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2014-03-09 23:21:45 +00:00
// $Logfile:: /Code/DLLs/game/actor.h $
// $Revision:: 280 $
// $Author:: Sketcher $
// $Date:: 5/04/03 5:49p $
// Copyright (C) 1998 by Ritual Entertainment, Inc.
// All rights reserved.
// This source may not be distributed and/or modified without
// expressly written permission by Ritual Entertainment, Inc.
// Base class for character AI.
// Forward Declarations
class Actor;
class FindCoverMovement;
class FindMovement;
class FindFleeMovement;
class FindEnemyMovement;
#ifndef __ACTOR_H__
#define __ACTOR_H__
2015-04-28 20:02:03 +00:00
#include <cinttypes>
2014-03-09 23:21:45 +00:00
#include "g_local.h"
#include "sentient.h"
#include "container.h"
#include "navigate.h"
#include "behavior.h"
#include "scriptmaster.h"
#include "characterstate.h"
#include "actorstrategies.h"
#include "actorgamecomponents.h"
#include "actorutil.h"
#include "actor_sensoryperception.h"
#include "actor_enemymanager.h"
#include "actor_locomotion.h"
#include "actor_combatsubsystem.h"
#include "actor_headwatcher.h"
#include "actor_posturecontroller.hpp"
#include "actorincludes.h"
#include "RageAI.h"
// Global Functions
Actor* GetActor(const str& actor_name);
Player* GetPlayer(int index);
void AI_SenseEnemies(void);
void AI_DisplayInfo(void);
// Safe Pointer
typedef SafePtr<Actor> ActorPtr;
// External Data
extern Event EV_Torso_Anim_Done;
extern Event EV_EntityFlags;
extern Event EV_Sentient_GroupMemberInjured;
extern Event EV_HelperNodeCommand;
extern Event EV_Actor_SetAnim;
extern Event EV_Actor_Blink;
enum SteeringDirectionPreference {
//------------------------- CLASS ------------------------------
// Name: Actor
// Base Class: Sentient
// Description: Defines an Actor
// Method of Use: Spawned into the world
class Actor : public Sentient {
// E3 2002 Hack Stuff
EntityPtr forcedEnemy;
typedef enum {
} ActorControlType;
// Animation Data:
// The first chunk is for "leg" animation, the second
// chunck is for "torso" animations. Currently, I know
// of no way to "blend" animations, and you need to be
// careful of which animations you play together.
// Also, I believe there are still some issues with playing
// simultaneous animations
// Note: To play 2 animations simultaneously, the actors
// tiki file _MUST_ have leg bones marked as LEGBONE instead
// of just BONE.
str newanim;
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int32_t newanimnum;
int32_t animnum;
2014-03-09 23:21:45 +00:00
str animname;
Event* newanimevent;
str last_anim_event_name;
str newTorsoAnim;
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int32_t newTorsoAnimNum;
2014-03-09 23:21:45 +00:00
str TorsoAnimName;
Event* newTorsoAnimEvent;
str last_torso_anim_event_name;
// Range Data
// This was original placed here so that level designers
// could have a way to control the "leash" so to speak
// on the distance actors followed other actors. It turned
// out this didn't work as well as I had wanted. I'm leaving
// it here for right now as I don't want to break any type
// of legacy. However, we should keep an eye on this to
// see if can be removed.
float absoluteMin;
float absoluteMax;
float preferredMin;
float preferredMax;
// Actor and Target Types
// the actortype is the primary determinant of who the
// actor will "like" and "hate". I think this system
// is kind of restricting and should be replaced with a
// "real" faction system in the future.
// targetType determines what the actor will attempt to
// attack, i.e. other actors only, players only, or
// "interaction" objects only. I think this needs to
// be revamped as well.
// I'm not sure what validTarget is for. It is likely
// that this can be removed, but I'm not going to do it
// right now for fear of breaking stuff
actortype_t actortype;
targetType_t targetType;
qboolean validTarget;
// Behavior Data
// We have the ability to play multiple behaviors simultaneously
// however, I don't recommend it. In all honestly headBehavior and
// eyeBehavior really need to be removed. I guess I could see
// keeping a torsoBehavior as we do have leg and torso animation
// sets. However, I'm not convinced as of yet, that all the bugs
// are worked out of using multiple behaviors ( especially when
// relying on Anim Done or other such conditionals
BehaviorPtr behavior;
str currentBehavior;
str behaviorFailureReason;
BehaviorReturnCode_t behaviorCode;
BehaviorPtr headBehavior;
str currentHeadBehavior;
BehaviorReturnCode_t headBehaviorCode;
BehaviorPtr eyeBehavior;
str currentEyeBehavior;
BehaviorReturnCode_t eyeBehaviorCode;
BehaviorPtr torsoBehavior;
str currentTorsoBehavior;
BehaviorReturnCode_t torsoBehaviorCode;
// Lead Factors
// These define a range - [minLeadFactor, maxLeadFactor] -
// which is used to determine how much - if any - the
// actor will lead its target when using a projectile
// weapon. A factor of 0 indicates the position where
// the target is presently; a factor of 1 indicates the
// position where the target is predicted to be at
// impact, taking into account the target's current
// motion. Each time the actor fires a projectile,
// a random number in this range is chosen and applied
// as the lead factor for that shot. Thus, [0,0] means
// the actor never leads his target; [1,1] means he
// always leads it perfectly; [0,2] means he sometimes
// over-leads and sometimes under-leads it.
float minLeadFactor;
float maxLeadFactor;
// ThrowObject Flag
// This is here in case the actor has an object deemed as
// "throwable". This is so so weak. I can say that, because
// I'm the one who put it in here. The whole "throw" object
// stuff needs to be jetisoned and placed in a behavior
// where it belongs. At a minimum, if we need to maintain
// that we "have" a throw object, it should be made an bit
// in the Actor Flag stuff not its own bool
qboolean haveThrowObject;
// AnimSet -- Animation Sets can be setup in the GPD. What
// animset the actor is currently using is set up in script
str animset;
// Flags
// Stores various bits of information about the actor.
