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1364 lines
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1364 lines
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// $Logfile:: /EF2/Code/DLLs/game/level.cpp $
// $Revision:: 90 $
// $Date:: 9/26/03 2:36p $
// Copyright (C) 1999 by Ritual Entertainment, Inc.
// All rights reserved.
// This source is may not be distributed and/or modified without
// expressly written permission by Ritual Entertainment, Inc.
#include "_pch_cpp.h"
#include "level.h"
#include "scriptmaster.h"
#include "navigate.h"
#include "helper_node.h"
#include "gravpath.h"
#include "g_spawn.h"
#include "player.h"
#include "characterstate.h"
#include "mp_manager.hpp"
#include "armor.h"
#include "CinematicArmature.h"
#include "earthquake.h"
#include "teammateroster.hpp"
Level level;
extern Container<int> SpecialPathNodes;
void Level::Init( void )
spawn_entnum = -1;
restart = false;;
framenum = 0;
time = 0;
frametime = 0;
level_name = "";
mapname = "";
spawnpoint = "";
nextmap = "";
playerfrozen = false;
intermissiontime = 0;
exitintermission = 0;
next_edict = NULL;
total_secrets = 0;
found_secrets = 0;
total_specialItems = 0;
found_specialItems = 0;
_totalEnemiesSpawned = 0;
memset( &impact_trace, 0, sizeof( impact_trace ) );
cinematic = false;
ai_on = true;
mission_failed = false;
died_already = false;
near_exit = false;
started = false;
water_color = vec_zero;
water_alpha = 0;
slime_color = vec_zero;
slime_alpha = 0;
lava_color = vec_zero;
lava_alpha = 0;
saved_soundtrack = "";
current_soundtrack = "";
consoleThread = NULL;
// clear out automatic cameras
// init level script variables
m_fade_time_start = 0;
m_fade_time = -1;
m_fade_color = vec_zero;
m_fade_alpha = 0;
m_fade_style = additive;
m_fade_type = fadein;
m_letterbox_fraction = 0;
m_letterbox_time = -1;
m_letterbox_time_start = 0;
m_letterbox_dir = letterbox_out;
hNodeController = NULL;
_cleanup = false;
_showIntermission = true;
_saveOrientation = true;
currentInstanceNumber = 0;
// Name: update
// Class: Level
// Description: Updates the level variables. This is called on the frame update.
// Parameters: levelTime - the game clock time.
// frameTime - the time the frame occured.
// Returns: None
void Level::update( int levelTime, int frameTime )
setTime(levelTime, frameTime);
if ( level.intermissiontime && dedicated->integer )
if ( g_endintermission->integer > 0 )
g_endintermission->integer = 0;
level.exitintermission = true;
// can exit intermission after 10 seconds (default)
if ( ( ( level.time - level.intermissiontime ) > level.intermission_advancetime ) &&
( level.intermission_advancetime != 0 ) )
if ( multiplayerManager.inMultiplayer() )
level.exitintermission = true;
void Level::SetIntermissionAdvanceTime(float time)
intermission_advancetime = time;
void Level::EndIntermission()
exitintermission = true;
void Level::CleanUp( qboolean restart )
_cleanup = true;
if ( multiplayerManager.inMultiplayer() )
multiplayerManager.cleanup( restart );
Player* p = GetPlayer(0);
if( p ) p->LevelCleanup();
_playerDeathThread = "";
assert( active_edicts.next );
assert( active_edicts.next->prev == &active_edicts );
assert( active_edicts.prev );
assert( active_edicts.prev->next == &active_edicts );
assert( free_edicts.next );
assert( free_edicts.next->prev == &free_edicts );
assert( free_edicts.prev );
assert( free_edicts.prev->next == &free_edicts );
while( active_edicts.next != &active_edicts )
assert( active_edicts.next != &free_edicts );
assert( active_edicts.prev != &free_edicts );
