvar, const char *varName, const char *defaultValue, int flags );
float (*Cvar_VariableValue)( const char *var_name );
void (*Cvar_Update)( vmCvar_t *vmCvar );
int (*Cvar_VariableIntegerValue)( const char *var_name );
// end cvar botlib additions
// ClientCommand and ServerCommand parameter access
int (*argc)( void );
char *(*argv)( int n );
const char *(*args)(void);
void (*AddCommand)( const char *cmd );
// the returned buffer may be part of a larger pak file, or a discrete file from anywhere in the search path
// a -1 return means the file does not exist NULL can be passed for buf to just determine existance
int (*FS_ReadFile)( const char *name, void **buf, qboolean quiet );
qboolean (*FS_Exists)( const char *filename );
void (*FS_FreeFile)( void *buf );
void (*FS_WriteFile)( const char *qpath, const void *buffer, int size );
fileHandle_t (*FS_FOpenFileWrite)( const char *qpath );
fileHandle_t (*FS_FOpenFileAppend)( const char *filename );
char** (*FS_ListFiles)( const char *path, const char *extension, int *numfiles );
char * (*FS_PrepFileWrite)( const char *filename );
int (*FS_Write)( const void *buffer, int len, fileHandle_t f );
int (*FS_Read)( void *buffer, int len, fileHandle_t f );
void (*FS_FCloseFile)( fileHandle_t f );
int (*FS_FTell)( fileHandle_t f );
int (*FS_FSeek)( fileHandle_t f, long offset, int origin );
//int (*FS_filelength)( fileHandle_t f);
void (*FS_Flush)( fileHandle_t f );
void (*FS_DeleteFile)(const char *filename);
int (*FS_GetFileList)( const char *path, const char *extension, char *listbuf, int bufsize ); // added for botlib
const char * (*GetArchiveFileName)( const char *gameName, const char *filename, const char *extension, qboolean tempFile );
// add commands to the console as if they were typed in for map changing, etc
void (*SendConsoleCommand)( const char *text );
void (*DebugGraph)( float value, int color );
//=========== server specific functionality =============
// SendServerCommand reliably sends a command string to be interpreted by the given
// client. If ent is NULL, it will be sent to all clients
void (*SendServerCommand)( int clientnum, const char *fmt, ... );
int (*GetNumFreeReliableServerCommands) ( int clientNum );
// config strings hold all the index strings, the lightstyles, and misc data like the cdtrack.
// All of the current configstrings are sent to clients when they connect, and
// changes are sent to all connected clients.
void (*setConfigstring)( int index, const char *val );
char * (*getConfigstring)( int index );
void (*setUserinfo)( int index, const char *val );
void (*getUserinfo)( int index, char *buffer, int bufferSize );
// sets mins and maxs based on the brushmodel name
void (*SetBrushModel)( gentity_t *ent, const char *name );
// collision detection
void (*trace)( trace_t *result, const vec3_t start, const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs, const vec3_t end, int passEntityNum, int contentmask, qboolean cylinder );
void (*fulltrace)( trace_t *result, const vec3_t start, const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs, const vec3_t end, int passEntityNum, int contentmask, qboolean cylinder );
int (*pointcontents)( const vec3_t point, int passEntityNum );
int (*pointbrushnum)( const vec3_t point, int passEntityNum );
qboolean (*inPVS)( const vec3_t p1, const vec3_t p2 );
qboolean (*inPVSIgnorePortals)( const vec3_t p1, const vec3_t p2 );
void (*AdjustAreaPortalState)( gentity_t *ent, qboolean open );
qboolean (*AreasConnected)( int area1, int area2 );
int (*GetLightingGroup)( const char *group_name );
void (*SetDynamicLight)( int dynamic_light, float intensity );
void (*SetDynamicLightDefault)( int dynamic_light, float intensity );
void (*SetWindDirection)( vec3_t direction );
void (*SetWindIntensity)( float wind_intensity );
void (*SetWeatherInfo)( weather_t type, int intensity );
void (*SetTimeScale)( float time_scale );
// an entity will never be sent to a client or used for collision
// if it is not passed to linkentity. If the size, position, or
// solidity changes, it must be relinked.
