// // $Logfile:: /Code/DLLs/game/actor_locomotion.cpp $ // $Revision:: 47 $ // $Author:: Sketcher $ // $Date:: 4/26/03 4:24p $ // // Copyright (C) 2001 by Ritual Entertainment, Inc. // All rights reserved. // // This source may not be distributed and/or modified without // expressly written permission by Ritual Entertainment, Inc. // // #include "_pch_cpp.h" #include "actor_locomotion.h" #include "player.h" #include "object.h" //====================================== // LocomotionController Implementation //===================================== // // Name: LocomotionController() // Class: LocomotionController // // Description: Default Constructor // // Parameters: None // // Returns: None // LocomotionController::LocomotionController() { // Should always use other constructor gi.Error( ERR_FATAL, "LocomotionController::LocomotionController -- Default Constructor Called" ); } // // Name: LocomotionController() // Class: LocomotionController // // Description: Default Constructor // // Parameters: Actor *actor // // Returns: None // LocomotionController::LocomotionController( Actor *actor ) { //Initialize our Actor if ( actor ) act = actor; else gi.Error( ERR_DROP, "LocomotionController::LocomotionController -- actor is NULL" ); _init(); } // // Name: ~LocomotionController() // Class: LocomotionController() // // Description: Destructor // // Parameters: None // // Returns: None // LocomotionController::~LocomotionController() { } // // Name: Begin() // Class: LocomotionController // // Description: Begins a session of locomotion // // Parameters: None // // Returns: None // void LocomotionController::Begin() { _chase.Begin( *act ); } // // Name: Evaluate() // Class: LocomotionController // // Description: Evaluation Iteration for the locomotion session // // Parameters: None // // Returns: None // void LocomotionController::Evaluate() { _chase.Evaluate( *act ); } // // Name: End() // Class: LocomotionController // // Description: Ends a locomotion session // // Parameters: None // // Returns: None // void LocomotionController::End() { _chase.End( *act ); } // // Name: SetMovementStyle() // Class: LocomotionController // // Description: Sets the _movementStyle // // Parameters: MovementStyle Style -- The style to set // // Returns: None // void LocomotionController::SetMovementStyle( MovementStyle style ) { _movementStyle = style; } // // Name: GetMovementStyle() // Class: LocomotionController // // Description: Gets the _movementStyle // // Parameters: None // // Returns: _movementStyle // MovementStyle LocomotionController::GetMovementStyle() { return _movementStyle; } // // Name: DoArchive() // Class: LocomotionController // // Description: Sets the Actor pointer and calls Archive() // // Parameters: Archiver &arc -- The archiver object // Actor *actor -- The actor // // Returns: None // void LocomotionController::DoArchive( Archiver &arc , Actor *actor ) { Archive( arc ); if ( actor ) act = actor; else gi.Error( ERR_FATAL, "LocomotionController::DoArchive -- actor is NULL" ); } // // Name: Archive() // Class: LocomotionController // // Description: Archives the class // // Parameters: Archiver &arc -- The archiver object // // Returns: None // void LocomotionController::Archive( Archiver &arc ) { ArchiveEnum( _movementStyle, MovementStyle ); arc.ArchiveObject( &_chase ); } // // Name: _init() // Class: LocomotionController // // Description: Initializes the class // // Parameters: None // // Returns: None // void LocomotionController::_init() { _movementStyle = MOVEMENT_STYLE_NONE; } //====================================== // MovementSubsystem Implementation //===================================== // Init Static Vars Vector MovementSubsystem::_step = Vector( 0.0f, 0.0f, STEPSIZE ); // // Name: MovementSubsystem() // Class: MovementSubsystem // // Description: Default Constructor // // Parameters: None // // Returns: None // MovementSubsystem::MovementSubsystem() { // Should always use other constructor gi.Error( ERR_FATAL, "MovementSubsystem::MovementSubsystem -- Default Constructor Called" ); } // // Name: MovementSubsystem() // Class: MovementSubsystem // // Description: Constructor // // Parameters: Actor *actor // // Returns: None // MovementSubsystem::MovementSubsystem( Actor *actor ) { //Initialize our Actor if ( actor ) act = actor; else gi.Error( ERR_DROP, "MovementSubsystem::MovementSubsystem -- actor is NULL" ); _init(); } // // Name: ~MovementSubsystem() // Class: MovementSubsystem // // Description: Destructor // // Parameters: None // // Returns: None // MovementSubsystem::~MovementSubsystem() { if ( _path ) { delete _path; _path = NULL; } } // // Name: CanMoveTo() // Class: MovementSubsystem // // Description: Pass through to _canMoveSimplePath() // // Parameters: Vector &pos -- The location to check // // Returns: True or False // qboolean MovementSubsystem::CanMoveTo ( const Vector &pos ) { return _canMoveSimplePath( act->mins, act->maxs , pos ); } // // Name: CanWalkTowardsPoint() // Class: MovementSubsystem // // Description: Tests to see if Actor can move in the desired direction a small amount // // Parameters: Vector direction -- Desired direction of movement // // Returns: whether the direction is clear and has a floor // bool MovementSubsystem::CanWalkTowardsPoint( const Vector &goalPoint, const int mask ) { Vector step( goalPoint - act->origin ); const float distance = Vector::Distance( goalPoint, act->origin ); step.normalize(); step *= min( distance, max ( 64.0f, Vector::Distance( act->origin, act->last_origin ) ) ); return CanWalkTo( act->origin + step, 0, ENTITYNUM_NONE, mask ) == 1; } // // Name: CanWalkTo() // Class: MovementSubsystem // // Description: Pass through to CanWalkToFrom() // // Parameters: Vector &pos -- The location to check // float bounding_box_extra -- Additional volume to the bounding box // int entnum -- entity number // // Returns: // qboolean MovementSubsystem::CanWalkTo( const Vector &pos, float bounding_box_extra, int entnum, const int mask ) { return CanWalkToFrom( act->origin, pos, bounding_box_extra, entnum, mask ); } // // Name: CanWalkToFrom() // Class: MovementSubsystem // // Description: Checks if a location is reachable // // Parameters: const Vector &origin -- Starting position // const Vector &pos -- Ending position // float bounding_box_extra -- Extra volume added to the bounding box // int entnum -- Entity number // // Returns: True or False // qboolean MovementSubsystem::CanWalkToFrom ( const Vector &origin, const Vector &pos, float bounding_box_extra, int entnum, const int mask ) { Vector real_pos; Vector test_mins; Vector test_maxs; // Setup bounding box test_mins = act->mins; test_maxs = act->maxs; test_mins.x -= bounding_box_extra; test_mins.y -= bounding_box_extra; test_maxs.x += bounding_box_extra; test_maxs.y += bounding_box_extra; // Calculate the real position we have to get to if ( entnum != ENTITYNUM_NONE ) real_pos = _getRealDestinationPosition( pos ); else real_pos = pos; Vector startPos; startPos = act->origin; startPos.z += 15; // Do simple CanWalkTo if specified if ( act->GetActorFlag( ACTOR_FLAG_SIMPLE_PATHFINDING ) ) return _canMoveSimplePath( test_mins, test_maxs, real_pos ); // Check to make sure the ground is good each step of the move return _checkHaveGroundEachStep( origin, real_pos, test_mins, test_maxs, mask ); } // // Name: Acclerate() // Class: MovementSubsystem // // Description: Applies steering force to the actor's movement // // Parameters: const Vector &original_steering -- steering force from the steering classes // // Returns: None // void MovementSubsystem::Accelerate( const Vector &original_steering ) { Vector steering = original_steering; Vector newDir = _movedir.toAngles(); // If we didn't move last frame ( stopped ) then we can just set our moveDir to where we // want to go, however, if we are moving, we want to adjust our turning based on our turnspeed // so that we can't just turn 90 degrees at a snap if ( !act->GetActorFlag(ACTOR_FLAG_HAVE_MOVED) ) { /* if ( steering.y > _turnspeed ) steering.y = _turnspeed; else if ( steering.y < -_turnspeed ) steering.y = -_turnspeed; */ } if( steering.x ) steering.x = steering.x; if( steering.y ) newDir.y += steering.y; newDir.EulerNormalize(); if ( act->animate->frame_delta.x > 4.0f ) { // make him lean into the turn a bit newDir.z = _movespeed * ( 0.4f / 320.0f ) * steering.y; if ( ( act->flags & FL_FLY ) || ( ( act->flags & FL_SWIM ) && act->waterlevel > 0 ) ) newDir.z = bound( act->angles.z, -2.0f, 2.0f ); else newDir.z = bound( act->angles.z, -5.0f, 5.0f ); } else newDir.z = 0.0f; /* if ( _movingBackwards ) newDir[YAW] = AngleNormalize180( newDir[YAW] - 180.0f ); */ newDir.AngleVectors( &_movedir ); //Set my turn angles; Vector newAng = _animdir.toAngles(); float newDirYaw; if ( act->bind_info && act->bind_info->bindmaster ) { float orientation[3][3]; float parentOrientation[3][3]; float mat[3][3]; AnglesToAxis( newDir, mat ); Vector parentAngles; MatrixToEulerAngles( act->bind_info->bindmaster->orientation, parentAngles ); parentAngles[ YAW ] = AngleNormalize180( -parentAngles[ YAW ] ); AnglesToAxis( parentAngles, parentOrientation ); R_ConcatRotations( mat, parentOrientation, orientation ); MatrixToEulerAngles( orientation, newDir ); AnglesToAxis( newAng, mat ); R_ConcatRotations( mat, parentOrientation, orientation ); MatrixToEulerAngles( orientation, newAng ); } newDirYaw = AngleNormalize180(newDir.yaw() ); float newAngYaw = AngleNormalize180(newAng.yaw() ); if ( _movingBackwards ) newDirYaw = AngleNormalize180( newDirYaw - 180.0f ); float AngleDiff = newDirYaw - newAngYaw; AngleDiff = AngleNormalize180(AngleDiff); //First check if we're close enough just to set our angles if ( ( ( AngleDiff >= 0.0f ) && ( AngleDiff < _turnspeed ) ) || ( ( AngleDiff <= 0.0f ) && ( AngleDiff > -_turnspeed ) ) ) { newAng[YAW] = AngleNormalize360(newDirYaw); if ( _faceEnemy ) { Entity *currentEnemy; currentEnemy = act->enemyManager->GetCurrentEnemy(); if ( !currentEnemy ) { act->enemyManager->FindHighestHateEnemy(); currentEnemy = act->enemyManager->GetCurrentEnemy(); } if ( currentEnemy ) { Vector selfToEnemy; selfToEnemy = currentEnemy->origin - act->origin; selfToEnemy = selfToEnemy.toAngles(); selfToEnemy[PITCH] = 0.0f; newAng = selfToEnemy; } } if ( _adjustAnimDir ) act->setAngles( newAng ); return; } //Update our angles if ( AngleDiff > 0.0f ) newAng[YAW] = AngleNormalize360( newAng[YAW] += _turnspeed ); else newAng[YAW] = AngleNormalize360( newAng[YAW] -= _turnspeed ); /* if ( _fliplegs ) newAng[YAW] += 180; */ if ( _movingBackwards ) newAng[YAW] = AngleNormalize180( newDir[YAW] - 180.0f ); if ( _faceEnemy ) { Entity *currentEnemy; currentEnemy = act->enemyManager->GetCurrentEnemy(); if ( !currentEnemy ) { act->enemyManager->FindHighestHateEnemy(); currentEnemy = act->enemyManager->GetCurrentEnemy(); } if ( currentEnemy ) { Vector selfToEnemy; selfToEnemy = currentEnemy->origin - act->origin; selfToEnemy = selfToEnemy.toAngles(); selfToEnemy[PITCH] = 0.0f; newAng = selfToEnemy; } } if ( _adjustAnimDir ) act->setAngles( newAng ); } //-------------------------------------------------------------- // Name: CalcMove() // Class: MovementSubsystem // // Description: Calculates the _move Vector // // Parameters: None // // Returns: None //-------------------------------------------------------------- void MovementSubsystem::CalcMove ( void ) { // Use total_delta from the animation if we can, but // over-ride it if we set a forward speed ( When the // new animation stuff is availiable ) _totallen = 0; if ( act->total_delta != vec_zero ) _totallen = act->total_delta.length(); if ( _forwardspeed ) { _totallen = _forwardspeed; } if ( _movementType == MOVEMENT_TYPE_ANIM ) { MatrixTransformVector( act->total_delta, act->orientation, _move ); } else { _movedir.normalize(); _move = _movedir; _move *= _totallen; } // If we are not allowed to move, make sure we set the length of our // movement vector to 0.0 if ( act->movetype == MOVETYPE_NONE ) _move *= 0.0f; act->total_delta = vec_zero; _animdir = act->orientation[0]; } // // Name: WaterMove() // Class: MovementSubsystem // // Description: Attempts to move based on being in water // // Parameters: None // // Returns: stepmoveresult_t // stepmoveresult_t MovementSubsystem::WaterMove ( void ) { Vector oldorg; Vector neworg; trace_t trace; int oldwater; if ( ( _totallen <= 0.01f ) || ( _move == vec_zero ) ) { return STEPMOVE_OK; } // try the move oldorg = act->origin; neworg = act->origin + _move; trace = G_Trace( oldorg, act->mins, act->maxs, neworg, act, act->edict->clipmask, false, "Actor::WaterMove 1" ); if ( trace.fraction == 0.0f ) return STEPMOVE_STUCK; oldwater = act->waterlevel; act->setOrigin( trace.endpos ); CheckWater(); // swim monsters don't exit water voluntarily if ( ( oldwater > 1 ) && ( act->waterlevel < 2 ) ) { act->waterlevel = oldwater; act->setOrigin( oldorg ); return STEPMOVE_STUCK; } return STEPMOVE_OK; } // // Name: AirMove() // Class: MovementSubsystem // // Description: Attempts to move based on being in the air // // Parameters: None // // Returns: stepmoveresult_t // stepmoveresult_t MovementSubsystem::AirMove ( void ) { Vector oldorg; Vector neworg; trace_t trace; int oldwater; if ( ( _totallen <= 0.01f ) || ( _move == vec_zero ) ) { return STEPMOVE_OK; } // try the move oldorg = act->origin; neworg = act->origin + _move; trace = G_Trace( oldorg, act->mins, act->maxs, neworg, act, act->edict->clipmask, false, "Actor::AirMove 1" ); if ( trace.fraction < 0.0001f ) { return STEPMOVE_BLOCKED_BY_WATER; } oldwater = act->waterlevel; act->setOrigin( trace.endpos ); if ( !act->GetActorFlag( ACTOR_FLAG_IGNORE_WATER ) ) { CheckWater(); // fly monsters don't enter water voluntarily if ( !oldwater && act->waterlevel ) { act->waterlevel = oldwater; act->setOrigin( oldorg ); return STEPMOVE_STUCK; } } return STEPMOVE_OK; } // // Name: TryMove() // Class: MovementSubsystem // // Description: Tries to move based on being on the ground // // Parameters: None // // Returns: stepmoveresult_t // stepmoveresult_t MovementSubsystem::IsMoveValid( trace_t &horizontalTrace, trace_t &verticalTrace, const Vector &moveBegin, const Vector &moveEnd ) { horizontalTrace = act->Trace( moveBegin, moveEnd, "MovementSubsystem::IsMoveValid" ); if ( horizontalTrace.startsolid ) { horizontalTrace = G_Trace( moveBegin, act->mins, act->maxs, moveBegin + _move, act, act->edict->clipmask, false, "MovementSubsystem::IsMoveValid2" ); } if ( horizontalTrace.startsolid || ( horizontalTrace.fraction < 0.0001f ) ) return STEPMOVE_STUCK; // See if we are blocked by a door if ( _isBlockedByDoor(horizontalTrace) ) return STEPMOVE_BLOCKED_BY_DOOR; // Don't step down an extra step if gravity is turned off for this actor right now or the actor is dead if ( !act->GetActorFlag( ACTOR_FLAG_USE_GRAVITY ) || (act->gravity == 0) || act->deadflag ) { return _noGravityTryMove( horizontalTrace.endpos, verticalTrace ); } stepmoveresult_t result = STEPMOVE_OK; if ( horizontalTrace.fraction < 1.0f ) { if ( horizontalTrace.entityNum == ENTITYNUM_WORLD ) { result = STEPMOVE_BLOCKED_BY_WORLD; } else { result = STEPMOVE_BLOCKED_BY_ENTITY; _blockingEntity = horizontalTrace.ent->entity; //if ( _blockingEntity->isSubclassOf( Player ) ) // act->InContext( "blockedbyplayer" ); act->AddStateFlag(STATE_FLAG_BLOCKED_BY_ENTITY); } } // Phase 2: Send a trace down from the end of the first trace to try and found ground -- and thus // what should be our new origin Vector traceBegin( horizontalTrace.endpos ); Vector traceEnd( traceBegin - ( _step * 2.0f ) ); verticalTrace = G_Trace( traceBegin, act->mins, act->maxs, traceEnd, act, act->edict->clipmask, false, "MovementSubsystem::IsMoveValid3" ); // Check if we are blocked by a fall if ( _isBlockedByFall( verticalTrace ) ) return STEPMOVE_BLOCKED_BY_FALL; // If the feet width is set make sure the actor's feet are really on the ground if ( act->feet_width ) { verticalTrace = _feetWidthTrace( verticalTrace.endpos , verticalTrace.endpos - ( _step * 3.0f ) , verticalTrace.endpos, act->edict->clipmask ); // Check if we are blocked by a fall if ( _isBlockedByFall( verticalTrace ) ) return STEPMOVE_BLOCKED_BY_FALL; } /* Experiment to deal with uneven floor geometry if ( result == STEPMOVE_OK ) { if ( !