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// $Logfile:: /EF2/Code/DLLs/game/actor_combatsubsystem.cpp $
// $Revision:: 65 $
// $Author:: Singlis $
// $Date:: 9/26/03 2:35p $
// Copyright (C) 2001 by Ritual Entertainment, Inc.
// All rights reserved.
// This source may not be distributed and/or modified without
// expressly written permission by Ritual Entertainment, Inc.
#include "_pch_cpp.h"
#include "object.h"
#include <qcommon/gameplaymanager.h>
// CombatSubsystem Implementation
// Name: CombatSubsystem()
// Parameters: None
// Description: Constructor()
// Should always use other constructor
gi.Error(ERR_FATAL, "CombatSubsystem::CombatSubsystem -- Default Constructor Called");
// Name: CombatSubsystem()
// Parameters: Actor *actor
// Description: Constructor
CombatSubsystem::CombatSubsystem(Actor* actor)
//Initialize our Actor
if (actor)
act = actor;
gi.Error(ERR_DROP, "MovementSubsystem::MovementSubsystem -- actor is NULL");
// Name: ~CombatSubystem()
// Parameters: None
// Description: Destructor
// Name: UseActorWeapon()
// Parameters: const str &weaponName
// Description: Sets the weapon to be active, and attaches it
void CombatSubsystem::UseActorWeapon(const str& weaponName, weaponhand_t hand)
//First see if we just want to put our current item away
if (!stricmp(weaponName.c_str(), "none"))
_activeWeapon.weapon = nullptr;
auto weapon = dynamic_cast<Weapon *>(act->FindItem(weaponName.c_str()));
// Check to see if player has the weapon
if (!weapon)
act->warning("CombatSubsystem::UseActorWeapon", "Actor does not have weapon %s", weaponName.c_str());
// If we don't already have an active weapon, just go ahead and make this one active
if (!_activeWeapon.weapon)
_activeWeapon.weapon = weapon;
_activeWeapon.hand = hand;
act->ActivateWeapon(weapon, hand);
// See if we are already using this weapon
if (weapon == _activeWeapon.weapon && hand == _activeWeapon.hand)
// Well, we have a weapon in the same hand, put away the weapon thats there.
auto oldweapon = act->GetActiveWeapon(hand);
if (oldweapon)
// Activate this weapon
_activeWeapon.weapon = weapon;
_activeWeapon.hand = hand;
act->ActivateWeapon(weapon, hand);
// Name: UsingWeaponNamed()
// Parameters: None
// Description: Checks if our _activeWeapon has the same name
bool CombatSubsystem::UsingWeaponNamed(const str& weaponName)
if (!_activeWeapon.weapon)
return false;
if (!Q_stricmp(_activeWeapon.weapon->getName().c_str(), weaponName.c_str()))
return true;
return false;
// Name: HaveWeapon()
// Parameters: None
// Description: Returns True or False depending on _activeWeapon
bool CombatSubsystem::HaveWeapon()
if (_activeWeapon.weapon)
return true;
return false;
bool CombatSubsystem::CanAttackEnemy()
Entity* currentEnemy = act->enemyManager->GetCurrentEnemy();
if (!currentEnemy)
return false;
return CanAttackTarget(currentEnemy);
bool CombatSubsystem::WeaponIsFireType(firetype_t fire_type)
if (!_activeWeapon.weapon)
return false;
if (_activeWeapon.weapon->GetFireType(FIRE_MODE1) == fire_type)
return true;
return false;
// Name: CanShootTarget()
// Parameters: Entity *target
// Description: Checks if the Actor can shoot the target from its currentPosition
bool CombatSubsystem::CanAttackTarget(Entity* target)
if (!target)
return false;
if (act->CurrentAnim(legs) < 0)
return false;
Vector startPos;
if (_activeWeapon.weapon && FT_MELEE != _activeWeapon.weapon->GetFireType(FIRE_MODE1))
startPos = act->centroid;
return CanAttackTargetFrom(target, startPos);
// Name: CanShootTargetFrom()
// Parameters: Entity *target
// Vector &startPos
// Description: Checks if the Actor can shoot the target from startPos
bool CombatSubsystem::CanAttackTargetFrom(Entity* target, const Vector& startPos)
if (_activeWeapon.weapon && !IsTargetInWeaponRange(target) || !target)
return false;
//Make sure target isn't too far "behind" us.
