2008-11-20 00:00:00 +00:00

703 lines
18 KiB

#include common_scripts\utility;
#include maps\mp\_utility;
#include maps\mp\_createfx;
OneShotfx: Fires an effect once.
maps\mp\_fx::OneShotfx( effectname, (x y z), predelay);
maps\mp\_fx::OneShotfx(level.medFire, // Medium fire effect
(-701, -18361, 148), // Origin
5); // Wait 5 seconds before doing effect
Loopfx: Loops an effect with a waittime.
maps\mp\_fx::loopfx( effectname, (x y z), delay_between_shots);
maps\mp\_fx::loopfx(level.medFire, // Medium fire effect
(-701, -18361, 148), // Origin
0.3); // Wait 0.3 seconds between shots
GunFireLoopfx: Simulates bursts of fire.
maps\mp\_fx::gunfireloopfx(fxId, fxPos, shotsMin, shotsMax, shotdelayMin, shotdelayMax, betweenSetsMin, betweenSetsMax)
maps\mp\_fx::gunfireloopfx (level.medFire, // Medium fire effect
(-701, -18361, 148), // Origin
10, 15, // 10 to 15 shots
0.1, 0.3, // 0.1 to 0.3 seconds between shots
2.5, 9); // 2.5 to 9 seconds between sets of shots.
GrenadeExplosionfx: Creates a grenade explosion with view jitter.
maps\mp\_fx::GrenadeExplosionfx((x y z));
maps\mp\_fx::GrenadeExplosionfx( (-701, -18361, 148) ); // origin
"origin" "-451 -14930 26"
"targetname" "auto1166"
"classname" "script_origin"
print_org (fxcommand, fxId, fxPos, waittime)
if (getdvar("debug") == "1")
println ("{");
println ("\"origin\" \"" + fxPos[0] + " " + fxPos[1] + " " + fxPos[2] + "\"");
println ("\"classname\" \"script_model\"");
println ("\"model\" \"fx\"");
println ("\"script_fxcommand\" \"" + fxcommand + "\"");
println ("\"script_fxid\" \"" + fxId + "\"");
println ("\"script_delay\" \"" + waittime + "\"");
println ("}");
OneShotfx(fxId, fxPos, waittime, fxPos2)
// level thread print_org ("OneShotfx", fxId, fxPos, waittime);
// level thread OneShotfxthread (fxId, fxPos, waittime, fxPos2);
OneShotfxthread ( )
wait .05; // waitframe
if ( self.v["delay"] > 0 )
wait self.v["delay"];
self.looper = spawnFx( level._effect[self.v["fxid"]], self.v["origin"], self.v["forward"], self.v["up"] );
triggerFx( self.looper, self.v["delay"] );
OneShotfxthread ( fxId, fxPos, waittime, fxPos2 )
wait .05; // waitframe
if ( waittime < 0 )
if (isdefined (fxPos2))
fxPos2 = vectornormalize (fxPos2 - fxPos);
fxObj = spawnFx( level._effect[fxId], fxPos, fxPos2 );
triggerFx( fxObj, waittime );
fxObj = spawnFx( level._effect[fxId], fxPos );
triggerFx( fxObj, waittime );
wait waittime;
if (isdefined (fxPos2))
fxPos2 = vectornormalize (fxPos2 - fxPos);
playfx ( level._effect[fxId], fxPos, fxPos2 );
playfx ( level._effect[fxId], fxPos);
exploderfx(num, fxId, fxPos, waittime, fxPos2, fireFx, fireFxDelay, fireFxSound, fxSound, fxQuake, fxDamage, soundalias, repeat, delay_min, delay_max, damage_radius, fireFxTimeout, exploder_group)
if (1)
ent = createExploder(fxId);
ent.v["origin"] = fxPos;
ent.v["angles"] = (0,0,0);
if (isdefined(fxPos2))
ent.v["angles"] = vectortoangles(fxPos2 - fxPos);
ent.v["delay"] = waittime;
ent.v["exploder"] = num;
// deprecated
fx = spawn ("script_origin", (0,0,0));
// println ("total ", getentarray ("script_origin","classname").size);