void (*linkentity)( gentity_t *ent );
void (*unlinkentity)( gentity_t *ent ); // call before removing an interactive entity
// EntitiesInBox will perform exact checking to bmodels, as well as bounding box
// intersection tests to other models
int (*AreaEntities)( const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs, int *list, int maxcount, qboolean fullTrace );
void (*ClipToEntity)( trace_t *trace, const vec3_t start, const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs, const vec3_t end, int entityNum, int contentmask );
int (*objectivenameindex)( const char* name );
int (*archetypeindex)(const char* name);
int (*imageindex)( const char *name );
int (*failedcondition)( const char *name );
int (*itemindex)( const char *name );
int (*soundindex)( const char *name );
int (*modelindex)( const char *name );
void (*SetLightStyle)( int i, const char *data );
const char *(*GameDir)( void );
qboolean (*IsModel)( int index );
void (*setmodel)( gentity_t *ent, const char *name );
void (*setviewmodel)( gentity_t *ent, const char *name );
int (*NumAnims)( int modelindex );
int (*NumSkins)( int modelindex );
int (*NumSurfaces)( int modelindex );
int (*NumTags)( int modelindex );
int (*NumMorphs)( int modelindex );
qboolean (*InitCommands)( int modelindex, tiki_cmd_t * tiki_cmd );
void (*CalculateBounds)( int modelindex, float scale, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs );
void (*TIKI_CacheAnim)( const char * path );
const char * (*Anim_NameForNum)( int modelindex, int animnum );
int (*Anim_NumForName)( int modelindex, const char * name );
int (*Anim_Random)( int modelindex, const char * name );
int (*Anim_NumFrames)( int modelindex, int animnum );
float (*Anim_Time)( int modelindex, int animnum );
void (*Anim_Delta)( int modelindex, int animnum, vec3_t delta );
void (*Anim_AbsoluteDelta)( int modelindex, int animnum, vec3_t delta );
int (*Anim_Flags)( int modelindex, int animnum );
qboolean (*Anim_HasCommands) ( int modelindex, int animnum );
qboolean (*Frame_Commands)( int modelindex, int animnum, int framenum, tiki_cmd_t * tiki_cmd );
void (*Frame_Delta)( int modelindex, int animnum, int framenum, vec3_t delta );
float (*Frame_Time)( int modelindex, int animnum, int framenum );
void (*Frame_Bounds)( int modelindex, int animnum, int framenum, float scale, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs );
int (*Surface_NameToNum)( int modelindex, const char * name );
const char * (*Surface_NumToName)( int modelindex, int num );
int (*Surface_Flags)( int modelindex, int num );
int (*Surface_NumSkins)( int modelindex, int num );
// Morph specific stuff
int (*Morph_NumForName)( int modelindex, const char * name );
const char * (*Morph_NameForNum)( int modelindex, int num );
dtikimorphtarget_t *(*GetExpression)( int modelindex, const char *expression_name, int *number_of_morph_targets );
int (*Tag_NumForName)( int modelindex, const char * name );
const char * (*Tag_NameForNum)( int modelindex, int num );
orientation_t (*Tag_Orientation)( int modelindex, int anim, int frame, int num, float scale, int *bone_tag, vec4_t *bone_quat );
orientation_t (*Tag_OrientationEx)( int modelindex, int anim, int frame, int num, float scale, int *bone_tag, vec4_t *bone_quat,
int crossblend_anim, int crossblend_frame, float crossblend_lerp, qboolean uselegs, qboolean usetorso, int torso_anim, int torso_frame,
int torso_crossblend_anim, int torso_crossblend_frame, float torso_crossblend_lerp );
int (*Bone_GetParentNum)( int modelindex, int bonenum );
qboolean (*Alias_Add)( int modelindex, const char * alias, const char * name, const char *parameters );
const char * (*Alias_FindRandom)( int modelindex, const char * alias );
const char * (*Alias_Find)( int modelindex, const char * alias );
void (*Alias_Dump)( int modelindex );
void (*Alias_Clear)( int modelindex );
const char * (*Alias_FindDialog)( int modelindex, const char * alias, int random, int entity_number );
const char* (*Alias_FindSpecificAnim)(int modelindex, const char *name );