_checkHaveGroundEachStep ( moveBegin , moveEnd , act->mins , act->maxs )) return STEPMOVE_BLOCKED_BY_FALL; } */ return result; } // // Name: TryMove() // Class: MovementSubsystem // // Description: Tries to move based on being on the ground // // Parameters: None // // Returns: stepmoveresult_t // stepmoveresult_t MovementSubsystem::TryMove ( void ) { // See if we should bother doing any movement if ( !_shouldTryMove() ) return STEPMOVE_OK; // Phase 1: Send a trace out from our origin ( plus stepsize ) along our move Vector. Vector moveBegin = act->origin; trace_t horizontalTrace; trace_t verticalTrace; verticalTrace.ent = 0 ; stepmoveresult_t returnValue = IsMoveValid( horizontalTrace, verticalTrace, moveBegin, moveBegin + _move ); if ( returnValue == STEPMOVE_OK ) { // The move is ok act->setOrigin( verticalTrace.endpos ); // Save the ground information now so we don't have to do it later if ( verticalTrace.fraction < 1.0f ) _saveGroundInformation( verticalTrace ); act->flags &= ~FL_PARTIALGROUND; // set in ActorThink CheckWater(); } else if ( returnValue == STEPMOVE_BLOCKED_BY_FALL ) { act->AddStateFlag( STATE_FLAG_STUCK ); } return returnValue; } // // Name: SimpleMove() // Class: MovementSubsystem // // Description: Move with no collision and no ground following // // Parameters: None // // Returns: stepmoveresult_t // stepmoveresult_t MovementSubsystem::SimpleMove( const bool stickToGround ) { Vector newPosition ( act->origin + _move ); if ( stickToGround ) { Vector traceBegin( newPosition + _step ); Vector traceEnd( traceBegin - ( _step * 2.0f ) ); trace_t trace = G_Trace( traceBegin, act->mins, act->maxs, traceEnd, act, MASK_PATHSOLID, false, "MovementSubsystem::SimpleMove" ); newPosition = trace.endpos; } act->setOrigin( newPosition ); return STEPMOVE_OK; } // // Name: Push() // Class: MovementSubsystem // // Description: Moves the actor based on the push direction // // Parameters: const Vector &dir -- The direction of the push // // Returns: True or False // qboolean MovementSubsystem::Push ( const Vector &dir ) { Vector oldorg; Vector neworg; trace_t trace; int i; if ( !act->GetActorFlag( ACTOR_FLAG_PUSHABLE ) ) return false; for( i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i++ ) { oldorg = act->origin + _step; neworg = oldorg + dir; trace = G_Trace( oldorg, act->mins, act->maxs, neworg, act, act->edict->clipmask, false, "Actor::Push 1" ); if ( trace.startsolid ) { oldorg = act->origin; neworg = oldorg + dir; trace = G_Trace( oldorg, act->mins, act->maxs, neworg, act, act->edict->clipmask, false, "Actor::Push 2" ); if ( trace.startsolid ) return false; } if ( trace.ent && trace.ent->entity->isSubclassOf( Actor ) ) { Actor *actor = (Actor *) trace.ent->entity; actor->Push( dir ); continue; } else break; } if ( trace.endpos == oldorg ) return false; // Step down to a step height below our original height to account for gravity oldorg = trace.endpos; if ( act->flags & FL_FLY ) neworg = oldorg - _step; else neworg = oldorg - _step * 2.0f; trace = G_Trace( oldorg, act->mins, act->maxs, neworg, act, act->edict->clipmask, false, "Actor::Push 3" ); act->setOrigin( trace.endpos ); return true; } // // Name: CheckWater() // Class: MovementSubsystem // // Description: Sets the waterlevel // Waterlevel 1 means actor's feet are in the water // Waterlevel 2 means actor's waist is in the water // Waterlevel 3 means actor's eyes are in the water -- Important // because at level 3, we start to choke. // // Parameters: None // // Returns: None // void MovementSubsystem::CheckWater( void ) { Vector sample[3]; int cont; // // get waterlevel and type // act->waterlevel = 0; act->watertype = 0; sample[ 0 ] = act->origin; sample[ 2 ] = act->EyePosition(); sample[ 1 ] = ( sample[ 0 ] + sample[ 2 ] ) * 0.5f; cont = gi.pointcontents( sample[ 0 ], 0 ); if ( ( cont != -1 ) && ( cont & MASK_WATER ) ) { act->watertype = cont; act->waterlevel = 1; cont = gi.pointcontents( sample[ 2 ], 0 ); if (cont & MASK_WATER) { act->waterlevel = 3; } else { cont = gi.pointcontents( sample[ 1 ], 0 ); if (cont & MASK_WATER) { act->waterlevel = 2; } } } } // // Name: JumpTo() // Class: MovementSubsystem // // Description: Jumps the actor to the specified target // // Parameters: const Vector &targ -- The target // float speed -- Jump speed // float vertical_speed -- Vertical speed // // Returns: float traveltime // float MovementSubsystem::JumpTo( const Vector &targetPosition, const Angle angle ) { Trajectory trajectory( act->origin, targetPosition, angle, act->gravity * -sv_currentGravity->value ); act->velocity = trajectory.GetInitialVelocity(); Vector directionXY( targetPosition - act->origin ); directionXY.z = 0.0f; act->setAngles( directionXY.toAngles() ); _movedir = directionXY; act->groundentity = NULL; return trajectory.GetTravelTime(); } // // Name: JumpTo() // Class: MovementSubsystem // // Description: Wrapper for JumpTo // // Parameters: PathNode *goal -- Jump target // float speed -- Jump speed // float vertical_speed -- Vertical jump speed // // Returns: float JumpTo result // float MovementSubsystem::JumpTo ( PathNode *goal, const Angle angle ) { if ( goal ) return JumpTo( goal->origin, angle ); else return 0; } // // Name: JumpTo() // Class: MovementSubsystem // // Description: Wrapper for JumpTo // // Parameters: Entity *goal -- Jump target // float speed -- Jump speed // float vertical_speed -- Vertical jump speed // // Returns: float JumpTo result // float MovementSubsystem::JumpTo ( Entity *goal, const Angle angle ) { if ( goal ) return JumpTo( goal->origin, angle ); else return 0; } // // Name: SteerTowardsPoint() // Class: MovementSubsystem // // Description: Basic Seek/Intercept Steering // // Parameters: const Vector &targetPosition - Point to steer towards // const Vector &targetVelocity - current velocity used to predict future position of target point // const Vector &moveDirection - the actors current direction of movement // const float maxSpeed - maximum speed of actor // // Returns: Euler angles containing rotation that will point actor in a direction to intercept the target // // x - predictedPosition // A - myPosition( moveDirection is towards the point of the "A") // + - centerOfTurn // // // _x // / // | // A + // // // const Vector MovementSubsystem::SteerTowardsPoint( const Vector &targetPosition, const Vector &targetVelocity, const Vector &moveDirection, const float maxSpeed, const bool adjustSpeed) { assert(act != NULL); Vector myPosition (act->origin); Vector predictedPosition = targetPosition + targetVelocity * ( Vector::Distance(targetPosition, myPosition) / maxSpeed ); Vector desiredDirection = predictedPosition - myPosition; Vector newSteeringForce = Vector::AnglesBetween(desiredDirection, moveDirection); newSteeringForce[ROLL]=0.0f; newSteeringForce.EulerNormalize(); if ( adjustSpeed ) { const float currentSpeed = _forwardspeed; const float turnRate = _turnspeed; const float turnRadius = currentSpeed / turnRate; Vector right; right.CrossProduct( moveDirection, Vector( 0, 0, 1 ) ); const Vector centerOfTurn( myPosition + ( right * DotProduct( right, desiredDirection ) ) ); const float forwardComponent = DotProduct( desiredDirection, moveDirection ); const float rightComponent = DotProduct( desiredDirection, right ); if ( Vector::DistanceXY( centerOfTurn, predictedPosition ) < turnRadius ) { const float newTurnRadius = ( ( rightComponent * rightComponent ) + ( forwardComponent * forwardComponent ) ) / ( 2.0f * rightComponent ); _forwardspeed = 2.0f * turnRate * newTurnRadius; } } return newSteeringForce; } // // Name: _canMoveSimplePath() // Class: MovementSubsystem // // Description: Checks if an Actor can do a simple move to the specified destination // // Parameters: const Vector &mins -- mins of the actor // const Vector &maxs -- maxs of the actor // const Vector &pos -- target destination // // Returns: True or False // qboolean MovementSubsystem::_canMoveSimplePath( const Vector &mins, const Vector &maxs , const Vector &pos ) const { trace_t trace = act->Trace( act->origin + _step, pos + _step, "Actor::_canMoveSimplePath" ); if ( trace.fraction == 1.0f ) return true; return false; } // // Name: _getRealDestinationPosition() // Class: MovementSubsystem // // Description: uses the mins and maxs to calculate the actual final position // // Parameters: const Vector &pos // // Returns: Vector target destination // Vector MovementSubsystem::_getRealDestinationPosition( const Vector &pos ) const { Vector temp_dir = pos - act->origin; float temp_length = temp_dir.length(); temp_length -= sqrt( act->maxs.x * act->maxs.x * 2.0f ) + 5.0f; if ( temp_length < 0.0f ) temp_length = 0.0f; temp_dir.normalize(); temp_dir *= temp_length; return act->origin + temp_dir; } // // Name: _feetWidthTrace() // Class: MovementSubsystem // // Description: Does a trace based off of the actor's feet -- to help prevent corner // of the boundingbox Wile E Coyote problems. // // Parameters: const Vector ¤tLoc -- Starting position // const Vector &bottom -- The end point of the trace // const Vector &endPos -- The end position being copied over // // Returns: trace_t trace // trace_t MovementSubsystem::_feetWidthTrace( const Vector ¤tLoc, const Vector &bottom, const Vector &endPos, const int mask ) const { trace_t trace; Vector temp_mins; Vector temp_maxs; Vector saved_endpos; temp_mins[0] = -act->feet_width; temp_mins[1] = -act->feet_width; temp_mins[2] = act->mins[2]; temp_maxs[0] = act->feet_width; temp_maxs[1] = act->feet_width; temp_maxs[2] = act->maxs[2]; trace = G_Trace( currentLoc, temp_mins, temp_maxs, bottom, act, mask, false, "Actor::CanWalkTo2" ); saved_endpos = endPos; saved_endpos.copyTo( trace.endpos ); return trace; } // // Name: _getTraceStep() // Class: MovementSubsystem // // Description: Calculates the trace step size // // Parameters: None // // Returns: float trace_step // float MovementSubsystem::_getTraceStep() const { // Find the step amount float trace_step = act->maxs[0] * 2.0f; //was 2.0 // Make sure trace_step is divisible by 8 trace_step = ( (int)(trace_step / 8.0f ) ) * 8.0f; if ( trace_step < 8.0f ) trace_step = 8.0f; return trace_step; } // // Name: _checkHaveGroundEachStep() // Class: MovementSubsystem // // Description: Checks each step required to traverse the vector, and checks if there is ground to step on // // Parameters: const Vector &start -- starting position // const Vector &end -- target destination // const Vector &test_mins -- mins used in the check // const Vector &test_maxs -- maxs used in the check // // // Returns: True or False // qboolean MovementSubsystem::_checkHaveGroundEachStep( const Vector &start, const Vector &end, const Vector &test_mins, const Vector &test_maxs, const int mask ) const { int clipMask = act->edict->clipmask; if ( mask >= 0 ) { clipMask = mask; } // Find the vector to walk Vector dir = end - start; float length = dir.length(); dir.normalize(); // Get Trace Steps; float trace_step = _getTraceStep(); float small_trace_step = 8; // Test each step to see if the ground is not too far below float last_height = end[2]; Vector last_loc = Vector::Identity(); // Vector last_loc = start; for( float i = 0 ; i < length ; i += trace_step ) { Vector current_loc = start + ( dir * i ); current_loc[2] = last_height + STEPSIZE; Vector bottom = current_loc; if ( !act->GetActorFlag( ACTOR_FLAG_ALLOW_FALL ) ) bottom[2] = last_height - STEPSIZE; else bottom[2] = last_height - 1000.0f; trace_t trace = G_Trace( current_loc, test_mins, test_maxs, bottom, act, clipMask, false, "Actor::CanWalkTo1" ); if ( !