assert( active_edicts.next );
assert( active_edicts.next->prev == &active_edicts );
assert( active_edicts.prev );
assert( active_edicts.prev->next == &active_edicts );
assert( free_edicts.next );
assert( free_edicts.next->prev == &free_edicts );
assert( free_edicts.prev );
assert( free_edicts.prev->next == &free_edicts );
if ( active_edicts.next->entity )
delete active_edicts.next->entity;
FreeEdict( active_edicts.next );
cinematic = false;
ai_on = true;
mission_failed = false;
died_already = false;
near_exit = false;
started = false;
globals.num_entities = game.maxclients + 1;
// clear up all AI node information
// Reset the gravity paths
if ( consoleThread )
Director.KillThread( consoleThread->ThreadNum() );
consoleThread = NULL;
// close all the scripts
// invalidate player readiness
// clear out automatic cameras
// clear out level script variables
// initialize the game variables
// these get restored by the persistant data, so we can safely clear them here
// clearout any waiting events
// Reset the boss health cvar
gi.cvar_set( "bosshealth", "0" );
_cleanup = false;
void Level::ResetEdicts( void )
int i;
memset( g_entities, 0, game.maxentities * sizeof( g_entities[ 0 ] ) );
// Add all the edicts to the free list
LL_Reset( &free_edicts, next, prev );
LL_Reset( &active_edicts, next, prev );
for( i = 0; i < game.maxentities; i++ )
LL_Add( &free_edicts, &g_entities[ i ], next, prev );
for( i = 0; i < game.maxclients; i++ )
//char savedTeamName[ 16 ];
// set client fields on player ents
g_entities[ i ].client = game.clients + i;
//strcpy( savedTeamName, game.clients[i].pers.lastTeam );
G_InitClientPersistant (&game.clients[i]);
//strcpy( game.clients[i].pers.lastTeam, savedTeamName );
globals.num_entities = game.maxclients;
Does all post-spawning setup. This is NOT called for savegames.
void Level::Start( void )
CThread *gamescript;
// initialize secrets
levelVars.SetVariable( "total_secrets", total_secrets );
levelVars.SetVariable( "found_secrets", found_secrets );
levelVars.SetVariable( "total_specialItems" , total_specialItems );
levelVars.SetVariable( "found_specialItems" , found_specialItems );
levelVars.SetVariable( "total_enemies_spawned", _totalEnemiesSpawned );
// call the precache scripts
// start executing the game script
if ( game_script.length() )
gi.ProcessLoadingScreen( "$$LoadingScript$$" );
program.Load( game_script );
gi.ProcessLoadingScreen( "$$DoneLoadingScript$$" );
// Create the main thread
gamescript = Director.CreateThread( "main" );
if ( gamescript )
// Run the precache thread if it exists
if ( gamescript->labelExists( "precache" ) )
CThread *precache_script;
precache_script = Director.CreateThread( "precache" );
if ( precache_script )
precache_script->DelayedStart( 0.0f );
// Run the main thread
gamescript->DelayedStart( 0.0f );
started = true;
// Name: postLoad
// Class:
// Description: Does everything necessary to the level after a load has happened
// Parameters: None
// Returns: none
void Level::postLoad( void )
//thePathManager.OptimizeNodes( NULL );
// Name: postSublevelLoad
// Class: Level
// Description: Does everything necessary to the level after a sublevel has been loaded
// Parameters: const char *mapName - map name string (also possibly contains spawn position)
// Returns: none
void Level::postSublevelLoad( const char *spawnPosName )
int i;
gentity_t *ent;
Player *player;
// Save off the spawn position
spawnpoint = spawnPosName;
// Make sure the player starts in the correct place
for( i = 0; i < game.maxclients; i++ )
ent = &g_entities[ i ];