// We do have a bit vector class now, and sometime someone
// should experiment with converting these flags into a
// bit vector
2015-04-28 20:02:03 +00:00
uint32_t actor_flags1;
uint32_t actor_flags2;
uint32_t actor_flags3;
uint32_t actor_flags4;
uint32_t notify_flags1;
uint32_t state_flags;
2014-03-09 23:21:45 +00:00
// Some Dialog and Babble Stuff
// Okay, now that we have context dialog stuff in addition
// to this, the dialog stuff is SCREAMING for it's own class
// even if we do it as a helper class, it needs something
// it really needs to be moved
float chattime;
float nextsoundtime;
DialogMode_t DialogMode;
float radiusDialogRange;
DialogNode_t* dialog_list;
float dialog_done_time;
str dialog_state_name;
str dialog_old_state_name;
bool _ignoreNextContext;
str _nextContextToIgnore;
float _nextContextTime;
float _contextInterval;
// Thread Management
// Here we need to take a long look at what we're doing with
// these. To me it seems ridiculous that we should maintain
// all these str when they are seldom used. What I think
// we need is a type of thread controller that keeps a container
// of strings for threads we're using and an enum for type
// then we'd only add a string to the container if it's used
// it would also allow us to have many many more types of these
// threads since they would only be stored "as required"
ThreadPtr scriptthread;
str kill_thread;
str escape_thread;
str captured_thread;
str activate_thread;
str onuse_thread_name;
str ondamage_thread;
str alert_thread;
str idle_thread;
Container<threadlist_t*> threadList;
// Pain and Miscellaneous Damage
// I honestly don't know what some of these variables
// are for. We need to look at how we are handling "pain"
// for actors and see if there's a better way to do it,
// and verify that we need all of this stuff
float pain_threshold;
float next_drown_time;
float air_finished;
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int32_t pain_type;
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Vector pain_angles;
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int32_t bullet_hits;
2014-03-09 23:21:45 +00:00
float next_pain_time;
float min_pain_time;
float next_forced_pain_time;
float max_pain_time;
str _deathEffect;
// State map and "Thinking" stuff
// Here's where we store all the stuff for the Actors state
// map. One thing to note is stateDebugType_t. This is a
// very very primitive debugging tool that will print
// various information about state transitions to the console
// for a specified actor.
// We really really need better debuging tools for actors
str masterstatemap_name;
StateMap* masterstatemap;
State* currentMasterState;
State* lastMasterState;
str statemap_name;
StateMap* statemap;
State* currentState;
State* lastState;
State* globalState;
float state_time;
float masterstate_time;
2015-04-28 20:02:03 +00:00
int32_t times_done;
int32_t masterstate_times_done;
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float state_done_time;
float masterstate_done_time;
float last_time_active;
stateDebugType_t showStates;
talkModeStates_t talkMode;
bool useConvAnims;
static Condition<Actor> Conditions[];
Container<Conditional*> conditionals;
Container<Conditional*> master_conditionals;
// Fuzzy Engine Stuff
// Here's where we store our fuzzy engine stuff. The fuzzy
// engine is sort of a state machine for state machines. However
// instead of direct transitions, each conditional in the
// fuzzy engine is assigned a point value. All the fuzzyvars
// are evaluated and the one with the highest cumulative score
// executes
str fuzzyengine_name;
FuzzyEngine* fuzzyEngine;
qboolean fuzzyEngine_active;
Container<Conditional*> fuzzy_conditionals;
// Eye Angle stuff
// This is in here for when we were actually moving the eyes
// with bone controllers. I don't think its being used any more
// nor do I think it should ever be used again. I believe that
// this "eye watch" thing is cool in theory, but would hardly ever
// be seen by the player. It also introduces a whole lot of problems
// "chaining" watches together properly. Basically, for this level
// of detail to really be effective. During a watch, the eyes would
// have to move, then the head, then the torso, then the legs.
// Currently we don't have a way to accomplish that chain easily
// However, something to handle that might be good to look into
// for the future
float maxEyeYawAngle;
float minEyeYawAngle;
float maxEyePitchAngle;
float minEyePitchAngle;
// Saved Items (from switching to talk mode and stuff)
// This saved stuff presents some interesting possiblities for
// the future, however, for right now, it is used when the
// actor steps out of his normal "behavior" into a dialog mode
// to talk, when the dialog is completed, they step back into
// the behaivors they saved off here
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int32_t saved_mode;
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BehaviorPtr saved_behavior;
BehaviorPtr saved_headBehavior;
BehaviorPtr saved_eyeBehavior;
BehaviorPtr saved_torsoBehavior;
ThreadPtr saved_scriptthread;
ThreadPtr saved_actorthread;
str saved_anim_name;
str saved_state_name;
str saved_anim_event_name;
// Part Stuff
// I'm not entirely sure what this is, or how to use it. I
// remember being told that we could seperate actors into multiple
// "parts" each executing its own state machines, but I'm not
// sure how to go about setting such a thing up
str part_name;
Container<part_t> parts;
// Incoming Attack Stuff
// Here to let us handle incoming attacks -- Could probably
// be improved
EntityPtr incoming_proj;
float incoming_time;
qboolean incoming_bullet;
// Basic Data about the Actor
// All this should probably be made private and have accessors
// We also need to take some time and verify we're using all of
// this stuff
str name;
float max_inactive_time;
Vector eyeoffset;
float last_jump_time;
str enemytype;
float actorrange_time;
float last_height;
EntityPtr last_ent;
float canseeenemy_time;
float canseeplayer_time;
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int32_t stage;
int32_t num_of_spawns;
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ActorPtr spawnparent;
Vector last_attack_pos;
Vector last_attack_enemy_pos;
EntityPtr last_attack_entity_hit;
Vector last_attack_entity_hit_pos;
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int32_t mode;
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Vector last_known_enemy_pos;
Vector last_known_player_pos;
float feet_width;
Vector last_origin;
float next_find_enemy_time;
float minimum_melee_height;
float damage_angles;
float real_head_pitch;
float next_pain_sound_time;
float last_ground_z;
str emotion;
float next_blink_time;
float actor_to_actor_damage_modifier;
float last_used_time;
float hitscan_response_chance;
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int32_t shotsFired;
int32_t ondamage_threshold;
2014-03-09 23:21:45 +00:00
float timeBetweenSleepChecks;
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int32_t saved_bone_hit;
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float activationDelay;
float activationStart;
float deathKnockbackVerticalValue;
float deathKnockbackHorizontalValue;
// Pain Sound Stuff
float _nextPlayPainSoundTime;
float _playPainSoundInterval;
// Controller stuff
// If set, this is the listener controlling the actor.