( ( trace.fraction == 1.0f ) || trace.startsolid || trace.allsolid ) && act->feet_width ) trace = _feetWidthTrace( current_loc , bottom , trace.endpos, clipMask ); if ( ( trace.fraction == 1.0f ) || trace.startsolid || trace.allsolid ) { // The wide one failed, do the small traces for this segment if ( ( i == 0 ) || ( trace_step == small_trace_step ) ) return false; for( float j = small_trace_step ; j <= trace_step ; j += small_trace_step ) { current_loc = last_loc + ( dir * j ); current_loc[2] = last_height + STEPSIZE; bottom = current_loc; bottom[2] = last_height - STEPSIZE; trace = G_Trace( current_loc, test_mins, test_maxs, bottom, act, clipMask, false, "Actor::CanWalkTo3" ); if ( ( trace.fraction == 1.0f ) || trace.startsolid || trace.allsolid || ( trace.ent && trace.ent->entity->isSubclassOf( Sentient ) && !act->GetActorFlag( ACTOR_FLAG_CAN_WALK_ON_OTHERS ) ) ) return false; if ( act->feet_width ) trace = _feetWidthTrace( current_loc , bottom , trace.endpos, clipMask ); last_height = trace.endpos[2]; } } last_height = trace.endpos[2]; last_loc = current_loc; } if ( ( last_height > ( end.z + ( STEPSIZE * 2.0f ) ) ) || ( last_height < ( end.z - ( STEPSIZE * 2.0f ) ) ) ) return false; return true; } // // Name: _isBlockedByDoor() // Class: MovementSubsystem // // Description: Checks if the actor is blocked by a door // // Parameters: trace_t &trace -- the trace // // Returns: True or False // qboolean MovementSubsystem::_isBlockedByDoor( trace_t &trace ) const { Door *door; if ( !act->deadflag && trace.ent ) { // Check if we hit a door if ( trace.ent->entity->isSubclassOf( Door ) ) { door = ( Door * )trace.ent->entity; if ( !door->locked && !door->isOpen() ) return true; } } return false; } // // Name: _noGravityTryMove() // Class: MovementSubsystem // // Description: Traces to see if actor can be positioned in space, without worrying if // ground is underneath -- Should be used by flying creatures // // Parameters: const Vector &oldorg -- The origin before trying the move // // Returns: stepmoveresult_t // stepmoveresult_t MovementSubsystem::_noGravityTryMove( const Vector &oldorg, trace_t &verticalTrace ) const { Vector neworg = oldorg - _step; //trace_t newTrace; // try stepping down verticalTrace = G_Trace( oldorg, act->mins, act->maxs, neworg, act, act->edict->clipmask, false, "Actor::TryMove 2" ); if ( verticalTrace.startsolid ) return STEPMOVE_STUCK; //act->setOrigin( verticalTrace.endpos ); return STEPMOVE_OK; } // // Name: _isBlockedByFall() // Class: MovementSubsystem // // Description: Checks if the Actor is blocked by fall // // Parameters: trace_t &trace // // Returns: True or False // qboolean MovementSubsystem::_isBlockedByFall( trace_t &trace ) const { // Determine if we should allow the actor to fall qboolean allow_fall = _allowFall(); // We never want to step on a flying creature, even if we are allowed to // step on sentients in general. This is because, if we were to step on a flying // creature, and the flying creature moved, then we might fall, where had we not // stepped on the flying creature we would still be safe and sound if ( trace.ent && ( trace.ent->entity->flags & FL_FLY ) && !allow_fall ) return true; // Don't voluntarilty step on sentients if ( trace.ent && trace.ent->entity->isSubclassOf( Sentient ) && !allow_fall && !act->GetActorFlag( ACTOR_FLAG_CAN_WALK_ON_OTHERS ) ) return true; // Check if the move places us on solid ground if ( trace.fraction == 1.0f ) { if ( allow_fall ) { // don't let guys get stuck standing on other guys // if monster had the ground pulled out, go ahead and fall act->groundentity = NULL; return false; } else { // walked off an edge return true; } } // Make sure ground is not too slopped or we will just slide off if ( ( trace.plane.normal[ 2 ] <= 0.7f ) && !allow_fall ) return true; return false; } // // Name: _allowFall() // Class: MovementSubsystem // // Description: Checks if the actor is allowed to fall // // Parameters: None // // Returns: True or False // qboolean MovementSubsystem::_allowFall() const { if ( ( act->flags & FL_PARTIALGROUND ) || ( act->groundentity && act->groundentity->entity && ( act->groundentity->entity->isSubclassOf( Sentient ) ) ) || ( act->GetActorFlag( ACTOR_FLAG_ALLOW_FALL ) ) ) return true; return false; } // // Name: _shouldTryMove() // Class: MovementSubsystem // // Description: Checks if the Actor should even try to move // // Parameters: None // // Returns: True or False // qboolean MovementSubsystem::_shouldTryMove() const { // We have a velocity so movement of the actor is done in physics if ( ( act->velocity != vec_zero ) && !act->deadflag ) return false; if ( ( _totallen <= 0.01f ) || ( _move == vec_zero ) ) return false; return true; } // // Name: _saveGroundInformation() // Class: MovementSubsystem // // Description: Saves trace information on the actor // // Parameters: trace_t &trace // // Returns: None // void