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// $Logfile:: /Code/DLLs/game/entity.h $
// $Revision:: 124 $
// $Author:: Steven $
// $Date:: 10/13/03 9:43a $
// Copyright (C) 2002 by Ritual Entertainment, Inc.
// All rights reserved.
// This source is may not be distributed and/or modified without
// expressly written permission by Ritual Entertainment, Inc.
// Base class for all entities that are controlled by the game. If you have any
// object that should be called on a periodic basis and it is not an entity,
// then you have to have an dummy entity that calls it.
// An entity in the game is any object that is not part of the world. Any non-world
// object that is visible in the game is an entity, although it is not required that
// all entities be visible to the player. Some objects are basically just virtual
// constructs that act as an instigator of certain actions, for example, some
// triggers are invisible and cannot be touched, but when activated by other
// objects can cause things to happen.
// All entities are capable of receiving messages from Sin or from other entities.
// Messages received by an entity may be ignored, passed on to their superclass,
// or acted upon by the entity itself. The programmer must decide on the proper
// action for the entity to take to any message. There will be many messages
// that are completely irrelevant to an entity and should be ignored. Some messages
// may require certain states to exist and if they are received by an entity when
// it these states don't exist may indicate a logic error on the part of the
// programmer or map designer and should be reported as warnings (if the problem is
// not severe enough for the game to be halted) or as errors (if the problem should
// not be ignored at any cost).
class BindInfo;
class MorphInfo;
class Entity;
#ifndef __ENTITY_H__
#define __ENTITY_H__
#include <cinttypes>
#include "program.h"
#include "vector.h"
#include "scriptvariable.h"
#include "DamageModification.hpp"
#include "UseData.h"
// modification flags
enum EModificationFlags
enum EDamageT
DamageYes, // will take damage if hit
DamageAim // auto targeting recognizes this
enum EDeadFlag
// flags
enum EFlags
FlagFly = 1 << 0,
FlagSwim = 1 << 1, // implied immunity to drowning
FlagInwater = 1 << 2,
FlagGodmode = 1 << 3,
FlagNotarget = 1 << 4,
FlagPartialground = 1 << 5, // not all corners are valid
FlagTeamslave = 1 << 6, // not the first on the team
FlagNoKnockback = 1 << 7,
FlagThink = 1 << 8,
FlagBlood = 1 << 9, // when hit, it should bleed.
FlagDieGibs = 1 << 10, // when it dies, it should gib
FlagDieExplode = 1 << 11, // when it dies, it will explode
FlagRotatedbounds = 1 << 12, // model uses rotated mins and maxs
FlagDontsave = 1 << 13, // don't add to the save game
FlagImmobile = 1 << 14, // entity has been immobilized somehow
FlagPartialImmobile = 1 << 15, // entity has been immobilized somehow
FlagStunned = 1 << 16,
FlagPostthink = 1 << 17, // call a think function after the physics have been run
FlagTouchTriggers = 1 << 18, // should this entity touch triggers
FlagAutoaim = 1 << 19 // Auto aim on this entity
// Create flags
enum ECreateFlags
EntityCreateFlagAnimate = 1 << 0,
EntityCreateFlagMover = 1 << 1
// damage flags
enum EDamageFlags
DamageRadius = 0x00000001, // damage was indirect
DamageNoArmor = 0x00000002, // armor does not protect from this damage
DamageEnergy = 0x00000004, // damage is from an energy based weapon
DamageNoKnockback = 0x00000008, // do not affect velocity, just view angles
