//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // $Logfile:: /Code/DLLs/game/player.h $ // $Revision:: 242 $ // $Author:: Steven $ // $Date:: 9/18/03 9:02a $ // // Copyright (C) 1997 by Ritual Entertainment, Inc. // All rights reserved. // // This source is may not be distributed and/or modified without // expressly written permission by Ritual Entertainment, Inc. // // // DESCRIPTION: // Class definition of the player. // //============================== // Forward Declarations //============================== class Player; class Powerup; class PowerupBase; class Rune; class HoldableItem; #ifndef __PLAYER_H__ #define __PLAYER_H__ #include "g_local.h" #include "vector.h" #include "entity.h" #include "weapon.h" #include "WeaponDualWield.h" #include "sentient.h" #include "navigate.h" #include "misc.h" #include "bspline.h" #include "camera.h" #include "specialfx.h" #include "characterstate.h" #include "actor.h" #include "vehicle.h" #include "playerheuristics.h" extern Event EV_Player_EndLevel; extern Event EV_Player_GiveCheat; extern Event EV_Player_GodCheat; extern Event EV_Player_NoTargetCheat; extern Event EV_Player_NoClipCheat; extern Event EV_Player_GameVersion; extern Event EV_Player_Fov; extern Event EV_Player_WhatIs; extern Event EV_Player_Respawn; extern Event EV_Player_WatchActor; extern Event EV_Player_StopWatchingActor; extern Event EV_Player_DoStats; extern Event EV_Player_DeadBody; extern Event EV_Weapon_DonePutaway; extern Event EV_Weapon_TargetIdleThink; extern Event EV_Driver_AnimDone; extern Event EV_Weapon_DoneAnimating; extern Event EV_Player_DoUse; extern Event EV_ViewThing_SpawnFromTS; extern Event EV_Player_MissionFailed; extern Event EV_Weapon_Shoot; extern Event EV_DetachAllChildren; extern Event EV_Player_RemovePowerup; extern Event EV_Player_UseItem; extern Event EV_Player_SetStat; extern Event EV_Player_Weapon; #define HEAD_TAG 0 #define TORSO_TAG 1 #define L_ARM_TAG 2 #define R_ARM_TAG 3 #define MOUTH_TAG 4 enum painDirection_t { PAIN_NONE, PAIN_FRONT, PAIN_LEFT, PAIN_RIGHT, PAIN_REAR }; typedef enum { NONE, FRIEND, ENEMY, OJBECT } TargetTypes; enum PlayerCameraModes { PLAYER_CAMERA_MODE_NORMAL, PLAYER_CAMERA_MODE_ACTOR, PLAYER_CAMERA_MODE_ENTITY_WATCHING, PLAYER_CAMERA_MODE_NO_CLIP, PLAYER_CAMERA_MODE_CINEMATIC, }; typedef void ( Player::*movecontrolfunc_t )( void ); //------------------------- CLASS ------------------------------ // // Name: FinishingMove // Base Class: Class // // Description: Finishing move class // // Method of Use: //-------------------------------------------------------------- class FinishingMove : public Class { public: FinishingMove() { } ~FinishingMove() { } str statename; int direction; float coneangle; float distance; float chance; float enemyyaw; void Archive( Archiver &arc ); }; inline void FinishingMove::Archive( Archiver &arc ) { Class::Archive( arc ); arc.ArchiveString( &statename ); arc.ArchiveInteger( &direction ); arc.ArchiveFloat( &coneangle ); arc.ArchiveFloat( &distance ); arc.ArchiveFloat( &chance ); arc.ArchiveFloat( &enemyyaw ); } //------------------------- CLASS ------------------------------ // // Name: WeaponSetItem // Base Class: Class // // Description: This is a dual weapon // // Method of Use: //-------------------------------------------------------------- class WeaponSetItem : public Class { public: str name; weaponhand_t hand; void Archive( Archiver &arc ); }; inline void WeaponSetItem::Archive( Archiver &arc ) { Class::Archive( arc ); arc.ArchiveString( &name ); ArchiveEnum( hand, weaponhand_t ); } //------------------------- CLASS ------------------------------ // // Name: Player // Base Class: Sentient // // Description: This is the player. // // Method of Use: //-------------------------------------------------------------- class Player : public Sentient { public: CLASS_PROTOTYPE( Player ); Player(); ~Player(); static Condition Conditions[]; char lastTeam[ 16 ]; qboolean mp_savingDemo; float userFov; private: friend class Camera; friend class Vehicle; friend class HorseVehicle; static movecontrolfunc_t MoveStartFuncs[]; StateMap *statemap_Legs; StateMap *statemap_Torso; State *currentState_Legs; State *currentState_Torso; str last_torso_anim_name; str last_leg_anim_name; movecontrol_t movecontrol; int last_camera_type; ActiveWeapon newActiveWeapon; EntityPtr head_target; float look_at_time; EntityPtr targetEnemy; bool targetEnemyLocked; qboolean shield_active; qboolean dual_wield_active; Container dual_wield_weaponlist; WeaponPtr holsteredWeapons[MAX_ACTIVE_WEAPONS]; str partAnim[ 3 ]; bool animdone_Legs; bool animdone_Torso; Vector oldvelocity; Vector old_v_angle; Vector oldorigin; float animspeed; float airspeed; // Call Volume Stuff str currentCallVolume; // Armor Stuff //float ArmorValue; // blend float blend[ 4 ]; // rgba full screen effect float fov; // horizontal field of view float _userFovChoice; // vehicle stuff VehiclePtr vehicle; // aiming direction Vector v_angle; int buttons; int new_buttons; float respawn_time; int last_attack_button; // damage blend float damage_blood; float damage_alpha; Vector damage_blend; Vector damage_from; // the direciton of incoming damage Vector damage_angles; // the damage angle adjustment that should be applied to the player float damage_count; // incoming damage which is decayed over time float bonus_alpha; float next_drown_time; // how long until we drown again float next_painsound_time; // when we should make a pain sound again float air_finished; int old_waterlevel; float drown_damage; float _flashAlpha; Vector _flashBlend; float _flashMaxTime; float _flashMinTime; str