
871 lines
21 KiB

// $Logfile:: /Code/DLLs/game/navigate.h $
// $Revision:: 40 $
// $Author:: Steven $
// $Date:: 10/13/03 9:43a $
// Copyright (C) 1998 by Ritual Entertainment, Inc.
// All rights reserved.
// This source may not be distributed and/or modified without
// expressly written permission by Ritual Entertainment, Inc.
// Potentially could be an C++ implementation of the A* search algorithm, but
// is currently unfinished.
#ifndef __NAVIGATE_H__
#define __NAVIGATE_H__
#include "g_local.h"
#include "class.h"
#include "entity.h"
#include "stack.h"
#include "container.h"
#include "doors.h"
#include <qcommon/qfiles.h>
extern Event EV_AI_SavePaths;
extern Event EV_AI_SaveNodes;
extern Event EV_AI_LoadNodes;
extern Event EV_AI_ClearNodes;
extern Event EV_AI_RecalcPaths;
extern Event EV_AI_CalcPath;
extern cvar_t *ai_createnodes;
extern cvar_t *ai_shownodes;
extern cvar_t *ai_debugpath;
extern cvar_t *ai_debuginfo;
extern cvar_t *ai_showroutes;
extern cvar_t *ai_timepaths;
extern cvar_t *ai_advanced_pathfinding;
extern int ai_maxnode;
extern int path_checksthisframe;
#define MAX_PATH_LENGTH 512 // should be more than plenty
class Path;
class PathNode;
#define WIDTH_STEP 8
#define MAX_HEIGHT 128
#define CHECK_PATH( path, width, height ) \
( ( ( ( width ) >= MAX_WIDTH ) || ( ( width ) < 0 ) ) ? false : \
( ( int )( path )->maxheight[ ( ( width ) / WIDTH_STEP ) - 1 ] < ( int )( height ) ) )
class PathNodeConnection : public Class
CLASS_PROTOTYPE( PathNodeConnection );
int targetNodeIndex;
short moveCost;
byte maxheight[ NUM_WIDTH_VALUES ];
int door;
virtual void Archive( Archiver &arc )
arc.ArchiveInteger( &targetNodeIndex );
arc.ArchiveShort( &moveCost );
arc.ArchiveRaw( maxheight, sizeof( maxheight ) );
arc.ArchiveInteger( &door );
typedef enum { NOT_IN_LIST, IN_OPEN, IN_CLOSED } pathlist_t;
#define AI_FLEE (1<<0)
#define AI_DUCK (1<<1)
#define AI_COVER (1<<2)
#define AI_DOOR (1<<3)
#define AI_JUMP (1<<4)
#define AI_LADDER (1<<5)
#define AI_ACTION (1<<6)
#define AI_WORK (1<<7)
#define AI_HIBERNATE (1<<8)
class PathNode : public Listener
Container<PathNodeConnection *>
_connections; // these are the real connections between nodex
// These variables are all used during the search
int f;
int h;
int g;
int gridX;
int gridY;
float drawtime;
float occupiedTime;
int entnum;
pathlist_t inlist;
// reject is used to indicate that a node is unfit for ending on during a search
qboolean reject;
PathNode *Parent;
// For the open and closed lists
PathNode *NextNode;
unsigned int nodeflags;
float jumpAngle;
EntityPtr targetEntity;
friend class PathSearch;
friend void DrawAllConnections( void );
qboolean ConnectedTo( PathNode *node );
void ConnectTo( PathNode *node, const byte maxheight[ NUM_WIDTH_VALUES ], float cost, const Door *door = NULL );
void ConnectTo( PathNode *node, const byte maxheight[ NUM_WIDTH_VALUES ] );
private :
qboolean TestMove( Entity *ent, const Vector &start, const Vector &end, const Vector &min, const Vector &max, qboolean allowdoors = false, qboolean fulltest = false );
void FindChildren( Event *ev );
void FindEntities( Event *ev );
void SetNodeFlags( Event *ev );
void SetOriginEvent( Event *ev );
void SetAngle( Event *ev );
void SetAngles( Event *ev );
void SetAnim( Event *ev );
void SetTargetname( Event *ev );
void SetJumpAngle( Event *ev );
void SetTarget( Event *ev );
int contents;
Vector origin;
Vector angles;
Vector mins;
Vector maxs;
str targetname;
str target;
qboolean setangles;
str animname;
void Setup( const Vector &pos );