// This controller is notifyied whenever the actor ends
// a behavior.
ListenerPtr _controller;
ActorControlType _controlType;
// Group Number
// Right now, groups are assigned in script or tiki
// and are not used very much yet. I will be implementing
// a group data controller very soon which should handle
// all the book keeping for group stuff, and allow
// actors to ask questions about their group
//int groupnumber;
// Current Helper Node
// Data structure that holds information about the Actor's
// "current" helper node.
CurrentHelperNodeData_t currentHelperNode;
IgnoreHelperNodeData_t ignoreHelperNode;
// Follow Target
// This data structure maintains who the actor would
// currently follow if it decided to execute a follow behavior
// it also maintains who it is currently following if it
// is following someone else who is currently following the same
// target.
FollowTargetData_t followTarget;
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int32_t _steeringDirectionPreference;
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// General Stuff (stuff I can't think of a group for)
// Like other stuff, we need to take a long look
// at these things
Container<StateVar*> stateVarList;
EntityPtr trigger;
str command;
str idle_state_name;
str master_idle_state_name;
str global_state_name;
float next_player_near;
EntityPtr pickup_ent;
float stunned_end_time;
Container<str> spawn_items;
float spawn_chance;
str bounce_off_effect;
float bounce_off_velocity;
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Container<int32_t> can_be_finsihed_by_mods;
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float max_boss_health;
qboolean haveAttached;
float currentSplineTime;
float _dialogMorphMult;
weaponhand_t _useWeaponDamage;
float _nextCheckForWorkNodeTime;
float _nextCheckForHibernateNodeTime;
float _nextCheckForEnemyPath;
bool _havePathToEnemy;
float _nextPathDistanceToFollowTargetCheck;
bool _checkedChance;
bool _levelAIOff;
// Helper Classes
// These are classes that help the actor function
// We need a couple more of these, specifically one
// for dialog, and another for "thread" management
ActorThink* thinkStrategy;
ActorGameComponent* gameComponent;
SensoryPerception* sensoryPerception;
Strategos* strategos;
EnemyManager* enemyManager;
PackageManager* packageManager;
MovementSubsystem* movementSubsystem;
Personality* personality;
CombatSubsystem* combatSubsystem;
HeadWatcher* headWatcher;
PostureController* postureController;
// 1st Playable Hack
// Obviously, this needs to be removed as soon as possible
float lastPathCheck_Work;
float lastPathCheck_Flee;
float lastPathCheck_Patrol;
qboolean testing;
str _branchDialogName;
// Class Prototype
// Initialization functions
void Start(Event* ev);
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void Sleep();
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void Sleep(Event* ev);
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void Wakeup();
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void Wakeup(Event* ev);
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void InitGameComponent();
void InitThinkStrategy();
void InitSensoryPerception();
void InitStrategos();
void InitEnemyManager();
void InitPackageManager();
void InitMovementSubsystem();
void InitPersonality();
void InitCombatSubsystem();
void InitHeadWatcher();
void InitPostureController();
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// Event Interface for Accessor Functions
void SetTargetType(Event* ev);
void SetDamageAngles(Event* ev);
void SetImmortal(Event* ev);
void SetTakeDamage(Event* ev);
void SetEnemyAttached(Event* ev);
void SetEnemyType(Event* ev);
void SetOnUseThread(Event* ev);
void SetRadiusDialogRange(Event* ev);
void SetDialogMode(Event* ev);
void SetActivateThread(Event* ev);
void SetAlertThread(Event* ev);
void SetValidTarget(Event* ev);
void SetTurretMode(Event* ev);
void SetOnDamageThread(Event* ev);
void SetTimeBetweenSleepChecks(Event* ev);
void SetDieCompletely(Event* ev);
void SetBleedAfterDeath(Event* ev);
void SetPainThresholdEvent(Event* ev);
void SetKillThreadEvent(Event* ev);
void SetDeathSize(Event* ev);
void SetCanWalkOnOthers(Event* ev);
void SetFeetWidth(Event* ev);
void SetCanBeFinishedBy(Event* ev);
void SetIdleThread(Event* ev);
void SetMaxBossHealth(Event* ev);
void SetTargetable(Event* ev);
void SetSpawnChance(Event* ev);
void SetNotAllowedToKill(Event* ev);
void SetUseGravity(Event* ev);
void SetAllowFall(Event* ev);
void SetHaveThing(Event* ev);
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void SetHaveThing(int32_t thing_number, qboolean thing_bool);
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void SetBounceOff(Event* ev);
void SetBounceOffEffect(Event* ev);
void SetMaxInactiveTime(Event* ev);
void SetTurnSpeed(Event* ev);
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virtual void SetHealth(Event* ev) override;
virtual void SetMaxHealth(Event* ev) override;
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void SetVar(Event* ev);
void SetVarTime(Event* ev);
void SetMask(Event* ev);
void SetWeaponReady(Event* ev);
void SetSimplifiedThink(Event* ev);
void SetActorToActorDamageModifier(Event* ev);
void SetEmotion(Event* ev);
void SetEyeAngles(Event* ev);
void SetHitscanResponse(Event* ev);
void SetFOV(Event* ev);
void SetVisionDistance(Event* ev);
void SetAimLeadFactors(Event* ev);
void SetActorType(Event* ev);
void SetAbsoluteMax(Event* ev);
void SetAbsoluteMin(Event* ev);
void SetPreferredMax(Event* ev);
void SetPreferredMin(Event* ev);
void SetDisabled(Event* ev);
void SetCrippled(Event* ev);
void SetInAlcove(Event* ev);
void SetGroupNumber(Event* ev);
void SetMovementMode(Event* ev);
void SetHeadWatchTarget(Event* ev);
void SetHeadWatchMaxDistance(Event* ev);
void SetHeadWatchSpeed(Event* ev);
void setHeadTwitch(Event* ev);
void SetFuzzyEngineActive(Event* ev);
void SetNodeID(Event* ev);
void SetFollowTarget(Event* ev);
void SetFollowRange(Event* ev);
void SetFollowRangeMin(Event* ev);
void SetFollowCombatRange(Event* ev);
void SetFollowCombatRangeMin(Event* ev);
void SetSteeringDirectionPreference(Event* ev);
void SetIgnoreNextContext(Event* ev);
void SetGroupDeathThread(Event* ev);
