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2012-12-30 16:37:54 +00:00
// $Logfile:: /EF2/Code/DLLs/game/beam.cpp $
// $Revision:: 13 $
// $Author:: Singlis $
// $Date:: 9/26/03 2:35p $
// Copyright (C) 1999 by Ritual Entertainment, Inc.
// All rights reserved.
// This source may not be distributed and/or modified without
// expressly written permission by Ritual Entertainment, Inc.
#include "_pch_cpp.h"
#include "beam.h"
#include <qcommon/qfiles.h>
/*QUAKED func_beam (0 0.25 .5) (-8 -8 -8) (8 8 8) START_ON PERSIST WAVE NOISE
This creates a beam effect from the origin to the target's origin. If no
target is specified, uses angles and projects beam out from there.
"model" Specifies the model to use as the beam
"overlap" Specifies the amount of overlap each beam link should have. Use this to fill
in the cracks when using electric on beams. (Default is 0)
"minoffset" Minimum amount of electrical variation (Default is 0)
"maxoffset" Maximum amount of electrical variation (Default is 5)
"color" Vector specifiying the red,green, and blue components. (Default is "1 1 1")
"alpha" Alpha of the beam (Default is 1.0)
"damage" Amount of damage the beam inflicts if beam hits someone (Default is 0)
"angles" Sets the angle of the beam if no target is specified.
"life" Sets the life of the beam for use with the persist spawnflag. This is how long a beam will
be displayed.
"numsegments" Number of segments in a beam (Default is 4)
"delay" Delay between beam updates. (i.e. slows the effect of the beam down)
"shader" Set the shader of the beam
"scale" Set the width of the beam
START_ON - Starts the beam on
PERSIST - Keeps the last few beams around and fades them out over the life of the beam
WAVE - Make the beam follow a sin wave pattern
NOISE - Use a more computationally expensive random effect, but the results are smoother
If the model field is not set, then a renderer generated beam will be created
using the color, minoffset, maxoffset, scale, and subdivisions fields
If the targetname is set, it will use the target specified as the endpoint of the beam
Event EV_FuncBeam_Activate
"Activate the beam"
Event EV_FuncBeam_Deactivate
"Deactivate the beam"
Event EV_FuncBeam_Diameter
"Set the diameter of the beam"
Event EV_FuncBeam_Maxoffset
"Set the maximum offset the beam can travel above, below, forward or back of it's endpoints"
Event EV_FuncBeam_Minoffset
"Set the minimun offset the beam can travel above, below, forward or back of it's endpoints"
Event EV_FuncBeam_Overlap
"Set the amount of overlap the beams have when they are being strung together"
Event EV_FuncBeam_Color
"Set the color of the beam"
Event EV_FuncBeam_SetTarget
"Set the target of the beam. The beam will be drawn from the origin\n"
"to the origin of the target entity"
Event EV_FuncBeam_SetEndPoint
"Set the end point of the beam. The beam will be draw from the origin to\n"
"the end point."
Event EV_FuncBeam_SetLife
"Set the amount of time the beam stays on when activated"
Event EV_FuncBeam_Shader
"Set the shader that the beam will use"
Event EV_FuncBeam_TileShader
"Set the shader that the beam will use. This shader will be tiled."
Event EV_FuncBeam_Segments
"Set the number of segments for the beam"
Event EV_FuncBeam_Delay
"Set the amount of delay on the beam updater"
Event EV_FuncBeam_NumSphereBeams
"Set the number of beams that will be shot out in a sphere like formation"
Event EV_FuncBeam_SphereRadius
"Set the starting radius of the beams if this is a beamsphere"
Event EV_FuncBeam_ToggleDelay
"time isRandom",
"Causes a beam toggling effect. Sets the time between toggling.\n"
"If the isRandom flag is set, the time will be random from 0 to the time specified."