qboolean (*Alias_CheckLoopAnim)(int modelindex, const char *name );
void *(*Alias_GetList)( int modelindex );
void (*Alias_UpdateDialog)( int model_index, const char *alias, int number_of_times_played, byte been_played_this_loop, int last_time_played );
void (*Alias_AddActorDialog)( int model_index, const char *alias, int actor_number, int number_of_times_played, byte been_played_this_loop, int last_time_played );
const char * (*NameForNum)( int modelindex );
qboolean (*GlobalAlias_Add)( const char * alias, const char * name, const char *parameters );
const char * (*GlobalAlias_FindRandom)( const char * alias );
const char * (*GlobalAlias_Find)( const char * alias );
void (*GlobalAlias_Dump)( void );
void (*GlobalAlias_Clear)( void );
qboolean (*isClientActive)( const gentity_t *ent );
void (*centerprintf)( const gentity_t *ent, CenterPrintImportance importance, const char *fmt, ...);
void (*locationprintf)( const gentity_t *ent, int x, int y, const char *fmt, ...);
// Sound
void (*Sound)( vec3_t *org, int entnum, int channel, const char *sound_name, float volume, float attenuation, float pitch_modifier, qboolean onlySendToSameEntity );
void (*StopSound)( int entnum, int channel );
float (*SoundLength) ( const char *path );
char *(*GetNextMorphTarget)( const char *name, int *index, int *number_of_amplitudes, float *amplitude );
unsigned short (*CalcCRC)(const unsigned char *start, int count);
debugline_t **DebugLines;
int *numDebugLines;
void (*LocateGameData)( gentity_t *gEnts, int numGEntities, int sizeofGEntity_t,
playerState_t *clients, int sizeofGameClient );
void (*SetFarPlane)( int farplane, qboolean farplane_cull );
void (*TikiReload)( const char * modelstr );
void (*TikiLoadFromTS)( const char * path, const char * tikidata);
void* (*ToolServerGetData)( );
void (*SetSkyPortal)( qboolean skyportal );
void (*WidgetPrintf)( const char *widgetName, const char *fmt, ... );
void (*ProcessLoadingScreen)( const char *loadingStatus );
const char* (*MObjective_GetDescription)( const char* objectivename );
void (*MObjective_SetDescription)( const char* objectivename , const char* desc );
qboolean (*MObjective_GetShowObjective)( const char* objectivename );
void (*MObjective_SetShowObjective)( const char* objectivename , qboolean show );
qboolean (*MObjective_GetObjectiveComplete)( const char* objectivename );
void (*MObjective_SetObjectiveComplete)( const char* objectivename , qboolean complete );
qboolean (*MObjective_GetObjectiveFailed)( const char* objectivename );
void (*MObjective_SetObjectiveFailed)( const char* objectivename , qboolean failed );
const char* (*MObjective_GetNameFromIndex)( unsigned int index );
int (*MObjective_GetIndexFromName) (const char* name );
void (*MObjective_NewObjective)( const char* name );
void (*MObjective_ClearObjectiveList) (void);
void (*MObjective_ParseObjectiveFile) (const char* levelname );
void (*MObjective_Update)( const char* objectivesName );
int (*MObjective_GetNumObjectives)(void);
int (*MObjective_GetNumActiveObjectives)(void);
int (*MObjective_GetNumCompleteObjectives)(void);
int (*MObjective_GetNumFailedObjectives)(void);
int (*MObjective_GetNumIncompleteObjectives)(void);
const char* (*MI_GetShader)( const char* informationname );
void (*MI_SetShader)( const char* informationname , const char* shader );
const char* (*MI_GetInformationData)( const char* informationname );
void (*MI_SetInformationData)( const char* informationname , const char* data );
const char* (*MI_GetNameFromIndex)( unsigned int index );
int (*MI_GetIndexFromName)( const char* name );
void (*MI_NewInformation)( const char* name );
void (*MI_ClearInformationList)( void );
void (*MI_SetShowInformation) (const char* informationname , qboolean show );
qboolean (*MI_GetShowInformation) (const char* informationname );
void (*SR_InitializeStringResource)( void );
void (*SR_UninitializeStringResource)( void );
void (*SR_LoadLevelStrings)(const char* levelName);
// View mode stuff