void SaveOffLastHitBone(Event* ev);
void SetMinPainTime(Event* ev);
void SetMinPainTime(float time);
void SetBounceOffVelocity(Event* ev);
void SetSelfDetonateModel(Event* ev);
void SetCombatTraceInterval(Event* ev);
void SetHeadWatchTarget(Entity *ent);
void SetHeadWatchSpeed(float speed);
void EyeOffset(Event* ev);
void ForceSetClip(Event* ev);
void GroupMemberInjured(Event* ev);
void StrictlyFollowPath(Event* ev);
void SetIgnoreWatchTarget(bool ignore);
void HelperNodeCommand(Event* ev);
void SetPlayPainSoundInterval(Event* ev);
void SetBehaviorPackage(Event* ev);
void SetBehaviorPackage(const str& packageName);
void SetMaxHeadYaw(Event* ev);
void SetMaxHeadPitch(Event* ev);
void UseBehaviorPackage(Event* ev);
void UseBehaviorPackage(const str& packageName);
void ChildUseBehaviorPackage(Event* ev);
void ChildUseBehaviorPackage(const str& childName, const str& packageName);
void ChildSetAnim(Event* ev);
void ChildSetAnim(const str& childName, const str& animName);
void ChildSuicide(Event* ev);
void GroupAttack(Event* ev);
void GroupActorType(Event* ev);
void SetMasterState(Event* ev);
void PrintDebugMessage(Event* ev);
void SelectNextEnemy(Event* ev);
void SelectClosestEnemy(Event* ev);
void SetAnimSet(Event* ev);
void SetAnimSet(const str& animSet);
const str& GetAnimSet();
void SetTalkWatchMode(Event* ev);
void SetPostureState(Event* ev);
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virtual void processGameplayData(Event* ev) override;
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void UnreserveCurrentHelperNode(Event* ev);
void UnreserveCurrentHelperNode();
// Note: This Needs to be its own class
void AddCustomThread(Event* ev);
void AddCustomThread(const str& threadType, const str& threadName);
bool HaveCustomThread(const str& threadType);
void RunCustomThread(const str& threadType);
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str GetCustomThread(const str& threadType);
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// Personality Tendencies
void SetAggressiveness(Event* ev);
void SetTalkiness(Event* ev);
void SetTendency(Event* ev);
void RegisterBehaviorPackage(Event* ev);
void UnRegisterBehaviorPackage(Event* ev);
void SetPackageTendency(Event* ev);
// Clear Anim Functions
void ClearTorsoAnim();
void ClearTorsoAnim(Event* ev);
void ClearLegAnim();
// Debug Functions
void DebugStates(Event* ev);
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void ShowInfo();
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void WhatAreYouDoing(Event* ev);
void WhatsWrong(Event* ev);
void PrintMasterStateInfo();
void PrintBehaviorPackageInfo();
void PrintStateMapInfo();
// Set Stimuli Response
void RespondTo(Event* ev);
void PermanentlyRespondTo(Event* ev);
// Combat functions
void MeleeEvent(Event* ev);
void ChargeWater(Event* ev);
void DamageOnceStart(Event* ev);
void DamageOnceStop(Event* ev);
void DamageAllowed(Event* ev);
virtual qboolean CanAttackFrom(const Vector& pos, const Entity* ent, qboolean usecurrentangles);
virtual qboolean CanAttack(Entity* ent, qboolean usecurrentangles);
void FireProjectile(Event* ev);
void FireBullet(Event* ev);
void FireRadiusAttack(Event* ev);
void SaveAttack(const Vector& orig, const Vector& dir);
qboolean TestAttack(const str& tag_name);
void IncomingProjectile(Event* ev);
void ProjectileClose(Event* ev);
qboolean EntityHasFireType(Entity *ent, firetype_t fire_type);
void DamageEnemy(Event* ev);
void DamageSelf(Event* ev);
void TurnTowardsEnemy(Event* ev);
void TurnTowardsPlayer(Event* ev);
void TurnTowardsEntity(Event* ev);
void SetMinimumMeleeHeight(Event* ev);
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qboolean IsImmortal();
qboolean TakeDamage();
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virtual void FireWeapon(Event* ev) override;
virtual void StopFireWeapon(Event* ev) override;
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void ClearArmorAdaptions(Event* ev);
// Enemy management
void ClearCurrentEnemy(Event* ev);
// Targeting functions
qboolean CloseToEnemy(const Vector& pos, float howclose);
qboolean EntityInRange(Entity* ent, float range, float min_height, float max_height, bool XYOnly = false);
void ClearOnUseThread(Event* ev);
void AttachCurrentEnemy(Event* ev);
void AttachActor(Event* ev);
void PickupThrowObject(Event* ev);
void TossThrowObject(Event* ev);
// State machine functions
void SetIdleStateName(Event* ev);
void SetState(const char* state_name);
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void resetStateMachine();
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void SetMasterState(const str& state_name);
void SetGlobalState(const char* state_name);
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void InitState();
void InitMasterState();
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void LoadStateMap(Event* ev);
void LoadMasterStateMap(Event* ev);
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void ProcessActorStateMachine();
void ProcessMasterStateMachine();
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void LoadFuzzyEngine(Event* ev);
void LoadPostureStateMachine(Event* ev);
// Thread management
void RunThread(Event* ev);
void RunThread(const str& thread_name);
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void RunDamageThread();
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void RunAlertThread(Event* ev);
// Behavior management
void SendMoveDone(CThread* script_thread);
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void EndBehavior();
void EndHeadBehavior();
void EndEyeBehavior();
void EndTorsoBehavior();
void SetBehavior(Behavior* newbehavior, Event* argevent = nullptr, CThread* thread = nullptr);
void SetHeadBehavior(Behavior* newbehavior, Event* argevent = nullptr, CThread* thread = nullptr);
void SetEyeBehavior(Behavior* newbehavior, Event* argevent = nullptr, CThread* thread = nullptr);
void SetTorsoBehavior(Behavior* newbehavior, Event* argevent = nullptr, CThread* thread = nullptr);
2014-03-09 23:21:45 +00:00
void EndBehaviorEvent(Event* ev);
void EndHeadBehaviorEvent(Event* ev);
void EndEyeBehaviorEvent(Event* ev);
void EndTorsoBehaviorEvent(Event* ev);
void NotifyBehavior(Event* ev);
void NotifyHeadBehavior(Event* ev);
