//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // $Logfile:: /EF2/Code/DLLs/game/scriptslave.cpp $ // $Revision:: 64 $ // $Author:: Singlis $ // $Date:: 9/26/03 2:36p $ // // Copyright (C) 1997 by Ritual Entertainment, Inc. // All rights reserved. // // This source is may not be distributed and/or modified without // expressly written permission by Ritual Entertainment, Inc. // // // DESCRIPTION: // Standard scripted objects. Controlled by ScriptThread. These objects // are bmodel objects created in the editor and controlled by an external // text based script. Commands are interpretted on by one and executed // upon a signal from the script master. The base script object can // perform several different relative and specific rotations and translations // and can cause other parts of the script to be executed when touched, damaged, // touched, or used. // #include "_pch_cpp.h" #include "class.h" #include "mover.h" #include "scriptmaster.h" #include "scriptslave.h" #include "sentient.h" #include "item.h" #include "gibs.h" #include "explosion.h" #include "equipment.h" #include /*****************************************************************************/ /*QUAKED script_object (0 0.5 1) ? NOT_SOLID ******************************************************************************/ Event EV_ScriptSlave_DoMove ( "processCommands", EV_CODEONLY, NULL, NULL, "Move the script slave." ); Event EV_ScriptSlave_NewOrders ( "newOrders", EV_CODEONLY, NULL, NULL, "Inform script that it is about to get new orders." ); Event EV_ScriptSlave_Angles ( "angles", EV_SCRIPTONLY, "v", "angles", "Sets the angles." ); Event EV_ScriptSlave_Trigger ( "trigger", EV_SCRIPTONLY, "s", "entname", "Trigger entities target." ); Event EV_ScriptSlave_Next ( "next", EV_DEFAULT, NULL, NULL, "Goto the next waypoint." ); Event EV_ScriptSlave_JumpTo ( "jumpto", EV_SCRIPTONLY, "sFF", "vector_or_entity token token", "Jump to specified vector or entity." ); Event EV_ScriptSlave_MoveTo ( "moveto", EV_SCRIPTONLY, "e", "entity_to_move_to", "Move to the specified entity." ); Event EV_ScriptSlave_MoveToPosition ( "movetopos", EV_SCRIPTONLY, "v", "position", "Move to the specified position." ); Event EV_ScriptSlave_Speed ( "speed", EV_DEFAULT, "f", "speed", "Sets the speed." ); Event EV_ScriptSlave_Time ( "time", EV_SCRIPTONLY, "f", "travel_time", "Sets the travel time." ); Event EV_ScriptSlave_MoveUp ( "moveUp", EV_SCRIPTONLY, "f", "dist", "Move the position up." ); Event EV_ScriptSlave_MoveDown ( "moveDown", EV_SCRIPTONLY, "f", "dist", "Move the position down." ); Event EV_ScriptSlave_MoveNorth ( "moveNorth", EV_SCRIPTONLY, "f", "dist", "Move the position north." ); Event EV_ScriptSlave_MoveSouth ( "moveSouth", EV_SCRIPTONLY, "f", "dist", "Move the position south." ); Event EV_ScriptSlave_MoveEast ( "moveEast", EV_SCRIPTONLY, "f", "dist", "Move the position east." ); Event EV_ScriptSlave_MoveWest ( "moveWest", EV_SCRIPTONLY, "f", "dist", "Move the position west." ); Event EV_ScriptSlave_MoveForward ( "moveForward", EV_SCRIPTONLY, "f", "dist", "Move the position forward." ); Event EV_ScriptSlave_MoveBackward ( "moveBackward", EV_SCRIPTONLY, "f", "dist", "Move the position backward." ); Event EV_ScriptSlave_MoveLeft ( "moveLeft", EV_SCRIPTONLY, "f", "dist", "Move the position left." ); Event EV_ScriptSlave_MoveRight ( "moveRight", EV_SCRIPTONLY, "f", "dist", "Move the position right." ); Event EV_ScriptSlave_RotateXDownTo ( "rotateXdownto", EV_SCRIPTONLY, "f", "angle", "Rotate the x down to angle." ); Event EV_ScriptSlave_RotateYDownTo ( "rotateYdownto", EV_SCRIPTONLY, "f", "angle", "Rotate the y down to angle." ); Event EV_ScriptSlave_RotateZDownTo ( "rotateZdownto", EV_SCRIPTONLY, "f", "angle", "Rotate the z down to angle." ); Event EV_ScriptSlave_RotateAxisDownTo ( "rotateaxisdownto", EV_SCRIPTONLY, "if", "axis angle", "Rotate the specified axis down to angle." ); Event EV_ScriptSlave_RotateXUpTo ( "rotateXupto", EV_SCRIPTONLY, "f", "angle", "Rotate the x up to angle." ); Event EV_ScriptSlave_RotateYUpTo ( "rotateYupto", EV_SCRIPTONLY, "f", "angle", "Rotate the y up to angle." ); Event EV_ScriptSlave_RotateZUpTo ( "rotateZupto", EV_SCRIPTONLY, "f", "angle", "Rotate the z up to angle." ); Event EV_ScriptSlave_RotateAxisUpTo ( "rotateaxisupto", EV_SCRIPTONLY, "if", "axis angle", "Rotate the specified axis up to angle." ); Event EV_ScriptSlave_RotateXDown ( "rotateXdown", EV_SCRIPTONLY, "f", "angle", "Rotate the x down by the specified amount." ); Event EV_ScriptSlave_RotateYDown ( "rotateYdown", EV_SCRIPTONLY, "f", "angle", "Rotate the y down by the specified amount." ); Event EV_ScriptSlave_RotateZDown ( "rotateZdown", EV_SCRIPTONLY, "f", "angle", "Rotate the z down by the specified amount." ); Event EV_ScriptSlave_RotateAxisDown ( "rotateaxisdown", EV_SCRIPTONLY, "if", "axis angle", "Rotate the specified axis down by the specified amount." ); Event EV_ScriptSlave_RotateXUp ( "rotateXup", EV_SCRIPTONLY, "f", "angle", "Rotate the x up by the specified amount." ); Event EV_ScriptSlave_RotateYUp ( "rotateYup", EV_SCRIPTONLY, "f", "angle", "Rotate the y up by the specified amount." ); Event EV_ScriptSlave_RotateZUp ( "rotateZup", EV_SCRIPTONLY, "f", "angle", "Rotate the z up by the specified amount." ); Event EV_ScriptSlave_RotateAxisUp ( "rotateaxisup", EV_SCRIPTONLY, "if", "axis angle", "Rotate the specified axis up by the specified amount." ); Event EV_ScriptSlave_RotateX ( "rotateX", EV_SCRIPTONLY, "f", "avelocity", "Rotate about the x axis at the specified angular velocity." ); Event EV_ScriptSlave_RotateY ( "rotateY", EV_SCRIPTONLY, "f", "avelocity", "Rotate about the y axis at the specified angular velocity." ); Event EV_ScriptSlave_RotateZ ( "rotateZ", EV_SCRIPTONLY, "f", "avelocity", "Rotate about the z axis at the specified angular velocity." ); Event EV_ScriptSlave_RotateAxis ( "rotateaxis", EV_SCRIPTONLY, "if", "axis avelocity", "Rotate about the specified axis at the specified angular velocity." ); Event EV_ScriptSlave_RotateDownTo ( "rotatedownto", EV_SCRIPTONLY, "v", "direction", "Rotate down to the specified direction." ); Event EV_ScriptSlave_RotateUpTo ( "rotateupto", EV_SCRIPTONLY, "v", "direction", "Rotate up to the specified direction." ); Event EV_ScriptSlave_RotateTo ( "rotateto", EV_SCRIPTONLY, "v", "direction", "Rotate to the specified direction." ); Event EV_ScriptSlave_OnTouch ( "ontouch", EV_SCRIPTONLY, "s", "label", "Sets what label to jump to and process script at when touched." ); Event EV_ScriptSlave_NoTouch ( "notouch", EV_SCRIPTONLY, NULL, NULL, "Removes the ontouch thread." ); Event EV_ScriptSlave_OnUse ( "onuse", EV_SCRIPTONLY, "s", "label", "Sets what label to jump to and process script at when used." ); Event EV_ScriptSlave_NoUse ( "nouse", EV_SCRIPTONLY, NULL, NULL, "Removes the onuse thread." ); Event EV_ScriptSlave_OnBlock ( "onblock", EV_SCRIPTONLY, "s", "label", "Sets what label to jump to and process script at when blocked." ); Event EV_ScriptSlave_NoBlock ( "noblock", EV_SCRIPTONLY, NULL, NULL, "Removes the onblock thread." ); Event EV_ScriptSlave_OnTrigger ( "ontrigger", EV_SCRIPTONLY, "s", "label", "Sets what label to jump to and process script at when triggered." ); Event EV_ScriptSlave_NoTrigger ( "notrigger", EV_SCRIPTONLY, NULL, NULL, "Removes the ontrigger thread." ); Event EV_ScriptSlave_OnDamage ( "ondamage", EV_SCRIPTONLY, "s", "label", "Sets what label to jump to and process script at when damaged." ); Event EV_ScriptSlave_NoDamage ( "nodamage", EV_DEFAULT, NULL, NULL, "Removes the ondamage thread." ); Event EV_ScriptSlave_SetMeansOfDeath ( "setmeansofdeath", EV_SCRIPTONLY, "s", "means_of_death", "Set the damage means of death." ); Event EV_ScriptSlave_SetDamageSpawn ( "dmg", EV_SCRIPTONLY, "f", "damage", "Set the damage." ); Event EV_ScriptSlave_FollowPath ( "followpath", EV_SCRIPTONLY, "eSSSSSS", "path arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4 arg5 arg6", "Makes the script slave follow the specified path. The allowable arguments are ignoreangles,\n" "normalangles, loop, and a number specifying the start time." ); Event EV_ScriptSlave_EndPath ( "endpath", EV_SCRIPTONLY, NULL, NULL, "Stop following the path" ); Event EV_ScriptSlave_MoveDone ( "scriptslave_movedone", EV_CODEONLY, NULL, NULL, "Called when the script slave is doen moving" ); Event EV_ScriptSlave_FollowingPath ( "scriptslave_followingpath", EV_CODEONLY, NULL, NULL, "Called every frame to actually follow the path" ); Event EV_ScriptSlave_Explode ( "scriptSlave_explode", EV_SCRIPTONLY, "f", "damage", "Creates an explosion at the script slave's position" ); Event EV_ScriptSlave_NotShootable ( "notshootable", EV_SCRIPTONLY, NULL, NULL, "Makes the script slave not shootable" ); Event EV_ScriptSlave_OpenAreaPortal ( "openportal", EV_SCRIPTONLY, NULL, NULL, "Open the area portal enclosed in this object" ); Event EV_ScriptSlave_CloseAreaPortal ( "closeportal", EV_SCRIPTONLY, NULL, NULL, "Close the area portal enclosed in this object" ); Event EV_ScriptSlave_PhysicsOn ( "physics_on", EV_SCRIPTONLY, NULL, NULL, "Turn physics on this script object on" ); Event EV_ScriptSlave_PhysicsOff ( "physics_off", EV_SCRIPTONLY, NULL, NULL, "Turn physics off this script object on" ); Event EV_ScriptSlave_PhysicsVelocity ( "physics_velocity", EV_SCRIPTONLY, "v", "impulseVector", "Add a physical impulse to an object when it is being physically simulated" ); Event EV_ScriptSlave_StopEvent ( "stopspline", EV_SCRIPTONLY, NULL, NULL, "stops an scriptobject from moving on a spline" ); Event EV_ScriptSlave_ContinueEvent ( "continuespline", EV_SCRIPTONLY, NULL, NULL, "makes a script object continue on a spline" ); // 1ST PLAYABLE HACK Event EV_ScriptSlave_Hack_SetTriggerParms ( "setobjectparms", EV_DEFAULT, "ff", "force_field_number trigger_number", "HACK HACK HACK HACK HACK HACK HACK" ); Event EV_ScriptSlave_Hack_GetForceFieldNumber ( "getforcefieldnumber", EV_DEFAULT, "@f", "number", "HACK HACK HACK HACK HACK HACK HACK" ); Event EV_ScriptSlave_Hack_GetTriggerNumber ( "gettriggernumber", EV_DEFAULT, "@f", "number", "HACK HACK HACK HACK HACK HACK HACK" ); Event EV_ScriptSlave_Hack_GetScanner ( "getscanner", EV_DEFAULT, "@e", "scanner", "HACK HACK HACK HACK HACK HACK HACK" ); Event EV_ScriptSlave_HandlesDamage ( "handlesdamage", EV_DEFAULT, "b", "damage_flag", "sets the handlesdamage flag on the script slave" ); Event EV_ScriptSlave_DamageEffect ( "damageEffect", EV_DEFAULT, "s", "damageEffectModel", "Sets the damage effect model name." ); Event EV_ScriptSlave_BloodModel ( "setBloodModel", EV_DEFAULT, "s", "bloodmodel", "Sets the blood model" ); Event EV_ScriptSlave_AddRequiredDamageMOD ( "addrequireddamagemod", EV_DEFAULT, "s", "MOD_String", "Adds the required MOD for damage to be applied" ); Event EV_ScriptSlave_SetCanBeAttackedByOtherScriptObjects ( "allowAttackFromOtherScriptObjects", EV_DEFAULT, "b", "allow_flag", "Sets the _canBeAttackedByOtherScriptSlaves variable" ); CLASS_DECLARATION( Trigger, ScriptSlave, "script_object" ) { { &EV_Bind, &ScriptSlave::BindEvent }, { &EV_Unbind, &ScriptSlave::EventUnbind }, { &EV_ScriptSlave_DoMove, &ScriptSlave::DoMove }, { &EV_ScriptSlave_NewOrders, &ScriptSlave::NewOrders }, { &EV_ScriptSlave_Angles, &ScriptSlave::SetAnglesEvent }, { &EV_SetAngle, &ScriptSlave::SetAngleEvent }, { &EV_Model, &ScriptSlave::SetModelEvent }, { &EV_ScriptSlave_Trigger, &ScriptSlave::TriggerEvent }, { &EV_ScriptSlave_Next, &ScriptSlave::GotoNextWaypoint }, { &EV_ScriptSlave_JumpTo, &ScriptSlave::JumpTo }, { &EV_ScriptSlave_MoveTo, &ScriptSlave::MoveToEvent }, { &EV_ScriptSlave_MoveToPosition, &ScriptSlave::MoveToPositionEvent }, { &EV_ScriptSlave_Speed, &ScriptSlave::SetSpeed }, { &EV_ScriptSlave_Time, &ScriptSlave::SetTime }, { &EV_ScriptSlave_MoveUp, &ScriptSlave::MoveUp }, { &EV_ScriptSlave_MoveDown, &ScriptSlave::MoveDown }, { &EV_ScriptSlave_MoveNorth, &ScriptSlave::MoveNorth }, { &EV_ScriptSlave_MoveSouth, &ScriptSlave::MoveSouth }, { &EV_ScriptSlave_MoveEast, &ScriptSlave::MoveEast }, { &EV_ScriptSlave_MoveWest, &ScriptSlave::MoveWest }, { &EV_ScriptSlave_MoveForward, &ScriptSlave::MoveForward }, { &EV_ScriptSlave_MoveBackward, &ScriptSlave::MoveBackward }, { &EV_ScriptSlave_MoveLeft, &ScriptSlave::MoveLeft }, { &EV_ScriptSlave_MoveRight, &ScriptSlave::MoveRight }, { &EV_ScriptSlave_RotateXDownTo, &ScriptSlave::RotateXdownto }, { &EV_ScriptSlave_RotateYDownTo, &ScriptSlave::RotateYdownto }, { &EV_ScriptSlave_RotateZDownTo, &ScriptSlave::RotateZdownto }, { &EV_ScriptSlave_RotateXUpTo, &ScriptSlave::RotateXupto }, { &EV_ScriptSlave_RotateYUpTo, &ScriptSlave::RotateYupto }, { &EV_ScriptSlave_RotateZUpTo, &ScriptSlave::RotateZupto }, { &EV_ScriptSlave_RotateXDown, &ScriptSlave::RotateXdown }, { &EV_ScriptSlave_RotateYDown, &ScriptSlave::RotateYdown }, { &EV_ScriptSlave_RotateZDown, &ScriptSlave::RotateZdown }, { &EV_ScriptSlave_RotateXUp, &ScriptSlave::RotateXup }, { &EV_ScriptSlave_RotateYUp, &ScriptSlave::RotateYup }, { &EV_ScriptSlave_RotateZUp, &ScriptSlave::RotateZup }, { &EV_ScriptSlave_RotateX, &ScriptSlave::RotateX }, { &EV_ScriptSlave_RotateY, &ScriptSlave::RotateY }, { &EV_ScriptSlave_RotateZ, &ScriptSlave::RotateZ }, { &EV_ScriptSlave_RotateAxisDownTo, &ScriptSlave::RotateAxisdownto }, { &EV_ScriptSlave_RotateAxisUpTo, &ScriptSlave::RotateAxisupto }, { &EV_ScriptSlave_RotateAxisDown, &ScriptSlave::RotateAxisdown }, { &EV_ScriptSlave_RotateAxisUp, &ScriptSlave::RotateAxisup }, { &EV_ScriptSlave_RotateAxis, &ScriptSlave::RotateZ }, { &EV_ScriptSlave_OnTouch, &ScriptSlave::OnTouch }, { &EV_ScriptSlave_NoTouch, &ScriptSlave::NoTouch }, { &EV_ScriptSlave_OnUse, &ScriptSlave::OnUse }, { &EV_ScriptSlave_NoUse, &ScriptSlave::NoUse }, { &EV_ScriptSlave_OnBlock, &ScriptSlave::OnBlock }, { &EV_ScriptSlave_NoBlock, &ScriptSlave::NoBlock }, { &EV_ScriptSlave_OnTrigger, &ScriptSlave::OnTrigger }, { &EV_ScriptSlave_NoTrigger, &ScriptSlave::NoTrigger }, { &EV_ScriptSlave_OnDamage, &ScriptSlave::OnDamage }, { &EV_ScriptSlave_NoDamage, &ScriptSlave::NoDamage }, { &EV_ScriptSlave_SetMeansOfDeath, &ScriptSlave::SetMeansOfDeath }, { &EV_ScriptSlave_SetDamageSpawn, &ScriptSlave::SetDamage }, { &EV_ScriptSlave_FollowPath, &ScriptSlave::FollowPath }, { &EV_ScriptSlave_EndPath, &ScriptSlave::EndPath }, { &EV_ScriptSlave_FollowingPath, &ScriptSlave::FollowingPath }, { &EV_Touch, &ScriptSlave::TouchFunc }, { &EV_Blocked, &ScriptSlave::BlockFunc }, { &EV_Activate, &ScriptSlave::TriggerFunc }, { &EV_Use, &ScriptSlave::UseFunc }, { &EV_ScriptSlave_MoveDone, &ScriptSlave::MoveEnd }, { &EV_Damage, &ScriptSlave::DamageFunc }, { &EV_ScriptSlave_RotateDownTo, &ScriptSlave::Rotatedownto }, { &EV_ScriptSlave_RotateUpTo, &ScriptSlave::Rotateupto }, { &EV_ScriptSlave_RotateTo, &ScriptSlave::Rotateto }, { &EV_ScriptSlave_Explode, &ScriptSlave::Explode }, { &EV_ScriptSlave_NotShootable, &ScriptSlave::NotShootable }, { &EV_ScriptSlave_OpenAreaPortal, &ScriptSlave::OpenPortal }, { &EV_ScriptSlave_CloseAreaPortal, &ScriptSlave::ClosePortal }, { &EV_ScriptSlave_PhysicsOn, &ScriptSlave::PhysicsOn }, { &EV_ScriptSlave_PhysicsOff, &ScriptSlave::PhysicsOff }, { &EV_ScriptSlave_PhysicsVelocity, &ScriptSlave::PhysicsVelocity }, { &EV_ScriptSlave_StopEvent, &ScriptSlave::StopEvent }, { &EV_ScriptSlave_ContinueEvent, &ScriptSlave::ContinueEvent }, { &EV_SetGameplayDamage, &ScriptSlave::setDamage }, { &EV_ScriptSlave_HandlesDamage, &ScriptSlave::HandlesDamage }, { &EV_ScriptSlave_DamageEffect, &ScriptSlave::setDamageEffect }, { &EV_ScriptSlave_BloodModel, &ScriptSlave::setBloodModel }, { &EV_ScriptSlave_AddRequiredDamageMOD, &ScriptSlave::addRequiredDamageMOD }, { &EV_ScriptSlave_SetCanBeAttackedByOtherScriptObjects, &ScriptSlave::setCanBeAttackedByOtherSlaves }, //1ST PLAYABLE HACK STUFF { &EV_ScriptSlave_Hack_SetTriggerParms, &ScriptSlave::Hack_AddParms }, { &EV_ScriptSlave_Hack_GetForceFieldNumber, &ScriptSlave::Hack_GetForceFieldNumber }, { &EV_ScriptSlave_Hack_GetTriggerNumber, &ScriptSlave::Hack_GetTriggerNumber }, { &EV_ScriptSlave_Hack_GetScanner, &ScriptSlave::Hack_GetScanner }, { NULL, NULL } }; ScriptSlave::ScriptSlave() { mover = new Mover( this ); if ( LoadingSavegame ) { // Archive function will setup all necessary data return; } // this is a normal entity edict->s.eType = ET_GENERAL; speed = 100; takedamage = DAMAGE_YES; waypoint = NULL; SetNewAngles( localangles ); SetNewPosition( GetLocalOrigin() ); traveltime = 0; commandswaiting = false; movethread = NULL; touchthread = NULL; blockthread = NULL; damagethread = NULL; triggerthread = NULL; usethread = NULL; splinePath = NULL; splineangles = false; attack_finished = 0; thinking = true; dmg = 2; dmg_means_of_death = MOD_CRUSH; setMoveType( MOVETYPE_PUSH ); setSolidType( SOLID_NOT ); //1ST PLAYABLE HACK _forcefieldNumber = -1.0f; _triggerNumber = -1.0f; _scanner = NULL; _portalOpen = false; _handlesDamage = false; _nextNeedToUseTime = 0.0f; _canBeAttackedByOtherScriptSlaves = true; if ( spawnflags & 1 ) { PostEvent( EV_BecomeNonSolid, EV_POSTSPAWN ); } } ScriptSlave::~ScriptSlave() { if ( splinePath ) { delete splinePath; splinePath = NULL; } } //-------------------------------------------------------------- // // Name: setDamage // Class: ScriptSlave // // Description: This function acts as a filter to the real function. // It gets data from the database, and then passes it // along to the original event. This is here as an attempt // to sway people into using the database standard instead of // hardcoded numbers. // // Parameters: Event *ev // str -- The value keyword from the database (low, medium, high, etc). // // Returns: None // //-------------------------------------------------------------- void ScriptSlave::setDamage( Event *ev ) { if ( ev->NumArgs() < 1 ) return; GameplayManager *gpm = GameplayManager::getTheGameplayManager(); if ( !gpm->hasFormula("OffensiveDamage") ) return; str damagestr = ev->GetString( 1 ); float damagemod = 1.0f; if ( gpm->getDefine(damagestr) != "" ) damagemod = (float)atof(gpm->getDefine(damagestr)); GameplayFormulaData fd(this, 0, 0, ""); float finaldamage = gpm->calculate("OffensiveDamage", fd, damagemod); Event *newev = new Event(EV_ScriptSlave_SetDamageSpawn); newev->AddFloat(finaldamage); ProcessEvent(newev); } void ScriptSlave::setOrigin( const Vector &point ) { Trigger::setOrigin( point ); SetNewPosition( GetLocalOrigin() ); } void ScriptSlave::setOrigin( void ) { Trigger::setOrigin(); SetNewPosition( GetLocalOrigin() ); } void ScriptSlave::NewOrders( Event * ) { // make sure position and angles are current SetNewAngles( localangles ); SetNewPosition( GetLocalOrigin() ); } void ScriptSlave::BindEvent( Event *ev ) { Entity *ent; ent = ev->GetEntity( 1 ); if ( ent ) { bind( ent ); } // make sure position and angles are current SetNewAngles( localangles ); SetNewPosition( GetLocalOrigin() ); } void ScriptSlave::EventUnbind( Event * ) { unbind(); // make sure position and angles are current SetNewAngles( localangles ); SetNewPosition( GetLocalOrigin() ); } void ScriptSlave::DoMove( Event *ev ) { float dist; CThread *thread; Event *event; thread = ev->GetThread(); assert( thread ); if ( thread && thread->WaitingFor( this ) ) { if ( movethread && ( movethread != thread ) ) { // warn the user ev->Error( "Overriding previous move commands for '%s'\n", TargetName() ); // Yeah, we're not REALLY done, but we tell our old thread // that we are so that it doesn't wait forever event = new Event( EV_MoveDone ); event->AddEntity( this ); movethread->ProcessEvent( event ); } movethread = thread; } if ( commandswaiting ) { if ( splinePath ) { moving = true; PostEvent( EV_ScriptSlave_FollowingPath, 0.0f ); } else { float t = traveltime; if ( t == 0.0f ) { dist = Vector( GetNewPosition() - GetLocalOrigin() ).length(); t = dist / speed; } moving = true; mover->LinearInterpolate( GetNewPosition(), GetNewAngles(), t, EV_ScriptSlave_MoveDone ); } commandswaiting = false; } else if ( movethread && ( movethread == thread ) && !moving ) { // No commands, so tell the master that we're done PostEvent( EV_ScriptSlave_MoveDone, 0.0f ); } } void ScriptSlave::MoveEnd( Event * ) { Event *event; moving = false; commandswaiting = false; SetNewAngles( localangles ); SetNewPosition( GetLocalOrigin() ); if ( movethread ) { event = new Event( EV_MoveDone ); event->AddEntity( this ); movethread->ProcessEvent( event ); movethread = NULL; } } void ScriptSlave::SetAnglesEvent( Event *ev ) { commandswaiting = true; setAngles( ev->GetVector( 1 ) ); SetNewAngles( localangles ); } void ScriptSlave::SetAngleEvent( Event *ev ) { float angle; angle = ev->GetFloat( 1 ); if ( angle == -1.0f ) { ForwardDir = Vector( 0.0f, 0.0f, 90.0f ); } else if ( angle == -2.0f ) { ForwardDir = Vector( 0.0f, 0.0f, -90.0f ); } else { ForwardDir = Vector( 0.0f, angle, 0.0f ); } } void ScriptSlave::SetModelEvent( Event *ev ) { const char *m; m = ev->GetString( 1 ); setModel( m ); showModel(); if ( !edict->s.modelindex ) { hideModel(); setSolidType( SOLID_NOT ); } else if ( !m || strstr( m, ".tik" ) ) { setSolidType( SOLID_BBOX ); } else if ( strstr( m, ".spr" ) ) { setSolidType( SOLID_NOT ); } else { setSolidType( SOLID_BSP ); } } void ScriptSlave::TriggerEvent( Event *ev ) { Entity *ent; Event *e; str name; name = ev->GetString(1); ent = G_FindTarget(NULL, name); if ( ent ) { SetTarget( ent->TargetName() ); e = new Event( EV_Trigger_ActivateTargets ); //fixme //get "other" e->AddEntity( world ); ProcessEvent( e ); } else { gi.WDPrintf( "Invalid entity reference '%s'.\n", name.c_str() ); } } void ScriptSlave::GotoNextWaypoint( Event *ev ) { commandswaiting = true; if ( !waypoint ) { ev->Error( "%s is currently not at a waypoint", TargetName() ); return; } waypoint = ( Waypoint * )G_FindTarget( NULL, waypoint->Target() ); if ( !waypoint ) { ev->Error( "%s could not find waypoint %s", TargetName(), waypoint->Target() ); return; } else { SetNewPosition( waypoint->origin ); } } void ScriptSlave::JumpTo( Event *ev ) { Entity *part; // // see if it is a vector // if ( ev->IsVectorAt( 1 ) ) { SetNewPosition( ev->GetVector( 1 ) ); if ( bind_info && bind_info->bindmaster ) { SetLocalOrigin( bind_info->bindmaster->getLocalVector( GetNewPosition() - bind_info->bindmaster->origin ) ); } else { SetLocalOrigin( GetNewPosition() ); } part = this; while( part ) { part->setOrigin(); part->origin.copyTo( part->edict->s.origin2 ); part->edict->s.renderfx |= RF_FRAMELERP; if ( part->bind_info ) part = part->bind_info->teamchain; else part = NULL; } } else { waypoint = ( Waypoint * )ev->GetEntity( 1 ); if ( waypoint ) { SetNewPosition( waypoint->GetLocalOrigin() ); if ( bind_info && bind_info->bindmaster ) { SetLocalOrigin( bind_info->bindmaster->getLocalVector( GetNewPosition() - bind_info->bindmaster->origin ) ); } else { SetLocalOrigin( GetNewPosition() ); } part = this; while( part ) { part->setOrigin(); part->origin.copyTo( part->edict->s.origin2 ); part->edict->s.renderfx |= RF_FRAMELERP; if ( part->bind_info ) part = part->bind_info->teamchain; else part = NULL; } } } } void ScriptSlave::MoveToEvent( Event *ev ) { commandswaiting = true; waypoint = ( Waypoint * )ev->GetEntity( 1 ); if ( waypoint ) { SetNewPosition( waypoint->origin ); } } void ScriptSlave::MoveToPositionEvent( Event *ev ) { commandswaiting = true; SetNewPosition( ev->GetVector( 1 ) ); } void ScriptSlave::SetSpeed( Event *ev ) { speed = ev->GetFloat( 1 ); traveltime = 0; } void ScriptSlave::SetTime( Event *ev ) { traveltime = ev->GetFloat( 1 ); } // Relative move commands void ScriptSlave::MoveUp( Event *ev ) { commandswaiting = true; SetNewPosition( Vector( GetNewPosition().x, GetNewPosition().y, GetNewPosition().z + ev->GetFloat( 1 ) ) ); } void ScriptSlave::MoveDown( Event *ev ) { commandswaiting = true; SetNewPosition( Vector( GetNewPosition().x, GetNewPosition().y, GetNewPosition().z - ev->GetFloat( 1 ) ) ); } void ScriptSlave::MoveNorth( Event *ev ) { commandswaiting = true; SetNewPosition( Vector( GetNewPosition().x, GetNewPosition().y + ev->GetFloat( 1 ), GetNewPosition().z ) ); } void ScriptSlave::MoveSouth( Event *ev ) { commandswaiting = true; SetNewPosition( Vector( GetNewPosition().x, GetNewPosition().y - ev->GetFloat( 1 ), GetNewPosition().z ) ); } void ScriptSlave::MoveEast( Event *ev ) { commandswaiting = true; SetNewPosition( Vector( GetNewPosition().x + ev->GetFloat( 1 ), GetNewPosition().y, GetNewPosition().z ) ); } void ScriptSlave::MoveWest( Event *ev ) { commandswaiting = true; SetNewPosition( Vector( GetNewPosition().x - ev->GetFloat( 1 ), GetNewPosition().y, GetNewPosition().z ) ); } void ScriptSlave::MoveForward( Event *ev ) { Vector v; Vector t; commandswaiting = true; t = GetNewAngles() + ForwardDir; t.AngleVectors( &v, NULL, NULL ); SetNewPosition( GetNewPosition() + v * ev->GetFloat( 1 ) ); } void ScriptSlave::MoveBackward( Event *ev ) { Vector v; Vector t; commandswaiting = true; t = GetNewAngles() + ForwardDir; t.AngleVectors( &v, NULL, NULL ); SetNewPosition( GetNewPosition() - v * ev->GetFloat( 1 ) ); } void ScriptSlave::MoveLeft( Event *ev ) { Vector v; Vector t; commandswaiting = true; t = GetNewAngles() + ForwardDir; t.AngleVectors( NULL, &v, NULL ); SetNewPosition( GetNewPosition() + v * ev->GetFloat( 1 ) ); } void ScriptSlave::MoveRight( Event *ev ) { Vector t; Vector v; commandswaiting = true; t = GetNewAngles() + ForwardDir; t.AngleVectors( NULL, &v, NULL ); SetNewPosition( GetNewPosition() - v * ev->GetFloat( 1 ) ); } // exact rotate commands void ScriptSlave::RotateXdownto( Event *ev ) { commandswaiting = true; Vector newAngles( GetNewAngles() ); newAngles[ 0 ] = ev->GetFloat( 1 ); if ( newAngles[ 0 ] < localangles[ 0 ] ) { newAngles[ 0 ] -= 360.0f; } SetNewAngles( newAngles ); } void ScriptSlave::RotateYdownto( Event *ev ) { commandswaiting = true; Vector newAngles( GetNewAngles() ); newAngles[ 1 ] = ev->GetFloat( 1 ); if ( newAngles[ 1 ] < localangles[ 1 ] ) { newAngles[ 1 ] -= 360.0f; } SetNewAngles( newAngles ); } void ScriptSlave::RotateZdownto( Event *ev ) { commandswaiting = true; Vector newAngles( GetNewAngles() ); newAngles[ 2 ] = ev->GetFloat( 1 ); if ( newAngles[ 2 ] < localangles[ 2 ] ) { newAngles[ 