if ( !ent->inuse || !ent->client || !ent->entity )
if ( ent->entity->isSubclassOf( Player ) )
player = (Player *)ent->entity;
// Get rid of any fading
qboolean Level::inhibitEntity( int spawnflags )
if ( !developer->integer && ( spawnflags & SPAWNFLAG_DEVELOPMENT ) )
return true;
if ( !detail->integer && ( spawnflags & SPAWNFLAG_DETAIL ) )
return true;
if ( multiplayerManager.inMultiplayer() )
if ( spawnflags & SPAWNFLAG_NOT_DEATHMATCH )
return true;
return false;
switch( skill->integer )
case 0 :
return ( spawnflags & SPAWNFLAG_NOT_EASY ) != 0;
case 1 :
return ( spawnflags & SPAWNFLAG_NOT_MEDIUM ) != 0;
case 2 :
case 3 :
return ( spawnflags & SPAWNFLAG_NOT_HARD );
return false;
void Level::setSkill( int value )
int skill_level;
skill_level = static_cast<int>(floor(static_cast<float>(value)));
skill_level = bound( skill_level, 0, 3 );
gi.cvar_set( "skill", va( "%d", skill_level ) );
gameVars.SetVariable( "skill", skill_level );
int Level::getSkill( void )
ScriptVariable* skill_var = gameVars.GetVariable("skill");
return skill_var->intValue();
void Level::setTime( int levelTime, int frameTime )
inttime = levelTime;
fixedframetime = 1.0f / sv_fps->value;
frametime = ( ( float )frameTime / 1000.0f );
time = ( ( float )levelTime / 1000.0f );
if(intermissiontime == 0.0f && mission_failed == false)
timeInLevel = time;
Creates a server's entity / program execution context by
parsing textual entity definitions out of an ent file.
void Level::SpawnEntities( const char *themapname, const char *entities, int levelTime )
int inhibit,count=0;
const char *value;
SpawnArgs args;
char *spawnpos;
// Init the level variables
spawnpos = const_cast<char*>(strchr( themapname, '$' ));
if ( spawnpos )
mapname = str( themapname, 0, spawnpos - themapname );
spawnpoint = spawnpos + 1;
mapname = themapname;
spawnpoint = "";
// set up time so functions still have valid times
setTime( levelTime, 1000 / 20 );
if ( !LoadingServer )
// Get rid of anything left over from the last level
//CleanUp( false );
// Set up for a new map
thePathManager.Init( mapname );
setSkill( skill->integer );
// reset out count of the number of game traces
sv_numtraces = 0;
// parse world
entities = args.Parse( entities );
spawn_entnum = ENTITYNUM_WORLD;
if ( !world )
Com_Error( ERR_FATAL, "No world\n" );
if ( g_gametype->integer == GT_MULTIPLAYER || g_gametype->integer == GT_BOT_SINGLE_PLAYER )
// parse ents
inhibit = 0;
for( entities = args.Parse( entities ); entities != NULL; entities = args.Parse( entities ) )
// remove things (except the world) from different skill levels or deathmatch
spawnflags = 0;
value = args.getArg( "spawnflags" );
if ( value )
spawnflags = atoi( value );
if ( inhibitEntity( spawnflags ) )
gi.ProcessLoadingScreen( "$$SpawningEntities$$" );
gi.DPrintf( "%i entities spawned\n", count );
gi.DPrintf( "%i entities inhibited\n", inhibit );
// Process the spawn events
if ( multiplayerManager.inMultiplayer() )
// Setup bots
if ( gi.Cvar_VariableIntegerValue( "bot_enable" ) && multiplayerManager.inMultiplayer() )
BotAIShutdown( 0 );
BotAISetup( 0 );
BotAILoadMap( 0 );
G_InitBots( 0 );
if ( !LoadingServer || game.autosaved )
// Deletion Note:
// Since hNodeController is an Entity, it is deleted
// when all the other entities are deleted in the clean up function
// specifically the line
// if ( active_edicts.next->entity )
// {
// delete active_edicts.next->entity;
// }
// Since it is already being deleted like this
// We do not need to explcitily delete the controller... In fact
// you will error out if you try to.
