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// $Logfile:: /EF2/Code/DLLs/game/g_main.cpp $
// $Revision:: 104 $
// $Author:: Singlis $
// $Date:: 9/26/03 2:36p $
// Copyright (C) 1998 by Ritual Entertainment, Inc.
// All rights reserved.
// This source is may not be distributed and/or modified without
// expressly written permission by Ritual Entertainment, Inc.
#include "_pch_cpp.h"
#include "g_utils.h"
#include "gamecmds.h"
#include "entity.h"
#include "vector.h"
#include "scriptmaster.h"
#include "navigate.h"
#include "player.h"
#include "gravpath.h"
#include "camera.h"
#include "level.h"
#include "viewthing.h"
#include "ipfilter.h"
#include <qcommon/alias.h>
#include "mp_manager.hpp"
#include <qcommon/gameplaymanager.h>
#include <qcommon/stringresource.hpp>
#include "teammateroster.hpp"
Vector vec_origin = Vector(0, 0, 0);
Vector vec_zero = Vector(0, 0, 0);
qboolean LoadingSavegame = false;
qboolean LoadingServer = false;
game_import_t gi;
game_export_t globals;
gentity_t *g_entities = NULL;
gentity_t active_edicts;
gentity_t free_edicts;
Container<int> extraEntitiesList;
int sv_numtraces;
usercmd_t *current_ucmd;
void (*ServerError )( int level, const char *fmt, ... );
Abort the server with a game error
void G_Error( int level, const char *fmt, ... )
va_list argptr;
char error[ 4096 ];
va_start( argptr, fmt );
vsprintf( error, fmt, argptr );
va_end( argptr );
assert( 0 );
throw error;
Calls the server's error function with the last error that occurred.
Should only be called after an exception.
void G_ExitWithError( const char *error )
static char G_ErrorMessage[ 4096 ];
//ServerError( ERR_DROP, error );
Q_strncpyz( G_ErrorMessage, error, sizeof( G_ErrorMessage ) );
globals.error_message = G_ErrorMessage;
Frees up resources from current level
extern "C" void G_CleanupGame( qboolean restart )
gi.DPrintf ("==== CleanupGame ====\n");
level.CleanUp( restart );
catch( const char *error )
G_ExitWithError( error );
int BotAIShutdown( int restart );
Frees up any resources
extern "C" void G_ShutdownGame( void )
gi.DPrintf ("==== ShutdownGame ====\n");
// close the player log file if necessary
// shut down bots
if ( gi.Cvar_VariableIntegerValue( "bot_enable" ) ) {
BotAIShutdown( qfalse ); // BOTLIB was restart
// clear out the behavior package list
level.CleanUp( false );
// destroy the game data
// Delete the GameplayManager
catch( const char *error )
G_ExitWithError( error );
This will be called when the dll is first loaded, which
only happens when a new game is begun
extern "C" void G_InitGame( int startTime, int randomSeed )
gi.DPrintf ("==== InitGame ====\n");
// Install our own error handler, since we can't
// call the EXE's handler from within a C++ class
ServerError = gi.Error;
gi.Error = G_Error;
// If we get an error, call the server's error function
srand( randomSeed );
// setup all the cvars the game needs
// Need to fill the BehaviorPackageList from the file
// initialize the game variables
level.intermission_advancetime= (float)g_intermissiontime->integer;
level.fixedframetime = ( 1.0f / sv_fps->value );
level.startTime = startTime;
sv_numtraces = 0;
// setup ViewMaster
// Initialize deathmatch manager
game.maxentities = maxentities->integer;
if (maxclients->integer * 8 > game.maxentities)
game.maxentities = maxclients->integer * 8;
game.maxclients = maxclients->integer;
catch( const char *error )
G_ExitWithError( error );
void G_AllocGameData( void )
int i;
// de-allocate from previous level
// Initialize debug lines
// initialize all entities for this game
game.maxentities = maxentities->integer;
g_entities = ( gentity_t * )gi.Malloc (game.maxentities * sizeof(g_entities[0]) );
// clear out the entities
memset( g_entities, 0, sizeof( g_entities[ 0 ] ) * game.maxentities );
globals.gentities = g_entities;
globals.max_entities = game.maxentities;
// Add all the edicts to the free list
LL_Reset( &free_edicts, next, prev );
LL_Reset( &active_edicts, next, prev );
for( i = 0; i < game.maxentities; i++ )
LL_Add( &free_edicts, &g_entities[ i ], next, prev );
// initialize all clients for this game
game.clients = ( gclient_t * )gi.Malloc( game.maxclients * sizeof( game.clients[ 0 ] ) );
memset( game.clients, 0, game.maxclients * sizeof( game.clients[ 0 ] ) );
for( i = 0; i < game.maxclients; i++ )
// set client fields on player ents
g_entities[ i ].client = game.clients + i;
G_InitClientPersistant (&game.clients[i]);
playersLastTeam[ i ] = "";
globals.num_entities = game.maxclients;
// Tell the server about our data
gi.LocateGameData( g_entities, globals.num_entities, sizeof( gentity_t ), &game.clients[0].ps, sizeof( game.clients[0] ) );
if ( gi.Cvar_VariableIntegerValue( "bot_enable" ) ) {
BotAISetup( 0);//restart );
BotAILoadMap( 0);//restart );
G_InitBots( 0);//restart );
void G_DeAllocGameData( void )
// Initialize debug lines
// free up the entities
if ( g_entities )
gi.Free( g_entities );
g_entities = NULL;
// free up the clients
if ( game.clients )
gi.Free( game.clients );
game.clients = NULL;
extern "C" void G_SpawnEntities( const char *mapname, const char *entities, int levelTime )