2 ] -= 360.0f; } SetNewAngles( newAngles ); } void ScriptSlave::RotateAxisdownto( Event *ev ) { int axis; commandswaiting = true; axis = ev->GetInteger( 1 ); Vector newAngles( GetNewAngles() ); newAngles[ axis ] = ev->GetFloat( 1 ); if ( newAngles[ axis ] < localangles[ axis ] ) { newAngles[ axis ] -= 360.0f; } SetNewAngles( newAngles ); } void ScriptSlave::RotateXupto( Event *ev ) { commandswaiting = true; Vector newAngles( GetNewAngles() ); newAngles[ 0 ] = ev->GetFloat( 1 ); if ( newAngles[ 0 ] < localangles[ 0 ] ) { newAngles[ 0 ] += 360.0f; } SetNewAngles( newAngles ); } void ScriptSlave::RotateYupto( Event *ev ) { commandswaiting = true; Vector newAngles( GetNewAngles() ); newAngles[ 1 ] = ev->GetFloat( 1 ); if ( newAngles[ 1 ] < localangles[ 1 ] ) { newAngles[ 1 ] += 360.0f; } SetNewAngles( newAngles ); } void ScriptSlave::RotateZupto( Event *ev ) { commandswaiting = true; Vector newAngles( GetNewAngles() ); newAngles[ 2 ] = ev->GetFloat( 1 ); if ( newAngles[ 2 ] < localangles[ 2 ] ) { newAngles[ 2 ] += 360.0f; } SetNewAngles( newAngles ); } void ScriptSlave::RotateAxisupto( Event *ev ) { int axis; commandswaiting = true; axis = ev->GetInteger( 1 ); Vector newAngles( GetNewAngles() ); newAngles[ axis ] = ev->GetFloat( 1 ); if ( newAngles[ axis ] < localangles[ axis ] ) { newAngles[ axis ] += 360.0f; } SetNewAngles( newAngles ); } // full vector rotation void ScriptSlave::Rotatedownto( Event *ev ) { Vector ang; commandswaiting = true; ang = ev->GetVector( 1 ); Vector newAngles( GetNewAngles() ); newAngles[ 0 ] = ang[ 0 ]; if ( newAngles[ 0 ] > localangles[ 0 ] ) { newAngles[ 0 ] -= 360.0f; } newAngles[ 1 ] = ang[ 1 ]; if ( newAngles[ 1 ] > localangles[ 1 ] ) { newAngles[ 1 ] -= 360.0f; } newAngles[ 2 ] = ang[ 2 ]; if ( newAngles[ 2 ] > localangles[ 2 ] ) { newAngles[ 2 ] -= 360.0f; } SetNewAngles( newAngles ); } void ScriptSlave::Rotateupto( Event *ev ) { Vector ang; commandswaiting = true; ang = ev->GetVector( 1 ); Vector newAngles( GetNewAngles() ); newAngles[ 0 ] = ang[ 0 ]; if ( newAngles[ 0 ] < localangles[ 0 ] ) { newAngles[ 0 ] += 360.0f; } newAngles[ 1 ] = ang[ 1 ]; if ( newAngles[ 1 ] < localangles[ 1 ] ) { newAngles[ 1 ] += 360.0f; } newAngles[ 2 ] = ang[ 2 ]; if ( newAngles[ 2 ] < localangles[ 2 ] ) { newAngles[ 2 ] += 360.0f; } SetNewAngles( newAngles ); } void ScriptSlave::Rotateto( Event *ev ) { commandswaiting = true; Vector ang = ev->GetVector( 1 ); SetNewAngles( ang ); } // Relative rotate commands void ScriptSlave::RotateXdown( Event *ev ) { commandswaiting = true; Vector newAngles( GetNewAngles() ); newAngles[ 0 ] = localangles[ 0 ] - ev->GetFloat( 1 ); SetNewAngles( newAngles ); } void ScriptSlave::RotateYdown( Event *ev ) { commandswaiting = true; Vector newAngles( GetNewAngles() ); newAngles[ 1 ] = localangles[ 1 ] - ev->GetFloat( 1 ); SetNewAngles( newAngles ); } void ScriptSlave::RotateZdown( Event *ev ) { commandswaiting = true; Vector newAngles( GetNewAngles() ); newAngles[ 2 ] = localangles[ 2 ] - ev->GetFloat( 1 ); SetNewAngles( newAngles ); } void ScriptSlave::RotateAxisdown( Event *ev ) { int axis; commandswaiting = true; axis = ev->GetInteger( 1 ); Vector newAngles( GetNewAngles() ); newAngles[ axis ] = localangles[ axis ] - ev->GetFloat( 1 ); SetNewAngles( newAngles ); } void ScriptSlave::RotateXup( Event *ev ) { commandswaiting = true; Vector newAngles( GetNewAngles() ); newAngles[ 0 ] = localangles[ 0 ] + ev->GetFloat( 1 ); SetNewAngles( newAngles ); } void ScriptSlave::RotateYup( Event *ev ) { commandswaiting = true; Vector newAngles( GetNewAngles() ); newAngles[ 1 ] = localangles[ 1 ] + ev->GetFloat( 1 ); SetNewAngles( newAngles ); } void ScriptSlave::RotateZup( Event *ev ) { commandswaiting = true; Vector newAngles( GetNewAngles() ); newAngles[ 2 ] = localangles[ 2 ] + ev->GetFloat( 1 ); SetNewAngles( newAngles ); } void ScriptSlave::RotateAxisup( Event *ev ) { int axis; commandswaiting = true; axis = ev->GetInteger( 1 ); Vector newAngles( GetNewAngles() ); newAngles[ axis ] = localangles[ axis ] + ev->GetFloat( 1 ); SetNewAngles( newAngles ); } void ScriptSlave::RotateX( Event *ev ) { avelocity[ 0 ] = ev->GetFloat( 1 ); } void ScriptSlave::RotateY( Event *ev ) { avelocity[ 1 ] = ev->GetFloat( 1 ); } void ScriptSlave::RotateZ( Event *ev ) { avelocity[ 2 ] = ev->GetFloat( 1 ); } void ScriptSlave::RotateAxis( Event *ev ) { int axis; axis = ev->GetInteger( 1 ); avelocity[ axis ] = ev->GetFloat( 2 ); } void ScriptSlave::OnTouch( Event *ev ) { const char *jumpto; touchlabel = ""; jumpto = ev->GetString( 1 ); touchthread = ev->GetThread(); assert( jumpto && touchthread ); if ( touchthread && !touchthread->labelExists( jumpto ) ) { ev->Error( "Label '%s' not found", jumpto ); return; } // if it isn't solid than we need to change it to a trigger if ( getSolidType() == SOLID_NOT ) { setSolidType( SOLID_TRIGGER ); } touchlabel = jumpto; } void ScriptSlave::NoTouch( Event * ) { touchlabel = ""; // if it is a trigger than it wasn't solid, so restore that condition if ( getSolidType() == SOLID_TRIGGER ) { setSolidType( SOLID_NOT ); } } void ScriptSlave::TouchFunc( Event *ev ) { Event *e; Entity *other; if ( touchlabel.length() ) { // since we use a SafePtr, the thread pointer will be NULL if the thread has ended // so we should just clear our label and continue if ( !touchthread ) { touchlabel = ""; return; } other = ev->GetEntity( 1 ); setActivatingEntity( other ); e = new Event( EV_ScriptThread_Callback ); e->AddEntity( this ); e->AddString( touchlabel ); e->AddEntity( other ); touchthread->ProcessEvent( e ); } } void ScriptSlave::OnBlock( Event *ev ) { const char *jumpto; blocklabel = ""; jumpto = ev->GetString( 1 ); blockthread = ev->GetThread(); assert( jumpto && blockthread ); if ( blockthread && !blockthread->labelExists( jumpto ) ) { ev->Error( "Label '%s' not found", jumpto ); return; } blocklabel = jumpto; } void ScriptSlave::NoBlock( Event * ) { blocklabel = ""; } void ScriptSlave::BlockFunc( Event *ev ) { Event *e; Entity *other; other = ev->GetEntity( 1 ); if ( level.time >= attack_finished ) { attack_finished = level.time + ( float )0.5; if ( dmg != 0 ) { other->Damage( this, this, dmg, origin, vec_zero, vec_zero, 0, 0, dmg_means_of_death ); } } if ( blocklabel.length() ) { // since we use a SafePtr, the thread pointer will be NULL if the thread has ended // so we should just clear our label and continue if ( !blockthread ) { blocklabel = ""; return; } setActivatingEntity( other ); e = new Event( EV_ScriptThread_Callback ); e->AddEntity( this ); e->AddString( blocklabel ); e->AddEntity( other ); blockthread->ProcessEvent( e ); } } void ScriptSlave::OnTrigger( Event *ev ) { const char *jumpto; triggerlabel = ""; jumpto = ev->GetString( 1 ); triggerthread = ev->GetThread(); assert( jumpto && triggerthread ); if ( triggerthread && !triggerthread->labelExists( jumpto ) ) { ev->Error( "Label '%s' not found", jumpto ); return; } triggerlabel = jumpto; } void ScriptSlave::NoTrigger( Event * ) { triggerlabel = ""; } void ScriptSlave::TriggerFunc( Event *ev ) { Event *e; Entity *other; if ( triggerlabel.length() ) { // since we use a SafePtr, the thread pointer will be NULL if the thread has ended // so we should just clear our label and continue if ( !triggerthread ) { triggerlabel = ""; return; } other = ev->GetEntity( 1 ); setActivatingEntity( other ); e = new Event( EV_ScriptThread_Callback ); e->AddEntity( this ); e->AddString( triggerlabel ); e->AddEntity( other ); triggerthread->ProcessEvent( e ); } } void ScriptSlave::OnUse( Event *ev ) { const char *jumpto; uselabel = ""; jumpto = ev->GetString( 1 ); usethread = ev->GetThread(); assert( jumpto && usethread ); if ( usethread && !usethread->labelExists( jumpto ) ) { ev->Error( "Label '%s' not found", jumpto ); return; } uselabel = jumpto; } void ScriptSlave::NoUse( Event * ) { uselabel = ""; } void ScriptSlave::UseFunc( Event *ev ) { Event *e; Entity *other; other = ev->GetEntity( 1 ); // See if object == key if ( other->isSubclassOf( Equipment ) ) { Equipment *equipment = (Equipment *)other; if ( equipment->getTypeName() != key ) return; } else if ( key.length() ) { if ( !other->isSubclassOf( Sentient ) || !( ( (Sentient *)other )->HasItem( key.c_str() ) ) ) { Item *item; ClassDef *cls; cls = getClass( key.c_str() ); if ( !cls ) { gi.WDPrintf( "No item named '%s'\n", key.c_str() ); return; } item = ( Item * )cls->newInstance(); item->CancelEventsOfType( EV_Item_DropToFloor ); item->CancelEventsOfType( EV_Remove ); item->ProcessPendingEvents(); gi.centerprintf ( other->edict, CENTERPRINT_IMPORTANCE_NORMAL, "$$ItemNeeded$$%s", item->getName().c_str() ); delete item; return; } else if ( other->isSubclassOf( Sentient ) ) { Item *item = ( (Sentient *)other )->FindItem( key.c_str() ); if ( !item ) return; if ( item->isSubclassOf( Equipment ) ) { if ( _nextNeedToUseTime < level.time ) { gi.centerprintf ( other->edict, CENTERPRINT_IMPORTANCE_NORMAL, "$$NeedToUse$$ %s", key.c_str() ); if ( other->isSubclassOf( Player ) ) { Player *player = (Player *)other; player->loadUseItem( key ); } _nextNeedToUseTime = level.time + 1.0f; } return; } } } if ( uselabel.length() ) { //ScriptVariableList *vars; // since we use a SafePtr, the thread pointer will be NULL if the thread has ended // so we should just clear our label and continue if ( !usethread ) { uselabel = ""; return; } setActivatingEntity( other ); e = new Event( EV_ScriptThread_Callback ); e->AddEntity( this ); e->AddString( uselabel ); e->AddEntity( other ); /* vars = usethread->Vars(); vars->SetVariable( "other", other ); if ( key.length() ) { vars->SetVariable( "key", key.c_str() ); } */ usethread->ProcessEvent( e ); } } void ScriptSlave::OnDamage( Event *ev ) { const char *jumpto; damagelabel = ""; jumpto = ev->GetString( 1 ); damagethread = ev->GetThread(); assert( jumpto && damagethread ); if ( damagethread && !damagethread->labelExists( jumpto ) ) { ev->Error( "Label '%s' not found", jumpto ); return; } damagelabel = jumpto; } void ScriptSlave::NoDamage( Event * ) { damagelabel = ""; } void ScriptSlave::DamageFunc( Event *ev ) { Event *e; //Entity *inflictor; Entity *attacker; //int damage; //Vector position; //Vector direction; //ScriptVariableList *vars; attacker = ev->GetEntity( 3 ); if ( !_canBeAttackedByOtherScriptSlaves ) { if ( attacker->isSubclassOf(ScriptSlave) ) return; } if ( _handlesDamage ) { Event *newDamageEvent = new Event (ev); Entity::DamageEvent(newDamageEvent); } if ( damagelabel.length() ) { // since we use a SafePtr, the thread pointer will be NULL if the thread has ended // so we should just clear our label and continue if ( !damagethread ) { damagelabel = ""; return; } if( _requiredMODlist.NumObjects() != 0 ) { bool modMatches = false; for( int i = 1; !modMatches && i <= _requiredMODlist.NumObjects(); i++ ) { str& modname = _requiredMODlist.ObjectAt( i ); int modID = MOD_NameToNum( modname ); int damageMOD = ev->GetInteger( 9 ); if ( modID == damageMOD ) modMatches = true; } if( !modMatches ) return; } setActivatingEntity( attacker ); e = new Event( EV_ScriptThread_Callback ); e->AddEntity( this ); e->AddString( damagelabel ); e->AddEntity( attacker ); /* damage = ev->GetInteger( 1 ); inflictor = ev->GetEntity( 2 ); position = ev->GetVector( 4 ); direction = ev->GetVector( 5 ); */ /* vars = damagethread->Vars(); vars->SetVariable( "damage", damage ); vars->SetVariable( "inflictor", inflictor ); vars->SetVariable( "attacker", attacker ); vars->SetVariable( "position", position ); vars->SetVariable( "direction", direction ); */ damagethread->ProcessEvent( e ); } if ( _bloodModel.length() ) { SpawnEffect( _bloodModel , ev->GetVector( 4 ) , ev->GetVector( 6 ) , 1.0f ); } if ( _damageEffect.length() ) { //SpawnEffect( "models/fx/fx-impactburn-sniperrifle.tik", ev->GetVector( 4 ), ev->GetVector( 6 ), 1.0f ); SpawnEffect( "models/fx/fx-electricitymesh-impactpoint.tik", ev->GetVector( 4 ), ev->GetVector( 6 ), 1.0f ); } } void ScriptSlave::SetDamage( Event *ev ) { dmg = ev->GetFloat( 1 ); } void ScriptSlave::SetMeansOfDeath( Event *ev ) { dmg_means_of_death = MOD_NameToNum( ev->GetString( 1 ) ); } void ScriptSlave::CreatePath( SplinePath *path, splinetype_t type ) { SplinePath* node; SplinePath* nextNode; if ( !splinePath ) { splinePath = new BSpline; } splinePath->Clear(); splinePath->SetType( type ); node = path; while( node != NULL ) { splinePath->AppendControlPoint( node->origin, node->angles, node->speed ); // get the next node and check it before using it nextNode = node->GetNext(); if( nextNode == node ) { gi.Error( ERR_DROP, "info_splinepath '%s' targets itself\n", node->targetname.c_str() ); } // don't loop if ( nextNode == path ) { break; } // move to the next node node = nextNode; } } void ScriptSlave::FollowPath( Event *ev ) { int i, argnum; Entity * ent; const char * token; SplinePath *path; qboolean clamp; float starttime; ent = ev->GetEntity( 1 ); argnum = 2; starttime = -2; clamp = true; ignoreangles = false; splineangles = true; for ( i = argnum; i <= ev->NumArgs() ; i++ ) { token = ev->GetString( i ); if (!strcmpi( token, "ignoreangles")) { ignoreangles = true; } else if (!strcmpi( token, "normalangles")) { splineangles = false; } else if (!strcmpi (token, "loop")) { clamp = false; } else if ( IsNumeric( token ) ) { starttime = (float)atof( token ); } else { ev->Error( "Unknown followpath command %s.", token ); } } if ( ent && ent->isSubclassOf( SplinePath ) ) { commandswaiting = true; path = ( SplinePath * )ent; if ( clamp ) CreatePath( path, SPLINE_CLAMP ); else CreatePath( path, SPLINE_LOOP ); currentNode = path; if ( currentNode->thread != "" ) { if ( !ExecuteThread( currentNode->thread , true , this) ) { gi.Error( ERR_DROP, "Scriptslave could not start thread '%s' from info_splinepath '%s'\n", currentNode->thread.c_str(), currentNode->targetname.c_str() ); } } if ( currentNode->triggertarget != "" ) { Entity *ent; Event *event; ent = NULL; do { ent = G_FindTarget( ent, currentNode->triggertarget.c_str() ); if ( !ent ) { break; } event = new Event( EV_Activate ); event->AddEntity( this ); ent->PostEvent( event, 0.0f ); } while ( 1 ); } splineTime = starttime; lastTime = (int)(splineTime + 2.0f); newTime = (int)(splineTime + 2.0f); CancelEventsOfType( EV_ScriptSlave_FollowingPath ); if ( !ignoreangles ) { avelocity = vec_zero; } velocity = vec_zero; } } void ScriptSlave::EndPath( Event * ) { if ( !splinePath ) return; delete splinePath; splinePath = NULL; velocity = vec_zero; if ( !ignoreangles ) { avelocity = vec_zero; } } void ScriptSlave::FollowingPath( Event * ) { Vector pos; Vector orient; float speed_multiplier; if ( !splinePath ) return; if ( !thinking ) { velocity = vec_zero; if ( !ignoreangles ) { avelocity = vec_zero; } return; //PostEvent( EV_ScriptSlave_FollowingPath, level.frametime ); } if ( ( splinePath->GetType() == SPLINE_CLAMP ) && ( splineTime > ( splinePath->EndPoint() - 2.0f ) ) ) { delete splinePath; splinePath = NULL; velocity = vec_zero; if ( !ignoreangles ) { avelocity = vec_zero; } moving = false; ProcessEvent( EV_ScriptSlave_MoveDone ); return; } if ( ( lastTime != newTime ) && currentNode ) { if ( newTime > 1 ) { if ( currentNode->thread != "" ) { if ( !ExecuteThread( currentNode->thread ,true , this) ) { gi.Error( ERR_DROP, "Scriptslave could not start thread '%s' from info_splinepath '%s'\n", currentNode->thread.c_str(), currentNode->targetname.c_str() ); } } if ( currentNode->triggertarget != "" ) { Entity *ent; Event *event; ent = NULL; do { ent = G_FindTarget( ent, currentNode->triggertarget.c_str() ); if ( !ent ) { break; } event = new Event( EV_Activate ); event->AddEntity( this ); ent->PostEvent( event, 0.0f ); } while ( 1 ); } } currentNode = currentNode->GetNext(); } lastTime = newTime; speed_multiplier = splinePath->Eval( splineTime, pos, orient ); splineTime += level.frametime * speed_multiplier; velocity = ( pos - origin ) * ( 1.0f / level.frametime ); if ( !ignoreangles ) { if ( splineangles ) { avelocity = ( orient - angles ) * ( 1.0f / level.frametime ); } else { float len; len = velocity.length(); if ( len > 0.05f ) { Vector ang; Vector dir; float aroll; aroll = avelocity[ ROLL ]; dir = velocity * ( 1.0f / len ); ang = dir.toAngles(); avelocity = ( ang - angles ) * ( 1.0f / level.frametime ); avelocity[ ROLL ] = aroll; } else avelocity = vec_zero; } } newTime = splineTime + 2.0f; if ( newTime < 0 ) { newTime = 0; } PostEvent( EV_ScriptSlave_FollowingPath, level.frametime ); } void ScriptSlave::Explode( Event *ev ) { float damage; if ( ev->NumArgs() ) { damage = ev->GetFloat( 1 ); } else { damage = 120.0f; } CreateExplosion( origin, damage, this, this, this ); } void ScriptSlave::NotShootable( Event * ) { setContents( 0 ); } void ScriptSlave::OpenPortal( Event * ) { if ( !_portalOpen ) { gi.AdjustAreaPortalState( this->edict, true ); _portalOpen = true; } } void ScriptSlave::ClosePortal( Event * ) { if ( _portalOpen ) { gi.AdjustAreaPortalState( this->edict, false ); _portalOpen = false; } } void ScriptSlave::PhysicsOn( Event * ) { commandswaiting = false; setMoveType( MOVETYPE_BOUNCE ); setSolidType( SOLID_BBOX ); velocity = Vector(0, 0, 1); edict->clipmask = MASK_SOLID|CONTENTS_BODY; } void ScriptSlave::PhysicsOff( Event * ) { Event * event; commandswaiting = false; setMoveType( MOVETYPE_PUSH ); edict->clipmask = 0; // become solid again event = new Event( EV_Model ); event->AddString( model ); PostEvent( event, 0.0f ); } void ScriptSlave::PhysicsVelocity( Event *ev ) { velocity += ev->GetVector( 1 ); } void ScriptSlave::StopEvent( Event * ) { Stop(); } void ScriptSlave::Stop( void ) { thinking = false; } void ScriptSlave::ContinueEvent( Event * ) { Continue(); } void ScriptSlave::Continue( void ) { thinking = true; PostEvent( EV_ScriptSlave_FollowingPath, level.frametime ); } //----------------------------------------------------- // // Name: Think // Class: ScriptSlave // // Description: Processes the updates for the Script Slave. // // Parameters: None // // Returns: None //----------------------------------------------------- void ScriptSlave::Think() { if(flags & FL_TOUCH_TRIGGERS) { G_TouchTriggers(this); } } /*****************************************************************************/ /*QUAKED script_model (0 0.5 1) (0 0 0) (0 0 0) NOT_SOLID LIT_STATIC ******************************************************************************/ Event EV_ScriptModel_SetAnim ( "anim", EV_DEFAULT, "s", "anim_name", "Sets the script model's animation" ); Event EV_ScriptModel_SetAnimDriven ( "animdriven", EV_DEFAULT, "B", "boolean", "Sets the script model to be anim driven" ); Event EV_ScriptModel_AnimOnce ( "animonce", EV_SCRIPTONLY, "s", "anim_name", "Sets the script model's animation but only plays it once" ); CLASS_DECLARATION( ScriptSlave, ScriptModel, "script_model" ) { { &EV_Gib, &ScriptModel::GibEvent }, { &EV_SetAngle, &ScriptModel::SetAngleEvent }, { &EV_ScriptModel_SetAnim, &ScriptModel::SetAnimEvent }, { &EV_ScriptModel_SetAnimDriven, &ScriptModel::SetAnimDrivenEvent }, { &EV_ScriptModel_AnimOnce, &ScriptModel::AnimOnceEvent }, { &EV_Model, &ScriptModel::SetModelEvent }, { NULL, NULL }, }; ScriptModel::ScriptModel() { // this is a tiki model edict->s.eType = ET_MODELANIM; animationDriven = false; animate = new Animate( this ); } void ScriptModel::Think( void ) { total_delta = vec_zero; ScriptSlave::Think(); if(animationDriven) { localangles = InterceptTargetXY( GetNewPosition(), Vector::Identity(), velocity.lengthXY() ); SetNewAngles( localangles ); setAngles( localangles ); // Set velocity based on current delta move Vector forward; Vector left; Vector