DamageBullet = 0x00000010, // damage is from a bullet (used for ricochets)
DamageNoProtection = 0x00000020,// armor, shields, invulnerability, and god mode have no effect
DamageNoSkill = 0x00000040, // damage is not affected by skill level
extern Event EV_ClientMove;
extern Event EV_ClientEndFrame;
// Generic entity events
extern Event EV_Classname;
extern Event EV_Activate;
extern Event EV_Use;
extern Event EV_FadeNoRemove;
extern Event EV_FadeOut;
extern Event EV_FadeIn;
extern Event EV_Fade;
extern Event EV_Killed;
extern Event EV_GotKill;
extern Event EV_Pain;
extern Event EV_Damage;
extern Event EV_Stun;
extern Event EV_Gib;
extern Event EV_Kill;
extern Event EV_DeathSinkStart;
extern Event EV_TouchTriggers;
extern Event EV_DoRadiusDamage;
// Physics events
extern Event EV_MoveDone;
extern Event EV_Touch;
extern Event EV_Contact;
extern Event EV_LostContact;
extern Event EV_Blocked;
extern Event EV_Attach;
extern Event EV_AttachModel;
extern Event EV_RemoveAttachedModel;
extern Event EV_RemoveAttachedModelByTargetname;
extern Event EV_Detach;
extern Event EV_UseBoundingBox;
// Animation events
extern Event EV_NewAnim;
extern Event EV_LastFrame;
extern Event EV_TakeDamage;
extern Event EV_NoDamage;
extern Event EV_SetCinematicAnim;
// script stuff
extern Event EV_Model;
extern Event EV_Hide;
extern Event EV_Show;
extern Event EV_BecomeSolid;
extern Event EV_BecomeNonSolid;
extern Event EV_Sound;
extern Event EV_StopSound;
extern Event EV_Bind;
extern Event EV_Unbind;
extern Event EV_JoinTeam;
extern Event EV_QuitTeam;
extern Event EV_SetHealth;
extern Event EV_SetMaxHealth;
extern Event EV_SetSize;
extern Event EV_SetAlpha;
extern Event EV_SetOrigin;
extern Event EV_Warp;
extern Event EV_SetTargetName;
extern Event EV_SetTarget;
extern Event EV_SetKillTarget;
extern Event EV_SetAngles;
extern Event EV_SetAngle;
extern Event EV_RegisterAlias;
extern Event EV_Anim;
extern Event EV_StartAnimating;
extern Event EV_SurfaceModelEvent;
extern Event EV_ProcessInitCommands;
extern Event EV_Stop;
extern Event EV_StopLoopSound;
extern Event EV_SetControllerAngles;
extern Event EV_DisplayEffect;
extern Event EV_ForceAlpha;
extern Event EV_SetFloatVar;
extern Event EV_SetVectorVar;
extern Event EV_SetStringVar;
extern Event EV_GetFloatVar;
extern Event EV_GetVectorVar;
extern Event EV_GetStringVar;
extern Event EV_RemoveVariable;
extern Event EV_DoesVarExist;
extern Event EV_UseDataAnim;
extern Event EV_UseDataType;
extern Event EV_UseDataThread;
extern Event EV_UseDataMaxDist;
extern Event EV_UseData;
extern Event EV_CreateEarthquake;
extern Event EV_SpawnEffect;
// Morph stuff
extern Event EV_Morph;
extern Event EV_Unmorph;
// dir is 1
// power is 2
// min size is 3
// max size is 4
// percentage is 5
// thickness 6
// entity is 7
// origin 8
// AI sound events
extern Event EV_BroadcastSound;
extern Event EV_HeardSound;
extern Event EV_Hurt;
extern Event EV_IfSkill;
extern Event EV_SetArchetype;
extern Event EV_SetGameplayHealth;
extern Event EV_SetGameplayDamage;
extern Event EV_ProcessGameplayData;
extern Event EV_StopStasis;
extern Event EV_AddHealthOverTime;
extern Event EV_SimplePlayDialog;
// Define ScriptMaster
class ScriptMaster;
// Spawn args
// "spawnflags"
// "alpha" default 1.0
// "model"
// "origin"
// "targetname"
// "target"
static const uint8_t MAX_MODEL_CHILDREN = 8;
class Entity;
class Animate;
class Mover;
class BindInfo
// Model Binding variables
int32_t numchildren;
int32_t children[MAX_MODEL_CHILDREN];
// Team variables
str moveteam;
Entity* teamchain;
Entity* teammaster;
