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// $Logfile:: /Code/DLLs/game/g_utils.h $
// $Revision:: 24 $
// $Author:: Steven $
// $Date:: 10/13/03 8:54a $
// Copyright (C) 1998 by Ritual Entertainment, Inc.
// All rights reserved.
// This source may not be distributed and/or modified without
// expressly written permission by Ritual Entertainment, Inc.
#ifndef __G_UTILS_H__
#define __G_UTILS_H__
class Archiver;
void G_ArchiveEdict( Archiver &arc, gentity_t *edict );
#include "entity.h"
int G_FindConfigstringIndex( const char *name, int start, int max, qboolean create );
void G_AllocDebugLines( void );
void G_DeAllocDebugLines( void );
void G_TouchTriggers (Entity *ent);
void G_TouchTeleporters (Entity *ent);
void G_TouchSolids (Entity *ent);
Entity *G_FindClass( const Entity *ent, const char *classname );
//Entity *G_NextEntity( const Entity *ent );
void G_CalcBoundsOfMove( const Vector &start, const Vector &end, const Vector &mins, const Vector &maxs, Vector *minbounds, Vector *maxbounds );
void G_ShowTrace( const trace_t *trace, gentity_t *passent, const char *reason, Vector &start, Vector &end );
trace_t G_Trace( const Vector &start, const Vector &mins, const Vector &maxs, const Vector &end, const Entity *passent, int contentmask, qboolean cylindrical, const char *reason, qboolean fulltrace = false );
trace_t G_Trace( vec3_t start, const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs, vec3_t end, gentity_t *passent, int contentmask, qboolean cylindrical, const char *reason, qboolean fulltrace = false );
trace_t G_FullTrace( const Vector &start, const Vector &mins, const Vector &maxs, const Vector &end, Entity *passent, int contentmask, qboolean cylindrical, const char *reason );
trace_t G_FullTrace( vec3_t start, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs, vec3_t end, gentity_t *passent, int contentmask, qboolean cylindrical, const char *reason );
void G_TraceEntities( const Vector &start, const Vector &mins, const Vector &maxs, const Vector &end, Container<Entity *>*victimlist, int contentmask );
void SelectSpawnPoint( Vector &org, Vector &angles, str &thread );
Entity *G_FindTarget( Entity *ent, const char *name );
Entity *G_NextEntity( const Entity *ent );
qboolean M_CheckBottom( Entity *ent );
Vector G_GetMovedir( float angle );
qboolean KillBox( Entity *ent );
qboolean IsNumeric( const char *str );
Entity *findradius( const Entity *startent, const Vector &org, float rad );
Entity *findclientsinradius( const Entity *startent, const Vector &org, float rad );
Vector G_CalculateImpulse( const Vector &start, const Vector &end, float speed, float gravity );
Vector G_PredictPosition( const Vector &start, const Vector &target, const Vector &targetvelocity, float speed );
qboolean G_LoadAndExecScript( const char *filename, const char *label = NULL, qboolean quiet = qfalse );
CThread *ExecuteThread( const str &thread_name, qboolean start = true, Entity *currentEnt = NULL );
int MOD_NameToNum( const str &meansOfDeath );
const char *MOD_NumToName( int meansOfDeath );
qboolean MOD_matches( int incoming_damage, int damage_type );
int Soundtype_string_to_int( const str &soundtype_string );
int Context_string_to_int( const str& context_string );
void G_MissionFailed( const str& reason );
void G_FinishMissionFailed( void );
void G_FadeOut( float delaytime );
void G_FadeSound( float delaytime );
void G_RestartLevelWithDelay( float delaytime );
void G_AutoFadeIn( void );
void G_ClearFade( void );
void G_StartCinematic( void );
void G_StopCinematic( void );
int G_NumClients( void );
void G_DrawXYBox( const Vector ¢er, float width, float red, float green, float blue, float alpha );
// copy the entity exactly including all its children
void CloneEntity( Entity * dest, const Entity * src );
qboolean OnSameTeam( const Entity *ent1, const Entity *ent2 );
// caching commands
void CacheResource( const char * stuff, Entity * ent = NULL );
void G_CacheStateMachineAnims( Entity *ent, const char *stateMachineName );
int modelIndex( const char *mdl );
void G_SetTrajectory( gentity_t *ent, const vec3_t org );
void G_SetConstantLight
unsigned int * constantlight,
const float * red,
const float * green,
const float * blue,
const float * radius,
const int * lightstyle = NULL
void ChangeMusic
const char *current,
const char *fallback,
qboolean force
void ChangeMusicVolume
float volume,
float fade_time
void RestoreMusicVolume
float fade_time
void G_AllowMusicDucking( bool allowMusicDucking );
void G_AllowActionMusic( bool allowActionMusic );
void ChangeSoundtrack
const char * soundtrack
void RestoreSoundtrack
void G_BroadcastSound( Entity *ent, const Vector &origin, float radius = SOUND_RADIUS, int soundType = SOUNDTYPE_GENERAL);
void G_BroadcastAlert( Entity *ent, const Vector &orignin, const Vector &enemy, float radius = SOUND_RADIUS );
// Inline functions
Takes an index to an entity and returns pointer to it.
inline Entity *G_GetEntity
int entnum
if ( ( entnum < 0 ) || ( entnum >= globals.max_entities ) )
gi.Error( ERR_DROP, "G_GetEntity: %d out of valid range.", entnum );
return ( Entity * )g_entities[ entnum ].entity;
Returns a number from 0<= num < 1
inline float G_Random
return ( ( float )( rand() & 0x7fff ) ) / ( ( float )0x8000 );
Returns a number from 0 <= num < n
inline float G_Random
float n
return G_Random() * n;
Returns a number from -1 <= num < 1
inline float G_CRandom
return G_Random( 2 ) - 1.0f;
Returns a number from -n <= num < n
inline float G_CRandom
float n
return G_CRandom() * n;
Converts all backslashes in a string to forward slashes.
Used to make filenames consistant.
inline str G_FixSlashes
const char *filename
int i;
int len;
str text;
if ( filename )
// Convert all forward slashes to back slashes
text = filename;
len = text.length();
for( i = 0; i < len; i++ )
if ( text[ i ] == '\\' )
text[ i ] = '/';
return text;
typedef enum
} weaponhand_t;
typedef enum
} firemode_t;
firemode_t WeaponModeNameToNum( const str &mode );
const char *WeaponHandNumToName( weaponhand_t hand );
weaponhand_t WeaponHandNameToNum( const str &side );
void G_DebugTargets( Entity *e, const str &from );
void G_DebugDamage( float damage, Entity *victim, Entity *attacker, Entity *inflictor );
float G_GetDatabaseFloat( const str &prefix, const str &objectName, const str &varName );
str G_GetDatabaseString( const str &prefix, const str &objectName, const str &varName );
#endif /* g_utils.h */