waitForState; // if not null, than player will clear waitforplayer when this state is hit CameraPtr camera; CameraPtr actor_camera; CameraPtr cool_camera; EntityPtr entity_to_watch; float maximumAngleToWatchedEntity; bool watchEntityForEntireDuration; int playerCameraMode; // Music Stuff float action_level; int music_current_mood; int music_fallback_mood; float music_current_volume; float music_saved_volume; float music_volume_fade_time; int reverb_type; float reverb_level; qboolean music_forced; bool _allowMusicDucking; bool _allowActionMusic; qboolean gibbed; float pain; painDirection_t pain_dir; meansOfDeath_t pain_type; bool take_pain; float accumulated_pain; float nextpaintime; bool knockdown; bool canfall; bool falling; int feetfalling; Vector falldir; bool hardimpact; usercmd_t last_ucmd; // Movement Variables //Vector base_righthand_pos; //Vector base_lefthand_pos; //Vector righthand_pos; //Vector lefthand_pos; Vector base_rightfoot_pos; Vector base_leftfoot_pos; Vector rightfoot_pos; Vector leftfoot_pos; bool _onLadder; Vector _ladderNormal; float _ladderTop; float _nextLadderTime; int pm_lastruntime; // the last runtime before Pmove float animheight; Vector yaw_forward; Vector yaw_left; EntityPtr atobject; float atobject_dist; Vector atobject_dir; EntityPtr toucheduseanim; int useanim_numloops; // number of times to loop the animation EntityPtr useitem_in_use; // used so that we can trigger targets after the useitem is finished EntityPtr cool_item; // we picked up a cool item and are waiting to show it off str cool_dialog; // dialog to play when we get it str cool_anim; // anim to play after the cinematic int moveresult; qboolean do_rise; // whether or not the player should go into the rise animation qboolean weapons_holstered_by_code; // whether or not we initiated a holstering for a specific animation qboolean projdetonate; // leg angles qboolean yawing; qboolean yawing_left; qboolean yawing_right; qboolean adjust_torso; Vector torsoAngles; Vector headAngles; Vector headAimAngles; Vector torsoAimAngles; float damage_multiplier; // dummyPlayer stuff qboolean fakePlayer_active; ActorPtr fakePlayer; bool dont_turn_legs; float specialMoveCharge; float specialMoveEndTime; float specialMoveChargeTime; int points; float playerKnockback; float knockbackMultiplier; bool changedStanceTorso; bool changedStanceLegs; int stanceNumber; bool incomingMeleeAttack; float bendTorsoMult; str lastActionType; int meleeAttackFlags; bool changingChar; Container meleeAttackerList; Container legs_conditionals; Container torso_conditionals; Container finishableList; Container finishingMoveList; SafePtr _powerup; SafePtr _rune; SafePtr _holdableItem; float _nextEnergyTransferTime; bool _canTransferEnergy; bool _doDamageScreenFlash; bool _isThirdPerson; Actor* _finishActor; str _finishState; bool _doingFinishingMove; bool _autoSwitchWeapons; bool _usingEntity; str _attackType; int _gameplayAnimIdx; bool _disableUseWeapon; EntityPtr _targetSelectedHighlight; EntityPtr _targetLockedHighlight; bool _infoHudOn; int _nextRegenTime; float _useEntityStartTimer; int _objectiveNameIndex; unsigned int _objectiveStates; unsigned int _informationStates; EntityPtr _targetedEntity; int _dialogEntnum; int _dialogSoundIndex; int _dialogTextSoundIndex; float _crossHairXOffset; float _crossHairYOffset; float _lastDamagedTimeFront; float _lastDamagedTimeBack; float _lastDamagedTimeLeft; float _lastDamagedTimeRight; bool _updateGameFrames; int _totalGameFrames; float _nextPainShaderTime; meansOfDeath_t _lastPainShaderMod; int _itemIcon; str _itemText; str _voteText; bool _validPlayerModel; int _secretsFound; Container _hudList; bool _needToSendHuds; bool _started; int _skillLevel; pmtype_t _forcedMoveType; ActorPtr _branchDialogActor; bool _needToSendBranchDialog; Vector _backpackAttachOffset; Vector _backpackAttachAngles; Vector _flagAttachOffset; Vector _flagAttachAngles; bool _cameraCutThisFrame; // Conditional Functions public: qboolean returntrue( Conditional &condition ); qboolean checkturnleft( Conditional &condition ); qboolean checkturnright( Conditional &condition ); qboolean checkforward( Conditional &condition ); qboolean checkbackward( Conditional &condition ); qboolean checkstrafeleft( Conditional &condition ); qboolean checkstraferight( Conditional &condition ); qboolean checkduck( Conditional &condition ); qboolean checkleanleft(Conditional &condition); qboolean checkleanright(Conditional &condition); qboolean checkjump( Conditional &condition ); qboolean checkcrouch( Conditional &condition ); qboolean checkjumpflip( Conditional &condition ); qboolean checkanimdone_legs( Conditional &condition ); qboolean checkanimdone_torso( Conditional &condition ); qboolean checkattackleft( Conditional &condition ); qboolean checkattackright( Conditional &condition ); qboolean checkattackbuttonleft( Conditional &condition ); qboolean checkattackbuttonright( Conditional &condition ); qboolean checksneak( Conditional &condition ); qboolean checkrun( Conditional &condition ); qboolean checkwasrunning( Conditional &condition ); qboolean checkholsterweapon( Conditional &condition ); qboolean checkuse( Conditional &condition ); qboolean checkcanturn( Conditional &condition ); qboolean checkcanwallhug( Conditional &condition ); qboolean checkblocked( Conditional &condition ); qboolean checkhangatwall( Conditional &condition ); qboolean checkonground( Conditional &condition ); qboolean check22degreeslope( Conditional &condition ); qboolean check45degreeslope( Conditional &condition ); qboolean checkrightleghigh( Conditional &condition ); qboolean checkleftleghigh( Conditional &condition ); qboolean checkfacingupslope( Conditional &condition ); qboolean checkfacingdownslope( Conditional &condition ); qboolean checkcanfall( Conditional &condition ); qboolean checkatdoor( Conditional &condition ); qboolean checkfalling( Conditional &condition ); qboolean checkgroundentity( Conditional &condition ); qboolean checkhardimpact( Conditional &condition ); qboolean checkdead( Conditional &condition ); qboolean checkhealth( Conditional &condition ); qboolean checkpain( Conditional &condition ); qboolean checkpaindirection( Conditional &condition ); qboolean checkaccumulatedpain( Conditional &condition ); qboolean checkpaintype( Conditional &condition ); qboolean checkpainthreshold( Conditional &condition ); qboolean checkknockdown( Conditional &condition ); qboolean checklegsstate( Conditional &condition ); qboolean checktorsostate( Conditional &condition ); qboolean checkatuseanim( Conditional &condition ); qboolean checkatuseentity( Conditional &condition ); qboolean checktouchuseanim( Conditional &condition ); qboolean checkatuseobject( Conditional &condition ); qboolean checkloopuseobject( Conditional &condition ); qboolean checkuseweaponleft( Conditional &condition ); qboolean checknewweapon( Conditional &condition ); qboolean checkuseweapon( Conditional &condition ); qboolean checkhasweapon( Conditional &condition ); qboolean checkweaponactive( Conditional &condition ); qboolean checkhasdualweapon( Conditional &condition ); qboolean checkweaponreload( Conditional &condition ); qboolean checkweaponswitchmode( Conditional &condition ); qboolean checkweaponinmode( Conditional &condition ); qboolean checkputawayleft( Conditional &condition ); qboolean checkputawayright( Conditional &condition ); qboolean checkputawayboth( Conditional &condition ); qboolean checktargetacquired( Conditional &condition ); qboolean checkanyweaponactive( Conditional &condition ); qboolean checkstatename( Conditional &condition ); qboolean checkattackblocked( Conditional &condition ); qboolean checkblockdelay( Conditional &condition ); qboolean checkcanstand( Conditional &condition ); qboolean checkpush( Conditional &condition ); qboolean checkpull( Conditional &condition ); qboolean checkOnLadder( Conditional &condition ); qboolean checkdualwield( Conditional &condition ); qboolean checkdualweapons( Conditional &condition ); qboolean checkuseanimfinished( Conditional &condition ); qboolean checkchance( Conditional &condition ); qboolean checkturnedleft( Conditional &condition ); qboolean checkturnedright( Conditional &condition ); qboolean checkinvehicle( Conditional &condition ); qboolean checksolidforward( Conditional &condition ); qboolean checkholstercomplete( Conditional &condition ); qboolean checkweaponhasammo( Conditional &condition ); qboolean checkweaponhasfullammo( Conditional &condition ); qboolean checkweaponhasinvammo( Conditional &condition ); qboolean checkrise( Conditional &condition ); qboolean checkweaponsholstered( Conditional &condition ); qboolean checkdualweaponreadytofire( Conditional &condition ); qboolean checkweaponreadytofire( Conditional &condition ); qboolean checkfakeplayeractive( Conditional &condition ); qboolean checkfakeplayerholster( Conditional &condition ); qboolean checkweaponlowered( Conditional &condition ); qboolean checkweaponfiretimer( Conditional &condition ); qboolean checkweaponforcereload( Conditional &condition ); qboolean checkweaponcanreload( Conditional &condition ); qboolean checkweaponfullclip( Conditional &condition ); qboolean checkweapondonefiring( Conditional &condition ); qboolean checkspecialmovecharge( Conditional &condition ); qboolean checkcharavailable( Conditional &condition ); qboolean checkstancechangedtorso( Conditional &condition ); qboolean checkstancechangedlegs( Conditional &condition ); qboolean checkstance( Conditional &condition ); qboolean checkpoints( Conditional &condition ); qboolean checkincomingmeleeattack( Conditional &condition ); qboolean checkfinishingmove( Conditional &condition ); qboolean checkusingentity( Conditional &condition ); qboolean checkthirdperson( Conditional &condition ); qboolean checkPropChance( Conditional &condition ); qboolean checkPropExists( Conditional &condition ); qboolean checkEndAnimChain( Conditional &condition ); qboolean checkWeaponType( Conditional &condition ); qboolean checkHasAnim( Conditional &condition ); qboolean checkIsWeaponControllingProjectile( Conditional &condition ); // Movecontrol Functions void StartPush( void ); void StartUseAnim( void ); void StartLoopUseAnim( void ); void SetupUseObject( void ); void StartUseObject( Event *ev ); void FinishUseObject( Event *ev ); void FinishUseAnim( Event *ev ); void StepUp( Event *ev ); void Turn( Event *ev ); void turnTowardsEntity( Event *ev ); void TurnUpdate( Event *ev ); void TurnLegs( Event *ev ); void DontTurnLegs( Event *ev ); void PassEventToVehicle( Event *ev ); // Init Functions void Init( void ); void InitSound( void ); void InitEdict( void ); void InitClient( void ); void InitPhysics( void ); //void InitPowerups( void ); void InitWorldEffects( void ); void InitWeapons( void ); void InitView( void ); void InitModel( const char *modelName = NULL ); void InitState( void ); void InitHealth( void ); void InitInventory( void ); void InitStats( void ); void ChooseSpawnPoint( void ); void EndLevel( Event *ev ); void Respawn( Event *ev ); void LevelCleanup( void ); void SetDeltaAngles( void ); virtual void setAngles( const Vector &ang ); void SetTargetedEntity(EntityPtr entity); EntityPtr