level.NewMap( mapname, entities, levelTime );
catch( const char *error )
G_ExitWithError( error );
// Name: G_PostLoad
// Class:
// Description: Does everything necessary after a load has happened
// Parameters: None
// Returns: none
extern "C" void G_PostLoad( void )
catch( const char *error )
G_ExitWithError( error );
// Name: G_PostSublevelLoad
// Class:
// Description: Does everything necessary after a sublevel has beend loaded
// Parameters: const char *mapName - map name string (also possibly contains spawn position)
// Returns: none
extern "C" void G_PostSublevelLoad( const char *spawnPosName )
level.postSublevelLoad( spawnPosName );
catch( const char *error )
G_ExitWithError( error );
void G_ArchivePersistantData( Archiver &arc, qboolean sublevelTransition )
gentity_t *ed;
int i;
for( i = 0; i < game.maxclients; i++ )
Entity *ent;
ed = &g_entities[ i ];
if ( !ed->inuse || !ed->entity )
ent = ed->entity;
if ( !ent->isSubclassOf( Player ) )
( ( Player * )ent )->ArchivePersistantData( arc, sublevelTransition );
qboolean G_ArchivePersistant( const char *name, qboolean loading, qboolean sublevelTransition )
int version;
Archiver arc;
if ( loading )
if ( !arc.Read( name, false ) )
return false;
arc.ArchiveInteger( &version );
if ( version < PERSISTANT_VERSION )
gi.Printf( "Persistant data from an older version (%d) of %s.\n", version, GAME_NAME );
return false;
else if ( version > PERSISTANT_VERSION )
gi.DPrintf( "Persistant data from newer version %d of %s.\n", version, GAME_NAME );
return false;
arc.Create( name );
arc.ArchiveInteger( &version );
arc.ArchiveObject( &gameVars );
G_ArchivePersistantData( arc, sublevelTransition );
return true;
extern "C" qboolean G_ReadPersistant( const char *name, qboolean sublevelTransition )
return G_ArchivePersistant( name, true, sublevelTransition );
catch( const char *error )
G_ExitWithError( error );
return false;
This will be called whenever the game goes to a new level,
A single player death will automatically restore from the
last save position.
extern "C" void G_WritePersistant( const char *name, qboolean sublevelTransition )
G_ArchivePersistant( name, false, sublevelTransition );
catch( const char *error )
G_ExitWithError( error );
qboolean LevelArchiveValid( Archiver &arc )
int version;
int savegame_version;
// read the version number
arc.ArchiveInteger( &version );
arc.ArchiveInteger( &savegame_version );
if ( version < GAME_API_VERSION )
gi.Printf( "Savegame from an older version (%d) of %s.\n", version, GAME_NAME );
return false;
else if ( version > GAME_API_VERSION )
gi.Printf( "Savegame from version %d of %s.\n", version, GAME_NAME );
return false;
if ( savegame_version < SAVEGAME_VERSION )
gi.Printf( "Savegame from an older version (%d) of %s.\n", version, GAME_NAME );
return false;
else if ( savegame_version > SAVEGAME_VERSION )
gi.Printf( "Savegame from version %d of %s.\n", version, GAME_NAME );
return false;
return true;
str getAliasParmString( AliasListNode_t *aliasNode )
str parms;
if ( aliasNode->global_flag )
parms += "global ";
if ( aliasNode->stop_flag )
parms += "stop ";
if ( aliasNode->timeout > 0.0f )
parms += "timeout ";
parms += aliasNode->timeout;
parms += " ";
if ( aliasNode->maximum_use > 0 )
parms += "maxuse ";
parms += aliasNode->maximum_use;
parms += " ";
if ( aliasNode->weight > 0 )
parms += "weight ";
parms += aliasNode->weight;
parms += " ";
if ( strlen( aliasNode->anim_name ) > 0 )
parms += "anim ";
parms += aliasNode->anim_name;
parms += " ";
if ( aliasNode->loop_anim )
parms += "loopanim 1 ";
return parms;
void ArchiveAliases( Archiver &arc )
int i;
byte another;
AliasList_t *alias_list;
AliasListNode_t *alias_node;
AliasActorNode_t *actor_node;
str alias_name;
str realName;
str model_name;
const char *name;
int model_index;
int actor_number;
int number_of_times_played;
byte been_played_this_loop;
int last_time_played;
if ( arc.Saving() )
for( i = 0 ; i < MAX_MODELS ; i++ )
alias_list = (AliasList_t *)gi.Alias_GetList( i );
if ( alias_list )
alias_node = alias_list->data_list;
alias_node = NULL;
if ( alias_node )
name = gi.NameForNum( i );
if ( name )
another = true;
arc.ArchiveByte( &another );
model_name = name;
arc.ArchiveString( &model_name );
// Go through all aliases in this model
while ( alias_node )
str parms;
another = true;
arc.ArchiveByte( &another );
alias_name = alias_node->alias_name;
realName = alias_node->real_name;
arc.ArchiveString( &alias_name );
arc.ArchiveString( &realName );
parms = getAliasParmString( alias_node );
arc.ArchiveString( &parms );
arc.ArchiveInteger( &alias_node->number_of_times_played );
arc.ArchiveByte( &alias_node->been_played_this_loop );
arc.ArchiveInteger( &alias_node->last_time_played );
actor_node = alias_node->actor_list;
// Go through actor info
while ( actor_node )
another = true;
arc.ArchiveByte( &another );
arc.ArchiveInteger( &actor_node->actor_number );
arc.ArchiveInteger( &actor_node->number_of_times_played );
arc.ArchiveByte( &actor_node->been_played_this_loop );
arc.ArchiveInteger( &actor_node->last_time_played );