up; localangles.AngleVectors( &forward, &left, &up ); total_delta /= level.frametime; velocity = ( forward * total_delta[0] ) + ( left * total_delta[1] ) + ( up * total_delta[2] ); } } void ScriptModel::SetModelEvent( Event *ev ) { char modelname[256] ; char *tmpPtr ; strcpy(modelname, ev->GetString( 1 ) ); tmpPtr = strstr(modelname, "*"); if (tmpPtr) { ev->SetString( 1 , tmpPtr ); } ScriptSlave::SetModelEvent( ev ); setSolidType( SOLID_BBOX ); if ( ( gi.IsModel( edict->s.modelindex ) ) && !mins.length() && !maxs.length() ) { gi.CalculateBounds( edict->s.modelindex, edict->s.scale, mins, maxs ); } } void ScriptModel::SetAnimEvent( Event *ev ) { const char * const animname = ev->GetString( 1 ); if ( animname && strlen( animname ) && gi.IsModel( edict->s.modelindex ) ) { int animnum = gi.Anim_NumForName( edict->s.modelindex, animname ); if ( animnum >= 0 ) { animate->NewAnim( animnum ); } } } void ScriptModel::SetAnimDrivenEvent( Event *ev ) { if ( (ev->NumArgs() > 0) && ( ev->GetBoolean( 1 ) == false ) ) { animationDriven = false; } else { animationDriven = true; turnThinkOn(); } } void ScriptModel::AnimOnceEvent( Event *ev ) { const char * animname; animname = ev->GetString( 1 ); if ( animname && strlen( animname ) && gi.IsModel( edict->s.modelindex ) ) { animate->RandomAnimate( animname, EV_StopAnimating ); } } void ScriptModel::SetAngleEvent( Event *ev ) { float angle; angle = ev->GetFloat( 1 ); if ( angle == -1.0f ) { ForwardDir = Vector( 0.0f, 0.0f, 90.0f ); localangles = Vector( -90.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ); } else if ( angle == -2.0f ) { ForwardDir = Vector( 0.0f, 0.0f, -90.0f ); localangles = Vector( 90.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ); } else { ForwardDir = Vector( 0.0f, angle, 0.0f ); localangles = Vector( 0.0f, angle, 0.0f ); } setAngles( localangles ); } void ScriptModel::GibEvent( Event *ev ) { int num,power; float scale; setSolidType( SOLID_NOT ); hideModel(); if ( !com_blood->integer ) { PostEvent( EV_Remove, 0.0f ); return; } num = ev->GetInteger( 1 ); power = ev->GetInteger( 2 ); scale = ev->GetFloat( 3 ); power = -power; if ( ev->NumArgs() > 3 ) { CreateGibs( this, power, scale, num, ev->GetString( 4 ) ); } else { CreateGibs( this, power, scale, num ); } PostEvent( EV_Remove, 0.0f ); } /*****************************************************************************/ /*QUAKED script_origin (1.0 0 0) (-8 -8 -8) (8 8 8) Used as an alternate origin for objects. Bind the object to the script_origin in order to simulate changing that object's origin. ******************************************************************************/ CLASS_DECLARATION( ScriptSlave, ScriptOrigin, "script_origin" ) { { &EV_Model, &ScriptOrigin::SetModelEvent }, { NULL, NULL } }; ScriptOrigin::ScriptOrigin() { setContents( 0 ); setSolidType( SOLID_NOT ); } /*****************************************************************************/ /*QUAKED script_skyorigin (1.0 0 0) ? Used to specify the origin of a portal sky ******************************************************************************/ Event EV_ScriptSkyOrigin_SetBasePosition ( "baseposition", EV_SCRIPTONLY, "v", "base_position", "Sets the base position of the sky origin." ); Event EV_ScriptSkyOrigin_SetPlayerBasePosition ( "playerbaseposition", EV_SCRIPTONLY, "v", "base_position", "Sets the base position for the player for the sky origin." ); Event EV_ScriptSkyOrigin_SetTranslationMultiplier ( "translationmult", EV_SCRIPTONLY, "f", "translation_multiplier", "Sets the translation multiplier for the sky origin." ); Event EV_ScriptSkyOrigin_SetMaxDistance ( "maxtranslationdist", EV_SCRIPTONLY, "f", "max_translation_distance", "Sets the maximum distance the sky origin will translate." ); CLASS_DECLARATION( ScriptSlave, ScriptSkyOrigin, "script_skyorigin" ) { { &EV_ScriptSkyOrigin_SetBasePosition, &ScriptSkyOrigin::SetBasePosition }, { &EV_ScriptSkyOrigin_SetPlayerBasePosition, &ScriptSkyOrigin::SetPlayerBasePosition }, { &EV_ScriptSkyOrigin_SetTranslationMultiplier, &ScriptSkyOrigin::SetTranslationMultiplier }, { &EV_ScriptSkyOrigin_SetMaxDistance, &ScriptSkyOrigin::SetMaxDistance }, { NULL, NULL } }; ScriptSkyOrigin::ScriptSkyOrigin() { edict->s.renderfx |= RF_SKYORIGIN; setContents( 0 ); setSolidType( SOLID_NOT ); turnThinkOn(); use_base_position = false; use_player_base_position = false; translation_multiplier = 0; max_distance = 0; } void ScriptSkyOrigin::Think( void ) { Vector delta; Entity *player; Vector new_origin; new_origin = origin; if ( use_base_position ) { if ( translation_multiplier ) { // Get player player = g_entities[ 0 ].entity; if ( !use_player_base_position ) { // Get current player position player_base_position = player->origin; use_player_base_position = true; } // Calculate the new origin delta = player->origin - player_base_position; delta *= translation_multiplier; if ( max_distance && ( delta.length() > max_distance ) ) { delta.normalize(); delta *= max_distance; } new_origin = base_position + delta; } else { new_origin = base_position; } } setOrigin( new_origin ); } void ScriptSkyOrigin::SetBasePosition( Event *ev ) { use_base_position = true; base_position = ev->GetVector( 1 ); use_player_base_position = false; } void ScriptSkyOrigin::SetPlayerBasePosition( Event *ev ) { use_player_base_position = true; player_base_position = ev->GetVector( 1 ); } void ScriptSkyOrigin::SetTranslationMultiplier( Event *ev ) { translation_multiplier = ev->GetFloat( 1 ); } void ScriptSkyOrigin::SetMaxDistance( Event *ev ) { max_distance = ev->GetFloat( 1 ); } //1ST PLAYABLE HACK STUFF void ScriptSlave::Hack_AddParms( Event *ev ) { _forcefieldNumber = ev->GetFloat( 1 ); _triggerNumber = ev->GetFloat( 2 ); } void ScriptSlave::Hack_GetForceFieldNumber( Event *ev ) { ev->ReturnFloat( _forcefieldNumber ); } void ScriptSlave::Hack_GetScanner( Event *ev ) { ev->ReturnEntity( _scanner ); } void ScriptSlave::Hack_GetTriggerNumber( Event *ev ) { ev->ReturnFloat( _triggerNumber ); } void ScriptSlave::HandlesDamage( Event *ev ) { _handlesDamage = ev->GetBoolean( 1 ); } void ScriptSlave::setDamageEffect( Event *ev ) { _damageEffect = ev->GetString( 1 ); } void ScriptSlave::setBloodModel( Event *ev ) { _bloodModel = ev->GetString( 1 ); } void ScriptSlave::addRequiredDamageMOD( Event *ev ) { str modname( ev->GetString( 1 ) ); assert( modname.length() > 0 ); _requiredMODlist.AddObject( modname ); } void ScriptSlave::setCanBeAttackedByOtherSlaves(Event *ev) { _canBeAttackedByOtherScriptSlaves = ev->GetBoolean( 1 ); }