
4090 lines
85 KiB

// $Logfile:: /EF2/Code/DLLs/game/globalcmd.cpp $
// $Revision:: 76 $
// $Date:: 9/26/03 2:36p $
// Copyright (C) 1999 by Ritual Entertainment, Inc.
// All rights reserved.
// This source is may not be distributed and/or modified without
// expressly written permission by Ritual Entertainment, Inc.
// Global commands for scripts
#include "_pch_cpp.h"
#include "globalcmd.h"
#include "scriptmaster.h"
#include "player.h"
#include "actor.h"
#include <qcommon/gameplaymanager.h>
#include "CinematicArmature.h"
Event EV_ProcessCommands
"Not used."
Event EV_Script_NewOrders
"Inform script that it is about to get new orders."
Event EV_ScriptThread_Execute
"Execute the thread."
Event EV_ScriptThread_Callback
"slave name other",
"Script callback."
Event EV_ScriptThread_ThreadCallback
"Thread callback."
Event EV_ScriptThread_DeathCallback
"Death callback."
Event EV_ScriptThread_CreateThread
"threadnumber label",
"Creates a thread starting at label."
Event EV_ScriptThread_CreateThread2
"threadnumber label",
"Creates a thread starting at label."
Event EV_ScriptThread_TerminateThread
"Terminates the specified thread or the current one if none specified."
Event EV_ScriptThread_ControlObject
"Not used."
Event EV_ScriptThread_Goto
"Goes to the specified label."
Event EV_ScriptThread_Pause
"Pauses the thread."
Event EV_ScriptThread_Wait
"Wait for the specified amount of time."
Event EV_ScriptThread_WaitFor
"Wait for the specified entity."
Event EV_ScriptThread_WaitForThread
"Wait for the specified thread."
Event EV_ScriptThread_WaitForDeath
"Wait for death."
Event EV_ScriptThread_WaitForSound
"sound_name delay",
"Wait for end of the named sound plus an optional delay."
Event EV_ScriptThread_WaitForDialog
"actor additional_delay",
"Wait for end of the dialog for the specified actor.\n"
"If additional_delay is specified, than the actor will\n"
"wait the dialog length plus the delay."
Event EV_ScriptThread_WaitDialogLength
"Wait for the length of time of the dialog.\n"
Event EV_ScriptThread_WaitForAnimation
"entity animName additionalDelay",
"Waits for time of the animation length plus the additional delayt specified.\n"
Event EV_ScriptThread_WaitForPlayer
"Wait for player to be ready."
Event EV_ScriptThread_CPrint
"Prints a string."
Event EV_ScriptThread_Print
"string string string string string string string string string string string string string string string string",
"Prints a string."
Event EV_ScriptThread_PrintInt
"Print integer."
Event EV_ScriptThread_PrintFloat
"Prints a float."
Event EV_ScriptThread_PrintVector
"Prints a vector."
Event EV_ScriptThread_NewLine
"Prints a newline."
Event EV_ScriptThread_Assert
"Assert if value is 0."
Event EV_ScriptThread_Break
"Asserts so that we can break back into the debugger from script."
Event EV_ScriptThread_Clear
"Clears the specified var group."
Event EV_ScriptThread_Trigger
"Trigger the specified target."
Event EV_ScriptThread_TriggerEntity
"Trigger the specified entity."
Event EV_ScriptThread_Spawn
"entity entityname keyname1 value1 keyname2 value2 keyname3 value3 keyname4 value4",
"Spawn the specified entity."
Event EV_ScriptThread_Map
"Starts the specified map."
Event EV_ScriptThread_NoIntermission
"Makes it so no intermission happens at the end of this level."
Event EV_ScriptThread_DontSaveOrientation
"Makes it so we don't save the player's orientation across this sublevel."
Event EV_ScriptThread_PlayerDeathThread
"Sets a thread to run when the player dies."
Event EV_ScriptThread_EndPlayerDeathThread
"Ends the player death thread (goes on to mission failed)."
Event EV_ScriptThread_GetCvar
"string_value cvar_name",
"Returns the string value of the specified cvar."
Event EV_ScriptThread_GetCvarFloat
"float_value cvar_name",
"Returns the float value of the specified cvar."
Event EV_ScriptThread_GetCvarInt
"int_value cvar_name",
"Returns the integer value of the specified cvar."
Event EV_ScriptThread_SetCvar
"cvar_name value",
"Sets the value of the specified cvar."
Event EV_ScriptThread_CueCamera
"entity switchTime",
"Cue the camera. If switchTime is specified, then the camera\n"
"will switch over that length of time."
Event EV_ScriptThread_CuePlayer
"Go back to the normal camera. If switchTime is specified,\n"
"then the camera will switch over that length of time."
Event EV_ScriptThread_FreezePlayer
"Freeze the player."
Event EV_ScriptThread_ReleasePlayer
"Release the player."
Event EV_ScriptThread_FakePlayer
"Will create a fake version of the player, hide the real one and\n"
"call the fake one 'fakeplayer'."
Event EV_ScriptThread_RemoveFakePlayer
"Will delete the fake version of the player, un-hide the real one and\n"
"return to the normal game"
Event EV_ScriptThread_KillEnt
"Kill the specified entity."
Event EV_ScriptThread_KillClass
"class_name except",
"Kills everything in the specified class except for the specified entity (optional)."
Event EV_ScriptThread_RemoveEnt
"Removes the specified entity."
Event EV_ScriptThread_RemoveClass
"class_name except",
"Removes everything in the specified class except for the specified entity (optional)."
Event EV_ScriptThread_RemoveActorsNamed
"remove all actors in the game that have a matching name field (NOT targetname)"
// client/server flow control
Event EV_ScriptThread_StuffCommand
"arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4 arg5 arg6",
"Server only command."
// world stuff
Event EV_ScriptThread_RegisterAlias
"alias_name real_name arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4",
"Sets up an alias."
Event EV_ScriptThread_RegisterAliasAndCache
"alias_name real_name arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4",
"Sets up an alias and caches the resourse."
Event EV_ScriptThread_SetCinematic
"Turns on cinematic."
Event EV_ScriptThread_SetNonCinematic
"Turns off cinematic."
Event EV_ScriptThread_SetLevelAI
"Turns on or off Level-wide AI for monsters."
Event EV_ScriptThread_SetSkipThread
"Set the thread to skip."
// Precache specific
Event EV_ScriptThread_Precache_Cache
"Cache the specified resource."
// drugged up warping FOV controls
Event EV_ScriptThread_DrugView
"1 to turn FOV warping on, 0 to turn off."
// fades for movies
Event EV_ScriptThread_FadeIn
"time color_red color_green color_blue alpha mode",
"Sets up fadein in values."
Event EV_ScriptThread_FadeOut
"time color_red color_green color_blue alpha mode",
"Sets up fadeout values."
Event EV_ScriptThread_FadeIsActive
"Returns 1 if a fade is in progress."
Event EV_ScriptThread_DoesEntityExist
"return_0_or_1 entity",
"Returns whether or not an entity exists."
Event EV_ScriptThread_GetEntity
"entity entityname",
"Returns the entity with the specified targetname."
Event EV_ScriptThread_GetNextEntity
"entity currententity",
"Returns the next entity in the list with the same name as the current entity."
// music command
Event EV_ScriptThread_MusicEvent
"current fallback",
"Sets the current and fallback (optional) music moods."
Event EV_ScriptThread_ForceMusicEvent
"current fallback",
"Forces the current and fallback (optional) music moods."
Event EV_ScriptThread_MusicVolumeEvent
"volume fade_time",
"Sets the volume and fade time of the music."
Event EV_ScriptThread_RestoreMusicVolumeEvent
"Restores the music volume to its previous value."
Event EV_ScriptThread_AllowMusicDucking
"Sets whether or not music ducking is allowed."
Event EV_ScriptThread_AllowActionMusic
"Sets whether or not action music is allowed or not."
Event EV_ScriptThread_SoundtrackEvent
"Changes the soundtrack."
Event EV_ScriptThread_RestoreSoundtrackEvent
"Restores the soundtrack to the previous one."
Event EV_ScriptThread_ClearFade
"Clear the fade from the screen"
Event EV_ScriptThread_Letterbox
"Puts the game in letterbox mode."
Event EV_ScriptThread_ClearLetterbox
"Clears letterbox mode."
Event EV_ScriptThread_SetDialogScript
"setdialogscript" ,
"Set the script to be used when dialog:: is used"
Event EV_ScriptThread_CosDegrees
"cosine degrees",
"Returns the cosine of the angle specified (in degrees)."
Event EV_ScriptThread_SinDegrees
"sine degrees",
"Returns the sine of the angle specified (in degrees)."
Event EV_ScriptThread_CosRadians
"cosine radians",
"Returns the cosine of the angle specified (in radians)."
Event EV_ScriptThread_SinRadians
"sine radians",
"Returns the sine of the angle specified (in radians)."
Event EV_ScriptThread_ArcTanDegrees
"arctangent y x",
"Returns the angle (in degrees) described by a 2d vector pointing to (x,y)."
Event EV_ScriptThread_Sqrt
"square_root x",
"Returns the sign-preserving square root of x."
Event EV_ScriptThread_Log
"log x",
"Returns the log (base 2)."
Event EV_ScriptThread_Exp
"exp x",
"Returns the exponential."
Event EV_ScriptThread_RandomFloat
"returnval max_float",
"Sets the float to a random number."
Event EV_ScriptThread_RandomInteger
"returnval max_int",
"Sets the integer to a random number."
Event EV_ScriptThread_CameraCommand
"command arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4 arg5 arg6",
"Processes a camera command."