fx.origin = fxPos;
fx.angles = vectortoangles (fxPos2 - fxPos);
// fx.targetname = "exploder";
fx.script_exploder = num;
fx.script_fxid = fxId;
fx.script_delay = waittime;
fx.script_firefx = fireFx;
fx.script_firefxdelay = (fireFxDelay); // for awhile the script exported strings for this value so we cast it to float
fx.script_firefxsound = fireFxSound;
fx.script_sound = fxSound;
fx.script_earthquake = fxQuake;
fx.script_damage = (fxDamage);
fx.script_radius = (damage_radius);
fx.script_soundalias = soundalias;
fx.script_firefxtimeout = (fireFxTimeout);
fx.script_repeat = (repeat);
fx.script_delay_min = (delay_min);
fx.script_delay_max = (delay_max);
fx.script_exploder_group = exploder_group;
forward = anglestoforward (fx.angles);
forward = vectorScale(forward, 150);
fx.targetPos = fxPos + forward;
if (!isdefined (level._script_exploders))
level._script_exploders = [];
level._script_exploders[level._script_exploders.size] = fx;
maps\mp\_createfx::createfx_showOrigin (fxid, fxPos, waittime, fxpos2, "exploderfx", fx, undefined, fireFx, fireFxDelay,
fireFxSound, fxSound, fxQuake, fxDamage, soundalias, repeat, delay_min, delay_max, damage_radius, fireFxTimeout);
loopfxRotate(fxId, fxPos, waittime, angle, fxStart, fxStop, timeout)
level thread print_org ("loopfx", fxId, fxPos, waittime);
level thread loopfxthread (fxId, fxPos, waittime, fxPos2, fxStart, fxStop, timeout);
loopfx(fxId, fxPos, waittime, fxPos2, fxStart, fxStop, timeout)
println("Loopfx is deprecated!");
ent = createLoopEffect(fxId);
ent.v["origin"] = fxPos;
ent.v["angles"] = (0,0,0);
if (isdefined(fxPos2))
ent.v["angles"] = vectortoangles(fxPos2 - fxPos);
ent.v["delay"] = waittime;
loopfx(fxId, fxPos, waittime, fxPos2, fxStart, fxStop, timeout)
level thread print_org ("loopfx", fxId, fxPos, waittime);
level thread loopfxthread (fxId, fxPos, waittime, fxPos2, fxStart, fxStop, timeout);
self.looper = playLoopedFx( level._effect[self.v["fxid"]], self.v["delay"], self.v["origin"], 0, self.v["forward"], self.v["up"]);
self notify( "stop_loop" );
if ( isdefined( self.v["soundalias"] ) && ( self.v["soundalias"] != "nil" ) )
if ( isdefined( self.looper ) )
self.looper thread maps\mp\_utility::loop_fx_sound( self.v["soundalias"], self.v["origin"], "death" );
thread maps\mp\_utility::loop_fx_sound( self.v["soundalias"], self.v["origin"], "stop_loop" );
self notify( "stop_loop" );
loopfxthread ()
wait .05; // waitframe
// println ( "fx testing running Id: ", fxId );
// if ((isdefined (level.scr_sound)) && (isdefined (level.scr_sound[fxId])))
// loopSound(level.scr_sound[fxId], fxPos);
if (isdefined (self.fxStart))
level waittill ("start fx" + self.fxStart);
while (1)
if (isdefined (ent.org2))
fxAngle = vectorNormalize (ent.org2 -;
looper = playLoopedFx( level._effect[fxId], ent.delay,, 0, fxAngle );
looper = playLoopedFx( level._effect[fxId], ent.delay,, 0 );
if (isdefined (self.timeout))
thread loopfxStop(self.timeout);
if (isdefined (self.fxStop))
level waittill ("stop fx" + self.fxStop);
if (isdefined (self.looper))
self.looper delete();
