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// GameplayDatabase.h: interface for the GameplayDatabase class.
class GameplayDatabase;
class GameplayObject;
class GameplayProperty;
#ifdef GAME_DLL
#include <game/g_local.h>
#include <game/script.h>
#endif // GAME_DLL
// Select a parser to use. We wouldn't have to do this part
// if the system didn't have 10000 parsers.
#ifdef GAME_DLL
#define Parser Script
#define Parser TikiScript
#endif // GAME_DLL
#define HASH_SIZE 256
#include <game/class.h>
#include <game/listener.h>
#include <game/str.h>
#include <game/container.h>
#include <qcommon/tiki_script.h>
typedef enum GameplayValueType
} GameplayValueType;
//------------------------ CLASS -------------------------------
// Name: PendingDelta
// Base Class: None
// Description: This class stores a database delta. When
// a game is saved, all the changes to the database
// are stored in the save game file. When this
// file is loaded, these changes are made back to
// the gameplay database.
// However, the changes are made before the client
// has had a chance to initialize. We store off
// all these changes until then. When the server
// learns the player is fully initialized, the
// GameplayManager will ask for this list of
// pending deltas. It will then send them all
// to the client.
class PendingDelta
str _objName ;
str _propName ;
str _stringValue ;
float _floatValue ;
Vector _vectorValue ;
GameplayValueType _type ;
PendingDelta() : _type( GAMEPLAY_VALUE_UNSPECIFIED ) { }
PendingDelta( const str &objName, const str &propName, float floatValue )
: _objName( objName ), _propName( propName ), _floatValue( floatValue ), _type( VALUE_FLOAT ) { }
PendingDelta( const str &objName, const str &propName, const str &stringValue )
: _objName( objName ), _propName( propName ), _stringValue( stringValue ), _type( VALUE_STRING ) { }
PendingDelta( const str &objName, const str &propName, const Vector &vectorValue )
: _objName( objName ), _propName( propName ), _vectorValue( vectorValue ), _type( VALUE_VECTOR ) { }
float getFloatValue() { return _floatValue ; }
const str& getStringValue() { return _stringValue ; }
const Vector& getVectorValue() { return _vectorValue ; }
const str& getObjectName() { return _objName ; }
const str& getPropertyName() { return _propName ; }
GameplayValueType getGameplayValueType() { return _type ; }
//------------------------- CLASS ------------------------------
// Name: GameplayProperty
// Base Class: Class
// Description: Object that has a key and a value which can be
// a string or a float
// Method of Use: Used in GameplayObject's
class GameplayProperty : public Class
str _name;
str _valuestr;
float _valuefloat;
Vector _valuevector;
bool _modified;
GameplayValueType _type;
CLASS_PROTOTYPE( GameplayProperty );
: _name(""),
virtual ~GameplayProperty() {}
// Parsing
bool parseProperty(Parser &gameplayFile, const str& type);
bool isModified( void ) { return _modified ; }
// Accessors -- Gets
const str& getName() { return _name; }
const str& getStringValue() { return _valuestr; }
float getFloatValue() { return _valuefloat; }
const Vector& getVectorValue() { return _valuevector; }
bool getModified() { return _modified; }
GameplayValueType getType() { return _type; }
const str getFloatValueStr();
// Accessors -- Sets
void setName(const str& name);
void setModified(bool modified) { _modified = modified; }
void setType(GameplayValueType type) { _type = type; }
bool setStringValue(const str& valuestr);
bool setFloatValue(float valuefloat);
bool setVectorValue(const Vector& vector);
#ifdef GAME_DLL
void Archive(Archiver &arc);
#endif // GAME_DLL
//------------------------- CLASS ------------------------------
// Name: GameplayObject
// Base Class: Class
// Description: Object that has a name, and a container of
// GameplayProperty's.