Event EV_ScriptThread_SetLightStyle
"setlightstyle" ,
"lightstyleindex lightstyledata",
"Set up the lightstyle with lightstyleindex to the specified data"
Event EV_ScriptThread_KillThreadEvent
"kills all threads starting with the specified name"
Event EV_ScriptThread_SetThreadNameEvent
"sets the name of the thread"
Event EV_ScriptThread_CenterPrint
"prints the included message in the middle of all player's screens"
Event EV_ScriptThread_IsActorDead
"Checks if an Actor is dead or not"
Event EV_ScriptThread_IsActorAlive
"flag actor_name",
"Checks if an Actor is alive or not"
Event EV_ScriptThread_SendClientCommand
"player command",
"Sends a command across to the client"
Event EV_ScriptThread_GetNumFreeReliableServerCommands
"count player",
"Returns the number of reliable server command slots that are still available for use"
Event EV_ScriptThread_SendClientVar
"player varName",
"Sends a variable across to the client"
Event EV_ScriptThread_GetCurrentEntity
"Retrieves the current entity"
Event EV_ScriptThread_Mod
"integer_remainder nominator denominator",
"Returns the integer remainder from nominator / denominator"
Event EV_ScriptThread_Div
"integer_result nominator denominator",
"Returns the integer value from nominator / denominator"
Event EV_ScriptThread_VectorScale
"scaled_vector vector scale_value",
"Returns the vector scaled by scale"
Event EV_ScriptThread_VectorDot
"dot_product vector1 vector2",
"Returns the dot product of vector1 and vector2."
Event EV_ScriptThread_VectorCross
"cross_vector vector1 vector2",
"Returns the cross product of vector1 and vector2."
Event EV_ScriptThread_VectorNormalize
"normalized_vector vector",
"Returns the normalized vector."
Event EV_ScriptThread_VectorLength
"length vector",
"Returns the length of the vector."
Event EV_ScriptThread_VectorForward
"forward_vector vector",
"Returns the forward vector of the vector."
Event EV_ScriptThread_VectorLeft
"left_vector vector",
"Returns the left vector of the vector."
Event EV_ScriptThread_VectorUp
"up_vector vector",
"Returns the up vector of the vector."
Event EV_ScriptThread_VectorGetX
"x_value vector",
"Returns the x of the vector."
Event EV_ScriptThread_VectorGetY
"y_value vector",
"Returns the y of the vector."
Event EV_ScriptThread_VectorGetZ
"z_value vector",
"Returns the z of the vector."
Event EV_ScriptThread_VectorSetX
"vector_result vector x_value",
"Sets the x value of a vector"
Event EV_ScriptThread_VectorSetY
"vector_result vector y_value",
"Sets the y value of a vector"
Event EV_ScriptThread_VectorSetZ
"vector_result vector z_value",
"Sets the z value of a vector"
Event EV_ScriptThread_VectorToString
"string_result vector",
"Converts a vector to a string"
Event EV_ScriptThread_TargetOf
"name entity",
"Gets the name of the entity's target"
Event EV_ScriptThread_Floor
"return_value float_value",
"Returns the closest integer not larger than float."
Event EV_ScriptThread_Ceil
"return_value float_value",
"Returns the closest integer not smaller than float."
Event EV_ScriptThread_Round
"return_value float_value",
"Returns the rounded value of a float."
Event EV_ScriptThread_SetGameplayFloat
"objname propname value",
"Sets a property float value on an object"
Event EV_ScriptThread_GetGameplayString
"stringvalue objname propname",
"Returns the string value of the object property."
Event EV_ScriptThread_GetGameplayFloat
"floatvalue objname propname",
"Returns the float value of the object property."
Event EV_ScriptThread_SetGameplayString
"objname propname valuestr",
"Sets a property string value on an object"
Event EV_ScriptThread_GetIntegerFromString
"returned_int string",
"Returns the integer found in a string. Can be called with strings "
"that contain text, such as enemy12."
Event EV_ScriptThread_CreateCinematic
"returnedCinematic cinematicName",
"Creates a cinematic from disk. Returns the created cinematic."
"Each call to this function creates a new cinematic, even if a"
"cinematic with this name already exists."
Event EV_ScriptThread_GetTime
"Returns how many seconds.milliseconds the current level has been running."
Event EV_ScriptThread_ConnectPathnodes
"node1 node2",
"Connects the 2 specified nodes."
Event EV_ScriptThread_DisconnectPathnodes
"node1 node2",
"Disconnects the 2 specified nodes."
CLASS_DECLARATION( Interpreter, CThread, NULL )
{ &EV_ScriptThread_Execute, &CThread::ExecuteFunc },
{ &EV_MoveDone, &CThread::ObjectMoveDone },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_Callback, &CThread::ScriptCallback },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_ThreadCallback, &CThread::ThreadCallback },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_DeathCallback, &CThread::DeathCallback },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_CreateThread, &CThread::CreateThread },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_CreateThread2, &CThread::CreateThread },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_TerminateThread, &CThread::TerminateThread },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_Pause, &CThread::EventPause },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_Wait, &CThread::EventWait },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_WaitFor, &CThread::EventWaitFor },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_WaitForThread, &CThread::EventWaitForThread },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_WaitForDeath, &CThread::EventWaitForDeath },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_WaitForSound, &CThread::EventWaitForSound },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_WaitForDialog, &CThread::EventWaitForDialog },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_WaitDialogLength, &CThread::EventWaitDialogLength },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_WaitForAnimation, &CThread::EventWaitForAnimation },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_WaitForPlayer, &CThread::EventWaitForPlayer },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_CPrint, &CThread::CPrint },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_Print, &CThread::Print },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_PrintInt, &CThread::PrintInt },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_PrintFloat, &CThread::PrintFloat },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_PrintVector, &CThread::PrintVector },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_NewLine, &CThread::NewLine },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_Assert, &CThread::Assert },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_Break, &CThread::Break },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_Trigger, &CThread::TriggerEvent },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_TriggerEntity, &CThread::TriggerEntityEvent },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_StuffCommand, &CThread::StuffCommand },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_Spawn, &CThread::Spawn },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_Precache_Cache, &CThread::CacheResourceEvent },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_RegisterAlias, &CThread::RegisterAlias },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_RegisterAliasAndCache, &CThread::RegisterAliasAndCache },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_Map, &CThread::MapEvent },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_NoIntermission, &CThread::noIntermission },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_DontSaveOrientation, &CThread::dontSaveOrientation },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_PlayerDeathThread, &CThread::setPlayerDeathThread },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_EndPlayerDeathThread, &CThread::endPlayerDeathThread },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_GetCvar, &CThread::GetCvarEvent },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_GetCvarFloat, &CThread::GetCvarFloatEvent },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_GetCvarInt, &CThread::GetCvarIntEvent },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_SetCvar, &CThread::SetCvarEvent },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_CueCamera, &CThread::CueCamera },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_CuePlayer, &CThread::CuePlayer },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_FreezePlayer, &CThread::FreezePlayer },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_ReleasePlayer, &CThread::ReleasePlayer },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_FadeIn, &CThread::FadeIn },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_FadeOut, &CThread::FadeOut },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_FadeIsActive, &CThread::FadeIsActive },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_ClearFade, &CThread::ClearFade },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_Letterbox, &CThread::Letterbox },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_ClearLetterbox, &CThread::ClearLetterbox },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_MusicEvent, &CThread::MusicEvent },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_ForceMusicEvent, &CThread::ForceMusicEvent },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_MusicVolumeEvent, &CThread::MusicVolumeEvent },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_RestoreMusicVolumeEvent, &CThread::RestoreMusicVolumeEvent },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_AllowMusicDucking, &CThread::allowMusicDucking },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_AllowActionMusic, &CThread::allowActionMusic },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_SoundtrackEvent, &CThread::SoundtrackEvent },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_RestoreSoundtrackEvent, &CThread::RestoreSoundtrackEvent },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_SetCinematic, &CThread::SetCinematic },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_SetNonCinematic, &CThread::SetNonCinematic },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_SetLevelAI, &CThread::SetLevelAI },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_SetSkipThread, &CThread::SetSkipThread },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_KillEnt, &CThread::KillEnt },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_RemoveEnt, &CThread::RemoveEnt },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_KillClass, &CThread::KillClass },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_RemoveClass, &CThread::RemoveClass },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_RemoveActorsNamed, &CThread::RemoveActorsNamed },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_FakePlayer, &CThread::FakePlayer },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_RemoveFakePlayer, &CThread::RemoveFakePlayer },
