// Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Id Software, Inc. // /***************************************************************************** * name: ai_chat.c * * desc: Quake3 bot AI * * $Archive: /Code/DLLs/game/ai_chat.cpp $ * $Author: Steven $ * $Revision: 16 $ * $Modtime: 10/13/03 9:03a $ * $Date: 10/13/03 9:11a $ * *****************************************************************************/ #include "g_local.h" #include "botlib.h" #include "be_aas.h" #include "be_ea.h" #include "be_ai_char.h" #include "be_ai_chat.h" #include "be_ai_gen.h" #include "be_ai_goal.h" #include "be_ai_move.h" #include "be_ai_weap.h" // #include "ai_main.h" #include "ai_dmq3.h" #include "ai_chat.h" #include "ai_cmd.h" #include "ai_dmnet.h" // #include "chars.h" //characteristics #include "inv.h" //indexes into the inventory #include "syn.h" //synonyms #include "match.h" //string matching types and vars // for the voice chats #ifdef MISSIONPACK // bk001205 #include "botmenudef.h" #endif #define TIME_BETWEENCHATTING 25 /* ================== BotNumActivePlayers ================== */ int BotNumActivePlayers(void) { int i, num; char buf[MAX_INFO_STRING]; // static int maxclients->integer; // if (!maxclients->integer) // maxclients->integer = gi.Cvar_VariableIntegerValue("sv_maxclients->integer"); num = 0; for (i = 0; i < maxclients->integer && i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++) { strncpy(buf,gi.getConfigstring(CS_PLAYERS+i), sizeof(buf)); //if no config string or no name if (!strlen(buf) || !strlen(Info_ValueForKey(buf, "name")) ) continue; //skip spectators if (atoi(Info_ValueForKey(buf, "t")) == TEAM_SPECTATOR) continue; // num++; } return num; } /* ================== BotIsFirstInRankings ================== */ int BotIsFirstInRankings(bot_state_t *bs) { // int i, score; // char buf[MAX_INFO_STRING]; // static int maxclients->integer; // playerState_t ps; return qfalse; /* FIXME score = bs->cur_ps.persistant[PERS_SCORE]; for (i = 0; i < maxclients->integer && i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++) { gi.getConfigstring(CS_PLAYERS+i, buf, sizeof(buf)); //if no config string or no name if (!strlen(buf) || !strlen(Info_ValueForKey(buf, "name"))) continue; //skip spectators if (atoi(Info_ValueForKey(buf, "t")) == TEAM_SPECTATOR) continue; // BotAI_GetClientState(i, &ps); if (score < ps.persistant[PERS_SCORE]) return qfalse; } return qtrue; */ } /* ================== BotIsLastInRankings ================== */ int BotIsLastInRankings(bot_state_t *bs) { // int i, score; // char buf[MAX_INFO_STRING]; // playerState_t ps; return qfalse; /* FIXME score = bs->cur_ps.persistant[PERS_SCORE]; for (i = 0; i < maxclients->integer && i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++) { gi.getConfigstring(CS_PLAYERS+i, buf, sizeof(buf)); //if no config string or no name if (!strlen(buf) || !strlen(Info_ValueForKey(buf, "name"))) continue; //skip spectators if (atoi(Info_ValueForKey(buf, "t")) == TEAM_SPECTATOR) continue; // BotAI_GetClientState(i, &ps); if (score > ps.persistant[PERS_SCORE]) return qfalse; } return qtrue; */ } /* ================== BotFirstClientInRankings ================== */ char *BotFirstClientInRankings(void) { int i, bestscore, bestclient; char buf[MAX_INFO_STRING]; static char name[32]; playerState_t ps; bestscore = -999999; bestclient = 0; for (i = 0; i < maxclients->integer && i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++) { strncpy(buf,gi.getConfigstring(CS_PLAYERS+i), sizeof(buf)); //if no config string or no name if (!strlen(buf) || !strlen(Info_ValueForKey(buf, "name"))) continue; //skip spectators if (atoi(Info_ValueForKey(buf, "t")) == TEAM_SPECTATOR) continue; // BotAI_GetClientState(i, &ps); /* FIXME if (ps.persistant[PERS_SCORE] > bestscore) { bestscore = ps.persistant[PERS_SCORE]; bestclient = i; } */ } EasyClientName(bestclient, name, 32); return name; } /* ================== BotLastClientInRankings ================== */ char *BotLastClientInRankings(void) { int i, worstscore, bestclient; char buf[MAX_INFO_STRING]; static char name[32]; playerState_t ps; worstscore = 999999; bestclient = 0; for (i = 0; i < maxclients->integer && i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++) { strncpy(buf,gi.getConfigstring(CS_PLAYERS+i), sizeof(buf)); //if no config string or no name if (!strlen(buf) || !strlen(Info_ValueForKey(buf, "name"))) continue; //skip