unsigned int (*GetViewModeMask)( const char *viewModeName );
unsigned int (*GetViewModeClassMask)( const char *className );
qboolean (*GetViewModeSendInMode)( unsigned int viewModeMask );
qboolean (*GetViewModeSendNotInMode)( unsigned int viewModeMask );
qboolean (*GetViewModeScreenBlend)( unsigned int viewModeMask, vec3_t color, float *alpha, qboolean *additive );
void (*GetLevelDefs)( const char *name, const char **environmentName, const char **levelName, const char **sublevelName );
qboolean (*areSublevels)( const char *oldMapName, const char *newMapName );
const char * (*SurfaceTypeToName)( unsigned int surfaceType );
// swiped from aas_export_t
// be_aas_entity.h
void (*AAS_EntityInfo)(int entnum, struct aas_entityinfo_s *info);
// be_aas_main.h
int (*AAS_Initialized)(void);
void (*AAS_PresenceTypeBoundingBox)(int presencetype, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs);
float (*AAS_Time)(void);
// be_aas_sample.c
int (*AAS_PointAreaNum)(vec3_t point);
int (*AAS_PointReachabilityAreaIndex)( vec3_t point );
int (*AAS_TraceAreas)(vec3_t start, vec3_t end, int *areas, vec3_t *points, int maxareas);
int (*AAS_BBoxAreas)(vec3_t absmins, vec3_t absmaxs, int *areas, int maxareas);
int (*AAS_AreaInfo)( int areanum, struct aas_areainfo_s *info );
// be_aas_bspq3.c
int (*AAS_PointContents)(vec3_t point);
int (*AAS_NextBSPEntity)(int ent);
int (*AAS_ValueForBSPEpairKey)(int ent, char *key, char *value, int size);
int (*AAS_VectorForBSPEpairKey)(int ent, char *key, vec3_t v);
int (*AAS_FloatForBSPEpairKey)(int ent, char *key, float *value);
int (*AAS_IntForBSPEpairKey)(int ent, char *key, int *value);
// be_aas_reach.c
int (*AAS_AreaReachability)(int areanum);
// be_aas_route.c
int (*AAS_AreaTravelTimeToGoalArea)(int areanum, vec3_t origin, int goalareanum, int travelflags);
int (*AAS_EnableRoutingArea)(int areanum, int enable);
int (*AAS_PredictRoute)(struct aas_predictroute_s *route, int areanum, vec3_t origin,
int goalareanum, int travelflags, int maxareas, int maxtime,
int stopevent, int stopcontents, int stoptfl, int stopareanum);
// be_aas_altroute.c
int (*AAS_AlternativeRouteGoals)(vec3_t start, int startareanum, vec3_t goal, int goalareanum, int travelflags,
struct aas_altroutegoal_s *altroutegoals, int maxaltroutegoals,
int type);
// be_aas_move.c
int (*AAS_Swimming)(vec3_t origin);
int (*AAS_PredictClientMovement)(struct aas_clientmove_s *move,
int entnum, vec3_t origin,
int presencetype, int onground,
vec3_t velocity, vec3_t cmdmove,
int cmdframes,
int maxframes, float frametime,
int stopevent, int stopareanum, int visualize);
// BOTLIB client Elementary Actions (EA)
//ClientCommand elementary actions
void (*EA_Command)(int client, const char *command );
void (*EA_Say)(int client, char *str);
void (*EA_SayTeam)(int client, char *str);
void (*EA_Action)(int client, int action);
void (*EA_Gesture)(int client);
void (*EA_Talk)(int client);
void (*EA_ToggleFireState)(int client);
void (*EA_Attack)(int client, int primarydangerous, int altdangerous);
void (*EA_Use)(int client);
void (*EA_Respawn)(int client);
void (*EA_MoveUp)(int client);
void (*EA_MoveDown)(int client);
void (*EA_MoveForward)(int client);
void (*EA_MoveBack)(int client);
void (*EA_MoveLeft)(int client);
void (*EA_MoveRight)(int client);
void (*EA_Crouch)(int client);
void (*EA_SelectWeapon)(int client, int weapon);
void (*EA_Jump)(int client);
void (*EA_DelayedJump)(int client);
void (*EA_Move)(int client, vec3_t dir, float speed);
void (*EA_View)(int client, vec3_t viewangles);
//send regular input to the server
void (*EA_EndRegular)(int client, float thinktime);
void (*EA_GetInput)(int client, float thinktime, bot_input_t *input);
void (*EA_ResetInput)(int client);
// BOTLIB AI stuff
// be_ai_char.h
int (*BotLoadCharacter)(char *charfile, float skill);
void (*BotFreeCharacter)(int character);
float (*Characteristic_Float)(int character, int index);
float (*Characteristic_BFloat)(int character, int index, float min, float max);
int (*Characteristic_Integer)(int character, int index);
