//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // $Logfile:: /EF2/Code/DLLs/game/equipment.cpp $ // $Revision:: 53 $ // $Author:: Singlis $ // $Date:: 9/26/03 2:36p $ // // Copyright (C) 2002 by Ritual Entertainment, Inc. // All rights reserved. // // This source is may not be distributed and/or modified without // expressly written permission by Ritual Entertainment, Inc. // // // DESCRIPTION: #include "_pch_cpp.h" #include "equipment.h" #include "player.h" #include "weaputils.h" #define DETAILED_SCAN_TIME 1.5 #define MAX_TARGET_DISTANCE 600.0f #define MAX_TARGET_DISTANCE_SQUARED MAX_TARGET_DISTANCE * MAX_TARGET_DISTANCE Event EV_AirStrike ( "airstrike", EV_CODEONLY, NULL, NULL, "call airstrike from equipment" ); Event EV_ScanStart ( "scanstart", EV_TIKIONLY, NULL, NULL, "The start of the scan" ); Event EV_ScanEnd ( "scanend", EV_TIKIONLY, NULL, NULL, "The end of the scan" ); Event EV_Scanner ( "hasscanner", EV_TIKIONLY, NULL, NULL, "The equipment has a scanner" ); Event EV_Radar ( "hasradar", EV_TIKIONLY, NULL, NULL, "The equipment has a radar" ); Event EV_Equipment_HasModes ( "hasmodes", EV_TIKIONLY, "sSSSSSSSSS", "mode1 mode2 mode3 mode4 mode5 mode6 mode7 mode8 mode9 mode10", "Specify the modes this equipment has." ); Event EV_Equipment_ChangeMode ( "changemode", EV_TIKIONLY, NULL, NULL, "Change to the next mode." ); Event EV_Scan ( "scan", EV_TIKIONLY, NULL, NULL, "Scan" ); Event EV_Equipment_SetTypeName ( "typeName", EV_TIKIONLY, "s", "typeName", "Sets the type name of this equipment" ); CLASS_DECLARATION( Weapon, Equipment, NULL) { { &EV_AirStrike, &Equipment::airStrike }, { &EV_ScanStart, &Equipment::scanStart }, { &EV_ScanEnd, &Equipment::scanEnd }, { &EV_Scanner, &Equipment::setScanner }, { &EV_Radar, &Equipment::setRadar }, { &EV_Equipment_HasModes, &Equipment::hasModes }, { &EV_Equipment_ChangeMode, &Equipment::changeMode }, { &EV_Equipment_SetTypeName, &Equipment::setTypeName }, { &EV_Scan, &Equipment::scan }, { NULL, NULL } }; Equipment::Equipment() { init(); } Equipment::Equipment( const char* file ) : Weapon(file) { init(); } void Equipment::init( void ) { scanning = false; scanner = false; radar = false; _active = false; scanTime = 0; _nextUseTime = 0.0f; _scannedEntity = NULL; _currentMode = 1; _lastMode = 1; _scanEndFrame = -1; turnThinkOn(); } Equipment::~Equipment() { _modes.FreeObjectList(); } void Equipment::Think() { if ( _modes.NumObjects() > 0 ) { str *modeName; // Make sure this mode is still available modeName = &_modes.ObjectAt( _currentMode ); if ( _currentMode != 1 && world->isAnyViewModeAvailable() && !world->isViewModeAvailable( modeName->c_str() ) ) { Event *newEvent; newEvent = new Event( EV_Equipment_ChangeMode ); newEvent->AddInteger( 1 ); ProcessEvent( newEvent ); } } Player* player = 0; if( owner && owner->isSubclassOf(Player) ) { player= (Player*)(Sentient*)owner; } if ( player && _active == qtrue) { player->client->ps.pm_flags &= ~( PMF_RADAR_MODE | PMF_SCANNER ); if( hasRadar() ) { player->client->ps.pm_flags |= ( PMF_RADAR_MODE ); } if( hasScanner() ) { player->client->ps.pm_flags |= PMF_SCANNER; } } } //---------------------------------------------------------------- // Name: airStrike // Class: Equipment // // Description: does a few traces to find a sane location, places a model // against the edge of the skybox, and starts it up to do an air strike // // Parameters: none // // Returns: none //---------------------------------------------------------------- void Equipment::airStrike(Event *) { str modeName; Player* player; str airStrikeSound; // Make sure the scanning stuff is ok if ( !scanner || !scanning ) return; // Make sure we are still in the correct mode if ( ( _currentMode > _modes.NumObjects() ) || ( _currentMode < 1 ) ) return; modeName = _modes.ObjectAt( _currentMode ); if ( stricmp( modeName, "torpedostrike") != 0 ) return; // Make sure our owner is a