MovementSubsystem::_saveGroundInformation(trace_t &trace) { act->groundentity = trace.ent; act->groundplane = trace.plane; act->groundcontents = trace.contents; act->last_origin = act->origin; act->SetActorFlag( ACTOR_FLAG_HAVE_MOVED, true ); } // // Name: _init() // Class: MovementSubsystem // // Description: Initializes the class // // Parameters: None // // Returns: None // void MovementSubsystem::_init() { _lastmove = STEPMOVE_OK; _path = NULL; _turnspeed = TURN_SPEED; _startpos = act->origin; _forwardspeed = 0; _divedir = vec_zero; act->angles.AngleVectors( &_movedir ); //Set our internal step var _step = Vector( 0.0f, 0.0f, STEPSIZE ); _movespeed = 1.0f; _fliplegs = false; _movingBackwards = false; _faceEnemy = false; _adjustAnimDir = true; _useCodeDrivenSpeed = false; _movementType = MOVEMENT_TYPE_NORMAL; _stickToGround = true; CheckWater(); } // // Name: setMove() // Class: MovementSubsystem // // Description: Sets the _move // // Parameters: const Vector &move -- The move to set // // Returns: None // void MovementSubsystem::setMove( const Vector &move ) { _move = move; } // // Name: getMove() // Class: MovementSubsystem // // Description: Returns _move // // Parameters: None // // Returns: Vector _move // Vector MovementSubsystem::getMove() { return _move; } // // Name: setMoveDir() // Class: MovementSubsystem // // Description: Sets _moveDir // // Parameters: const Vector &moveDir -- The move dir to set // // Returns: None // void MovementSubsystem::setMoveDir( const Vector &moveDir ) { _movedir = moveDir; } // // Name: getMoveDir() // Class: MovementSubsystem // // Description: Returns _movedir // // Parameters: None // // Returns: Vector _movedir // Vector MovementSubsystem::getMoveDir() { return _movedir; } // // Name: setMoveVelocity() // Class: const Vector &moveVelocity // // Description: Sets _movevelocity // // Parameters: const Vector &moveVelocity -- the move velocity to set // // Returns: None // void MovementSubsystem::setMoveVelocity( const Vector &moveVelocity ) { _movevelocity = moveVelocity; } // // Name: getMoveVelocity() // Class: MovementSubsystem // // Description: Returns _movevelocity // // Parameters: None // // Returns: None // Vector MovementSubsystem::getMoveVelocity() { return _movevelocity; } // // Name: setAnimDir() // Class: MovementSubsystem // // Description: Sets _animdir // // Parameters: const Vector &animDir // // Returns: None // void MovementSubsystem::setAnimDir( const Vector &animDir ) { _animdir = animDir; } // // Name: getAnimDir() // Class: MovementSubsystem // // Description: Returns _animdir // // Parameters: None // // Returns: Vector _animdir // Vector MovementSubsystem::getAnimDir() { return _animdir; } // // Name: setDiveDir() // Class: const Vector &diveDir // // Description: Sets _divedir // // Parameters: const Vector &diveDir -- the dive dir to set // // Returns: None // void MovementSubsystem::setDiveDir( const Vector &diveDir ) { _divedir = diveDir; } // // Name: getDiveDir() // Class: MovementSubsystem // // Description: returns _divedir // // Parameters: None // // Returns: Vector _divedir // Vector MovementSubsystem::getDiveDir() { return _divedir; } // // Name: setStartPos() // Class: MovementSubsystem // // Description: Sets _startpos // // Parameters: const Vector &startPos -- the start pos to set // // Returns: None // void MovementSubsystem::setStartPos( const Vector &startPos ) { _startpos = startPos; } // // Name: getStartPos // Class: MovementSubsystem // // Description: Returns _startpos // // Parameters: None // // Returns: Vector _startpos // Vector MovementSubsystem::getStartPos() { return _startpos; } // // Name: setTotalLen() // Class: MovementSubsystem // // Description: sets _totallen // // Parameters: float totallen -- the total len to set // // Returns: None // void MovementSubsystem::setTotalLen( float totalLen ) { _totallen = totalLen; } // // Name: getTotalLen() // Class: MovementSubsystem // // Description: Returns _totallen // // Parameters: None // // Returns: float _totallen // float MovementSubsystem::getTotalLen() { return _totallen; } // // Name: setTurnSpeed() // Class: MovementSubsystem // // Description: Sets _turnspeed // // Parameters: float turnSpeed -- the turn speed to set // // Returns: None // void MovementSubsystem::setTurnSpeed( float turnSpeed ) { _turnspeed = turnSpeed; } // // Name: getTurnSpeed() // Class: MovementSubsystem // // Description: Returns _turnspeed // // Parameters: None // // Returns: float _turnspeed // float MovementSubsystem::getTurnSpeed() { return _turnspeed; } // // Name: setForwardSpeed() // Class: MovementSubsystem // // Description: Sets _forwardspeed // // Parameters: float forwardSpeed // // Returns: None // void MovementSubsystem::setForwardSpeed( float forwardSpeed ) { _forwardspeed = forwardSpeed; } // // Name: getForwardSpeed() // Class: MovementSubsystem // // Description: Returns _forwardspeed // // Parameters: None // // Returns: float _forwardspeed // float MovementSubsystem::getForwardSpeed() { return _forwardspeed; } // // Name: setMoveSpeed() // Class: MovementSubsystem // // Description: Sets _movespeed // // Parameters: float moveSpeed // // Returns: None // void MovementSubsystem::setMoveSpeed( float moveSpeed ) { _movespeed = moveSpeed; } // // Name: getMoveSpeed() // Class: MovementSubsystem // // Description: Returns _movespeed // // Parameters: None // // Returns: float _movespeed // float MovementSubsystem::getMoveSpeed() { return _movespeed; } // // Name: setFlipLegs() // Class: MovementSubsystem // // Description: Sets _fliplegs // // Parameters: qboolean flip // // Returns: None // void MovementSubsystem::setFlipLegs( qboolean flip ) { _fliplegs = flip; } // // Name: getFlipLegs() // Class: MovementSubsystem // // Description: Returns _fliplegs // // Parameters: None // // Returns: qboolean _fliplegs // qboolean MovementSubsystem::getFlipLegs() { return _fliplegs; } // // Name: flipLegs() // Class: MovementSubsystem // // Description: Turns the actor around, and allows for backward movement // // Parameters: None // // Returns: None // void MovementSubsystem::flipLegs() { Vector Angles; _fliplegs = !