{ &EV_AI_RecalcPaths, &CThread::PassToPathmanager },
{ &EV_AI_CalcPath, &CThread::PassToPathmanager },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_DoesEntityExist, &CThread::doesEntityExist },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_GetEntity, &CThread::GetEntityEvent },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_GetNextEntity, &CThread::GetNextEntityEvent },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_CosDegrees, &CThread::CosDegrees },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_SinDegrees, &CThread::SinDegrees },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_CosRadians, &CThread::CosRadians },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_SinRadians, &CThread::SinRadians },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_ArcTanDegrees, &CThread::ArcTanDegrees },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_Sqrt, &CThread::ScriptSqrt },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_Log, &CThread::ScriptLog },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_Exp, &CThread::ScriptExp },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_RandomFloat, &CThread::RandomFloat },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_RandomInteger, &CThread::RandomInteger },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_CameraCommand, &CThread::CameraCommand },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_SetLightStyle, &CThread::SetLightStyle },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_KillThreadEvent, &CThread::KillThreadEvent },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_SetThreadNameEvent, &CThread::SetThreadName },
{ &EV_SetFloatVar, &CThread::SetFloatVar },
{ &EV_SetVectorVar, &CThread::SetVectorVar },
{ &EV_SetStringVar, &CThread::SetStringVar },
{ &EV_DoesVarExist, &CThread::doesVarExist },
{ &EV_RemoveVariable, &CThread::RemoveVariable },
{ &EV_GetFloatVar, &CThread::GetFloatVar },
{ &EV_GetVectorVar, &CThread::GetVectorVar },
{ &EV_GetStringVar, &CThread::GetStringVar },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_CenterPrint, &CThread::CenterPrint },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_IsActorDead, &CThread::isActorDead },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_IsActorAlive, &CThread::isActorAlive },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_SendClientCommand, &CThread::SendClientCommand },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_GetNumFreeReliableServerCommands, &CThread::GetNumFreeReliableServerCommands },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_SendClientVar, &CThread::SendClientVar },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_GetCurrentEntity, &CThread::GetCurrentEntity },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_Mod, &CThread::ModEvent },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_Div, &CThread::DivEvent },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_VectorScale, &CThread::VectorScaleEvent },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_VectorDot, &CThread::VectorDotEvent },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_VectorCross, &CThread::VectorCrossEvent },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_VectorNormalize, &CThread::VectorNormalizeEvent },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_VectorLength, &CThread::VectorLengthEvent },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_VectorSetX, &CThread::VectorSetXEvent },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_VectorSetY, &CThread::VectorSetYEvent },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_VectorSetZ, &CThread::VectorSetZEvent },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_VectorGetX, &CThread::VectorGetXEvent },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_VectorGetY, &CThread::VectorGetYEvent },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_VectorGetZ, &CThread::VectorGetZEvent },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_VectorForward, &CThread::VectorForwardEvent },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_VectorLeft, &CThread::VectorLeftEvent },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_VectorUp, &CThread::VectorUpEvent },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_VectorToString, &CThread::vectorToString },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_TargetOf, &CThread::TargetOfEvent },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_Floor, &CThread::FloorEvent },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_Ceil, &CThread::CeilEvent },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_Round, &CThread::RoundEvent },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_GetGameplayFloat, &CThread::GetGameplayFloat },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_GetGameplayString, &CThread::GetGameplayString },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_SetGameplayFloat, &CThread::SetGameplayFloat },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_SetGameplayString, &CThread::SetGameplayString },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_GetIntegerFromString, &CThread::GetIntegerFromString },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_CreateCinematic, &CThread::CreateCinematic },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_GetTime, &CThread::GetLevelTime },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_ConnectPathnodes, &CThread::connectPathnodes },
{ &EV_ScriptThread_DisconnectPathnodes, &CThread::disconnectPathnodes },
currentEntity = NULL;
void CThread::ExecuteFunc( Event *ev )
Interpreter::Execute( ev );
void CThread::ClearWaitFor( void )
waitUntil = 0;
waitingFor = NULL;
waitingNumObjects = 0;
waitingForThread = NULL;
waitingForDeath = "";
waitingForPlayer = false;
qboolean CThread::WaitingFor( Entity *obj )
assert( obj );
return ( waitingFor && waitingFor->list.ObjectInList( obj ) );
void CThread::ObjectMoveDone( Event *ev )
Entity *obj;
obj = ev->GetEntity( 1 );
assert( obj );
if ( WaitingFor( obj ) )
if ( waitingNumObjects <= 0 )
DelayedStart( 0.0f );
void CThread::CreateThread( Event *ev )
CThread *pThread;
pThread = Director.CreateThread( ev->GetToken( 1 ) );
if ( pThread )
// start right away
ev->ReturnInteger( pThread->ThreadNum() );
void CThread::TerminateThread( Event *ev )
int threadnum;
threadnum = ev->GetInteger( 1 );
Director.GetThread( threadnum );
Director.KillThread( threadnum );
void CThread::EventPause( Event * )
doneProcessing = true;
void CThread::EventWait( Event *ev )
waitUntil = ev->GetFloat( 1 ) + level.time;
DelayedStart( ev->GetFloat( 1 ) );
doneProcessing = true;
void CThread::EventWaitFor( Event *ev )
Entity *ent;
const char *tname;
TargetList *tlist;
int i;
doneProcessing = true;
ent = ev->GetEntity( 1 );
if ( ent )
tname = ent->TargetName();
// set the number of objects that belong to this targetname
tlist = world->GetTargetList( str( tname ) );
waitingFor = tlist;
waitingNumObjects = tlist->list.NumObjects();
// make sure all these objects are in the update list
for( i = 1; i <= waitingNumObjects; i++ )
ent = tlist->list.ObjectAt( i );
// add the object to the update list to make sure we tell it to do a move
if ( !updateList.ObjectInList( ent->entnum ) )
updateList.AddObject( ent->entnum );
if ( waitingNumObjects <= 0 )
waitingNumObjects = 1;
ev->Error( "no objects of targetname %s found.\n", tname );
void CThread::EventWaitForThread( Event *ev )
doneProcessing = true;
waitingForThread = Director.GetThread( ev->GetInteger( 1 ) );
if ( !waitingForThread )
ev->Error( "Thread %d not running", ev->GetInteger( 1 ) );
void CThread::EventWaitForDeath( Event *ev )
doneProcessing = true;
waitingForDeath = ev->GetString(1);
if ( !waitingForDeath.length() )
ev->Error( "Null name" );
void CThread::EventWaitForSound( Event *ev )
str sound;
float delay;
delay = 0.0f;
sound = ev->GetString( 1 );
delay = gi.SoundLength( sound.c_str() );
if ( delay < 0.0f )
gi.WDPrintf( "Lip file not found for dialog %s\n", sound.c_str() );
if ( ev->NumArgs() > 1 )
delay += ev->GetFloat( 2 );
DelayedStart( delay );
doneProcessing = true;
void CThread::EventWaitForDialog( Event *ev )
float delay;
Actor *act;
Entity *ent;
ent = ev->GetEntity( 1 );
if ( !ent )
gi.WDPrintf( "WaitForDialog: Can't find entity\n" );
if ( ent->isSubclassOf( Actor ) )
act = ( Actor * )ent;
delay = act->GetDialogRemainingTime( );
if ( ev->NumArgs() > 1 )
delay += ev->GetFloat( 2 );
DelayedStart( delay );
doneProcessing = true;
