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// $Logfile:: /EF2/Code/DLLs/game/actorstrategies.cpp $
// $Revision:: 46 $
// $Author:: Singlis $
// $Date:: 9/26/03 2:35p $
// Copyright (C) 2001 by Ritual Entertainment, Inc.
// All rights reserved.
// This source may not be distributed and/or modified without
// expressly written permission by Ritual Entertainment, Inc.
// I am replacing the old way that Actor::Think was done by implementing a group of strategies for it
// instead. This will form the foundation for new flexiblility within the actor class.
// What I am trying to achieve is a specialized "think" for different types of actors. A Boss, for instance,
// would use BossThink, an Non-Attacking-NPC could use NPCThink. Using the event system we already have inplace
// it will be easy to change thinking modalities on the fly, allowing us to make a cowardly NPC turn into a
// roaring death machine if he gets shot.
#include "_pch_cpp.h"
#include "actorstrategies.h"
#include "actor.h"
#include "entity.h"
extern cvar_t *ai_showfailure;
//------------------------- CLASS ------------------------------
// Name: ActorThink
// Base Class: None
// Description: Base class from which all Actor Think Strategies
// are derived.
// Method of Use:
// Deriving a new class from ActorThink is a good
// to allow Actor to exhibit new behavior.
// Name: DoArchive
// Class: ActorThink
// Description: Archives this instance of ActorThink
// Parameters:
// Archiver the class that receives/supplies
// archival info
// Returns: None
void ActorThink::DoArchive( Archiver &arc )
// Name: ProcessBehaviors
// Class: ActorThink
// Description: Processes all the Actors Behaviors
// Parameters:
// Actor in question
// Returns: None
void ActorThink::ProcessBehaviors( Actor &actor )
bool showFailure;
showFailure = ( ai_showfailure->integer != 0 );
// Do the state machine for this creature
// Process the current behavior
if ( actor.behavior )
actor.behaviorCode = actor.behavior->Evaluate( actor );
if ( actor.behaviorCode == BEHAVIOR_FAILED )
actor.behaviorFailureReason = actor.behavior->GetFailureReason();
if ( actor.behaviorCode != BEHAVIOR_EVALUATING )
if ( stricmp( actor.behavior->getClassname(), "Talk" ) == 0 )
// Process state machine again because the behavior finished
// Process the current head behavior
if ( actor.headBehavior )
actor.headBehaviorCode = actor.headBehavior->Evaluate( actor );
if ( actor.headBehaviorCode != BEHAVIOR_EVALUATING )
// Process state machine again because the behavior finished
// Process the current eye behavior
if ( actor.eyeBehavior )
actor.eyeBehaviorCode = actor.eyeBehavior->Evaluate( actor );
if ( actor.eyeBehaviorCode != BEHAVIOR_EVALUATING )
// Process state machine again because the behavior finished
// Process the current torso behavior
if ( actor.torsoBehavior )
actor.torsoBehaviorCode = actor.torsoBehavior->Evaluate( actor );
if ( actor.torsoBehaviorCode != BEHAVIOR_EVALUATING )
// Process state machine again because the behavior finished
// Reset the animation is done flag
actor.SetActorFlag( ACTOR_FLAG_ANIM_DONE, false );
actor.SetActorFlag( ACTOR_FLAG_TORSO_ANIM_DONE, false );
// Change the animation if necessary
if ( ( actor.newanimnum != -1 ) || ( actor.newTorsoAnimNum != -1 ) )
if ( !showFailure )
if ( actor.behaviorCode == BEHAVIOR_FAILED && !actor.GetActorFlag(ACTOR_FLAG_DISPLAYING_FAILURE_FX) )
Event* event;
event = new Event( EV_DisplayEffect );
event->AddString( "electric" );
actor.ProcessEvent( event );
actor.SetActorFlag( ACTOR_FLAG_DISPLAYING_FAILURE_FX , true );
else if ( actor.behaviorCode != BEHAVIOR_FAILED && actor.GetActorFlag(ACTOR_FLAG_DISPLAYING_FAILURE_FX) )