// Binding variables
Entity* bindmaster;
qboolean bind_use_my_angles;
//Vector localorigin;
//Vector localangles;
qboolean detach_at_death;
void Archive(Archiver& Arc);
inline BindInfo::BindInfo()
// model binding variables
numchildren = 0;
for (auto i = 0; i < MAX_MODEL_CHILDREN; i++)
children[i] = ENTITYNUM_NONE;
detach_at_death = true;
// team variables
teamchain = nullptr;
teammaster = nullptr;
// bind variables
bindmaster = nullptr;
bind_use_my_angles = false;
inline void BindInfo::Archive(Archiver& Arc)
Arc.ArchiveRaw(children, sizeof(children));
Arc.ArchiveObjectPointer(reinterpret_cast<Class **>(&teamchain));
Arc.ArchiveObjectPointer(reinterpret_cast<Class **>(&teammaster));
Arc.ArchiveObjectPointer(reinterpret_cast<Class **>(&bindmaster));
BindInfo* CreateBindInfo();
class MorphInfo
for (auto i = 0; i < NUM_MORPH_CONTROLLERS; i++)
controllers[i].index = -1;
controllers[i].current_percent = 0.0;
controller_on = false;
struct TMorph
int32_t index;
float current_percent;
float speed;
float final_percent;
qboolean return_to_zero;
int32_t channel;
TMorph controllers[NUM_MORPH_CONTROLLERS];
qboolean controller_on;
void Archive(Archiver& Arc)
for (auto i = 0; i < NUM_MORPH_CONTROLLERS; i++)
MorphInfo* CreateMorphInfo();
typedef SafePtr<Entity> EntityPtr;
class Program;
class Entity : public Listener
Vector _localOrigin;
Container<EntityPtr> _lastTouchedList;
bool _fulltrace;
int32_t _groupID;
str _archetype;
bool _missionObjective;
str _targetPos;
bool _networkDetail;
void BuildUseData();
// Construction / destruction
explicit Entity(int32_t create_flag);
virtual ~Entity();
// Spawning variables
int32_t entnum;
gentity_t* edict;
gclient_t* client;
int32_t spawnflags;
// Standard variables
str model;
// Physics variables
Vector total_delta; // total unprocessed movement
Vector mins;
Vector maxs;
Vector absmin;
Vector absmax;
Vector centroid;
Vector velocity;
Vector avelocity;
Vector origin;
Vector angles;
Vector size;
int32_t movetype;
int32_t mass;
float gravity; // per entity gravity multiplier (1.0 is normal)
float orientation[3][3];
Vector localangles;
// Ground variables
gentity_t* groundentity;
cplane_t groundplane;
int32_t groundcontents;
// Surface variables
int32_t numsurfaces;
// Light variables
float lightRadius;
// Targeting variables
str target;
str targetname;
str killtarget;
// Character state
float health;
float max_health;
int32_t deadflag;
int32_t flags;
// underwater variables
int32_t watertype;
int32_t waterlevel;
// Pain and damage variables
EDamageT takedamage;
int32_t damage_type;
qboolean look_at_me;
bool projectilesCanStickToMe;
str explosionModel;
ScriptVariableList entityVars;
uint32_t _affectingViewModes;
Vector watch_offset;
// Pluggable modules
Animate* animate;
Mover* mover;
BindInfo* bind_info;
MorphInfo* morph_info;
Program* ObjectProgram;
DamageModificationSystem* damageModSystem;
UseData* useData;
void Setup();
static Entity* FindEntityByName(const str& EntityName);
void SetEntNum(int32_t Num);
void ClassnameEvent(Event* ev);
void SpawnFlagsEvent(Event* ev);
Vector InterceptTarget(const Vector& targetPosition, const Vector& targetVelocity, float maxSpeed) const
auto myPosition(origin);
auto predictedPosition = targetPosition + targetVelocity * (Vector::Distance(targetPosition, myPosition) / maxSpeed);
auto desiredDirection = predictedPosition - myPosition;
return desiredDirection.toAngles();
Vector InterceptTargetXY(const Vector& targetPosition, const Vector& targetVelocity, float maxSpeed) const
auto myPosition(origin);