actor_node = actor_node->next;
another = false;
arc.ArchiveByte( &another );
alias_node = alias_node->next;
another = false;
arc.ArchiveByte( &another );
another = false;
arc.ArchiveByte( &another );
arc.ArchiveByte( &another );
while( another )
arc.ArchiveString( &model_name );
model_index = gi.modelindex( model_name.c_str() );
arc.ArchiveByte( &another );
while( another )
str parms;
// Read in aliases
arc.ArchiveString( &alias_name );
arc.ArchiveString( &realName );
arc.ArchiveString( &parms );
arc.ArchiveInteger( &number_of_times_played );
arc.ArchiveByte( &been_played_this_loop );
arc.ArchiveInteger( &last_time_played );
// If the alias doesn't exist yet, add it
if ( !gi.Alias_Find( model_index, alias_name.c_str() ) )
gi.Alias_Add( model_index, alias_name, realName, parms );
// Now update the alias
gi.Alias_UpdateDialog( model_index, alias_name.c_str(), number_of_times_played, been_played_this_loop, last_time_played );
arc.ArchiveByte( &another );
while( another )
// Read in actor infos
arc.ArchiveInteger( &actor_number );
arc.ArchiveInteger( &number_of_times_played );
arc.ArchiveByte( &been_played_this_loop );
arc.ArchiveInteger( &last_time_played );
gi.Alias_AddActorDialog( model_index, alias_name.c_str(), actor_number, number_of_times_played, been_played_this_loop, last_time_played );
arc.ArchiveByte( &another );
arc.ArchiveByte( &another );
arc.ArchiveByte( &another );
qboolean G_ArchiveLevel( const char *filename, qboolean autosave, qboolean loading )
int i;
int num;
Archiver arc;
gentity_t *edict;
// Heuristic Stuff /////////////////////////////////////
edict = &g_entities[ 0 ];
if ( edict->inuse && edict->entity )
Player *player = (Player *)edict->entity;
if ( player->p_heuristics )
player->p_heuristics->SaveHeuristics( player );
if ( loading )
LoadingSavegame = true;
LoadingServer = true;
// Get rid of anything left over from the last level
level.CleanUp( false );
arc.Read( filename );
if ( !LevelArchiveValid( arc ) )
return false;
// Read in the pending events. These are read in first in case
// later objects need to post events.
L_UnarchiveEvents( arc );
int temp;
if ( autosave )
for( i = 0; i < game.maxclients; i++ )
edict = &g_entities[ i ];
if ( !edict->inuse && !edict->entity )
delete edict->entity;
arc.Create( filename );
// write out the version number
arc.ArchiveInteger( &temp );
arc.ArchiveInteger( &temp );
// Write out the pending events. These are written first in case
// later objects need to post events when reading the archive.
L_ArchiveEvents( arc );
// archive the game object
arc.ArchiveObject( &game );
// archive the game variables
arc.ArchiveObject( &gameVars );
// archive Level
arc.ArchiveObject( &level );
if ( arc.Loading() )
// Set up for a new map
thePathManager.Init( level.mapname.c_str() );
// archive script librarian
arc.ArchiveObject( &ScriptLib );
// archive gravity paths
arc.ArchiveObject( &gravPathManager );
// archive camera paths
arc.ArchiveObject( &CameraMan );
// archive paths
arc.ArchiveObject( &thePathManager );
// archive script controller
arc.ArchiveObject( &Director );
// archive lightstyles
arc.ArchiveObject( &lightStyles );
// Archive the level vars
if ( arc.Loading() )
arc.ArchiveObject( &levelVars );
if ( arc.Saving() )
// count the entities
num = 0;
for( i = 0; i < globals.num_entities; i++ )
edict = &g_entities[ i ];
if ( edict->inuse && edict->entity && !( edict->entity->flags & FL_DONTSAVE ) )
// archive all the entities
arc.ArchiveInteger( &globals.num_entities );
arc.ArchiveInteger( &num );
if ( arc.Saving() )
// write out the world
arc.ArchiveObject( world );
for( i = 0; i < globals.num_entities; i++ )
edict = &g_entities[ i ];
if ( !edict->inuse || !edict->entity || ( edict->entity->flags & FL_DONTSAVE ) )
arc.ArchiveObject( edict->entity );
// Tell the server about our data
gi.LocateGameData( g_entities, globals.num_entities, sizeof( gentity_t ), &game.clients[0].ps, sizeof( game.clients[0] ) );
// read in the world
for( i = 0; i < num; i++ )
if ( arc.Loading() )
arc.ArchiveObject( &program );
// archive script controller
//arc.ArchiveObject( &Director );
ArchiveAliases( arc );
//Archive the teammate roster
TeammateRoster::getInstance()->Archive( arc );
// Archive the gameplay manager's database deltas.
GameplayManager::getTheGameplayManager()->Archive( arc );
if ( arc.Loading() )
LoadingSavegame = false;
// call the precache scripts
gi.centerprintf( &g_entities[ 0 ], CENTERPRINT_IMPORTANCE_NORMAL, "@textures/menu/gamesaved" );
if ( arc.Loading() )
// Make sure all code that needs to setup the player after they have been loaded is run
for( i = 0; i < game.maxclients; i++ )
edict = &g_entities[ i ];
if ( edict->inuse && edict->entity )
Player *player = (Player *)edict->entity;
return true;
catch( const char *error )
G_ExitWithError( error );
return false;
extern "C" void G_WriteLevel( const char *filename, qboolean autosave )
game.autosaved = autosave;
G_ArchiveLevel( filename, autosave, false );
game.autosaved = false;
SpawnEntities will already have been called on the
level the same way it was when the level was saved.