if (isdefined (self.fxStart))
level waittill ("start fx" + self.fxStart);
self endon ("death");
ent waittill ("effect id changed", change);
self endon ("death");
for (;;)
ent waittill ("effect org changed", change);
self.origin = change;
self endon ("death");
ent waittill ("effect delay changed", change);
loopfxDeletion (ent)
self endon ("death");
ent waittill ("effect deleted");
self delete();
loopfxStop (timeout)
self endon("death");
self.looper delete();
loopSound(sound, Pos, waittime)
// level thread print_org ("loopSound", sound, Pos, waittime);
level thread loopSoundthread (sound, Pos, waittime);
loopSoundthread ( sound, pos, waittime )
org = spawn ("script_origin", (pos));
org.origin = pos;
// println ("hello1 ", org.origin, sound);
org playLoopSound ( sound );
gunfireloopfx(fxId, fxPos, shotsMin, shotsMax, shotdelayMin, shotdelayMax, betweenSetsMin, betweenSetsMax)
thread gunfireloopfxthread (fxId, fxPos, shotsMin, shotsMax, shotdelayMin, shotdelayMax, betweenSetsMin, betweenSetsMax);
gunfireloopfxthread (fxId, fxPos, shotsMin, shotsMax, shotdelayMin, shotdelayMax, betweenSetsMin, betweenSetsMax)
level endon ("stop all gunfireloopfx");
wait .05; // waitframe
if (betweenSetsMax < betweenSetsMin)
temp = betweenSetsMax;
betweenSetsMax = betweenSetsMin;
betweenSetsMin = temp;
betweenSetsBase = betweenSetsMin;
betweenSetsRange = betweenSetsMax - betweenSetsMin;
if (shotdelayMax < shotdelayMin)
temp = shotdelayMax;
shotdelayMax = shotdelayMin;
shotdelayMin = temp;
shotdelayBase = shotdelayMin;
shotdelayRange = shotdelayMax - shotdelayMin;
if (shotsMax < shotsMin)
temp = shotsMax;
shotsMax = shotsMin;
shotsMin = temp;
shotsBase = shotsMin;
shotsRange = shotsMax - shotsMin;
fxEnt = spawnFx( level._effect[fxId], fxPos );
for (;;)
shotnum = shotsBase + randomint (shotsRange);
for (i=0;i<shotnum;i++)
triggerFx( fxEnt );
wait (shotdelayBase + randomfloat (shotdelayRange));
wait (betweenSetsBase + randomfloat(betweenSetsRange));
gunfireloopfxVec(fxId, fxPos, fxPos2, shotsMin, shotsMax, shotdelayMin, shotdelayMax, betweenSetsMin, betweenSetsMax)
thread gunfireloopfxVecthread (fxId, fxPos, fxPos2, shotsMin, shotsMax, shotdelayMin, shotdelayMax, betweenSetsMin, betweenSetsMax);
gunfireloopfxVecthread (fxId, fxPos, fxPos2, shotsMin, shotsMax, shotdelayMin, shotdelayMax, betweenSetsMin, betweenSetsMax)
level endon ("stop all gunfireloopfx");
wait .05; // waitframe
if (betweenSetsMax < betweenSetsMin)
temp = betweenSetsMax;
betweenSetsMax = betweenSetsMin;
betweenSetsMin = temp;
betweenSetsBase = betweenSetsMin;
betweenSetsRange = betweenSetsMax - betweenSetsMin;
if (shotdelayMax < shotdelayMin)
temp = shotdelayMax;
shotdelayMax = shotdelayMin;
shotdelayMin = temp;
shotdelayBase = shotdelayMin;
shotdelayRange = shotdelayMax - shotdelayMin;
if (shotsMax < shotsMin)
temp = shotsMax;
shotsMax = shotsMin;
shotsMin = temp;
shotsBase = shotsMin;
shotsRange = shotsMax - shotsMin;
fxPos2 = vectornormalize (fxPos2 - fxPos);
fxEnt = spawnFx ( level._effect[fxId], fxPos, fxPos2 );
for (;;)
shotnum = shotsBase + randomint (shotsRange);