auto distanceToTargetPosition = Vector::Distance(targetPosition, myPosition);
if (!fSmallEnough(distanceToTargetPosition, 0.1f))
auto predictedPosition = targetPosition + targetVelocity * (distanceToTargetPosition / maxSpeed);
auto desiredDirection = predictedPosition - myPosition;
desiredDirection.z = 0.0f;
return desiredDirection.toAngles();
return angles;
float DistanceTo(const Vector& pos)
Vector delta;
delta = origin - pos;
return delta.length();
float DistanceTo(const Entity* ent)
Vector delta;
if (!ent)
return 999999.0f; // "Infinite" distance
delta = origin - ent->origin;
return delta.length();
qboolean WithinDistance(const Vector& pos, float dist)
auto delta(origin - pos);
// check squared distance
return delta * delta < dist * dist;
qboolean WithinDistance(const Entity* ent, float dist)
if (!ent)
return false;
auto delta(origin - ent->origin);
// check squared distance
return delta * delta < dist * dist;
bool WithinDistanceXY(const Vector& pos, float dist)
auto distance = Vector::DistanceXY(origin, pos);
return distance <= dist;
bool WithinDistanceXY(const Entity* ent, float dist)
if (!ent)
return false;
auto distance = Vector::DistanceXY(origin, ent->origin);
return distance <= dist;
const char* Target(void)
return target.c_str();
void SetTarget(const char* target);
qboolean Targeted(void)
return targetname.length() == 0 ? false : true;
const char* TargetName(void)
return targetname.c_str();
void SetTargetName(const char* target);
void SetKillTarget(const char* killtarget);
const char* KillTarget(void)
return killtarget.c_str();
const Vector& GetLocalOrigin(void) const
return _localOrigin;
void SetLocalOrigin(const Vector& localOrigin)
_localOrigin = localOrigin;
virtual void setModel(const char* model);
void setModel(const str& mdl)
virtual void setViewModel(const char* model);
void setViewModel(const str& mdl)
virtual void SetModelEvent(Event* ev)
char modelname[256];
strcpy(modelname, ev->GetString(1));
auto tmpPtr = strstr(modelname, "*");
if (tmpPtr)
ev->SetString(1, tmpPtr);
void SetTeamEvent(Event* ev);
virtual void TriggerEvent(Event* ev);
void hideModel(void)
edict->s.renderfx |= RF_DONTDRAW;
if (getSolidType() <= SOLID_TRIGGER)
edict->svflags |= SVF_NOCLIENT;
void EventHideModel(Event* ev);
virtual void showModel(void)
edict->s.renderfx &= ~RF_DONTDRAW;
edict->svflags &= ~SVF_NOCLIENT;
void EventShowModel(Event* ev);
qboolean hidden(void)
return edict->s.renderfx & RF_DONTDRAW ? true : false;
void ProcessInitCommandsEvent(Event* ev);
void ProcessInitCommands(int32_t index, qboolean cache = false);
void setAlpha(float alpha);
float alpha(void)
return edict->s.alpha;
void setMoveType(int32_t type)
movetype = type;
void setMoveType(Event* ev);
int32_t getMoveType(void)
return movetype;
void setSolidType(solid_t type);
int32_t getSolidType(void)
return edict->solid;
virtual Vector getParentVector(const Vector& vec);
Vector getLocalVector(const Vector& vec);
virtual void setSize(Vector min, Vector max);
virtual void setOrigin(const Vector& org);
virtual void setOrigin(void);
virtual void addOrigin(const Vector& org);
virtual void setOriginEveryFrame(Event* ev);
void GetRawTag(int32_t tagnum, orientation_t* orient, bodypart_t part = legs);
qboolean GetRawTag(const char* tagname, orientation_t* orient, bodypart_t part = legs);
void GetTag(int32_t tagnum, orientation_t* orient);
qboolean GetTag(const char* name, orientation_t* orient);
void GetTag(int32_t tagnum, Vector* pos, Vector* forward = nullptr, Vector* left = nullptr, Vector* up = nullptr);