int (*Characteristic_BInteger)(int character, int index, int min, int max);
void (*Characteristic_String)(int character, int index, char *buf, int size);
// be_ai_chat.h
int (*BotAllocChatState)(void);
void (*BotFreeChatState)(int handle);
void (*BotQueueConsoleMessage)(int chatstate, int type, char *message);
void (*BotRemoveConsoleMessage)(int chatstate, int handle);
int (*BotNextConsoleMessage)(int chatstate, struct bot_consolemessage_s *cm);
int (*BotNumConsoleMessages)(int chatstate);
void (*BotInitialChat)(int chatstate, const char *type, int mcontext, char *var0, char *var1, char *var2, char *var3, char *var4, char *var5, char *var6, char *var7);
int (*BotNumInitialChats)(int chatstate, char *type);
int (*BotReplyChat)(int chatstate, char *message, int mcontext, int vcontext, char *var0, char *var1, char *var2, char *var3, char *var4, char *var5, char *var6, char *var7);
int (*BotChatLength)(int chatstate);
void (*BotEnterChat)(int chatstate, int client, int sendto);
void (*BotGetChatMessage)(int chatstate, char *buf, int size);
int (*StringContains)(char *str1, char *str2, int casesensitive);
int (*BotFindMatch)(char *str, struct bot_match_s *match, unsigned long int context);
void (*BotMatchVariable)(struct bot_match_s *match, int variable, char *buf, int size);
void (*UnifyWhiteSpaces)(char *string);
void (*BotReplaceSynonyms)(char *string, unsigned long int context);
int (*BotLoadChatFile)(int chatstate, char *chatfile, char *chatname);
void (*BotSetChatGender)(int chatstate, int gender);
void (*BotSetChatName)(int chatstate, char *name, int client);
// be_ai_goal.h
void (*BotResetGoalState)(int goalstate);
void (*BotResetAvoidGoals)(int goalstate);
void (*BotRemoveFromAvoidGoals)(int goalstate, int number);
void (*BotPushGoal)(int goalstate, struct bot_goal_s *goal);
void (*BotPopGoal)(int goalstate);
void (*BotEmptyGoalStack)(int goalstate);
void (*BotDumpAvoidGoals)(int goalstate);
void (*BotDumpGoalStack)(int goalstate);
void (*BotGoalName)(int number, char *name, int size);
int (*BotGetTopGoal)(int goalstate, struct bot_goal_s *goal);
int (*BotGetSecondGoal)(int goalstate, struct bot_goal_s *goal);
int (*BotChooseLTGItem)(int goalstate, vec3_t origin, int *inventory, int travelflags);
int (*BotChooseNBGItem)(int goalstate, vec3_t origin, int *inventory, int travelflags,
struct bot_goal_s *ltg, float maxtime);
int (*BotTouchingGoal)(vec3_t origin, struct bot_goal_s *goal);
int (*BotItemGoalInVisButNotVisible)(int viewer, vec3_t eye, vec3_t viewangles, struct bot_goal_s *goal);
int (*BotGetLevelItemGoal)(int index, char *classname, struct bot_goal_s *goal);
int (*BotGetNextCampSpotGoal)(int num, struct bot_goal_s *goal);
int (*BotGetMapLocationGoal)(char *name, struct bot_goal_s *goal);
float (*BotAvoidGoalTime)(int goalstate, int number);
void (*BotSetAvoidGoalTime)(int goalstate, int number, float avoidtime);
void (*BotInitLevelItems)(void);
void (*BotUpdateEntityItems)(void);
int (*BotLoadItemWeights)(int goalstate, char *filename);
void (*BotFreeItemWeights)(int goalstate);
void (*BotInterbreedGoalFuzzyLogic)(int parent1, int parent2, int child);
void (*BotSaveGoalFuzzyLogic)(int goalstate, char *filename);
void (*BotMutateGoalFuzzyLogic)(int goalstate, float range);
int (*BotAllocGoalState)(int client);
void (*BotFreeGoalState)(int handle);
// be_ai_move.h
void (*BotResetMoveState)(int movestate);
void (*BotMoveToGoal)(struct bot_moveresult_s *result, int movestate, struct bot_goal_s *goal, int travelflags);
int (*BotMoveInDirection)(int movestate, vec3_t dir, float speed, int type);
void (*BotResetAvoidReach)(int movestate);
void (*BotResetLastAvoidReach)(int movestate);
int (*BotReachabilityArea)(vec3_t origin, int testground);
int (*BotMovementViewTarget)(int movestate, struct bot_goal_s *goal, int travelflags, float lookahead, vec3_t target);
int (*BotPredictVisiblePosition)(vec3_t origin, int areanum, struct bot_goal_s *goal, int travelflags, vec3_t target);
int (*BotAllocMoveState)(void);