Event EV_FuncBeam_FindEndpoint
"Find the endpoint of a beam"
Event EV_FuncBeam_UpdateEndpoint
"Update the endpoint of a beam"
Event EV_FuncBeam_UpdateOrigin
"Update the origin of a beam"
Event EV_FuncBeam_EndAlpha
"Set the endpoint alpha value of the beam"
Event EV_FuncBeam_Shoot
"Make the beam cause damage to entities that get in the way"
Event EV_FuncBeam_ShootRadius
"Set the radius of the damage area between beam endpoints"
Event EV_FuncBeam_Persist
"Set the persist property of the beam"
CLASS_DECLARATION( ScriptSlave, FuncBeam, "func_beam" )
{ &EV_Activate, &FuncBeam::Activate },
{ &EV_FuncBeam_Activate, &FuncBeam::Activate },
{ &EV_FuncBeam_Deactivate, &FuncBeam::Deactivate },
{ &EV_FuncBeam_Maxoffset, &FuncBeam::SetMaxoffset },
{ &EV_FuncBeam_Minoffset, &FuncBeam::SetMinoffset },
{ &EV_FuncBeam_Overlap, &FuncBeam::SetOverlap },
{ &EV_FuncBeam_Color, &FuncBeam::SetColor },
{ &EV_FuncBeam_SetTarget, &FuncBeam::SetTarget },
{ &EV_SetAngle, &FuncBeam::SetAngle },
{ &EV_FuncBeam_Segments, &FuncBeam::SetSegments },
{ &EV_SetAngles, &FuncBeam::SetAngles },
{ &EV_FuncBeam_SetEndPoint, &FuncBeam::SetEndPoint },
{ &EV_Model, &FuncBeam::SetModel },
{ &EV_Damage, &FuncBeam::SetDamage },
{ &EV_FuncBeam_SetLife, &FuncBeam::SetLife },
{ &EV_FuncBeam_Shader, &FuncBeam::SetBeamShader },
{ &EV_FuncBeam_TileShader, &FuncBeam::SetBeamTileShader },
{ &EV_FuncBeam_Delay, &FuncBeam::SetDelay },
{ &EV_FuncBeam_NumSphereBeams, &FuncBeam::SetNumSphereBeams },
{ &EV_FuncBeam_SphereRadius, &FuncBeam::SetSphereRadius },
{ &EV_FuncBeam_ToggleDelay, &FuncBeam::SetToggleDelay },
{ &EV_FuncBeam_ShootRadius, &FuncBeam::SetShootRadius },
{ &EV_FuncBeam_EndAlpha, &FuncBeam::SetEndAlpha },
{ &EV_FuncBeam_Persist, &FuncBeam::SetPersist },
{ &EV_FuncBeam_FindEndpoint, &FuncBeam::FindEndpoint },
{ &EV_FuncBeam_UpdateEndpoint, &FuncBeam::UpdateEndpoint },
{ &EV_FuncBeam_UpdateOrigin, &FuncBeam::UpdateOrigin },
{ &EV_FuncBeam_Shoot, &FuncBeam::Shoot },
setSolidType( SOLID_NOT );
damage = 0;
life = 0;
shootradius = 0;
use_angles = false;
edict->s.renderfx |= RF_BEAM;
edict->s.eType = ET_BEAM; // Entity type beam
edict->s.modelindex = 1; // must be non-zero
SetBeamShader( "beamshader" );
if ( !LoadingSavegame )
edict->s.alpha = 1; // alpha
edict->s.surfaces[4] = 4; // num segments
BEAM_PARM_TO_PKT( 1, edict->s.surfaces[0] ); // life
edict->s.bone_angles[0][1] = 5; // Max offset
edict->s.torso_anim = ENTITYNUM_NONE;
BEAM_PARM_TO_PKT( 1, edict->s.surfaces[9] ); // endalpha
if ( spawnflags & 0x0001 ) // Start On
PostEvent( EV_Activate, EV_POSTSPAWN );
edict->s.skinNum = 0;
if ( spawnflags & 0x0002 )
edict->s.skinNum |= BEAM_PERSIST_EFFECT;
if ( spawnflags & 0x0004 )
edict->s.skinNum |= BEAM_WAVE_EFFECT;
if ( spawnflags & 0x0008 )
edict->s.skinNum |= BEAM_USE_NOISE;
// Try to find the endpoint of this beam after everything has been spawned
PostEvent( EV_FuncBeam_FindEndpoint, EV_LINKBEAMS );
void FuncBeam::SetEndAlpha( Event *ev )
BEAM_PARM_TO_PKT( ev->GetFloat( 1 ), edict->s.surfaces[9] );
void FuncBeam::SetToggleDelay( Event *ev )
edict->s.skinNum |= BEAM_TOGGLE;
if ( ev->NumArgs() > 2 )
if ( ev->GetBoolean( 2 ) )
edict->s.skinNum |= BEAM_RANDOM_TOGGLEDELAY;
BEAM_PARM_TO_PKT( ev->GetFloat( 1 ), edict->s.surfaces[8] );
BEAM_PARM_TO_PKT( ev->GetFloat( 1 ), edict->s.surfaces[8] );
