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// $Logfile:: /Code/DLLs/game/camera.h $
// $Revision:: 19 $
// $Author:: Steven $
// $Date:: 10/13/03 8:53a $
// Copyright (C) 1997 by Ritual Entertainment, Inc.
// All rights reserved.
// This source is may not be distributed and/or modified without
// expressly written permission by Ritual Entertainment, Inc.
// Camera. Duh.
#ifndef __CAMERA_H__
#define __CAMERA_H__
#include "g_local.h"
#include "entity.h"
#include "bspline.h"
#include "container.h"
#include "CameraPath.h"
#define ORBIT ( 1 << 0 )
#define START_ON ( 1 << 1 )
#define AUTOMATIC ( 1 << 2 )
#define NO_TRACE ( 1 << 3 )
#define NO_WATCH ( 1 << 4 )
#define LEVEL_EXIT ( 1 << 5 )
// CameraManager Events
extern Event EV_CameraManager_SetPath ;
extern Event EV_CameraManager_PlayPath ;
extern Event EV_CameraManager_Load ;
// Camera Events
extern Event EV_Camera_CameraThink;
extern Event EV_Camera_StartMoving;
extern Event EV_Camera_Pause;
extern Event EV_Camera_Continue;
extern Event EV_Camera_StopMoving;
extern Event EV_Camera_SetSpeed;
extern Event EV_Camera_SetFollowDistance;
extern Event EV_Camera_SetOrbitHeight;
extern Event EV_Camera_SetYaw;
extern Event EV_Camera_AbsoluteYaw;
extern Event EV_Camera_RelativeYaw;
extern Event EV_Camera_SetFOV;
extern Event SetInterpolateFOV;
extern Event EV_Camera_Orbit;
extern Event EV_Camera_Follow;
extern Event EV_Camera_Watch;
extern Event EV_Camera_WatchPath;
extern Event EV_Camera_LookAt;
extern Event EV_Camera_TurnTo;
extern Event EV_Camera_MoveToEntity;
extern Event EV_Camera_MoveToPos;
extern Event EV_Camera_NoWatch;
extern Event EV_Camera_FadeTime;
extern Event EV_Camera_Cut;
extern Event EV_Camera_LoadKFC;
class Camera;
// class CameraMoveState
class CameraMoveState : public Class
Vector pos;
Vector movedir; // direction of travel
Vector angles; // angles from spline camera
BSpline cameraPath;
SplinePathPtr splinePath;
SplinePathPtr currentNode;
SplinePathPtr loopNode;
float cameraTime;
int lastTime;
int newTime;
qboolean followingpath;
EntityPtr followEnt;
EntityPtr orbitEnt;
void operator=( const CameraMoveState& newstate );
void Evaluate( Camera* camera );
void Initialize( Camera* camera );
void DoNodeEvents( Camera* camera );
virtual void Archive( Archiver& arc );
// CameraMoveState::operator=
inline void CameraMoveState::operator=( const CameraMoveState& newstate )
movedir = newstate.movedir;
pos = newstate.pos;
angles = newstate.angles;
cameraPath = newstate.cameraPath;
splinePath = newstate.splinePath;
currentNode = newstate.currentNode;
loopNode = newstate.loopNode;
cameraTime = newstate.cameraTime;
lastTime = newstate.lastTime;
newTime = newstate.newTime;
followEnt = newstate.followEnt;
orbitEnt = newstate.orbitEnt;
followingpath = newstate.followingpath;
// CameraMoveState::Archive
inline void CameraMoveState::Archive( Archiver& arc )
Class::Archive( arc );
arc.ArchiveVector( &pos );
arc.ArchiveVector( &movedir );
arc.ArchiveVector( &angles );
cameraPath.Archive( arc );
arc.ArchiveSafePointer( &splinePath );
arc.ArchiveSafePointer( ¤tNode );
arc.ArchiveSafePointer( &loopNode );
arc.ArchiveFloat( &cameraTime );
arc.ArchiveInteger( &lastTime );
arc.ArchiveInteger( &newTime );
arc.ArchiveBoolean( &followingpath );
arc.ArchiveSafePointer( &followEnt );
arc.ArchiveSafePointer( &orbitEnt );
// class CameraWatchState
class CameraWatchState : public Class
Vector watchAngles;
EntityPtr watchEnt;
qboolean watchNodes;
qboolean watchPath;
void Evaluate( const Camera* camera, const CameraMoveState* move );
void Initialize( Camera* camera );
virtual void Archive( Archiver& arc );
// CameraWatchState::Archive
inline void CameraWatchState::Archive( Archiver& arc )
Class::Archive( arc );
arc.ArchiveVector( &watchAngles );
arc.ArchiveSafePointer( &watchEnt );
arc.ArchiveBoolean( &watchNodes );
arc.ArchiveBoolean( &watchPath );
// class CameraState
class CameraState : public Class