That is necessary to get the baselines set up identically.
The server will have cleared all of the world links before
calling ReadLevel.
No clients are connected yet.
extern "C" qboolean G_ReadLevel( const char *filename )
qboolean status;
status = G_ArchiveLevel( filename, false, true );
// if the level load failed make sure that these variables are not set
if ( !status )
LoadingSavegame = false;
LoadingServer = false;
return status;
extern "C" qboolean G_LevelArchiveValid( const char *filename )
qboolean ret;
Archiver arc;
if ( !arc.Read( filename ) )
return false;
ret = LevelArchiveValid( arc );
return ret;
catch( const char *error )
G_ExitWithError( error );
return false;
extern "C" qboolean G_InMultiplayerGame( void )
return multiplayerManager.inMultiplayer();
// BOTLIB additions
void SV_AddBot_f( void );
int BotAIStartFrame(int time);
Returns a pointer to the structure with all entry points
and global variables
extern "C" game_export_t *GetGameAPI( game_import_t *import )
gi = *import;
globals.apiversion = GAME_API_VERSION;
globals.Init = G_InitGame;
globals.Shutdown = G_ShutdownGame;
globals.Cleanup = G_CleanupGame;
globals.SpawnEntities = G_SpawnEntities;
globals.PostLoad = G_PostLoad;
globals.PostSublevelLoad = G_PostSublevelLoad;
globals.WritePersistant = G_WritePersistant;
globals.ReadPersistant = G_ReadPersistant;
globals.WriteLevel = G_WriteLevel;
globals.ReadLevel = G_ReadLevel;
globals.LevelArchiveValid = G_LevelArchiveValid;
globals.inMultiplayerGame = G_InMultiplayerGame;
globals.ClientThink = G_ClientThink;
globals.ClientConnect = G_ClientConnect;
globals.ClientUserinfoChanged = G_ClientUserinfoChanged;
globals.ClientDisconnect = G_ClientDisconnect;
globals.ClientBegin = G_ClientBegin;
globals.ClientCommand = G_ClientCommand;
globals.ConsoleCommand = G_ConsoleCommand;
globals.RunFrame = G_RunFrame;
globals.SendEntity = G_SendEntity;
globals.UpdateEntityStateForClient = G_UpdateEntityStateForClient;
globals.UpdatePlayerStateForClient = G_UpdatePlayerStateForClient;
globals.ExtraEntitiesToSend = G_ExtraEntitiesToSend;
globals.GetEntityCurrentAnimFrame = G_GetEntityCurrentAnimFrame;
// the following are added for BOTLIB support
globals.AddBot_f = SV_AddBot_f;
globals.BotAIStartFrame = BotAIStartFrame;
// end botlib additions
globals.GetTotalGameFrames = G_GetTotalGameFrames;
globals.gentitySize = sizeof(gentity_t);
globals.error_message = NULL;
return &globals;
void G_ClientEndServerFrames( void )
int i;
gentity_t *ent;
// calc the player views now that all pushing
// and damage has been added
for( i = 0; i < maxclients->integer; i++ )
ent = g_entities + i;
if ( !ent->inuse || !ent->client || !ent->entity )
ent->entity->ProcessEvent( EV_ClientEndFrame );
void FindIntermissionPoint( void )
Entity *ent, *target;
vec3_t dir;
// find the intermission spot
ent = G_FindClass( NULL, "info_player_intermission" );
if ( ent )
level.m_intermission_origin = ent->origin;
level.m_intermission_angle = ent->angles;
// if it has a target, look towards it
if ( ent->target )
target = G_FindTarget( NULL, ent->Target() );
if ( target )
VectorSubtract( target->origin, level.m_intermission_origin, dir );
vectoangles( dir, level.m_intermission_angle );
level.m_intermission_origin = vec_zero;
level.m_intermission_angle = vec_zero;
void G_MoveClientToIntermission( Entity *ent )
assert( ent );
if ( !ent )
if ( ent->isClient() )
Player *player = ( Player * )ent;
if ( multiplayerManager.inMultiplayer() && ( level.m_intermission_angle != vec_zero ) && ( level.m_intermission_origin != vec_zero ) )
// Each client should now be at the intermission spot
player->setOrigin( level.m_intermission_origin );
player->setAngles( level.m_intermission_angle );
player->SetViewAngles( level.m_intermission_angle );
// Set a PMF flag to allow them to see the scoreboard
player->client->ps.pm_flags |= PMF_INTERMISSION;
player->flags |= FL_IMMOBILE;
// This is for multiplayer exiting
void G_BeginIntermission2( void )
gentity_t *client;
Entity *ent;
int i;
if ( level.intermissiontime )
// already activated
// Save the time intermission started
level.intermissiontime = level.time;
// Freeze all players
level.playerfrozen = true;
// Find an intermission spot
// find an intermission spot
ent = G_FindClass( NULL, "info_player_intermission" );
// Only do the camera stuff if the node exists.
if ( ent )
SetCamera( ent, CAMERA_SWITCHTIME );
// Display scores for all the clients
for( i = 0; i < maxclients->integer; i++ )
client = g_entities + i;
if ( !client->inuse )
ent = G_GetEntity( client->s.number );
G_MoveClientToIntermission( ent );
// tell the script that the player's not ready so that if we return to this map,
// we can do something about it.