auto startToTarget = target->centroid - startPos;
if (_activeWeapon.weapon && DotProduct(startToTarget, act->movementSubsystem->getAnimDir()) <= -.10)
return false;
//We don't want to check constantly
if (level.time < _nextTimeTracedToTarget)
return _canShootTarget;
_canShootTarget = _traceHitTarget(target, startPos);
_nextTimeTracedToTarget = level.time + _traceInterval + G_Random();
//_nextTimeTracedToTarget = 0.0f;
return _canShootTarget;
// Name: IsTargetInWeaponRange()
// Parameters: Entity *target
// Description: Checks if the target is within the range of _activeWeapon
bool CombatSubsystem::IsTargetInWeaponRange(Entity* target)
if (!_activeWeapon.weapon)
return false;
auto distance = target->origin - act->origin;
if (distance.length() <= _activeWeapon.weapon->GetMaxRange())
return true;
return false;
// Name: SetTraceInterval()
// Parameters: float interval
// Description: Sets _traceInterval
void CombatSubsystem::SetTraceInterval(const float interval)
_traceInterval = interval;
// Name: DoArchive()
// Parameters: Archiver &arc
// Actor *actor
// Description: Sets the Actor Pointer and Calls Archive()
void CombatSubsystem::DoArchive(Archiver& arc, Actor* actor)
if (actor)
act = actor;
gi.Error(ERR_FATAL, "MovementSubsystem::DoArchive -- actor is NULL");
void CombatSubsystem::FireWeapon()
if (_activeWeapon.weapon)
void CombatSubsystem::StopFireWeapon()
if (_activeWeapon.weapon)
if (_activeWeapon.weapon->animate->HasAnim("endfire"))
void CombatSubsystem::AimWeaponTag(const Vector& targetPos)
Vector aimAngles;
Vector gunPos, gunForward, gunRight, gunUp;
//currentEnemy = act->enemyManager->GetCurrentEnemy();
if (!_activeWeapon.weapon)
_activeWeapon.weapon->SetControllerAngles(WEAPONBONE_BARREL_TAG, vec_zero);
GetGunPositionData(&gunPos, &gunForward, &gunRight, &gunUp);
Vector mypos, myforward, myleft, myup;
_activeWeapon.weapon->GetTag(WEAPONBONE_BARREL_TAG, &mypos, &myforward, &myleft, &myup);
float gfToWorld[ 3 ][ 3 ];
float worldToGf[ 3 ][ 3 ];
TransposeMatrix(gfToWorld, worldToGf);
auto barrelToEnemyVector = targetPos - gunPos;
vec3_t barrelToEnemyVec3_t;
vec3_t barrelToEnemyTransformedVec3_t;
MatrixTransformVector(barrelToEnemyVec3_t, worldToGf, barrelToEnemyTransformedVec3_t);
Vector barrelToEnemyTransformed(barrelToEnemyTransformedVec3_t);
barrelToEnemyTransformed = barrelToEnemyTransformed.toAngles();
aimAngles = -barrelToEnemyTransformed;
Vector aimUp, aimLeft, aimForward;
float spreadX, spreadY;
aimAngles.AngleVectors(&aimForward, &aimLeft, &aimUp);
spreadX = GetDataForMyWeapon("spreadx");
spreadY = GetDataForMyWeapon("spready");
// figure the new projected impact point based upon computed spread
if (_activeWeapon.weapon->GetFireType(FIRE_MODE1) == FT_PROJECTILE)
// Apply Spread
aimForward = aimForward * _activeWeapon.weapon->GetRange(FIRE_MODE1) +
aimLeft * G_CRandom(spreadX) +
aimUp * G_CRandom(spreadY);
// after figuring spread location, re-normalize vectors
aimAngles = aimForward.toAngles();
_activeWeapon.weapon->SetControllerTag(WEAPONBONE_BARREL_TAG, gi.Tag_NumForName(_activeWeapon.weapon->edict->s.modelindex, "tag_barrel"));
_activeWeapon.weapon->SetControllerAngles(WEAPONBONE_BARREL_TAG, aimAngles);
//Draw Trace
if (g_showbullettrace->integer)
Vector test;
GetGunPositionData(&gunPos, &gunForward);
test = gunForward * 1000 + gunPos;
G_DebugLine(gunPos, test, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
Vector barrelForward;
void CombatSubsystem::AimWeaponTag(Entity* target)
auto targetBone = target->getTargetPos();
auto targetPos = target->centroid;
if (targetBone.length())
if (gi.Tag_NumForName(target->edict->s.modelindex, targetBone) > 0)
target->GetTag(targetBone.c_str(), &targetPos, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);
auto newTargetPos = targetPos;
if (!_activeWeapon.weapon)
if (_activeWeapon.weapon->GetFireType(FIRE_MODE1) == FT_PROJECTILE)