GetTargetedEntity(void) { return _targetedEntity; } void CheckForTargetedEntity( void ); void ProcessTargetedEntity( void ); void DoUse( Event *ev ); Actor * getBestActorToUse( int *entityList, int count ); void Killed( Event *ev ); void Dead( Event *ev ); void Pain( Event *ev ); void TouchStuff( const pmove_t *pm ); void disableInventory( void ); void enableInventory( void ); usercmd_t GetLastUcmd(void); void GetMoveInfo( pmove_t *pm ); void SetMoveInfo( pmove_t *pm, const usercmd_t *ucmd ); pmtype_t GetMovePlayerMoveType( void ); void ClientMove( usercmd_t *ucmd ); void ApplyPowerupEffects(int &moveSpeed ); void ClientMoveLadder( usercmd_t *ucmd ); void ClientMoveDuck( usercmd_t *ucmd ); void ClientMoveLean(usercmd_t *ucmd); void CheckMoveFlags( void ); void ClientMoveFlagsAndSpeeds( int moveSpeed, int noclipSpeed, int crouchSpeed, int airSpeed ); void ClientMoveMisc( usercmd_t *ucmd ); void ClientThink( Event *ev ); void LoadStateTable( void ); void SetState(const str& legsstate, const str& torsostate); void ResetState( Event *ev ); void EvaluateState( State *forceTorso=NULL, State *forceLegs=NULL ); void CheckGround( void ); void UpdateViewAngles( usercmd_t *cmd ); qboolean AnimMove( const Vector &move, Vector *endpos = NULL ); qboolean TestMove( const Vector &pos, Vector *endpos = NULL ); qboolean CheckMove( const Vector &move, Vector *endpos = NULL ); void EndAnim_Legs( Event *ev ); void EndAnim_Torso( Event *ev ); void SetAnim( const char *anim, bodypart_t part = legs, bool force = false ); void EventUseItem( Event *ev ); void ChangeStance( Event *ev ); void ClearStanceTorso( Event *ev ); void ClearStanceLegs( Event *ev ); void TouchedUseAnim( Entity * ent ); void GiveCheat( Event *ev ); void GiveWeaponCheat( Event *ev ); void GiveAllCheat( Event *ev ); void GodCheat( Event *ev ); void NoTargetCheat( Event *ev ); void NoclipCheat( Event *ev ); void Kill( Event *ev ); void GibEvent( Event *ev ); void SpawnEntity( Event *ev ); void SpawnActor( Event *ev ); void ListInventoryEvent( Event *ev ); void SetViewAnglesEvent( Event *ev ); void GivePointsEvent( Event *ev ); void SetPointsEvent( Event *ev ); void SetCurrentCallVolume( const str &volumeName ); str GetCurrentCallVolume(); void GameVersion( Event *ev ); void Fov( Event *ev ); void GetPlayerView( Vector *pos, Vector *angle ); float CalcRoll( void ); void WorldEffects( void ); void AddBlend( float r, float g, float b, float a ); void SetBlend( float r, float g, float b, float a, int additive ); void SetBlend( int additive ); void CalcBlend( void ); void setFlash( const Vector &color, float alpha, float minTime, float maxTime ); void DamageFeedback( void ); void UpdateStats( void ); void UpdateMusic( void ); void UpdateReverb( void ); void UpdateMisc( void ); void UpdateObjectiveStatus( void ); void SetReverb( const str &type, float level ); void SetReverb( int type, float level ); void SetReverb( Event *ev ); Camera *CurrentCamera( void ); void SetCamera( Camera *ent, float switchTime ); void CameraCut( void ); void CameraCut( Camera *ent ); void SetClientViewAngles( const Vector &position, const float cameraoffset, const Vector &ang, const Vector &vel, const float camerafov ) const; void ShakeCamera( void ); void SetPlayerViewUsingNoClipController( void ); void SetPlayerViewUsingActorController( Camera *camera ); void SetPlayerViewUsingCinematicController( Camera* camera ); void SetPlayerViewUsingEntityWatchingController( void ); void SetPlayerViewNormal( void ); void StopWatchingEntity( void ); void DestroyActorCamera( void ); void SetupView( void ); void AutomaticallySelectedNewCamera( void ); void ProcessPmoveEvents( int event ); void SwingAngles( float destination, float swingTolerance, float clampTolerance, float speed, float *angle, qboolean *swinging ); Entity const * GetTarget( void ) const; bool GetProjectileLaunchAngles( Vector &launchAngles, const Vector &launchPoint, const float initialSpeed, const float gravity ) const; void AcquireTarget( void ); void AutoAim( void ); void PlayerAngles( void ); void FinishMove( void ); void EndFrame( Event *ev ); void TestThread( Event *ev ); bool useWeapon( const char *weaponname, weaponhand_t hand ); bool useWeapon( Weapon *weapon, weaponhand_t hand ); void GotKill( Event *ev ); void SetPowerupTimer( Event *ev ); void UpdatePowerupTimer( Event *ev ); void WhatIs( Event *ev ); void ActorInfo( Event *ev ); void Taunt( Event *ev ); void ChangeMusic( const char * current, const char * fallback, qboolean force ); void ChangeMusicVolume( float volume , float fade_time); void RestoreMusicVolume( float fade_time ); void allowMusicDucking( bool allowMusicDucking ); void allowActionMusic( bool allowActionMusic ); void GravityNodes( void ); virtual void Archive( Archiver &arc ); virtual void ArchivePersistantData( Archiver &arc, qboolean sublevelTransition ); void GiveOxygen( float time ); void KillEnt( Event *ev ); void RemoveEnt( Event *ev ); void KillClass( Event *ev ); void RemoveClass( Event *ev ); void Jump( Event *ev ); void JumpXY( Event *ev ); void ActivateNewWeapon( Event *ev ); void ActivateDualWeapons( Event *ev ); void DeactivateWeapon( Event *ev ); void PutawayWeapon( Event *ev ); void DonePutaway( Event *ev ); void ActivateShield( Event *ev ); void DeactivateShield( Event *ev ); qboolean ShieldActive( void ); qboolean LargeShieldActive( void ); void StartFakePlayer( void ); void FakePlayer( qboolean holster ); void RemoveFakePlayer( void ); void SetViewAngles( Vector angles ); Vector getViewAngles( void ) { return v_angle; } void SetFov( float newFov, bool forced = false ); float