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// $Logfile:: /Code/DLLs/game/archive.h $
// $Revision:: 5 $
// $Author:: Steven $
// $Date:: 10/13/03 8:53a $
// Copyright (C) 1997 by Ritual Entertainment, Inc.
// All rights reserved.
// This source is may not be distributed and/or modified without
// expressly written permission by Ritual Entertainment, Inc.
// Class for archiving objects
#ifndef __ARCHIVE_H__
#define __ARCHIVE_H__
#include "g_local.h"
#include "class.h"
#include "str.h"
#define ARCHIVE_NULL_POINTER ( -654321 )
#define ARCHIVE_READ 1
typedef SafePtr<Entity> EntityPtr;
typedef struct
void **ptr;
int index;
int type;
} pointer_fixup_t;
class FileRead : public Class
str filename;
size_t length;
byte *buffer;
byte *pos;
void Close( void );
const char *Filename( void );
size_t Length( void );
size_t Pos( void );
qboolean Seek( size_t newpos );
qboolean Open( const char *name );
qboolean Read( void *dest, size_t size );
class Archiver : public Class
Container<Class *> classpointerList;
Container<pointer_fixup_t *> fixupList;
str filename;
qboolean fileerror;
fileHandle_t file;
FileRead readfile;
int archivemode;
int numclassespos;
qboolean harderror;
void CheckRead( void );
void CheckType( int type );
int ReadType( void );
size_t ReadSize( void );
void CheckSize( int type, size_t size );
void ArchiveData( int type, void *data, size_t size );
void CheckWrite( void );
void WriteType( int type );
void WriteSize( size_t size );
void FileError( const char *fmt, ... );
void Close( void );
qboolean Read( const str &name, qboolean file_harderror = true );
qboolean Read( const char *name, qboolean file_harderror = true );
Class *ReadObject( void );
qboolean Create( const str &name, qboolean file_harderror = true );
qboolean Create( const char *name, qboolean file_harderror = true );
qboolean Loading( void );
qboolean Saving( void );
qboolean NoErrors( void );
void ArchiveVector( Vector * vec );
void ArchiveQuat( Quat * quat );
void ArchiveInteger( int * num );
void ArchiveUnsigned( unsigned * unum);
void ArchiveByte( byte * num );
void ArchiveChar( char * ch );
void ArchiveShort( short * num );
void ArchiveUnsignedShort( unsigned short * num );
void ArchiveFloat( float * num );
void ArchiveDouble( double * num );
void ArchiveBoolean( qboolean * boolean );
void ArchiveString( str * string );
void ArchiveObjectPointer( Class ** ptr );
void ArchiveSafePointer( SafePtrBase * ptr );
void ArchiveEvent( Event * ev );
void ArchiveEventPointer( Event ** ev );
void ArchiveBool( bool * boolean );
void ArchiveVec3( vec3_t vec );
void ArchiveVec4( vec4_t vec );
void ArchiveRaw( void *data, size_t size );
void ArchiveObject( Class *obj );
inline qboolean Archiver::Read
const str &name,
qboolean file_harderror
return Read( name.c_str(), file_harderror );
inline qboolean Archiver::Create
const str &name,
qboolean file_harderror
return Create( name.c_str(), file_harderror );
inline qboolean Archiver::Loading
return ( archivemode == ARCHIVE_READ );
inline qboolean Archiver::Saving
return ( archivemode == ARCHIVE_WRITE );
inline qboolean Archiver::NoErrors
return ( !fileerror );
template <>
inline void Container<str>::Archive
Archiver &arc
int i, num;
if ( arc.Loading() )
arc.ArchiveInteger( &num );
Resize( num );
num = numobjects;
arc.ArchiveInteger( &num );
for( i = 1; i <= num; i++ )
arc.ArchiveString( AddressOfObjectAt( i ) );
template <>
inline void Container<Vector>::Archive
Archiver &arc
int i, num;
if ( arc.Loading() )
arc.ArchiveInteger( &num );
Resize( num );
num = numobjects;
arc.ArchiveInteger( &num );
for( i = 1; i <= num; i++ )
arc.ArchiveVector( AddressOfObjectAt( i ) );
template <>
inline void Container<int>::Archive
Archiver &arc
int i, num;
if ( arc.Loading() )
arc.ArchiveInteger( &num );
Resize( num );
num = numobjects;
arc.ArchiveInteger( &num );
for( i = 1; i <= num; i++ )
arc.ArchiveInteger( AddressOfObjectAt( i ) );
template <>
inline void Container<float>::Archive
Archiver &arc
int i, num;
if ( arc.Loading() )
arc.ArchiveInteger( &num );
Resize( num );
num = numobjects;
arc.ArchiveInteger( &num );
for( i = 1; i <= num; i++ )
arc.ArchiveFloat( AddressOfObjectAt( i ) );
// Name: Archive
// Class: Container<Class*>
// Description: Archive function for a container of Class pointers.
