
962 lines
21 KiB

////////////////OKI2 UTILITY FUNCTIONS/////////////////////
#include common_scripts\utility;
#include maps\_utility;
#include maps\_anim;
okiPrint( txt ) // used for various debug prints, so they can all be enabled/disabled at will
PrintLn( " *** OKI2: " + txt );
// look_target can be undefined if he doesn't have one
dialogue( dialoguename, look_target )
//anim_single_solo( self, dialoguename ); // used to be just this
self endon( "death" );
realdialoguename = level.scr_sound[self.animname][dialoguename];
self thread maps\_anim::anim_facialFiller( "dialogue_sound_done", look_target );
self animscripts\face::SaySpecificDialogue( undefined, realdialoguename, 1.0, "dialogue_sound_done" );
self waittill( "dialogue_sound_done" );
// plays a water on the camera effect when you pass under a waterfall
watersheet_on_trigger( targetname )
trig = getent( targetname, "targetname" );
while( true )
trig waittill( "trigger", who );
if( isDefined(who) )
who setwatersheeting(true, 3);
wait( 0.1 );
// displays explanation on how to use satchel charges
self endon("death");
self endon("disconnect");
self notify("restarting_satchel_hint");
self thread hud_satchel_deathwatch();
self setup_client_hintelem();
self.hintelem setText(&"OKI2_SATCHEL_HINT1");
self.hintelem settext("");
self endon("restarting_satchel_hint"); // because technically this gets run twice, both E1 start and E2 start
while( self GetCurrentWeapon() != "satchel_charge_new" ) // wait for the player to actually switch to the satchel
self.hintelem setText(&"OKI2_SATCHEL_HINT2");
self.hintelem Destroy();
self notify("hud_destroyed");
self endon("hud_destroyed");
self waittill("death");
self.hintelem destroy();
self endon("death");
self endon("disconnect");
self.hintelem = newclienthudelem(self);
self.hintelem init_hint_hudelem(320, 220, "center", "bottom", 1.3, 1.0);
players = get_players();
init_hint_hudelem(x, y, alignX, alignY, fontscale, alpha)
self.x = x;
self.y = y;
self.alignX = alignX;
self.alignY = alignY;
self.fontScale = fontScale;
self.alpha = alpha;
self.sort = 20;
//self.font = "objective";
guy_follow_target_entity( target, goalradius )
self endon( "death" );
self endon( "stop_following" );
if( isDefined(goalradius) )
self.goalradius = goalradius;
self.disableArrivals = true;
self.disableExits = true;
while( true )
self setGoalPos( target.origin );
self waittill( "goal" );
// settings for a guy to run to a goal while ignoring everything and being ignored
self.ignoreme = true;
self.ignoreall = true;
self.goalradius = 64;
self waittill("goal");
self.ignoreme = false;
self.ignoreall = false;
fade_to_black( fadeTime )
if( !IsDefined( fadeTime ) )
fadeTime = 5;
// fade to black
level.fadetoblack = NewHudElem();
level.fadetoblack.x = 0;
level.fadetoblack.y = 0;
level.fadetoblack.alpha = 0;
level.fadetoblack.foreground = false;
level.fadetoblack.sort = 50;
level.fadetoblack.horzAlign = "fullscreen";
level.fadetoblack.vertAlign = "fullscreen";
level.fadetoblack.foreground = false;
level.fadetoblack.sort = 50;
level.fadetoblack SetShader( "black", 640, 480 );
// Fade into black
level.fadetoblack FadeOverTime( fadeTime );
level.fadetoblack.alpha = 1;
fade_from_black( fadeTime )
if( !IsDefined( fadeTime ) )
fadeTime = 5;
// Fade into black
level.fadetoblack FadeOverTime( fadeTime );
level.fadetoblack.alpha = 0;
wait( fadeTime );
level.fadetoblack Destroy(); // get rid of it, if it's not visible
if( isDefined( level.fadetoblack ) )
level.fadetoblack Destroy();
players = get_players();
player = players[i];
player SetClientDvar( "hud_showStance", "1" );
player SetClientDvar( "compass", "1" );
player SetClientDvar( "ammoCounterHide", "0" );
player setClientDvar ( "miniscoreboardhide", "0" );
player.warpblack destroy();
self endon("death");
self endon("disconnect");
time = 1;
self.warpblack = NewClientHudElem( self );
self.warpblack.x = 0;
self.warpblack.y = 0;
self.warpblack.horzAlign = "fullscreen";
self.warpblack.vertAlign = "fullscreen";
self.warpblack.foreground = false;
self.warpblack.sort = 50;
self.warpblack.alpha = 0;
self.warpblack SetShader( "black", 640, 480 );
self.warpblack FadeOverTime( time );
self.warpblack.alpha = 1;
self.warpblack FadeOverTime( time );
self.warpblack.alpha = 0;
spawn in guys thru script.