Event* event;
event = new Event( EV_DisplayEffect );
event->AddString( "noelectric" );
actor.ProcessEvent( event );
actor.SetActorFlag( ACTOR_FLAG_DISPLAYING_FAILURE_FX , false );
// Name: DoMove
// Class: ActorThink
// Description: Does Movement Stuff for Actor
// Parameters:
// Actor in question
// Returns: None
void ActorThink::DoMove( Actor &actor )
if ( ( actor.flags & FL_IMMOBILE ) || ( actor.flags & FL_PARTIAL_IMMOBILE ) )
actor.movementSubsystem->setLastMove( STEPMOVE_STUCK );
stepmoveresult_t lastMove;
if ( actor.flags & FL_SWIM )
lastMove = actor.movementSubsystem->WaterMove();
else if ( actor.flags & FL_FLY )
lastMove = actor.movementSubsystem->AirMove();
lastMove = actor.movementSubsystem->TryMove();
actor.movementSubsystem->setLastMove( lastMove );
if (
( actor.movetype != MOVETYPE_NONE ) &&
( actor.movetype != MOVETYPE_STATIONARY ) &&
actor.GetActorFlag( ACTOR_FLAG_TOUCH_TRIGGERS ) &&
actor.GetActorFlag( ACTOR_FLAG_HAVE_MOVED )
G_TouchTriggers( &actor );
if ( actor.groundentity && ( actor.groundentity->entity != world ) && !M_CheckBottom( &actor ) )
actor.flags |= FL_PARTIALGROUND;
// Name: UpdateBossHealth
// Class: ActorThink
// Description: Handles Boss Specific behavior
// Parameters:
// Actor that is the boss in question
// Returns: None
void ActorThink::UpdateBossHealth( Actor &actor )
char bosshealth_string[20];
sprintf( bosshealth_string, "%.5f", actor.health / actor.max_boss_health );
gi.cvar_set( "bosshealth", bosshealth_string );
gi.cvar_set( "bossname", actor.getName() );
// Name: CheckGround
// Class: ActorThink
// Description: Checks that the actor is on the ground, and does
// Falling Damage if necessary
// Parameters:
// Actor in question
// Returns: None
void ActorThink::CheckGround( Actor &actor )
if ( actor.GetActorFlag( ACTOR_FLAG_HAVE_MOVED ) ||
( actor.groundentity && actor.groundentity->entity && ( actor.groundentity->entity->entnum != ENTITYNUM_WORLD ) ) )
// Add Fall Damage if necessary
if ( actor.groundentity )
if ( !actor.Immune( MOD_FALLING ) && !( actor.flags & FL_FLY ) && ( actor.origin.z + 1000.0f < actor.last_ground_z ) )
actor.Damage( world, world, 1000.0f, actor.origin, vec_zero, vec_zero, 0, DAMAGE_NO_ARMOR, MOD_FALLING );
actor.last_ground_z = actor.origin.z;
// Name: InanimateObject
// Class: ActorThink
// Description: Handles behavior ending, if the Actor is an
// InanimateObject
// Parameters:
// Actor in question
// Returns: None
void ActorThink::InanimateObject( Actor &actor )
if ( actor.behavior && actor.behavior->Evaluate( actor ) != BEHAVIOR_EVALUATING )
// stop thinking
ActiveList.RemoveObject( &actor );
if ( actor.headBehavior && actor.headBehavior->Evaluate( actor ) != BEHAVIOR_EVALUATING )
// stop thinking
ActiveList.RemoveObject( &actor );
if ( actor.eyeBehavior && actor.eyeBehavior->Evaluate( actor ) != BEHAVIOR_EVALUATING )
// stop thinking
ActiveList.RemoveObject( &actor );
if ( actor.torsoBehavior && actor.torsoBehavior->Evaluate( actor ) != BEHAVIOR_EVALUATING )
// stop thinking
ActiveList.RemoveObject( &actor );
// Name: TryDrown
// Class: ActorThink
// Description: Damages the Actor if they are drowning
// Parameters:
// Actor in question
// Returns: None
void ActorThink::TryDrown( Actor &actor )
if ( actor.waterlevel == 3 && !( actor.flags & FL_SWIM ) )
// if out of air, start drowning
if ( actor.air_finished < level.time )
// we may have been in a water brush when we spawned, so check our water level again to be sure
if ( actor.waterlevel < 3 )
// we're ok, so reset our air
actor.air_finished = level.time + 5.0f;
else if ( ( actor.next_drown_time < level.time ) && ( actor.health > 0 ) )
// drown!