// Note that if the container contains objects deriving
// from Entity, then the Container<Entity*> function
// will get called instead. This will only get called
// if the pointers are to Class or Listener objects.
// Parameters: Archiver& -- holds the archive data
// Returns: None
template <>
inline void Container<Class*>::Archive
Archiver &arc
int numObjects = numobjects ;
arc.ArchiveInteger( &numObjects );
if ( arc.Loading() )
Resize( numObjects );
for ( int objectIdx = 1; objectIdx <= numObjects; ++objectIdx )
arc.ArchiveObjectPointer( AddressOfObjectAt( objectIdx ) );
arc.ArchiveObject( ObjectAt( objectIdx ) );
// Name: Archive
// Class: Container<Class>
// Description: Archive function for a contianer of Class objects
// Parameters: Archiver& -- holds the archive data
// Returns: None
template <>
inline void Container<Class>::Archive
Archiver &arc
int numObjects = numobjects ;
arc.ArchiveInteger( &numObjects );
if ( arc.Loading() )
Resize( numObjects );
for ( int objectIdx = 1; objectIdx <= numObjects; ++objectIdx )
arc.ArchiveObject( AddressOfObjectAt( objectIdx ) );
// Name: Archive
// Class: Container<SafePtr>
// Description: Archive function for a container of Safe pointers.
// Parameters: Archiver& -- holds the archive data
// Returns: None
inline void Container< SafePtr<Class*> >::Archive
Archiver &arc
int numObjects = numobjects ;
arc.ArchiveInteger( &numObjects );
if ( arc.Loading() )
Resize( numObjects );
for ( int objectIdx = 1; objectIdx <= numObjects; ++objectIdx )
SafePtr<Class*> *safePtr = AddressOfObjectAt( objectIdx );
arc.ArchiveSafePointer( ObjectAt( objectIdx ) );
arc.ArchiveObject( ObjectAt( objectIdx ) );
// Name: Archive
// Class: Container<Entity*>
// Description: Archive function for a container of Entity pointers.
// Parameters: Archiver& -- holds the archive data
// Returns: None
template <>
inline void Container<Entity*>::Archive
Archiver &arc
int numObjects = numobjects ;
arc.ArchiveInteger( &numObjects );
if ( arc.Loading() )
Resize( numObjects );
for ( int objectIdx = 1; objectIdx <= numObjects; ++objectIdx )
Entity** entity = AddressOfObjectAt( objectIdx );
arc.ArchiveObjectPointer( (Class**)entity );
template <>
inline void Container<EntityPtr>::Archive
Archiver &arc
int i;
int numEntries;
EntityPtr eptr;
EntityPtr *eptrptr;
if ( arc.Saving() )
numEntries = NumObjects();
arc.ArchiveInteger( &numEntries );
for ( i = 1 ; i <= numEntries ; i++ )
eptr = ObjectAt( i );
arc.ArchiveSafePointer( &eptr );
arc.ArchiveInteger( &numEntries );
Resize( numEntries );
for ( i = 1 ; i <= numEntries ; i++ )
AddObject( eptr );
eptrptr = &ObjectAt( i );
arc.ArchiveSafePointer( eptrptr );
// Name: Archive
// Class: Container<Entity>
// Description: Archive function for a container of Entity objects.
// Parameters: Archiver& -- holds the archive data
// Returns: None
inline void Container<Entity>::Archive
Archiver &arc
int numObjects = numobjects ;
arc.ArchiveInteger( &numObjects );
if ( arc.Loading() )
Resize( numObjects );
for ( int objectIdx = 1; objectIdx <= numObjects; ++objectIdx )
arc.ArchiveObject( AddressOfObjectAt( objectIdx ) );
#define ArchiveEnum( thing, type ) \
{ \
int tempInt; \
tempInt = ( int )( thing ); \
arc.ArchiveInteger( &tempInt ); \
( thing ) = ( type )tempInt; \
#endif /* archive.h */