194 lines
4.9 KiB
194 lines
4.9 KiB
#include maps\_utility;
#include maps\_anim;
PrecacheModel( "tag_origin" );
// Will need to put this in levelname_fx.gsc
level._effect["betty_explosion"] = LoadFx( "explosions/grenadeExp_dirt" );
level._effect["betty_smoketrail"] = LoadFx("impacts/fx_pipe_steam");
level._effect["betty_groundPop"] = LoadFX( "impacts/small_snowhit" );
players = get_players();
players[0] giveweapon ("thompson");
players[0] giveweapon ("m1garand");
setexpfog(500, 900, 0.803, 0.812, 0.794, 10);
level thread test_betties();
level.betty_trigs = GetEntArray( "trip_betty", "targetname" );
for( i = 0; i < level.betty_trigs.size; i++ )
level thread betty_think( level.betty_trigs[i] );
// TODO add functionality to do damage/kill AIs
// make sure to test if they are magic_bullet_shield protected
betty_think( trigger )
trigger waittill( "trigger" );
// get our objects
tripwire = GetEnt( trigger.target, "targetname" );
betty = GetEnt( tripwire.target, "targetname" );
betty_radius = 80;
//ASSERTEX( trigger.classname == "trigger_radius", "bouncing betty trigger at origin '" + trigger.origin + "' needs to be a trigger radius." );
// set up values
jumpHeight = RandomIntRange( 68, 80 ); // world units
dropHeight = RandomIntRange( 10, 20 );
jumpTime = 0.15; // seconds
dropTime = 0.1;
clickWaitTime = 0.05; // seconds after the "click" til the betty jumps up
radiusMultiplier = 1; // how big of an area outside the touch trigger should dudes be damaged instead of killed? 1 = 100% bigger radius.
damageMultiplier = 0.5; // how much less damage do guys near but not touching the trigger take?
// TODO replace with click sound
iprintln( "Click!" );
wait( clickWaitTime );
// play ground impact particle where it pops out of the ground
PlayFX( level._effect["betty_groundPop"], betty.origin + ( 0, 0, 10 ) );
// start rotating
betty thread betty_rotate();
// jump up out of the ground
betty MoveTo( betty.origin + ( 0, 0, jumpHeight ), jumpTime, 0, jumpTime * 0.5 );
betty waittill( "movedone" );
// fall back down a bit
betty MoveTo( betty.origin - ( 0, 0, dropHeight ), dropTime, dropTime * 0.5 );
betty waittill( "movedone" );
// let our threads know it's time to start cleaning up
betty notify( "stop_rotate_thread" );
// Blow up!
PlayFx( level._effect["betty_explosion"], betty.origin );
// damage players in the area, if they're not proned
// can't use RadiusDamage because we want prone guys to be safe
players = get_players();
for( i = 0; i < players.size; i++ )
player = players[i];
// if prone, you're cool
if( player GetStance() == "prone" )
// non-proning players touching the trigger...
if( player IsTouching( trigger ) )
// ... will DIEEE
player DoDamage( player.health + 200, betty.origin );
// if player isn't touching the trigger, but is close to it...
else if( Distance( player.origin, betty.origin ) > betty_radius + ( betty_radius * radiusMultiplier ) )
// just damage the player
player DoDamage( player.health * damageMultiplier, betty.origin );
// set off other betties nearby
for( i = 0; i < level.betty_trigs.size; i++ )
otherBetty = level.betty_trigs[i];
if( !IsDefined( otherBetty ) || trigger == otherBetty )
// NOTE: this should work for all but the craziest of cases
if( Distance2D( betty.origin, otherBetty.origin ) <= betty_radius + ( betty_radius * radiusMultiplier ) )
// set it off!
otherBetty thread betty_pop( RandomFloatRange( 0.15, 0.25 ) );
betty Delete();
tripwire Delete();
trigger Delete();
// rotates the bouncing betty as it comes out of the ground.
// NOTE: for this to look good, the betty needs to be angled already.
// self = the betty
self endon( "stop_rotate_thread" );
self thread betty_rotate_fx();
rotateAngles = 360;
rotateTime = 0.125;
while( 1 )
self RotateYaw( rotateAngles, rotateTime );
self waittill( "rotatedone" );
// TODO this won't work until Conserva's fix works
// plays a little trail of particles off the origin of
// the betty, to set it off visually
// self = the betty
self endon( "stop_rotate_thread" );
fxOrg = Spawn( "script_model", self.origin );
fxOrg SetModel( "tag_origin" );
fxOrg LinkTo( self );
wait( 0.75 ); // I thought Conserva fixed this?
fx = PlayFxOnTag( level._effect["betty_smoketrail"], fxOrg, "tag_origin" );
// sets off a betty manually
// self = the betty
betty_pop( waitTime )
if( IsDefined( waitTime ) && waitTime > 0 )
wait( waitTime );
self notify( "trigger" );