player assert( owner ); if ( !owner || !owner->isSubclassOf( Player ) ) return; player = (Player*)(Sentient*)owner; // Try to do the torpedo strike trace_t trace; Vector start; Vector forward,right; Vector end; int i; Vector angles; Vector dir; bool hitSky; Vector mins; Vector maxs; float bestFraction = 0.0f; Vector skyPosition; Vector bestSkyPosition; player->GetViewTrace( trace, MASK_PROJECTILE, 5000.0f ); start = trace.endpos; hitSky = false; mins = Vector( -5.0f, -5.0f, -5.0f ); maxs = Vector( 5.0f, 5.0f, 5.0f ); for ( i = 0 ; i <= 360 ; i += 45 ) { end = start + Vector( 0.0f, 0.0f, 10000.0f ); if ( i != 360 ) { angles = vec_zero; angles[ YAW ] = i; angles.AngleVectors( &dir ); end += dir * 7500.0f; } // Try to trace for sky (that means we're outside and in range) trace = G_Trace( start, vec_zero, vec_zero, end, player, MASK_PROJECTILE, false, "airStrike::skyspot1" ); /* gentity_t *loopent = NULL; // if we hit a bmodel, move to the top of its box and try again while ( (trace.ent) && (trace.ent->bmodel) && (loopent != trace.ent) ) { loopent = trace.ent; start[2] = loopent->absmax[2] + 5.0f; trace = G_Trace( start, vec_zero,vec_zero, end, player, MASK_PROJECTILE, false, "airStrike::skyspot1" ); } */ if ( trace.surfaceFlags & SURF_SKY ) { skyPosition = trace.endpos; trace = G_Trace( skyPosition, mins, maxs, start, player, MASK_PROJECTILE, false, "airStrike::skyspot2" ); if ( ( bestFraction == 0.0f ) || ( trace.fraction > bestFraction ) ) { bestFraction = trace.fraction; bestSkyPosition = skyPosition; } hitSky = true; //break; } } // Show effects and play sound based on whether or not we hit if ( hitSky ) { right = bestSkyPosition; forward = right - start; if (forward.normalize() > 4000) right = start + (forward * 4000); // abusing right for final start point else right = trace.endpos; Projectile *airstrike; airstrike = new Projectile; //this needs to be projectile so triggers respond properly (they won't respond to Entity) airstrike->setModel("models/weapons/projectile_airstrike.tik"); airstrike->setOrigin(right); forward *= -1.0f; // airstrike model tag is backward, easier to just reverse the direction here airstrike->setAngles(forward.toAngles()); airstrike->PostEvent(EV_Remove,30); airStrikeSound = GetRandomAlias( "snd_strikeincoming" ); // play this sound at beginning of airstrike _nextUseTime = level.time + 30.0f; } else { airStrikeSound = GetRandomAlias( "snd_strikeblocked" ); // play this sound if we can't see sky } Sound( airStrikeSound ); } void Equipment::scanStart(Event* ) { if(scanner == true) scanning = qtrue; //if we end scan and start scan on the same frame, //then ignore the end scan if(_scanEndFrame == level.framenum) { PostEvent( EV_Scan, 0.05f ); return; } if ( shootingSkin ) ChangeSkin( shootingSkin, true ); PostEvent( EV_Scan, 0.25f ); if ( level.time > _nextUseTime ) { CancelEventsOfType( EV_AirStrike ); PostEvent(EV_AirStrike,5.0f); } } void Equipment::scanEnd(Event* ) { if(scanner == true) scanning = false; _scanEndFrame = level.framenum; if ( shootingSkin ) ChangeSkin( shootingSkin, false ); CancelEventsOfType( EV_Scan ); } void Equipment::scan( Event * ) { if ( owner && owner->isSubclassOf( Player ) ) { Event *newEvent; Player *player = (Player *)(Entity *)owner; newEvent = new Event( EV_Player_DoUse ); newEvent->AddEntity( this ); player->ProcessEvent( newEvent ); } CancelEventsOfType( EV_Scan ); PostEvent( EV_Scan, 0.05f ); } void Equipment::setScanner(Event* ev) { if(ev == 0) return; scanner = true; } void Equipment::setRadar(Event* ev) { if(ev == 0) return; radar = true; } void Equipment::PutAway(void) { Weapon::PutAway(); } void Equipment::ProcessTargetedEntity(EntityPtr entity) { if(_scannedEntity != entity && entity != 0) { Player* player = (Player*)(Sentient*)owner; float distanceSquared = DistanceSquared(entity->origin, player->client->ps.origin); if(distanceSquared > MAX_TARGET_DISTANCE_SQUARED) scanTime = (int) level.time; } if(_scannedEntity != entity) scanTime = (int) level.time; _scannedEntity = entity; if(_scannedEntity == 0) return; Weapon::ProcessTargetedEntity(entity); if(isScanning()) { entity->edict->s.eFlags &= ~EF_DISPLAY_DESC1; //turn off description 1 if displaying description 2. entity->edict->s.eFlags |= EF_DISPLAY_DESC2; long timeElapsed = (long)(level.time - scanTime); if(timeElapsed >= DETAILED_SCAN_TIME) entity->edict->s.eFlags |= EF_DISPLAY_DESC3; } else { scanTime = (int)level.time; entity->edict->s.eFlags &= ~EF_DISPLAY_DESC2; entity->edict->s.eFlags &= ~EF_DISPLAY_DESC3; } } void Equipment::AttachToOwner(weaponhand_t hand) { _active = true; Weapon::AttachToOwner(hand); if ( _lastMode > 1 ) { changeMode( _lastMode ); } } void Equipment::hasModes( Event *ev ) { int i; str newMode; for ( i = 1 ; i <= ev->NumArgs() ; i++ ) { newMode = ev->GetString( i ); _modes.AddObject( newMode ); } } void Equipment::changeMode( Event *ev ) { int newMode; if ( ev->NumArgs() > 0 ) { newMode = ev->GetInteger( 1 ); } else { newMode = _currentMode + 1; } changeMode( newMode ); } void Equipment::updateMode( void ) { changeMode( _currentMode ); } void Equipment::changeMode( int newMode ) { int numModes; Event *newEvent; str *modeName; numModes = _modes.NumObjects(); if ( !numModes ) return; // Set the desired mode _currentMode = newMode; if ( _currentMode > numModes ) _currentMode = 1; // Continue until we have a valid mode set while( 1 ) { if (_currentMode == 1) // if mode is unset, query player to see if we want nightvision instead (divorced from equipment) { assert(owner); Player* player; if ( owner->isSubclassOf(Player)) player = (Player*)(Sentient*)owner; else player = NULL; if ( (player) && (player->client->ps.pm_flags & PMF_NIGHTVISION) ) { newEvent = new Event( EV_Sentient_SetViewMode ); newEvent->AddString( "nightvision" ); owner->ProcessEvent( newEvent ); return; } } modeName = &_modes.ObjectAt( _currentMode ); // Make sure this mode is available if ( _currentMode != 1 && world->isAnyViewModeAvailable() && !world->isViewModeAvailable( modeName->c_str() ) ) { // This mode isn't allowed _currentMode++; if ( _currentMode > numModes ) _currentMode = 1; continue; } // We have a valid mode so set it newEvent = new Event( EV_Sentient_SetViewMode ); newEvent->AddString( modeName->c_str() ); owner->ProcessEvent( newEvent ); return; } } void Equipment::resetMode( void ) { changeMode( 1 ); } void Equipment::Uninitialize( void ) { if ( !_active ) return; Weapon::Uninitialize(); if ( !owner ) return; if ( !owner->isSubclassOf( Player ) ) return; Player* player = (Player*)(Sentient*)owner; if ( player ) { player->client->ps.pm_flags &= ~(PMF_SCANNER | PMF_RADAR_MODE); } _lastMode = _currentMode; resetMode(); _active = false; } void Equipment::Archive( Archiver &arc ) { Weapon::Archive( arc ); arc.ArchiveBool( &scanner ); arc.ArchiveBool( &scanning ); arc.ArchiveInteger( &_scanEndFrame ); arc.ArchiveInteger( &scanTime ); arc.ArchiveBool( &radar ); _modes.Archive( arc ); arc.ArchiveInteger( &_currentMode ); arc.ArchiveInteger( &_lastMode ); arc.ArchiveString( &_typeName ); arc.ArchiveSafePointer( &_scannedEntity ); arc.ArchiveBool( &_active ); arc.ArchiveFloat( &_nextUseTime ); } void Equipment::setTypeName( Event *ev ) { _typeName = ev->GetString( 1 ); } int Equipment::getStat( int statNum ) { if ( statNum == STAT_WEAPON_GENERIC1 ) { // Return the locking percentage for the torpedo strike str modeName; if ( !scanner || !scanning ) return 0; if ( level.time < _nextUseTime ) return 0; modeName = _modes.ObjectAt( _currentMode ); if ( modeName == "torpedostrike" ) { return (int)( ( ( level.time - scanTime ) / 5.0f ) * 100.0f ); } } else if ( statNum == STAT_WEAPON_GENERIC2 ) { if ( level.time > _nextUseTime ) return 100; return (int)( 100.0f - ( ( _nextUseTime - level.time ) / 30.0f ) * 100.0f ); } return 0; }