void NotifyEyeBehavior(Event* ev);
void NotifyTorsoBehavior(Event* ev);
2015-04-28 20:02:03 +00:00
void EndAllBehaviors();
2014-03-09 23:21:45 +00:00
// Path and node management
PathNode* NearestNodeInPVS(const Vector& pos);
void SetPath(Path* newpath);
void ReserveNodeEvent(Event* ev);
void ReleaseNodeEvent(Event* ev);
trace_t Trace(const Vector& end, const char* reason) const;
trace_t Trace(const float distance, const char* reason) const;
trace_t Trace(const float angle, const float distance, const char* reason) const;
trace_t Trace(const Vector& begin, const Vector& end, const char* reason) const;
2015-04-28 20:02:03 +00:00
trace_t Trace(const Vector& begin, const Vector& end, const int32_t contentMask, const char* reason) const;
2014-03-09 23:21:45 +00:00
// Animation control functions
2015-04-28 20:02:03 +00:00
void RemoveAnimDoneEvent();
void ChangeAnim();
qboolean SetAnim(const str& anim, Event* ev = nullptr, bodypart_t part = legs, const float animationRate = 1.0f);
2014-03-09 23:21:45 +00:00
qboolean SetAnim(const str& anim, Event& ev, bodypart_t part = legs, const float animationRate = 1.0f);
void SetAnim(Event* ev);
void AnimDone(Event* ev);
void TorsoAnimDone(Event* ev);
2015-04-28 20:02:03 +00:00
virtual void SetCinematicAnim(const str& anim) override;
virtual void CinematicAnimDone() override;
2014-03-09 23:21:45 +00:00
void PostureAnimDone(Event* ev);
// Script commands
void GoIdle(Event* ev);
void LookAt(Event* ev);
void TurnToEvent(Event* ev);
void HeadAndEyeWatchEvent(Event* ev);
void HeadWatchEvent(Event* ev);
void ResetHeadEvent(Event* ev);
void EyeWatchEvent(Event* ev);
void ResetEyeEvent(Event* ev);
void ResetTorsoEvent(Event* ev);
void FallToDeathEvent(Event* ev);
void WalkTo(Event* ev);
void BlindlyFollowPath(Event* ev);
void WalkWatch(Event* ev);
void WarpTo(Event* ev);
void PickupEnt(Event* ev);
void ThrowEnt(Event* ev);
void AttackEntity(Event* ev);
void AttackPlayer(Event* ev);
void JumpToEvent(Event* ev);
void Anim(Event* ev);
void RepostEvent(Event* ev, const Event& event_type);
void FollowWayPoints(Event* ev);
// Weapon Stuff
void GiveActorWeapon(Event* ev);
void RemoveActorWeapon(Event* ev);
void UseActorWeapon(Event* ev);
void PutawayWeapon(Event* ev);
void UseWeaponDamage(Event* ev);
void AttachModelToTag(const str& modelName, const str& tagName);
void DetachModelFromTag(const str& tagName);
// Script conditionals
void IfEnemyVisibleEvent(Event* ev);
void IfNearEvent(Event* ev);
void IfCanHideAtEvent(Event* ev);
void IfEnemyWithinEvent(Event* ev);
// Sound reaction functions
void NoPainSounds(Event* ev);
void HeardSound(Event* ev);
void BroadcastAlert(float pos = SOUND_RADIUS);
void BroadcastAlert(Event* ev);
void BroadcastAlert(float pos, int soundtype);
// Pain and death related functions
void Pain(Event* ev);
void StunEvent(Event* ev);
void CheckStun(void);
void Dead(Event* ev);
void Killed(Event* ev);
void KilledEffects(Entity *attacker);
void RemoveUselessBody(Event* ev);
void DeathFadeEvent(Event* ev);
void setDeathEffect(Event* ev);
void DeathShrinkEvent(Event* ev);
void DeathSinkEvent(Event* ev);
void StaySolidEvent(Event* ev);
void SpawnGib(Event* ev);
void SpawnGibAtTag(Event* ev);
void RealSpawnGib(qboolean use_tag, Event* ev);
void SpawnNamedGib(Event* ev);
float SpawnGetTime(float vel, const Vector& orig, const Vector& gib_mins, const Vector& gib_maxs);
void SpawnBlood(Event* ev);
void Suicide(Event* ev);
void FadeEvent(Event* ev);
qboolean RespondToHitscan(void);
bool canBeDamagedBy(meansOfDeath_t MeansOfDeath);
// Movement functions
void SimplePathfinding(Event* ev);
void ForwardSpeedEvent(Event* ev);
void SwimEvent(Event* ev);
void FlyEvent(Event* ev);
void NotLandEvent(Event* ev);
void Push(Event* ev);
void Push(const Vector& dir);
void Pushable(Event* ev);
// AI Functions
void ActivateAI(void);
void TurnAIOn(Event* ev);
void TurnAIOn(void);
void TurnAIOff(Event* ev);
void TurnAIOff(void);
void LevelAIOff();
void LevelAIOn();
// Parts functions
void RegisterParts(Event* ev);
void RegisterSelf(Event* ev);
void PartName(Event* ev);
Actor* FindPartActor(const char* name);
void SendCommand(Event* ev);
// Dialog Functionality
DialogNode_t* NewDialogNode(void);
void FreeDialogList(void);
void AddDialogParms(DialogNode_t* dialog_node, Event* ev);
void AddDialog(Event* ev);
void DialogDone(Event* ev);
void DialogAnimDone(Event* ev);
void setDialogMorphMult(Event* ev);
void PlayDialog(Event* ev);
void StopDialog(Event* ev);
void PlayRadiusDialog(Sentient *user);
void StopDialog(void);
2015-04-28 20:02:03 +00:00
void PlayDialog(Sentient* user, float volume = -1.0f, float min_dist = -1.0f, const char* dialog_name = nullptr, const char* state_name = nullptr, qboolean headDisplay = false, bool useTalk = false, bool important = false);
2014-03-09 23:21:45 +00:00
qboolean DialogExists(const str& aliasName);
float GetDialogRemainingTime(void);
2015-04-28 20:02:03 +00:00
str FindDialog(Sentient* user, DialogType_t dialogType, const str& context = "");
2014-03-09 23:21:45 +00:00
void BranchDialog(Event* ev);
// Branch Dialog Functionality
void clearBranchDialog(void);
void setBranchDialog(void);
// Context Dialog Functionality
void InContext(Event* ev);
void InContext(const str& theContext, bool useDefaultMinDist);
// Context Dialog Functions -- Resolve the alias and actually play the sound, and broadcast the soundtype to
// nearby actors
void BroadcastDialog(Event* ev);
qboolean WantsToTalk();
// Twitch Functions
void SetMouthAngle(Event* ev);
// Mode functions
qboolean ModeAllowed(int new_mode);
void StartMode(int new_mode);
void EndMode(void);
void SaveMode(void);
void RestoreMode(void);
// Finishing functions
qboolean CanBeFinished(void);
qboolean CanBeFinishedBy(int meansofdeath);
void Finish(int meansofdeath);
void StartLimbo(void);
qboolean InLimbo(void);
// Controller functions
bool RequestControl(Listener* controller, ActorControlType controlType = ACTOR_CONTROL_AUTO_RELEASE);
bool ReleaseControl(Listener* controller);
2015-04-28 20:02:03 +00:00
str GetStateVar(const str& varName);
2014-03-09 23:21:45 +00:00
// General functions
static Actor* FindActorByName(const str& name);
static unsigned int ActorTypeStringToInt(const str& type);
void IgnorePainFromActors(Event* ev);