void FuncBeam::SetSphereRadius( Event *ev )
edict->s.skinNum |= BEAM_SPHERE_EFFECT;
BEAM_PARM_TO_PKT( ev->GetFloat( 1 ), edict->s.surfaces[7] );
void FuncBeam::SetNumSphereBeams( Event *ev )
edict->s.skinNum |= BEAM_SPHERE_EFFECT;
edict->s.surfaces[6] = ev->GetInteger( 1 );
void FuncBeam::SetAngle( Event *ev )
Vector movedir;
movedir = G_GetMovedir( ev->GetFloat( 1 ) );
setAngles( movedir.toAngles() );
void FuncBeam::SetAngles( Event *ev )
setAngles( ev->GetVector( 1 ) );
// Override setAngles to update the endpoint of the beam if it's rotated
void FuncBeam::setAngles( const Vector &angles )
trace_t trace;
Vector endpoint;
ScriptSlave::setAngles( angles );
// If there is no target, then use the angles to determine where to put the
// endpoint
if ( !end )
endpoint = origin + ( Vector( orientation[0] ) * WORLD_SIZE );
trace = G_Trace( origin, vec_zero, vec_zero, endpoint, this, MASK_SOLID, false, "FuncBeam" );
VectorCopy( trace.endpos, edict->s.origin2 );
use_angles = true;
void FuncBeam::SetEndPoint( Event *ev )
trace_t trace;
end_point = ev->GetVector( 1 );
trace = G_Trace( origin, vec_zero, vec_zero, end_point, this, MASK_SOLID, false, "FuncBeam" );
VectorCopy( trace.endpos, edict->s.origin2 );
use_angles = false;
void FuncBeam::SetEndPoint( const Vector &endPos )
end_point = endPos;
VectorCopy( end_point, edict->s.origin2 );
use_angles = false;
void FuncBeam::SetModel( Event *ev )
setModel( ev->GetString( 1 ) );
edict->s.renderfx &= ~RF_BEAM;
edict->s.eType = ET_BEAM;
edict->s.skinNum |= BEAM_USEMODEL;
void FuncBeam::SetDamage( Event *ev )
damage = ev->GetFloat( 1 );
void FuncBeam::SetLife( Event *ev )
BEAM_PARM_TO_PKT( ev->GetFloat( 1 ), edict->s.surfaces[0] );
void FuncBeam::SetColor( Event *ev )
Vector color = ev->GetVector( 1 );
G_SetConstantLight( &edict->s.constantLight, &color[ 0 ], &color[ 1 ], &color[ 2 ], NULL );
void FuncBeam::SetSegments( Event *ev )
edict->s.surfaces[4] = ev->GetInteger( 1 );
void FuncBeam::SetBeamShader( const str &beam_shader )
str temp_shader;
shader = beam_shader;
edict->s.tag_num = gi.imageindex( shader );
temp_shader = shader + ".spr";
CacheResource( temp_shader, this );
void FuncBeam::SetBeamShader( Event *ev )
SetBeamShader( ev->GetString( 1 ) );
void FuncBeam::SetBeamTileShader( Event *ev )
SetBeamShader( ev->GetString( 1 ) );
edict->s.skinNum |= BEAM_TILESHADER;
void FuncBeam::SetMaxoffset( Event *ev )
edict->s.bone_angles[0][1] = ev->GetFloat( 1 );
void FuncBeam::SetMinoffset( Event *ev )
edict->s.bone_angles[0][0] = ev->GetFloat( 1 );
void FuncBeam::SetOverlap( Event *ev )
BEAM_PARM_TO_PKT( ev->GetFloat( 1 ), edict->s.surfaces[3] );
void FuncBeam::SetDelay( Event *ev )
if ( ev->NumArgs() > 2 )
str arg = ev->GetString( 1 );
if ( !arg.icmp( "random" ) )
edict->s.skinNum |= BEAM_RANDOM_DELAY;
BEAM_PARM_TO_PKT( ev->GetFloat( 2 ), edict->s.surfaces[5] );
BEAM_PARM_TO_PKT( ev->GetFloat( 1 ), edict->s.surfaces[5] );
void FuncBeam::Deactivate( Event *ev )
// Cancel all of the events to activate
CancelEventsOfType( EV_FuncBeam_Activate );
CancelEventsOfType( EV_Activate );
CancelEventsOfType( EV_FuncBeam_UpdateEndpoint );
CancelEventsOfType( EV_FuncBeam_UpdateOrigin );
void FuncBeam::SetShootRadius( Event *ev )
shootradius = ev->GetFloat( 1 );
void FuncBeam::SetPersist( Event *ev )
qboolean persist = ev->GetBoolean( 1 );