void setAngles( const Vector &ang );
void setOrigin( const Vector &org );
void setSize( const Vector &min, const Vector &max );
str &TargetName( void );
virtual void Archive( Archiver &arc );
qboolean CheckPath( const PathNode *node, const Vector &min, const Vector &max, qboolean fulltest = true );
Door *CheckDoor( const Vector &pos );
qboolean CheckMove( Entity *ent, const Vector &pos, const Vector &min, const Vector &max, qboolean allowdoors = false, qboolean fulltest = false );
qboolean CheckMove( const Vector &pos, const Vector &min, const Vector &max );
qboolean ClearPathTo( PathNode *node, byte maxheight[ NUM_WIDTH_VALUES ], qboolean fulltest = true );
qboolean LadderTo( const PathNode *node, byte maxheight[ NUM_WIDTH_VALUES ] );
void DrawConnections( void );
friend bool operator==( const PathNode &node1, const PathNode &node2 ) { return (node1.origin == node2.origin) != 0; }
friend bool operator!=( const PathNode &node1, const PathNode &node2 ) { return !( node1 == node2 ); }
int NumberOfConnections( void ) const { return _connections.NumObjects(); }
PathNodeConnection & GetConnection( const int index ) const { return *_connections[index]; }
void AddConnection( PathNodeConnection &connection ) { _connections.AddObject( &connection ); }
void RemoveConnection( const int index ) { delete _connections[index]; _connections.RemoveObjectAt( index + 1 ); }
typedef SafePtr<PathNode> PathNodePtr;
//#define PATHMAP_CELLSIZE 2048 // Was 256
#define PATHMAP_CELLSIZE 1024 // Was 256
#define PATHMAP_MAX_DIST 256.0f
#define PATHMAP_GRIDSIZE ( WORLD_SIZE / PATHMAP_CELLSIZE ) // 65536 / 2048 = 32 was 8192 * 2 / 256 = 64
//#define PATHMAP_NODES 126 // 128 - sizeof( int ) / sizeof( short )
#define PATHMAP_NODES ( 512 - sizeof( int ) / sizeof( short ) )
class MapCell : public Class
private :
Container<PathNode *> _pathNodes;
//int numnodes;
//short nodes[ PATHMAP_NODES ];
public :
void Init( void );
qboolean AddNode( PathNode *node );
qboolean RemoveNode( PathNode *node );
PathNode *GetNode( int index );
int NumNodes( void );
class PathManager : public Listener
void Archive( Archiver &arc );
void AddToGrid( PathNode *node, int x, int y );
void AddNode( PathNode *node );
void AddNodeToGrid( PathNode *node );
qboolean RemoveFromGrid( PathNode *node, int x, int y );
void RemoveNodeFromGrid( PathNode *node );
void RemoveNode( PathNode *node );
void UpdateNode( PathNode *node );
MapCell * LookupMapCell( const int x, const int y ) const;
MapCell * GetMapCell( const int x, const int y ) ;
MapCell * GetMapCell( const Vector &pos );
PathNode * NearestNode( const Vector &pos, Entity *ent = NULL, const bool usebbox = true, const bool checkWalk = true );
void Teleport( const Entity *teleportee, const Vector &from, const Vector &to );
void ShowNodes( void );
void Checksum( Vector &checksum );
void SavePaths( void );
void Init( const char *mapname );
void InsertNodeIntoGrid( PathNode &node );
void RemoveNodeFromGrid( PathNode &node );
void InsertNodesIntoGrid( void );
void ConnectToNeighbors( PathNode &node );
// void ConnectPathNodes( void );
void FindAllTargets( void );
PathNode * FindNode( const char *name );
PathNode * GetNode( int num );
void RemoveNode( const PathNode *node );
void ResetNodes( void );
int NumNodes( void );
int NumLoadNodes( void );
bool IsLoadingArchive( void ) const { return _loadingArchive; }
void SetPathNodesCalculated( const bool pathNodesCalculated ) { _pathNodesCalculated = pathNodesCalculated; }
bool GetPathNodesCalculated( void ) const { return _pathNodesCalculated; }