void CThread::EventWaitDialogLength( Event *ev )
str dialogName;
float delay;
char localizedDialogName[ MAX_QPATH ];
// Get the localized dialog name
dialogName = ev->GetString( 1 );
gi.LocalizeFilePath( dialogName, localizedDialogName );
// Figure out the delay time (length of dialog + extra specified delay)
delay = gi.SoundLength( localizedDialogName );
if ( ev->NumArgs() > 1 )
delay += ev->GetFloat( 2 );
// Delay the thread
DelayedStart( delay );
doneProcessing = true;
void CThread::EventWaitForAnimation( Event *ev )
Entity *ent;
str animName;
int animNum;
float totalTime;
float extraTime;
// Get the entity we are refering to
ent = ev->GetEntity( 1 );
if ( !ent )
// Get the animation we are refering to
animName = ev->GetString( 2 );
// Get any extra time if any
if ( ev->NumArgs() > 2 )
extraTime = ev->GetFloat( 3 );
extraTime = 0.0f;
// Get the anim number
animNum = gi.Anim_NumForName( ent->edict->s.modelindex, animName.c_str() );
if ( animNum < 0 )
gi.WDPrintf( "Waiting for animation %s, but %s doesn't have this anim!\n", animName.c_str(), ent->model.c_str() );
// Get the total time of this animation
totalTime = gi.Anim_Time( ent->edict->s.modelindex, animNum );
totalTime += extraTime;
// Setup all of the wait for stuff
DelayedStart( totalTime );
doneProcessing = true;
void CThread::EventWaitForPlayer( Event * )
if ( !Director.PlayerReady() )
doneProcessing = true;
waitingForPlayer = true;
void CThread::CPrint( Event *ev )
gi.centerprintf( &g_entities[ 0 ], CENTERPRINT_IMPORTANCE_NORMAL, ev->GetString( 1 ) );
void CThread::Print( Event *ev )
int i;
int n;
n = ev->NumArgs();
for( i = 1; i <= n; i++ )
gi.DPrintf( "%s", ev->GetString( i ) );
void CThread::PrintInt( Event *ev )
gi.DPrintf( "%d", ev->GetInteger( 1 ) );
void CThread::PrintFloat( Event *ev )
gi.DPrintf( "%.2f", ev->GetFloat( 1 ) );
void CThread::PrintVector( Event *ev )
Vector vec;
vec = ev->GetVector( 1 );
gi.DPrintf( "(%.2f %.2f %.2f)", vec.x, vec.y, vec.z );
void CThread::NewLine( Event * )
gi.DPrintf( "\n" );
void CThread::Assert( Event *ev )
assert( ev->GetFloat( 1 ) );
void CThread::Break( Event * )
// Break into the debugger
#ifdef _WIN32
__asm int 3
assert( 0 );
void CThread::ScriptCallback( Event *ev )
const char *name;
Entity *other;
Entity *slave;
if ( threadDying )
slave = ev->GetEntity( 1 );
name = ev->GetString( 2 );
other = ev->GetEntity( 3 );
currentEntity = slave;
if ( !Goto( name ) )
ev->Error( "Label '%s' not found", name );
// kill any execute events (in case our last command was "wait")
// start right away
void CThread::ThreadCallback( Event *ev )
CThread *thread;
if ( threadDying )
thread = ev->GetThread();
if ( thread && ( thread == waitingForThread ) )
void CThread::DeathCallback( Event * )
if ( threadDying )
DelayedStart( 0.0f );
void CThread::DoMove( void )
int entnum;
Entity *ent;
Event *event;
int count;
int i;
count = updateList.NumObjects();
for( i = 1; i <= count; i++ )
entnum = ( int )updateList.ObjectAt( i );
ent = G_GetEntity( entnum );
if ( ent && ( ent->ValidEvent( EV_ProcessCommands ) ) )
event = new Event( EV_ProcessCommands );
event->SetThread( this );
ent->PostEvent( event, 0.0f );
// try to remove this from the update list
if ( waitingNumObjects > 0 )
void CThread::TriggerEvent( Event *ev )
const char *name;
Event *event;
Entity *ent;
TargetList *tlist;
int i;
int num;
name = ev->GetString( 1 );
if ( !name )
// Check for object commands
if ( name[ 0 ] == '$' )
tlist = world->GetTargetList( str( name + 1 ) );
num = tlist->list.NumObjects();
for ( i = 1; i <= num; i++ )
ent = tlist->list.ObjectAt( i );
assert( ent );
event = new Event( EV_Activate );
event->SetSource( EV_FROM_SCRIPT );
event->SetThread( this );
event->SetLineNumber( ev->GetLineNumber() );
event->AddEntity( world );
ent->ProcessEvent( event );
else if ( name[ 0 ] == '*' ) // Check for entnum commands
if ( !IsNumeric( &name[ 1 ] ) )
RunError( "trigger: Expecting numeric value for * command, but found '%s'\n", &name[ 1 ] );
ent = G_GetEntity( atoi( &name[ 1 ] ) );
if ( ent )
event = new Event( EV_Activate );
event->SetSource( EV_FROM_SCRIPT );
event->SetThread( this );
event->SetLineNumber( ev->GetLineNumber() );
event->AddEntity( world );
ent->ProcessEvent( event );
RunError( "trigger: Entity not found for * command\n" );
RunError( "trigger: Invalid entity reference '%s'.\n", name );
// Name: TriggerEntityEvent
// Class: CThread
// Description: Triggers the specified entity
// Parameters: Event *ev - contains entity to trigger
// Returns: none
void CThread::TriggerEntityEvent( Event *ev )
Event *event;
Entity *ent;
// Get the entity we wish to trigger
ent = ev->GetEntity( 1 );
if ( !ent )
// Trigger the entity
event = new Event( EV_Activate );
event->SetSource( EV_FROM_SCRIPT );
event->SetThread( this );
event->SetLineNumber( ev->GetLineNumber() );
event->AddEntity( world );
ent->ProcessEvent( event );
void CThread::CacheResourceEvent( Event * ev )
if ( !precache->integer )
CacheResource( ev->GetString( 1 ), world );
void CThread::RegisterAlias( Event *ev )
str parameters;
int i;
// Get the parameters for this alias command
for( i = 3; i <= ev->NumArgs(); i++ )
parameters += ev->GetString( i );
parameters += " ";
gi.GlobalAlias_Add( ev->GetString( 1 ), ev->GetString( 2 ), parameters.c_str() );
void CThread::RegisterAliasAndCache( Event *ev )
RegisterAlias( ev );
if ( !precache->integer )
CacheResource( ev->GetString( 2 ) );
void CThread::MapEvent( Event *ev )
G_BeginIntermission( ev->GetString( 1 ) );
doneProcessing = true;
void CThread::noIntermission( Event * )
level._showIntermission = false;
void CThread::dontSaveOrientation( Event * )
level._saveOrientation = false;
void CThread::setPlayerDeathThread( Event *ev )
level.setPlayerDeathThread( ev->GetString( 1 ) );
void CThread::endPlayerDeathThread( Event * )
void CThread::GetCvarEvent( Event *ev )
assert( ev );
cvar_t *cvar = gi.cvar_get( ev->GetString( 1 ) );
ev->ReturnString( cvar ? cvar->string : "" );
void CThread::GetCvarFloatEvent( Event *ev )
assert( ev );
cvar_t *cvar = gi.cvar_get( ev->GetString( 1 ) );
ev->ReturnFloat( cvar ? cvar->value : 0.0f );
void CThread::GetCvarIntEvent( Event *ev )
assert( ev );
cvar_t *cvar = gi.cvar_get( ev->GetString( 1 ) );
ev->ReturnFloat( cvar ? cvar->integer : 0.0f );
void CThread::SetCvarEvent( Event *ev )
str name;
name = ev->GetString( 1 );
if ( name != "" )
gi.cvar_set( name.c_str(), ev->GetString( 2 ) );
void CThread::CueCamera( Event *ev )
float switchTime;
Entity *ent;
if ( ev->NumArgs() > 1 )
switchTime = ev->GetFloat( 2 );
switchTime = 0;
ent = ev->GetEntity( 1 );
if ( ent )
SetCamera( ent, switchTime );
ev->Error( "Camera named %s not found", ev->GetString( 1 ) );
void CThread::CuePlayer( Event *ev )
float switchTime;
if ( ev->NumArgs() > 0 )
switchTime = ev->GetFloat( 1 );
switchTime = 0;
SetCamera( NULL, switchTime );
void CThread::FreezePlayer( Event * )
level.playerfrozen = true;
void CThread::ReleasePlayer( Event * )
level.playerfrozen = false;
void CThread::FakePlayer( Event * )
Player *player;
player = ( Player * )g_entities[ 0 ].entity;
if ( player && player->edict->inuse && player->edict->client )
void CThread::RemoveFakePlayer( Event * )
Player *player;
player = ( Player * )g_entities[ 0 ].entity;
if ( player && player->edict->inuse && player->edict->client )
void CThread::Spawn( Event *ev )
Entity *ent;
Entity *tent;
const char *name;
ClassDef *cls;
int n;
int i;
const char *targetname;
const char *value;
if ( ev->NumArgs() < 1 )
ev->Error( "Usage: spawn entityname [keyname] [value]..." );
// create a new entity
SpawnArgs args;
name = ev->GetString( 1 );
if ( name )
cls = getClassForID( name );
if ( !cls )
cls = getClass( name );
if ( !cls )
str n;
n = name;
if ( !strstr( n.c_str(), ".tik" ) )
n += ".tik";
args.setArg( "model", n.c_str() );
args.setArg( "classname", name );
if ( ev->NumArgs() > 2 )
n = ev->NumArgs();
for( i = 2; i <= n; i += 2 )
args.setArg( ev->GetString( i ), ev->GetString( i + 1 ) );
cls = args.getClassDef();
if ( !cls )
ev->Error( "'%s' is not a valid entity name", name );
// If there is a spawntarget set, then use that entity's origin and angles
targetname = args.getArg( "spawntarget" );
if ( targetname )
tent = G_FindTarget( NULL, targetname );
if ( tent )
args.setArg( "origin", va( "%f %f %f", tent->origin[ 0 ], tent->origin[ 1 ], tent->origin[ 2 ] ) );
args.setArg( "angle", va( "%f", tent->angles[1] ) );
ev->Error( "Can't find targetname %s", targetname );
// make sure to setup spawnflags properly
level.spawnflags = 0;
value = args.getArg( "spawnflags" );
if ( value )
level.spawnflags = atoi( value );
ent = args.Spawn();
ev->ReturnEntity( ent );
//Move this to someplace Level class.
static float last_fraction = 1.0f/8.0f;
void CThread::Letterbox( Event *ev )
float time;
if ( ev->NumArgs() < 1 )
warning ("CThread::Letterbox", "time parameter required!\n");
last_fraction = 1.0f/8.0f;
time = ev->GetFloat( 1 );
if ( ev->NumArgs() > 1 )
last_fraction = ev->GetFloat( 2 );
// this is now handled server side
//gi.SendServerCommand( NULL, va( "letterbox %0.2f 1 %0.2f",time,last_fraction ) );
level.m_letterbox_time_start = time;
level.m_letterbox_dir = letterbox_in;
level.m_letterbox_time = time;
level.m_letterbox_fraction = last_fraction;
void CThread::ClearLetterbox( Event *ev )
float time;
time = ev->GetFloat( 1 );
// this is now handled server side
//gi.SendServerCommand( NULL, va( "letterbox %0.2f -1 %0.2f",time,last_fraction ) );
level.m_letterbox_time_start = time;
level.m_letterbox_dir = letterbox_out;
level.m_letterbox_time = time;
level.m_letterbox_fraction = last_fraction;
void CThread::FadeIn( Event *ev )
level.m_fade_time_start = ev->GetFloat( 1 );
level.m_fade_time = ev->GetFloat( 1 );