for (i=0;i<int(shotnum/level.fxfireloopmod);i++)
triggerFx( fxEnt );
delay =((shotdelayBase + randomfloat (shotdelayRange))*level.fxfireloopmod);
if(delay < .05)
delay = .05;
wait delay;
wait (shotdelayBase + randomfloat (shotdelayRange));
wait (betweenSetsBase + randomfloat(betweenSetsRange));
setfireloopmod( value )
level.fxfireloopmod = 1/value;
if ((!isdefined (self.script_fxid)) || (!isdefined (self.script_fxcommand)) || (!isdefined (self.script_delay)))
// println (self.script_fxid);
// println (self.script_fxcommand);
// println (self.script_delay);
// println ("Effect at origin ", self.origin," doesn't have script_fxid/script_fxcommand/script_delay");
// self delete();
// println ("^a Command:", self.script_fxcommand, " Effect:", self.script_fxID, " Delay:", self.script_delay, " ", self.origin);
if (isdefined (self.model))
if (self.model == "toilet")
self thread burnville_paratrooper_hack();
org = undefined;
if (isdefined (
ent = getent (,"targetname");
if (isdefined (ent))
org = ent.origin;
fxStart = undefined;
if (isdefined (self.script_fxstart))
fxStart = self.script_fxstart;
fxStop = undefined;
if (isdefined (self.script_fxstop))
fxStop = self.script_fxstop;
if (self.script_fxcommand == "OneShotfx")
OneShotfx(self.script_fxId, self.origin, self.script_delay, org);
if (self.script_fxcommand == "loopfx")
loopfx(self.script_fxId, self.origin, self.script_delay, org, fxStart, fxStop);
if (self.script_fxcommand == "loopsound")
loopsound(self.script_fxId, self.origin, self.script_delay);
self delete();
normal = (0, 0, self.angles[1]);
// println ("z: paratrooper fx hack: ", normal);
id = level._effect[self.script_fxId];
origin = self.origin;
// if (isdefined (self.script_delay))
// wait (self.script_delay);
wait 1;
level thread burnville_paratrooper_hack_loop(normal, origin, id);
self delete();
burnville_paratrooper_hack_loop(normal, origin, id)
while (1)
// iprintln ("z: playing paratrooper fx", origin);
playfx (id, origin);
wait (30 +randomfloat (40));
if ((!isdefined (self.script_fxid)) || (!isdefined (self.script_fxcommand)) || (!isdefined (self.script_delay)))
println ("Effect at origin ", self.origin," doesn't have script_fxid/script_fxcommand/script_delay");
self delete();
if (isdefined (
org = getent (;
org = "undefined";
// println ("^a Command:", self.script_fxcommand, " Effect:", self.script_fxID, " Delay:", self.script_delay, " ", self.origin);
if (self.script_fxcommand == "OneShotfx")
println ("maps\mp\_fx::OneShotfx(\"" + self.script_fxid + "\", " + self.origin + ", " + self.script_delay + ", " + org + ");");
if (self.script_fxcommand == "loopfx")
println ("maps\mp\_fx::LoopFx(\"" + self.script_fxid + "\", " + self.origin + ", " + self.script_delay + ", " + org + ");");
if (self.script_fxcommand == "loopsound")
println ("maps\mp\_fx::LoopSound(\"" + self.script_fxid + "\", " + self.origin + ", " + self.script_delay + ", " + org + ");");
script_playfx ( id, pos, pos2 )
if (!id)
if (isdefined (pos2))
playfx (id,pos,pos2);
playfx (id,pos);
script_playfxontag ( id, ent, tag )