hNodeController = new HelperNodeController;
if ( hNodeController )
hNodeController->SetTargetName( "HelperNodeController" );
// if this is a single player game, spawn the single player in now
// this allows us to read persistant data into the player before the client
// is completely ready
if ( game.maxclients == 1 )
spawn_entnum = 0;
new Player;
void Level::NewMap( const char *mapname, const char *entities, int levelTime )
current_map = mapname;
current_entities = entities;
SpawnEntities( current_map, current_entities, levelTime );
void Level::Restart( void )
SpawnEntities( current_map, current_entities, inttime );
G_ClientConnect( 0, true, false, true );
G_ClientBegin( &g_entities[ 0 ], NULL );
void Level::PlayerRestart( void )
// we need to restart through the server code
gi.SendConsoleCommand( "restart\n" );
//restart = true;
level.mission_failed = false;
void Level::Archive( Archiver &arc )
int num;
int i;
Class::Archive( arc );
if ( arc.Saving() )
SafePtr<Earthquake> ent;
num = _earthquakes.NumObjects();
arc.ArchiveInteger( &num );
for ( i = 1 ; i <= num ; i++ )
ent = _earthquakes.ObjectAt( i );
arc.ArchiveSafePointer( &ent );
SafePtr<Earthquake> ent;
SafePtr<Earthquake> *entityPointer;
arc.ArchiveInteger( &num );
_earthquakes.Resize( num );
for ( i = 1 ; i <= num ; i++ )
_earthquakes.AddObject( ent );
entityPointer = &_earthquakes.ObjectAt( i );
arc.ArchiveSafePointer( entityPointer );
arc.ArchiveInteger( &_totalEnemiesSpawned );
// Don't archive these
//const char *current_map;
//const char *current_entities;
//int spawn_entnum;
arc.ArchiveInteger( ¤tInstanceNumber );
//int spawnflags;
arc.ArchiveInteger( &framenum );
arc.ArchiveInteger( &inttime );
arc.ArchiveFloat( &time );
arc.ArchiveFloat( &timeInLevel );
arc.ArchiveFloat( &frametime );
arc.ArchiveFloat( &fixedframetime );
arc.ArchiveInteger( &startTime );
arc.ArchiveString( &level_name );
arc.ArchiveString( &mapname );
arc.ArchiveString( &spawnpoint );
arc.ArchiveString( &nextmap );
arc.ArchiveBoolean( &restart );
arc.ArchiveBoolean( &started );
arc.ArchiveBoolean( &playerfrozen );
arc.ArchiveFloat( &intermissiontime );
arc.ArchiveInteger( &exitintermission );
arc.ArchiveFloat( &intermission_advancetime );
arc.ArchiveBool( &_showIntermission );
arc.ArchiveBool( &_saveOrientation );
// Don't archive
//gentity_s *next_edict;
arc.ArchiveInteger( &total_secrets );
arc.ArchiveInteger( &found_secrets );
arc.ArchiveInteger( &total_specialItems );
arc.ArchiveInteger( &found_specialItems );
arc.ArchiveString( &game_script );
// Don't archive
//trace_t impact_trace;
arc.ArchiveBoolean( &cinematic );
arc.ArchiveBoolean( &ai_on );
arc.ArchiveBoolean( &mission_failed );
arc.ArchiveBoolean( &died_already );
arc.ArchiveBoolean( &near_exit );
arc.ArchiveVector( &water_color );
arc.ArchiveFloat( &water_alpha );
arc.ArchiveVector( &slime_color );
arc.ArchiveFloat( &slime_alpha );
arc.ArchiveVector( &lava_color );
arc.ArchiveFloat( &lava_alpha );
arc.ArchiveString( ¤t_soundtrack );
arc.ArchiveString( &saved_soundtrack );
arc.ArchiveObjectPointer( ( Class ** )&consoleThread );
arc.ArchiveVector( &m_fade_color );
arc.ArchiveFloat( &m_fade_alpha );
arc.ArchiveFloat( &m_fade_time );
arc.ArchiveFloat( & m_fade_time_start );
ArchiveEnum( m_fade_type, fadetype_t );
ArchiveEnum( m_fade_style, fadestyle_t );
arc.ArchiveFloat( &m_letterbox_fraction );
arc.ArchiveFloat( &m_letterbox_time );