_fliplegs; if ( _fliplegs ) _movingBackwards = true; else _movingBackwards = false; Angles = _animdir; Angles = Angles.toAngles(); Angles[PITCH] = AngleNormalize180( Angles[PITCH] ); Angles[ROLL] = AngleNormalize180( Angles[ROLL] ); Angles[YAW] = AngleNormalize180( Angles[YAW] + 180.0f ); Angles.AngleVectors( &_animdir ); //act->setAngles( Angles ); } // // Name: setMovingBackwards() // Class: MovementSubsystem // // Description: Sets _movingBackwards // // Parameters: qboolean backwards // // Returns: None // void MovementSubsystem::setMovingBackwards( qboolean backwards ) { _movingBackwards = backwards; } void MovementSubsystem::setFaceEnemy( bool faceEnemy ) { _faceEnemy = faceEnemy; } void MovementSubsystem::setAdjustAnimDir( bool adjustAnimDir ) { _adjustAnimDir = adjustAnimDir; } bool MovementSubsystem::getAdjustAnimDir() { return _adjustAnimDir; } // // Name: getMovingBackwards // Class: MovementSubsystem // // Description: Returns _movingBackwards // // Parameters: None // // Returns: None // qboolean MovementSubsystem::getMovingBackwards() { return _movingBackwards; } bool MovementSubsystem::getFaceEnemy() { return _faceEnemy; } // // Name: setPath() // Class: MovementSubsystem // // Description: Sets _path // // Parameters: Path *path // // Returns: None // void MovementSubsystem::setPath( Path *path ) { if ( _path && ( _path != path ) ) delete _path; _path = path; } // // Name: getPath() // Class: MovementSubsystem // // Description: Returns _path // // Parameters: None // // Returns: Path *_path // Path* MovementSubsystem::getPath() { return _path; } // // Name: setStep() // Class: MovementSubsystem // // Description: Sets _step // // Parameters: const Vector & lastMove // // Returns: None // void MovementSubsystem::setStep( const Vector &step ) { _step = step; } // // Name: getLastMove() // Class: MovementSubsystem // // Description: Returns _step // // Parameters: None // // Returns: stepmoveresult_t _lastmove // const Vector & MovementSubsystem::getStep() const { return _step; } // // Name: setLastMove() // Class: MovementSubsystem // // Description: Sets _lastmove // // Parameters: stepmoveresult_t lastMove // // Returns: None // void MovementSubsystem::setLastMove( stepmoveresult_t lastMove ) { _lastmove = lastMove; } // // Name: getLastMove() // Class: MovementSubsystem // // Description: Returns _lastmove // // Parameters: None // // Returns: stepmoveresult_t _lastmove // stepmoveresult_t MovementSubsystem::getLastMove() { return _lastmove; } // // Name: setMovementType() // Class: MovementSubsystem // // Description: Sets the _movementType // // Parameters: MovementType_t mType -- the type to set // // Returns: None // void MovementSubsystem::setMovementType( MovementType_t mType ) { _movementType = mType; } // // Name: getMovementType() // Class: MovementSubsystem // // Description: Returns the _movementType // // Parameters: None // // Returns: MovementType_t _movementType; // MovementType_t MovementSubsystem::getMovementType() { return _movementType; } void MovementSubsystem::SetStickToGround( const bool stick ) { _stickToGround = stick; } const bool MovementSubsystem::GetStickToGround( void ) const { return _stickToGround; } Entity* MovementSubsystem::getBlockingEntity() { return _blockingEntity; } void MovementSubsystem::clearBlockingEntity() { _blockingEntity = NULL; } // // Name: DoArchive() // Class: MovementSubsystem // // Description: Sets up the class for archiving // // Parameters: Archiver &arc -- the archiving object // Actor *actor -- the class' actor pointer // // Returns: None // void MovementSubsystem::DoArchive( Archiver &arc , Actor *actor ) { Archive( arc ); if ( actor ) act = actor; else gi.Error( ERR_FATAL, "MovementSubsystem::DoArchive -- actor is NULL" ); } // // Name: Archive() // Class: MovementSubsystem // // Description: Archives the class // // Parameters: Archiver &arc -- the archiving object // // Returns: None // void MovementSubsystem::Archive( Archiver &arc ) { // Don't archive //static Vector _step; ArchiveEnum( _lastmove, stepmoveresult_t ); arc.ArchiveFloat( &_forwardspeed ); arc.ArchiveSafePointer( &_path ); arc.ArchiveVector( &_move ); arc.ArchiveVector( &_movedir ); arc.ArchiveFloat( &_movespeed ); arc.ArchiveVector( &_movevelocity ); arc.ArchiveFloat( &_totallen ); arc.ArchiveFloat( &_turnspeed ); arc.ArchiveVector( &_animdir ); arc.ArchiveVector( &_divedir ); arc.ArchiveVector( &_startpos ); arc.ArchiveBoolean( &_fliplegs ); arc.ArchiveBoolean( &_movingBackwards ); arc.ArchiveBool ( &_faceEnemy ); arc.ArchiveBool ( &_adjustAnimDir ); ArchiveEnum( _movementType, MovementType_t ); arc.ArchiveBool( &_stickToGround ); arc.ArchiveBool( &_useCodeDrivenSpeed ); arc.ArchiveSafePointer( &_blockingEntity ); }