spectators if (atoi(Info_ValueForKey(buf, "t")) == TEAM_SPECTATOR) continue; // BotAI_GetClientState(i, &ps); /* FIXME if (ps.persistant[PERS_SCORE] < worstscore) { worstscore = ps.persistant[PERS_SCORE]; bestclient = i; } */ } EasyClientName(bestclient, name, 32); return name; } /* ================== BotRandomOpponentName ================== */ char *BotRandomOpponentName(bot_state_t *bs) { int i, count; char buf[MAX_INFO_STRING]; int opponents[MAX_CLIENTS], numopponents; static char name[32]; numopponents = 0; opponents[0] = 0; for (i = 0; i < maxclients->integer && i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++) { if (i == bs->client) continue; // strncpy(buf,gi.getConfigstring(CS_PLAYERS+i), sizeof(buf)); //if no config string or no name if (!strlen(buf) || !strlen(Info_ValueForKey(buf, "name"))) continue; //skip spectators if (atoi(Info_ValueForKey(buf, "t")) == TEAM_SPECTATOR) continue; //skip team mates if (BotSameTeam(bs, i)) continue; // opponents[numopponents] = i; numopponents++; } count = (int)(random() * numopponents); for (i = 0; i < numopponents; i++) { count--; if (count <= 0) { EasyClientName(opponents[i], name, sizeof(name)); return name; } } EasyClientName(opponents[0], name, sizeof(name)); return name; } /* ================== BotMapTitle ================== */ char *BotMapTitle(void) { char info[1024]; static char mapname[128]; gi.SV_GetServerinfo(info, sizeof(info)); strncpy(mapname, Info_ValueForKey( info, "mapname" ), sizeof(mapname)-1); mapname[sizeof(mapname)-1] = '\0'; return mapname; } /* ================== BotWeaponNameForMeansOfDeath ================== */ char *BotWeaponNameForMeansOfDeath( int mod ) { static char meansOfDeathName[ 64 ]; strcpy( meansOfDeathName, "$$MOD-" ); strcat( meansOfDeathName, MOD_NumToName( mod ) ); strcat( meansOfDeathName, "$$" ); return meansOfDeathName; /* switch(mod) { //case MOD_IMOD: return "I-Mod"; case MOD_EXPLOSION: return "Explosion"; case MOD_VAPORIZE: case MOD_VAPORIZE_DISRUPTOR: // fall-through case MOD_VAPORIZE_COMP: // fall-through return "Beam blast"; default: return "Energy weapon"; } // return "Energy weapon"; */ } /* ================== BotRandomWeaponName ================== */ char *BotRandomWeaponName(void) { int rnd; rnd = rand() % 17; switch( rnd ) { case 0: return "$$Weapon-AttrexianRifle$$"; case 1: return "$$Weapon-Batleth$$"; case 2: return "$$Weapon-BurstRifle$$"; case 3: return "$$Weapon-CompressionRifle$$"; case 4: return "$$Weapon-DrullStaff$$"; case 5: return "$$Weapon-FieldAssaultRifle$$"; case 6: return "$$Weapon-GrenadeLauncher$$"; case 7: return "$$Weapon-I-Mod$$"; case 8: return "$$Weapon-Phaser$$"; case 9: return "$$Weapon-PhotonBurst$$"; case 10: return "$$Weapon-RomulanDisruptor$$"; case 11: return "$$Weapon-RomulanRadGun$$"; case 12: return "$$Weapon-FederationSniperRifle$$"; case 13: return "$$Weapon-TetryonGatlingGun$$"; case 14: return "$$Weapon-AttrexianRifle$$"; case 15: return "$$Weapon-AttrexianRifle$$"; case 16: return "$$Weapon-AttrexianRifle$$"; default: return "$$Weapon-Phaser$$"; } } /* ================== BotVisibleEnemies ================== */ int BotVisibleEnemies(bot_state_t *bs) { float vis; int i; aas_entityinfo_t entinfo; for (i = 0; i < maxclients->integer && i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++) { if (i == bs->client) continue; // BotEntityInfo(i, &entinfo); // if (!entinfo.valid) continue; //if the enemy isn't dead and the enemy isn't the bot self if (EntityIsDead(&entinfo) || entinfo.number == bs->entitynum) continue; //if the enemy is invisible and not shooting if (EntityIsInvisible(&entinfo) && !EntityIsShooting(&entinfo)) { continue; } //if on the same team if (BotSameTeam(bs, i)) continue; //check if the enemy is visible vis = BotEntityVisible(bs->entitynum, bs->eye, bs->viewangles, 360, i); if (vis > 0) return qtrue; } return qfalse; } /* ================== BotValidChatPosition ================== */ int BotValidChatPosition(bot_state_t *bs) { vec3_t point, start, end, mins, maxs; bsp_trace_t trace; //if the bot is dead all positions are valid if (BotIsDead(bs)) return qtrue; //never start chatting with a powerup if (bs->inventory[INVENTORY_QUAD] || bs->inventory[INVENTORY_HASTE] || bs->inventory[INVENTORY_INVISIBILITY] || bs->inventory[INVENTORY_REGEN] || bs->inventory[INVENTORY_FLIGHT]) return qfalse; //must be