void G_BeginIntermission( const char *map )
gentity_t *client;
Entity *ent;
Entity *path;
int i;
Event *event;
assert( map );
if ( !map )
gi.WDPrintf( "G_BeginIntermission : Null map name\n" );
if ( level.intermissiontime )
// already activated
if ( multiplayerManager.inMultiplayer() )
level.intermissiontime = level.time + mp_intermissionTime->integer;
level.intermissiontime = level.time + 1.0f;
G_FadeOut( 1.0f );
G_FadeSound( 1.0f );
level.nextmap = map;
if ( gi.areSublevels( level.mapname, map ) || !level._showIntermission )
// We don't want a intermission (sublevel or something has specified no intermission )
level.intermissiontime = level.time;
level.exitintermission = true;
// find an intermission spot
ent = G_FindClass( NULL, "info_player_intermission" );
// Only do the camera stuff if the node exists.
if ( ent )
SetCamera( ent, CAMERA_SWITCHTIME );
event = new Event( EV_Camera_Orbit );
// Find the end node
path = G_FindTarget( NULL, "endnode1" );
if ( path )
event->AddEntity( path );
ent->ProcessEvent( event );
event = new Event( EV_Camera_Cut );
ent->ProcessEvent( event );
// Display scores for all the clients
for( i = 0; i < maxclients->integer; i++ )
client = g_entities + i;
if ( !client->inuse )
ent = G_GetEntity( client->s.number );
G_MoveClientToIntermission( ent );
// tell the script that the player's not ready so that if we return to this map,
// we can do something about it.
void G_ExitLevel( void )
static const char *seps = " ,\n\r";
char command[ 256 ];
int j;
gentity_t *ent;
// Don't allow exit level if the mission was failed
if ( level.mission_failed )
// close the player log file if necessary
// kill the sounds
Com_sprintf( command, sizeof( command ), "stopsound\n" );
gi.SendConsoleCommand( command );
if ( multiplayerManager.inMultiplayer() )
if ( strlen( sv_nextmap->string ) )
// The nextmap cvar was set (possibly by a vote - so go ahead and use it)
level.nextmap = sv_nextmap->string;
gi.cvar_set( "nextmap", "" );
/* if ( strlen( sv_maplist->string ) ) // Use the next map in the maplist
char *s,*f,*t;
f = NULL;
s = strdup( sv_maplist->string );
t = strtok( s, seps );
while ( t != NULL )
if ( !stricmp( t, level.mapname.c_str() ) )
// it's in the list, go to the next one
t = strtok( NULL, seps );
if ( t == NULL ) // end of list, go to first one
if ( f == NULL ) // there isn't a first one, same level
level.nextmap = level.mapname;
level.nextmap = f;
level.nextmap = t;
free( s );
goto out;
// set the first map
if (!f)
f = t;
t = strtok(NULL, seps);
free( s );
out: */
// level.nextmap should be set now, but if it isn't use the same map
if ( level.nextmap.length() == 0 )
// Stay on the same map since no nextmap was set
Com_sprintf( command, sizeof( command ), "gamemap \"%s\"\n", level.mapname.c_str() );
gi.SendConsoleCommand( command );
else // use the level.nextmap variable
Com_sprintf( command, sizeof( command ), "gamemap \"%s\"\n", level.nextmap.c_str() );
gi.SendConsoleCommand( command );
Com_sprintf( command, sizeof( command ), "gamemap \"%s\"\n", level.nextmap.c_str() );
gi.SendConsoleCommand( command );
// Tell all the clients that the level is done
for( j = 0; j < game.maxclients; j++ )
ent = &g_entities[ j ];
if ( !ent->inuse || !ent->entity )
ent->entity->ProcessEvent( EV_Player_EndLevel );
level.nextmap = "";
level.exitintermission = 0;
level.intermissiontime = 0;
// tell the script that the player's not ready so that if we return to this map,
// we can do something about it.
void G_CheckIntermissionExit( void )
// Nobody clicked
if ( !level.exitintermission )
Advances the world by one server frame
extern "C" void G_RunFrame( int levelTime, int frameTime )
gentity_t *edict;
Entity *ent;
int num;
qboolean showentnums;
qboolean showactnums;
int start;
int end;
if ( level.restart )
level.update(levelTime, frameTime);
if ( g_showmem->integer )
// exit intermissions
if ( level.exitintermission )
// Reset debug lines
// testing coordinate system
if ( csys_draw->integer )
// don't show entnums during deathmatch
showentnums = ( sv_showentnums->integer && ( !multiplayerManager.inMultiplayer() || sv_cheats->integer ) );
showactnums = ( sv_showactnums->integer && ( !multiplayerManager.inMultiplayer() || sv_cheats->integer ) );
// Wake up any monsters in the area
// Process most of the events before the physics are run
// so that we can affect the physics immediately
// treat each object in turn
for( edict = active_edicts.next, num = 0; edict != &active_edicts; edict = level.next_edict, num++ )
assert( edict );
assert( edict->inuse );
assert( edict->entity );
level.next_edict = edict->next;
// Paranoia - It's a way of life
assert( num <= MAX_GENTITIES );
if ( num > MAX_GENTITIES )
gi.WDPrintf( "Possible infinite loop in G_RunFrame.\n");
ent = edict->entity;
if ( g_timeents->integer )
start = gi.Milliseconds();
G_RunEntity( ent );
end = gi.Milliseconds();
if ( g_timeents->value <= (float)( end - start ) )
gi.DPrintf( "%d: '%s'(%d) : %d\n", level.framenum, ent->targetname.c_str(), ent->entnum, end - start );
G_RunEntity( ent );
if ( ( edict->svflags & SVF_SENDONCE ) && ( edict->svflags & SVF_SENT ) )
// Entity has been sent once, and is marked as such, then remove it
ent->PostEvent( EV_Remove, 0.0f );
if ( showentnums )
G_DrawDebugNumber( ent->origin + Vector( 0.0f, 0.0f, ent->maxs.z + 2.0f ), ent->entnum, 2.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f );
if ( showactnums && ent->isSubclassOf( Actor ) )
G_DrawDebugNumber( ent->origin + Vector( 0.0f, 0.0f, ent->maxs.z + 2.0f ), ent->entnum, 2.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f );
multiplayerManager.update( level.frametime );
// Process any pending events that got posted during the physics code.