qboolean GetTag(const char* name, Vector* pos, Vector* forward = nullptr, Vector* left = nullptr, Vector* up = nullptr);
virtual int32_t CurrentFrame(bodypart_t part = legs);
virtual int32_t CurrentAnim(bodypart_t part = legs);
virtual void setAngles(const Vector& ang);
virtual void setAngles(void);
virtual void SetOrigin(Event* ev);
void GetOrigin(Event* ev);
Vector GetControllerAngles(int32_t num);
void SetControllerAngles(int32_t num, vec3_t angles);
void SetControllerAngles(Event* ev);
void SetControllerTag(int32_t num, int32_t tag_num);
void link(void);
void unlink(void)
void setContents(int32_t type)
edict->contents = type;
int32_t getContents(void)
return edict->contents;
void setScale(float scale);
qboolean droptofloor(float maxfall);
qboolean isClient(void)
return client != nullptr ? true : false;
virtual void SetDeltaAngles(void)
if (!client)
for (auto i = 0; i < 3; i++)
client->ps.delta_angles[i] = ANGLE2SHORT(client->ps.viewangles[i]);
virtual void DamageEvent(Event* event);
void Damage(Entity* inflictor, Entity* attacker, float damage, const Vector& position, const Vector& direction,
const Vector& normal, int32_t knockback, int32_t flags, int32_t meansofdeath, int32_t surface_number = -1,
int32_t bone_number = -1, Entity* weapon = nullptr);
void Stun(float time);
void DamageType(Event* ev);
virtual qboolean CanDamage(const Entity* target, const Entity* skip_ent = nullptr);
qboolean IsTouching(const Entity* e1);
void FadeNoRemove(Event* ev);
void FadeOut(Event* ev);
void FadeIn(Event* ev);
void Fade(Event* ev);
virtual void CheckGround(void);
virtual qboolean HitSky(const trace_t* trace);
virtual qboolean HitSky(void);
void BecomeSolid(Event* ev);
void BecomeNonSolid(Event* ev);
virtual void SetHealth(Event* ev);
void GetHealth(Event* ev);
virtual void SetMaxHealth(Event* ev);
void SetSize(Event* ev);
virtual void SetMins(Event* ev);
virtual void SetMaxs(Event* ev);
void GetMins(Event* ev);
void GetMaxs(Event* ev);
void SetScale(Event* ev);
void setRandomScale(Event* ev);
void SetAlpha(Event* ev);
void SetTargetName(Event* ev);
void GetTargetName(Event* ev);
void GetRawTargetName(Event* ev);
virtual void SetTarget(Event* ev);
void getTarget(Event* ev);
void GetTargetEntity(Event* ev);
void SetKillTarget(Event* ev);
void GetModelName(Event* ev);
virtual void SetAngles(Event* ev);
void GetAngles(Event* ev);
virtual void SetAngleEvent(Event* ev);
void TouchTriggersEvent(Event* ev);
void IncreaseShotCount(Event* ev);
void GetVelocity(Event* ev);
void SetVelocity(Event* ev);
// Support for checking/setting fulltrace flag
void SetFullTraceEvent(Event* ev);
void setFullTrace(bool fulltrace)
_fulltrace = fulltrace;
bool usesFullTrace()
return _fulltrace;
Vector GetClosestCorner(const Vector& position);
str GetRandomAlias(const str& name)
str realname;
const char* s;
s = gi.Alias_FindRandom(edict->s.modelindex, name.c_str());
if (s != nullptr)
realname = s;
s = gi.GlobalAlias_FindRandom(name.c_str());
if (s != nullptr)
realname = s;
return realname;
void SetWaterType(void);
// model binding functions
qboolean attach(int32_t parent_entity_num, int32_t tag_num, qboolean use_angles = true, Vector attach_offset = Vector(0, 0, 0), Vector attach_angles_offset = Vector(0, 0, 0));
void detach(void);
void RegisterAlias(Event* ev);
void RegisterAliasAndCache(Event* ev);
void Cache(Event* ev);
qboolean GlobalAliasExists(const char* name)
return gi.GlobalAlias_FindRandom(name) != nullptr;
qboolean AliasExists(const char* name)
return gi.Alias_FindRandom(edict->s.modelindex, name) != nullptr;