on the ground //if (bs->cur_ps.groundEntityNum != ENTITYNUM_NONE) return qfalse; //do not chat if in lava or slime VectorCopy(bs->origin, point); point[2] -= 24; if (gi.pointcontents(point,bs->entitynum) & (CONTENTS_LAVA|CONTENTS_SLIME)) return qfalse; //do not chat if under water VectorCopy(bs->origin, point); point[2] += 32; if (gi.pointcontents(point,bs->entitynum) & MASK_WATER) return qfalse; //must be standing on the world entity VectorCopy(bs->origin, start); VectorCopy(bs->origin, end); start[2] += 1; end[2] -= 10; gi.AAS_PresenceTypeBoundingBox(PRESENCE_CROUCH, mins, maxs); BotAI_Trace(&trace, start, mins, maxs, end, bs->client, MASK_SOLID); if (trace.ent != ENTITYNUM_WORLD) return qfalse; //the bot is in a position where it can chat return qtrue; } /* ================== BotChat_EnterGame ================== */ int BotChat_EnterGame(bot_state_t *bs) { char name[32]; float rnd; if (bot_nochat.integer) return qfalse; if (bs->lastchat_time > FloatTime() - TIME_BETWEENCHATTING) return qfalse; //don't chat in teamplay if (TeamPlayIsOn()) return qfalse; // don't chat in tournament mode if (gametype == GT_TOURNAMENT) return qfalse; rnd = gi.Characteristic_BFloat(bs->character, CHARACTERISTIC_CHAT_ENTEREXITGAME, 0, 1); if (!bot_fastchat.integer) { if (random() > rnd) return qfalse; } if (BotNumActivePlayers() <= 1) return qfalse; if (!BotValidChatPosition(bs)) return qfalse; BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "game_enter", EasyClientName(bs->client, name, 32), // 0 BotRandomOpponentName(bs), // 1 "[invalid var]", // 2 "[invalid var]", // 3 BotMapTitle(), // 4 NULL); bs->lastchat_time = FloatTime(); bs->chatto = CHAT_ALL; return qtrue; } /* ================== BotChat_ExitGame ================== */ int BotChat_ExitGame(bot_state_t *bs) { char name[32]; float rnd; if (bot_nochat.integer) return qfalse; if (bs->lastchat_time > FloatTime() - TIME_BETWEENCHATTING) return qfalse; //don't chat in teamplay if (TeamPlayIsOn()) return qfalse; // don't chat in tournament mode if (gametype == GT_TOURNAMENT) return qfalse; rnd = gi.Characteristic_BFloat(bs->character, CHARACTERISTIC_CHAT_ENTEREXITGAME, 0, 1); if (!bot_fastchat.integer) { if (random() > rnd) return qfalse; } if (BotNumActivePlayers() <= 1) return qfalse; // BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "game_exit", EasyClientName(bs->client, name, 32), // 0 BotRandomOpponentName(bs), // 1 "[invalid var]", // 2 "[invalid var]", // 3 BotMapTitle(), // 4 NULL); bs->lastchat_time = FloatTime(); bs->chatto = CHAT_ALL; return qtrue; } /* ================== BotChat_StartLevel ================== */ int BotChat_StartLevel(bot_state_t *bs) { char name[32]; float rnd; if (bot_nochat.integer) return qfalse; if (BotIsObserver(bs)) return qfalse; if (bs->lastchat_time > FloatTime() - TIME_BETWEENCHATTING) return qfalse; //don't chat in teamplay if (TeamPlayIsOn()) { gi.EA_Command(bs->client, "vtaunt"); return qfalse; } // don't chat in tournament mode if (gametype == GT_TOURNAMENT) return qfalse; rnd = gi.Characteristic_BFloat(bs->character, CHARACTERISTIC_CHAT_STARTENDLEVEL, 0, 1); if (!bot_fastchat.integer) { if (random() > rnd) return qfalse; } if (BotNumActivePlayers() <= 1) return qfalse; BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "level_start", EasyClientName(bs->client, name, 32), // 0 NULL); bs->lastchat_time = FloatTime(); bs->chatto = CHAT_ALL; return qtrue; } /* ================== BotChat_EndLevel ================== */ int BotChat_EndLevel(bot_state_t *bs) { char name[32]; float rnd; if (bot_nochat.integer) return qfalse; if (BotIsObserver(bs)) return qfalse; if (bs->lastchat_time > FloatTime() - TIME_BETWEENCHATTING) return qfalse; // teamplay if (TeamPlayIsOn()) { if (BotIsFirstInRankings(bs)) { gi.EA_Command(bs->client, "vtaunt"); } return qtrue; } // don't chat in tournament mode if (gametype == GT_TOURNAMENT) return qfalse; rnd = gi.Characteristic_BFloat(bs->character, CHARACTERISTIC_CHAT_STARTENDLEVEL, 0, 1); if (!bot_fastchat.integer) { if (random() > rnd) return qfalse; } if (BotNumActivePlayers() <= 1) return qfalse; // if (BotIsFirstInRankings(bs)) { BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "level_end_victory", EasyClientName(bs->client, name, 32), // 0 BotRandomOpponentName(bs), // 1 "[invalid var]", // 2 BotLastClientInRankings(), // 3 BotMapTitle(), // 4 NULL); } else if (BotIsLastInRankings(bs)) { BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "level_end_lose", EasyClientName(bs->client, name, 32), // 0 BotRandomOpponentName(bs), // 1 BotFirstClientInRankings(), // 2 "[invalid var]", // 3 BotMapTitle(), // 4 NULL); } else { BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "level_end", EasyClientName(bs->client, name, 32), // 0 BotRandomOpponentName(bs), // 1 BotFirstClientInRankings(), // 2 BotLastClientInRankings(), // 3 BotMapTitle(), // 4 NULL); } bs->lastchat_time = FloatTime(); bs->chatto = CHAT_ALL; return qtrue; } /* ================== BotChat_Death ================== */ int BotChat_Death(bot_state_t *bs) { char name[32]; float rnd; if (bot_nochat.integer) return qfalse; if (bs->lastchat_time > FloatTime() - TIME_BETWEENCHATTING) return qfalse; rnd = gi.Characteristic_BFloat(bs->character, CHARACTERISTIC_CHAT_DEATH, 0, 1); // don't chat in tournament mode if (gametype == GT_TOURNAMENT) return qfalse; //if fast chatting is off if (!bot_fastchat.integer) { if (random() > rnd) return qfalse; } if (BotNumActivePlayers() <= 1) return qfalse; // if (bs->lastkilledby >= 0 && bs->lastkilledby < maxclients->integer) EasyClientName(bs->lastkilledby, name, 32); else strcpy(name, "[world]"); // if (TeamPlayIsOn() && BotSameTeam(bs, bs->lastkilledby)) { if (bs->lastkilledby == bs->client) return qfalse; BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "death_teammate", name, NULL); bs->chatto = CHAT_TEAM; } else { const char *enemyName; char meansOfDeathName[ 64 ]; // Build the chat type strcpy( meansOfDeathName, "death_" ); strcat( meansOfDeathName, MOD_NumToName( bs->botdeathtype ) ); // Determine which enemy to char to if ( ( bs->botdeathtype == MOD_DROWN ) || ( bs->botdeathtype == MOD_LAVA ) || ( bs->botdeathtype == MOD_SUICIDE ) || ( bs->botdeathtype == MOD_SLIME ) || ( bs->botdeathtype == MOD_FALLING ) || ( bs->botdeathtype == MOD_CRUSH ) ) { enemyName = BotRandomOpponentName( bs ); } else { enemyName = name; } // Try to chat if ( G_Random() < 0.25f ) { gi.EA_Command( bs->client, "taunt 2" ); } else if ( gi.BotNumInitialChats( bs->cs, meansOfDeathName ) ) { BotAI_BotInitialChat( bs, meansOfDeathName, enemyName, BotWeaponNameForMeansOfDeath( bs->botdeathtype ), NULL ); } else if ( ( random() < gi.Characteristic_BFloat( bs->character, CHARACTERISTIC_CHAT_INSULT, 0, 1 ) ) && ( gi.BotNumInitialChats( bs->cs, "death_insult" ) ) ) { BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "death_insult", enemyName, BotWeaponNameForMeansOfDeath( bs->botdeathtype ), NULL); } else if ( gi.BotNumInitialChats( bs->cs, "death_praise" ) ) { BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "death_praise", enemyName, BotWeaponNameForMeansOfDeath( bs->botdeathtype ), NULL); } /* //teamplay // if (TeamPlayIsOn()) { // gi.EA_Command(bs->client, "vtaunt"); // return qtrue; // } // // if (bs->botdeathtype == MOD_WATER) // BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "death_drown", BotRandomOpponentName(bs), NULL); // else if (bs->botdeathtype == MOD_SLIME) BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "death_slime", BotRandomOpponentName(bs), NULL); else if (bs->botdeathtype == MOD_LAVA) BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "death_lava", BotRandomOpponentName(bs), NULL); else if (bs->botdeathtype == MOD_FALLING) BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "death_cratered", BotRandomOpponentName(bs), NULL); else if (bs->botsuicide || //all other suicides by own weapon bs->botdeathtype == MOD_CRUSH || bs->botdeathtype == MOD_SUICIDE) // || // bs->botdeathtype == MOD_TARGET_LASER || // bs->botdeathtype == MOD_TRIGGER_HURT || // bs->botdeathtype == MOD_UNKNOWN) BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "death_suicide", BotRandomOpponentName(bs), NULL); else if (bs->botdeathtype == MOD_TELEFRAG) BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "death_telefrag", name, NULL); #ifdef MISSIONPACKBOTTODO else if (bs->botdeathtype == MOD_KAMIKAZE && gi.BotNumInitialChats(bs->cs, "death_kamikaze")) BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "death_kamikaze", name, NULL); #endif else { if ((//bs->botdeathtype == MOD_IMOD || bs->botdeathtype == MOD_VAPORIZE_DISRUPTOR || bs->botdeathtype == MOD_VAPORIZE_COMP || bs->botdeathtype == MOD_VAPORIZE || bs->botdeathtype == MOD_EXPLOSION) && random() < 0.5) { if (bs->botdeathtype == MOD_EXPLOSION) BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "death_explosion", name, // 0 BotWeaponNameForMeansOfDeath(bs->botdeathtype), // 1 NULL); else BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "death_vaporize", name, // 0 BotWeaponNameForMeansOfDeath(bs->botdeathtype), // 1 NULL); } //choose between insult and praise else if (random() < gi.Characteristic_BFloat(bs->character, CHARACTERISTIC_CHAT_INSULT, 0, 1)) { BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "death_insult", name, // 0 BotWeaponNameForMeansOfDeath(bs->botdeathtype), // 1 NULL); } else { BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "death_praise", name, // 0 BotWeaponNameForMeansOfDeath(bs->botdeathtype), // 1 NULL); } } */ bs->chatto = CHAT_ALL; } bs->lastchat_time = FloatTime(); return qtrue; } /* ================== BotChat_Kill ================== */ int BotChat_Kill(bot_state_t *bs) { char name[32]; float rnd; if (bot_nochat.integer) return qfalse; if (bs->lastchat_time > FloatTime() - TIME_BETWEENCHATTING) return qfalse; rnd = gi.Characteristic_BFloat(bs->character, CHARACTERISTIC_CHAT_KILL, 0, 1); // don't chat in tournament mode if (gametype == GT_TOURNAMENT) return qfalse; //if fast chat is off if (!bot_fastchat.integer) { if (random() > rnd) return qfalse; } if (bs->lastkilledplayer == bs->client) return qfalse; if (BotNumActivePlayers() <= 1) return qfalse; if (!BotValidChatPosition(bs)) return qfalse; // if (BotVisibleEnemies(bs)) return qfalse; // EasyClientName(bs->lastkilledplayer, name, 32); // bs->chatto = CHAT_ALL; if ( TeamPlayIsOn() && BotSameTeam( bs, bs->lastkilledplayer ) ) { BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "kill_teammate", name, NULL); bs->chatto = CHAT_TEAM; } else { char meansOfDeathName[ 64 ]; // Build the chat type strcpy( meansOfDeathName, "kill_" ); strcat( meansOfDeathName, MOD_NumToName( bs->botdeathtype ) ); // Try to chat if ( G_Random() < 0.25f ) { gi.EA_Command( bs->client, "taunt 1" ); } else if ( gi.BotNumInitialChats( bs->cs, meansOfDeathName ) ) { BotAI_BotInitialChat( bs, meansOfDeathName, name, NULL ); } else if ( ( random() < gi.Characteristic_BFloat( bs->character, CHARACTERISTIC_CHAT_INSULT, 0, 1 ) ) && ( gi.BotNumInitialChats( bs->cs, "kill_insult" ) ) ) { BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "kill_insult", name, NULL); } else if ( gi.BotNumInitialChats( bs->cs, "kill_praise" ) ) { BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "kill_praise", name, NULL); } /* if (bs->enemydeathtype == MOD_IMOD) { BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "kill_imod", name, NULL); } else if ( (bs->enemydeathtype == MOD_VAPORIZE) || (bs->enemydeathtype == MOD_VAPORIZE_COMP) || (bs->enemydeathtype == MOD_VAPORIZE_DISRUPTOR) ) { BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "kill_vaporize", name, NULL); } else if (bs->enemydeathtype == MOD_EXPLOSION) { BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "kill_explosion", name, NULL); } if (bs->enemydeathtype == MOD_TELEFRAG) { BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "kill_telefrag", name, NULL); } #ifdef MISSIONPACKBOTTODO else if (bs->botdeathtype == MOD_KAMIKAZE && gi.BotNumInitialChats(bs->cs, "kill_kamikaze")) BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "kill_kamikaze", name, NULL); #endif //choose between insult and praise else if (random() < gi.Characteristic_BFloat(bs->character, CHARACTERISTIC_CHAT_INSULT, 0, 1)) { BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "kill_insult", name, NULL); } else { BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "kill_praise", name, NULL); } */ } bs->lastchat_time = FloatTime(); return qtrue; } /* ================== BotChat_EnemySuicide ================== */ int BotChat_EnemySuicide(bot_state_t *bs) { // char name[32]; // float rnd; return qfalse; /* FIXME if (bot_nochat.integer) return qfalse; if (bs->lastchat_time > FloatTime() - TIME_BETWEENCHATTING) return qfalse; if (BotNumActivePlayers() <= 1) return qfalse; // rnd = gi.Characteristic_BFloat(bs->character, CHARACTERISTIC_CHAT_KILL, 0, 1); //don't chat in teamplay if (TeamPlayIsOn()) return qfalse; // don't chat in tournament mode if (gametype == GT_TOURNAMENT) return qfalse; //if fast chat is off if (!bot_fastchat.integer) { if (random() > rnd) return qfalse; } if (!BotValidChatPosition(bs)) return