arc.ArchiveFloat( &m_letterbox_time_start );
ArchiveEnum( m_letterbox_dir, letterboxdir_t );
arc.ArchiveBool( &_cleanup );
arc.ArchiveString( &_playerDeathThread );
arc.ArchiveObjectPointer( ( Class ** )&hNodeController );
// Don't archive, will already be setup from camera code
// Container<Camera *> automatic_cameras;
arc.ArchiveVector( & m_intermission_origin );
arc.ArchiveVector( & m_intermission_angle );
if ( arc.Loading() )
str temp_soundtrack;
// Change the sound track to the one just loaded
temp_soundtrack = saved_soundtrack;
ChangeSoundtrack( current_soundtrack.c_str() );
saved_soundtrack = temp_soundtrack;
// not archived since we can't save mid-frame
next_edict = NULL;
// not archived since we can't save mid-frame
memset( &impact_trace, 0, sizeof( impact_trace ) );
// Name: loadLevelStrings
// Class: Level
// Description: Loads the string resource file for the level.
// Parameters: None
// Returns:
void Level::loadLevelStrings( void )
const char* sublevelName;
const char* levelName;
const char* environmentName;
gi.GetLevelDefs(mapname, &environmentName, &levelName, &sublevelName);
Calls precache scripts
void Level::Precache( void )
str filename;
const char *environmentName;
const char *levelName;
const char *sublevelName;
int i;
str mapName;
const char *spawnPoint;
// load in global0-9.scr
for( i = 0; i < 100; i++ )
filename = va( "global/global%i.scr", i );
if ( gi.FS_ReadFile( filename.c_str(), NULL, true ) != -1 )
level.consoleThread->Parse( filename.c_str() );
// Get the level defs
if( !current_map )
mapName = current_map;
spawnPoint = strstr( mapName.c_str(), "$" );
if ( spawnPoint )
mapName.CapLength( spawnPoint - mapName.c_str() );
gi.GetLevelDefs( mapName, &environmentName, &levelName, &sublevelName );
// Precache global stuff
for( i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i++ )
if ( i == 0 )
filename = va( "precache/server/global.txt" );
filename = va( "precache/server/global%d.txt", i );
if ( gi.FS_ReadFile( filename.c_str(), NULL, true ) != -1 )
level.consoleThread->Parse( filename.c_str() );
// Precache environment stuff
if ( strlen( environmentName ) )
for( i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i++ )
if ( i == 0 )
filename = va( "precache/server/%s.txt", environmentName );
filename = va( "precache/server/%s%d.txt", environmentName, i );
if ( gi.FS_ReadFile( filename.c_str(), NULL, true ) != -1 )
level.consoleThread->Parse( filename.c_str() );
// Precache level stuff
if ( strlen( levelName ) )
for( i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i++ )
if ( i == 0 )
filename = va( "precache/server/%s.txt", levelName );
filename = va( "precache/server/%s%d.txt", levelName, i );
if ( gi.FS_ReadFile( filename.c_str(), NULL, true ) != -1 )
level.consoleThread->Parse( filename.c_str() );
// Precache sublevel stuff
if ( strlen( sublevelName ) && ( stricmp( levelName, sublevelName ) != 0 ) )
for( i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i++ )
if ( i == 0 )
filename = va( "precache/server/%s.txt", sublevelName );
filename = va( "precache/server/%s%d.txt", sublevelName, i );
if ( gi.FS_ReadFile( filename.c_str(), NULL, true ) != -1 )
level.consoleThread->Parse( filename.c_str() );
// load in universal_script.scr
//G_LoadAndExecScript( "global/universal_script.scr", "precache:", true );
Chain together all entities with a matching team field.
