//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // $Logfile:: /Code/DLLs/game/steering.cpp $ // $Revision:: 29 $ // $Author:: Steven $ // $Date:: 10/01/02 5:47p $ // // Copyright (C) 1998 by Ritual Entertainment, Inc. // All rights reserved. // // This source may not be distributed and/or modified without // expressly written permission by Ritual Entertainment, Inc. // // // DESCRIPTION: // Steering behaviors for AI. // #include "_pch_cpp.h" #include "steering.h" #include "actor.h" //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Steering Class Definition // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLASS_DECLARATION( Listener, Steering, NULL ) { { NULL, NULL } }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Steering::Steering() : _steeringForce(vec_zero), _origin(vec_zero), _moveDirection(vec_zero), _maxSpeed(320) { } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Steering::ShowInfo(Actor &self) { gi.Printf( "steeringforce: ( %f, %f, %f )\n", _steeringForce.x, _steeringForce.y, _steeringForce.z ); gi.Printf( "origin: ( %f, %f, %f )\n", _origin.x, _origin.y, _origin.z ); gi.Printf( "movedir: ( %f, %f, %f )\n", _moveDirection.x, _moveDirection.y, _moveDirection.z ); gi.Printf( "maxspeed: %f\n", _maxSpeed ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Steering::Begin(Actor &self) { } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- const Steering::ReturnValue Steering::Evaluate(Actor &self) { return Steering::FAILED; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Steering::End(Actor &self) { } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Steering::DrawForces(void) { G_Color3f( 0.3, 0.5, 1 ); G_BeginLine(); G_Vertex( _origin ); G_Vertex( _origin + _steeringForce * FRAMETIME ); G_EndLine(); G_Color3f( 1, 0, 1 ); G_BeginLine(); G_Vertex( _origin ); G_Vertex( _origin + _moveDirection * _maxSpeed * FRAMETIME ); G_EndLine(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Steering::ResetForces(void) { _steeringForce = vec_zero; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- const Vector & Steering::GetSteeringForce( void ) const { return _steeringForce; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Steering::SetSteeringForce( const Vector &steeringForce ) { Vector tempSteeringForce( steeringForce ); tempSteeringForce.EulerNormalize(); _steeringForce=tempSteeringForce; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- const Vector & Steering::GetMoveDirection(void) const { return _moveDirection; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Steering::SetMoveDirection(const Vector &dir) { _moveDirection = dir; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- const float Steering::GetMaxSpeed(void) const { return _maxSpeed; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Steering::SetMaxSpeed(float speed) { _maxSpeed = speed; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- const Vector & Steering::GetPosition(void) const { return _origin; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Steering::SetPosition(const Vector &pos) { _origin = pos; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Jump Class Definition // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLASS_DECLARATION( Steering, Jump, NULL ) { { NULL, NULL } }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jump::Jump(): _launchAngle( 0.0f ), _endtime( 0.0f ), _state( 0.0f ) { } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Jump::SetGoal( const Vector &goalPosition ) { _goal = goalPosition; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Jump::SetEntity(Entity *entity_to_jump_to) { if ( entity_to_jump_to ) _goal = entity_to_jump_to->origin; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Jump::Begin(Actor &self) { self.SetAnim( "jump", EV_Anim_Done ); float traveltime = self.movementSubsystem->JumpTo( _goal, _launchAngle ); _endtime = traveltime + level.time; self.last_jump_time = _endtime; _state = 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- const Steering::ReturnValue Jump::Evaluate(Actor &self) { if (self.GetActorFlag( ACTOR_FLAG_ANIM_DONE )) { _animdone = true; } else { _animdone = false; } self.SetActorFlag( ACTOR_FLAG_ANIM_DONE, false ); switch( _state ) { case 0: _state = 1; // this is here so that we at least hit this function at least once // this gaves the character the chance to leave the ground, nulling out // self.groundentity break; case 1: if ( _animdone ) { if ( self.animate->HasAnim( "fall" ) ) { _animdone = false; self.SetAnim( "fall", EV_Anim_Done ); _state = 2; } } if ( self.groundentity ) _state = 2; break; case 2: // // wait for the character to hit the ground // if ( self.groundentity ) { _state = 3; // // if we have an anim, we go to state 3 // if ( self.animate->HasAnim( "land" ) ) { _animdone = false; self.SetAnim( "land", EV_Anim_Done ); _state = 4; } else { return Steering::EVALUATING; } } break; case 3: // // we are on the ground and waiting to timeout // if ( level.time > _endtime ) return Steering::SUCCESS; break; case 4: // // we are on the ground and waiting for our landing animation to finish // if ( _animdone ) { return Steering::SUCCESS; } break; } return Steering::EVALUATING; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Jump::End(Actor &self) { self.SetAnim( "idle" ); }