// Sound Stuff
void Sound(Event* ev);
virtual void Sound(const str& sound_name, int32_t channel = CHAN_BODY, float volume = -1.0f, float min_dist = -1.0f, Vector* origin = nullptr, float pitch_modifier = 1.0f, qboolean onlySendToThisEntity = false);
void StopSound(int32_t channel);
void StopSound(Event* ev);
void LoopSound(Event* ev);
void LoopSound(const str& sound_name, float volume = -1.0f, float min_dist = -1.0f);
void StopLoopSound(Event* ev);
void StopLoopSound(void);
// Light Stuff
void SetLight(Event* ev);
void LightOn(Event* ev);
void LightOff(Event* ev);
void LightRed(Event* ev);
void LightGreen(Event* ev);
void LightBlue(Event* ev);
void LightRadius(Event* ev);
void LightStyle(Event* ev);
void Flags(Event* ev);
void Effects(Event* ev);
void RenderEffects(Event* ev);
void SVFlags(Event* ev);
void BroadcastSound(float pos = SOUND_RADIUS, int32_t soundType = SOUNDTYPE_GENERAL);
void BroadcastSound(Event* ev);
float ModifyFootstepSoundRadius(float radius, int32_t soundTypeIdx);
virtual void Kill(Event* ev);
void SurfaceModelEvent(Event* ev);
void SurfaceCommand(const char* surf_name, const char* token);
virtual void Postthink(void);
virtual void Think(void);
void DamageSkin(trace_t* trace, float damage);
void AttachEvent(Event* ev);
void AttachModelEvent(Event* ev);
void RemoveAttachedModelEvent(Event* ev);
void removeAttachedModelByTargetname(Event* ev);
void removeAttachedModelByTargetname(const str& targetNameToRemove);
void DetachEvent(Event* ev);
void TakeDamageEvent(Event* ev);
void NoDamageEvent(Event* ev);
void Gravity(Event* ev);
//void GiveOxygen( float time );
void UseBoundingBoxEvent(Event* ev);
void HurtEvent(Event* ev);
void IfSkillEvent(Event* ev);
void SetMassEvent(Event* ev);
void Censor(Event* ev);
void Ghost(Event* ev);
void StationaryEvent(Event* ev);
void Explosion(Event* ev);
void SelfDetonate(Event* ev);
void DoRadiusDamage(Event* ev);
void Shader(Event* ev);
void KillAttach(Event* ev);
//void SetBloodModel( Event *ev );
void DropToFloorEvent(Event* ev);
void SetAnimOnAttachedModel(Event* ev);
void SetAnimOnAttachedModel(const str& AnimName, const str& TagName);
void SetEntityExplosionModel(Event* ev);
virtual void SetCinematicAnim(const str& AnimName);
virtual void SetCinematicAnim(Event* ev);
virtual void CinematicAnimDone(void);
virtual void CinematicAnimDone(Event* ev);
// Binding methods
void joinTeam(Entity* teammember);
void quitTeam(void);
qboolean isBoundTo(const Entity* master);
virtual void bind(Entity* master, qboolean use_my_angles = false);
virtual void unbind(void);
void JoinTeam(Event* ev);
void EventQuitTeam(Event* ev);
virtual void BindEvent(Event* ev);
virtual void EventUnbind(Event* ev);
void AddToSoundManager(Event* ev);
void NoLerpThisFrame(void);
virtual void addAngles(const Vector& add);
void DeathSinkStart(Event* ev);
void DeathSink(Event* ev);
void LookAtMe(Event* ev);
void ProjectilesCanStickToMe(Event* ev);
void DetachAllChildren(Event* ev);
void MorphEvent(Event* ev);
void UnmorphEvent(Event* ev);
void MorphControl(Event* ev);
int32_t GetMorphChannel(const char* morph_name);
void StartMorphController(void);
qboolean MorphChannelMatches(int32_t morph_channel1, int32_t morph_channel2);
void ProjectileAtk(Event* ev);
void ProjectileAttackPoint(Event* ev);
void ProjectileAttackEntity(Event* ev);
void ProjectileAttackFromTag(Event* ev);
void ProjectileAttackFromPoint(Event* ev);
void TraceAtk(Event* ev);
virtual void VelocityModified(void);
virtual void Archive(Archiver& arc) override;
virtual void PassToAnimate(Event* ev);