level.m_fade_color[0] = ev->GetFloat( 2 );
level.m_fade_color[1] = ev->GetFloat( 3 );
level.m_fade_color[2] = ev->GetFloat( 4 );
level.m_fade_alpha = ev->GetFloat( 5 );
level.m_fade_type = fadein;
level.m_fade_style = alphablend;
if ( ev->NumArgs() > 5 )
level.m_fade_style = (fadestyle_t)ev->GetInteger( 6 );
void CThread::ClearFade( Event * )
// this is now handled server side
//gi.SendServerCommand( NULL, "clearfade" );
level.m_fade_time = -1;
level.m_fade_type = fadein;
void CThread::FadeOut( Event *ev )
// Make sure we are not already faded or fading out
if ( ( level.m_fade_type == fadeout ) && ( level.m_fade_time_start > 0.0f ) )
float alpha;
alpha = 1.0f - ( level.m_fade_time / level.m_fade_time_start );
if ( alpha > 0.0f )
level.m_fade_time_start = ev->GetFloat( 1 );
level.m_fade_time = ev->GetFloat( 1 );
level.m_fade_color[0] = ev->GetFloat( 2 );
level.m_fade_color[1] = ev->GetFloat( 3 );
level.m_fade_color[2] = ev->GetFloat( 4 );
level.m_fade_alpha = ev->GetFloat( 5 );
level.m_fade_type = fadeout;
level.m_fade_style = alphablend;
if ( ev->NumArgs() > 5 )
level.m_fade_style = (fadestyle_t)ev->GetInteger( 6 );
void CThread::FadeIsActive( Event *ev )
if ( level.m_fade_time > 0.0f )
ev->ReturnInteger( true );
ev->ReturnInteger( false );
void CThread::MusicEvent( Event *ev )
const char *current;
const char *fallback;
current = ev->GetString( 1 );
fallback = NULL;
if ( ev->NumArgs() > 1 )
fallback = ev->GetString( 2 );
ChangeMusic( current, fallback, false );
void CThread::MusicVolumeEvent( Event *ev )
float volume;
float fade_time;
volume = ev->GetFloat( 1 );
fade_time = ev->GetFloat( 2 );
ChangeMusicVolume( volume, fade_time );
void CThread::RestoreMusicVolumeEvent( Event *ev )
float fade_time;
fade_time = ev->GetFloat( 1 );
RestoreMusicVolume( fade_time );
// Name: allowMusicDucking
// Class: CThread
// Description: Specifies whether or not music ducking is allowed
// Parameters: Event *ev - contains bool, specifies whether or not music ducking is allowed
// Returns: none
void CThread::allowMusicDucking( Event *ev )
if ( ev->NumArgs() > 0 )
G_AllowMusicDucking( ev->GetBoolean( 1 ) );
G_AllowMusicDucking( true );
// Name: allowActionMusic
// Class: CThread
// Description: Specifies whether or not action music is allowed
// Parameters: Event *ev - contains bool, specifies whether or not action music is allowed
// Returns: none
void CThread::allowActionMusic( Event *ev )
if ( ev->NumArgs() > 0 )
G_AllowActionMusic( ev->GetBoolean( 1 ) );
G_AllowActionMusic( true );
void CThread::ForceMusicEvent( Event *ev )
const char *current;
const char *fallback;
current = ev->GetString( 1 );
fallback = NULL;
if ( ev->NumArgs() > 1 )
fallback = ev->GetString( 2 );
ChangeMusic( current, fallback, true );
void CThread::SoundtrackEvent( Event *ev )
ChangeSoundtrack( ev->GetString( 1 ) );
void CThread::RestoreSoundtrackEvent( Event * )
void CThread::SetCinematic( Event * )
void CThread::SetNonCinematic( Event * )
//level.cinematic = false;
void CThread::SetLevelAI( Event *ev )
qboolean ai = false;
if ( ev->NumArgs() > 0 )
ai = ev->GetBoolean( 1 );
if ( ai )
level.ai_on = true;
level.ai_on = false;
void CThread::SetSkipThread( Event *ev )
world->skipthread = ev->GetString( 1 );
void CThread::PassToPathmanager( Event *ev )
thePathManager.ProcessEvent( ev );
void CThread::StuffCommand( Event *ev )
int i;
str command;
for( i = 1; i <= ev->NumArgs(); i++ )
command += ev->GetString( i );
command += " ";
if ( command.length() )
gi.SendConsoleCommand( command.c_str() );
void CThread::KillEnt( Event * ev )
int num;
Entity *ent;
if ( ev->NumArgs() != 1 )
ev->Error( "No args passed in" );
num = ev->GetInteger( 1 );
if ( ( num < 0 ) || ( num >= globals.max_entities ) )
ev->Error( "Value out of range. Possible values range from 0 to %d.\n", globals.max_entities );
ent = G_GetEntity( num );
ent->Damage( world, world, ent->max_health + 25.0f, vec_zero, vec_zero, vec_zero, 0, 0, 0 );
void CThread::RemoveEnt( Event * ev )
int num;
Entity *ent;
if ( ev->NumArgs() != 1 )
ev->Error( "No args passed in" );
num = ev->GetInteger( 1 );
if ( ( num < 0 ) || ( num >= globals.max_entities ) )
ev->Error( "Value out of range. Possible values range from 0 to %d.\n", globals.max_entities );
ent = G_GetEntity( num );
ent->PostEvent( Event( EV_Remove ), 0.0f );
void CThread::KillClass( Event * ev )
int except;
str classname;
gentity_t * from;
Entity *ent;
if ( ev->NumArgs() < 1 )
ev->Error( "No args passed in" );
classname = ev->GetString( 1 );
except = 0;
if ( ev->NumArgs() == 2 )
except = ev->GetInteger( 1 );
for ( from = &g_entities[ game.maxclients ]; from < &g_entities[ globals.num_entities ]; from++ )
if ( !from->inuse )
assert( from->entity );
ent = from->entity;
if ( ent->entnum == except )
if ( ent->inheritsFrom( classname.c_str() ) )
ent->Damage( world, world, ent->max_health + 25.0f, vec_zero, vec_zero, vec_zero, 0, 0, 0 );
// RemoveActorsNamed - remove all actors in the game that have a matching name field
void CThread::RemoveActorsNamed( Event* ev )
if ( ev->NumArgs() < 1 )
ev->Error( "No args passed in" );
str removename = ev->GetString( 1 );
for( gentity_t* gent = &g_entities[ game.maxclients ];
gent < &g_entities[ globals.num_entities ];
gent++ )
if( !gent->inuse ) continue;
assert( gent->entity );
if( !gent->entity->inheritsFrom( "Actor" ) ) continue;
Actor* act = static_cast< Actor* >( gent->entity );
if( act->getName() == removename )
gent->entity->PostEvent( Event( EV_Remove ), 0.0f );
void CThread::RemoveClass( Event * ev )
int except;
str classname;
gentity_t * from;
Entity *ent;
if ( ev->NumArgs() < 1 )
ev->Error( "No args passed in" );
classname = ev->GetString( 1 );
except = 0;
if ( ev->NumArgs() == 2 )
except = ev->GetInteger( 1 );
for ( from = &g_entities[ game.maxclients ]; from < &g_entities[ globals.num_entities ]; from++ )
if ( !from->inuse )
assert( from->entity );
ent = from->entity;
if ( ent->entnum == except )
if ( ent->inheritsFrom( classname.c_str() ) )
ent->PostEvent( Event( EV_Remove ), 0.0f );
// Name: doesEntityExist
// Class: CThread
// Description: Determines if an entity with the specified name
// exists. The return value for the event is either
// a 1 or a 0 ( true or false ).
// Parameters: Event* -- the event that triggered this call.
// Returns: None
void CThread::doesEntityExist( Event *ev )
if ( ev->IsEntityAt( 1 ) )
ev->ReturnFloat( 1.0f );
ev->ReturnFloat( 0.0f );
void CThread::GetEntityEvent( Event *ev )
TargetList *tlist;
str name( ev->GetString( 1 ) );
if ( ( name.length() > 0 ) && name[ 0 ] == '*' )
ev->ReturnEntity( G_GetEntity( atoi( &name[ 1 ] ) ) );
tlist = world->GetTargetList( name, false );
//ev->ReturnInteger( ( int )tlist );
if ( tlist )
ev->ReturnEntity( tlist->GetNextEntity( NULL ) );
ev->ReturnEntity( NULL );
void CThread::GetNextEntityEvent( Event *ev )
TargetList *tlist;
Entity *ent = 0;
ent = ev->GetEntity( 1 );
if ( !ent )
ev->ReturnEntity( NULL );
tlist = world->GetTargetList( ent->targetname, false );
if ( tlist )
ev->ReturnEntity( tlist->GetNextEntity( ent ) );
ev->ReturnEntity( NULL );
void CThread::CosDegrees( Event *ev )
float degrees = ev->GetFloat( 1 );
float radians = DEG2RAD( degrees );
float result = cos( radians );
ev->ReturnFloat( result );
void CThread::SinDegrees( Event *ev )
float degrees = ev->GetFloat( 1 );
float radians = DEG2RAD( degrees );
float result = sin( radians );
ev->ReturnFloat( result );
void CThread::CosRadians( Event *ev )
float radians = ev->GetFloat( 1 );
float result = cos( radians );
ev->ReturnFloat( result );
void CThread::SinRadians( Event *ev )
float radians = ev->GetFloat( 1 );
float result = sin( radians );
ev->ReturnFloat( result );
void CThread::ArcTanDegrees( Event *ev )
float y = ev->GetFloat( 1 );
float x = ev->GetFloat( 2 );
float radians = atan2( y, x );
float degrees = RAD2DEG( radians );
ev->ReturnFloat( degrees );
void CThread::ScriptSqrt( Event *ev )
/// Perform a sign-preserving square root ( i.e. sqrt( -16 ) = -4 )
float x = ev->GetFloat( 1 );
if( x < 0.0f )
x = static_cast<float>( -sqrt( -x ) );
x = static_cast<float>( sqrt( x ) );
ev->ReturnFloat( x );
void CThread::ScriptLog( Event *ev )
float x = ev->GetFloat( 1 );
ev->ReturnFloat( log( x ) );
void CThread::ScriptExp( Event *ev )
float x = ev->GetFloat( 1 );
ev->ReturnFloat( exp( x ) );
void CThread::RandomFloat( Event *ev )
ev->ReturnFloat( G_Random( ev->GetFloat( 1 ) ) );
void CThread::RandomInteger( Event *ev )
ev->ReturnFloat( (float)(int)G_Random( (float)ev->GetInteger( 1 ) ) );
void CThread::CameraCommand( Event * ev )
Event *e;
const char *cmd;
int i;
int n;
if ( !ev->NumArgs() )
ev->Error( "Usage: cam [command] [arg 1]...[arg n]" );
cmd = ev->GetString( 1 );
if ( Event::Exists( cmd ) )
e = new Event( cmd );
e->SetSource( EV_FROM_SCRIPT );
e->SetThread( this );
e->SetLineNumber( ev->GetLineNumber() );
n = ev->NumArgs();
for( i = 2; i <= n; i++ )
e->AddToken( ev->GetToken( i ) );
CameraMan.ProcessEvent( e );
ev->Error( "Unknown camera command '%s'.\n", cmd );
void CThread::SetLightStyle( Event *ev )
gi.SetLightStyle( ev->GetInteger( 1 ), ev->GetString( 2 ) );
void CThread::KillThreadEvent( Event *ev )
str threadToKill;
threadToKill = ev->GetString( 1 );
if ( threadToKill == threadName )
gi.WDPrintf( "Trying to kill the current thread %s, this is very bad!\n", threadName.c_str() );
if ( threadToKill.length() == 0 )
gi.WDPrintf( "Trying to kill a thread with no name\n" );
Director.KillThread( threadToKill );
void CThread::SetThreadName( Event *ev )
threadName = ev->GetString( 1 );
void CThread::GetCurrentEntity( Event *ev )
if ( currentEntity )
ev->ReturnEntity( currentEntity );
ev->ReturnEntity ( NULL );
void CThread::SetCurrentEntity( Entity *ent )
if ( ent )
currentEntity = ent;