// build the playerstate_t structures for all players
// see if we should draw the bounding boxes
// see if we should draw all of the splines
// show how many traces the game code is doing
if ( sv_traceinfo->integer )
if ( sv_traceinfo->integer == 3 )
gi.DebugPrintf( "%0.2f : Total traces %d\n", level.time, sv_numtraces );
gi.DPrintf( "%0.2f : Total traces %d\n", level.time, sv_numtraces );
// reset out count of the number of game traces
sv_numtraces = 0;
// we increment time so that events that occurr before we think again are automatically on the next frame
levelTime += frameTime;
level.setTime( levelTime, frameTime );
catch( const char *error )
G_ExitWithError( error );
extern "C" qboolean G_SendEntity( gentity_t *clientEntity, gentity_t *entityToSend )
if ( clientEntity->entity && clientEntity->entity->isSubclassOf( Player ) && entityToSend->entity )
Player *player;
player = ( Player *)clientEntity->entity;
return player->ShouldSendToClient( entityToSend->entity );
catch( const char *error )
G_ExitWithError( error );
return false;
extern "C" void G_UpdateEntityStateForClient( gentity_t *clientEntity, entityState_t *state )
if ( clientEntity->entity && clientEntity->entity->isSubclassOf( Player ) )
Player *player;
player = ( Player *)clientEntity->entity;
player->UpdateEntityStateForClient( state );
catch( const char *error )
G_ExitWithError( error );
extern "C" void G_UpdatePlayerStateForClient( gentity_t *clientEntity, playerState_t *state )
if ( clientEntity->entity && clientEntity->entity->isSubclassOf( Player ) )
Player *player;
player = ( Player *)clientEntity->entity;
player->UpdatePlayerStateForClient( state );
catch( const char *error )
G_ExitWithError( error );
extern "C" void G_ExtraEntitiesToSend( gentity_t *clientEntity, int *numExtraEntities, int *extraEntities )
*numExtraEntities = 0;
if ( !multiplayerManager.inMultiplayer() && clientEntity->entity && clientEntity->entity->isSubclassOf( Player ) )
Player *player;
player = ( Player *)clientEntity->entity;
player->ExtraEntitiesToSendToClient( numExtraEntities, extraEntities );
//add the extra entities from the extra entity list...
for(int i = 1; i <= extraEntitiesList.NumObjects(); i++)
extraEntities[*numExtraEntities] = extraEntitiesList.ObjectAt(i);
catch( const char *error )
G_ExitWithError( error );
void G_AddEntityToExtraList( int entityNum )
extraEntitiesList.AddUniqueObject( entityNum );
void G_RemoveEntityFromExtraList( int entityNum )
int index;
index = extraEntitiesList.IndexOfObject( entityNum );
if ( index > 0 )
extraEntitiesList.RemoveObjectAt( index );
extern "C" int G_GetEntityCurrentAnimFrame( int entnum, int bodyPart )
if ( entnum < 0 || entnum >= ENTITYNUM_NONE )
return -1;
if ( !g_entities[ entnum ].inuse || !g_entities[ entnum ].entity )
return -1;
return g_entities[ entnum ].entity->CurrentFrame( (bodypart_t)bodyPart );
catch( const char *error )
G_ExitWithError( error );
return -1;
extern "C" void G_ClientThink( gentity_t *ent, usercmd_t *ucmd )
if ( ent->entity )
current_ucmd = ucmd;
ent->entity->ProcessEvent( EV_ClientMove );
current_ucmd = NULL;
catch( const char *error )
G_ExitWithError( error );
void G_SentInitialMessages( void )
called when a client has finished connecting, and is ready
to be placed into the game. This will happen every level load.
extern "C" void G_ClientBegin( gentity_t *ent, const usercmd_t *cmd )
if ( ent->inuse && ent->entity )
// the client has cleared the client side viewangles upon
// connecting to the server, which is different than the
// state when the game is saved, so we need to compensate
// with deltaangles
if( ent->client->ps.pm_type != PM_SECRET_MOVE_MODE )
Player *player;
// a spawn point will completely reinitialize the entity
level.spawn_entnum = ent->s.number;
player = new Player;
if ( level.intermissiontime && ent->entity )
G_MoveClientToIntermission( ent->entity );
// Record the time entered
ent->client->pers.enterTime = level.time;
// send effect if in a multiplayer game
if ( game.maxclients > 1 )
gi.Printf ( "%s entered the game\n", ent->client->pers.netname );
// make sure all view stuff is valid
if ( ent->entity )
ent->entity->ProcessEvent( EV_ClientEndFrame );
if ( !Director.PlayerReady() )
// let any threads waiting on us know they can go ahead
G_SentInitialMessages( );
catch( const char *error )
G_ExitWithError( error );
qboolean G_duplicateName( const char *name )
gentity_t *edict;
int i;
for ( i = 0; i < game.maxclients; i++ )
edict = &g_entities[i];
if ( !edict->inuse || !edict->entity || !edict->client )
if ( strcmp( edict->client->pers.netname, name ) == 0 )
return true;
return false;
void G_BuildUniqueName( const char *newName, char *name )
char builtName[ MAX_NETNAME ];
int i;
for ( i = 2 ; i <= 9 ; i++ )
sprintf( builtName, "%s%d", newName, i );
if ( !G_duplicateName( builtName ) )
strcpy( name, builtName );
sprintf( builtName, "%s?", newName );
strcpy( name, builtName );
called whenever the player updates a userinfo variable.