CameraMoveState move;
CameraWatchState watch;
float fov;
void Evaluate( Camera * camera );
void Initialize( Camera * camera );
virtual void Archive( Archiver &arc );
// CameraState::Archive
inline void CameraState::Archive( Archiver& arc )
Class::Archive( arc );
move.Archive( arc );
watch.Archive( arc );
arc.ArchiveFloat( &fov );
// class Camera
class Camera : public Entity
friend class CameraState;
friend class CameraWatchState;
friend class CameraMoveState;
// follow parameters
float follow_yaw;
qboolean follow_yaw_fixed;
float follow_dist;
int follow_mask;
// camera speed
float camera_speed;
// current camera fov
float camera_fov;
// orbit height
float orbit_height;
// orbit_dotrace
qboolean orbit_dotrace;
// whether or not auto calculate fov, a non-zero value means yes
float auto_fov;
// automatic variables
float automatic_startTime;
float automatic_stopTime;
float automatic_radius;
float automatic_maxFOV;
qboolean automatic_active;
Container<str> automatic_states;
// members supporting new key-framed camera system
CameraPath* newCameraPath; // NULL if not currently in use (fall back to old system)
float newCameraPathSeconds; // the number of seconds the camera is into its key-framed path
CameraState currentstate;
CameraState newstate;
float watchTime; // if non-zero, camera view is transitioning
float followTime; // if non-zero, camera position is tranisitioning
float fovTime; // if non-zero, fov is being lerped
float fadeTime; // time to transition over
float fovFadeTime; // time for fov transition
float followFadeTime; // time for fov transition
float watchFadeTime; // time for fov transition
str nextCamera;
str thread;
qboolean showcamera;
void SetupCamera( Event* ev );
void CameraThink( Event* ev );
void EvaluateCameraKeyFramePath( void );
void CreateOrbit( const Vector& pos, float radius, const Vector& forward, const Vector& left );
void CreatePath( SplinePath* path, splinetype_t type );
void UpdateStates( void );
Vector CalculatePosition( void );
Vector CalculateOrientation( void );
float CalculateFov( void );
virtual void bind( Entity* master, qboolean use_my_angles = false );
virtual void unbind( void );
void Stop( void );
void FollowPath( SplinePath* path, qboolean loop, Entity* watch );
void Orbit( Entity* ent, float dist, Entity* watch, float yaw_offset = 0, qboolean dotrace = true );
void FollowEntity( Entity* ent, float dist, int mask, Entity* watch = NULL );
void Watch( const str& watch, float time );
void Watch( Entity* ent, float time );
void SetFOV( float fov, float time );
void StartMoving( Event* ev );
void StopMoving( Event* ev );
void Pause( Event* ev );
void Continue( Event* ev );
void SetAnglesEvent( Event* ev );
void SetSpeed( Event* ev );
void SetFollowDistance( Event* ev );
void SetOrbitHeight( float height );
void SetOrbitHeight( Event* ev );
void SetFollowYaw( Event* ev );
void AbsoluteYaw( Event* ev );
void RelativeYaw( Event* ev );
void SetFOV( Event* ev );
void SetInterpolateFOV( Event* ev );
void LoadKFC( Event* ev );
void OrbitEvent( Event* ev );
void FollowEvent( Event* ev );
void WatchEvent( Event* ev );
void WatchPathEvent( Event* ev );
void WatchNodesEvent( Event* ev );
void NoWatchEvent( Event* ev );
void LookAt( Event* ev );
void MoveToEntity( Event* ev );
void MoveToPos( Event* ev );
void Cut( Event* ev );
void FadeTime( Event* ev );
void TurnTo( Event* ev );
void SetNextCamera( Event* ev );
void SetThread( Event* ev );
float CalculateScore( Entity* player, const str& state );
float AutomaticStart( Entity* player );
float AutomaticStop( Entity* player );
qboolean IsAutomatic( void );
qboolean IsLevelExit( void );
void SetAutoStateEvent( Event* ev );
void SetAutoRadiusEvent( Event* ev );
void SetAutoStartTimeEvent( Event* ev );
void SetAutoStopTimeEvent( Event* ev );
void SetMaximumAutoFOVEvent( Event* ev );
void SetAutoActiveEvent( Event* ev );
str& NextCamera( void );
str& Thread( void );