qfalse; // if (BotVisibleEnemies(bs)) return qfalse; // if (bs->enemy >= 0) EasyClientName(bs->enemy, name, 32); else strcpy(name, ""); BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "enemy_suicide", name, NULL); bs->lastchat_time = FloatTime(); bs->chatto = CHAT_ALL; return qtrue; */ } /* ================== BotChat_HitTalking ================== */ int BotChat_HitTalking(bot_state_t *bs) { // char name[32], *weap; // int lasthurt_client; // float rnd; /* if (bot_nochat.integer) return qfalse; if (bs->lastchat_time > FloatTime() - TIME_BETWEENCHATTING) return qfalse; if (BotNumActivePlayers() <= 1) return qfalse; lasthurt_client = g_entities[bs->client].client->lasthurt_client; if (!lasthurt_client) return qfalse; if (lasthurt_client == bs->client) return qfalse; // if (lasthurt_client < 0 || lasthurt_client >= MAX_CLIENTS) return qfalse; // rnd = gi.Characteristic_BFloat(bs->character, CHARACTERISTIC_CHAT_HITTALKING, 0, 1); //don't chat in teamplay if (TeamPlayIsOn()) return qfalse; // don't chat in tournament mode if (gametype == GT_TOURNAMENT) return qfalse; //if fast chat is off if (!bot_fastchat.integer) { if (random() > rnd * 0.5) return qfalse; } if (!BotValidChatPosition(bs)) return qfalse; // ClientName(g_entities[bs->client].client->lasthurt_client, name, sizeof(name)); weap = BotWeaponNameForMeansOfDeath(g_entities[bs->client].client->lasthurt_client); // BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "hit_talking", name, weap, NULL); bs->lastchat_time = FloatTime(); bs->chatto = CHAT_ALL; */ return qtrue; } /* ================== BotChat_HitNoDeath ================== */ int BotChat_HitNoDeath(bot_state_t *bs) { // char name[32], *weap; // float rnd; // int lasthurt_client; // aas_entityinfo_t entinfo; /* lasthurt_client = g_entities[bs->client].client->lasthurt_client; if (!lasthurt_client) return qfalse; if (lasthurt_client == bs->client) return qfalse; // if (lasthurt_client < 0 || lasthurt_client >= MAX_CLIENTS) return qfalse; // if (bot_nochat.integer) return qfalse; if (bs->lastchat_time > FloatTime() - TIME_BETWEENCHATTING) return qfalse; if (BotNumActivePlayers() <= 1) return qfalse; rnd = gi.Characteristic_BFloat(bs->character, CHARACTERISTIC_CHAT_HITNODEATH, 0, 1); //don't chat in teamplay if (TeamPlayIsOn()) return qfalse; // don't chat in tournament mode if (gametype == GT_TOURNAMENT) return qfalse; //if fast chat is off if (!bot_fastchat.integer) { if (random() > rnd * 0.5) return qfalse; } if (!BotValidChatPosition(bs)) return qfalse; // if (BotVisibleEnemies(bs)) return qfalse; // BotEntityInfo(bs->enemy, &entinfo); if (EntityIsShooting(&entinfo)) return qfalse; // ClientName(lasthurt_client, name, sizeof(name)); weap = BotWeaponNameForMeansOfDeath(g_entities[bs->client].client->lasthurt_mod); // BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "hit_nodeath", name, weap, NULL); bs->lastchat_time = FloatTime(); bs->chatto = CHAT_ALL; */ return qtrue; } /* ================== BotChat_HitNoKill ================== */ int BotChat_HitNoKill(bot_state_t *bs) { // char name[32], *weap; // float rnd; // aas_entityinfo_t entinfo; return qfalse; // FIXME /* if (bot_nochat.integer) return qfalse; if (bs->lastchat_time > FloatTime() - TIME_BETWEENCHATTING) return qfalse; if (BotNumActivePlayers() <= 1) return qfalse; rnd = gi.Characteristic_BFloat(bs->character, CHARACTERISTIC_CHAT_HITNOKILL, 0, 1); //don't chat in teamplay if (TeamPlayIsOn()) return qfalse; // don't chat in tournament mode if (gametype == GT_TOURNAMENT) return qfalse; //if fast chat is off if (!bot_fastchat.integer) { if (random() > rnd * 0.5) return qfalse; } if (!BotValidChatPosition(bs)) return qfalse; // if (BotVisibleEnemies(bs)) return qfalse; // BotEntityInfo(bs->enemy, &entinfo); if (EntityIsShooting(&entinfo)) return qfalse; // ClientName(bs->enemy, name, sizeof(name)); weap = BotWeaponNameForMeansOfDeath(g_entities[bs->enemy].client->lasthurt_mod); // BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "hit_nokill", name, weap, NULL); bs->lastchat_time = FloatTime(); bs->chatto = CHAT_ALL; return qtrue; */ } /* ================== BotChat_Random ================== */ int BotChat_Random(bot_state_t *bs) { float rnd; char name[32]; if (bot_nochat.integer) return qfalse; if (BotIsObserver(bs)) return qfalse; if (bs->lastchat_time > FloatTime() - TIME_BETWEENCHATTING) return qfalse; // don't