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Stuff specific to Eternal War
//Xsniper - Begin New QC Drawing Code
//Note to programmers:
//Functions draw_coord, draw_center, and CoordPrint will only work if
//init_draw is called first. Calling init_draw turns on QC Drawing mode.
//All text and images drawn to the screen will stay on the screen until
//stop_draw is called. When stop_draw is called it will erase all images
//and text from memory and remove them from the screen.
//One other thing, this code is pretty much untested. We were going to use it in EW but never
//got around to it. So use this at your own risk!
float QC_DRAW_ON; //1 for true, 0 for false
void() init_draw = #179;
void() stop_draw = #180;
void(float num, float x, float y, string s) draw_coord = #181;
void(float num, string s) draw_center = #182;
void(float num, float x, float y, string s) CoordPrint = #183;
//Xsniper - End New QC Drawing Code
//Xsniper - Begin New HUD Drawing Code
//Basically the same as above except it gives you another region of image drawing
//that is seperate from QC Draw. Meaning you can turn off one while leaving the
//other on.
float HUD_DRAW_ON; //1 for true, 0 for false
void() init_hud_draw = #187;
void() stop_hud_draw = #188;
void(float num, float x, float y, string s) HUD_draw_coord = #189;
void(float num, string s) HUD_draw_center = #190;
void(float num, float x, float y, string s) HUD_CoordPrint = #191;
//Xsniper - End New HUD Drawing Code
//Xsniper - Useful Vid Functions
float() get_vid_width = #192;
float() get_vid_height = #193;
//Xsniper - End Useful Vid Functions
//Xsniper - Weapon Mode Icon Updating Code
//Secondary Attack Mode Toggle
float SVC_WMTOGGLE = 46;
float(float wvalue) set_wmode =
//send a message to the client to update his wmode
msg_entity = self;
WriteByte (MSG_ONE, wvalue);
return wvalue;
//Xsniper - End
//Xsniper - Added Bot Support
float() get_numbots = #185;
void(float bvalue) set_numbots = #186;
//Xsniper - End
//Xsniper - Added Engine Version Checking
float() get_engine_version = #194;
//Xsniper - End
//Telejano 7 Enhancements
float TE_EXPLOSION2 = 12;
float EF_BLUEFIRE = 32;
//Tomaz Quake Enhancements
//.alpha 0-1 sets the translucency of any model. 1 = Solid 0. = Invisible.
.float alpha;
//.scale 0-4 sets the scale of any model. 0 = so small u cant see it. 4 = 4 times as big as original.
.float scale;
//.glow_size 0-250 spawns a dynamic light around the model and set the size of it (duh).
.float glow_size;
//.glow_red 0-1, .glow_green 0-1 and glow_blue 0-1 set the color of the dynamic light.
.float glow_red;
.float glow_green;
.float glow_blue;
//ammo stuff
.float ammo_bolts, ammo_mana_blue, ammo_mana_green, ammo_mana_grey;
//Agath emerge thought function
.void() th_emerge;
//EW praying
.float praying;
float pray_time;
.string oldmodel;
//EW dodge type
.float dtype;
//EW game speed variable
float gamespeed;
float gamemode;
//EW speed and gravity variables
float world_speed;
float world_gravity;
//EW Boss Form 2
float entered;
.float firere;
.float firern;
float bhtime;
float bf2_dead;
//EW Boss Form 1
.float active;
.vector oldorigin;
float bf1_dead;
float lightning_wait;
float sight_wait;
float num_clones;
//EW team code
.float team2; //Since .team changes with pants colour. Can't have that.
float ANGEL_TEAM = 1;
float DEMON_TEAM = 2;
float OBSERVER_TEAM = 3; //Not really a team, but used by the menu so the screen clears when
//you become a permanent observer.
//EW file access
string(string s) zone = #79;
void(string s) unzone = #80;
float (string s) strlen = #81;
string(string s1, string s2) strcat = #82;
string(string s, float start, float length) substring = #83;
float(string s) stof = #84;
vector(string s) stov = #85;
float(string filename, float mode) open = #86;
void(float handle) close = #87;
string(float handle) read = #88;
void(float handle, string s) write = #89;
float FILE_WRITE = 2;
float FILE_APPEND = 1;
float FILE_READ = 0;
// Used for items. Originally found in items.qc
float WEAPON_BIG2 = 1;
// Multiplayer Defs
float num_mon_types; // counts number of monster types used in level
.float count; // for counting triggers
.float motd_count;
.float motd_time;
float num_portals; // used for Flood Co-op Mode
.float spirit; // used for Flood Co-op Mode
.float oldspot; // used for Flood Co-op Mode
.float admin; // first player in game becomes the administrator
float demon_score;
// Xsniper Bot
.void() th_jump;
.float waypoint;
.float path;
.float direction;
float path1_total;
float path2_total;
float path3_total;
.float isrunning;
.float way_found;
.float object_found;
.float object_wait;
.entity oldgoalentity;
.entity oldenemy;
.string monflag;
.float fstyle;
.float fstime;
.float wmode;
float num_bots;
float MAX_BOTS = 8;
//Fire Stuff
.float onfire;
.float burningtime;
.entity burninflictor;
//Difficulty Stuff
float numagath;
float numwraith;
float numteneb;