All but the first will have the FL_TEAMSLAVE flag set.
All but the last will have the teamchain field set to the next one
void Level::FindTeams( void )
gentity_t *e;
gentity_t *e2;
gentity_t *next;
gentity_t *next2;
Entity *chain;
Entity *ent;
Entity *ent2;
int c;
int c2;
c = 0;
c2 = 0;
for( e = active_edicts.next; e != &active_edicts; e = next )
assert( e );
assert( e->inuse );
assert( e->entity );
next = e->next;
ent = e->entity;
if ( !ent->bind_info || ( ent->bind_info->moveteam.length() == 0 ) )
if ( ent->flags & FL_TEAMSLAVE )
chain = ent;
ent->bind_info->teammaster = ent;
for( e2 = next; e2 != &active_edicts; e2 = next2 )
assert( e2 );
assert( e2->inuse );
assert( e2->entity );
next2 = e2->next;
ent2 = e2->entity;
if ( !ent2->bind_info || ( ent2->bind_info->moveteam.length() == 0 ) )
if ( ent2->flags & FL_TEAMSLAVE )
if ( ent->bind_info->moveteam == ent2->bind_info->moveteam )
chain->bind_info->teamchain = ent2;
ent2->bind_info->teammaster = ent;
chain = ent2;
ent2->flags |= FL_TEAMSLAVE;
gi.DPrintf( "%i teams with %i entities\n", c, c2 );
Either finds a free edict, or allocates a new one.
Try to avoid reusing an entity that was recently freed, because it
can cause the client to think the entity morphed into something else
instead of being removed and recreated, which can cause interpolated
angles and bad trails.
gentity_t *Level::AllocEdict( Entity *ent )
int i;
gentity_t *edict;
if ( spawn_entnum >= 0 )
edict = &g_entities[ spawn_entnum ];
spawn_entnum = -1;
assert( !edict->inuse && !edict->entity );
// free up the entity pointer in case we took one that still exists
if ( edict->inuse && edict->entity )
delete edict->entity;
edict = &g_entities[ maxclients->integer ];
for ( i = maxclients->integer; i < globals.num_entities; i++, edict++ )
// the first couple seconds of server time can involve a lot of
// freeing and allocating, so relax the replacement policy
if (
!edict->inuse &&
( edict->freetime < ( 2.0f + startTime ) ) ||
( time - edict->freetime > 0.5f )
// allow two spots for none and world
if ( i == game.maxentities - 2.0f )
// Try one more time before failing, relax timing completely
edict = &g_entities[ maxclients->integer ];
for ( i = maxclients->integer; i < globals.num_entities; i++, edict++ )
if ( !edict->inuse )
if ( i == game.maxentities - 2.0f )
gi.Error( ERR_DROP, "Level::AllocEdict: no free edicts" );
assert( edict->next );
assert( edict->prev );
LL_Remove( edict, next, prev );
InitEdict( edict );
assert( active_edicts.next );
assert( active_edicts.prev );
LL_Add( &active_edicts, edict, next, prev );
assert( edict->next );
assert( edict->prev );
assert( edict->next != &free_edicts );
assert( edict->prev != &free_edicts );
// Tell the server about our data since we just spawned something
if ( ( edict->s.number < ENTITYNUM_WORLD ) && ( globals.num_entities <= edict->s.number ) )
globals.num_entities = edict->s.number + 1;
gi.LocateGameData( g_entities, globals.num_entities, sizeof( gentity_t ), &game.clients[ 0 ].ps, sizeof( game.clients[ 0 ] ) );
edict->entity = ent;
edict->s.instanceNumber = currentInstanceNumber;
if ( currentInstanceNumber < 0 )
currentInstanceNumber = 0;
return edict;
Marks the edict as free
void Level::FreeEdict( gentity_t *ed )