void CThread::Parse( const char *filename )
str token;
Script script;
int eventnum;
Event *ev;
script.LoadFile( filename );
while( script.TokenAvailable( true ) )
token = script.GetToken( true );
if ( token == "end" )
eventnum = Event::FindEvent( token );
if ( !eventnum )
gi.WDPrintf( "Unknown command '%s' in %s\n", token.c_str(), filename );
ev = new Event( eventnum );
while( script.TokenAvailable( false ) )
ev->AddToken( script.GetToken( false ) );
ProcessEvent( ev );
void CThread::SendCommandToSlaves( const char *name, Event *ev )
Event *sendevent;
Entity *ent;
TargetList *tlist;
int i;
int num;
if ( name && name[ 0 ] )
tlist = world->GetTargetList( str( name + 1 ) );
num = tlist->list.NumObjects();
for ( i = 1; i <= num; i++ )
ent = tlist->list.ObjectAt( i );
assert( ent );
sendevent = new Event( *ev );
if ( !updateList.ObjectInList( ent->entnum ) )
updateList.AddObject( ent->entnum );
// Tell the object that we're about to send it some orders
ent->ProcessEvent( EV_Script_NewOrders );
// Send the command
ent->ProcessEvent( sendevent );
if ( !num )
warning( "SendCommandToSlaves", "Could not find target %s in world.\n", name );
// free up the event
delete ev;
void CThread::ProcessCommand( int argc, const char **argv )
str command;
str name;
Event *event;
Entity *ent;
if ( argc < 1 )
name = argv[ 0 ];
if ( argc > 1 )
command = argv[ 1 ];
// Check for object commands
if ( name[ 0 ] == '$' )
if ( Event::FindEvent( command.c_str() ) )
event = new Event( command );
event->SetSource( EV_FROM_SCRIPT );
event->SetThread( this );
event->SetLineNumber( 0 );
event->AddTokens( argc - 2, &argv[ 2 ] );
SendCommandToSlaves( name.c_str(), event );
// Check for entnum commands
if ( name[ 0 ] == '*' )
if ( !IsNumeric( &name[ 1 ] ) )
gi.WPrintf( "Expecting numeric value for * command, but found '%s'\n", &name[ 1 ] );
else if ( Event::FindEvent( command.c_str() ) )
ent = G_GetEntity( atoi( &name[ 1 ] ) );
if ( ent )
event = new Event( command );
event->SetSource( EV_FROM_SCRIPT );
event->SetThread( this );
event->SetLineNumber( 0 );
event->AddTokens( argc - 2, &argv[ 2 ] );
ent->ProcessEvent( event );
gi.WPrintf( "Entity not found for * command\n" );
// Handle global commands
if ( Event::FindEvent( name.c_str() ) )
event = new Event( name );
event->SetSource( EV_FROM_SCRIPT );
event->SetThread( this );
event->SetLineNumber( 0 );
event->AddTokens( argc - 1, &argv[ 1 ] );
if ( !ProcessEvent( event ) )
gi.WPrintf( "Invalid global command '%s'\n", name.c_str() );
inline void CThread::Archive( Archiver &arc )
int exists;
Interpreter::Archive( arc );
arc.ArchiveFloat( &waitUntil );
// save waiting for thread
if ( arc.Saving() )
if ( waitingForThread )
exists = 1;
exists = 0;
arc.ArchiveInteger( &exists );
if ( exists )
arc.ArchiveObjectPointer( ( Class ** )&waitingForThread );
else if ( arc.Loading() )
waitingForThread = NULL;
arc.ArchiveString( &waitingForDeath );
arc.ArchiveBoolean( &waitingForPlayer );
if ( arc.Saving() )
if ( waitingFor )
exists = 1;
exists = 0;
arc.ArchiveInteger( &exists );
if ( exists )
arc.ArchiveObjectPointer( ( Class ** )&waitingFor );
else if ( arc.Loading() )
waitingFor = NULL;
arc.ArchiveInteger( &waitingNumObjects );
arc.ArchiveSafePointer( &currentEntity );
void CThread::SetFloatVar( Event *ev )
str var_name;
const char *real_var_name;
float value;
var_name = ev->GetString( 1 );
value = ev->GetFloat( 2 );
if ( strncmp( var_name.c_str(), "level.", 6 ) == 0 )
real_var_name = var_name.c_str() + 6;
levelVars.SetVariable( real_var_name, value );
else if ( strncmp( var_name.c_str(), "game.", 5 ) == 0 )
real_var_name = var_name.c_str() + 6;
gameVars.SetVariable( real_var_name, value );
void CThread::SetVectorVar( Event *ev )
str var_name;
const char *real_var_name;
Vector value;
var_name = ev->GetString( 1 );
value = ev->GetVector( 2 );
if ( strncmp( var_name.c_str(), "level.", 6 ) == 0 )
real_var_name = var_name.c_str() + 6;
levelVars.SetVariable( real_var_name, value );
else if ( strncmp( var_name.c_str(), "game.", 5 ) == 0 )
real_var_name = var_name.c_str() + 6;
gameVars.SetVariable( real_var_name, value );
void CThread::SetStringVar( Event *ev )
str var_name;
const char *real_var_name;
str value;
var_name = ev->GetString( 1 );
value = ev->GetString( 2 );
if ( strncmp( var_name.c_str(), "level.", 6 ) == 0 )
real_var_name = var_name.c_str() + 6;
levelVars.SetVariable( real_var_name, value );
else if ( strncmp( var_name.c_str(), "game.", 5 ) == 0 )
real_var_name = var_name.c_str() + 6;
gameVars.SetVariable( real_var_name, value );
void CThread::RemoveVariable( Event* ev )
str var_name;
const char* real_var_name;
var_name = ev->GetString( 1 );
if ( strncmp( var_name.c_str(), "level.", 6 ) == 0 )
real_var_name = var_name.c_str() + 6;
levelVars.RemoveVariable( real_var_name );
else if ( strncmp( var_name.c_str(), "game.", 5 ) == 0 )
real_var_name = var_name.c_str() + 6;
levelVars.RemoveVariable( real_var_name );
void CThread::GetFloatVar( Event *ev )
str var_name;
const char *real_var_name;
ScriptVariable *var = NULL;
var_name = ev->GetString( 1 );
if ( strncmp( var_name.c_str(), "level.", 6 ) == 0 )
real_var_name = var_name.c_str() + 6;
var = levelVars.GetVariable( real_var_name );
else if ( strncmp( var_name.c_str(), "game.", 5 ) == 0 )
real_var_name = var_name.c_str() + 6;
var = gameVars.GetVariable( real_var_name );
if ( var )
ev->ReturnFloat( var->floatValue() );
gi.WDPrintf( "%s variable not found\n", var_name.c_str() );
ev->ReturnFloat( 0.0f );
void CThread::GetVectorVar( Event *ev )
str var_name;
const char *real_var_name;
ScriptVariable *var = NULL;
var_name = ev->GetString( 1 );
if ( strncmp( var_name.c_str(), "level.", 6 ) == 0 )
real_var_name = var_name.c_str() + 6;
var = levelVars.GetVariable( real_var_name );
else if ( strncmp( var_name.c_str(), "game.", 5 ) == 0 )
real_var_name = var_name.c_str() + 6;
var = gameVars.GetVariable( real_var_name );
if ( var )
ev->ReturnVector( var->vectorValue() );
gi.WDPrintf( "%s variable not found\n", var_name.c_str() );
ev->ReturnVector( vec_zero );
void CThread::GetStringVar( Event *ev )
str var_name;
const char *real_var_name;
ScriptVariable *var = NULL;
var_name = ev->GetString( 1 );
if ( strncmp( var_name.c_str(), "level.", 6 ) == 0 )
real_var_name = var_name.c_str() + 6;
var = levelVars.GetVariable( real_var_name );
else if ( strncmp( var_name.c_str(), "game.", 5 ) == 0 )
real_var_name = var_name.c_str() + 6;
var = gameVars.GetVariable( real_var_name );
if ( var )
ev->ReturnString( var->stringValue() );
gi.WDPrintf( "%s variable not found\n", var_name.c_str() );
ev->ReturnString( "\n" );
void CThread::doesVarExist( Event *ev )
str var_name;
const char *real_var_name;
ScriptVariable *var = NULL;
var_name = ev->GetString( 1 );
if ( strncmp( var_name.c_str(), "level.", 6 ) == 0 )
real_var_name = var_name.c_str() + 6;
var = levelVars.GetVariable( real_var_name );
else if ( strncmp( var_name.c_str(), "game.", 5 ) == 0 )
real_var_name = var_name.c_str() + 6;
var = gameVars.GetVariable( real_var_name );
if ( var )
ev->ReturnFloat( 1.0f );
ev->ReturnFloat( 0.0f );
void CThread::CenterPrint( Event *ev )
int j;
gentity_t *other;
for( j = 0; j < game.maxclients; j++ )
other = &g_entities[ j ];
if ( other->inuse && other->client )
gi.centerprintf( other, CENTERPRINT_IMPORTANCE_NORMAL, ev->GetString( 1 ) );
void CThread::isActorDead( Event *ev )
ev->ReturnInteger( isActorDead( ev->GetString( 1 ) ) );
qboolean CThread::isActorDead( const str &actor_name )
Actor *act;
act = GetActor( actor_name );
if ( !act || act->deadflag || ( act->health <= 0 ) )
return true;
return false;
void CThread::isActorAlive( Event *ev )
ev->ReturnFloat( isActorAlive( ev->GetString( 1 ) ) );
qboolean CThread::isActorAlive( const str &actor_name )
Actor *act;
act = GetActor( actor_name );
if ( !act || act->deadflag || ( act->health <= 0 ) )
return false;
return true;
void CThread::SendClientCommand( Event *ev )
Entity *entity;
Player *player;
str builtCommand;
int i;
// Get the player
entity = ev->GetEntity( 1 );
if ( !entity->isSubclassOf( Player ) )
player = (Player *)entity;
// Build the command
builtCommand += "stufftext";
builtCommand += " \"";
for ( i = 2 ; i <= ev->NumArgs() ; i++ )
builtCommand += " ";
builtCommand += ev->GetString( i );
builtCommand += "\"\n";
gi.SendServerCommand( player->edict - g_entities, builtCommand.c_str() );
void CThread::GetNumFreeReliableServerCommands( Event* ev )
Entity* entity;
Player* player;
int i;
entity = ev->GetEntity( 1 );
if( !entity->isSubclassOf( Player ) )
ev->ReturnFloat( 0.0 );
player = (Player*) entity;
i = gi.GetNumFreeReliableServerCommands( player->edict - g_entities );
ev->ReturnFloat( i );
void CThread::SendClientVar( Event *ev )
Entity *entity;
Player *player;
str builtCommand;
str varName;
str realVarName;
ScriptVariable *var = NULL;
str levelVarPrefix = "level.";
// Get the player
entity = ev->GetEntity( 1 );
if ( !entity->isSubclassOf( Player ) )
player = (Player *)entity;
// Build the command
builtCommand += "stufftext";
builtCommand += " \"SetClientVar ";
// Add the variable name
varName = ev->GetString( 2 );
if ( strnicmp( varName.c_str(), levelVarPrefix.c_str(), levelVarPrefix.length() ) != 0 )
gi.WDPrintf( "SendClientVar can only send level vars, %s not allowed\n", varName.c_str() );
realVarName = varName.c_str() + levelVarPrefix.length();
builtCommand += realVarName;
// Add the variable value
builtCommand += " ";
var = levelVars.GetVariable( realVarName );
if ( var )
builtCommand += var->stringValue();
builtCommand += "\"\n";
// Send the command
gi.SendServerCommand( player->edict - g_entities, builtCommand.c_str() );
// Name: ModEvent
// Class: CThread
// Description: Handles the EV_ScriptThread_Mod event.