// Method of Use: Used in GameplayDatabase
class GameplayObject : public Class
str _name;
str _category;
str _fullScopeName;
int _depth;
bool _modified ;
GameplayObject* _baseObject;
GameplayObject* _nextHashObject;
Container<GameplayProperty *> _propertyList;
Container<GameplayObject *> _subObjectList;
CLASS_PROTOTYPE( GameplayObject );
GameplayObject(int depth);
virtual ~GameplayObject();
// Parsing
bool parseObject(Parser &gameplayFile, const str& name);
bool hasProperty(const str& propname, bool localonly = false);
bool isModified( void ) { return _modified ; }
// Accessors -- Gets
const str& getName() { return _name; }
const str& getCategory() { return _category; }
const str& getFullScopeName() { return _fullScopeName; }
const Container<GameplayObject *>& getSubObjectList() { return _subObjectList; };
const Container<GameplayProperty *>& getPropertyList() { return _propertyList; };
GameplayObject* getBaseObject() { return _baseObject; }
GameplayObject* getNextObject() { return _nextHashObject; }
GameplayObject* getSubObject(const str& subobjname);
GameplayProperty* getProperty(const str& propname);
float getPropertyFloatValue(const str& propname);
const str getPropertyStringValue(const str& propname);
bool getModified(const str& propname);
int getNumberOfModifiedProperties( void );
// Accessors -- Sets
void setModified( bool modified ) { _modified = modified ; }
void setName(const str& name) { _name = name; }
void setCategory(const str& category) { _category = category; }
void setFullScopeName(const str& fullscope) { _fullScopeName = fullscope; }
void setBaseObject(GameplayObject* baseObject) { _baseObject = baseObject; }
void setNextObject(GameplayObject *nextObject) { _nextHashObject = nextObject; }
bool setFloatValue(const str& propname, float value, bool create = false);
bool setStringValue(const str& propname, const str& valuestr, bool create = false);
bool setVectorValue( const str& propname, const Vector& valuevector, bool create = false );
// Deletion
bool removeProperty(const str& propname);
#ifdef GAME_DLL
void Archive(Archiver &arc);
#endif // GAME_DLL
//------------------------- CLASS ------------------------------
// Name: GameplayDatabase
// Base Class: Listener
// Description: Database of GameplayObjects. Queries are made
// to this database to retrieve the data
// Method of Use: Used by the GameplayManager
class GameplayDatabase : public Listener
Container<PendingDelta> _pendingDeltaList ;
Container<GameplayObject *> _objectList;
GameplayObject* _hashTable[HASH_SIZE];
// Saved off last object reference
GameplayObject *_lastObj;
str _lastObjName;
// Private Functions
void _linkSubObjectsToBase();
void _linkToBase(GameplayObject *object);
GameplayObject* _createFromScope(const str& scope);
bool _addToHashTable(GameplayObject *object);
void _buildHashTable();
CLASS_PROTOTYPE( GameplayDatabase );
virtual ~GameplayDatabase();
// Parsing
bool parseFile(const str& filename);
// Queries
bool hasObject(const str& objname);
// Accessors -- Gets
GameplayObject* getObject(const str& objname);
GameplayObject* getRootObject(const str& objname);
GameplayObject* getSubObject(const str& objname, const str& subobjname);
int getNumberOfModifiedObjects( void );
float getFloatValue(const str& objname, const str& propname);
const str getStringValue(const str& objname, const str& propname);
Container<PendingDelta>& getPendingDeltaList() { return _pendingDeltaList ; }
// Accessors -- Sets
bool setFloatValue(const str& objname, const str& propname, float value, bool create = false);
bool setStringValue(const str& objname, const str& propname, const str& valuestr, bool create = false);
bool setVectorValue( const str& objname, const str& propname, const Vector& valuevalue, bool create = false );
bool setBase(const str& objname, const str& baseobj);
bool clearPropertyOverrides(const str& objname);
void clearPendingDeltaList() { _pendingDeltaList.FreeObjectList(); }
#ifdef GAME_DLL
void Archive(Archiver &arc);
#endif // GAME_DLL