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// $Logfile:: /Code/DLLs/game/multiplayerArena.h $
// $Revision:: 38 $
// $Author:: Steven $
// $Date:: 7/23/02 3:55p $
// Copyright (C) 2002 by Ritual Entertainment, Inc.
// All rights reserved.
// This source may not be distributed and/or modified without
// expressly written permission by Ritual Entertainment, Inc.
// Description:
#ifndef __MP_MODEBASE_HPP__
#define __MP_MODEBASE_HPP__
#include "g_local.h" // common game stuff
#include "player.h" // for Player
#include "item.h"
#include "PlayerStart.h" // for PlayerDeathmatchStart
#include "container.h" // for Container
#include "str.h" // for str
#include "mp_team.hpp"
#include "mp_shared.hpp"
#include "equipment.h"
class MultiplayerPlayerGameData
int _numDeaths;
int _numKills;
int _points;
int _entnum;
bool _playing;
float _nextHitSoundTime;
float _startTime;
Team *_currentTeam;
int _lastKilledByPlayer;
int _lastKillerOfPlayer;
int _lastKilledByPlayerMOD;
int _lastKillerOfPlayerMOD;
int _lastPlace;
bool _lastTied;
void init( void );
void reset( void );
// MultiplayerModeBase -- Abstract base class providing common functionality
// to all multiplayer game types. Tracks players
// entering the arena, starting the match, etc.
class MultiplayerModeBase : public Class
static const float _defaultStartinghealth;
static const int _defaultPointsPerKill;
static const int _defaultPointsPerTakenAwayForSuicide;
static const float _spectatorMoveSpeedModifier;
Container<Player *> _playerList;
Container<PlayerDeathmatchStart *> _spawnpointList;
Container<PlayerDeathmatchStart *> _unusedSpawnpointList;
Container<str> _weaponList;
Container<SimpleAmmoType *> _ammoList;
unsigned int _activePlayers ;
unsigned int _spawncounter ;
unsigned int _startingHealth ;
bool _fightInProgress ;
str _startingWeaponName;
MultiplayerPlayerGameData *_playerGameData;
unsigned int _maxPlayers;
int _pointLimit;
float _matchStartTime;
float _gameStartTime;
float _timeLimit;
bool _gameStarted;
int _lastTimeRemaining;
int _spectatorIconIndex;
int _warmUpTextIndex;
int _waitingForMinPlayersTextIndex;
int _playingTextIndex;
int _lastHighestPoints;
bool _played5MinWarning;
bool _played2MinWarning;
bool _played1MinWarning;
// Abstract constructor
int getNumSpawnpoints( void );
Entity * getSpawnpointbyIndex( int index );
Entity * getRandomSpawnpoint( bool useCounter = false );
int getNumNamedSpawnpoints( const str &spawnpointType );
Entity * getNamedSpawnpointbyIndex( const str &spawnpointType, int index );
Entity * getRandomNamedSpawnpoint( const str &spawnpointType );
Entity * getFarthestNamedSpawnpoint( const Vector &origin, const str &spawnpointType );
virtual void _endMatch();
virtual void _beginMatch();
virtual void _giveInitialConditions(Player* player);
void handleKill( Player *killedPlayer, Player *attackingPlayer, Entity *inflictor, int meansOfDeath, bool goodKill );
Player * getPlayer( int entnum );
CLASS_PROTOTYPE( MultiplayerModeBase );
virtual ~MultiplayerModeBase();
virtual void init( int maxPlayers );
virtual void initItems( void );
virtual void start( void ) {};
virtual bool shouldKeepItem( MultiplayerItem *item ) { return false; }
virtual bool shouldKeepNormalItem( Item *item );
virtual void itemKept( MultiplayerItem *item ) {};
virtual void update( float frameTime );
virtual void matchOver( void ) {};
virtual void declareWinner( void );
void getSpawnpoints( void );
virtual Entity * getSpawnPoint( Player *player );
int findPlayer( const Player *player );
virtual bool canGivePlayerItem( int entnum, const str &itemName ) { return true; }
// Queries
virtual bool isEndOfMatch( void );
bool isFightInProgress() { return _fightInProgress ; }
// Gets
//inline int getID( void ) { return _id; }
inline unsigned int getStartingHealth( void ) { return _startingHealth ; }
inline unsigned int getMaxPlayers( void ) { return _maxPlayers ; }
inline unsigned int getActivePlayers( void ) { return _activePlayers ; }
inline int getPointLimit( void ) { return _pointLimit ; }
inline unsigned int getTimeLimit( void ) { return (unsigned int) _timeLimit ; }
int getPoints( Player *player );
int getKills( Player *player );
int getDeaths( Player *player );
Team* getPlayersTeam( const Player *player );
virtual int getTeamPoints( Player *player ) { return 0; }