gclient_t *client;
assert( ed != &free_edicts );
// unlink from world
gi.unlinkentity ( ed );
assert( ed->next );
assert( ed->prev );
if ( next_edict == ed )
next_edict = ed->next;
LL_Remove( ed, next, prev );
assert( ed->next == ed );
assert( ed->prev == ed );
assert( free_edicts.next );
assert( free_edicts.prev );
client = ed->client;
memset( ed, 0, sizeof( *ed ) );
ed->client = client;
ed->freetime = time;
ed->inuse = false;
ed->s.number = ed - g_entities;
assert( free_edicts.next );
assert( free_edicts.prev );
LL_Add( &free_edicts, ed, next, prev );
assert( ed->next );
assert( ed->prev );
void Level::InitEdict( gentity_t *e )
int i;
e->inuse = true;
e->s.number = e - g_entities;
// make sure a default scale gets set
e->s.scale = 1.0f;
// make sure the default constantlight gets set, initalize to r 1.0, g 1.0, b 1.0, r 0
e->s.constantLight = 0xffffff;
e->s.renderfx |= RF_FRAMELERP;
e->spawntime = time;
e->s.frame = 0;
e->svflags = 0;
for( i = 0; i < NUM_BONE_CONTROLLERS; i++ )
e->s.bone_tag[ i ] = -1;
VectorClear( e->s.bone_angles[ i ] );
EulerToQuat( e->s.bone_angles[ i ], e->s.bone_quat[ i ] );
for( i = 0; i < NUM_MORPH_CONTROLLERS; i++ )
e->s.morph_controllers[ i ].index = -1;
e->s.morph_controllers[ i ].percent = 0.0;
e->s.animationRate = 1.0f;
void Level::AddAutomaticCamera( Camera *cam )
automatic_cameras.AddUniqueObject( cam );
void Level::SetGameScript( const char *scriptname )
game_script = scriptname;
// Name: addEarthQuake
// Class: Level
// Description: Adds an earthquake to the list
// Parameters: Entity *earthquake - earthquake to add to the list
// Returns: none
void Level::addEarthquake( Earthquake *earthquake )
if ( !_earthquakes.ObjectInList( earthquake ) )
_earthquakes.AddObject( earthquake );
// Name: removeEarthQuake
// Class: Level
// Description: Removes an earthquake from the list
// Parameters: Entity *earthquake - earthquake to remove from the list
// Returns: none
void Level::removeEarthquake( Earthquake *earthquake )
if ( _earthquakes.ObjectInList( earthquake ) )
_earthquakes.RemoveObject( earthquake );
// Name: getEarthquakeMagnitudeAtPosition
// Class: Level
// Description: Gets the total magnitude of all earthquakes from a particular position
// Parameters: const Vector &origin - position to test against
// Returns: float - total magnitude of all the earthquakes at the given position
float Level::getEarthquakeMagnitudeAtPosition( const Vector &origin )
int i;
float totalMagnitude;
Earthquake *earthquake;
totalMagnitude = 0.0f;
// Add up all of the earthquakes magnitudes to get the total
for( i = 1 ; i <= _earthquakes.NumObjects() ; i++ )
// This should be a safe cast since only Earthquakes are allowed to be added to this list
earthquake = _earthquakes.ObjectAt( i );
if ( earthquake )
// Add this earthquake to the total
totalMagnitude += earthquake->getMagnitudeAtPosition( origin );
// Return the total magnitude of all the earthquakes
return totalMagnitude;
void Level::enemySpawned( Entity *enemy )
levelVars.SetVariable( "total_enemies_spawned", _totalEnemiesSpawned );
void Level::setPlayerDeathThread( const str &threadName )
_playerDeathThread = threadName;
str Level::getPlayerDeathThread( void )
return _playerDeathThread;