void UpdateBossHealth(Event* ev);
void TouchTriggers(Event* ev);
void IgnoreWater(Event* ev);
void IgnorePlacementWarning(Event* ev);
qboolean CanTarget(void) const;
void AddSpawnItem(Event* ev);
void ClearSpawnItems(Event* ev);
void SpawnItems(void);
void SpawnItem(const str& spawn_item_name);
qboolean CanJump(void);
void SetActorFlag(const str& flag_name, qboolean flag_value);
void SetStickToGround(const bool stick);
void SetStickToGround(Event* ev);
2015-04-28 20:02:03 +00:00
bool GetStickToGround(void) const;
2014-03-09 23:21:45 +00:00
void SetActorFlag(int flag, qboolean flag_value);
void SetActorFlag(Event* ev);
qboolean GetActorFlag(const int flag) const;
qboolean GetActorFlag(const str& flag_name) const;
void SetNotifyFlag(const str& flag_name, qboolean flag_value);
void SetNotifyFlag(int flag, qboolean flag_value);
void SetNotifyFlag(Event* ev);
qboolean GetNotifyFlag(int flag);
void BounceOffEvent(Event* ev);
void NotifyOthersAtDeath(Event* ev);
void NotifyOthersOfDeath(void);
void GotoNextStage(Event* ev);
void GotoPrevStage(Event* ev);
void GotoStage(Event* ev);
void GetStage(Event* ev);
void Pickup(Event* ev);
void Throw(Event* ev);
2015-04-28 20:02:03 +00:00
virtual void setSize(Vector min, Vector max) override;
2014-03-09 23:21:45 +00:00
void NoChatterEvent(Event* ev);
virtual void Chatter(const char* sound, float chance = 10, float volume = 1.0f, int channel = CHAN_VOICE);
void ActivateEvent(Event* ev);
void UseEvent(Event* ev);
2015-04-28 20:02:03 +00:00
virtual void Think() override;
2014-03-09 23:21:45 +00:00
void Active(Event* ev);
bool IsEntityAlive(const Entity *ent);
void Name(Event* ev);
void SetupTriggerField(Event* ev);
void TriggerTouched(Event* ev);
qboolean GetClosestTag(const str& tag_name, int number_of_tags, const Vector& target, Vector* orig);
void AddStateFlag(unsigned int flag);
void ClearStateFlags(void);
void SpawnActorAtTag(Event* ev);
void SpawnActorAtLocation(Event* ev);
void SpawnActorAboveEnemy(Event* ev);
void SpawnActor(const str& model_name, const Vector& orig, const Vector& ang, int how_many, qboolean attack, float width, float height, qboolean force = false);
void TryTalkToPlayer(void);
void AllowTalk(Event* ev);
void AllowHangBack(Event* ev);
void SolidMask(Event* ev);
void IgnoreMonsterClip(Event* ev);
void NotSolidMask(Event* ev);
void NoMask(Event* ev);
void ResetMoveDir(Event* ev);
2015-04-28 20:02:03 +00:00
int32_t ActorFlag_string_to_int(const str& actorflagstr) const;
int32_t NotifyFlag_string_to_int(const str& notifyflagstr);
virtual void ArmorDamage(Event* ev) override;
2014-03-09 23:21:45 +00:00
qboolean CheckBottom(void);
void ChangeType(Event* ev);
2015-04-28 20:02:03 +00:00
virtual void GetStateAnims(Container<const char*>* c) override;
2014-03-09 23:21:45 +00:00
void Touched(Event* ev);
void TryBlink(void);
void SetBlink(Event* ev);
void ReturnProjectile(Event* ev);
void checkActorDead(Event* ev);
qboolean checkActorDead(void);
qboolean checkplayerrange(float range, float height = 0);
void SetFlagOnEnemy(Event* ev);
void TurnOnEnemyAI(Event* ev);
void TurnOffEnemyAI(Event* ev);
void HandleGameSpecificEvent(Event* ev);
void EvaluateEnemies(Event* ev);
void ForgetEnemies(Event* ev);
bool IsFinishable();
2015-04-26 12:48:05 +00:00
str getName() const override
return name;
2015-04-26 12:48:05 +00:00
2014-03-09 23:21:45 +00:00
void SendEventToGroup(Event* ev);
Actor* GetAttachedChildActor(const str& childName);
void turnTowardsEntity(Entity* ent, float extraYaw);
void PrepareToFailMission(Event* ev);
void FailMission(Event* ev);
void DebugEvent(Event* ev);
void StartTalkBehavior(Sentient* user);
void SetContextInterval(Event* ev);
void SetContextInterval(float interval);
void SetEnemyTargeted(Event* ev);
void SetEnemyTargeted(bool targeted);
void SetActivationDelay(Event* ev);
void SetActivationDelay(float delay);
void SetActivationStart(Event* ev);
void SetActivationStart();
void SetCheckConeOfFireDistance(Event* ev);
void SetCheckConeOfFireDistance(float distance);
void AnimateOnce(Event* ev);
void SetDeathKnockbackValues(Event* ev);
// State machine conditions
qboolean returntrue(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkanimname(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkinactive(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkanimdone(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checktorsoanimdone(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkdead(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkhaveenemy(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkenemydead(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkenemydead(void);
qboolean checkenemynoclip(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkcanseeenemy(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkcanseeplayer(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkcanshootenemy(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkenemyinfov(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkenemyonground(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkenemyrelativeyaw(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkenemyyawrange(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkenemyrange(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkcanjumptoenemy(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkcanflytoenemy(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkinpain(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checksmallpain(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkpainyaw(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkpainpitch(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkstunned(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkfinished(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkmeleehit(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkblockedhit(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkblocked(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkBlockedByEnemy(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkonfire(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkotherdied(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkstuck(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checknopath(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkSteeringFailed(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkbehaviordone(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkheadbehaviordone(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkeyebehaviordone(Conditional &condtion);