simple_spawn( name, spawn_func, delay )
spawners = getEntArray( name, "targetname" );
// add spawn function to each spawner if specified
if( isdefined( spawn_func ) )
for( i = 0; i < spawners.size; i++ )
spawners[i] add_spawn_function( spawn_func );
ai_array = [];
for( i = 0; i < spawners.size; i++ )
if( i % 2)
//wait for a new network frame to be sent out before spawning in
//another guy
// check if we want to forcespawn him
if( IsDefined( spawners[i].script_forcespawn ) )
ai = spawners[i] StalingradSpawn();
ai = spawners[i] DoSpawn();
okiPrint( "Spawning " + spawners[i].targetname );
spawn_failed( ai );
// for debug purposes (so entinfo displays their name)
if( isdefined( ai ) )
ai.targetname = name + "_alive";
ai.script_noteworthy = spawners[i].script_noteworthy;
ai_array = add_to_array( ai_array, ai );
return ai_array;
simple_floodspawn( name, spawn_func )
spawners = getEntArray( name, "targetname" );
assertex( spawners.size, "no spawners with targetname " + name + " found!" );
// add spawn function to each spawner if specified
if( isdefined( spawn_func ) )
for( i = 0; i < spawners.size; i++ )
spawners[i] add_spawn_function( spawn_func );
for( i=0; i< spawners.size; i++ )
if( i % 2 )
//wait for a new network frame to be sent out before spawning in another guy
spawners[i] thread maps\_spawner::flood_spawner_init();
spawners[i] thread maps\_spawner::flood_spawner_think();
do_dialogue(dialogue,aname )
self.old_animname = self.animname;
self.animname = aname;
self anim_single_solo( self, dialogue );
self.animname = self.old_animname;
//St = trim_dialogue(dialogue,aname);
//iprintlnbold( + ": " + st );
strng = level.scr_sound[aname][dialogue];
newstr = "";
for(x=strng.size -1;x>5;x--)
newstr = strng[x] + newstr;
return (newstr);
// disable colors on all guys
ai = getaiarray("allies");
for (i = 0; i < ai.size; i++)
ai[i] disable_ai_color();
// enable colors on all guys
ai = getaiarray("allies");
for (i = 0; i < ai.size; i++)
ai[i] enable_ai_color();
// enable colors on all guys
enable_friendly_color_gradual( delay )
ai = getaiarray("allies");
for (i = 0; i < ai.size; i++)
ai[i] enable_ai_color();
wait( delay );
players = getplayers();
for(i=0; i<players.size; i++)
players[i] setwaterdrops(25);
players = getplayers();
for(i=0; i<players.size; i++)
players[i] setwaterdrops(0);
// there's parts of this level that are nonlinear. I want the squad to stick near the
// player, so what this does is make them stick by player0, (the first player). Having
// them follow all the players obviously is just going to lead to mixed signals and chaos.
// so, what you do is set up some cover nodes and color them along with an appropriate trigger.
// Then place another trigger there that'll repeat, and detect whether the first player is
// who's triggering it. If so, trigger that trigger's noteworthy entity.
