//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // $Logfile:: /EF2/Code/DLLs/game/gamecmds.cpp $ // $Revision:: 54 $ // $Date:: 9/26/03 2:36p $ // // Copyright (C) 1999 by Ritual Entertainment, Inc. // All rights reserved. // // This source is may not be distributed and/or modified without // expressly written permission by Ritual Entertainment, Inc. // // // DESCRIPTION: // #include "_pch_cpp.h" #include "gamecmds.h" #include "camera.h" #include "viewthing.h" #include "soundman.h" #include "navigate.h" #include "mp_manager.hpp" #include "CinematicArmature.h" #include #include "botmenudef.h" typedef struct { const char *command; qboolean ( *func )( const gentity_t *ent ); qboolean allclients; } consolecmd_t; consolecmd_t G_ConsoleCmds[] = { // command name function available in multiplayer? { "vtaunt", G_VTaunt, true }, // { "vsay_team", G_VTaunt, true }, // { "vosay_team", G_VTaunt, true }, // { "vtell", G_VTaunt, true }, { "vsay", G_SayCmd, true }, { "vosay", G_SayCmd, true }, { "tell", G_TellCmd, true }, { "vtell", G_TellCmd, true }, { "say", G_SayCmd, true }, { "taunt", G_TauntCmd, true }, { "vosay_team", G_TeamSayCmd, true }, { "vsay_team", G_TeamSayCmd, true }, { "tsay", G_TeamSayCmd, true }, { "say_team", G_TeamSayCmd, true }, // added for BOTLIB { "eventlist", G_EventListCmd, false }, { "pendingevents", G_PendingEventsCmd, false }, { "eventhelp", G_EventHelpCmd, false }, { "dumpevents", G_DumpEventsCmd, false }, { "classevents", G_ClassEventsCmd, false }, { "dumpclassevents", G_DumpClassEventsCmd, false }, { "dumpallclasses", G_DumpAllClassesCmd, false }, { "classlist", G_ClassListCmd, false }, { "classtree", G_ClassTreeCmd, false }, { "cam", G_CameraCmd, false }, { "snd", G_SoundCmd, false }, { "cin", G_CinematicCmd, false }, // { "showvar", G_ShowVarCmd, false }, { "script", G_ScriptCmd, false }, { "clientrunthread", G_ClientRunThreadCmd, false }, { "clientsetvar", G_ClientSetVarCmd, false }, { "levelvars", G_LevelVarsCmd, false }, { "gamevars", G_GameVarsCmd, false }, { "loc", G_LocCmd, false }, { "warp", G_WarpCmd, false }, { "mask", G_MaskCmd, false }, { "setgameplayfloat", G_SetGameplayFloatCmd, false }, { "setgameplaystring", G_SetGameplayStringCmd, false }, { "purchaseSkill", G_PurchaseSkillCmd, false }, { "swapItem", G_SwapItemCmd, false }, { "dropItem", G_DropItemCmd, false }, { "dialogrunthread", G_DialogRunThread, false }, { NULL, NULL, NULL } }; void G_InitConsoleCommands( void ) { consolecmd_t *cmds; // // the game server will interpret these commands, which will be automatically // forwarded to the server after they are not recognized locally // gi.AddCommand( "give" ); gi.AddCommand( "god" ); gi.AddCommand( "notarget" ); gi.AddCommand( "noclip" ); gi.AddCommand( "kill" ); gi.AddCommand( "script" ); for( cmds = G_ConsoleCmds; cmds->command != NULL; cmds++ ) { gi.AddCommand( cmds->command ); } } qboolean G_ConsoleCommand( void ) { gentity_t *ent; qboolean result; result = false; try { if ( dedicated->integer ) { const char *cmd; cmd = gi.argv( 0 ); if ( stricmp( cmd, "say" ) == 0 ) { G_Say( NULL, false, false ); result = true; } } if ( !result ) { ent = &g_entities[ 0 ]; result = G_ProcessClientCommand( ent ); } } catch( const char *error ) { G_ExitWithError( error ); } return result; } void G_ClientCommand( gentity_t *ent ) { try { if ( ent && !G_ProcessClientCommand( ent ) ) { // anything that doesn't match a command will be a chat G_Say( ent, false, true ); } } catch( const char *error ) { G_ExitWithError( error ); } } qboolean G_ProcessClientCommand( gentity_t *ent ) { const char *cmd; consolecmd_t *cmds; int i; int n; Event *ev; cmd = gi.argv( 0 ); if ( !ent || !ent->client || !ent->entity || !ent->inuse ) { // not fully in game yet return false; } for( cmds = G_ConsoleCmds; cmds->command != NULL; cmds++ ) { // if we have multiple clients and this command isn't allowed by multiple clients, skip it if ( ( game.maxclients > 1 ) && ( !cmds->allclients ) && !sv_cheats->integer ) { continue; } if ( !Q_stricmp( cmd, cmds->command ) ) { return cmds->func( ent ); } } if ( Event::Exists( cmd ) ) { ev = new Event( cmd ); ev->SetSource( EV_FROM_CONSOLE ); ev->SetConsoleEdict( ent ); n = gi.argc(); for( i = 1; i < n; i++ ) { ev->AddToken( gi.argv( i ) ); } if ( !Q_stricmpn( cmd, "ai_", 2 ) ) { return thePathManager.ProcessEvent( ev ); } else if ( !Q_stricmpn( cmd, "view", 4 ) ) { return Viewmodel.ProcessEvent( ev ); } else { if( ent && ent->entity ) return ent->entity->ProcessEvent( ev ); } } return false; } /* ================== Cmd_Say_f ================== */ void G_Say( const gentity_t *ent, bool team, qboolean arg0 ) { str text; const char *p; if ( gi.argc() < 2 && !arg0 ) { return; } if ( arg0 ) { text = gi.argv( 0 ); text += " "; text += gi.args(); } else { p = gi.args(); if ( *p == '"' ) { p++; text = p; text[ text.length() - 1 ] = 0; } else { text = p; } } if ( ent && ent->entity && ent->entity->isSubclassOf( Player ) ) { multiplayerManager.say( (Player *)ent->entity, text, team ); } else { multiplayerManager.say( NULL, text, false ); } } qboolean G_CameraCmd( const gentity_t *ent ) { Event *ev; const char *cmd; int i; int n; Q_UNUSED(ent); n = gi.argc(); if ( !n ) { gi.WPrintf( "Usage: cam [command] [arg 1]...[arg n]\n" ); return true; } cmd = gi.argv( 1 ); if ( Event::Exists( cmd ) ) { ev = new Event( cmd ); ev->SetSource( EV_FROM_CONSOLE ); ev->SetConsoleEdict( NULL ); for( i = 2; i < n; i++ ) { ev->AddToken( gi.argv( i ) ); } CameraMan.ProcessEvent( ev ); } else { gi.WPrintf( "Unknown camera command '%s'.\n", cmd ); } return true; } //=============================================================== // Name: G_CinematicCmd // Class: // // Description: Takes a cinematic command from the console, rips // off the first argument and looks up the second // as a cinematic armature event. If found, sends // it off to the armature along with the rest of the // event tokens. // // Parameters: gentity_t* -- entity sending the event // // Returns: qboolean -- true if processed. // //=============================================================== qboolean G_CinematicCmd( const gentity_t *ent ) { Event *ev ; const char *cmd ; int n = gi.argc(); Q_UNUSED(ent); if ( !n ) { gi.WPrintf( "Usage: cin ... \n"); return true ; } cmd = gi.argv( 1 ); if ( Event::Exists( cmd ) ) { ev = new Event( cmd ); ev->SetSource( EV_FROM_CONSOLE ); ev->SetConsoleEdict( NULL ); for (int i = 2; i < n; i++ ) { ev->AddToken( gi.argv( i ) ); } theCinematicArmature.ProcessEvent( ev ); } else { gi.WPrintf( "Unknown cinematic armature command '%s'.\n", cmd ); } return true ; } qboolean G_SoundCmd( const gentity_t *ent ) { Event *ev; const char *cmd; int i; int n; Q_UNUSED(ent); n = gi.argc(); if ( !n ) { gi.WPrintf( "Usage: snd [command] [arg 1]...[arg n]\n" ); return true; } cmd = gi.argv( 1 ); if ( Event::Exists( cmd ) ) { ev = new Event( cmd ); ev->SetSource( EV_FROM_CONSOLE ); ev->SetConsoleEdict( NULL ); for( i = 2; i < n; i++ ) { ev->AddToken( gi.argv( i ) ); } SoundMan.ProcessEvent( ev ); } else { gi.WPrintf( "Unknown sound command '%s'.