// Gets the integer remainder of a division.
// Parameters: Event* -- Argument 1 is the nominator.
// Argument 2 is the denominator.
// Return cache is the integer remainder.
// Returns: None
void CThread::ModEvent( Event *ev )
assert( ev );
if ( ev->NumArgs() != 2 )
ev->Error("Usage: variable = %s( nominator, denominator)\n", ev->getName());
return ;
int nominator = ev->GetInteger( 1 );
int denominator = ev->GetInteger( 2 );
int remainder = nominator % denominator ;
ev->ReturnFloat( remainder );
// Name: DivEvent
// Class: CThread
// Description: Handles the EV_ScriptThread_Div event.
// Gets the integer result of a division.
// Parameters: Event* -- Argument 1 is the nominator
// Argument 2 is the denominator
// Return cache is the integer result
// Returns: None
void CThread::DivEvent( Event *ev )
assert( ev );
if ( ev->NumArgs() != 2 )
ev->Error("Usage: variable = %s( nominator, denominator )\n", ev->getName());
return ;
int nominator = ev->GetInteger( 1 );
int denominator = ev->GetInteger( 2 );
int result = nominator / denominator ;
ev->ReturnFloat( result );
// Name: VectorScaleEvent
// Class: CThread
// Description: Handles the EV_ScriptThread_VectorScaleEvent.
// Scales a vector.
// Parameters: Event* -- Argument 1 is the vector to scale (vector)
// Argument 2 is the amount to scale (float)
// Return cache is the scaled vector.
// Returns: None
void CThread::VectorScaleEvent( Event *ev )
assert( ev );
if ( ev->NumArgs() != 2 )
ev->Error("Usage: vectorvariable = %s( vector, scale_value )\n", ev->getName());
return ;
Vector v = ev->GetVector( 1 );
float scaler = ev->GetFloat( 2 );
Vector returnVector = v * scaler ;
ev->ReturnVector( returnVector );
// Name: VectorDotEvent
// Class: CThread
// Description: Handles EV_ScriptThread_VectorDotEvent.
// Gets the dot product of two vectors.
// Parameters: Event* -- Argument 1 is the first vector.
// Argument 2 is the second vector.
// Return cache is the dot product value.
// Returns: None
void CThread::VectorDotEvent( Event *ev )
assert( ev );
if ( ev->NumArgs() != 2 )
ev->Error("Usage: floatvariable = %s( vector, vector )\n", ev->getName());
return ;
Vector v1 = ev->GetVector( 1 );
Vector v2 = ev->GetVector( 2 );
float result = Vector::Dot( v1, v2 );
ev->ReturnFloat( result );
// Name: VectorCrossEvent
// Class: CThread
// Description: Handles EV_ScriptThread_VectorCrossEvent.
// Gets the cross product of two vectors.
// Parameters: Event* -- Argument 1 is the first vector.
// Argument 2 is the second vector.
// Return cache is the cross product value.
// Returns: None
void CThread::VectorCrossEvent( Event *ev )
assert( ev );
if ( ev->NumArgs() != 2 )
ev->Error("Usage: vectorvariable = %s( vector, vector )\n", ev->getName());
return ;
Vector v1 = ev->GetVector( 1 );
Vector v2 = ev->GetVector( 2 );
Vector result ;
result.CrossProduct( v1, v2 );
ev->ReturnVector( result );
// Name: VectorLengthEvent
// Class: CThread
// Description: Handles EV_ScriptThread_VectorLengthEvent.
// Gets the length of a vector.
// Parameters: Event* -- Argument 1 is the vector to get the length of.
// Return cache is the vector length.
// Returns: None
void CThread::VectorLengthEvent( Event *ev )
assert( ev );
if ( ev->NumArgs() != 1 )
ev->Error( "Usage: floatvariable = %s( vector )\n", ev->getName());
return ;
Vector v1 = ev->GetVector( 1 );
ev->ReturnFloat( v1.length() );
// Name: VectorNormalizeEvent
// Class: CThread
// Description: Handles the EV_ScriptThread_VectorNormalizeEvent.
// Normalizes a vector.
// Parameters: Event* -- Argument 1 is the vector to normalize.
// Return cache is the normalized vector.
// Returns: None
void CThread::VectorNormalizeEvent( Event *ev )
assert( ev );
if ( ev->NumArgs() != 1 )
ev->Error( "Usage: vectorvariable = %s( vector )\n", ev->getName());
return ;
Vector v1 = ev->GetVector( 1 );
ev->ReturnVector( v1 );
// Name: VectorGetXEvent
// Class: CThread
// Description: Handles the EV_ScriptThread_VectorGetXEvent.
// Gets the x value from a vector.
// Parameters: Event* -- Argument 1 is the vector to get x from.
// Return cache is the x value.
// Returns: None
void CThread::VectorGetXEvent( Event *ev )
assert( ev );
if (ev->NumArgs() != 1 )
ev->Error( "Usage: floatvariable = %s( vector )\n", ev->getName());
return ;
Vector v1 = ev->GetVector( 1 );
ev->ReturnFloat( v1.x ) ;
// Name: VectorGetYEvent
// Class: CThread
// Description: Handles the EV_ScriptThread_VectorGetXEvent.
// Gets the y value from a vector.
// Parameters: Event* -- Argument 1 is the vector to get y from.
// Return cache is the y value.
// Returns: None
void CThread::VectorGetYEvent( Event *ev )
assert( ev );
if (ev->NumArgs() != 1 )
ev->Error( "Usage: floatvariable = %s( vector )\n", ev->getName());
return ;
Vector v1 = ev->GetVector( 1 );
ev->ReturnFloat( v1.y ) ;
// Name: VectorGetZEvent
// Class: CThread
// Description: Handles the EV_ScriptThread_VectorGetXEvent.
// Gets the z value from a vector.
// Parameters: Event* -- Argument 1 is the vector to get z from.
// Return cache is the z value.
// Returns: None
void CThread::VectorGetZEvent( Event *ev )
assert( ev );
if (ev->NumArgs() != 1 )
ev->Error( "Usage: floatvariable = %s( vector )\n", ev->getName());
return ;
Vector v1 = ev->GetVector( 1 );
ev->ReturnFloat( v1.z ) ;
// Name: VectorSetXEvent
// Class: CThread
// Description: Handles the EV_ScriptThread_VectorSetXEvent.
// Sets the x value for a vector.
// Parameters: Event* -- Argument 1 is the vector to set the x of.
// Argument 2 is the x value for the vector
// Return cache is the resulting vector.
// Returns: None
void CThread::VectorSetXEvent( Event *ev )
assert( ev );
if (ev->NumArgs() != 2 )
ev->Error( "Usage: vectorvariable = %s( vector, x_value )\n", ev->getName());
return ;
Vector v1 = ev->GetVector( 1 );
v1.x = ev->GetFloat( 2 );
ev->ReturnVector( v1 );
// Name: VectorSetYEvent
// Class: CThread
// Description: Handles the EV_ScriptThread_VectorSetYEvent.
// Sets the y value for a vector.
// Parameters: Event* -- Argument 1 is the vector to set the y of.
// Argument 2 is the y value for the vector
// Return cache is the resulting vector.