qboolean checktorsobehaviordone(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checktorsobehaviorfailed(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checktorsobehaviorsuccess(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkbehaviorsuccess(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkbehaviorfailed(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checktimedone(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkdone(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkplayerrange(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkparentrange(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkmovingactorrange(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkchance(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkstatetime(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checktimesdone(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkmeansofdeath(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checknoiseheard(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkpartstate(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkpartflag(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkpartdead(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checknumspawns(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkcommand(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checktouched(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checktouchedbyplayer(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checktouchedbyplayer();
qboolean checkactivated(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkused(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checktwitch(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkhealth(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkhealthpercent(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkhealthpercentinrange(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkonground(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkinwater(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkincomingmeleeattack(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkincomingmeleeattack();
qboolean checkincomingrangedattack(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkincomingprojectile(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkenemystunned(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkenemyinpath(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkstage(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkheld(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkenemymelee(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkenemyranged(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkhasthing(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkatcovernode(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkallowhangback(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkname(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkVar(Conditional &condtion);
qboolean checkNodeExists(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkCoverNodes(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkSurfaceDamaged(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkBoneDamaged(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkRegionDamaged(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkCaptured(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkEnemyAttached(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkCanWalkForward(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkHasThrowObject(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkEnemyIsThrowObject(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkTurretMode(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkMeleeHitWorld(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkGameSpecific(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkWeaponReady(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkPlayerValid(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkInPreferredRange(Conditional &condtion);
qboolean checkInAbsoluteRange(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkDisabled(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkCrippled(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkInAlcove(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkInConeOfFire(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkInPlayerConeOfFire(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkPatrolWaypointNodeInDistance(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkPathNodeTypeInDistance(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkPlayerInCallVolume(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkInCallVolume(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkUsingWeaponNamed(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkUsingWeaponNamed(const str& name);
qboolean checkHaveActiveWeapon(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkOutOfTorsoRange(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkCanAttackAnyEnemy(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkActorFlag(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkplayerranged(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkplayerranged();
qboolean checkForwardDirectionClear(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkRearDirectionClear(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkLeftDirectionClear(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkRightDirectionClear(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkForwardDirectionClear(float dist);
qboolean checkRearDirectionClear(float dist);
qboolean checkLeftDirectionClear(float dist);
qboolean checkRightDirectionClear(float dist);
