/* ============================= glows.qc coded by Robert de Heus a.k.a Koolio koolio@planetkoolio.com http://www.planetkoolio.com Description: This file holds the various glows used on the player to indicate what weapon he has. Suggestions: white:default glow (knife) yellow: sword (maybe become yellow every time you do a secondary fire and use white for the rest of the sword) red,green,blue: split up the spells into 3 spell groups? Or maybe each spell a different glow. ============================= */ void() StandardGlow = //White glow { self.glow_size = 150; self.glow_red = 1; self.glow_green = 1; self.glow_blue = 1; }; void(float r,float g,float b, float glowsize)ColouredGlow = { self.glow_size = glowsize; self.glow_red = r; self.glow_green = g; self.glow_blue = b; }; void() GlowOff = //Turns glows off (for when dead) { self.glow_size = 0; }; void() GlowFade = //Glow fades out before/while dying { //nothing yet. Might/might not implement };