if (!id)
playfxontag (id,ent,tag);
playfx (level._effect["mechanical explosion"], pos);
earthquake(0.15, 0.5, pos, 250);
// TODO: Add explosion effect and view jitter
// println("The script command grenadeExplosionEffect has been removed. maps\\mp\\_fx::GrenadeExplosionfx must be set up to make an effect and jitter the view.");
soundfx(fxId, fxPos, endonNotify)
org = spawn ("script_origin",(0,0,0));
org.origin = fxPos;
org playloopsound (fxId);
if (isdefined(endonNotify))
org thread soundfxDelete(endonNotify);
ent = level thread maps\mp\_createfx::createfx_showOrigin ( fxId, fxPos, undefined, undefined, "soundfx" );
ent.delay = 0;
ent endon ("effect deleted");
ent.soundfx = org;
level waittill (endonNotify);
self delete();
/*rainfx(fxId, fxId2, fxPos)
org = spawn ("script_origin",(0,0,0));
org.origin = fxPos;
org thread rainLoop(fxId, fxId2);
//ent = level thread maps\mp\_createfx::createfx_showOrigin ( fxId, fxPos, undefined, undefined, "rainfx", undefined, fxId2 );
//ent.delay = 0;
//ent endon ("effect deleted");
//ent.soundfx = org;
/*rainLoop (hardRain, lightRain)
// org playloopsound (fxId);
self endon ("death");
blend = spawn( "sound_blend", ( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ) );
blend.origin = self.origin;
self thread blendDelete(blend);
blend2 = spawn( "sound_blend", ( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ) );
blend2.origin = self.origin;
self thread blendDelete(blend2);
// lerp of 0 will play _null only
blend setSoundBlend( lightRain+"_null", lightRain, 0);
blend2 setSoundBlend( hardRain+"_null", hardRain, 1);
rain = "hard";
blendTime = undefined;
for (;;)
level waittill ("rain_change", change, blendTime);
blendTime *= 20; // internal framerate
assert (change == "hard" || change == "light" || change == "none");
assert (blendtime > 0);
if (change == "hard")
if (rain == "none")
blendTime *= 0.5; // gotta do 2 blends to go from none to hard
for (i=0;i<blendtime;i++)
blend setSoundBlend( lightRain+"_null", lightRain, i/blendtime );
wait (0.05);
rain = "light";
if (rain == "light")
for (i=0;i<blendtime;i++)
blend setSoundBlend( lightRain+"_null", lightRain, 1-(i/blendtime) );
blend2 setSoundBlend( hardRain+"_null", hardRain, i/blendtime );
wait (0.05);
if (change == "none")
if (rain == "hard")
blendTime *= 0.5; // gotta do 2 blends to go from hard to none
for (i=0;i<blendtime;i++)
blend setSoundBlend( lightRain+"_null", lightRain, (i/blendtime) );
blend2 setSoundBlend( hardRain+"_null", hardRain, 1-( i/blendtime ));
wait (0.05);
rain = "light";
if (rain == "light")
for (i=0;i<blendtime;i++)
blend setSoundBlend( lightRain+"_null", lightRain, 1-(i/blendtime) );
wait (0.05);
if (change == "light")
if (rain == "none")
for (i=0;i<blendtime;i++)
blend setSoundBlend( lightRain+"_null", lightRain, i/blendtime );
wait (0.05);
if (rain == "hard")
for (i=0;i<blendtime;i++)
blend setSoundBlend( lightRain+"_null", lightRain, i/blendtime );
blend2 setSoundBlend( hardRain+"_null", hardRain, 1-(i/blendtime) );
wait (0.05);
rain = change;
self waittill ("death");
blend delete();