int GetPathNodeIndex( PathNode &pathNode ) const { const int index = _pathNodes.IndexOfObject( &pathNode ) - 1 ; assert( index >= 0 ); return index;}
int NumberOfSpecialNodes( void ) const;
PathNode * GetSpecialNode( const int index ) const;
void AddSpecialNode( PathNode &pathNode );
void OptimizeNodes( Event *ev );
void DrawAllConnections( void );
void connectNodes( Event *ev );
void connectNodes( const str &nodeName1, const str &nodeName2 );
void connectConnection( PathNode *node1, PathNode *node2 );
void disconnectNodes( Event *ev );
void disconnectNodes( const str &nodeName1, const str &nodeName2 );
void disconnectConnection( PathNode *node1, PathNode *node2 );
void ConnectToNeighbor( PathNode &node, const int x, const int y );
bool RemoveFromGrid( PathNode &node, const int x, const int y );
int NodeCoordinate( float coord );
int GridCoordinate( float coord );
void ClearNodes( Event *ev );
void LoadNodes( Event *ev );
void SaveNodes( Event *ev );
qboolean CanDropPath( const PathNode *node, const PathNode *node2, const PathNodeConnection *path );
qboolean ArchiveNodes( const str &name, qboolean save );
void SavePathsEvent( Event *ev );
void SetNodeFlagsEvent( Event *ev );
void RecalcPathsEvent( Event *ev );
void CalcPathEvent( Event *ev );
void CalcAllPaths( Event *ev );
Container<PathNode *> _pathNodes;
Container<PathNode *> _specialPathNodes;
bool _loadingArchive;
bool _pathNodesCalculated;
extern PathManager thePathManager;
//#define MAX_PATHNODES 2048
#include "path.h"
template<class Heuristic>
class PathFinder : public Class
Stack<PathNode *> stack;
PathNode *OPEN;
PathNode *CLOSED;
PathNode *endnode;
int _maxNodesToCheck;
int _checkedNodes;
void ClearPath( void );
void ClearOPEN( void );
void ClearCLOSED( void );
PathNode *ReturnBestNode( void );
void GenerateSuccessors( PathNode *BestNode );
void Insert( PathNode *Successor );
void PropagateDown( PathNode *Old );
Path *CreatePath( PathNode *startnode );
Heuristic heuristic;
Path *FindPath( PathNode *from, PathNode *to, int maxNodesToCheck = 0 );
Path *FindPath( const Vector &start, const Vector &end, int maxNodesToCheck = 0 );
template <class Heuristic>
template <class Heuristic>
template <class Heuristic>
void PathFinder<Heuristic>::ClearOPEN
PathNode *node;
while( OPEN )
node = OPEN;
OPEN = node->NextNode;
node->inlist = NOT_IN_LIST;
node->NextNode = NULL;
node->Parent = NULL;
// reject is used to indicate that a node is unfit for ending on during a search
node->reject = false;
template <class Heuristic>
void PathFinder<Heuristic>::ClearCLOSED
PathNode *node;
while( CLOSED )
node = CLOSED;
CLOSED = node->NextNode;
node->inlist = NOT_IN_LIST;
node->NextNode = NULL;
node->Parent = NULL;
// reject is used to indicate that a node is unfit for ending on during a search
node->reject = false;
template <class Heuristic>
void PathFinder<Heuristic>::ClearPath
template <class Heuristic>
Path *PathFinder<Heuristic>::FindPath
PathNode *from,
PathNode *to,
int maxNodesToCheck
Path *path;
PathNode *node;
int start = 0;
int end;
int count;
qboolean checktime;
checktime = false;
if ( ai_timepaths->integer )
start = gi.Milliseconds();
checktime = true;
endnode = to;
// Should always be NULL at this point
assert( !from->NextNode );
// make Open List point to first node
OPEN = from;
from->g = 0;
from->h = heuristic.dist( from, endnode );
from->NextNode = NULL;
_maxNodesToCheck = maxNodesToCheck;
_checkedNodes = 0;
node = ReturnBestNode();
count = 0;