The game can override any of the settings in place
(forcing skins or names, etc) before copying it off.
extern "C" void G_ClientUserinfoChanged( gentity_t *ent, const char *userinfo )
const char *s;
int playernum;
Player *player;
//float fov;
//Event *ev;
bool autoSwitchWeapons;
char tempName[ MAX_NETNAME ];
bool validName;
if ( !ent )
assert( 0 );
player = ( Player * )ent->entity;
if ( !player )
assert( 0 );
// set name
s = Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "name" );
if ( !s )
assert( 0 );
// Setup the name
strncpy( tempName, s, MAX_NETNAME - 1 - 3 );
// Make sure there is a valid name
validName = false;
for ( unsigned i = 0 ; i < strlen( tempName ) ; i++ )
if ( ( tempName[ i ] == '^' ) && ( tempName[ i + 1 ] >= '0' ) && ( tempName[ i + 1 ] <= '9' ) )
validName = true;
if ( !validName )
strcpy( tempName, "RedShirt" );
if ( strcmp( ent->client->pers.netname, tempName ) != 0 )
if ( G_duplicateName( tempName ) )
G_BuildUniqueName( tempName, ent->client->pers.netname );
strncpy( ent->client->pers.netname, tempName, MAX_NETNAME - 1 - 3 );
// Strip out bad characters
for ( unsigned i = 0 ; i < strlen( ent->client->pers.netname ) ; i++ )
if ( ent->client->pers.netname[ i ] == ':' )
ent->client->pers.netname[ i ] = '.';
// Make sure color returns to normal at end of the name
if ( strstr( ent->client->pers.netname, "^" ) )
int length = strlen( ent->client->pers.netname );
if ( ( length < 2 ) || ( ent->client->pers.netname[ length - 2 ] != '^' ) || ( ent->client->pers.netname[ length - 1 ] != '8' ) )
ent->client->pers.netname[ length ] = '^';
ent->client->pers.netname[ length + 1 ] = '8';
ent->client->pers.netname[ length + 2 ] = 0;
// set deathmatch model
s = Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "mp_playermodel" );
if ( !s )
assert( 0 );
multiplayerManager.changePlayerModel( player, s );
strncpy( ent->client->pers.mp_playermodel, s, sizeof( ent->client->pers.mp_playermodel ) - 1 );
// Low bandwidth
s = Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "mp_lowBandwidth" );
if ( !s )
assert( 0 );
ent->client->pers.mp_lowBandwidth = atoi( s );
// Persistant morph controllers
s = Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "dm_morph_c1" );
if ( !s )
assert( 0 );
strncpy( ent->client->pers.dm_morph_c1, s, sizeof( ent->client->pers.dm_morph_c1 ) - 1 );
// send over a subset of the userinfo keys so other clients can
// print scoreboards, display models, and play custom sounds
playernum = ent - g_entities;
gi.setConfigstring( CS_PLAYERS + playernum, va( "name\\%s", ent->client->pers.netname ) );
//gi.setConfigstring( CS_PLAYERS + playernum, va( "%s", ent->client->pers.netname ) );
multiplayerManager.changePlayerName( player, ent->client->pers.netname );
if ( player )
float fov;
Event *ev;
// Fov
fov = (float)atof( Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "userFov" ) );
if ( fov < 1.0f )
fov = sv_defaultFov->value;
else if ( fov > 160.0f )
fov = 160.0f;
player->userFov = fov;
ev = new Event( EV_Player_Fov );
ev->AddFloat( fov );
player->ProcessEvent( ev );
// autoSwitchWeapons
if ( atoi( Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "mp_autoSwitchWeapons" ) ) )
autoSwitchWeapons = true;
autoSwitchWeapons = false;
player->setAutoSwitchWeapons( autoSwitchWeapons );
// Saving demo
s = Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "mp_savingDemo" );
if ( !s )
assert( 0 );
player->mp_savingDemo = atoi( s );
// save off the userinfo in case we want to check something later
strncpy( ent->client->pers.userinfo, userinfo, sizeof( ent->client->pers.userinfo ) - 1 );
Info_SetValueForKey(ent->client->pers.userinfo, "name", ent->client->pers.netname);
gi.setUserinfo(playernum, ent->client->pers.userinfo);
catch( const char *error )
G_ExitWithError( error );
qboolean G_BotConnect( int clientNum, qboolean restart );
Called when a player begins connecting to the server.
Called again for every map change or tournement restart.
The session information will be valid after exit.
Return NULL if the client should be allowed, otherwise return
a string with the reason for denial.