void (*BotFreeMoveState)(int handle);
void (*BotInitMoveState)(int handle, struct bot_initmove_s *initmove);
void (*BotAddAvoidSpot)(int movestate, vec3_t origin, float radius, int type);
// be_ai_weap.h
int (*BotChooseBestFightWeapon)(int weaponstate, int *inventory);
void (*BotGetWeaponInfo)(int weaponstate, int weapon, struct weaponinfo_s *weaponinfo);
int (*BotLoadWeaponWeights)(int weaponstate, char *filename);
int (*BotAllocWeaponState)(void);
void (*BotFreeWeaponState)(int weaponstate);
void (*BotResetWeaponState)(int weaponstate);
// be_ai_gen.h
int (*GeneticParentsAndChildSelection)(int numranks, float *ranks, int *parent1, int *parent2, int *child);
// swiped from botlib_import_t, but cleaned up to make sense
//print messages from the bot library
void (*Print)(int type, char *fmt, ...);
// void (*Printf)( const char *fmt, ... );
//trace a bbox through the world
// void (*Trace)(bsp_trace_t *trace, vec3_t start, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs, vec3_t end, int passent, int contentmask);
//trace a bbox against a specific entity
// void (*EntityTrace)(bsp_trace_t *trace, vec3_t start, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs, vec3_t end, int entnum, int contentmask);
//retrieve the contents at the given point
int (*PointContents)(vec3_t point);
//check if the point is in potential visible sight
// int (*inPVS)(vec3_t p1, vec3_t p2);
//retrieve the BSP entity data lump
char *(*BSPEntityData)(void);
void (*BSPModelMinsMaxsOrigin)(int modelnum, vec3_t angles, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs, vec3_t origin);
//send a bot client command
void (*BotClientCommand)(int client, const char *command); // was char *, changed for c++ compilation
//memory allocation
// void *(*GetMemory)(int size); // allocate from Zone
// void (*FreeMemory)(void *ptr); // free memory from Zone
int (*AvailableMemory)(void); // available Zone memory
void *(*HunkAlloc)(int size); // allocate from hunk
//file system access
int (*FS_FOpenFile)( const char *qpath, fileHandle_t *file, fsMode_t mode );
// int (*FS_Read)( void *buffer, int len, fileHandle_t f );
// int (*FS_Write)( const void *buffer, int len, fileHandle_t f );
// void (*FS_FCloseFile)( fileHandle_t f );
int (*FS_Seek)( fileHandle_t f, long offset, int origin );
//debug visualisation stuff
int (*DebugLineCreate)(void);
void (*DebugLineDelete)(int line);
void (*DebugLineShow)(int line, vec3_t start, vec3_t end, int color);
int (*DebugPolygonCreate)(int color, int numPoints, vec3_t *points);
void (*DebugPolygonDelete)(int id);
// added for botlib import
void (*DropClient)( int clientNum, const char *reason ); // maps to SV_GameDropClient
void (*SV_GetServerinfo)( char *buffer, int bufferSize ) ;
int (*BotAllocateClient)(void); // maps to SV_BotAllocateClient
int (*BotGetSnapshotEntity)( int client, int ent ); // maps to SV_BotGetSnapshotEntity
int (*BotGetConsoleMessage)( int client, char *buf, int size ); // maps to SV_BotGetConsoleMessage
//Area Awareness System functions
// aas_export_t aas;
//Elementary Action functions
// ea_export_t ea;
//AI functions
// ai_export_t ai;
//setup the bot library, returns BLERR_
int (*BotLibSetup)(void);
//shutdown the bot library, returns BLERR_
int (*BotLibShutdown)(void);
//sets a library variable returns BLERR_
int (*BotLibVarSet)(char *var_name, char *value);
//gets a library variable returns BLERR_
int (*BotLibVarGet)(char *var_name, char *value, int size);
//sets a C-like define returns BLERR_
int (*PC_AddGlobalDefine)(char *string);
int (*PC_LoadSourceHandle)(const char *filename);
int (*PC_FreeSourceHandle)(int handle);
// int (*PC_ReadTokenHandle)(int handle, pc_token_t *pc_token);
int (*PC_SourceFileAndLine)(int handle, char *filename, int *line);
//start a frame in the bot library
int (*BotLibStartFrame)(float time);
//load a new map in the bot library
int (*BotLibLoadMap)(const char *mapname);
//entity updates
int (*BotLibUpdateEntity)(int ent, bot_entitystate_t *state);
//just for testing