getDefaultFov( void ); bool IsNewActiveWeapon( void ); Weapon *GetNewActiveWeapon( void ); weaponhand_t GetNewActiveWeaponHand( void ); void ClearNewActiveWeapon( void ); void DumpState( Event *ev ); void ForceTorsoState( Event *ev ); void SetHeadTarget( Event *ev ); Vector GetAngleToTarget( const Entity *ent, const str &tag, float yawclamp, float pitchclamp, const Vector &baseangles ); void AcquireHeadTarget( void ); void SetCurrentCombo( Event *ev ); qboolean GetTagPositionAndOrientation( const str &tagname, orientation_t *new_or ); qboolean GetTagPositionAndOrientation( int tagnum, orientation_t *new_or ); void DebugWeaponTags( int controller_tag, Weapon *weapon, const str &weapon_tagname ); void ClearTarget( Event *ev ); void AdjustTorso( Event *ev ); void UseDualWield( Event *ev ); void DualWield( Event *ev ); void EvaluateTorsoAnim( Event *ev ); void CheckReloadWeapons( void ); void NextPainTime( Event *ev ); void SetTakePain( Event *ev ); void SetMouthAngle( Event *ev ); void EnterVehicle( Event *ev ); void ExitVehicle( Event *ev ); void Holster( Event *ev ); void HolsterToggle( Event *ev ); void NightvisionToggle (Event *ev); void IncreaseActionLevel( float action_level_increase ); void WatchEntity( Event *ev ); void StopWatchingEntity( Event *ev ); void WeaponCommand( Event *ev ); void PlayerDone( Event *ev ); painDirection_t Pain_string_to_int( const str &pain ); inline Vector GetTorsoAngles( void ) { return torsoAngles; }; inline Vector GetVAngles( void ){ return v_angle; } const str getPainShader( meansOfDeath_t mod, bool takeArmorIntoAccount ); const str getPainShader( const char *MODName ); void SpawnDamageEffect( meansOfDeath_t mod ); virtual void GetStateAnims( Container *c ); virtual void SetStateFile( Event *ev ); virtual void VelocityModified( void ); int GetKnockback( int original_knockback, qboolean blocked ); virtual void ReceivedItem( Item * item ); virtual void RemovedItem( Item * item ); virtual void AmmoAmountChanged( Ammo * ammo, int inclip = 0 ); qboolean WeaponsOut( void ); qboolean IsDualWeaponActive( void ); void Holster( qboolean putaway ); void SafeHolster( qboolean putaway ); inline float GetFov() { return fov; } inline bool GetTargetEnemyLocked( void ) const { return targetEnemyLocked; } void StartCoolItem( Event *ev ); void StartCoolItemAnim( void ); void ShowCoolItem( Event *ev ); void HideCoolItem( Event *ev ); void StopCoolItem( Event *ev ); void WaitForState( Event *ev ); void SkipCinematic( Event *ev ); void SetDamageMultiplier( Event *ev ); void LogStats( Event *ev ); void WeaponsHolstered( void ); void WeaponsNotHolstered( void ); void Loaded( void ); void PlayerShowModel( Event *ev ); virtual void showModel( void ); void ResetHaveItem( Event *ev ); qboolean GetCrouch(); int getTotalGameFrames() { return _totalGameFrames; } // Deathmatch arena stuff void Score( Event *ev ); void WarpToPoint( const Entity *ent ); void ArmorDamage( Event *ev ); void Disconnect( void ); void CallVote( Event *ev ); void Vote( Event *ev ); void joinTeam( Event *ev ); void multiplayerCommand( Event *ev ); void DeadBody( Event *ev ); void Gib( void ); void FireWeapon(Event *ev); void ReleaseFireWeapon(Event *ev); void SetAimType(Event *ev); void ReloadWeapon(Event *ev); void AnimateWeapon(Event *ev ); void SwitchWeaponMode(Event *ev); void UseSpecifiedEntity( Event *ev ); void SetupDialog( Event *ev ); void SetupDialog( Entity *entity, const str &soundName ); void handleTextDialogSetup( const str& soundName ); void handleDialogSetup( Entity* entity, const str& soundName ); void ClearDialog( Event *ev ); void ClearDialog( void ); void ClearTextDialog( Event* ev ); void ClearTextDialog( void ); // Interface to the projdetonate member variable // Used for the grenade launcher, which has a detonate trigger qboolean GetProjDetonate(); void SetProjDetonate(qboolean value); void ProjDetonate(Event *ev); //Player Heuristics PlayerHeuristics *p_heuristics; void ShowHeuristics( Event *ev ); void ReloadTiki( Event *ev ); //Objective Updates void LoadObjectives( Event* ev ); void SetObjectiveComplete( Event *ev ); void SetObjectiveFailed( Event *ev ); void SetObjectiveShow( Event *ev ); void loadObjectives( const str& objectiveName ); void MissionFailed(Event* ev); void setMissionFailed( void ); //Information Updates void SetInformationShow( Event *ev ); void SetStat( Event *ev ); qboolean ShouldSendToClient( Entity *entityToSend ); void UpdateEntityStateForClient( entityState_t *state ); void UpdatePlayerStateForClient( playerState_t *state ); void ExtraEntitiesToSendToClient( int *numExtraEntities, int *extraEntities ); virtual void setViewMode( const str &viewModeName ); void applyWeaponSpeedModifiers( int *moveSpeed ); float GetDamageMultiplier() { return damage_multiplier; } // Special Moves void SpecialMoveChargeStart( Event *ev ); void SpecialMoveChargeEnd( Event *ev ); void SpecialMoveChargeTime( Event *ev ); // Point System int AwardPoints(int numPoints); int TakePoints(int numPoints); void ClearPoints() { points = 0; } int GetNumPoints() { return points; } void ChangeChar( Event *ev ); void SetPlayerChar( Event *ev ); void PlayerKnockback( Event *ev ); void KnockbackMultiplier( Event *ev ); void MeleeEvent( Event *ev ); float GetKnockbackMultiplier() { return knockbackMultiplier; } float GetPlayerKnockback() { return playerKnockback; } Vector getWeaponViewShake( void ); void MeleeDamageStart( Event *ev ); void MeleeDamageEnd( Event *ev ); void AdvancedMeleeAttack( weaponhand_t hand ); void ChangeCharFadeIn( Event *ev ); void AddMeleeAttacker( Event *ev ); void SetIncomingMeleeAttack( bool