while( node && !heuristic.done( node, endnode ) )
GenerateSuccessors( node );
node = ReturnBestNode();
//assert ( count < MAX_PATH_LENGTH );
if ( !node )
path = NULL;
if ( ai_debugpath->integer )
gi.WDPrintf( "Search failed--no path found.\n" );
path = CreatePath( node );
if ( checktime )
end = gi.Milliseconds();
if ( ai_timepaths->integer <= ( end - start ) )
gi.DebugPrintf( "%d: ent #%d : %d\n", level.framenum, heuristic.entnum, end - start );
return path;
template <class Heuristic>
Path *PathFinder<Heuristic>::FindPath
const Vector &start,
const Vector &end,
int maxNodesToCheck
PathNode *from;
PathNode *to;
Entity *ent;
ent = G_GetEntity( heuristic.entnum );
from = thePathManager.NearestNode( start, ent );
to = thePathManager.NearestNode( end, ent );
if ( !from )
if ( ai_debugpath->integer )
gi.WDPrintf( "Search failed--couldn't find closest source.\n" );
return NULL;
if ( !from || !to )
if ( ai_debugpath->integer )
gi.WDPrintf( "Search failed--couldn't find closest destination.\n" );
return NULL;
return FindPath( from, to, maxNodesToCheck );
template <class Heuristic>
Path *PathFinder<Heuristic>::CreatePath
PathNode *startnode
PathNode *node;
Path *p;
int i;
int n;
PathNode *reverse[ MAX_PATH_LENGTH ];
// unfortunately, the list goes goes from end to start, so we have to reverse it
for( node = startnode, n = 0; ( node != NULL ) && ( n < MAX_PATH_LENGTH ); node = node->Parent, n++ )
assert( n < MAX_PATH_LENGTH );
reverse[ n ] = node;
p = new Path( n );
for( i = n - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
p->AddNode( reverse[ i ] );
if ( ai_debugpath->integer )
gi.DPrintf( "%d nodes in path\n", n );
gi.DPrintf( "%d nodes allocated\n", thePathManager.NumNodes() );
return p;
template <class Heuristic>
PathNode *PathFinder<Heuristic>::ReturnBestNode
PathNode *bestnode;
if ( !OPEN || ( _maxNodesToCheck && _checkedNodes > _maxNodesToCheck ) )
// No more nodes on OPEN
return NULL;
// Pick node with lowest f, in this case it's the first node in list
// because we sort the OPEN list wrt lowest f. Call it BESTNODE.
bestnode = OPEN; // point to first node on OPEN
OPEN = bestnode->NextNode; // Make OPEN point to nextnode or NULL.
// Next take BESTNODE (or temp in this case) and put it on CLOSED
bestnode->NextNode = CLOSED;
CLOSED = bestnode;
bestnode->inlist = IN_CLOSED;
return( bestnode );
template <class Heuristic>
void PathFinder<Heuristic>::GenerateSuccessors
PathNode *BestNode
int i;
int g; // total path cost - as stored in the linked lists.
PathNode *node;
PathNodeConnection *path;
for( i = 0; i < BestNode->NumberOfConnections(); i++ )
path = &BestNode->GetConnection( i );
node = thePathManager.GetNode( path->targetNodeIndex );
// g(Successor)=g(BestNode)+cost of getting from BestNode to Successor
g = BestNode->g + heuristic.cost( BestNode, i );
switch( node->inlist )
case NOT_IN_LIST :
// Only allow this if it's valid
if ( heuristic.validpath( BestNode, i ) )
node->Parent = BestNode;
node->g = g;
node->h = heuristic.dist( node, endnode );
node->f = g + node->h;
// Insert Successor on OPEN list wrt f
Insert( node );
case IN_OPEN :
// if our new g value is < node's then reset node's parent to point to BestNode
if ( g < node->g )
node->Parent = BestNode;
node->g = g;
node->f = g + node->h;
case IN_CLOSED :
// if our new g value is < Old's then reset Old's parent to point to BestNode
if ( g < node->g )
node->Parent = BestNode;
node->g = g;
node->f = g + node->h;
// Since we changed the g value of Old, we need
// to propagate this new value downwards, i.e.