virtual int getTeamPoints( const str & teamName ) { return 0; }
virtual void addTeamPoints( const str & teamName, int points ) { return; }
virtual int getStat( Player *player, int statNum, int value );
virtual int getIcon( Player *player, int statNum, int value );
virtual int getScoreIcon( Player *player, int index, int value ) { return value; }
virtual int getInfoIcon( Player *player ) { return 0; }
virtual Player * getLastKilledByPlayer( Player *player, int *meansOfDeath );
virtual Player * getLastKillerOfPlayer( Player *player, int *meansOfDeath );
int comparePlayerScore( MultiplayerPlayerGameData &player1Data, MultiplayerPlayerGameData &player2Data );
int getPlace( Player *player, bool *tied = NULL );
// Sets
//void setID( int id );
void setStartingHealth( unsigned int startingHealth) { _startingHealth = startingHealth ; }
void setPointLimit( int pointLimit ) { _pointLimit = pointLimit; }
void setTimeLimit( float timeLimit ) { _timeLimit = timeLimit; }
// Arena wide functions
virtual void resetSpawnpoints( void );
virtual void BeginMatch( void );
virtual void EndMatch( void );
virtual bool inMatch( void );
// Player specific functions
virtual void ActivatePlayer( Player *player );
virtual void AddPlayer( Player *player );
virtual void RemovePlayer( Player *player );
bool needToAddPlayer( Player *player );
virtual bool canJoinTeam( Player *player, const str &teamName );
virtual void joinTeam( Player *player, const str &teamName );
virtual bool canPickup( Player *player, MultiplayerItemType itemType, const char *item_name ) { return true; }
virtual void pickedupItem( Player *player, MultiplayerItemType itemType, const char *itemName ) {};
virtual void applySpeedModifiers( Player *player, int *moveSpeed );
virtual void applyJumpModifiers( Player *player, int *jumpSpeed ) {};
virtual void applyAirAccelerationModifiers( Player *player, int *airAcceleration ) {};
virtual void setupMultiplayerUI( Player *player );
virtual void playerKilled( Player *killedPlayer, Player *attackingPlayer, Entity *inflictor, int meansOfDeath );
virtual float playerDamaged( Player *damagedPlayer, Player *attackingPlayer, float damage, int meansOfDeath );
virtual void playerTookDamage( Player *damagedPlayer, Player *attackingPlayer, float damage, int meansOfDeath );
virtual void playerFired( Player *attackingPlayer ) {};
virtual void obituary( Player *killedPlayer, Player *attackingPlayer, int meansOfDeath );
virtual void playerDead( Player *player );
virtual void itemTouched( Player *player, MultiplayerItem *item ) {};
virtual void itemDestroyed( Player *player, MultiplayerItem *item ) {};
virtual float itemDamaged( MultiplayerItem *item, Player *attackingPlayer, float damage, int meansOfDeath ) { return damage; }
virtual void itemUsed( Entity *entity, MultiplayerItem *item ) {};
virtual void playerUsed( Player *usedPlayer, Player *usingPlayer, Equipment *equipment ) {};
virtual void score( const Player *player );
virtual void respawnPlayer( Player *player ) {};
virtual void playerEventNotification( const char *eventName, const char *eventItemName, Player *eventPlayer ) {};
// Utility functions
void AddStartingWeapon(const str& weaponViewmodel);
void SetStartingWeapon( const str& weaponName );
virtual void addPoints( int entnum, int points );
void readMultiplayerConfig( const char *configName );
virtual bool parseConfigToken( const char *key, Script *buffer );
bool shouldStartMatch( void );
void startMatch( void );
void endMatch( void );
void restartMatch( void );
virtual bool checkGameType( const char *rule ) { return false; }
virtual bool doesPlayerHaveItem( Player *player, const char *itemName ) { return false; }
virtual void playerCommand( Player *player, const char *command, const char *parm ) {};
virtual void teamPointsChanged( Team *team, int oldPoints, int newPoints ) {};
virtual bool checkRule( const char *rule, bool defaultValue, Player *player = NULL ) { return defaultValue; }
virtual int getHighestPoints( void );
virtual bool isValidPlayerModel( Player *player, str modelToUse, bool defaultValue ) { return defaultValue; }
virtual str getDefaultPlayerModel( Player *player, str modelName ) { return modelName; }
virtual void playerChangedModel( Player *player ) {};
virtual bool skipWeaponReloads( void ) { return false; }
#endif // __MP_MODEBASE_HPP__