Otherwise, the client will be sent the current gamestate
and will eventually get to ClientBegin.
firstTime will be true the very first time a client connects
to the server machine, but false on map changes and tournement
extern "C" const char *G_ClientConnect( int clientNum, qboolean firstTime, qboolean isBot, qboolean checkPassword )
const char *value;
gentity_t *ent;
char userinfo[ MAX_INFO_STRING ];
gclient_t *client;
ent = &g_entities[ clientNum ];
gi.getUserinfo( clientNum, userinfo, sizeof( userinfo ) );
// check to see if they are on the banned IP list
value = Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "ip" );
if ( SV_FilterPacket( value ) )
return "$$BannedIP$$";
if ( checkPassword )
// check for a password
value = Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "password" );
if ( strcmp( password->string, value ) != 0 )
return "$$InvalidPassword$$";
// they can connect
ent->client = game.clients + clientNum;
client = ent->client;
// read or initialize the session data
// if there is already a body waiting for us (a loadgame), just
// take it, otherwise spawn one from scratch
if ( firstTime && !ent->entity )
memset( client, 0, sizeof( *client ) );
// clear the respawning variables
if ( !game.autosaved )
G_InitClientPersistant( client );
playersLastTeam[ clientNum ] = "";
if( isBot ) {
ent->svflags |= SVF_BOT;
//ent->inuse = qtrue;
if( !G_BotConnect( clientNum, !firstTime ) ) {
return "BotConnectfailed";
G_ClientUserinfoChanged( ent, userinfo );
if ( firstTime && ( game.maxclients > 1 ) )
gi.Printf( "%s connected\n", ent->client->pers.netname );
LoadingServer = false;
catch( const char *error )
G_ExitWithError( error );
return NULL;
called when a player drops from the server
extern "C" void G_ClientDisconnect( gentity_t *ent )
if ( !ent || ( !ent->client ) || ( !ent->entity ) )
Player *player;
player = ( Player * )ent->entity;
delete ent->entity;
ent->entity = NULL;
catch( const char *error )
G_ExitWithError( error );
void G_ClientDrawSplines( void )
int i;
Entity *entity;
gentity_t *ed;
if ( !sv_showsplines->integer )
for ( i = 0; i < MAX_GENTITIES; i++ )
ed = &g_entities[i];
if ( !ed->inuse || !ed->entity )
entity = g_entities[i].entity;
if ( entity->isSubclassOf( SplinePath ) )
SplinePath *path = ( SplinePath *)entity;
SplinePath *node;
BSpline *splinePath;
splinePath = new BSpline;
splinePath->SetType( SPLINE_CLAMP );
node = path;
while( node != NULL )
splinePath->AppendControlPoint( node->origin, node->angles, node->speed );
node = node->GetNext();
if ( node == path )
G_Color3f( 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f );
splinePath->DrawCurve( 10 );
delete splinePath;
void G_ClientDrawBoundingBoxes( void )
gentity_t *edict;
Entity *ent;
Vector eye;
// don't show bboxes during deathmatch
if (
( !g_showgravpath->integer && !sv_showbboxes->integer ) ||
( multiplayerManager.inMultiplayer() && !sv_cheats->integer )
if ( sv_showbboxes->integer )
edict = g_entities;
ent = edict->entity;
if ( ent )
eye = ent->origin;
ent = findradius( NULL, eye, 1000.0f );
while( ent )
switch ((int)sv_showbboxes->integer)
case 1:
if ( ent->edict != edict && ent->edict->s.solid)
G_DebugBBox( ent->origin, ent->mins, ent->maxs, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f );
case 2:
if ( ent->edict != edict && ent->edict->s.solid)
G_DebugBBox( vec_zero, ent->edict->absmin, ent->edict->absmax, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f );
case 3:
if ( ent->edict->s.modelindex && !(ent->edict->s.renderfx & RF_DONTDRAW) )
G_DebugBBox( ent->origin, ent->mins, ent->maxs, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f );
case 4:
G_DebugBBox( ent->origin, ent->mins, ent->maxs, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f );
case 5:
if ( ent->animate && gi.IsModel( ent->edict->s.modelindex ) )
vec3_t mins, maxs;
gi.Frame_Bounds( ent->edict->s.modelindex, ent->CurrentAnim(), ent->CurrentFrame(), ent->edict->s.scale, mins, maxs );
G_DebugBBox( ent->origin, mins, maxs, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f );
G_DebugBBox( ent->origin, ent->mins, ent->maxs, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f );
ent = findradius( ent, eye, 1000.0f );
if ( g_showgravpath->integer )
// Draw the gravity node paths
// Name:
// Class:
// Description:
// Parameters:
// Returns:
extern "C" int G_GetTotalGameFrames( void )
Player* player = GetPlayer(0);
if(player != 0)
return player->getTotalGameFrames();
return 0;
// this is only here so the functions in q_shared.c and q_shwin.c can link
void Com_Error ( int level, const char *error, ... )
va_list argptr;
char text[4096];
va_start (argptr, error);
vsprintf (text, error, argptr);
va_end (argptr);
gi.Error( level, "%s", text);
void Sys_Error( const char *error, ... )
va_list argptr;
char text[4096];
va_start (argptr, error);
vsprintf (text, error, argptr);
va_end (argptr);
gi.Error (ERR_FATAL, "%s", text);
void Com_Printf( const char *msg, ... )
va_list argptr;
char text[4096];
va_start (argptr, msg);
vsprintf (text, msg, argptr);
va_end (argptr);
gi.DPrintf ("%s", text);
void Com_WPrintf( const char *msg, ... )
va_list argptr;
char text[4096];
va_start (argptr, msg);
vsprintf (text, msg, argptr);
va_end (argptr);
gi.WDPrintf ("%s", text);