// do a Depth-First traversal of the tree!
PropagateDown( node );
default :
// shouldn't happen, but try to catch it during debugging phase
assert( NULL );
gi.Error( ERR_DROP, "Corrupted path node" );
template <class Heuristic>
void PathFinder<Heuristic>::Insert
PathNode *node
PathNode *prev;
PathNode *next;
int f;
node->inlist = IN_OPEN;
f = node->f;
// special case for if the list is empty, or it should go at head of list (lowest f)
if ( ( OPEN == NULL ) || ( f < OPEN->f ) )
node->NextNode = OPEN;
OPEN = node;
// do sorted insertion into OPEN list in order of ascending f
prev = OPEN;
next = OPEN->NextNode;
while( ( next != NULL ) && ( next->f < f ) )
prev = next;
next = next->NextNode;
// insert it between the two nodes
node->NextNode = next;
prev->NextNode = node;
template <class Heuristic>
void PathFinder<Heuristic>::PropagateDown
PathNode *node
int c;
int g;
int movecost;
PathNode* child;
PathNode* parent;
PathNodeConnection* path;
int n;
g = node->g;
n = node->NumberOfConnections();
for( c = 0; c < n; c++ )
path = &node->GetConnection( c );
child = thePathManager.GetNode( path->targetNodeIndex );
movecost = g + heuristic.cost( node, c );
if ( movecost < child->g )
child->g = movecost;
child->f = child->g + child->h;
child->Parent = node;
// reset parent to new path.
// Now the _connections's branch need to be
// checked out. Remember the new cost must be propagated down.
stack.Push( child );
while( !stack.Empty() )
parent = stack.Pop();
n = parent->NumberOfConnections();
for( c = 0; c < n; c++ )
path = &parent->GetConnection( c );
child = thePathManager.GetNode( path->targetNodeIndex );
// we stop the propagation when the g value of the child is equal or better than
// the cost we're propagating
movecost = parent->g + path->moveCost;
if ( movecost < child->g )
child->g = movecost;
child->f = child->g + child->h;
child->Parent = parent;
stack.Push( child );
class StandardMovement : public Class
int minwidth;
int minheight;
int entnum;
qboolean can_jump;
inline void setSize
const Vector &size
minwidth = (int)max( size.x, size.y );
minheight = (int)size.z;
inline int dist
const PathNode *node,
const PathNode *end
Vector delta;
int d1;
int d2;
int d3;
int h;
delta = node->origin - end->origin;
d1 = abs( ( int )delta[ 0 ] );
d2 = abs( ( int )delta[ 1 ] );
d3 = abs( ( int )delta[ 2 ] );
h = max( d1, d2 );
h = max( d3, h );
return h;
inline qboolean validpath
PathNode *node,
int i
PathNodeConnection *path;
PathNode *n;
path = &node->GetConnection( i );
if ( minwidth < WIDTH_STEP )
minwidth = WIDTH_STEP ;
// return false;
if ( CHECK_PATH( path, minwidth, minheight ) )
return false;
if ( path->door )
Entity *entity;
Door *door;
entity = G_GetEntity( path->door );
if ( entity && entity->isSubclassOf( Door ) )
door = ( Door * )entity;
if ( !door->CanBeOpenedBy( G_GetEntity( entnum ) ) )
return false;
n = thePathManager.GetNode( path->targetNodeIndex );
if ( ( node->nodeflags & AI_JUMP ) && ( n->nodeflags & AI_JUMP ) && ( !can_jump ) )
return false;
if ( n && ( n->occupiedTime > level.time ) && ( n->entnum != entnum ) )
return false;
return true;
inline int cost
const PathNode *node,
int i
return node->GetConnection( i ).moveCost;
inline qboolean done
const PathNode *node,
const PathNode *end
return node == end;
typedef PathFinder<StandardMovement> StandardMovePath;
#endif /* navigate.h */