trigger_noteworthy_if_player0( trigger, end_notify )
self endon( end_notify );
trigger = getent( trigger, "targetname" ); // get the trigger_multiple
if( isdefined(trigger) )
okiPrint( "trigger_noteworthy_if_player0 found trigger: " + trigger.targetname );
while( isdefined(trigger) )
if( isdefined(trigger.script_noteworthy) )
target = getent( trigger.script_noteworthy, "targetname" ); // grab the target via script_noteworthy
if( isdefined(target) )
target.script_color_auto_disable = false; // we want the color nodes to be re-triggerable
trigger waittill( "trigger" ); // wait for the trigger_multiple to be touched
players = get_players();
if( players[0] istouching(trigger) ) // check whether player0 is inside the volume
okiPrint( "Activating targetname: " + trigger.script_noteworthy );
target notify("trigger"); // activate the target if so
okiPrint( "Couldn't find match for script_noteworthy!" );
okiPrint( "No script_noteworthy on trigger!" );
wait(2.0); // so this doesn't loop ridiculously fast
moves the players to script_structs
- used for setting start points
players = get_players();
points = getstructarray(spots,"targetname");
for(x =0;x<players.size;x++)
players[x] setorigin(points[x].origin);
players[x] setplayerangles( points[x].angles ); // JAS Jun 30 2008, setplayerangles uses angles, not a vector
// spawns each spawner with a matching targetname, then returns the list of resultant guys
spawn_array_once( targetname, fieldname )
guys = [];
spawners = getentarray( targetname, fieldname );
if( isDefined(spawners) )
for( i=0; i<spawners.size; i++ )
guy = spawners[i] StalingradSpawn();
if( isDefined(guy) )
okiPrint( "Spawning " + targetname + " #" + i );
guys[guys.size] = guy;
if( i % 2 == 1 ) // wait a network frame after every other guy
return guys;
// Respawns a guy until his spawner runs out
maintain_mg_guy( endmsg, spawntargetname, guytargetname, threatbiasgroup )
level endon(endmsg);
spawner = getent( spawntargetname, "targetname" );
okiPrint( "maintain_mg_guy found " + spawner.targetname );
spawner add_spawn_function( ::guy_to_goal_blind );
while( isDefined(spawner) ) // spawner could run out of count
guy = spawner stalingradspawn();
if( isDefined(guy) ) // eventually the spawn counter can run out
guy.targetname = guytargetname;
guy waittill( "death" );
if( isDefined( threatbiasgroup) )
guy setThreatBiasGroup( threatbiasgroup );
wait( 5 );
set stances on the friendlies
friends = get_ai_group_ai("dasquad");//getentarray("friends","targetname");
friends[i] allowedstances(a,b,c);
friends[i] allowedstances(a,b);
friends[i] allowedstances(a);
seek_players( )
self endon( "death" );
while( issentient( self ) )
self SetGoalEntity( get_closest_player(self.origin));
if( self.goalradius > 200 )
self.goalradius -= 200;
wait( 6 );
ai = getaiarray("allies");
if(ai[i] != level.sarge && ai[i] != level.guy1)
return ai[i];
// Fake death
// self = the guy getting worked
bloody_death( die, delay )
self endon( "death" );
if( !is_active_ai( self ) )
if( IsDefined( self.bloody_death ) && self.bloody_death )
self.bloody_death = true;
if( IsDefined( delay ) )
wait( RandomFloat( delay ) );
tags = [];
tags[0] = "j_hip_le";
tags[1] = "j_hip_ri";
tags[2] = "j_head";
tags[3] = "j_spine4";
tags[4] = "j_elbow_le";
tags[5] = "j_elbow_ri";
tags[6] = "j_clavicle_le";
tags[7] = "j_clavicle_ri";
for( i = 0; i < 2; i++ )
random = RandomIntRange( 0, tags.size );
//vec = self GetTagOrigin( tags[random] );
self thread bloody_death_fx( tags[random], undefined );
wait( RandomFloat( 0.1 ) );
if( die )
self DoDamage( + 150, self.origin );
// self = the AI on which we're playing fx
bloody_death_fx( tag, fxName )
if( !IsDefined( fxName ) )
fxName = level._effect["flesh_hit"];
PlayFxOnTag( fxName, self, tag );
is_active_ai( suspect )
if( IsDefined( suspect ) && IsSentient( suspect ) && IsAlive( suspect ) )
return true;
return false;
time = randomintrange(2,5);
//self doDamage( + 1, self.origin );
self bloody_death(true,time );
//uses a script_struct like a trigger radius ( keep down those ent counts! )
trig = false;
players = get_players();
if( distancesquared(players[i].origin,org) < radius * radius)
trig = true;
level notify(notification);
moves the ai after spawning them in
used in skipto's/starts
ai = get_ai_group_ai("dasquad"); //getaiarray("allies");
points = getstructarray(spots,"targetname");
okiPrint( "move_ai: Moving AI to " + points[x].origin );
ai[x].anchor = spawn("script_origin",ai[x].origin);
ai[x] linkto( ai[x].anchor);
ai[x].anchor moveto(points[x].origin,.02);