// Returns: None
void CThread::VectorSetYEvent( Event *ev )
assert( ev );
if (ev->NumArgs() != 2 )
ev->Error( "Usage: vectorvariable = %s( vector, y_value )\n", ev->getName());
return ;
Vector v1 = ev->GetVector( 1 );
v1.y = ev->GetFloat( 2 );
ev->ReturnVector( v1 );
// Name: VectorSetZEvent
// Class: CThread
// Description: Handles the EV_ScriptThread_VectorSetZEvent.
// Sets the z value for a vector.
// Parameters: Event* -- Argument 1 is the vector to set the z of
// Argument 2 is the z value for the vector
// Return cache is the resulting vector.
// Returns: None
void CThread::VectorSetZEvent( Event *ev )
assert( ev );
if (ev->NumArgs() != 2 )
ev->Error( "Usage: vectorvariable = %s( vector, z_value )\n", ev->getName());
return ;
Vector v1 = ev->GetVector( 1 );
v1.z = ev->GetFloat( 2 );
ev->ReturnVector( v1 );
// Name: VectorForwardEvent
// Class: CThread
// Description: Handles the EV_ScriptThread_VectorForwardEvent.
// Gets the forward vector of a vector.
// Parameters: Event* -- Argument 1 is the vector to get the forward of.
// Return cache is the forward vector.
// Returns: None
void CThread::VectorForwardEvent( Event *ev )
assert( ev );
if ( ev->NumArgs() != 1 )
ev->Error( "Usage: floatvariable = %s( vector )\n", ev->getName());
return ;
Vector forward ;
Vector v1 = ev->GetVector( 1 );
v1.AngleVectors( &forward );
ev->ReturnVector( forward );
// Name: VectorLeftEvent
// Class: CThread
// Description: Handles the EV_ScriptThread_VectorLeftEvent.
// Gets the left vector of a vector.
// Parameters: Event* -- Argument 1 is the vector to get the left of.
// Return cache is the left vector.
// Returns: None
void CThread::VectorLeftEvent( Event *ev )
assert( ev );
if ( ev->NumArgs() != 1 )
ev->Error( "Usage: floatvariable = %s( vector )\n", ev->getName());
return ;
Vector left ;
Vector v1 = ev->GetVector( 1 );
v1.AngleVectors( 0, &left );
ev->ReturnVector( left );
// Name: VectorUpEvent
// Class: CThread
// Description: Handles the EV_ScriptThread_VectorUpEvent.
// Gets the up vector of a vector.
// Parameters: Event* -- Argument 1 is the vector to get the up of.
// Return cache is the up vector.
// Returns: None
void CThread::VectorUpEvent( Event *ev )
assert( ev );
if ( ev->NumArgs() != 1 )
ev->Error( "Usage: floatvariable = %s( vector )\n", ev->getName());
return ;
Vector up ;
Vector v1 = ev->GetVector( 1 );
v1.AngleVectors( 0, 0, &up );
ev->ReturnVector( up );
// Name: vectorToString
// Class: CThread
// Description: Converts a vector to a string
// Parameters: Event *ev - contains a vector
// Returns: None
void CThread::vectorToString( Event *ev )
str stringResult;
Vector vectorToConvert;
vectorToConvert = ev->GetVector( 1 );
stringResult = "\"";
stringResult += vectorToConvert.x;
stringResult += " ";
stringResult += vectorToConvert.y;
stringResult += " ";
stringResult += vectorToConvert.z;
stringResult += "\"";
ev->ReturnString( stringResult );
// Name: TargetOfEvent
// Class: CThread
// Description: Handles the EV_ScriptThread_TargetOfEvent.
// Gets the target of an entity.
// Parameters: Event* -- Argument 1 is the entity whose target you want.
// Return cache is the name of the target,
// or the empty string if no target.
// Returns: None
void CThread::TargetOfEvent( Event *ev )
assert( ev );
if ( ev->NumArgs() != 1 )
ev->Error( "Usage: stringvariable = %s( entity )\n", ev->getName());
return ;
Entity *entity = ev->GetEntity( 1 );
if ( !entity )
ev->Error( "First argument of %s is not an entity!\n", ev->getName());
return ;
const char *target = entity->Target();
ev->ReturnString( target ? target : "" );
// Name: FloorEvent
// Class: CThread
// Description: Handles the EV_ScriptThread_FloorEvent,
// Floors the specified floor.
// Parameters: Event* -- Argument 1 is the float you want the
// floor of.
// Returns: None
void CThread::FloorEvent( Event *ev )
assert( ev );
float value = ev->GetFloat( 1 );
ev->ReturnFloat( floor( value ) );
// Name: CeilEvent
// Class: CThread
// Description: Handles the EV_ScriptThread_CeilEvent,
// Ceils the specified float.
// Parameters: Event* -- Argument 1 is the float you want the
// ceil of.
// Returns: None
void CThread::CeilEvent( Event *ev )
assert( ev );
float value = ev->GetFloat( 1 );
ev->ReturnFloat( ceil( value ) );
// Name: RoundEvent
// Class: CThread
// Description: Handles the EV_ScriptThread_RoundEvent.
// Rounds the specified float.
// Parameters: Event* -- Argument 1 is the float you want to round.
// Returns: None
void CThread::RoundEvent( Event *ev )
assert( ev );
float value = ev->GetFloat( 1 );
float remainder = value - floor(value) ;
ev->ReturnFloat( (remainder >= 0.5) ? ceil( value ) : floor( value ) );
// Name: SetGameplayFloat
// Class: CThread
// Description: Sets properties on the gameplay database.
// Parameters: Event *ev
// Returns: None
void CThread::SetGameplayFloat( Event *ev )
const char *objname = 0;
const char *propname = 0;
float value = 1.0f;
// Check for not enough args
if ( ev->NumArgs() < 3 )
objname = ev->GetString( 1 );
propname = ev->GetString( 2 );
value = ev->GetFloat( 3 );
GameplayManager::getTheGameplayManager()->setFloatValue(objname, propname, value);
// Name: GetGameplayString
// Class: CThread
// Description: Gets a gameplay database property string value.
// Parameters: Event *ev
// Returns: None
void CThread::GetGameplayString( Event *ev )
const char *objname = 0;
const char *propname = 0;
// Check for not enough args
if ( ev->NumArgs() < 2 )
ev->Error( "getgameplaystring: Wrong number of arguments. getgameplaystring objname propertyname" );
objname = ev->GetString( 1 );
propname = ev->GetString( 2 );
str stringvalue = GameplayManager::getTheGameplayManager()->getStringValue( objname, propname );
ev->ReturnString( stringvalue.c_str() );
// Name: GetGameplayFloat
// Class: CThread
// Description: Gets a gameplay database property float value.
// Parameters: Event *ev
// Returns: None
void CThread::GetGameplayFloat( Event *ev )
const char *objname = 0;
const char *propname = 0;
// Check for not enough args
if ( ev->NumArgs() < 2 )
ev->Error( "getgameplayfloat: Wrong number of arguments. getgameplayfloat objname propertyname" );
objname = ev->GetString( 1 );
propname = ev->GetString( 2 );
float floatvalue = GameplayManager::getTheGameplayManager()->getFloatValue( objname, propname );
ev->ReturnFloat( floatvalue );
// Name: SetGameplayString
// Class: CThread
// Description: Sets properties on the gameplay database.
// Parameters: Event *ev
// Returns: None
void CThread::SetGameplayString( Event *ev )
const char *objname = 0;
const char *propname = 0;
const char *valuestr = 0;
// Check for not enough args
if ( ev->NumArgs() < 3 )
objname = ev->GetString( 1 );
propname = ev->GetString( 2 );
valuestr = ev->GetString( 3 );
GameplayManager::getTheGameplayManager()->setStringValue(objname, propname, valuestr);
// Name: GetIntegerFromString
// Class: CThread
// Description: Retreives the first integer value found in the
// event's first argument (which must be a string).
// The value is returned in the event's return field.
// Parameters: Event -- the event that triggered this call
// Returns: None
void CThread::GetIntegerFromString( Event *ev )
assert( ev );
const char *valueText = 0 ;
char *text = 0 ;
char buffer[256] ;
strcpy( buffer, ev->GetString( 1 ) );
text = buffer ;
while ( text && *text )
if ( ( *text < '0' ) || ( *text > '9') )
text++ ;
continue ;
valueText = text ;
while ( text && *text )
if ( ( *text < '0') || ( *text > '9' ) )
*text = 0 ;
break ;
text++ ;
break ;
int value = atoi( valueText );
ev->ReturnInteger( value );
// Name: CreateCinematic
// Class: CThread
// Description: Creates a new cinematic with the specified name.
// Loads the corresponding cinematic from disk. Once
// loaded, events can be called on the cinematic directly
// to set it up and play it.
// Parameters: Event* -- EV_ScriptThread_CreateCinematic.
// - First argument must be string name without .cin extension.
// Returns: None
void CThread::CreateCinematic( Event *ev )
assert( ev );
if ( ev->NumArgs() != 1 )
ev->Error( "script usage: entity cin = createCinematic <cinematicWithoutCinExtension\n" );
return ;
str cinematicName = ev->GetString( 1 );
Cinematic *cinematic = theCinematicArmature.createCinematic( cinematicName );
ev->ReturnEntity( cinematic );
// Name: GetLevelTime
// Class: CThread
// Description: Returns the level.time to the script.
// Parameters: Event* -- EV_ScriptThread_GetTime
// Returns: none
void CThread::GetLevelTime( Event* ev )
assert( ev );
ev->ReturnFloat( level.time );
void CThread::disconnectPathnodes( Event *ev )
thePathManager.disconnectNodes( ev->GetString( 1 ), ev->GetString( 2 ) );
void CThread::connectPathnodes( Event *ev )
thePathManager.connectNodes( ev->GetString( 1 ), ev->GetString( 2 ) );