qboolean checkLastState(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkGroupMememberRange(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkActorType(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkIsTeammate(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkWeaponIsMelee(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkWeaponChanged(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkVarTimeDifference(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkRequestedPosture(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkPostureAnimDone(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkGroupAttackerCount(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkCurrentEnemyGroupAttackerCount(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkGroupAttackerCountForEntity(Conditional& condition, Entity* attackTarget);
qboolean checkGroupAttackerCountForEntity(int checkValue, Entity* attackTarget);
qboolean checkCountOfIdenticalNamesInGroup(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkCountOfIdenticalNamesInGroup(const str& checkName, int checkValue);
qboolean checkCanAttackEnemy(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkCanAttackEnemy();
qboolean checkDamageThresholdExceeded(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkDamageThresholdExceeded();
qboolean checkAttacked(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkAttacked();
qboolean checkAttackedByPlayer(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkAttackedByPlayer();
qboolean checkHelperNodeWithFlagInRange(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkHelperNodeWithFlagInRange(const str& flag, float range);
qboolean checkEnemyWeaponNamed(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkEnemyWeaponNamed(const str& name);
qboolean checkPlayerWeaponNamed(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkPlayerWeaponNamed(const str& name);
qboolean checkEnemyWithinRange(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkEnemyWithinRange(float min, float max);
qboolean checkPropChance(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkPropExists(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkShowPain(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkShowPain();
qboolean checkPropEnemyRange(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkPropEnemyRange(const str& objname, const str& propname);
qboolean checkHaveBestWeapon(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkHaveBestWeapon();
qboolean checkPosture(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkPosture(const str& postureName);
qboolean checkAnyEnemyInRange(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkAnyEnemyInRange(float range);
qboolean checkValidCoverNodeInRange(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkValidCoverNodeInRange(float maxDistanceFromSelf, float minDistanceFromCurrentEnemy, float minDistanceFromPlayer);
qboolean checkValidCombatNodeInRange(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkValidCombatNodeInRange(float maxDistanceFromSelf, float minDistanceFromPlayer, bool unreserveCurrentNode = true);
qboolean checkValidWorkNodeInRange(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkValidWorkNodeInRange(float maxDistanceFromSelf, bool unreserveCurrentNode = true);
qboolean checkValidHibernateNodeInRange(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkValidHibernateNodeInRange(float maxDistanceFromSelf);
qboolean checkValidPatrolNodeInRange(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkValidPatrolNodeInRange(float maxDistanceFromSelf);
qboolean checkValidSniperNodeInRange(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkValidSniperNodeInRange(float maxDistanceFromSelf);
qboolean checkValidCustomNodeInRange(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkValidCustomNodeInRange(const str& customType, float maxDistanceFromSelf);
qboolean checkEnemyCanSeeCurrentNode(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkEnemyCanSeeCurrentNode();
qboolean checkSpecifiedFollowTargetOutOfRange(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkSpecifiedFollowTargetOutOfRange();
qboolean checkCurrentNodeHasThisCoverType(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkCurrentNodeHasThisCoverType(const str& coverType);
qboolean checkShouldDoAction(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkShouldDoAction(const str& tendencyName);
qboolean checkInTheWay(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkInTheWay();
qboolean checkHaveArmor(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkHaveArmor();
qboolean checkWithinFollowRangeMin(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkWithinFollowRangeMin();
qboolean checkAllowedToMeleeEnemy(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkAllowedToMeleeEnemy();
qboolean checkHavePathToEnemy(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkHavePathToEnemy();
qboolean checkEnemyProjectileClose(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkEnemyProjectileClose();
qboolean checkActivationDelayTime(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkActivationDelayTime();
qboolean checkTalking(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkTalking();
qboolean checkEnemiesNearby(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkEnemiesNearby(float distance);
// Tendency Checks
qboolean checkIsAggressive(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkWantsToExecutePackage(Conditional& condition);
qboolean checkExecutedPackageInLastTimeFrame(Conditional& condition);
// Temporary
qboolean checkInAIMode(Conditional& condition);
2015-04-28 20:02:03 +00:00
virtual void Archive(Archiver& arc) override;
2014-03-09 23:21:45 +00:00
void _dropActorToGround();
void _printDebugInfo(const str& laststate, const str& currentState, const str& legAnim, const str& torsoAnim);
void _notifyGroupOfDamage();
void _notifyGroupSpottedEnemy();
void _notifyGroupOfKilled();
void _notifyGroupOfEnemy();
qboolean _isWorkNodeValid(PathNode* node);
qboolean _WorkNodeInDistance(float dist);
qboolean _FleeNodeInDistance(float dist);
2015-04-28 20:02:03 +00:00
void Init();
2014-03-09 23:21:45 +00:00
typedef PathFinder<FindMovement> FindMovementPath;
typedef PathFinder<FindCoverMovement> FindCoverPath;
typedef PathFinder<FindFleeMovement> FindFleePath;
typedef PathFinder<FindEnemyMovement> FindEnemyPath;
#endif /* actor.h */