ai[x].anchor waittill("movedone");
ai[x].anchor.angles = points[x].angles;
ai[x] unlink();
ai[x].anchor delete();
okiPrint( "move_ai: AI location is now " + ai[x].origin );
move_ai_single( guy, nodename )
node = getstruct( nodename,"targetname" );
guy.anchor = spawn("script_origin",guy.origin);
guy linkto( guy.anchor);
guy.anchor moveto(node.origin,.02);
guy.anchor waittill("movedone");
guy.anchor.angles = node.angles;
guy unlink();
guy.anchor delete();
notify_when_trigger_hit( triggername, notifystring, endmsg )
if( isDefined(endmsg) )
level endon( endmsg );
trig = getent( triggername, "targetname" );
trig waittill( "trigger" );
level notify(notifystring);
manage_spawners_nogoal( strSquadName, mincount, maxcount, ender, spawntime, spawnfunction, wave_delay_min, wave_delay_max )
println("SQUAD ",strSquadName);
println("must have ",mincount," alive until we hit we get this \"",ender,"\" message");
println("spawning every ",spawntime," seconds");
self endon (ender);
// set up
// squad_spawn will be just the spawn points for this squad
spawn_index = 0; // an index into the spawn array
squad_spawn = spawn_array(strSquadName);
if ( squad_spawn.size == 0 )
maps\_utility::error("SQUAD MANAGER: Could not find spawners for squad " + strSquadName);
// main loop
if (!isdefined(spawntime))
spawntime = 0.05;
aSquad = alive_array(strSquadName); // alive squad ai's
// we don't have enough guys in the squad
// spawn a new one
okiPrint( "Squad " + strSquadName + " population is " + aSquad.size );
if (aSquad.size < mincount)
level notify (strSquadName + " min threshold reached");
//println (strSquadName + " min threshold reached");
while ( aSquad.size < maxcount )
// if the variable is set use the stalingradspawn function which
// forces the spawn even if the player can see the spawn point
if( isdefined(squad_spawn[spawn_index].script_forcespawn)
&& squad_spawn[spawn_index].script_forcespawn )
spawned = squad_spawn[spawn_index] stalingradSpawn();
spawned = squad_spawn[spawn_index] doSpawn();
// if we spawned ok then we can set the goal
if (isdefined(spawned))
aSquad[aSquad.size] = spawned;
// call the given spawn function on the spawned guy
if ( isDefined(spawnfunction) )
spawned thread [[spawnfunction]]();
// move to next spawn point , bounds checking it
spawn_index = spawn_index + 1;
if (spawn_index>=squad_spawn.size)
spawn_index = 0;
wave_delay = 0.2;
min = wave_delay_min;
max = wave_delay_min + .05;
max = wave_delay_max;
wave_delay = randomfloatrange(min,max);
aSquad = [];
aRoster = getaiarray();
for (i=0;i<aRoster.size;i++)
if (isdefined(aRoster[i].script_squadname))
if (aRoster[i].script_squadname == strSquadName)
aSquad[aSquad.size] = aRoster[i];
squad_spawn = []; // the spawn array , never updates
aSpawner = getspawnerarray();
for(i=0; i<aSpawner.size; i++)
// find a spawner for my squad
if (isdefined (aSpawner[i].script_squadname))
if (aSpawner[i].script_squadname == strSquadName)
squad_spawn[squad_spawn.size] = aSpawner[i];
cleanup_trigger_disable( triggername )
trig = getent( triggername, "targetname" );
trig trigger_off();
// turn the specified trigger on, and try to delete all the
// axis guys out of it, waiting for no player presense to do so
cleanup_trigger_enable( triggername )
trig = getent( triggername, "targetname" );
trig trigger_on();
to_delete = [];
numdelete = 0;
okiPrint( "cleanup_trigger_enable starting on " + triggername );
// get all the axis and work out which ones are within the trigger
guys = getaiarray("axis");
if( isdefined(guys) )
okiPrint( "cleanup_trigger_enable found " + guys.size + " guys" );
for( i=0; i<guys.size; i++ )
if( guys[i] isTouching(trig) )
to_delete[numdelete] = guys[i];
okiPrint( "cleanup_trigger_enable found " + to_delete.size + " axis touching trigger" );
players_touching = true;
// now wait for no players to be touching the trigger
while( players_touching == true )
players = get_players();
players_touching = false; // start with false
for( i=0; i<players.size; i++ )
if( players[i] isTouching(trig) )
players_touching = true; // if anyone's touching the trigger, back to true
okiPrint( "cleanup_trigger_enable detected no players touching " + triggername );
// if we get here, no players were touching the trigger, so go ahead and kill the guys
for( i=0; i<guys.size; i++ )
if( isDefined(guys[i]) )
if( guys[i] isTouching(trig) )
guys[i] thread random_death();
okiPrint( "cleanup_trigger_enable removing AI touching trigger " + triggername + " at origin " + guys[i].origin );
trig trigger_off();