\n", cmd ); } return true; } char *ClientName(int client, char *name, int size); qboolean G_VTaunt( const gentity_t *ent ) { Q_UNUSED(ent); // NOTE: vtant, vsay, vosay are q3's specific hotkey chat mechanisms. we don't have these so this is a stub // function right now. /* gentity_t *who; int i; if (!ent->client) { return qfalse; } Player *player = (Player *)ent->entity; Player *enemy = multiplayerManager.getLastKilledByPlayer(player); // insult someone who just killed you if (ent->enemy && ent->enemy->client && ent->enemy->client->lastkilled_client == ent->s.number) { // i am a dead corpse if (!(ent->enemy->r.svFlags & SVF_BOT)) { G_Voice( ent, ent->enemy, SAY_TELL, VOICECHAT_DEATHINSULT, qfalse ); } if (!(ent->r.svFlags & SVF_BOT)) { G_Voice( ent, ent, SAY_TELL, VOICECHAT_DEATHINSULT, qfalse ); } ent->enemy = NULL; return; } // insult someone you just killed if (ent->client->lastkilled_client >= 0 && ent->client->lastkilled_client != ent->s.number) { who = g_entities + ent->client->lastkilled_client; if (who->client) { // who is the person I just killed if (who->client->lasthurt_mod == MOD_GAUNTLET) { if (!(who->r.svFlags & SVF_BOT)) { G_Voice( ent, who, SAY_TELL, VOICECHAT_KILLGAUNTLET, qfalse ); // and I killed them with a gauntlet } if (!(ent->r.svFlags & SVF_BOT)) { G_Voice( ent, ent, SAY_TELL, VOICECHAT_KILLGAUNTLET, qfalse ); } } else { if (!(who->r.svFlags & SVF_BOT)) { G_Voice( ent, who, SAY_TELL, VOICECHAT_KILLINSULT, qfalse ); // and I killed them with something else } if (!(ent->r.svFlags & SVF_BOT)) { G_Voice( ent, ent, SAY_TELL, VOICECHAT_KILLINSULT, qfalse ); } } ent->client->lastkilled_client = -1; return; } } if (gametype >= GT_TEAM) { // praise a team mate who just got a reward for(i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++) { who = g_entities + i; if (who->client && who != ent && who->client->sess.sessionTeam == ent->client->sess.sessionTeam) { if (who->client->rewardTime > level.time) { if (!(who->r.svFlags & SVF_BOT)) { G_Voice( ent, who, SAY_TELL, VOICECHAT_PRAISE, qfalse ); } if (!(ent->r.svFlags & SVF_BOT)) { G_Voice( ent, ent, SAY_TELL, VOICECHAT_PRAISE, qfalse ); } return; } } } } */ // just say something /* cmd = "vchat"; } trap_SendServerCommand( other-g_entities, va("%s %d %d %d %s", cmd, voiceonly, ent->s.number, color, id)); */ // trap_SendServerCommand( other-g_entities, va("%s %d %d %d %s", cmd, voiceonly, ent->s.number, color, id)); /* GameplayManager gi.SendServerCommand(NULL,va("%s %d %d %d %s", "taunt", voiceonly, ent->s.number, color, id)); // G_Say( ent,false, va("%s","taunt") ); // VOICECHAT_TAUNT)); // NULL, SAY_ALL, VOICECHAT_TAUNT, qfalse ); char bogoname[1024]; gi.SendServerCommand(ent->s.clientNum,va("hudsay \"%s: %s \"",ClientName(ent->s.clientNum,bogoname,1024),"taunt")); // ClientName(ent->s.clientNum,bogoname,1024), */ return true; } qboolean G_TellCmd( const gentity_t *ent ) { str text; const char *p; int i; int entnum; if ( gi.argc() < 3 ) { return true; } entnum = atoi( gi.argv( 1 ) ); for ( i = 2 ; i < gi.argc() ; i++ ) { p = gi.argv( i ); if ( *p == '"' ) { p++; text += p; text[ text.length() - 1 ] = 0; } else { text += p; } } if ( ent->entity && ent->entity->isSubclassOf( Player ) ) { multiplayerManager.tell( (Player *)ent->entity, text, entnum ); } return true; } qboolean G_SayCmd( const gentity_t *ent ) { G_Say( ent, false, false ); return true; } qboolean G_TeamSayCmd( const gentity_t *ent ) { G_Say( ent, true, false ); return true; } qboolean G_TauntCmd( const gentity_t *ent ) { str tauntName; if ( gi.argc() < 2 ) { return true; } tauntName = "taunt"; tauntName += gi.argv( 1 ); if ( ent->entity && ent->entity->isSubclassOf( Player ) ) { Player *player = (Player *)ent->entity; if ( multiplayerManager.inMultiplayer() && !multiplayerManager.isPlayerSpectator( player ) ) { //ent->entity->Sound( tauntName, CHAN_TAUNT, DEFAULT_VOL, LEVEL_WIDE_MIN_DIST ); ent->entity->Sound( tauntName, CHAN_TAUNT, DEFAULT_VOL, 250.0f ); } } return true; } qboolean G_LocCmd( const gentity_t *ent ) { if ( ent ) { gi.Printf( "Origin = ( %f, %f, %f ) Angles = ( %f, %f, %f )\n", ent->currentOrigin[0], ent->currentOrigin[1], ent->currentOrigin[2], ent->currentAngles[0], ent->currentAngles[1], ent->currentAngles[0] ); } return true; } qboolean G_WarpCmd( const gentity_t *ent ) { Vector pos; if ( sv_cheats->integer == 0 ) { return true; } if ( ent ) { Entity *entity; if ( ent->entity ) { // Get the new position if ( gi.argc() == 2 ) { pos = Vector(gi.argv( 1 )); } else if ( gi.argc() == 4 ) { pos[ 0 ] = atof( gi.argv( 1 ) ); pos[ 1 ] = atof( gi.argv( 2 ) ); pos[ 2 ] = atof( gi.argv( 3 ) ); } else { gi.Printf( "Incorrect parms\n" ); return false; } // Move the entity to the new position entity = ent->entity; entity->setOrigin( pos ); } } return true; } qboolean G_MaskCmd( const gentity_t *ent ) { Vector pos; // Check parms if ( gi.argc() != 2 ) { gi.Printf( "Incorrect parms\n" ); return true; } if ( ent ) { Entity *entity; if ( ent->entity ) { entity = ent->entity; // Get and set new mask if ( stricmp( gi.argv( 1 ), "monster" ) == 0 ) { entity->edict->clipmask = MASK_MONSTERSOLID; } else if ( stricmp( gi.argv( 1 ), "player" ) == 0 ) { entity->edict->clipmask = MASK_PLAYERSOLID; } else { gi.Printf( "Unknown mask name - %s\n", gi.argv( 1 ) ); } } } return true; } qboolean G_EventListCmd( const gentity_t *ent ) { const char *mask; Q_UNUSED(ent); mask = NULL; if ( gi.argc() > 1 ) { mask = gi.argv( 1 ); } Event::ListCommands( mask ); return true; } qboolean G_PendingEventsCmd( const gentity_t *ent ) { const char *mask; Q_UNUSED(ent); mask = NULL; if ( gi.argc() > 1 ) { mask = gi.argv( 1 ); } Event::PendingEvents( mask ); return true; } qboolean G_EventHelpCmd( const gentity_t *ent ) { const char *mask; Q_UNUSED(ent); mask = NULL; if ( gi.argc() > 1 ) { mask = gi.argv( 1 ); } Event::ListDocumentation( mask, false ); return true; } qboolean G_DumpEventsCmd( const gentity_t *ent ) { const char *mask; Q_UNUSED(ent); mask = NULL; if ( gi.argc() > 1 ) { mask = gi.argv( 1 ); } Event::ListDocumentation( mask, true ); return true; } qboolean G_ClassEventsCmd( const gentity_t *ent ) { const char *className; Q_UNUSED(ent); className = NULL; if ( gi.argc() < 2 ) { gi.WPrintf( "Usage: classevents [className]\n" ); className = gi.argv( 1 ); } else { className = gi.argv( 1 ); ClassEvents( className ); } return true; } qboolean G_DumpClassEventsCmd( const gentity_t *ent ) { const char *className; Q_UNUSED(ent); className = NULL; if ( gi.argc() < 2 ) { gi.WPrintf( "Usage: dumpclassevents [className]\n" ); className = gi.argv( 1 ); } else { className = gi.argv( 1 ); ClassEvents( className, true ); } return true; } qboolean G_DumpAllClassesCmd( const gentity_t *ent ) { const char *tmpstr = NULL; const char *filename = NULL; int typeFlag = EVENT_ALL; int outputFlag = OUTPUT_ALL; Q_UNUSED(ent); if ( gi.argc() > 1 ) { tmpstr = gi.argv( 1 ); if ( !strcmp("tiki", tmpstr ) ) typeFlag = EVENT_TIKI_ONLY; if ( !strcmp("script", tmpstr ) ) typeFlag = EVENT_SCRIPT_ONLY; } if ( gi.argc() > 2 ) { tmpstr = gi.argv( 2 ); if ( !strcmp("html", tmpstr ) ) outputFlag = OUTPUT_HTML; if ( !strcmp("cmdmap", tmpstr ) ) outputFlag = OUTPUT_CMD; } if ( gi.argc() > 3 ) { filename = gi.argv( 3 ); } DumpAllClasses(typeFlag, outputFlag, filename); return true; } qboolean G_ClassListCmd( const gentity_t *ent ) { Q_UNUSED(ent); listAllClasses(); return true; } qboolean G_ClassTreeCmd( const gentity_t *ent ) { if ( gi.argc() > 1 ) { listInheritanceOrder( gi.argv( 1 ) ); } else { gi.SendServerCommand( ent - g_entities, "print \"Syntax: classtree [classname].