void SetObjectProgram(Event* ev);
virtual void SetWatchOffset(Event* ev);
void ExecuteProgram(Event* ev);
void Contents(Event* ev);
void setMask(Event* ev);
void hideFeaturesForFade(void);
void showFeaturesForFade(void);
void DisplayEffect(Event* ev);
void clearDisplayEffects(void);
void getCustomShaderInfo(const str& customShader, str& shaderName, str& soundName);
void setCustomShader(const char* customShader);
void setCustomShader(Event* ev);
void clearCustomShader(const char* customShader = nullptr);
void clearCustomShader(Event* ev);
bool hasCustomShader(const char* customShader = nullptr);
void setCustomEmitter(const char* customEmitter);
void setCustomEmitter(Event* ev);
void clearCustomEmitter(const char* customEmitter = nullptr);
void clearCustomEmitter(Event* ev);
Entity* SpawnEffect(const str& name, const Vector& origin, const Vector& angles, float removeTime);
Entity* SpawnSound(const str& sound, const Vector& pos, float volume, float removeTime);
void SpawnEffect(Event* ev);
void attachEffect(const str& modelName, const str& tagName, float removeTime);
void attachEffect(Event* ev);
void ForceAlpha(Event* ev);
void CreateEarthquake(Event* ev);
void SetFloatVar(Event* ev);
void SetVectorVar(Event* ev);
void SetStringVar(Event* ev);
void GetFloatVar(Event* ev);
void doesVarExist(Event* ev);
void RemoveVariable(Event* ev);
void GetVectorVar(Event* ev);
void GetStringVar(Event* ev);
void SetUserVar1(Event* ev);
void SetUserVar2(Event* ev);
void SetUserVar3(Event* ev);
void SetUserVar4(Event* ev);
void isWithinDistanceOf(Event* ev);
void affectingViewMode(Event* ev);
void addAffectingViewModes(uint32_t mask);
void removeAffectingViewModes(uint32_t mask);
void TikiNote(Event* ev);
void TikiTodo(Event* ev);
void AddDamageModifier(Event* ev);
void ResolveDamage(::Damage& damage);
// Health interface
float getHealth(void)
return health;
float getMaxHealth(void)
return max_health;
void setHealth(float newHealth)
health = newHealth;
void setMaxHealth(float newMaxHealth)
max_health = newMaxHealth;
void addHealth(float healthToAdd, float maxHealth = 0.0f);
void addHealthOverTime(Event* ev);
// Group Number Interface
void SetGroupID(Event* ev);
void AddToGroup(int32_t ID);
void SetGroupID(int32_t ID)
_groupID = ID;
int32_t GetGroupID()
return _groupID;
void MultiplayerEvent(Event* ev);
Container<EntityPtr>& GetLastTouchedList()
return _lastTouchedList;
// Archetype name
virtual void setArchetype(Event* ev);
str getArchetype() const;
virtual str getName() const
return "";
void setMissionObjective(Event* ev);
// Usable Entity functions
void useDataAnim(Event* ev);
void useDataType(Event* ev);
void useDataThread(Event* ev);
void useDataMaxDist(Event* ev);
void useDataCount(Event* ev);
void useDataEvent(Event* ev);
bool hasUseData()
return useData != nullptr ? true : false;
// GameplayManager interfaces to health and damage
void setGameplayHealth(Event* ev);
void setGameplayDamage(Event* ev);
virtual void processGameplayData(Event*)
// Think interface
void turnThinkOn(void)
flags |= FlagThink;
void turnThinkOff(void)
flags &= ~FlagThink;
bool isThinkOn(void)
return flags & FlagThink ? true : false;
void startStasis(void);
void stopStasis(void);
void startStasis(Event* ev);
void stopStasis(Event* ev);
void setTargetPos(Event* ev);
void setTargetPos(const str& targetPos);
str getTargetPos();
void simplePlayDialog(Event* ev);
virtual void warp(Event* ev);
void traceHitsEntity(Event* ev);
void setNetworkDetail(Event* ev);
bool isNetworkDetail(void);
#include "worldspawn.h"