if ( persist )
edict->s.skinNum |= BEAM_PERSIST_EFFECT;
edict->s.skinNum &= ~BEAM_PERSIST_EFFECT;
void FuncBeam::Shoot( Event *ev )
trace_t trace;
Vector start, end;
start = edict->s.origin;
end = edict->s.origin2;
Vector dir( end - start );
Vector b1( -shootradius, -shootradius, -shootradius );
Vector b2( shootradius, shootradius, shootradius );
trace = G_Trace( start, b1, b2, end, this, MASK_SHOT, false, "FuncBeam::Activate" );
if ( trace.ent && trace.ent->entity && trace.ent->entity->takedamage )
// damage the ent
trace.ent->entity->Damage( this, this, damage, trace.endpos, dir, trace.plane.normal, 0, 0, MOD_BEAM );
PostEvent( EV_FuncBeam_Shoot, 0.1f );
void FuncBeam::Activate( Event *ev )
Vector forward;
trace_t trace;
// An entity is targeted
if ( end )
VectorCopy( end->origin, edict->s.origin2 );
// Post an event so that the beam will update itself every frame
PostEvent( EV_FuncBeam_UpdateEndpoint, FRAMETIME );
else if ( use_angles )
angles.AngleVectors( &forward, NULL, NULL );
Vector endpoint( orientation[ 0 ] );
endpoint *= (float)WORLD_SIZE;
trace = G_Trace( origin, vec_zero, vec_zero, endpoint, this, MASK_SOLID, false, "FuncBeam::Activate" );
VectorCopy( trace.endpos, edict->s.origin2 );
trace = G_Trace( origin, vec_zero, vec_zero, end_point, this, MASK_SOLID, false, "FuncBeam::Activate" );
VectorCopy( trace.endpos, edict->s.origin2 );
if ( origin_target )
PostEvent( EV_FuncBeam_UpdateOrigin, FRAMETIME );
if ( damage )
// Shoot beam and cause damage every frame
ProcessEvent( EV_FuncBeam_Shoot );
// If life is set, then post a deactivate message
if ( ( life > 0.0f ) && !EventPending( EV_FuncBeam_Deactivate ) )
PostEvent( EV_FuncBeam_Deactivate, life );
void FuncBeam::UpdateEndpoint( Event *ev )
if ( end )
Event *ev1 = new Event( ev );
VectorCopy( end->origin, edict->s.origin2 );
PostEvent( ev1, FRAMETIME );
void FuncBeam::UpdateOrigin( Event *ev )
if ( origin_target )
Event *ev1 = new Event( ev );
setOrigin( origin_target->centroid );
PostEvent( ev1, FRAMETIME );
void FuncBeam::FindEndpoint( Event *ev )
if ( target && strlen( target ) )
end = G_FindTarget( NULL, target );
if ( end )
VectorCopy( end->origin, edict->s.origin2 );
FuncBeam *CreateBeam( const char *model, const char *shader, const Vector &start, const Vector &end,
int numsegments, float scale, float life, float damage, Entity *origin_target )
FuncBeam *beam;
trace_t trace;
// set start point
beam = new FuncBeam;
beam->setOrigin( start );
if ( origin_target )
beam->origin_target = origin_target;
// set endpoint
beam->end_point = end;
trace = G_Trace( start, vec_zero, vec_zero, end, beam, MASK_SOLID, false, "CreateBeam" );
VectorCopy( trace.endpos, beam->edict->s.origin2 );
beam->use_angles = false;
if ( model )
// set the model if we have one
beam->setModel( model );
beam->edict->s.renderfx &= ~RF_BEAM;
beam->edict->s.eType = ET_BEAM;
beam->edict->s.skinNum |= BEAM_USEMODEL;
if ( shader )
// Set the shader as an image configstring
beam->SetBeamShader( shader );
// set num segments
beam->edict->s.surfaces[4] = numsegments;
// set scale
beam->setScale( scale );
// set life
BEAM_PARM_TO_PKT( life, beam->edict->s.surfaces[0] );
beam->life = life;
// set damage
beam->damage = damage;
// activate it
beam->ProcessEvent( EV_Activate );
beam->PostEvent( EV_Remove, life );
return beam;