newTargetPos = GetLeadingTargetPos(_activeWeapon.weapon->GetProjectileSpeed(), targetPos, target);
void CombatSubsystem::ClearAim()
_activeWeapon.weapon->SetControllerTag(WEAPONBONE_BARREL_TAG, gi.Tag_NumForName(_activeWeapon.weapon->edict->s.modelindex, "tag_barrel"));
_activeWeapon.weapon->SetControllerAngles(WEAPONBONE_BARREL_TAG, vec_zero);
// Name: Archive()
// Parameters: Archiver &arc
// Description: Archives Class Data
void CombatSubsystem::Archive(Archiver& arc)
// Name: GetGunPosition()
// Parameters: None
// Description: Gets the GunBarrel Position
void CombatSubsystem::GetGunPositionData(Vector* pos, Vector* forward, Vector* right, Vector* up)
int tag_num;
if (!_activeWeapon.weapon)
gi.Error(ERR_FATAL, "Actor has no activeweapon");
tag_num = gi.Tag_NumForName(_activeWeapon.weapon->edict->s.modelindex, "tag_barrel");
if (tag_num < 0)
gi.Error(ERR_FATAL, "Weapon has no tag_barrel");
_activeWeapon.weapon->GetActorMuzzlePosition(pos, forward, right, up);
float CombatSubsystem::GetAimGunYaw(const Vector& target)
Vector GunPos, GunForward, GunRight, GunUp;
// Get our Gun Data
GetGunPositionData(&GunPos, &GunForward, &GunRight, &GunUp);
// Get Vectors to Gun and To Target;
auto GunPosToOrigin = act->origin - GunPos;
auto OriginToGunPos = GunPos - act->origin;
auto OriginToTarget = target - act->origin;
// Zero out the Z
GunPosToOrigin.z = 0.0f;
OriginToTarget.z = 0.0f;
OriginToGunPos.z = 0.0f;
// Get Lengths
auto a = GunPosToOrigin.length();
auto d = OriginToTarget.length();
// Get Angle Difference
auto TagForwardAngles = GunForward.toAngles();
auto GunToOriginAngles = GunPosToOrigin.toAngles();
auto OriginToGunAngles = OriginToGunPos.toAngles();
auto OriginToTargetAngles = OriginToTarget.toAngles();
auto AngleDiff = AngleNormalize180(GunToOriginAngles[YAW] - TagForwardAngles[YAW]);
AngleDiff = 180.0f - AngleDiff;
auto r = a * sin(DEG2RAD(AngleDiff));
auto angleA = RAD2DEG(acos ( r / d ));
auto angleB = RAD2DEG(acos ( r / a ));
auto angleC = AngleNormalize180(OriginToTargetAngles[YAW] - OriginToGunAngles[YAW]);
auto totalAngle = angleB + angleC;
auto finalAngle = totalAngle - angleA;
return AngleNormalize180(finalAngle);
float CombatSubsystem::GetAimGunPitch(const Vector& target)
Vector GunPos, GunForward, GunRight, GunUp;
// Get our Gun Data
GetGunPositionData(&GunPos, &GunForward, &GunRight, &GunUp);
auto TagToTarget = target - GunPos;
return AngleNormalize180(TagToTarget.toAngles()[PITCH] - GunForward.toAngles()[PITCH]);
// Name: _traceHitTarget()
// Parameters: Entity *target
// const Vector &startPos
// Description: Checks of the a trace hits the target
bool CombatSubsystem::_traceHitTarget(Entity* target, const Vector& startPos)
auto targetBone = target->getTargetPos();
auto targetPos = target->centroid;
if (targetBone.length())
if (gi.Tag_NumForName(target->edict->s.modelindex, targetBone) > 0)
target->GetTag(targetBone.c_str(), &targetPos, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);
auto attackDir = targetPos - startPos;
auto attackDirLength = attackDir.length();
attackDir *= attackDirLength + 32.0f;
attackDir += startPos;
targetPos = attackDir;
auto trace = G_FullTrace(startPos, vec_zero, vec_zero, targetPos, act, MASK_SHOT, false, "CombatSubsystem::_traceHitTarget");
//G_DebugLine( startPos, targetPos, .5f, 1.0f, .5f, 1.0f );
if (trace.startsolid)
if (trace.ent == target->edict)
return true;
return false;
// see if we hit anything at all
if (!trace.ent)
return false;
// If we hit the guy we wanted, then shoot
if (trace.ent == target->edict)
return true;
// If we hit someone else we don't like, then shoot
auto t = trace.ent->entity;
if (act->enemyManager->IsValidEnemy(t))
// We want to return false though, so we don't add
// the attempted enemy to the hatelist
return false;
// if we hit something breakable, check if shooting it will
// let us shoot someone.