\n\"" ); } return true; } /* qboolean G_ShowVarCmd( gentity_t *ent ) { ScriptVariable *var; var = Director.GetExistingVariable( gi.argv( 1 ) ); if ( var ) { gi.SendServerCommand( ent - g_entities, "print \"%s = '%s'\n\"", gi.argv( 1 ), var->stringValue() ); } else { gi.SendServerCommand( ent - g_entities, "print \"Variable '%s' does not exist.\"", gi.argv( 1 ) ); } return true; } */ qboolean G_ScriptCmd( const gentity_t *ent ) { int i, argc; const char *argv[ 32 ]; char args[ 32 ][ 64 ]; Q_UNUSED(ent); argc = 0; for( i = 1; i < gi.argc(); i++ ) { if ( argc < 32 ) { strncpy( args[ argc ], gi.argv( i ), 64 ); argv[ argc ] = args[ argc ]; argc++; } } if ( argc > 0 ) { level.consoleThread->ProcessCommand( argc, argv ); } return true; } qboolean G_ClientRunThreadCmd( const gentity_t *ent ) { str threadName; CThread *thread; Q_UNUSED(ent); // Get the thread name if ( !gi.argc() ) return true; threadName = gi.argv( 1 ); // Check to make sure player is allowed to run this thread // Need to do this part // Run the thread if ( !threadName.length() ) return true; thread = Director.CreateThread( threadName ); if ( thread ) thread->DelayedStart( 0.0f ); return true; } qboolean G_ClientSetVarCmd( const gentity_t *ent ) { str varName; str value; Q_UNUSED(ent); if ( gi.argc() != 3 ) return true; // Get the variable name varName = gi.argv( 1 ); // Get the variable value value = gi.argv( 2 ); // Check to make sure player is allowed to set this variable // Need to do this part // Set the variable if ( varName.length() && value.length() ) { levelVars.SetVariable( varName, value ); } return true; } //=============================================================== // Name: G_SendCommandToAllPlayers // Class: None // // Description: Sends the specified command to all connected // clients (players). // // Parameters: const char* -- the command to send // // Returns: qboolean -- qtrue if successfully sent. // //=============================================================== qboolean G_SendCommandToAllPlayers( const char *command ) { bool retVal = true ; for( int clientIdx = 0; clientIdx < maxclients->integer; ++clientIdx ) { gentity_t *ent = g_entities + clientIdx ; if ( !ent->inuse || !ent->client || !ent->entity ) continue; if ( !G_SendCommandToPlayer( ent, command ) ) retVal = false ; } return retVal ; } //=============================================================== // Name: G_SendCommandToPlayer // Class: // // Description: Sends the specified command to the specified player. // // Parameters: Player* -- the player to send it to // str -- the command // // Returns: None // //=============================================================== qboolean G_SendCommandToPlayer( const gentity_t *ent, const char *command ) { assert( ent ); Entity *entity = ent->entity ; assert( entity ); assert( entity->isSubclassOf( Player ) ); Player *player = ( Player* )entity ; str builtCommand("stufftext \""); builtCommand += command ; builtCommand += "\"\n"; gi.SendServerCommand( player->edict - g_entities, builtCommand.c_str() ); return true ; } //=============================================================== // Name: G_EnableWidgetOfPlayer // Class: // // Description: Enables (or disables) the specified widget of // the specified player. // // Parameters: const gentity_t* -- the player gentity_t to send this command to. // const char* -- the name of the widget to enable/disable // bool -- true means enable // // Returns: None // //=============================================================== qboolean G_EnableWidgetOfPlayer( const gentity_t *ent, const char *widgetName, qboolean enableFlag ) { assert( widgetName ); str command("globalwidgetcommand "); command += widgetName ; command += ( enableFlag ) ? " enable" : " disable" ; return G_SendCommandToPlayer( ent, command.c_str()); } //=============================================================== // Name: G_SetWidgetTextOfPlayer // Class: // // Description: Sets the widget text of the widget for the speicifed player // // Parameters: const gentity_t* -- the player gentity_t to send this command to. // const char* -- the name of the widget to set the text on // const char* -- text the put on the widget // // Returns: None // //=============================================================== qboolean G_SetWidgetTextOfPlayer( const gentity_t *ent, const char *widgetName, const char *widgetText ) { assert( widgetName ); char tmpstr[4096]; if ( strlen(widgetText) > 4095 ) assert(0); strcpy(tmpstr, widgetText); for ( unsigned i = 0; i < strlen(widgetText); i++ ) { if ( tmpstr[i] == '\n' ) tmpstr[i] = '~'; if ( tmpstr[i] == ' ' ) tmpstr[i] = '^'; } str command("globalwidgetcommand "); command += widgetName ; command += " labeltext " ; command += tmpstr ; return G_SendCommandToPlayer( ent, command.c_str()); } void PrintVariableList( ScriptVariableList * list ) { ScriptVariable *var; int i; for( i = 1; i <= list->NumVariables(); i++ ) { var = list->GetVariable( i ); gi.Printf( "%s = %s\n", var->getName(), var->stringValue() ); } gi.Printf( "%d variables\n", list->NumVariables() ); } qboolean G_LevelVarsCmd( const gentity_t *ent ) { Q_UNUSED(ent); gi.Printf( "Level Variables\n" ); PrintVariableList( &levelVars ); return true; } qboolean G_GameVarsCmd( const gentity_t *ent ) { Q_UNUSED(ent); gi.Printf( "Game Variables\n" ); PrintVariableList( &gameVars ); return true; } //-------------------------------------------------------------- // // Name: G_SetGameplayFloatCmd // Class: None // // Description: Sets properties on the gameplay database. // // Parameters: const gentity_t *ent -- Entity, not used // // Returns: qboolean // //-------------------------------------------------------------- qboolean G_SetGameplayFloatCmd( const gentity_t *ent ) { str objname; str propname; str create = "0"; float value = 1.0f; Q_UNUSED(ent); // Check for not enough args if ( gi.argc() < 4 ) return qfalse; objname = gi.argv( 1 ); propname = gi.argv( 2 ); value = (double)atof(gi.argv( 3 )); if ( gi.argc() > 4 ) create = gi.argv( 4 ); if ( create == "0" ) GameplayManager::getTheGameplayManager()->setFloatValue(objname, propname, value); else GameplayManager::getTheGameplayManager()->setFloatValue(objname, propname, value, true); gi.Printf("Gameplay Modified -- %s's %s changed to %g\n", objname.c_str(), propname.c_str(), value); return qtrue; } //-------------------------------------------------------------- // // Name: G_SetGameplayStringCmd // Class: None // // Description: Sets properties on the gameplay database. // // Parameters: const gentity_t *ent -- Entity, not used // // Returns: qboolean // //-------------------------------------------------------------- qboolean G_SetGameplayStringCmd( const gentity_t *ent ) { str objname; str propname; str valuestr; str create = "0"; Q_UNUSED(ent); // Check for not enough args if ( gi.argc() < 4 ) return qfalse; objname = gi.argv( 1 ); propname = gi.argv( 2 ); valuestr = gi.argv( 3 ); if ( gi.argc() > 4 ) create = gi.argv( 4 ); if ( create == "0" ) GameplayManager::getTheGameplayManager()->setStringValue(objname, propname, valuestr); else GameplayManager::getTheGameplayManager()->setStringValue(objname, propname, valuestr, true); gi.Printf("Gameplay Modified -- %s's %s changed to %s\n", objname.c_str(), propname.c_str(), valuestr.c_str()); return qtrue; } //=============================================================== // Name: G_PurchaseSkillCmd // Class: None // // Description: Purchases a skill for the current player. This // goes into the gameplay database and looks for a // CurrentPlayer object who has a skillPoints property. // // If its found, we attempt to increment the value // of the skill specified in the command's first argument. // We also decrement by one the number of available skillPoints. // // Parameters: gentity_t -- the entity issuing the command. Not used. // // Returns: qboolean -- true if the command was executed. // //=============================================================== qboolean G_PurchaseSkillCmd( const gentity_t *ent ) { str propname ; if ( gi.argc() < 1 ) return qfalse ; propname = gi.argv( 1 ); GameplayManager *gpm = GameplayManager::getTheGameplayManager(); if ( !gpm ) return false ; float skillPoints = gpm->getFloatValue( "CurrentPlayer", "SkillPoints" ); if ( skillPoints > 0.0f ) { str objName("CurrentPlayer."); objName += propname ; float skillValue = gpm->getFloatValue( objName, "value" ); if ( skillValue < gpm->getFloatValue( objName, "max" ) ) { gpm->setFloatValue( objName, "value", skillValue + 1.0f ); gpm->setFloatValue( "CurrentPlayer", "SkillPoints", skillPoints - 1.0f ); if ( ent->entity->isSubclassOf( Player ) ) { Player *player = (Player*)ent->entity; player->skillChanged( objName ); } } } return qtrue ; } //=============================================================== // Name: G_SwapItemCmd // Class: None // // Description: Swaps an inventory item with the currently held item // of that type. This is fairly specific at this point // to use the Gameplay Database in a particular way. // // The command takes a single string, which defines an // inventory slot object. We retrieve the name of the // item in that inventory slot. If it isn't found, there // isn't an item there and nothing happens. // // If it is found, we determine if the player already has // an item of that type in their local inventory (hands). // This is done by again checking the database. If they // do have a weapon of that type, we swap this one with // that. Otherwise we just give him this weapon. // // Parameters: gentity_t -- the entity issuing the command. This // is the player who issued the command. // // Returns: qboolean -- true if the command was executed. // //=============================================================== qboolean G_SwapItemCmd( const gentity_t *ent ) { if ( gi.argc() < 1 ) return qfalse ; if ( !ent->entity->isSubclassOf( Player ) ) return qfalse ; Player *player = (Player*)ent->entity ; str objectName = gi.argv( 1 ); str propertyName = gi.argv( 2 ); str heldItem ; weaponhand_t hand = WEAPON_RIGHT; GameplayManager *gpm = GameplayManager::getTheGameplayManager(); if ( !gpm ) return false ; str itemName = gpm->getStringValue( objectName, propertyName ); str tikiName = gpm->getStringValue( itemName, "model" ); str itemType = gpm->getStringValue( itemName, "class" ); str playerItem("CurrentPlayer." + itemType); if ( !gpm->hasObject(playerItem) ) { gi.WPrintf( "Warning: Unknown item type %s for item %s", itemType.c_str(), itemName.c_str() ); return qfalse ; } // Get the currently held item, and replace it with the item we clicked on heldItem = gpm->getStringValue( playerItem, "name" ); gpm->setStringValue( playerItem, "name", itemName ); // Ranged weapons are left hand if ( itemType == "Ranged" ) hand = WEAPON_LEFT ; // Remove the currently held item from the player's inventory player->takeItem( heldItem.c_str() ); // Give the player the new item we clicked on player->giveItem( tikiName ); // Use the weapon we clicked on if we picked a weapon of the same type // that we have currently equipped. Otherwise, we just swap out // the slots Weapon *weap = 0; weap = player->GetActiveWeapon(WEAPON_RIGHT); if ( !weap ) weap = player->GetActiveWeapon(WEAPON_LEFT); if ( weap ) { str tmpstr = gpm->getStringValue(weap->getArchetype(), "class"); if ( tmpstr == itemType ) player->useWeapon( itemType, hand ); } // Put the held item in inventory slot the clicked item was in. gpm->setStringValue( objectName, propertyName, heldItem ); return qtrue ; } //-------------------------------------------------------------- // // Name: G_DropItemCmd // Class: None // // Description: Drops an item that is clicked on from the inventory // // Parameters: gentity_t -- the entity issuing the command. This // is the player who issued the command. // // Returns: qboolean -- true if the command was executed. // //-------------------------------------------------------------- qboolean G_DropItemCmd( const gentity_t *ent ) { if ( gi.argc() < 1 ) return false ; if ( !ent->entity->isSubclassOf( Player ) ) return false ; Player *player = (Player*)ent->entity ; str objectName = gi.argv( 1 ); str propertyName = gi.argv( 2 ); GameplayManager *gpm = GameplayManager::getTheGameplayManager(); if ( !gpm ) return false ; str itemName = gpm->getStringValue( objectName, propertyName ); if ( itemName == "Empty" ) return false; str tikiName = gpm->getStringValue( itemName, "model" ); str itemType = gpm->getStringValue( itemName, "class" ); str playerItem("CurrentPlayer." + itemType); if ( !gpm->hasObject(playerItem) ) { gi.WPrintf( "Warning: Unknown item type %s for item %s", itemType.c_str(), itemName.c_str() ); return false ; } // Empty the slot gpm->setStringValue( objectName, propertyName, "Empty" ); // Give the player the item to drop //Item *givenItem = player->giveItem(tikiName); Weapon *dropweap; ClassDef *cls; cls = getClass( tikiName.c_str() ); if ( !cls ) { SpawnArgs args; args.setArg( "model", tikiName.c_str() ); cls = args.getClassDef(); if ( !cls ) return false; } dropweap = ( Weapon * )cls->newInstance(); dropweap->setModel( tikiName.c_str() ); dropweap->ProcessPendingEvents(); dropweap->SetOwner(player); dropweap->hideModel(); dropweap->setAttached(true); dropweap->Drop(); return true ; } //----------------------------------------------------- // // Name: // Class: // // Description: // // Parameters: // // Returns: //----------------------------------------------------- qboolean G_DialogRunThread( const gentity_t *ent ) { str threadName; // clear out the current dialog actor if(ent->entity->isSubclassOf(Player)) { Player* player = (Player*)ent->entity; player->clearBranchDialogActor(); } return G_ClientRunThreadCmd( ent ); }