chat in tournament mode if (gametype == GT_TOURNAMENT) return qfalse; //don't chat when doing something important :) if (bs->ltgtype == LTG_TEAMHELP || bs->ltgtype == LTG_TEAMACCOMPANY || bs->ltgtype == LTG_RUSHBASE) return qfalse; // rnd = gi.Characteristic_BFloat(bs->character, CHARACTERISTIC_CHAT_RANDOM, 0, 1); if (random() > bs->thinktime * 0.1) return qfalse; if (!bot_fastchat.integer) { if (random() > rnd) return qfalse; if (random() > 0.25) return qfalse; } if (BotNumActivePlayers() <= 1) return qfalse; // if (!BotValidChatPosition(bs)) return qfalse; // if (BotVisibleEnemies(bs)) return qfalse; // if (bs->lastkilledplayer == bs->client) { strcpy(name, BotRandomOpponentName(bs)); } else { EasyClientName(bs->lastkilledplayer, name, sizeof(name)); } if (TeamPlayIsOn()) { gi.EA_Command(bs->client, "vtaunt"); return qfalse; // don't wait } // if (random() < gi.Characteristic_BFloat(bs->character, CHARACTERISTIC_CHAT_MISC, 0, 1)) { BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "random_misc", BotRandomOpponentName(bs), // 0 name, // 1 "[invalid var]", // 2 "[invalid var]", // 3 BotMapTitle(), // 4 BotRandomWeaponName(), // 5 NULL); } else { BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "random_insult", BotRandomOpponentName(bs), // 0 name, // 1 "[invalid var]", // 2 "[invalid var]", // 3 BotMapTitle(), // 4 BotRandomWeaponName(), // 5 NULL); } bs->lastchat_time = FloatTime(); bs->chatto = CHAT_ALL; return qtrue; } /* ================== BotChatTime ================== */ float BotChatTime(bot_state_t *bs) { int cpm; cpm = gi.Characteristic_BInteger(bs->character, CHARACTERISTIC_CHAT_CPM, 1, 4000); return 0.0f; //(float) gi.BotChatLength(bs->cs) * 30 / cpm; } /* ================== BotChatTest ================== */ void BotChatTest(bot_state_t *bs) { char name[32]; // char *weap; int num, i; num = gi.BotNumInitialChats(bs->cs, "game_enter"); for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "game_enter", EasyClientName(bs->client, name, 32), // 0 BotRandomOpponentName(bs), // 1 "[invalid var]", // 2 "[invalid var]", // 3 BotMapTitle(), // 4 NULL); gi.BotEnterChat(bs->cs, 0, CHAT_ALL); } num = gi.BotNumInitialChats(bs->cs, "game_exit"); for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "game_exit", EasyClientName(bs->client, name, 32), // 0 BotRandomOpponentName(bs), // 1 "[invalid var]", // 2 "[invalid var]", // 3 BotMapTitle(), // 4 NULL); gi.BotEnterChat(bs->cs, 0, CHAT_ALL); } num = gi.BotNumInitialChats(bs->cs, "level_start"); for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "level_start", EasyClientName(bs->client, name, 32), // 0 NULL); gi.BotEnterChat(bs->cs, 0, CHAT_ALL); } num = gi.BotNumInitialChats(bs->cs, "level_end_victory"); for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "level_end_victory", EasyClientName(bs->client, name, 32), // 0 BotRandomOpponentName(bs), // 1 BotFirstClientInRankings(), // 2 BotLastClientInRankings(), // 3 BotMapTitle(), // 4 NULL); gi.BotEnterChat(bs->cs, 0, CHAT_ALL); } num = gi.BotNumInitialChats(bs->cs, "level_end_lose"); for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "level_end_lose", EasyClientName(bs->client, name, 32), // 0 BotRandomOpponentName(bs), // 1 BotFirstClientInRankings(), // 2 BotLastClientInRankings(), // 3 BotMapTitle(), // 4 NULL); gi.BotEnterChat(bs->cs, 0, CHAT_ALL); } num = gi.BotNumInitialChats(bs->cs, "level_end"); for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "level_end", EasyClientName(bs->client, name, 32), // 0 BotRandomOpponentName(bs), // 1 BotFirstClientInRankings(), // 2 BotLastClientInRankings(), // 3 BotMapTitle(), // 4 NULL); gi.BotEnterChat(bs->cs, 0, CHAT_ALL); } EasyClientName(bs->lastkilledby, name, sizeof(name)); num = gi.BotNumInitialChats(bs->cs, "death_drown"); for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { // BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "death_drown", name, NULL); gi.BotEnterChat(bs->cs, 0, CHAT_ALL); } num = gi.BotNumInitialChats(bs->cs, "death_slime"); for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "death_slime", name, NULL); gi.BotEnterChat(bs->cs, 0, CHAT_ALL); } num = gi.BotNumInitialChats(bs->cs, "death_lava"); for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "death_lava", name, NULL); gi.BotEnterChat(bs->cs, 0, CHAT_ALL); } num = gi.BotNumInitialChats(bs->cs, "death_cratered"); for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "death_cratered", name, NULL); gi.BotEnterChat(bs->cs, 0, CHAT_ALL); } num = gi.BotNumInitialChats(bs->cs, "death_suicide"); for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "death_suicide", name, NULL); gi.BotEnterChat(bs->cs, 0, CHAT_ALL); } num = gi.BotNumInitialChats(bs->cs, "death_telefrag"); for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "death_telefrag", name, NULL); gi.BotEnterChat(bs->cs, 0, CHAT_ALL); } num = gi.BotNumInitialChats(bs->cs, "death_gauntlet"); for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "death_gauntlet", name, // 0 BotWeaponNameForMeansOfDeath(bs->botdeathtype), // 1 NULL); gi.BotEnterChat(bs->cs, 0, CHAT_ALL); } num = gi.BotNumInitialChats(bs->cs, "death_rail"); for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "death_rail", name, // 0 BotWeaponNameForMeansOfDeath(bs->botdeathtype), // 1 NULL); gi.BotEnterChat(bs->cs, 0, CHAT_ALL); } num = gi.BotNumInitialChats(bs->cs, "death_bfg"); for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "death_bfg", name, // 0 BotWeaponNameForMeansOfDeath(bs->botdeathtype), // 1 NULL); gi.BotEnterChat(bs->cs, 0, CHAT_ALL); } num = gi.BotNumInitialChats(bs->cs, "death_insult"); for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "death_insult", name, // 0 BotWeaponNameForMeansOfDeath(bs->botdeathtype), // 1 NULL); gi.BotEnterChat(bs->cs, 0, CHAT_ALL); } num = gi.BotNumInitialChats(bs->cs, "death_praise"); for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "death_praise", name, // 0 BotWeaponNameForMeansOfDeath(bs->botdeathtype), // 1 NULL); gi.BotEnterChat(bs->cs, 0, CHAT_ALL); } // EasyClientName(bs->lastkilledplayer, name, 32); // num = gi.BotNumInitialChats(bs->cs, "kill_gauntlet"); for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { // BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "kill_gauntlet", name, NULL); gi.BotEnterChat(bs->cs, 0, CHAT_ALL); } num = gi.BotNumInitialChats(bs->cs, "kill_rail"); for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "kill_rail", name, NULL); gi.BotEnterChat(bs->cs, 0, CHAT_ALL); } num = gi.BotNumInitialChats(bs->cs, "kill_telefrag"); for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "kill_telefrag", name, NULL); gi.BotEnterChat(bs->cs, 0, CHAT_ALL); } num = gi.BotNumInitialChats(bs->cs, "kill_insult"); for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "kill_insult", name, NULL); gi.BotEnterChat(bs->cs, 0, CHAT_ALL); } num = gi.BotNumInitialChats(bs->cs, "kill_praise"); for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "kill_praise", name, NULL); gi.BotEnterChat(bs->cs, 0, CHAT_ALL); } num = gi.BotNumInitialChats(bs->cs, "enemy_suicide"); for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "enemy_suicide", name, NULL); gi.BotEnterChat(bs->cs, 0, CHAT_ALL); } /* ClientName(g_entities[bs->client].client->lasthurt_client, name, sizeof(name)); weap = BotWeaponNameForMeansOfDeath(g_entities[bs->client].client->lasthurt_client); num = gi.BotNumInitialChats(bs->cs, "hit_talking"); for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "hit_talking", name, weap, NULL); gi.BotEnterChat(bs->cs, 0, CHAT_ALL); } num = gi.BotNumInitialChats(bs->cs, "hit_nodeath"); for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "hit_nodeath", name, weap, NULL); gi.BotEnterChat(bs->cs, 0, CHAT_ALL); } num = gi.BotNumInitialChats(bs->cs, "hit_nokill"); for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "hit_nokill", name, weap, NULL); gi.BotEnterChat(bs->cs, 0, CHAT_ALL); } */ // if (bs->lastkilledplayer == bs->client) { strcpy(name, BotRandomOpponentName(bs)); } else { EasyClientName(bs->lastkilledplayer, name, sizeof(name)); } // num = gi.BotNumInitialChats(bs->cs, "random_misc"); for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { // BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "random_misc", BotRandomOpponentName(bs), // 0 name, // 1 "[invalid var]", // 2 "[invalid var]", // 3 BotMapTitle(), // 4 BotRandomWeaponName(), // 5 NULL); gi.BotEnterChat(bs->cs, 0, CHAT_ALL); } num = gi.BotNumInitialChats(bs->cs, "random_insult"); for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "random_insult", BotRandomOpponentName(bs), // 0 name, // 1 "[invalid var]", // 2 "[invalid var]", // 3 BotMapTitle(), // 4 BotRandomWeaponName(), // 5 NULL); gi.BotEnterChat(bs->cs, 0, CHAT_ALL); } }