flag ) { incomingMeleeAttack = flag; } void ClearIncomingMelee( Event *ev ); void SetBendTorso( Event *ev ); void HeadWatchAllowed( Event *ev ); float getDamageDone( float damage, int meansOfDeath, bool inMelee ); meansOfDeath_t changetMeansOfDeath( meansOfDeath_t meansOfDeath ); // Powerup stuff void setPowerup( Powerup *powerup ); void removePowerup( void ); void removePowerupEvent( Event *ev ); void dropPowerup( void ); // Rune Stuff bool hasRune( void ); void setRune( Rune *rune ); void removeRune( void ); void dropRune( Event *ev ); void dropRune( void ); // Holdable item Stuff void setHoldableItem( HoldableItem *holdableItem ); void removeHoldableItem( void ); void useHoldableItem( void ); HoldableItem* getHoldableItem(void); // Energy Transfer void transferEnergy( void ); void setCanTransferEnergy( Event * ); void setDoDamageScreenFlash( Event *ev ); void pointOfView( Event *ev ); Entity * FindClosestEntityInRadius( const float horizontalFOVDegrees, const float verticalFOVDegrees, const float maxDistance ); Entity* FindHeadTarget( const Vector &origin, const Vector &forward, const float fov, const float maxdist ); void HandleFinishableList(); void addFinishingMove( Event *ev ); void clearFinishingMove( Event *ev ); void doFinishingMove( Event *ev ); void forceTimeScale( Event *ev ); void freezePlayer( Event *ev ); void immobilizePlayer( Event *ev ); void doUseEntity( Event *ev ); void doneUseEntity( Event *ev ); void showObjectInfo(); void setAutoSwitchWeapons( bool autoSwitchWeapons ) { _autoSwitchWeapons = autoSwitchWeapons; } bool getAutoSwitchWeapons( void ) { return _autoSwitchWeapons; } void handleUseObject(UseObject *uo); void handleUseEntity(Entity *ent, float v_dist); void handlePickupItem(Item *item); void clearActionType(); void setAttackType(Event *ev); const str& getAttackType() { return _attackType; } const str getGameplayAnim(const str& objname); void nextGameplayAnim( Event *ev ); void setGameplayAnim( Event *ev ); void setDisableUseWeapon( Event* ev ); void setDisableInventory( Event* ev ); void skillChanged( const str& objname ); void equipItems( Event *ev ); const str getFreeInventorySlot(); void usePlayer( Event * ); void addRosterTeammate1( Event* ev ); void addRosterTeammate2( Event* ev ); void addRosterTeammate3( Event* ev ); void addRosterTeammate4( Event* ev ); void removeRosterTeammate1( Event* ev ); void removeRosterTeammate2( Event* ev ); void removeRosterTeammate3( Event* ev ); void removeRosterTeammate4( Event* ev ); bool isButtonDown( int button ); void notifyPlayerOfMultiplayerEvent( const char *eventName, const char *eventItemName, Player *eventPlayer ); void touchingLadder( Trigger *ladder, const Vector &normal, float top ); // Vector GetViewEndPoint( void ); void GetViewTrace( trace_t& trace, int contents, float maxDistance = 3000.0f ); void addPowerupEffect( PowerupBase *powerup ); void removePowerupEffect( PowerupBase *powerup ); void warp( Event *ev ); void hudPrint( Event *ev ); void hudPrint( const str &string ); void setTargeted( bool targeted ); void setItemText( int itemIcon, const str &itemText ); void clearItemText( void ); void clearItemText( Event *ev ); void setVoteText( const str &voteText ); void clearVoteText( void ); void shotFired( void ); void shotHit( void ); void cinematicStarted( void ); void cinematicStopped( void ); void loadUseItem( const str &item ); void setValidPlayerModel( Event *ev ); void incrementSecretsFound( void ); void isPlayerOnGround( Event *ev ); void addHud( Event *ev ); void addHud( const str &hudName ); void removeHud( Event *ev ); void removeHud( const str &hudName ); bool needToSendAllHudsToClient( void ); void sendAllHudsToClient( void ); void clearAllHuds( void ); void addHudToClient( const str &hudName ); void removeHudFromClient( const str &hudName ); void killAllDialog(Event *ev); void killAllDialog(); void clearTempAttachments( void ); void setSkill( int skill ); int getSkill( void ); void forceMoveType( Event *ev ); void setBranchDialogActor( const Actor* actor); void clearBranchDialogActor( void ); void setBackpackAttachOffset( Event *ev ); void setBackpackAttachAngles( Event *ev ); Vector getBackpackAttachOffset( void ); Vector getBackpackAttachAngles( void ); void setFlagAttachOffset( Event *ev ); void setFlagAttachAngles( Event *ev ); Vector getFlagAttachOffset( void ); Vector getFlagAttachAngles( void ); bool canRegenerate( void ); void modelChanged( void ); void setBackupModel( Event *ev ); void setBackupModel( const str &modelName ); }; inline bool Player::IsNewActiveWeapon() { if(newActiveWeapon.weapon != NULL) { return true; } else { return false; } } inline weaponhand_t Player::GetNewActiveWeaponHand() { return newActiveWeapon.hand; } inline Weapon *Player::GetNewActiveWeapon() { return newActiveWeapon.weapon; } inline void Player::ClearNewActiveWeapon() { newActiveWeapon.weapon = NULL; newActiveWeapon.hand = WEAPON_ERROR; } inline void Player::Archive( Archiver &arc ) { str tempStr; int i, num; WeaponSetItem *tempDualWeapon; Sentient::Archive( arc ); // Don't archive //static Condition Conditions[]; //static movecontrolfunc_t MoveStartFuncs[]; // make sure we have the state machine loaded up if ( arc.Loading() ) { LoadStateTable(); } if ( arc.Saving() ) { if ( currentState_Legs ) tempStr = currentState_Legs->getName(); else tempStr = "NULL"; arc.ArchiveString( &tempStr ); if ( currentState_Torso ) tempStr = currentState_Torso->getName(); else tempStr = "NULL"; arc.ArchiveString( &tempStr ); } else { arc.ArchiveString( &tempStr ); if ( tempStr != "NULL" ) currentState_Legs = statemap_Legs->FindState( tempStr ); else currentState_Legs = NULL; arc.ArchiveString( &tempStr ); if ( tempStr != "NULL" ) currentState_Torso = statemap_Torso->FindState( tempStr ); else currentState_Torso = NULL; } arc.ArchiveString( &last_torso_anim_name ); arc.ArchiveString( &last_leg_anim_name ); ArchiveEnum( movecontrol, movecontrol_t ); arc.ArchiveInteger( &last_camera_type ); if ( arc.Loading() ) { // make sure the camera gets reset last_camera_type = -1; } newActiveWeapon.Archive( arc ); arc.ArchiveSafePointer( &head_target ); arc.ArchiveFloat( &look_at_time ); arc.ArchiveSafePointer( &targetEnemy ); arc.ArchiveBool( &targetEnemyLocked ); arc.ArchiveBoolean( &shield_active ); arc.ArchiveBoolean( &dual_wield_active ); if ( arc.Saving() ) num = dual_wield_weaponlist.NumObjects(); else dual_wield_weaponlist.ClearObjectList(); arc.ArchiveInteger( &num ); for( i = 1; i <= num; i++ ) { if ( arc.Saving() ) { tempDualWeapon = dual_wield_weaponlist.ObjectAt( i ); } else { tempDualWeapon = new WeaponSetItem; dual_wield_weaponlist.AddObject( tempDualWeapon ); } tempDualWeapon->Archive( arc ); } for( i = 0; i < MAX_ACTIVE_WEAPONS; i++ ) { arc.ArchiveSafePointer( &holsteredWeapons[ i ] ); } arc.ArchiveString( &partAnim[ 0 ] ); arc.ArchiveString( &partAnim[ 1 ] ); arc.ArchiveString( &partAnim[ 2 ] ); arc.ArchiveBool( &animdone_Legs ); arc.ArchiveBool( &animdone_Torso ); arc.ArchiveVector( &oldvelocity ); arc.ArchiveVector( &old_v_angle ); arc.ArchiveVector( &oldorigin ); arc.ArchiveFloat( &animspeed ); arc.ArchiveFloat( &airspeed ); arc.ArchiveString( ¤tCallVolume ); arc.ArchiveRaw( blend, sizeof( blend ) ); arc.ArchiveFloat( &fov ); arc.ArchiveFloat( &_userFovChoice ); arc.ArchiveSafePointer( &vehicle ); arc.ArchiveVector( &v_angle ); arc.ArchiveInteger( &buttons ); arc.ArchiveInteger( &new_buttons ); arc.ArchiveFloat( &respawn_time ); arc.ArchiveInteger( &last_attack_button ); arc.ArchiveFloat( &damage_blood ); arc.ArchiveFloat( &damage_alpha ); arc.ArchiveVector( &damage_blend ); arc.ArchiveVector( &damage_from ); arc.ArchiveVector( &damage_angles ); arc.ArchiveFloat( &damage_count ); arc.ArchiveFloat( &bonus_alpha ); arc.ArchiveFloat( &next_drown_time ); arc.ArchiveFloat( &next_painsound_time ); arc.ArchiveFloat( &air_finished ); arc.ArchiveInteger( &old_waterlevel ); arc.ArchiveFloat( &drown_damage ); arc.ArchiveFloat( &_flashAlpha ); arc.ArchiveVector( &_flashBlend ); arc.ArchiveFloat( &_flashMaxTime ); arc.ArchiveFloat( &_flashMinTime ); arc.ArchiveString( &waitForState ); arc.ArchiveSafePointer( &camera ); arc.ArchiveSafePointer( &actor_camera ); arc.ArchiveSafePointer( &cool_camera ); arc.ArchiveSafePointer( &entity_to_watch ); arc.ArchiveFloat( &maximumAngleToWatchedEntity ); arc.ArchiveBool( &watchEntityForEntireDuration ); arc.ArchiveInteger( &playerCameraMode ); arc.ArchiveFloat( &action_level ); arc.ArchiveInteger( &music_current_mood ); arc.ArchiveInteger( &music_fallback_mood ); arc.ArchiveFloat( &music_current_volume ); arc.ArchiveFloat( &music_saved_volume ); arc.ArchiveFloat( &music_volume_fade_time ); arc.ArchiveInteger( &reverb_type ); arc.ArchiveFloat( &reverb_level ); arc.ArchiveBoolean( &music_forced ); arc.ArchiveBool( &_allowMusicDucking ); arc.ArchiveBool( &_allowActionMusic ); arc.ArchiveBoolean( &gibbed ); arc.ArchiveFloat( &pain ); ArchiveEnum( pain_dir, painDirection_t ); ArchiveEnum( pain_type, meansOfDeath_t ); arc.ArchiveBool( &take_pain ); arc.ArchiveFloat( &accumulated_pain ); arc.ArchiveFloat( &nextpaintime ); arc.ArchiveBool( &knockdown ); arc.ArchiveBool( &canfall ); arc.ArchiveBool( &falling ); arc.ArchiveInteger( &feetfalling ); arc.ArchiveVector( &falldir ); arc.ArchiveBool( &hardimpact ); arc.ArchiveRaw( &last_ucmd, sizeof( last_ucmd ) ); //arc.ArchiveVector( &base_righthand_pos ); //arc.ArchiveVector( &base_lefthand_pos ); //arc.ArchiveVector( &righthand_pos ); //arc.ArchiveVector( &lefthand_pos ); arc.ArchiveVector( &base_rightfoot_pos ); arc.ArchiveVector( &base_leftfoot_pos ); arc.ArchiveVector( &rightfoot_pos ); arc.ArchiveVector( &leftfoot_pos ); arc.ArchiveBool( &_onLadder ); arc.ArchiveVector( &_ladderNormal ); arc.ArchiveFloat( &_ladderTop ); arc.ArchiveFloat( &_nextLadderTime ); arc.ArchiveInteger( &pm_lastruntime ); arc.ArchiveFloat( &animheight ); arc.ArchiveVector( &yaw_forward ); arc.ArchiveVector( &yaw_left ); arc.ArchiveSafePointer( &atobject ); arc.ArchiveFloat( &atobject_dist ); arc.ArchiveVector( &atobject_dir ); arc.ArchiveSafePointer( &toucheduseanim ); arc.ArchiveInteger( &useanim_numloops ); arc.ArchiveSafePointer( &useitem_in_use ); arc.ArchiveSafePointer( &cool_item ); arc.ArchiveString( &cool_dialog ); arc.ArchiveString( &cool_anim ); arc.ArchiveInteger( &moveresult ); arc.ArchiveBoolean( &do_rise ); arc.ArchiveBoolean( &weapons_holstered_by_code ); arc.ArchiveBoolean( &projdetonate ); arc.ArchiveBoolean( &yawing ); arc.ArchiveBoolean( &yawing_left ); arc.ArchiveBoolean( &yawing_right ); arc.ArchiveBoolean( &adjust_torso ); arc.ArchiveVector( &torsoAngles ); arc.ArchiveVector( &headAngles ); arc.ArchiveVector( &headAimAngles ); arc.ArchiveVector( &torsoAimAngles ); arc.ArchiveFloat( &damage_multiplier ); // Don't save multiplayer stuff arc.ArchiveBoolean( &fakePlayer_active ); arc.ArchiveSafePointer( &fakePlayer ); arc.ArchiveBool( &dont_turn_legs ); arc.ArchiveFloat(&specialMoveCharge); arc.ArchiveFloat(&specialMoveEndTime); arc.ArchiveFloat(&specialMoveChargeTime); arc.ArchiveInteger(&points); arc.ArchiveFloat(&playerKnockback); arc.ArchiveFloat(&knockbackMultiplier); arc.ArchiveBool(&changedStanceTorso); arc.ArchiveBool(&changedStanceLegs); arc.ArchiveInteger(&stanceNumber); arc.ArchiveBool(&incomingMeleeAttack); arc.ArchiveFloat(&bendTorsoMult); arc.ArchiveString(&lastActionType); arc.ArchiveInteger(&meleeAttackFlags); arc.ArchiveBool(&changingChar); int