if (t->isSubclassOf( Object ) || t->isSubclassOf( ScriptModel ))
trace = G_Trace(Vector(trace.endpos), vec_zero, vec_zero, target->centroid, t, MASK_SHOT, false, "CombatSubsystem::_traceHitTarget 2");
if (trace.startsolid)
return false;
// see if we hit anything at all
if (!trace.ent)
return false;
// If we hit the guy we wanted, then shoot
if (trace.ent == target->edict)
return true;
// If we hit someone else we don't like, then shoot
if (act->enemyManager->IsValidEnemy(trace.ent->entity))
return true;
// Forget it then
return false;
return false;
// Name: _init()
// Parameters: None
// Description: Initializes Class Data
void CombatSubsystem::_init()
_activeWeapon.weapon = nullptr;
_nextTimeTracedToTarget = 0;
_canShootTarget = false;
_yawDiff = 0.0f;
// Name: GetBestAvailableWeapon()
// Class: CombatSubsystem
// Description: Iterates through the actor's inventory list and
// checks the power rating ( modified by range and armor )
// of each weapon, returning the best one.
// Parameters: Entity *target -- The target we are trying to shoot
// Returns: None
WeaponPtr CombatSubsystem::GetBestAvailableWeapon(Entity* target)
Weapon* bestWeapon = nullptr;
auto bestPowerRating = 0.0f;
// Try and grab the first item. If you pass a null into the
// NextItem() it will attempt to grab the first item in the
// inventory list
auto item = act->NextItem(nullptr);
// Loop as long as we have inventory items to check
while (item)
if (item->isSubclassOf(Weapon))
auto weapon = dynamic_cast<Weapon*>(item);
if (weapon)
auto powerRating = getModifiedPowerRating(target, weapon);
if (powerRating > bestPowerRating)
bestPowerRating = powerRating;
bestWeapon = weapon;
item = act->NextItem(item);
return bestWeapon;
// Name: getModifiedPowerRating()
// Class: CombatSubsystem
// Description: Returns the powerRating of the weapon modified by
// such conditions as Armor, Range, Spread, and speed
// of the projectile
// Parameters: Entity *target -- Target we're trying to shoot
// Weapon *weapon -- Weapon we're trying to shoot with
// Returns: weaponPowerRating
float CombatSubsystem::getModifiedPowerRating(Entity* target, Weapon* weapon)
float rangeToTarget;
float weaponPowerRating;
float weaponRange;
float weaponSpread;
float hitPercentage;
float skillLevel;
Actor* actTarget;
Vector selfToTarget;
// If we don't have a target we can't shoot it
if (!target)
//Assert to let us know this occurred
assert ( target != NULL );
return 0.0f;
// Set our default values
weaponPowerRating = weapon->GetPowerRating();
weaponRange = weapon->GetRange(FIRE_MODE1);
// Calculate our distance to the target
selfToTarget = target->origin - act->origin;
rangeToTarget = selfToTarget.length();
// If we are out of range, we can't shoot target
if (rangeToTarget > weaponRange)
return 0.0f;
// Check if we can even hurt the target with this weapon
if (target->isSubclassOf(Actor))
actTarget = dynamic_cast<Actor*>(target);
if (!actTarget->canBeDamagedBy(weapon->GetMeansOfDeath(FIRE_MODE1)))
return 0.0f;
//Calculate our hit %
if ((weapon->flags |= FT_BULLET) || (weapon->flags |= FT_MELEE))
weaponSpread = weapon->GetBulletSpreadX(FIRE_MODE1);
if (weaponSpread < 1.0)
weaponSpread = 1.0f;
hitPercentage = rangeToTarget / weaponRange * weaponSpread;
hitPercentage = weapon->GetProjectileSpeed() / rangeToTarget;
// Get our skill level with this weapon -- Should be a number between 0.0 and 1.0
// all skill levels default to 1.0 so it won't affect anything directly
skillLevel = weapon->GetSkillLevel();
return hitPercentage * weaponPowerRating * skillLevel;
// Name: GetActiveWeaponPowerRating()
// Class: CombatSubsystem
// Description: Returns the power rating of the ActiveWeapon
// Parameters: Entity *target