actor.next_drown_time = level.time + 1.0f;
//Sound( "snd_uwchoke", CHAN_VOICE );
actor.Damage( world, world, 15.0f, actor.origin, vec_zero, vec_zero, 0, DAMAGE_NO_ARMOR, MOD_DROWN );
actor.air_finished = level.time + 5.0f;
// Name: ActorStateUpdate
// Class: ActorThink
// Description: Updates miscellaneous actor state variables
// Parameters:
// Actor in question
// Returns: None
void ActorThink::ActorStateUpdate( Actor &actor )
// Update move status
if ( actor.last_origin != actor.origin )
actor.SetActorFlag( ACTOR_FLAG_HAVE_MOVED, true );
actor.SetActorFlag( ACTOR_FLAG_HAVE_MOVED, false );
// Set Origins;
actor.last_origin = actor.origin;
// Check for the ground
if ( !( actor.flags & FL_SWIM ) && !( actor.flags & FL_FLY ) && actor.GetStickToGround() )
CheckGround( actor );
if ( !actor.deadflag )
// Check to see if stunned
// Handle Game Specific Stuff
// See if can talk to the player
if(actor.DialogMode == DIALOG_MODE_ANXIOUS)
// Blink -- Emotions
if ( actor.GetActorFlag( ACTOR_FLAG_SHOULD_BLINK ) )
if ( actor.getHeadWatchAllowed() )
//Update Eyeposition
actor.eyeposition[ 2 ] = actor.maxs[ 2 ] + actor.eyeoffset[ 2 ];
// See if we should damage the actor because of waterlevel
TryDrown( actor );
if ( actor.groundentity && ( actor.groundentity->entity != world ) && !M_CheckBottom( &actor ) )
actor.flags |= FL_PARTIALGROUND;
//------------------------- CLASS ------------------------------
// Name: DefaultThink
// Base Class: ActorThink
// Description:
// Think class instantiated by most actors -- and
// instantiated in ALL actors by default
// Method of Use:
// This is the default behavior for Actor, nothing
// special need be done to use this class
// Name: Think
// Class: DefaultThink
// Description: Main Think Function for Actor
// Parameters:
// Actor in question
// Returns: None
void DefaultThink::Think( Actor &actor )
if ( actor.flags & FL_IMMOBILE )
// Update boss health if necessary
if ( (actor.GetActorFlag( ACTOR_FLAG_UPDATE_BOSS_HEALTH ) && actor.max_boss_health && ( actor.mode == ACTOR_MODE_AI )) || actor.GetActorFlag(ACTOR_FLAG_FORCE_LIFEBAR) )
UpdateBossHealth( actor );
if ( actor.statemap )
actor.last_time_active = level.time;
// Update boss health if necessary
if ( (actor.GetActorFlag( ACTOR_FLAG_UPDATE_BOSS_HEALTH ) && actor.max_boss_health && ( actor.mode == ACTOR_MODE_AI )) || actor.GetActorFlag(ACTOR_FLAG_FORCE_LIFEBAR) )
UpdateBossHealth( actor );
if ( actor.postureController )
ActorStateUpdate( actor );
if ( !actor.deadflag )
// Update the hate list
// Do the movement
DoMove( actor );
if ( actor.actortype == IS_INANIMATE )
InanimateObject( actor );
//Process our behaviors
ProcessBehaviors( actor );
//------------------------- CLASS ------------------------------
// Name: SimplifiedThink
// Base Class: ActorThink
// Description:
// This is a light weight version of Default Think
// The purpose of this class is to allow Actors that
// move, have behaviors and accept messages without
// the CPU overhead of doing DefaultThink
// Method of Use:
// Actors can be given this method of updating via
// the script command "setsimplifiedthink"
SimplifiedThink::SimplifiedThink( Actor *actor ) :
_actor( actor ),
_previousContents( actor->getContents() )
actor->setContents( 0 );
SimplifiedThink::~SimplifiedThink( void )
_actor->setContents( _previousContents );
// Name: DoMove
// Class: SimplifiedThink
// Description: Does Movement Stuff for Actor
// Parameters:
// Actor in question
// Returns: None
void SimplifiedThink::DoMove( Actor &actor )
actor.last_origin = actor.origin;
actor.movementSubsystem->setLastMove( actor.movementSubsystem->SimpleMove( actor.GetStickToGround() ) );
void SimplifiedThink::DoArchive( Archiver &arc )
ActorThink::DoArchive( arc );
arc.ArchiveInteger ( &_previousContents );
arc.ArchiveSafePointer( &_actor );
// Name: Think
// Class: SimplifiedThink
// Description: Main Think Function for Actor
// Parameters:
// Actor in question
// Returns: None
void SimplifiedThink::Think( Actor &actor )
// Update the hate list
if ( actor.GetActorFlag( ACTOR_FLAG_SHOULD_BLINK ) )
//Process our behaviors
ProcessBehaviors( actor );
// Do the movement
DoMove( actor );