numEntries; if ( arc.Saving() ) { numEntries = meleeAttackerList.NumObjects(); arc.ArchiveInteger( &numEntries ); EntityPtr eptr; for ( int i = 1 ; i <= numEntries ; i++ ) { eptr = meleeAttackerList.ObjectAt( i ); arc.ArchiveSafePointer( &eptr ); } } else { EntityPtr eptr; EntityPtr *eptrptr; arc.ArchiveInteger( &numEntries ); meleeAttackerList.Resize( numEntries ); for ( int i = 1 ; i <= numEntries ; i++ ) { meleeAttackerList.AddObject( eptr ); eptrptr = &meleeAttackerList.ObjectAt( i ); arc.ArchiveSafePointer( eptrptr ); } } // Don't archive //Container legs_conditionals; //Container torso_conditionals; if ( arc.Saving() ) { numEntries = finishableList.NumObjects(); arc.ArchiveInteger( &numEntries ); ActorPtr eptr; for ( int i = 1 ; i <= numEntries ; i++ ) { eptr = finishableList.ObjectAt( i ); arc.ArchiveSafePointer( &eptr ); } } else { ActorPtr eptr; ActorPtr *eptrptr; arc.ArchiveInteger( &numEntries ); finishableList.Resize( numEntries ); for ( int i = 1 ; i <= numEntries ; i++ ) { finishableList.AddObject( eptr ); eptrptr = &finishableList.ObjectAt( i ); arc.ArchiveSafePointer( eptrptr ); } } if ( arc.Saving() ) { numEntries = finishingMoveList.NumObjects(); arc.ArchiveInteger( &numEntries ); FinishingMove * eptr; for ( int i = 1 ; i <= numEntries ; i++ ) { eptr = finishingMoveList.ObjectAt( i ); arc.ArchiveObjectPointer( (Class **)&eptr ); } } else { FinishingMove *eptr = NULL; FinishingMove **eptrptr; arc.ArchiveInteger( &numEntries ); finishingMoveList.Resize( numEntries ); for ( int i = 1 ; i <= numEntries ; i++ ) { finishingMoveList.AddObject( eptr ); eptrptr = &finishingMoveList.ObjectAt( i ); arc.ArchiveObjectPointer( (Class **)eptrptr ); } } arc.ArchiveSafePointer( &_powerup ); arc.ArchiveSafePointer( &_rune ); arc.ArchiveSafePointer( &_holdableItem ); arc.ArchiveFloat( &_nextEnergyTransferTime ); arc.ArchiveBool( &_canTransferEnergy ); arc.ArchiveBool( &_doDamageScreenFlash ); arc.ArchiveBool( &_isThirdPerson ); arc.ArchiveObjectPointer( (Class **)&_finishActor ); arc.ArchiveString( &_finishState ); arc.ArchiveBool( &_doingFinishingMove ); arc.ArchiveBool( &_autoSwitchWeapons ); arc.ArchiveBool( &_usingEntity ); arc.ArchiveString( &_attackType ); arc.ArchiveInteger( &_gameplayAnimIdx ); arc.ArchiveBool( &_disableUseWeapon ); arc.ArchiveSafePointer( &_targetSelectedHighlight ); arc.ArchiveSafePointer( &_targetLockedHighlight ); arc.ArchiveBool( &_infoHudOn ); arc.ArchiveInteger( &_nextRegenTime ); arc.ArchiveFloat( &_useEntityStartTimer ); //mission objective stuff str objectiveName; if( arc.Saving() ) { objectiveName = gi.getConfigstring( CS_OBJECTIVE_NAME + _objectiveNameIndex); arc.ArchiveString( &objectiveName ); } if( arc.Loading() ) { arc.ArchiveString( &objectiveName ); loadObjectives(objectiveName); } arc.ArchiveUnsigned( &_objectiveStates ); arc.ArchiveUnsigned( &_informationStates ); arc.ArchiveSafePointer( &_targetedEntity); //dialog entity string and dialog num str dialogSound; str dialogTextSound; if(arc.Saving() ) { arc.ArchiveInteger(&_dialogEntnum); dialogSound = gi.getConfigstring( CS_SOUNDS + _dialogSoundIndex); arc.ArchiveString( &dialogSound ); dialogTextSound = gi.getConfigstring( CS_SOUNDS + _dialogTextSoundIndex ); arc.ArchiveString( &dialogTextSound ); } if( arc.Loading() ) { arc.ArchiveInteger(&_dialogEntnum); arc.ArchiveString( &dialogSound ); _dialogSoundIndex = gi.soundindex( dialogSound ); arc.ArchiveString( &dialogTextSound ); _dialogTextSoundIndex = gi.soundindex( dialogTextSound ); } arc.ArchiveFloat( &_crossHairXOffset ); arc.ArchiveFloat( &_crossHairYOffset ); arc.ArchiveFloat( &_lastDamagedTimeFront ); arc.ArchiveFloat( &_lastDamagedTimeBack ); arc.ArchiveFloat( &_lastDamagedTimeLeft ); arc.ArchiveFloat( &_lastDamagedTimeRight ); arc.ArchiveInteger(&_totalGameFrames); arc.ArchiveFloat( &_nextPainShaderTime ); ArchiveEnum( _lastPainShaderMod, meansOfDeath_t ); arc.ArchiveInteger( &_itemIcon ); arc.ArchiveString( &_itemText ); arc.ArchiveString( &_voteText ); arc.ArchiveBool( &_validPlayerModel ); arc.ArchiveInteger( &_secretsFound ); _hudList.Archive( arc ); // _needToSendHuds is not archived but set directly if ( arc.Loading() && ( _hudList.NumObjects() > 0 ) ) _needToSendHuds = true; else _needToSendHuds = false; // _started is not archived but set directly _started = false; arc.ArchiveInteger( &_skillLevel ); ArchiveEnum( _forcedMoveType, pmtype_t ); arc.ArchiveSafePointer( &_branchDialogActor); _needToSendBranchDialog = true; // Don't save these 4, only used in multiplayer //Vector _backpackAttachOffset; //Vector _backpackAttachAngles; //Vector _flagAttachOffset; //Vector _flagAttachAngles; arc.ArchiveBool( &_cameraCutThisFrame ); } inline Camera *Player::CurrentCamera() { return camera; } inline void Player::CameraCut() { // toggle the camera cut bit if ( !client ) return; if ( _cameraCutThisFrame ) return; client->ps.camera_flags = ( ( client->ps.camera_flags & CF_CAMERA_CUT_BIT ) ^ CF_CAMERA_CUT_BIT ) | ( client->ps.camera_flags & ~CF_CAMERA_CUT_BIT ); _cameraCutThisFrame = true; } inline void Player::CameraCut( Camera * ent ) { if ( ent == camera ) { // if the camera we are currently looking through cut, than toggle the cut bits CameraCut(); } } inline void Player::SetCamera( Camera *ent, float switchTime ) { if ( !client ) return; camera = ent; client->ps.camera_time = switchTime; if ( switchTime <= 0.0f ) { CameraCut(); } } #endif /* player.h */