// Returns: float
float CombatSubsystem::GetActiveWeaponPowerRating(Entity* target)
if (_activeWeapon.weapon)
return getModifiedPowerRating(target, _activeWeapon.weapon);
return 0.0f;
str CombatSubsystem::GetActiveWeaponName()
str name;
if (_activeWeapon.weapon)
name = _activeWeapon.weapon->getName();
return name;
str CombatSubsystem::GetActiveWeaponArchetype()
str atype;
if (_activeWeapon.weapon)
atype = _activeWeapon.weapon->getArchetype();
return atype;
bool CombatSubsystem::GetProjectileLaunchAngles(Vector& launchAngles, const Vector& launchPoint, const float initialSpeed, const float gravity, const bool useHighTrajectory) const
Entity const* target = act->enemyManager->GetCurrentEnemy();
if (target)
auto targetPoint(target->centroid);
Trajectory projectileTrajectory(launchPoint, targetPoint, initialSpeed, gravity * -sv_currentGravity->value, useHighTrajectory);
if (projectileTrajectory.GetTravelTime() > 0.0f)
auto direction(targetPoint - launchPoint);
direction.z = 0.0f;
return true;
return false;
bool CombatSubsystem::shouldArcProjectile()
if (_activeWeapon.weapon)
return _activeWeapon.weapon->shouldArcProjectile();
return false;
float CombatSubsystem::GetLowArcRange()
if (_activeWeapon.weapon)
return _activeWeapon.weapon->GetLowArcRange();
return 0.0;
str CombatSubsystem::GetAnimForMyWeapon(const str& property)
auto gpm = GameplayManager::getTheGameplayManager();
if (!gpm->hasObject(act->getArchetype()))
return "";
auto objname = act->combatSubsystem->GetActiveWeaponArchetype();
objname = "Hold" + objname;
if (gpm->hasProperty(objname, property))
return gpm->getStringValue(objname, property);
return "";
float CombatSubsystem::GetDataForMyWeapon(const str& property)
auto gpm = GameplayManager::getTheGameplayManager();
if (!gpm->hasObject(act->getArchetype()))
return 0.0;
auto objname = act->combatSubsystem->GetActiveWeaponArchetype();
objname = "Hold" + objname;
if (gpm->hasProperty(objname, property))
return gpm->getFloatValue(objname, property);
return 0.0;
void CombatSubsystem::OverrideSpread(float spreadX, float spreadY)
if (!_activeWeapon.weapon)
_activeWeapon.weapon->SetBulletSpread(spreadX, spreadY);
Vector CombatSubsystem::GetLeadingTargetPos(float projSpeed, Vector originalTargetPos, Entity* target)
auto newTargetPos = originalTargetPos;
if (!target)
return newTargetPos;
if (target->groundentity)
// Here we're going to try and lead the target;
auto targetVelocity = target->velocity;
if (projSpeed <= 0)
projSpeed = 1;
auto selfToTarget = originalTargetPos - act->centroid;
auto distToTarget = selfToTarget.length();
auto timeToTarget = distToTarget / projSpeed;
auto enemyMoveDir = targetVelocity;
auto targetSpeed = targetVelocity.length();
// Parameterize aim leading over the interval [minLeadFactor,maxLeadFactor]
// such that 0 is targetPos and 1 is newTargetPos.
// Select a random parameter value in that range and interpolate
// between the two positions.
// Essentially, the shot will aim at some random point between
// where the target is now and where it (presumably) will be
// given the lead distance.
// When <leadFraction> is 0, shots aim at the current position
// of the target. When <leadFracation> is 1, shots aim at
// the best-guess lead-position of the target. When <leadFraction>
// is greater than 1, shots will over-lead the player. Note
// that in the latter case shots may actually hit the player
// if he is circle-strafing or moving closer/farther in addition
// to his lateral movement.
auto leadFraction = act->minLeadFactor + G_Random(act->maxLeadFactor - act->minLeadFactor);
auto leadVector = enemyMoveDir * targetSpeed * timeToTarget;
newTargetPos = originalTargetPos + leadFraction * leadVector;
return newTargetPos;