float Fov( void );
void SetPlaybackOffsets( const float yawOffsetDegrees, const Vector& originOffset );
float GetPathLengthInSeconds( void );
float GetCameraTime( void );
void Reset( const Vector& org, const Vector& ang );
virtual void Archive( Archiver& arc );
// Camera::Archive
inline void Camera::Archive( Archiver& arc )
Entity::Archive( arc );
arc.ArchiveFloat( &follow_yaw );
arc.ArchiveBoolean( &follow_yaw_fixed );
arc.ArchiveFloat( &follow_dist );
arc.ArchiveInteger( &follow_mask );
arc.ArchiveFloat( &camera_speed );
arc.ArchiveFloat( &camera_fov );
arc.ArchiveFloat( &orbit_height );
arc.ArchiveBoolean( &orbit_dotrace );
arc.ArchiveFloat( &auto_fov );
arc.ArchiveFloat( &automatic_startTime );
arc.ArchiveFloat( &automatic_stopTime );
arc.ArchiveFloat( &automatic_radius );
arc.ArchiveFloat( &automatic_maxFOV );
arc.ArchiveBoolean( &automatic_active );
automatic_states.Archive( arc );
if ( arc.Saving() )
bool cameraValid;
if ( newCameraPath )
cameraValid = true;
cameraValid = false;
arc.ArchiveBool( &cameraValid );
if ( cameraValid )
arc.ArchiveObject( newCameraPath );
bool cameraValid;
arc.ArchiveBool( &cameraValid );
if ( cameraValid )
newCameraPath = new CameraPath();
arc.ArchiveObject( newCameraPath );
newCameraPath = NULL;
arc.ArchiveFloat( &newCameraPathSeconds );
// currentstate
currentstate.Archive( arc );
// newstate
newstate.Archive( arc );
arc.ArchiveFloat( &watchTime );
arc.ArchiveFloat( &followTime );
arc.ArchiveFloat( &fovTime );
arc.ArchiveFloat( &fadeTime );
arc.ArchiveFloat( &fovFadeTime );
arc.ArchiveFloat( &followFadeTime );
arc.ArchiveFloat( &watchFadeTime );
arc.ArchiveString( &nextCamera );
arc.ArchiveString( &thread );
arc.ArchiveBoolean( &showcamera );
if ( arc.Loading() )
if ( spawnflags & AUTOMATIC )
level.AddAutomaticCamera( this );
void SetCamera( Entity *ent, float switchTime );
Entity * GetWatchEntity( const str &watch );
typedef SafePtr<Camera> CameraPtr;
// class CameraManager
class CameraManager : public Listener
Container<str> pathList;
BSpline cameraPath;
SplinePathPtr path;
SplinePathPtr current;
float speed;
int watch;
str pathName;
CameraPtr cam;
qboolean cameraPath_dirty;
float playbackStartTime;
qboolean isPreviewPlaybackRunning;
void NewPath( Event* ev );
void SetPath( Event* ev );
void SetTargetName( Event* ev );
void SetTarget( Event* ev );
void SetThread( Event* ev );
void AddPoint( Event* ev );
void ReplacePoint( Event* ev );
void DeletePoint( Event* ev );
void MovePlayer( Event* ev );
void NextPoint( Event* ev );
void PreviousPoint( Event* ev );
void ShowingPath( Event* ev );
void ShowPath( Event* ev );
void HidePath( Event* ev );
void StopPlayback( Event* ev );
void PlayPath( Event* ev );
void PlayKFCPath( Event* ev );
void DestroyKFCPath( Event* ev );
void LoopPath( Event* ev );
void Watch( Event* ev );
void NoWatch( Event* ev );
void Fov( Event* ev );
void FadeTime( Event* ev );
void Speed( Event* ev );
void Save( Event* ev );
void Load( Event* ev );
void SaveMap( Event* ev );
void UpdateEvent( Event* ev );
void NextPath( Event* ev );
void PreviousPath( Event* ev );
void RenamePath( Event* ev );
void ShowPath( void );
void UpdateUI( void );
void SetPathName( const str& name );
void SavePath( const str& pathName );
CLASS_PROTOTYPE( CameraManager );
void SetPath( const str& pathName );
virtual void Archive( Archiver& arc );
// CameraManager::Archive
inline void CameraManager::Archive( Archiver& arc )
Listener::Archive( arc );
pathList.Archive( arc );
// Don't need to archive cameraPath because it gets rebuilt ayways
//BSpline cameraPath;
// no need to archive the cameraPath
arc.ArchiveSafePointer( &path );
arc.ArchiveSafePointer( ¤t );
arc.ArchiveFloat( &speed );
arc.ArchiveInteger( &watch );
arc.ArchiveString( &pathName );
arc.ArchiveSafePointer( &cam );
// make sure the cameraPath gets rebuilt
cameraPath_dirty = true;
extern CameraManager CameraMan;
#endif /* camera.h */