int (*Test)(int parm0, char *parm1, vec3_t parm2, vec3_t parm3);
void (*BotUserCommand)(int cl, usercmd_t *cmd); // maps to SV_ClientThink(), gonna need a wrapper to go from clientnum to *client_t on exec side
// end botlib additions
} game_import_t;
// functions exported by the game subsystem
typedef struct {
int apiversion;
// the init function will only be called when a game starts,
// not each time a level is loaded. Persistant data for clients
// and the server can be allocated in init
void (*Init) ( int startTime, int randomSeed);
void (*Shutdown) (void);
void (*Cleanup) ( qboolean restart );
// each new level entered will cause a call to SpawnEntities
void (*SpawnEntities) (const char *mapname, const char *entstring, int levelTime);
void (*PostLoad)( void );
void (*PostSublevelLoad)( const char *spawnPosName );
// return NULL if the client is allowed to connect, otherwise return
// a text string with the reason for denial
const char *(*ClientConnect)( int clientNum, qboolean firstTime, qboolean isBot, qboolean checkPassword );
void (*ClientBegin)( gentity_t *ent, const usercmd_t *cmd );
void (*ClientUserinfoChanged)( gentity_t *ent, const char *userinfo );
void (*ClientDisconnect)( gentity_t *ent );
void (*ClientCommand)( gentity_t *ent );
void (*ClientThink)( gentity_t *ent, usercmd_t *cmd );
void (*PrepFrame)( void );
void (*RunFrame)( int levelTime, int frameTime );
qboolean (*SendEntity)( gentity_t *clientEntity, gentity_t *entityToSend );
void (*UpdateEntityStateForClient)( gentity_t *clientEntity, entityState_t *state );
void (*UpdatePlayerStateForClient)( gentity_t *clientEntity, playerState_t *state );
void (*ExtraEntitiesToSend)( gentity_t *clientEntity, int *numExtraEntities, int *extraEntities );
int (*GetEntityCurrentAnimFrame)( int entityNum, int bodyPart );
// ConsoleCommand will be called when a command has been issued
// that is not recognized as a builtin function.
// The game can issue gi.argc() / gi.argv() commands to get the command
// and parameters. Return qfalse if the game doesn't recognize it as a command.
qboolean (*ConsoleCommand)( void );
// Read/Write Persistant is for storing persistant cross level information
// about the world state and the clients.
// WriteGame is called every time a level is exited.
// ReadGame is called every time a level is entered.
void (*WritePersistant)( const char *filename, qboolean sublevelTransition );
qboolean (*ReadPersistant)( const char *filename, qboolean sublevelTransition );
// ReadLevel is called after the default map information has been
// loaded with SpawnEntities, so any stored client spawn spots will
// be used when the clients reconnect.
void (*WriteLevel)( const char *filename, qboolean autosave );
qboolean (*ReadLevel)( const char *filename );
qboolean (*LevelArchiveValid)( const char *filename );
qboolean (*inMultiplayerGame)( void );
qboolean (*isDefined)(const char *propname);
const char * (*getDefine)(const char *propname);
// BOTLIB unfortunate botlib graffiti, the following functions are required
// for the executable to start a bot
int (*BotAIStartFrame)(int time); // executable hook to bot AI code loop
void (*AddBot_f)(void); // used for sv_addbot_f
int (*GetTotalGameFrames)(void);
// global variables shared between game and server
// The gentities array is allocated in the game dll so it
// can vary in size from one game to another.
// The size will be fixed when ge->Init() is called
// the server can't just use pointer arithmetic on gentities, because the
// server's sizeof(struct gentity_s) doesn't equal gentitySize
struct gentity_s *gentities;
int gentitySize;
int num_entities; // current number, <= max_entities
int max_entities;
const char *error_message;
} game_export_t;
game_export_t *GetGameApi (game_import_t *import);
int BotAISetup( int restart );
int BotAIShutdown( int restart );
int BotAILoadMap( int restart );
void G_InitBots(qboolean restart);
int BotAIShutdownClient(int client, qboolean restart);
#endif // __G_PUBLIC_H__